The Strangest Creepypasta and ARG Iceberg Explained

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(eerie wind whirling) - Hi, everyone Open Gangnam Style here and welcome, welcome back to the ARG and Creepypasta Iceberg. That's right, this is part two, so if you haven't seen the first part, I'll put a little card right about here and there'll also be a link in the description to do so. And I'm glad everyone has embraced me as Korean Wendigoon and I wanna thank y'all for the support on that. Before we get started, I wanna mention that, yes, I do have a Twitter and I'm planning to use it more for just dumb ramblings and memes and video updates. And this is your reminder to make sure you subscribe if you enjoy this video. We're gonna start off with tier 4, so let's just get started. Local 58 is a web series created by Kris Straub, who also created Candle Cove as mentioned in the first video. And the web series portrays a public access channel, which has been hijacked throughout the decades. And right now I'm gonna summarize some videos from the channel to provide the plot. So the first one I'm gonna be talking about is Weather Service. It begins with the channel displaying an emergency alert message, telling the public to stay inside and not to look outside with the naked eye. There's some strange meteorological event happening and staring at it may cause some harm. However, the channel then gets hijacked by a message contradicting that alert. The station struggles to recover from the attack, trying to warn the public to ignore the hijacked alert message, but the Hijacker manages to pull through and then begins talking about a figure that has taken over the moon. The video ends with footage of the moon slowly rolling over the sky with distance screams being heard. If you even have a surface level knowledge of Local 58, you've probably seen this video, Contingency. It shows a 1960s version of Local 58 ending their broadcast for the day. They then get interrupted by in an emergency alert message saying that the United States have been defeated by an foreign enemy and a full occupation was taking place. The alert begins displaying messages of quote, "Honor liberty taking the final and greatest liberty of all." And that greatest liberty being, to shoot yourself. Yeah, so big government is telling you fellow American to just do some tea pose ass victory pose on your lawn and just (shooting) and if you don't, those FBI agents who have been searching through your browsing history will come down and do the job for you. The video ends with the program getting back their channel and apologizing for the hijacked message. The next video we're gonna be talking about is You Are On The Fastest Available Route, which has Local 58 being, again, hijacked, but this time being interrupted with dash cam footage of someone driving through the roads. They have a GPS, which is telling them directions such as following signs of Do Not Enter. There's a lot of jump cuts in this video where it just jumps through the driver going in different locations. The GPS would then tell the driver to stop the car and turn off their headlights before a creature roaring in the background can be heard. The video ends with a jump cut to a fire with the car laying sideways and the GPS saying you have arrived at your destination. The next video I'm gonna be talking about is Show For Children. Basically, it's a 1920s cartoon of a skeleton named Cadavre who explores a graveyard in the middle of the night, apparently searching for his girlfriend. As he walks through the graveyard, he begins to look through open graves, but only found a dead bird and a set of more realistic-looking bones. He jumps down an open grave and he lies down because he seems to be exhausted. We then get a shot of the moon slowly creeping over the grave. Cadavre was seemingly murdered by the moon, as he becomes another set of realistic-looking bones. At this point, these videos are sort of forming a plot. There's something going on with the moon as noted from Weather Service and Show For Children. Contingency could be the U.S's response to this foreign enemy and You're On The Fastest Available Route could be a glimpse of what these alien creatures could be. Before I end the explanation of Local 58, I wanna mention this video, Real Sleep. It's Local 58 getting hijacked yet again, but this time with a medical type of video. It's a video explaining how dreaming and REM sleeping doesn't actually benefit you and actually harms you from having quote-unquote, "quality sleep." And the video's purpose is to eliminate dreams altogether. And I think it will eliminate any kind of sleep too, because this is kind of creepy. (video buzzing) - [Man in Real Sleep] There are no faces. There are no faces. There are no faces there are no faces. - Daisy Brown is a YouTube channel about Daisy brown and her little pet. - [Male] Oh ****. - Yeah, that's Alan, the godforsaken abomination that she started her vlogs with. So the channel begins with vlogs of her feeding Alan and doing some makeup on him, usual stuff you do with monsters. She also has a Twitter which provides some context of Alan. Apparently he's a creation from her father who was a scientist and that she's trying to find his notes in order to properly take care of Alan for whatever reason. Twitter users ask Daisy Brown if her notes could be in the basement. However, she says she can't go into the basement because her father told it was dangerous. She then uploads a Q&A on her YouTube channel, elaborating on Allen's creation, her father and the basement. And this is the point where the ARG elements begin to kick in. Most of her videos have a hidden transcript which provides additional context to the video. For example, this Q&A video has captions which displays texts that reflects on her feelings as she talks about different topics. We get captions such as anxiety and feelings welling up again. This of course gives the context to the audience that she doesn't truly believe her father. She then fully elaborates on why she can't go into the basement. Her father had sealed it off a long time ago and she's never been in the basement ever in her life. She also says that the basement has black mold and could cause Lynx disease. Lynx disease, where have we heard of Lynx disease before? (playful music) Website where he writes about a specific disease called Lynx. The most common symptom of Lynx is yucky ear. Yes, this is the same disease that was talked about in This House Has People In It. This brings up the question, is Alan Resnick involved with Daisy Brown? The answer's no, but she is clearly inspired by him. She has responded to the Alan tutorial Twitter a couple of times and her first subscriptions upon creating her YouTube channel was Alantutorial and Alan Resnick's personal channel. She also probably named the monster Alan after Alan Resnick. So with more videos uploaded, there are more hidden transcripts found, some of which recreate dialogue between Daisy and her father and her father monologuing while creating Alan. And these transcripts form the full backstory of Daisy Brown. Her father had made her secluded from society and she was taught not to ask so many questions. He was also religious, but it seemed like he only used God just to threaten and manipulate Daisy further. And the reason why her father acts this way, is fully revealed in the cooking videos that Daisy created. His wife had tragically died in childbirth and he sort of snapped and wanted to protect Daisy. And his idea of protecting her was to just lock her up in the house and control every aspect of her life. Within the videos, Alan has become more problematic and abusive towards Daisy. He has pulled out all her hair, he also keeps her up at night and it's gotten to the point where Daisy had to lock herself in a room just to escape from Alan. She's also always shown as bandaged and beaten up. And Alan continues to grow to the point where he begins to grow legs and begins speaking English. - [Daisy] I'm filming you Alan. I'm gonna let everyone know how horrible you are. - You really are pathetic. - Used to be like this Alan, you were my friend. What happened to you? (laughing) - Ah Daisy, you really must be truly desperate to think of me as your friend. - She uploads a video called Hateful Thoughts, which is basically her having a mental breakdown, talking about how people only wanna watch her because of Alan and about how people kept asking her about hidden transcripts for which she had no idea what they're talking about. And then we finally get the answer of what's in the basement in a video called The Basement. So Alan has finally grown arms and legs and is strong enough to throw Daisy into the basement in a fit of rage. Inside, Daisy meets an individual named Lithop who was mentioned before in the transcripts and was Daisy's father's partner. After she had threatened to call CPS on him, he decides to lock her up in the basement and begins to experiment on her. After all these experimentations, she comes out as this purple, goopy kind of creature. And then we get the final video appropriately titled, Final Video, Daisy and Lithop have teamed up together and decided to leave the house. However, Alan is there to prevent them from doing so. After a bunch of bickering and arguing, Lithop decides to distract Alan, for which Daisy throws a fatty right hook before stomping his head on the ground, killing him. They then run from the house before they take a break and sit down in front of a lake for which Daisy begins crying and breaking down, realizing what she had done to Alan. Emergency alert systems or EASes, did you ever watch SpongeBob early in the morning before school? And you're having a fun time laughing and eating your breakfast cereal until you get interrupted with something like this. (alarm ringing) (alarm beeping) And those EAS messages just deliver that kind of anxiety, do you know what I mean? And these EAS alerts have been used as a tool to cause fake hysteria. You've probably heard about the incident in 2013, where EASes in Michigan and Montana were hijacked to say that the dead were rising from the ground. - [Announcer] Civil authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising from their graves and attacking the living. Follow the messages on screen that will be updated as information becomes available. Do not attempt to approach or apprehend these bodies as they are considered extremely dangerous. - Pretty spooky but unfortunately, we're not larping walking dead right now. One of the most infamous mishaps with the EAS would be the 2018 Hawaii missile alert. Back then, the state was on edge because North Korea had threatened that Hawaii would be the first target if they were to attack the United States. And this threat was taken seriously enough to the point where Hawaii had to test their missile sirens, which they haven't done since the Cold War. So when Hawaiians were just going on about their day and they received this message on their phone, I'm pretty sure everyone just collectively poo-pooed their pants. Now, if something like that actually happened to me in my area, I wanna be like this guy. I mean like this guy who's just playing golf and just having a fun time before he meet his impending doom. - If you're watching this video, that means I didn't make it. I love you all, but I'm playing golf. It's the last thing I'm gonna do. - Of course, this was a mistake because Hawaii still exists as a state in the U.S and the alert administrator admitted that this was a mistake that happened during a change of shifts. And he stated that before resigning. Stan Frederick is a YouTube horror series, which involves your main man, Slender Man. The series started in 2012 when Stan was filming some behind the scene footage for his student film. Of course, the Slender Man comes into his life and torments him along with a group called, We Must Collect who wanted the baby that Stan was babysitting. So in order to survive this whole ordeal, he gave the baby away and disappeared from the internet for a while. Years later, he comes back as a paranormal investigator based in Maine. So his purpose now is to travel around the United States and help people who have some Slender Man problems. And we get a first glimpse of what he does as a job in his second video, Just Your Average Investigation. He meets with a man in Virginia who says that he had Slender Man popping up in his front lawn. - [Stan] So that's where he was standing? - [Man in house] That's where he was standing. - So what Sam does, is that he just approaches Slender Man himself. (eerie wind whirling) - [Stan] Oh Jesus, remember me? It's been a while since the last time. - So that's just like a little taste of what this series is. There's three seasons culminating in 59 episodes. And I didn't really wanna spoil the whole series because it isn't as popular as the other Slender Man series and I definitely think people should give it a shot. So this is one of the entries that I didn't really have a clue about. AlexKansas is a YouTube channel and ARG, which revolves around these cryptic, short little horror videos. Most people classify this channel as analog horror and Alex Kansas utilizes this style of analog horror by recreating his videos in the style of documentaries, historical archives and found footage from just your average Joe. The channel is currently uploading a series called the Monument Mythos, which revolves around the plot of famous American landmarks, having some mysterious or extraterrestrial anomalies to them, such as the statue of Liberty being a grinding death machine, Air Force One being manned by a mysterious angel that drops mysterious care packages and Alcatraz beginning to move on its own after an experiment and went wrong and destroyed parts of the United States. There is one video I'd like to mention, which could kind of give a hint about why these monuments act this way and that video would be Deandisaster. So according to the video, around the 1950s, all televisions around the nation got hijacked to show a message of President James Dean as a devil. As soon as the hijack ended, all of the air raid sirens in the nation began to play full blast, causing the nation to go into panic because they think an impending attack is happening. This causes overcrowding in bomb shelters and causing deafness in most of the people because the air raid sirens played louder than they should. After realizing that there is no bomb attack, President Dean decided to shut down all of the air raid sirens, which had to be done manually, one at one at a time. So this meant that President Dean himself went up to an air raid siren to disable it, causing him to go completely deaf. Once all the air raid alarms were disabled, President Dean ordered those from the Anti-Dean Association to go into correctional facilities that were built near monuments. He then received a hearing implant from a corporation which fully restores his hearing. This inspired him to propose Congress, a department of technology and his speech was perceived as passionate because he spoke louder than he thought he was due to a malfunction in his hearing. Because of the speech, Congress approved this department of technology as quickly as they could. They then promise to provide free hearing implants to all of those who have been effected by the Dean incident. And the way that this department of technology provided all these surgeries is pretty metal, I'm not gonna lie. What they did is that they built these massive operation rooms that could store thousands of patients and they created these surgical Androids to help automate the surgeries. So yeah, of course, there's something up with these monuments. Whether or not President Dean was responsible for causing the supernatural anomalies, is still a mystery. Yeah, maybe whatever he did to those Anti-Deaners caused the monuments to act up. But the previous videos have documented supernatural activity before the Dean incident. This series is still ongoing so maybe there's still a chance to get some questions answered. This channel is criminally underrated and if it wasn't for this video and the Iceberg, I never would have come across this, so you should definitely check out Alex Kansas. Gr3gory88 is a Twitter account which starts off fairly mundane with him tweeting about his everyday life and what meal he had for the day and all that. It's like when celebrities were first trying to figure out what to do with social media. Things do take a turn however, when he announces that his grandfather had passed away and that he had inherited his house. It didn't go to his mother because she had a bad relationship with his grandfather. So he arrives at the new place and he finds a strange artifact hanging on his door knob. He didn't think much about anything and he thought it was just like some mere prank so he decided to just toss it in the fireplace. After that, he would find eight more of these artifacts around his house, which kind of sets in the idea that maybe this really isn't a prank after all. He later finds a camp near his house which contained a blue hoodie, old underwear and a notebook. And this notebook had some sort of significance because he decides to take it in after realizing that most of the pages were torn out. He spots an eyeless bald woman standing in his front yard. He manages to catch her on camera and reports it to the police. And he continues to know about strange things happening around his house. He spotted a boat with a bunch of guys just watching him and he also found a lone eyeball in the river, which is by the way, foreshadowing. He decides to investigate the notebook and after getting some tips from Twitter users, he decides to do a charcoal rubbing and reveals that the notebook had, "They took my eyes," repeatedly written over and over again. Greg then writes about the town he's near and more stuff about his grandfather's house. He found a wine cellar after his mother told him about it and he found a diner which sold eggs Benedict without the eggs. He then returns home and sees the eyeless woman again in the forest surrounding his house. He then books at home and lays low for a while. So after that incident, the eyeless woman decides, you know what? I'm just gonna break into your house. This happened after Greg wrote about a dream he had where his friend was telling him that someone was watching him sleep. And of course that spooked him and he woke up and heard some noise downstairs. He goes downstairs to investigate and sees that the kitchen door, which leads to outside, was wide open. He also had some wet clothes that were drying on a fireplace and those were stolen as well. Someone left him an artifact with his stolen wet sweatshirt. "Fear The New Moon" was written behind it. At the time of the ARG's writing, January 5th, 2019 was slated to be a new moon day. He encounters the eyeless woman yet again, this time inside of his wine cellar, but she then speaks to Greg reassuring him that she was here to protect him. She said that those artifacts that he threw in the fireplace were supposed to be protection from some unknown creature. And she begins to tell him a story about a community that formed after something fell from the sky into the lake. Whatever this object was, the community decided to protect it and in return, they get granted long lives and increased fertility. There was one caveat however. This object in the lake brought in new creatures for which the people had to sacrifice one of their own if they wanted to continue to live near it. And these creatures are pretty hungry with the eyeless woman saying, quote, "They start with your eyes." So it turns out that the eyeless woman had survived her sacrifice and became lost in the forest. She said those creatures come from enormous eggs which begin to hatch when it's the darkest outside. And given that the new moon was happening today, it would be one of the darkest nights of the year. So this terrifies the hell out of Greg and for some reason, he decides to book it out of the house and just run through the woods. He encounters those red creatures that he saw from before and this time they were chasing after his ass. So he continues to run through the forest and manages to circle back around to the house. When he got back, the woman was gone and he decides to leave the house to return back to his old home. He promises he'll return, but the last tweet was from 2019. So as of now, it's been about one and a half years since the account was active. Okay, this is the entry where I'm pretty much out of my element here guys. So I'll try my best and just bear with me, all right? So Tengri173 is website and a Twitter account, which revolves around an encrypted book. And this book is similar to Cicada 3301's Liber Primus. It's a large book with a strange alphabet that has been translated after users found clues to decipher it. The last seven pages contain super long multiplication and division equation and I mean, extremely long, with calculations going up to 57 decimal place primes. And despite stereotypes because of how I look, I'm not that good at math, okay? So I'm glad there's others that are willing to do this for me. What they got out of these math problems were English sentences. Yeah, they got sentences from these math problems. Even then, these sentences don't make much sense. They're mostly ramblings about magical cubes that have connections to Biblical verses, hidden knowledge from civilization's past and the word Tengri being the name for important writings that only chosen ones can read, along with plenty of other stuff that I just don't know, all right? There is Tengri Wiki, which is unfortunately down, but the Wayback Machine has archived most of it. And you can have a look in there if I couldn't properly give a good explanation. Tengri173 is just something I simply don't understand. So if there's anyone in the comments that wanna enlighten me and many others who don't understand, please do so in the comments down below, I greatly appreciate it. My Dad's Tapes is a YouTube web series and ARG revolving around Chris who had inherited his father's stuff after he died. Among the stuff, he found a collection of videotapes, which shows a masked man torturing and murdering women. Chris, obviously shocked that his father kept this stuff, decides to investigate and find out whether or not his father was that masked man. When Chris began to investigate these tapes, another YouTube channel popped up called Do Not Continue, which yeah. So the second half of this series is gone from YouTube and I couldn't find much reliable archives except from Night Mind's explanation video that he made on this series. So if you remember from what I talked about in Marble Hornets in the first video, think Donotcontinue as Tothearc. They both provide the ARG elements of the series by providing ciphers and puzzles for the viewers to solve. So Chris continues to upload all the tapes he found and his investigations, all while trying to avoid DNC, who happens to be another serial killer who kills women. And DNC uploads all these videos as deterrence to Chris from continuing his investigation. However, it doesn't really work because Chris still uploads videos, despite knowing that innocent women were being killed. Chris also gets the police involved, which kind of backfires because the police don't want him uploading all the evidence onto YouTube. Eventually Chris gets his hands on his father's journal, basically is the father admitting that yeah, he's the killer in the tapes. In the meantime, DNC gets his hands on Chris's girlfriend and he uses her as ransom to meet up with Chris, which leads to this part of the series. I wanna give context to this scene before I show it to you, all right? Imagine you're Chris, you find out that your girlfriend had been kidnapped by a serial killer who kills women. However, he decides to give you mercy, as he will let go of the girlfriend if he meets up with you. You go to the restaurant that he told you to go to, you meet him, you both arrive at the table and then he orders-- - Two margaritas. - Where is she? Where is she? Do you speak? Do you talk? And then you don't say a goddam word. - Damn good margarita. (laughing) - Damn good margarita. We are now on tier five and it is getting more and more obscure, which means it's getting a little bit harder to research. However, there's still a couple of entries that I do recognize so let's just get right into it. This is My Milwaukee, is an ARG created by Synydyne who were also involved in projects such as Horse_ebooks and Bear Stearns Bravo. It began as a 10-minute video, which is a fake travel ad about the city Milwaukee, hosted by this bald gentlemen in a brown suit named Terry Nanny. So Terry begins with a showcase of all the fun activities you can do in the city, such as eating scuffed food, enjoying empty ass kids' play places and just weird interpretations of everyday life. Terry then transitions to a part about how Milwaukee is just a great place to have a date. And he follows a couple who participate in fun activities, such as visiting the Blackstar Corporation building, gonna a bar and having a Milwaukee Margarita and having the guy getting some PTSD flashback about a lemon before the couple go on their separate ways. Terry then talks about how the city is great for teens who like skating, playing some hoops, being a hip, playing some music and hanging out with the boys. While they're talking about the teens, they also provide some warnings to new teen incomers to Milwaukee to avoid certain city sectors, have some survival equipment such as emergency food and a flashlight and to avoid pieces of the God Seed. And this is just a fat hint of why this city is kind of weird. So Terry begins talking about the corporation Blackstar, who had greatly improved the city of Milwaukee by providing jobs and upgrading their infrastructure. And in return, Milwaukee allows them to create God Seed because the corporation decided that they want a new God. However, it's pretty obvious that recreating God is a terrible idea. So Blackstar decided to bury most of God Seed under the city of Milwaukee, which destroyed parts of it and caused the rest of the city to go into quarantine. The video ends with Terry talking to a scavenger who wanted to do some Tomb Raider **** and dig into the deep depths of God Seed's grave, because there are rumors about hidden treasures and such. Terry obviously tells him to not ****ing do that, but the scavenger ignores him and sets off on an adventure to dig up God's Seed. (exhilarating music) ♪I keep on the side of the heart of your dream ♪ ♪ And the light of the God Seed ♪ ♪ Will show me the thesis ♪ - I think it's obvious that this ad was a half-ass attempt from Blackstar to bring back all the residents and tourists back into Milwaukee. And this video wasn't originally on YouTube. It was first hosted on their own website, which had a timer on the top right counting down. After the timer went to zero, it turns out that there was a dead drop for people to find in real life. And that dead drop was found in the New York City Public Library, which turns out to just to be a picture of a fennel bulb and a telephone number hidden in one of the books. The second dead drop was found in a San Francisco cafe after in-game characters on Twitter began hinting about their location. Whatever this dead drop was wasn't revealed, although there was someone on the unfiction forums who claimed that they had found the dead drop. It's probably one of the game runners trying to cover up a drop gone wrong. There was also a third drop that was supposed to be released in Central Park Manhattan, but I couldn't really find much information about it and it seems like the ARG just ended there. Lasagna Cat is a YouTube channel where they parody Garfield comic strips by recreating them in live action with these absolutely ****ing terrifying costumes. - I think I'll put that dog's lights out. (Garfield scratching) (drums playing) (audience laughing) - And being a parody, of course, they recreate iconic scenes such as Garfield getting scolded by Jon, Garfield saying he hates Mondays and Garfield beating up Odie. And the strange thing is that each video ends with a quote unquote "tribute" and these tributes are basically a recreation of the episode but with weird, trippy, absurd imagery involved, which ranges from a Final Fantasy parody to Garfield Jesus Christ reincarnated to (laughing) I just read my notes, to this. (upbeat music) (speaking in foreign language) (upbeat music) So the main purpose of this series is basically telling everyone that Garfield isn't funny. And they highlight that by recreating the comic strips that have this like sort of mundane, relatable kind of humor, everyone hates Mondays, everyone wants to be lazy, everyone wants to kick Odie in the balls and they sort of just give you that whiplash by including these absurd tributes. And they also throw some sneak disses to Garfield creator, Jim Davis. And this channel started in 2008 and they finished producing videos in 2018, meaning they spent 10 years telling Jim Davis that his little cat cartoon wasn't funny. And the series ended with a four-hour video called Sex Survey Results. So it's basically where viewers were able to participate in a Garfield comic strip basically. The setup is mostly just a knock-knock joke where the viewers represent the knock-knock. And apparently they were told to just state their name and the number of sexual partners they had. Of course, they could still say whatever they want so we got some pretty good highlights. (door knocking) - Who's there? - [Max] Max Power. - Max Power who? - Max Power, four total, zero humans. (door knocking) - Who's there? - [Joe Lavire] Joe Lavire. - Joe Lavire who? - Joe Lavire, zero. (groaning) (door knocking) - Who's there? - [Raymond] Raymond. - Raymond who? - Raymond, I have had two sexual partners in terms of what is called penis-in-vagina intercourse. I've received oral sex from, let's say, four women and then one guy. (door knocking) - Who's there? (soft music) Hello? Is anybody there? - I want to die. (door knocking) (dog barking) - [Raymond] Raymond again. (mumbling) - Raymond again. I was just thinking about what I said. So you know that I had penis-in-vagina sex with two women. I also had oral sex with those same two women. I had anal sex with one. One specifically wanted me to pretend to be a giant plant that ate her alive, kind of digesting her. (door knocking) - Who's there? (soft music) - [Deez] Deez. - Deez who? (soft music) - Deez Nuts. - The video ends with Jon meeting himself saying that he had two sexual partners, but then the Jon answering the door scoffs and says-- (laughing) - Jon Arbuckle, zero. (door slams) - It then cuts to an aged Jon walking through the neighborhood before stealing a briefcase which had a demonic version of Garfield. And throughout this whole sequence, there are little snippets of interviews with John Davis, where he attempts to explain how Garfield's funny. It then cuts to Jon hiking in the desert, where he meets a nude man that's painted in orange that has black stripes, apparently representing Garfield. And this section I can't show, so you're gonna have to just deal with me explaining to you with my face. If you wanna see it for yourself, you can just look up the video. So once this Garfield man approaches Jon and touches him, Jon becomes a pile of dirt and worms. We then get a jump cut to a school girl who's in the bathroom stall giving birth, like literally giving birth, a clear shot of her vagina, just giving birth. And after she gives birth to the baby into the toilet, she then remarks about how it's a cursed child, in that she released an evil in the world. She leaves and then we get a shot of the baby, which is actually Jon Arbuckle as noted with the blue shirt that the baby's wearing and Garfield represented as an orange cat, walking around the toilet seat. The baby then opens its eyes, apparently suggesting that Jon Arbuckle has been reborn and is gonna create more funny Garfield scripts, yeah. And they did all of this, just to say that Garfield isn't funny. Teletubbies Updates is a Twitter account, which at very, very, very first glance, seems to just be another Twitter gimmick account, maybe to throw up a little Teletubby meme or goof of gaf or something, but no, **** goes zero to 100 really, really quick. The account begins to antagonize another Twitter account named Sharon, who appears to be the account runner's wife. So Teletubbies Updates posts rants about Sharon, calling her quote, "a ****ing cheater" and along with angrily tweeting at Sharon. He also posts nonsensical, edgy, dark ramblings, such as threatening a stranger's kids and saying that he uses human blood as pasta sauce. So Sharon just watches her husband have a mental breakdown, his name's Dave, by the way and she asks him to go back home. Let's just say that Dave went through that request and Sharon posted that our kids are missing. And after that, both accounts went to a state of inactivity for a couple of weeks. It starts back up again with Sharon posting on Twitter saying, Dave, put the gun down. Dave then continues to ramble about his loneliness and frustrations in life before implying that he was gonna commit suicide. He then writes about how he and Sharon had divorced and that Sharon had taken everything away from him. Sharon then tweets that someone was knocking at her door at two in the morning. Later on, it turns out that Sharon's family had taken over her account, saying that Sharon had gone missing and we're asking Dave of where she went. Soon, her dismembered leg was found behind and the couple's house, pretty much implying that she's dead. And Sharon's family gives further backstory about the couple. It's pretty obvious that they're in an abusive relationship and Dave was diagnosed officially as a sociopath and Dave wasn't even his real name, he had it legally changed back in 2014. The family then asked Dave to come back home for which Dave again goes through with this request and takes control of Sharon's account, stating that the family's dead and that the audience should just forget about everything. Later on the police get control of Sharon's account, basically warning those in Dave's county to watch out for him and to stay inside. They also detail the murders, which include Sharon and her parents and other kids, and even a dog, I think. And they also thought they found Dave's corpse, but it turns out it was his brother or cousin and that's where the story ends. And now you're probably thinking what the **** was that all about? Of course the story's fake, both of the accounts were created at the same time, which is a pretty big hint that the creators made these accounts for the sole purpose of the story. It's a short, dark little story. For those who want more Twitter stories in the vein of TheSunVanished and DearDavid, although it isn't that deep. Forgotten Languages is a website that is presumably about religion, science, politics and paranormal anomalies. I say presumably because most of the articles are written in languages that cannot be translated. They're either brand new languages I've never seen before or derivatives from existing languages that make it difficult to translate. There are little snippets in each article that are written in a readable language, such as English, but for the most part, people don't exactly know what these articles are talking about. Upon discovery of this website, people thought that it was an ARG, either because someone was bored or maybe it was a promotion for a game or movie or something. Some people thought Cicada 3301 was involved in it, like they think every ****ing ARG has Cicada 3301 involved in it, or that it's a cult or that this was supposed to be an exclusive website that only members were allowed to join. This website is pretty mysterious. I couldn't really find much information, although I did find an interview with one of the writers. YouTube channel Elder's Vault did an interview with a Forgotten Languages writer who talked about a potential purpose of the website. - [Ayndryl] Oh, certainly. The amount of knowledge currently available on the internet is just a small fraction of the available written knowledge as most of our information remains exclusively on paper in libraries, whether public, private, or personal. Our mission on is to gain access to that knowledge and learn from it or expand our horizons as a global race of people. - They also wanna include knowledge found before the birth of Jesus Christ. So they have this valiant goal of documenting all of this unknown knowledge onto the internet before it gets destroyed. Of course, they probably can't translate it and they just directly copied whatever they had onto this website. Hopefully, we find Rosetta Stone 2 or something and try to understand what these articles are saying because maybe we could advance as a society from there. S.V.V, also called-- - [TTS] Sodalitas Vulturis Volantis. - If you really want to, is a secret organization where members are put through a series of tests and trials in order to join. The name roughly translates to the Brotherhood of the Flying Vulture and most of their activities taking place on their website, and their Twitter account. So they have a FAQ on their website, which includes debunking connections with Cicada, again. They also clarify on what they expect from potential members, specifying that they want those with quote, "unique talents, exceptional imagination, and profound visions." And they want those to apply quote, "certain spiritual practices." And apparently the benefits of joining this organization are quote, "legion, being/becoming." Sure, whatever that means. So applicants are put through a series of tests. Some are just puzzles and some are individualized tasks. And most of the clues that users need to complete these tasks are provided by the Twitter account. And these puzzles include the usual cyphing through source code to find hidden messages, analyzing these cryptic images and solving ciphers. They also have applicants going into the real world, just like Cicada 3301. There was a player that had found an object in Northern San Diego after a tweet hinted at their location. And there was another object found in Zurich. However, the account has tweeted other locations that people haven't decrypted yet so there could be plenty of other unknown objects that haven't been found. So when players complete these tasks, they are knighted and are given a name and each name corresponds with one of the 72 names of God from the Kabbalistic tradition. The players are then asked to transmit their name, or whatever that means and they get their name posted on a chart on the website. And of course, like many other of these secret organizations, no one really has a clue on what the purpose of S.V.V is. Lucid Dream Project, whatever this specific ARG, this iceberg is talking about, I couldn't really find much. You've probably heard about lucid dreaming before where you practice becoming self-aware in your dream and being able to control the environment, the characters and the abilities you have in such. There have been a handful of ARGs that include lucid dreaming, which plays utilizing lucid dreaming to either recreate specific scenarios or complete certain puzzles in their dream. I have seen a couple of discord servers that claim to use lucid dreaming as a part of playing the game, but all of them are either relatively small or never got their feet off the ground. Again, I couldn't find the specific ARG the creator is talking about, so if you have any information, please let me know in the comments. Gunslingerpro2009 is a YouTube channel that centers around Garry's Mod animations with TF2 characters. And you get a general idea of what this channel is by just having a look at one of the videos. So take a look. - sNiPeR iS bOoK! - Read me. - Now these deals are reminiscent to the good old days of Garry's Mod animations on YouTube with creators such as Kitty0706. But Gunslingerpro's animations have something wrong with them. There's a lot of visual distortion and there's a long 12-second outro of just a blank black screen and the audio is poor in quality as well. Now the next video, Spy Is Sandvich, pretty much gives an idea of what's going on in these animations. The heavy walks into a sandwich for which the sandwich reveals itself to be a spy, but the spy looks distressed, pounding on the screen before the player takes him away with the fizz gun. And another important video would be Garry's Mod Ragdoll Walking Tutorial. At first glance, it kind of just looks like a regular ass Garry's Mod tutorial, but the devil is in the details. When the player first approaches the red soldier, you notice that the soldier shakes his head in fear. In the next part when the player approaches the blue spy ragdoll, you'll notice that it's head was poking up for a quick second. You also see an ominous figure in the background, which is probably the blue spy trying to escape. Now it's kind of becoming obvious that these ragdolls have some sort of sentience or consciousness in them and they fear for what the player is gonna do with them. The blue spy seems to be the most capable of escaping as he can move on his own. However, we unfortunately learn about his fate in the next video. In the video titled, this, we get a POV shot of not the player, but someone else. They're crawling through a dark room in the map gm_construct. And after a reflective surface falls in front of them, it turns out that we're looking through the eyes of the blue spy who had become mingled into this hellish, melon-looking headcrab creature. The blue spy becomes angry at what it's become and rams through the reflective surface, which then reveals the player toying with other ragdolls, noticing the blue spy and grabbing them again and the video abruptly ends there. There's been some speculation on what exactly these ragdolls are. Are they spirits that are possessing these ragdolls and they're trying to escape? Sort of like Ben Drowned or is it a metaphor about how all humans acting like God could cause so much trouble and all that? Or is it about a theory about how we're in a simulation and that we're the ragdolls and we're being simulated and even though we don't want these kinds of things, we're forced to do so anyways because that's how life is and that's how the simulation works you can't escape it? Foundonthetape is a YouTube channel and ARG, which consists of three clips that are less than a minute. And at first glance, these clips just look like random horror esque clips that just look scary to look scary, you know what I mean? It just looks like some **** Chills would put on a top 15 lists and it doesn't help that there isn't much information on the YouTube channel itself. The about page is empty, there's no external links, there's no descriptions. And even on the video tags, the only tag there is, is just the video title. However, when viewers took a closer look at these videos, they found a revelation. In the second video, titled Clip095.MP4, there's a sort of code wheel that has a selector quickly circling around it. This wheel can be deciphered into a hexadecimal string, which can be deciphered into a Megaupload link. And this link gives you a download of a Half-Life 2 map, which consists of basically just a prison cell with a bed and a bucket and a chair. And the player is stuck in the corner just looking down at the room. In the background, you can hear a Shepherd's tone, which is an auditory illusion, which sounds like the tone is going down forever and never. Now, if you noclip and try to exit the room through the door, you're gonna get jumped scared. I'm just gonna slowly fade in this image that will pop up if you do get jump scared, you're welcome. And this map is available for download in archives. Even though Megaupload has been shut down since the ARG was created, you will find mirrors of the downloads if you wanna check them out for yourself. After releasing clip95.MP4, the channel made a discussion post, basically stating that the YouTube channel was the official source of the ARG and that any other accounts should be taken as fake. And this post was interrupted by another hexadecimal string, which leads to another download link to another Half-Life 2 map. This time, the map has the player scurrying around ventilation shafts and there are apparently two endings you can get in this map. The first bad ending happens when the player reaches a dead end, which causes the whole ventilation system to cave in. The good ending can be found if the player falls down the shaft that is surrounded in blood and drop to their death. Yeah, it's kind of morbid. After the last YouTube video, Clip84.MP4 was uploaded, the channel released another map, which is another series of tunnels, but it's large enough for the player to run and jump in. If you explore this map, you can find the room from the first map, which has the jump scare removed so you can easily explore it. And the only way to finish this map is to, again, fall to your death. The fourth and final map was released after the channel posted a discussion post, this time in binary. And this fourth map brings back the ventilation shafts from the second map, although it is way, way bigger now. Apparently if you're lucky or you just spend enough time on the shafts, you'll find a short drop, which leads you into an area full of blood, bones and body parts. If you continue to explore that area, you'll fall into another place which is flooding and has wooden boxes. The map begins to shake, music begins to ramp up and you realize you're being chased by a monster. and if that monster catches up to you, the game crashes. And this is where the ARG stands as of now. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much development since 2011. And what the purpose of this channel is, is still a mystery as of now. Of course, it's possible that the ARG could continue as there is a code in the last video, which has yet to be deciphered and that could be the key to continue this ARG. (eerie music) Thank you very much for watching, don't forget to like, comment and subscribe and don't forget to check out my Twitter as I mentioned in the beginning of the video. I'm just going to preemptively apologize because college is coming up soon so I'm not sure when the next video will come out and I just wanna let y'all know that if you made it this far, thank you very much for watching. Have a good day, see you later. (upbeat music)
Channel: accessiblefunky
Views: 219,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta and arg iceberg explained, creepypasta and arg iceberg, creepypasta iceberg explained, alternate reality game iceberg explained, alternate reality iceberg explained, arg iceberg, alternate reality game explained, creepypasta iceberg, alternate reality game iceberg, iceberg explained, iceberg chart, iceberg charts, arg iceberg explained, internet horror iceberg, iceberg videos, iceberg chart explained, creepypasta, creepy iceberg, creepypasta stories
Id: dboBu-heAbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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