The STRONGEST Attacks In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

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hello everyone quick intro here use the time stamps all that good stuff this is going to be the top 10 strongest key and strike ultimates and the top 10 strongest key and strike super attacks as of DLC 16 the hero of Justice pack 2 DLC for Dragon Balls Universe 2 time stamps are there to be used to go and jump to any part of the video If you so wish in the meantime if you're still here do me a favor please do subscribe to the channel if you haven't already a bell 50% of you that are literally right now watching this are not actually subscribed so please do subscribe and leave a like on the video thank you ever so much and let's just play the guu intro rather quickly on% off use K on use gold KCK on use cod kick on if you want to 100% off top 10 strongest key based ultimate attacks in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 the updated version Oh yes hello everyone and welcome to the video as I've just said this is the updated version as since the last time I did this video Xenoverse 2 has had more updates DLC patch notes balancing adjustments all that good stuff so that said I'm I'm going to be doing this on a level 99 M sign character Avatar CAC whatever you want to call it here are the stats here are well here's the QQ bang I'm not using a super limit burst or a welen skill for this just so every skill is even across the board so that said you can make all these skills significantly stronger if you have the appropriate Super Soul with a limit burst and an a Walken skill and maybe just some other skills to make you stronger but for the purposes of this video no additional per up S just so it's all fair across the board and I'll be using full pale Super Saiyan bro from Dragon Ball Super Bro as the I guess test subject with his health set to unlimited so you can see just how much damage these skills will do and finally if you are watching this right now I need you to like the video up VY let's see how many likes we can get on this video and also if you are watching right now you may not actually be subscribed to the channel as a bell give or take 50% of you that are watching right now are not subscribed so if you're not subscribed please do thank you every so much and that said let's now get into to the top 10 strongest key ultimate in Xenoverse 2 updated number 10 the times 100 Big Bang Kamehameha locked off 14,000 963 damage starting off the list with one of the most iconic attacks in especially in Dragon Ball GT but just more so in the Dragon Ball series in well in general now this is again to lock off with this you just have to use it while well being locked off and then it will rotate around like what 180° so basically you need to use this locked off on your opponent with your back facing them so although it will do a very good amount of damage and again it can be made significantly stronger with the right build Super Soul limit burst a walkon SK etc etc etc nine times out to 10 you're probably not going to be able to use this again locked off properly because it just takes too long you'll probably have to go for a stamina break a heavy stamina break and then just hope your opponent doesn't do something like for example limit burst but with that said the upside is that if you can land it nearly 15,000 damage in just base form pretty much level 99 base form and it only hits the opponent once so you might actually depending if you can time it Ro if he doesn't defeat them maybe perhaps make them go for like a panic evasive thinking oh it might hit me a few more times because I believe the normal version is more so a beam sort of attack so you'll hit the opponent several times as opposed to the locked off version which is just like a skill like Soul Punisher gigantic raw where it'll just hit the opponent once good stuff very powerful but not the best in the game locked off and certainly not the best on this list number nine Super Key explosion at 15,336 damage this is a great skill great skill now the damage I've just said is assuming that you have Max Key and you use it until it automatically stops I think it will stop at a bell one b key left I forget like it won't prolong or continue indefinitely Or rather until you run out of key it will as it works right now it will stop now again I believe there is a superar I want to say off the top of my head it's a final form cooler super but I do forget but there's a superar in the game where I believe the limit burst effect is specifically an attack increase to Super Key explosion that pair with this skill you are just going to destroy everything especially with Super Saiyan blue Evolution or even the Beast of won now with that said do let me know in the comments would you guys be interested in seeing a separate video which is the top 10 or top 15 or top 20 or what have you strongest on hit KO skills which would take into effect their limit burst and stuff like that do let me know in the comments but regardless this is a great skill number eight Thunder flash 15,9 70 damage just shy of 16,000 but again it'll be stronger depending on the build Etc etc etc etc now I think it's fairly obvious that this is the prolonged version so just hold down the import if you have the proper amount of key I think you need two or three bars of key more after it's used to then prolong it if I remember at least yeah great I mean okay I say it's a great skill much like with the time locked off times 100 Big Bang Kamehameha you're going to want to just break your opponent's guard first and then use it and hope they don't use like a limit burst or something like that it does a ton of damage don't get me wrong but I don't necessarily know if the startup time for the proong version is necessarily worth it now yes if you are using Pyon and it's on his build anyway with reverse meiku Seno sure why not but again nine times out to 10 maybe you it's just not going to land again unless you can just absolutely just flaw your opponent and like break their stamina and then just use it like basically it's called Thunder flash it is a very flashy skill probably not the best low but it'll do the job regardless if it lands number seven break Cannon 17,27 damage now look you're going to want to use this when you have Max key or rather for this video I've used it with Max key so 10 bars of key if you don't know this is a skill that will do more damage depending on how much key you have when you use it and then it will then instantly drain all of your key look it will do the job like it really will do the job right there only issue though is that if you're going to have this you are going to want to have like Max Key anyway and then only use it when you have maximum key but if that's your plan anyway go ahead I don't believe and I could be wrong here but I don't believe there's a Super Soul with the limit burst effect specifically being break Cannon attack increase look it's a Nappa skill what' you expect number six final shine attack at 18,000 and and 55 damage hey it's me Vegeta from Dragon Ball GT now much like with break Cannon this is a skill that you're going to want to use when you have Max Key and unlike brake Cannon this is a skill that prolongs depending on how long you have the imput well how long you using input for much like with super key explosion and you know other skills like that you can stop it whenever but given how fast it drains your key when you use it you're going to pretty much use the when you have Max key or as like a last resort maybe good skill the startup time isn't exactly the shortest but how fast the attack is once it actually starts I think that all well I think that compensates if that makes sense again great skill but if I were to compare this well if I had to pick between this skill and a skill like already on this list Super Key explosion personally I would pick Super Key explosion over final shine attack doesn't mean a bad skill it's just not one that I would necessarily have as a sort of goal to Ultimate attack number five Emperor's death Beam at 18,35 damage great skill fantastic skill top five strongest key ultimate attack in Xenoverse 2 at least as of right now that could change in the future we don't know yet but as of this upload well top five strongest now look I don't care who you are what your level is if you are against someone who has this as one of their ultimates you're going to be you're going to be a bit trepidacious continuing because this can just change the tide of a battle in seconds literally in seconds I mean this is a skill that I run on my f rice character for both the PVP build that I have on bural my f rice character as well as the PVE build for stuff like raids parallel quests etc etc fantastic skill even if you don't have Max Key when you use it you're just going to do if it lands especially with again an a Walken limit burst it will do significantly more damage and just absolutely destroy your opponent changing the tide of the battle in your favor if not flat out winning it for you for example as well if you are in the Beast of walkon and you go for the Beast aen unique combo which is triangle square triangle triangle triangle whatever it is then go for Emperor death beam immediately after the end of the final knockback in the Beast of Welcome combo that might actually defeat anyone like that might do enough damage to just defeat them cuz it's like 10 bars of ke for Emperor's death beam and like maybe taking an entire bar of Health away from the opponent just from the combo part fantastic skill just absolutely Powerful Love It number four revenge death ball 18,35 damage can I please get a booer in the comments of the video okay so yeah this is naturally again fully charged up but I realized afterwards it would do more damage I believe if you as the user of the attack have flashing red health and I also believe it will then charge it faster I believe but again just so it's fair across the board it's just like the strongest version of each attack with the max amount of key and or stamina that the attack can use but again every attack as I've already mentioned several times in this video every attack on this list can be made Stronger Just from having the you know a certain or certain super Souls with certain limit burst effects as well as awen skills such as turn gold and Super Saiyan blue Super Saiyan blue Evolution and even the Beast of Wan skill but again with this you will want to use this when you have Max Key let's say You' got 10 bars of key it takes three bars of key to actually activate and then it will drain that fre bar of key but if you then so you'll then have seven bars of key maths um what am I talking about dude but then it will you charge up the remaining key that was just used and then once it's launched it will drain all of your key how many times did I say key there do feel free to let me know again very very very powerful the attack but I wouldn't necessarily say it situational it's just that with a skill like this you are going to basically want to be a bit careful in terms of using it maybe used it as a desperation skill stuff like that decent skill it's just I mean it's one of the coolest looking attacks in the game but it just takes a fair bit to actually prepare number three angry explosion 18, 376 damage yeah I mean everyone knows that this is a powerful attack but it just seems very random it's a margin boo attack right it's like I mean sure why not but given the entries on this so far from like Baby Vegeta previously I mean I say it's random we had like a Nappa skill right but we had like skills from like golden Frieza you know skills from like Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta and stuff like that and the next entry is somewhat from a random character but we'll get into that in a moment or so but yeah look this is also it's basically like super key explosion in the sense of it will well you can it takes f b key to activate but depending on how much key you have when you use it you can just prolong it until you either run out or he manually stops it for you it's it is look it's basically Super Key explosion with the only difference being that it's got a longer setup but the longer setup results in it doing more damage by like what a belt give or take three, more damage again give or take powerful attack don't know if I could necessarily recommend it for PVP cont content for like a PVP uh build but if you can land there good for you but I would probably stick if you want to go the explosive wave route I would probably just stick with super key explosion instead of angry explosion number two Neo tribeam at 19,000 428 damage so yeah free bars key to actually activate they can prol longer depending on how much stamina you have and I believe it just takes one bar stamina per wave or per tro beam now here's the thing yeah it's the as of right now the second strongest key based ultimate attack again as of right now in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 but if you go for let's just say a heavy stamina break on your opponent and even have a super soul that would perhaps extend the time that their guard is broken if you go for this with Max Key sorry with Max stamina I'll get right one day guys I promise if you go for this with Max stamina there's a decent chance that you will well it's a there a DEC a pretty decent chance I'd imagine that the opponent would have time to get all their stamina backs and go for an evasive then block or what have you so again well for PVE stuff actually I'm just thinking I might actually run this for a raid and just see how well it does if if um at all instead of um not Neil tribeam instead of emper death beam maybe run Neil tribeam that's may be interesting again have to wait and see I might do a video on it who knows they know want to see that look second strongest attack in the game but I don't know it's like it's again it's not necessarily situational but the case of for One V one online battles just be careful if you use this because for example if you are against someone who has the time skip what is it Tremor pulse they can use that and then they will be right behind you and I don't think or I forget off the top of my head again let on the comments but I don't know or I forget if you'll turn while you using the ultimate so they can just then go for a heavy smash and break your guard again powerful attack but it does absolutely come with a few drawbacks and number one final explosion at an incredible 27,9 31 damage so close to 28,000 again that's with no super liers a Walken skill just level 99 incredible now free bars key to use and much like Neil tribeam this can be extended depending on how much stamina you have and it takes stamina to well extend but with that said it is fairly slow with all things to consider to actually activate and regardless of how you know long you use it you will like turn to Star for like a second and then fall down to the bottom of the stage so if you're going to use this online against other players you better make sure that you know what you're doing and that it's going to defeat the opponent otherwise if they are also running it they can just do the exact same thing to you and you will be in a lot of trouble now this is the best skill to use for most online raids because it does the most damage but depending on the raid character you know for example if they have super armor it wouldn't necessarily work especially you know for certain parts of the extra raids and depending if I have like the brainwash attack which would stop it it would it's not exactly the best if you can land a couple of these in an online raid you're going to get an absolute incredible amount of damage to get like the points like 50,000 points or even 100,000 points fantastic also grateful uh unline or just doing pedal quests to like unlock stuff like skills or what have you but again the drawback is that if you use it and it drains all of your stamina you yeah you're going to have to go for stamina reset and then wait a few seconds to then get your stamina recharge but man an absolutely fantastic skill regardless and if you hit with it pretty much game over top 10 strongest strike based ultimate attacks usable by custom characters in Dragon Ball zse 2 updated for DLC 16 the hero of Justice Pack 2 hello everyone welcome to the video very quickly if you try this yourself you might get slightly different numbers on each skill because for this so it's even across the board I'll be doing this on 1199 M sign Avatar here are the settings here are the stats a neutral QQ bang no Super Soul no lumur no Walken skill and meditation so I can have Max Key we'll be using four full power Super Saiyan broad from the Dragon Ball Super Bro movie as a I guess test subject so we can see how much Dage we have with everything set to auto recovery with that said do me a favor leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel if you haven't subscribed and let's now finally get in to the [Music] list use gold kick on G you use gold kick on G you P off number 10 Divine lasso 7,916 damage starting off with a fairly iconic skill from Super Saiyan Rosé Goku black great skill top 10 as of right now strongest strike based Awards in the game can I please get a he sent his regards in the comments of the video okay so yeah this is a skill that I use both in terms of like a gimmick as well as you know like an actual skill because it's a pretty good skill honestly there's not really much to say about it three bars are key to use granted it does take a little bit to start up just because you know you got like the you know keyblade lasso extending and then you go and hit the needles in the opponent and then yeah B he just implodes and a rather fantastic skill honestly I don't really have much else to say about this skill but again you can make this significant stronger as I've already said by having the proper build as in a super QQ bang limit burst a walkon skill etc etc etc number nine Brave sword attack at 8,291 damage probably out of maybe every attack in the entire game as of right now at least this is one of if not the best looking attack maybe the more cinematic with the exception of the Beast version of special Bean Cannon special beam Cannon Beast now again with this it becomes unblockable but the startup time is fairly well it's not that it's long it's just that if you know your opponent has this or is going to use it you can just protect yourself you really can but if he does land this can't be blocked like this really can't be blocked and if your opponent or rather if your opponent is going to be defeated from this Landing it's so disrespectful and because of that I absolutely love this skill from a DLC 5 parallel quest in Xenoverse too great skill number eight impulse slash at 8,522 damage so this is the version you can use for your custom character kifa super 2 kifa R does have a version of this but I I think it's slightly different so because of that I'm not well I haven't even tested it for the purposes of this video cuz that version at least as of right now is not available for custom characters just the normal import SL version the cab version I guess now I believe if this gets blocked it will do significantly more stamina damage to your opponent and I think it will do more damage like I mean like significantly more damage if you use it while in a Super Saiyan transformation and by that I mean yes every skill will do more damage if you are in any sort of a walkon but I think for this skill specifically I think the text on all that the description is it will do more damage if either it gets blocked or or if you're in the Super S walkcon I do apologize off the top of my head I can't exactly remember but look if even if you go for a stamina break on your opponent then land this there's actually a decent chance that before this attack finishes them either going to have all of their stamina recharged or the vast majority of their stamina has recharged so although I wouldn't necessarily say it's a bad skill just be very careful using it because again it just probably isn't the best option but with that said it is as of right now the eighth strongest strike based ultimate attack for your custom unrelenting barrage 8,537 damage a rather old school attack actually going back as far as the first Xenoverse one network test where we could actually use this for the first time bit of Xenoverse history there can get a like for some Xenoverse history thanks yes so again like it's a good skill I believe it only takes three bars of key to use it'll do the job but there's just many options better especially on this list right where it's like yes it will do the job it's a good ultimate but you just very at least I personally very very very rarely see this being ran even if someone uses Gohan or rather custom Gohan yeah custom Kid Gohan they'll just have like a different ultimate on again it's not a bad one but I think because it's just it because of whatever reason it's just not ran barely ever if you do use this or use it on a fairly regular basis do feel free to let us know in the comments of the video number six apocalyptic burst at 9,043 damage one of the new skills added to Xenoverse 2 once again as of this upload now as a side note this is the version of apocalyptic burst that is charged as you just hold down import for that initial kick before before going into the cuts scene so yeah look it does a lot of damage but I think the reason why it does more damage than maybe well than like what a few of us before it yeah before in this list at least is because the initial kick if you're going to use it you're going to probably want to use it fully charged but because of that you're going to need to you're just going to have to land a heavy stamina brake or stone or freeze your oppent long enough for that initial kick to actually land then once it lands job a good in like you're sorted you're good fun attack but again I just think it takes too long to start up and that's probably why once again it does tend to do significantly more damage than a lot of other strike Bas ultimates in Xenoverse 2 number five dragon fist 10,43 damage the first ultimate on this list to both take five bars of key to use and the first ultimate that does actually do alpha 10,000 damage natively if you are a strike character at level 99 without any sort of additional damage increases or multip well not multiplies but damage increases like a super Soul QQ bang like I've already mentioned yeah great skill over 10,000 damage can easily be a one hit K if you run the proper build or like just have like an an attack increase limit burst or the dragon fist Super Soul which also when you limit burst gives you a massive attack increase to specifically just the Dragon fist ultimate do keep in mind though that if your OPP that if you break your oppent stamina or if you land it and they still have a ton of stamina you can use invasive to protect yourself if not to flat out Escape it you know if you have like instant R maybe hyper movement the time skip Tremor pulse or whatever the time skip evasive is and especially invasives like armored boost but if you can land it especially with you know a limit burst it's it's goodbye it's just goodbye great great skill number four core breaker 11,1 22 damage much like with apocalyptic burst this is also a fairly new Ultimate attack added in DLC 15 hero of Justice Pack 1 rather than hero of Justice pack 2 DLC 16 now this also takes five bars of key to use and the reason this does so much damage as normally is because as well once again it takes five bars of key to use gamma 2 used it and failed using it against cellmax in the Dragon Ball super superhero movie and it does take a fairly decent amount of time to actually start up meaning unless you hit your oppent with a standard break a heavy standard break they can just move out the way or just break your guard or what have you and it's because it's probably the trickiest attack I think at least as of right now in zse 2 to to actually land as you need to land it from an angle or rather you need to be stepped away from the opponent jump well then use it which will then jump you up and then you land it at an angle it is tricky to land it's not the worst thing in the world but again if you can land it an easy 11,000 points or damage rather and once again you can make this unbelievably more powerful with the correct build and stuff like that fun skill but again the reason he sand damage is because it is fairly awkward for the most part to actually land number three Spirit sword 11,35 damage one of my another one of my go to ultimates on my main build so even though this only takes four bars of key to use and it's incredibly fast to activate it still does more damage to the opponent and I believe now you can use an invasive and Lim burst out of it but man it's like given that Call Breaker is five bars of key to you so one bar of key more it's slower and it's just trickier in general to land one of the most like OG skills in the zenova series Spirit sword just does more damage and it's faster and I think it's probably easier to unlock from it's either the Super Saiyan blue Vegeta expert Mission or the Super Saiyan blue go Mission I forget one of them gives Spirit Sword and the other gives the super Spirit Bomb ultimate attack look the reason I use this is because it it's just great it really is as a strike build I would highly recommend at least knowing how this attack specifically Works four bars of key for a very very powerful and really cool looking strike based ultimate attack number two Godly display 17,43 4 damage so God to display the number two uh strongest strike ultimate and the number one strongest coming up after this momentarily probably wouldn't really be too big of a surpris because these both can be used well Godly display can be used if you have a minimum of five bars of key but I used it with 10 barer key with meditation so it is going to do significantly more damage again I don't really have too much to say about this now it does take this much damage probably because of how well it's not the easiest attack to land it's not exactly too hard but it's not exactly like an attack you can land like Spirit sword or even an attack a strike based ultimate like just this combination but if you can break your opponent's guard and they don't limit burst or they've already limit bursted they can't do it again and you hit them with a Gody display worst case scenario it's going to put them down to exceptionally low Health best case scenario it's going to defeat them and number one per Rush at 17,500 78 damage after goded display was number two I think it was fairly obvious that the only other as of right now current strike based ultimate attack that's going to be strong at is going to be well the 10 bar well the 10 bar attack of H Rush right now I did also test the backet version but I believe that did exactly the same amount of damage as just the normal version so that said 17 fils and 558 damage now do keep in mind that full par jiren does have par rush but it's a slightly different one in terms of animation and I haven't tested that because that version at least as of right now isn't available for custom characters so if they do actually add that version in the future maybe par Rush parentheses full per version I don't know then we'll definitely test it and update this list and all that good stuff and yeah that's the strongest ultimate strug Bas ultimate in verse 2 as of right now the top 10 strongest key based super attacks in Dragon Ball Zill verse 2 updated for the latest update which is dlc1 16 the hero of Justice Pack 2 hello everyone and welcome to the video quick intro here I'll be doing this on a level 9 M sign character Avatar cic cck whatever you want to call it here are the stats all equipment and all that is on the screen right now no Super Soul No Limit burst and no QQ Bang because just to make it even across the board so you can make every one of these skills significantly stronger with the correct build super limit birth a walkon cuu bank etc etc etc before we get into it do me a favor if you're watching this about give or take 50% of you are not actually subscribed so please do subscribe to the channel and that said play the intro you want to on number 10 endless shoot at 6,025 damage look it will get the job done I mean I say that it is a good skill but it's not the best on this specific list but it is one of the strongest as of right now key based ultimate attacks available in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 but that said maybe unsurprisingly enough the reason for that is because this is one of those skills that can be prolonged depending on how much key you have on activation and if you hold down the input when first used so if you're going to insist on using this fair enough but I really would recommend using this wall in an a won you know for example if you're on a Saiyan if Super Vegeta or probably more or better Super Saiyan blue Evolution with a proper QQ bank and a Super Soul that can possibly give you damage increase and especially with a limit burst that'll give you attack damage increase and key regeneration it will do significantly more damage with with those but again if you decide to use this maybe don't use it just in base or have you use it and try to maximize every bit of key that you're going to be using number nine tribeam and gigantic breaker both at six fails and 281 damage with that said this is tribeam once it's fully charged so charge it and hold down input again and it will charge and then automatically fire very tricky to use that you'll need to go for a heavy standard break and at that point maybe just consider using an ultimate that's stronger but fun skill I like using tribeam like as a knock back or knock my opponent back and just use it really you know as quick as possible rather than charging it again gigantic breaker I think if it misses it does the increased damage I forget off off the top of my head but basically the strongest versions of both of these skills like charged up or what have you both will do as of right now the exact same amount of damage at six Val , 281 damage and again you can make them significantly stronger with the correct limit burth Super Soul QQ bang a walking skill building General etc etc etc both rather fine skills number eight key explosion at 6,636 damage look I think as of right now there's three explosive wave skills in the game I'm called explosive wave not like Angry explosion or final explosion you got this one another Super Attack which is mighty explos explosive wave that can't be prolonged then the ultimate version look this is a fine skill it'll get the job done but in my personal opinion I would probably for the most part at least run the key version Super Key explosion I think that's even easier to unlock I think something like the skill shop as you progress through like the early mid is part of the Xenoverse 2 story mode but if you don't have it and you use this instead fair enough but honestly I I can't think unless I'm running like a themed moves there I can't really think why I would run key explosion over Super Key explosion as they BFF can be prolonged and I think if I remember I forget I've already got the footage done but with key explosion I want to say you can only prolong it for five bars of key but with super key explosion I think it's like six or seven and of course because it's an ultimate it will do significantly more damage but look it's a great skill but I just feel like it's a bit pointless running it it's like running Kamehameha and then the times 10 Kamehameha it's the same sort of gimmick number seven the Spirit Bomb super attack at 7,024 damage fun skill one of for the most part my goto skills it's a fun skill it's not the most efficient but again it's like what the seventh strongest super attack again as right now in Dragon Balls Universe 2 now yes it does take a long time to charge up it only takes one bar of key as of right now but I've got a feeling that might change in the future to like two bars maybe I don't know but if you use it and it misses the opponent and doesn't hit the ground to like detonate it will rebound and hit your opponent that way which tends to get people tend to get tricked by this a lot it's fun skill uh and you can use it locked off then lock onto the opponent and it will then rebound and lock onto the opponent that way so it's a fun skill but is that it's just an absolutely gigantic G gimick at least for the most part but hey you can use it maybe go for a spirit Hammer you know which is a light ster break fully charged Sledgehammer Spirit Bomb then cross arm dive and that's going to defeat the opponent rather nice indeed would you like a bit of geny number six flash bomber at 7,375 damage oh okay another attack that can be prolonged I mean I don't know this just feels super awkward using now again it's powerful it you know it will do the job if you got key to you know prolong and key in reserves I guess but I think it's because of how wide of a range this skill is and I would say honestly just pick a different skill maybe endless shoot which was which is a fair bit weaker for the most part but I think at least it's a bit more accurate now granted if you're in a team match you know you versus maybe two or three other people could be a little bit better because of just how you know wide of V spread the key blasts are on the flash bomber itself from Super Android 17 from Dragon Ball GT oh yes I mean it I don't know this has always been a skill for me that just feels super awkward to use I mean you just click the button and that's it it might be the camera angle I don't know but again do this uh base form level 99 as a key B sign and you will do at least 7,375 damage number five the times 10 Kamehameha 7,784 damage I wouldn't be surprised if well say if they make this an ultimate if they maybe give this like an ultimate version because this pretty much is on like the fence of a Super Attack to an ultimate because yes it's not the strongest it's like the fifth strongest in iniversity right now I believe actually know I do know it's the strongest Kamehameha Super Attack again as right now more maybe added in the future do make sure you like And subscribe cuz that'll be covered even when that does um happen um but again it's even stronger I think than some Kamehameha ultimate attacks and as you can see right here if you're in a Super Saiyan form just super saiyan forms not Beast unless it get changed in the future then this will actually warp if you fully charge it and you can use it locked off and it will lock on automatically while being you teleported and lock on to the apartment absolutely just an absolutely fantastic skill you could even run this on a strike character just as a beam attack and it will still help out quite significantly just because of how strong the times 10 Kamehameha is in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 number four revenge Final Flash 8,100 damage so I want to say this skill does more damage if you have low Health now as a saying you'll do more damage anyway if you have low health because well you're a but with this attack specifically it will require L key to prolong if you are on flashing red Health regardless of you if you are or aren't a s CAC use cold CAC on G fuel by the way for 20% off if used on check out okay but yeah this is a skill that I would I mean if you have the DLC I absolutely would recommend using but only use this attack as you to get out of a pinch as in you have low health and a decent amount of key so you can use it and prolong it until it stops great skill surpris it's this high up given how powerful it can be if you have low Health it's sort of like right Javelin and side not as right now in the testing I want to say right ja was either number 11 or number 12 in terms of the strongest key base all keybase super attacks even when you have low health so right javeline just barely missed out on this this specific list number three crazy finger shot at 8,48 damage somewhat surprisingly enough a third form freezer attack it's the skill that he uses back in drun Ball Z on Piccolo on Planet Namek Planet nrock home of the time Patrol to just absolutely destroy Pico like it's like the rapid death beam attack right it's to some extent this is a low tier version or rather a a Super Attack version of The Emperor's death beam ultimate attack and just makes me wonder if we ever do get black Frieza in a Xenoverse game I wonder what sort of skill he would have that would be like this cuz I feel like they might just give him something like this um but just like make it just incredibly off a PA here we have to wait and see subscribe as that will be covered if and when that actually does happen in Xenoverse 3 or four what have you have to wait and see but yeah great skill it's the second technically the second strongest key B Super Attack that can be prolonged with key what is the first strongest well stay tuned for maybe number one on the list and that said moving on now to number two and number two is Crush cannon at 15, 577 damage yes 152,000 even though the previous entry was just under 8 and a half thousand pretty much double right more slightly more than double um the amount of damage from the last entry yes now with this Crush Cannon is an attack that for to do this much damage even in base form as a level 99 with no Walken QQ Bank super so Lim burst etc etc etc you do need to fully charge it and I believe the chart it has either 17 or 18 charges you'll be able to tell when it's fully charged as like a different effect and you can if you click the block button you can I guess like store the energy and then fire yeah fire it off once you see an opportunity I don't know if a timer on it where it then you dissolves if there is do let me know in the comments thank you so much basically works the same as hell for example Fierce fist works so with that said it will take a very very very very very long time to fully charge we can use it at any point between or have you uh yeah and I just can't even imagine how much damage this would do if you have the proper build you know like with super saan blue Evolution an attack increase Super Soul and limit burst a QQ bang that gives you plus Max points in key skills it's a fun skill but man you can see just why it does that much damage given how long it takes to fully charge up and number one blaster ball at 18,700 damage I don't think this would be too big of a surprise for most people especially if you've seen one of these videos in the past but yes this is if you have Max Key and you just prolong it until you have normal key left I mean look 17 17 18,700 damage not 7,800 18,700 damage for attack a Super Attack that only takes one b key to actually start and can be prolonged you know the more key that you actually have this does more damage than a lot of timate attacks as right now in Xenoverse 2 and this is a skill that if you're going to use this use it all out super sa blue Evolution or the Beast of won I really wouldn't run anything other than that you LS for a sign run super Evolution for every other race run Beast or if you're a freezer race run the turn golden Evolution or Wen but yeah great skill can be a little bit tricky to prolong I tend to if I can I don't think I did for this video but if I can I tend to put this on the Square input as I just have like a better grip if that makes sense of just like tapping the input repeatedly great great skill top 10 strongest strike super attacks updated for Dragon Ball inse 2 DLC 16 hero of Justice Pack 2 hello everyone welcome to the video all these attacks will be used on a level 99 Mal sign Avatar with no QQ bang no Super Soul no liid burst just standard across the board with a neutral QQ bang actually so you can make all of these skills significantly stronger if you use the proper build as in the proper Aon skill Super Soul limit burst QQ bang Etc also honorable mention to divine retribution that's not going to be in this video as that's a two-part skill which if you use both it's like the second or third strongest but you have to use both versions of it so I'm not going to count it for this specific video I know there'll be comments about it but whatever also do make sure you leave a like on the video and subscribe if you haven't already as about 50% of you watching right now are not actually subscribed so please do actually subscribe and that said play the G fuel intro use goldick on goldick on number 10 burst rush and Sonic Rush both tied at 4,8 damage yes start off this list with a draw with again burst rush and Sonic Rush and I've just realized well we all know burst Rush is an ultimate Gohan skill or just like an adult Gohan skill and I believe son Rush is a future Gohan skill if I remember at least so yeah that's a bit um I wouldn't say fitting but it's a bit of a coincidence how both Gohan skills from different you know different versions of Gohan both do the exact same amount of damage and they have very similar names burst and Sonic by five letters then of course Rush anyway burst Rush as we right now even including key super attacks is technically the strongest counter skill now later on we will have the time skip back breaker spoilers I mean not really it's a great skill but that's more so a back hit rather than a counter skill so in terms of just super attacks not ultimat in terms of just supers burst Rush is again as of right now the strongest counter super attack for custom characters available in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 so yeah both great skills they both take a fair amount of time to actually activate in terms of the setup animations I guess and them both fairly long skills in terms of when when they are actually activated so you're going to more than likely use these skills for the most part at least after you break your power and stamina or if they have very very low stamina so depending on what evasive they have if they would recover either two or three bars of stamina while being hit with either these skills they don't won't be able to use an invive El they could still do bur but whatever great skills to get the job done uh yeah moving on now to number nine number nine Fierce fist at 4,020 damage so this is naturally going to be F fist once it's fully charged up to all three tiers of the charge and sign not once you've charged up you can use the block button to then store it and then fire it off later on do let me know in the comments if there is a time limit to how long long it can be stored for before I guess it like dissolves cuz I I don't know and I've not actually tested it with that said though I would probably say for custom characters maybe don't use this skill yes technically it's the ninth strongest super attack strug super attack rather again as a right now in Dragon Balls Universe 2 but for how long it takes to fully charge all three TI it does two points more than the last entries burst Rush which is a counter scale and Sonic Rush which is like almost well it's quick compared to this it's a quick the quick skill so if you're going to use this fair enough I mean if you're going to run orange Piccolo then naturally you have to run it unless he gets a custom in you custom partner in the future will he as right now we don't know hopefully he does I feel like he needs it for the most part look it's an okay skill but I would probably avoid using this on custom characters outside of like a theme or a gimmick or something like that number eight the time skip back breaker 4,271 damage look this is the skill that you're going to use when you're po when you think your opponent is going to vanish so you can just hit them with the back breaker great skill I think at least since it was added I think they've increased or rather decreased the range of it I think or something like that like it has been nerfed at least since it was added two inse 2 in I want to say the first DLC update when pure progress hit or rather a welcome hit was added to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 yeah I mean this is actually the more I'm thinking about it I might actually run this instead of maybe rough Ranger or maybe not instead of solar flare I don't know but with that said I think this is a rather a great skill and again you can see the damage that it's doing here while I'm in the Beast of walkon with the proper build it will do significantly more damage especially with an attack increased limit burst maybe even on top of Super Saiyan blue Evolution and of course with a good six-star QQ bang but with that said you if you if you are fighting somebody online and they are using this you know let's say genous generously uh you will pretty much know that for the most part whenever you vanish behind your opponent I'm going to more than lik to use this so you will have plenty of time to step out the way or what have you so it's a great skill but if it's something that is you know used too much and well spammed to be honest uh it it is something that is pretty easy to work around but if you can land it great skill number seven hyper tornado 4,355 damage and side note the last DLC skill on this list even though was only two so far and again divine retribution side note you can use divine retribution one of two ways or technically three ways either like the key blast the I guess like the the key sword or both in one to use it both in one you have to like use the attack again IMM the after so it's like using the attack twice it's like saying the times 10 Kamehameha is the strongest attack in the game if you use it twice in a row right so that's why I'm not including divine retribution even though it's like number two or three technically anyway that's a r look this is a fine skill it really is can I get a Vortex Hammer that's a reference in the comment of the video if you know you know I don't really have too much to say about this it's more so a flashy skill for the most part rather than something that's more efficient like the latest well the last skill and more skills coming up in a moment in this video it does take a long time to actually land on the opponent so they may have enough time to Lum burst out of it or L burst to like protect themselves with like eye frames like a few second like a second or so or get enough receive enough damage to then be able to use an evive out of it it's fine but I think apart from that it's fairly mediocre it looks better than what it is even though it's like what number seven but that is my opinion there do let me know why I'm wrong in the comments number six death Crasher 4,522 damage one of the attacks used to save Universe 7 in the tournament of per in Dragon Ball super if you remember great skill right there and we've not seen it since I think the other time we saw it in the anime was when he used against Goku and Goku just Ed a com hard skill funny enough there's a kamam hard skill coming up right after this on if that was intentional or not but yeah look the reason this does the amount of damage he does do is because I mean you can see the footage right here and I think I would have technically have sped up the footage just ever so slightly for the purposes of the video but this takes a very long time with all things considered this takes a very long time to fully charge up and I don't know if it's worth it yes it will do decent amount of damage if it's if it lands but again with this skill I absolutely would recommend if you insist on using this either have super saan blue Evolution or the Beast of walkon if you're not a San character maybe limit burst with an attack increase limit burst then maybe heavy stamina break on the opponent then use this only use this fully charg if you're going to use this even 90% it's not worth it in my opinion only because of how long this specific attack takes to fully charge up number five the Kamehameha boost at 4,773 damage so like I said the previous entry was death Crasher or what it's called check actually what is it called it's literally right here no okay so the last one was death Crasher I apologize about that so I do wonder if this is the next strongest for any other reason yes I know go didn't use the Kam hom hard boost against Frieza he used it against Piccolo back in Dragon Ball uh or did he use it against radit as well I can't remember I used it in Dragon Ball but I do wonder if it was intentional that this is the next strongest attack because the only of a time we see Frieza use death Crusher in Dragon Ball Z at least is when golu is charge up a Kamehameha or vice versa right look this is a great skill it's fairly quick to activate and it's like what as a right now the fifth strongest strike based super attack again as a right now now in Dragon Balls Universe 2 I think this well this can do significantly more damage once again with the correct build and I'll keep saying that but I just want to make sure that you know you understand that this is all across the board neutral level 99 as a level 99 mile strike sign with the well the stats from the intro a neutral QQ bang no super no l burst no walking skill etc etc etc a very very good skill in my opinion number four me crash at 5,020 damage now in my opinion this is one of maybe even the most underrated super attack in Dragon Balls Universe 2 it's the fourth strongest now again maybe not too big of a surprise that it's one of the strongest because it can be prolonged depending on how much key not stamina how much key you have when you use it before it automatically stops so definitely use this in the you in the won maybe with an attack increased uh limit birth yeah the general stuff I've already mentioned a few times in this video for the reason I consider this to be one of if not the most underrated attack in Z verse 2 is because it's a very powerful attack and you can unlock it from the literal very start of the game depending on what you know which three of the options you pick I think you get this if you pick the I think like the mene option or the strike option which I forget what it's called off the top of my head as I'm recording this it's something like a want to fight close or something and maybe the the um balanced option I forget which one but no this is a very very very good skill in my opinion very powerful if you know what you doing and again in my opinion very underrated it's the fourth strongest strike attack strike super attack in Xenoverse 2 absolutely fantastic stuff number three the Kyle Ken assault at 6,531 damage so this is the skill I would honestly I can't I can't in all good Consciousness that's not it's not even that serious I would probably nine times after 10 avoid using this yes it's the third strongest in the game as of right now the third strongest strike super but I forget for top of my head I do apologize if it requires additional key to prong I think it does but if you do prolong it it's going to drain your health I don't know if it's worth it to be honest I really don't know if it's worth it now yes there are super cells that can nullify or reduce the health drain but then you're feing your build and your setup on this specific skill do let me know in the comments what you think about this skill because it's one that you never see it being ran unless it's like on a character that has the skill like well like on on certain presets of Goku number two Dynamite kick yes really at 6,647 damage look this is I don't know it's a Hercule attack and think I think it's just that powerful just because of a meme what have you now granted it will take a pretty long time with all things considered to fully charge up do not use this skill if you're not going to fully charge it just don't now there is a Super Soul which will give you a dynamite kick damage increase if you use if you limit burst with it it's the one that's on the screen right now or would that would have been on the screen for this little section here and it just makes this attack I think like a on here on most if not all characters do not use this skill unless you're going to use the limit burst just don't I might do an updated version of this because it is a fun skill to use but man it's um yeah of course it's Hercule attacks the second strongest in the game possibly even the strongest if you're going to use a limit burst wow and number one Neo wolf Fang fist at 9,311 damage all look look it's over 9,000 so again I don't think this is too big of a surprise it's always been like the strongest strike base super attack in Xenoverse 2 I think since the game came out right I don't think this was in Xenoverse one as this is a skill I believe that was added or given to venous mold yamer rather nice so yeah again unsurprisingly enough the reason this is so powerful is because it's one those skills that can be prolonged depending on how much key you have and again much like with' dyam my kick there is a super that increases the damage of Neil wolf Fang fist as well as on the normal wolf Fang fist look if you probably have both of these don't run wol Fang fist run the Neo version the Neo wol Fang Fist and with this limit burst as well and the superar and all that it's going to do a ridiculous amount of damage but just normally using it until it automatically stops you it will do nine fails 311 damage and significantly more with a limit burst super s a wcon Etc yeah the strongest strike attack strike super in Zen verse 2 right now it's from Yamcha leave a like on the video for yam
Channel: Burcol
Views: 94,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xenoverse 2, dragon ball xenoverse 2, strongest ki blast ultimate xenoverse 2, strongest attack in xenoverse 2, strongest ki blast supers xenoverse 2, what are the strongest ki super attacks in xenoverse 2, strongest ki supers, strongest ki super attacks xenoverse 2, strongest ki supers xenoverse 2, best super attacks xenoverse 2 no dlc, best super attacks xenoverse 2, The STRONGEST Attacks In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, dbxv, dbxv2, xenoverse, dragon ball, dragon ball xenoverse, burcol
Id: R0mrwsziIks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 6sec (3546 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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