The strong man rescued a newborn puppy with unopened eyes,carefully nurtured it like caring for baby

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A man heard faint cries while he taking out the garbage It was a puppy packed in a cardboard box It had been thrown next to the garbage dump It seemed to be just born not long ago Its eyes weren't even open yet The man worried that it might not survive He hurriedly took it home He made a simple bed for it using a milk carton He lined it with towels Placed a plush toy for company Then he went to the pet hospital to buy goat milk powder A bottle and diapers He worried it wouldn't be warm enough He specifically switched on an electric blanket The puppy didn't seem to be doing well Let's give it some milk first It is too weak! It doesn't even have the strength to suck on the nipple The man had to squeeze it in bit by bit But the effect was minimal He give it a little massage Suddenly it opened its mouth and took a breath It seemed to be recovering Just wiped its body with a tissue After all, it's too small to bathe Hope it can make it through~ The next day The man got up early to check on the puppy's condition While it was still asleep He quickly prepared the milk powder The little paws are so tender and cute~ Massaging while feeding Its constitution is too weak He can only feed slowly Who could be so heartless? To throw a newborn puppy into the garbage dump Without its mother by its side Not knowing if it can survive It's really so small~ The third day The pee pad is already dirty The man has to change it every day Adding another layer of towels Prepared a full set of living supplies for it The pregnant wife also particularly likes it Weighed it, 153g Ready to mix the milk with hot water Since picking up this little dog The man takes care of it from dawn till night every day As carefully as taking care of a baby After eating, it comes out to bask in the sun Day 5 The puppy might have an upset stomach after drinking milk Keeps whimpering It doesn't stop until evening The pet hospital is closed at night He can only comfort it by constantly stroking its back Taking advantage of leisure time The man sews something for the puppy with old socks Sews a little garment for it Trims off the excess Then makes a little hat Perhaps it has gas in its stomach After massaging, it becomes lively again It hasn't been weighed for several days It's gained about 100g compared to before Gaining weight too quickly It can't fit into the little garment anymore Let's try on the hat It looks like a little squirrel Really too cute~ Day 7 The puppy has opened its eyes~ It's very excited to see light for the first time Drinking milk has become more proficient It finds a comfortable spot to lie down and drink Switched to a new milk bottle The amount of milk has increased from 30ml to 70ml Its little eyes still seem unable to see clearly Its tummy is getting round from eating Quickly finished a can of goat milk powder Went to the pet store and bought two more cans These dog houses are really cute Chose a "small villa" Replaced the old cardboard box at home From now on, it will live in a new home~ Day 10 The puppy's nose is getting blacker The man named it "Fudai" (Lucky Bag) Fudai is getting more and more mischievous Drinking milk is like fighting a battle Time to weigh it again~ Worried it might run away He specifically placed a small frame Net weight is 409g It has gained a lot of weight compared to before Day 13 The puppy is getting stronger at drinking milk Previously worried it might not survive Now there's nothing to fear anymore The man holds it in his arms Watching its changes every day He feels very gratified~ Day 14 He made a toy for the puppy Prepared the tools Unscrewed all the screws A simple little swing is ready~ The little guy sits on it just right~ Day 16 Fudai climbs down from the swing It's starting to learn to walk~ Walking unsteadily Not sure if it can see the way Waving at it gets no response In a couple of days it should be able to walk steadily~ Tired from walking, it falls asleep on the swing Sleep well~ Day 20 Little Fudai has grown a lot The man has long regarded it as family He caring for and accompanying it warmly every day Since the little guy learned to walk Various toys have been arranged for it Fudai now walks steadily It especially fond of being close to people Wiping its hands and feet It's still too small for a bath It's becoming more and more energetic Very enthusiastic about drinking milk Seeing its daily changes The couple sincerely feel gratified The hard work these days has finally paid off Hope little Fudai grows up healthy~
Channel: Pet Tales
Views: 452,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OaEaBOiwrc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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