The Story of the Qur’an: From Revelation to Compilation | Shaykh Talal Ahdab

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so the Birmingham must have it's a must-have that's hold at housed at the University of Birmingham and scholars dated did carbon dating on this most Huff and they dated it to within a few decades after the passing of the prophets of Allah why they was suddam so we're talking like 670 of the Common Era just a few decades after the time of the Prophet I thought to a Saddam in the time of the whole affair Rachid in the beginning of the Umayyad period and this started a lot of conversation how do we know that the Quran is authentic how do Muslims know that the Quran is authentic what if theoretically one were to find a early masaf that we could date to the same time period but there's differences in the verses or surahs might be placed here or there or something like that what would that do to us does that change anything for us should it what value does something like that have so the question came up and then chef Talal had sought to put together this protis this kind of a teaching right lecture telling the story of the Quran from revelation to it's compilation as a most Huff and then how its compiled how its transmitted test today so hamdulillah it's a great honor to have someone like Sheikh allow I consider one of my teachers many people in the bay many of the sure you consider him one of their teachers too I'm not one of the sheiks but I definitely consider him one of my teachers and so hamdullah is from on top of the great slides he always produces he always has good you know the content is always something to take home and to really build your faith off of and sha Allah so humbly I won't waste any more everything was time when would that set up I passed the microphone control - al hamdulillah al-amin of the loose Allah to automatically me allah sayidina muhammadin rather early he was of me as mine it's a blessing an honor to be here with you today and shallow the purpose of this talk is to share together and talk together about the story of the Quran the story of the Quran from revelation to compilation and beyond upon till our time however as you know the Quran was communicated to us in to format an old format in a written format today we shall focus on the written format of the Quran and we'll touch a little bit on the oral form at the oral format can become its own talk so the main question we are trying to address you how did the oil and the written Quran reach us with emphasis on the written format of the Quran so usually when when I presented this talk in Toronto we went over three parts first we talked about the history of compilation of the Quran and part 2 we made some comparisons with earlier scriptures like the Bible number three we looked at some manuscripts today we will take a look at part one only so let's start by definition of the program the technical definition of the Quran as earlier recorded in the books it is kalamoon law because iron is a speech of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala sent down upon the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam sent down upon his heart via the angel jibreel the queen is an angel the Archangel that is responsible for evolution that is responsible for communicating with prophets and messengers the Quran is miraculous in its auras and merges will be a soggy so rotten mean it's a challenge to mankind to produce even the smallest surah of the Quran it's recital is worship reciting the Quran and letter by letter is an act of worship and has been transmitted to us via a process called theater which is mass transmission in a way where error it's inconceivable for people to have agreed on an error or on a mistake and preserved in the massage reserved in the in the copies we only have one Quran but we have millions and millions of copies before we start let's let's go over some slides where we show some copies of the Quran for Muslims we have about 150,000 manuscripts of the Quran since the early days much larger than any other book this is a copy of the Quran that is kept in Egypt in the mosque of imam hussain that dates back to the first century this is the part of flora colombia and it's written without any doubts without Anita scale any harakas at her Dhamma and Cara and Hamza is gonna make an attempt to read it it took me two hours to eat it this is an inscription on the wall of Masjid al-aqsa the Dome of the rock on some of the walls that dates back to around 72 injury these are various various verses or letters from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to others the one on the top left is various dating from 80 injury written on a rock the one below is also from the first injury from store to lab these are various must-haves that dates back to the 2nd century search century and beyond so today we hope to go over this inshallah we'll go over the history of the compilation of the Quran and we'll take a look at the pre-islamic time Allah subhana WA Ta'ala prepared the means and prepared the conditions and the environment for the quranic' evolution then we'll take a look of how the Quran was transmitted to us during the prophet's time then absolutely passing away of the prophet alayhi salat wa sallam we'll take a look at what happened during abu bakr's time the enduring Osmonds time then foremost man until our day before we start can I get a show of hands how many of you are in high school how many in university all right how many parents lots of fish Allah how many working professionals good we have a good mix of crowd I'm doing how many doing homeschooling yes we have to mashaallah alright so let's take a look at before Islam let's take a look at the Arabic script the Arabic script went over a lot of development this is a script that is inscribed on the grave of poet called enroll Kai's some 300 years before the heavy time and it's pretty hard to read it's using a script from a tribe called Dalembert near Jordan and if you know if he ever ever heard of the Petra the same tribe that that used this phone but by the Year 568 just before the prophet salaallah alayhi wa sallam was born the font has improved a lot and the quality of the font and it's now more legible even today we can make out some of the feudal few letters in the font and by the Eve's 620 or 6:30 when the Prophet Allah is thought of as Salam started sending letters to kings and to other people in everywhere we can read the whole letter even today you and me can probably was just by focusing a little bit we'll be able to eat everything so it seems that when the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was about to be born the conditions have been prepared that the font is more mature and can be used now for recording revelations another thing we see also in the Holy Quran Allah subhana WA Ta'ala prepared the conditions also in a different way the gin used to go to heaven and an ear drop on the Angels Lost Planet Allah ordered the angels we read we read in shortage in that these genes that used to be the first astronauts maybe they mentioned is shortage in debt were an element as samurai favorite na mele at Harrison she didn't wash over we have sought to reach the heaven but found it filled with powerful guards and burning flames so the angels kept all of this as top secret no one is allowed to find out about what's going to happen before it happens during the prophets time sallallahu alayhi wasallam during the prophet's time the Prophet Allah saw - as-salaam communicated the Quran to us in two ways he communicated communicated the Quran to us in an oral way as well as in a written way so office'll Allah Allah will sell them whenever a passage of the Quran was revealed the prophet salallahu alaihe salam would call some scribes to record it right away as soon as it was revealed whenever the Quran was revealed the prophet sallallaahu Lam would also deliver the Quran to the community to the early Muslims either personally directly or indirectly immediately so the Prophet Allah saw it was salaam as some of you might know had many secretaries in total the Allah may have recorded about documented about 48 secretaries doing performing various functions and various roles for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam during the Meccan time Mecca who is not known to be a community where people know how to lead a right there weren't many among them that know how to read and write and the number of people that know how to read and write were less than 50 but amongst the early Muslims in Mecca there were around six people that knew how to read and write in those six people's many of them became scribes they used to record the Quran for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam when it was revealed Tunisia has the number of scribes increased and became in the tents in the 20s around 23 to 28 scribes one of the most important scribe is a man by the names aid of new Sabbath as a dove new Sabbath in Medina was a neighbor to the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam as well as many others who became scribes to record the revelation the prophet alayhi salat wa salam whenever whenever a passage of the quran was revealed he would tell people call the scribes and usually whoever is available used to come and the Prophet Allah sort of Salam will dictate whatever was revealed to the scribes sometimes five people would come sometimes seven sometimes more sometimes less the prophets or SLM will call for Zaid for example we say a Druze Aidan all fours eight and let him bring the board the inkpot and the scapular born so Zaid would come was with the board with the ink part with a pen and was either bones or palm tree leaves or sheet of foods or sheet of stone you name it and then with we code whatever the professor Laura Salem would dictate to him so when something was revealed to the prophet alaihi wassalam the prophet would call someone from among the scribes immediately and those who can write or used to write for him and he will tell them after the document what what was revealed he will tell them place these verses the chapter in which such and such is mentioned sometimes when a verse was revealed the Prophet Allah taught Islam will will tell the scribes if only one verse was revealed he would say place this verse in this chapter and that was the way of the Prophet Elisha Wilson but the prophet sallallaahu Selim also set for us a process for as authentication and documentation of the Holy Quran and the processes of following Satan as a devotee allow one who narrated that the prophet is to call for him whenever he goes to the prophet alayhi al-salam the Prophet would say write down and then he will write down the passage that was revealed at that moment and then he will tell zayeed a kora alia read back to me what you have written down and they will say Ali and they would say I will read back to him so after they got yellow I knew right everything we have to do double-checking we have to do with you and they will read back to the prophets of our solemn whatever the Prophet dictated to him in Kenneth E is socked on a comma who if ever I omitted a letter or a world he would correct me if ever there was a mistake he would correct me if not he will say oh the Prophet who tells it take this and deliver it to the people so Zeta the Elan who describes whoever was present would go out and they will start telling the people that revelation came from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and it was documented it was written down and then they would recite these verses to the Muslims sometimes the Prophet Allah saw it was Salam would recite the verses himself and sometimes others would be cite on his behalf when the Prophet recite the verses himself he is communicating the revelation to the people directly when the Prophet SAW salem would ask others to recite on his behalf he would be communicating the Quran to the people indirectly and the ulema have recorded and documented 15 ways of communicating the Quran to the people 9 direct ways and six indirect ways scribes their job was to write the Quran in his presence ie as soon as the Quran was revealed the process Elam would call for them and they would record it in his presence whatever was recorded in his presence is sacred as a high value if the scribe go out and somebody come to them and say oh I heard that there was a revelation can I copy what you have and I copy those verses and a companion might copy those verses from Zaid those copies are not sacred they don't have the same value as the copies that were written in the presence of the Prophet so Laurie Salim in between his hands and someone else may come to the other Sahaba and says oh I heard that you copied something from the scribes that they recorded when the porcelain received revelation can I copy it from you and this can go on indefinitely I pathetically hypothetically it can go on indefinitely but for us Muslims only the copies that were recorded in the presence of the Prophet salah salem have the value of revolution because the problem is dictating the scribes are recording a las montañas watching ghibli is watching it is a moment of Revelation anything copied from those original and authenticated copy by the Prophet a little salaam are just copies so the process or Salem would communicate the Quran to the people from his noble mouth to their ears from his noble heart through his noble mouse to the ears to their heart and they would committed to memory the prophets allah Sangam communicated the quran to the people in many ways directly ie easily during prayers he would recite the Quran Oh as soon as revelation comes he would recite the Quran to the people and tells him unzila alayich as a work as a work as such and such was revealed to me and then he would recite oh he would recite the Quran during Juma prayer he would take a passage of the Quran like short cough and we cite it and talk about it comment on it 9 directories documented in six indirect ways sometimes the scribes will recite to others and teach others sometimes the Prophet Elias Eglin will tell the general of the armies when they go on a military expedition he would tell them recite look of to the people and they would communicate the Koran to the people to those who haven't heard it the Companions upon hearing the Quran they would try to memorize it it goes into their short-term memory and hopefully it goes into their long-term memories and it stays there forever and as we saw Elaine salatu wassalam made sure there is always this arid and across that he would read and someone will read back to him and this way ever is minimized actually ever is eliminated no mistake so in short the prophet sallahu Salem communicated the Quran to us both orally as well as in written format the placement of ayahs was commanded by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the arrangement of sewers was done by the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam and what made everything easy is that usually the Quran is revealed five to ten verses at a time most of the Quran was revealed five to ten verses at a time very rarely larger than ten verses would be revealed surah al-anam was revealed all at once 165 doses so that Yousuf was revealed all at once but the first revelation was 5 verses and then 5 verses and then 5 verses and then 10 verses in this way it was it was very wasn't difficult to make sure that the recording of the verses is a free of error because you're not updating 600 pages at once you dictated five verses and they can easily write it on a small piece of whatever is available whether it's a piece of leather whether it's a piece of wood whether it's it's a bone it can fit on those pieces and it's easy to memorize the Companions would memorize memorization is their strengths they memorized long poems without any difficult memorizing five to ten verses and easy to be done by the Companions so we started having a rock we started having her Falls not only that the prophets of Allah Allah will send them with reviews of Quran every year Jamil alayhis-salam would come down and they would do they would review the Quran together every year ie whatever was revealed up to that year will be reviewed was reviewed and when we say it was reviewed it means that it was read twice because it was reviewed to a process called Darwin why crop Jamil alayhis-salam would recite everything the suit that was revealed up to that moment then the prophesy Selim would recite back everything that was revealed up to that moment in the last year before the professor said Lam passed away the Quran who is reviewed twice I eat it was read four times twice by Jerry and twice by the prophet salallahu alaihe son so the order was good from beginning to end up to the moment of Revelation of that year in the last year the Quran was almost revealed completely except for one or two verses that were revealed about a few days before the process Alan passed away the other thing maybe we should mention this process of reading and then double reading back double-checking is a process that we do today automatically but the profs are Salem made sure that the copyist of the scribes from day one there weren't amateurs there weren't people who don't know what they're doing and they were also double-checked no jessica has a Hmong Suman hadith in which he said were vada any October tell you comedy well in life a Laramie film is I believe after you write down you double-check otherwise it has no value throw it in the garbage and that's the process that was followed by the scholars in all disciplines when you write a draft today you do a spelling check you give you you do version one version to version 3 and if you if you were to compare that to previous scriptures that's something that the scholars of previous scriptures complain about that many of the copyists have so many spelling mistakes that they were definitely not professionals they were amateurs and they didn't know what they were doing so these these are some of the ways that the passages of the Koran were documented is there on the bone or on piece of leather around a very thin piece of wood around leaves of on day three whatever was available there are a few names that we should be aware of because it will help us inshaallah as we go through this presentation many people play the role in the compilation of the quran definitely the four Khalif played the role abu bakr and omar were the first to compile the quran within one year of the prophet's passing away as we shall see this a generous man and say generally also did they had their share today we have 10 motivator cava Urth that people recite in taraweeh we welcome another did not teach the Quran themselves overcome his his period as the head of state was only two years and say the Narmer was very busy but they would assign obey of no table they do no serve it others to teach the Quran say you do not man of the Quran and five of the 10 favorite go back to say denotes man five of the ten covers that you hear in taraweeh they go back to say dinars man another five go back to say Denali say generally taught the Quran say do not do love Masoud Tariq five of those in citations also can't go back to belovedness road or the aloha no say do not with dr. house the Koran when he moved to Damascus as well and one kavaja goes back to him if you follow the Senate it goes back to I would do that his wife amudha completed the Quran under her husband I would order and memorized the whole Quran where you have no cab the Prophet Ali so to SLM says a chorale home obey the Prophet gave him a medal of honor that obey is top-notch in Quran and eight or nine of the caveat goes back to say to no avail I have to check whether was eight or nine they dove no Sabbath for the Allah I know is one of the main scribes and four of the carotid goes back to him there are also a few other people who it would be very useful to know about and those have played a role in and preserving the Koran for us today one of them is called Abdul Rahman salami defense salami or the Allah one who is a student of Imam Ali he is also a student of us man he's also a student of Zaid and he was one of the main reciter that was sent with the copy of the most half the Satanist man sent to the provinces when Imam Ali wanted his children and Hasan and Husayn to learn Quran he sent them to grab the reference for me another Abdul Rahman is filling me out Satan al hasan and say do not the same the command and perfected their recitation abdominus to the salami initially was eating under site owners man Saguna ass man when he became head of state he became so busy that he delegated that function to say to news-8 abdomen salami cred on the site owners ate for around 12 years and when say donor is 8 passed away and signals man passed away Bachman salami continue teaching up to the eve that he passed away laughter honest salami died in the year 73 injury Sedonas man died in the year 35 injury Adina's I died in the year forty five hundred forty fifty three so 445th on 273 he was teaching another guy who was also a student of Imam Ali his name is I will as for the two Ali he is credited I documenting beginning the documentation of the science of grammar and two of his students of his students no sir and here they had in putting the dots on the most half around the year 70 80 injuries so in short when the professor Louis LM passed away he left behind around over 120,000 companions Muslims over 120,000 Muslims knew at least some servers at least because they have to use it in their prayers and thousands of Muslims new and mufasal' the professorial Salim was his habit I was his waved that whenever he lead prayers he will lead from Alma fossil which is surah 50 up to surah one 1465 sewers those servers are short the player can be done and it won't be a burden on children or mothers or families and he instructed his his companions to always shorten the prayer when they pray in Jamel if they're paying on their own at night I make him climb a ladder desert you can read the longest service but when we pray in Jamel we make the Jamel short because people may be busy it may be sick we have children so on and so forth with our best of the Aloha knew when he when the process Ellen passed away when I best was 12 13 years old he said he said that I memorized and mufasal' under the Prophet SAW Allah Allah was under 65 sewers those 65 servers were memorized by tens of thousands of people the longest sewers were memorized by fewer to enter the medina mosque the prophet the prophet's mosque in Medina at the time of the Prophet and you asked a question who memorizes Kalaeloa hat and everyone will raise her hat who memorizes Surat al-baqarah hundreds will raise her hand who memorizes surat al-imran hundreds will raise the who memorizes surah nisa maid and so on and so forth and there are those that memorized the whole Quran they committed the whole Quran to long-term memory and we have documentation that shows it might be others but 23 people have been documented to have completed memorization of the Quran around the screen woman and 20 men but there was one of them and she completed the memorization under her husband our daughter other people that will also see when we progress through the presentation is someone by the name Jose five million man this companion for the Abuja man was a visionary he had a long term vision many companions may have a short term vision many people have short term vision some people have long term vision say to me Jose Ferrer is one of those people he had a long term vision and he used to say people used to come and ask the prophets of allah allah wa sallam about good simms and I used to ask about evil things in order to avoid them I don't know if I would usually would ask about what if scenario what if this thing happened what if this thing happened what if this thing happened what if this thing happened to the Ummah and the Prophet SAW Selim would would tell him with the answer his questions and over time said in a hadith a became became a minister the Prophet confided in him things the Prophet salah salem confided in him the names of the hypocrites and he used to know the secret of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam if you have a friend you may not tell him your secrets but when someone becomes your best friend then maybe you start opening up and tell him some secrets say do not have if I was like that and he will play a major role later on during the time of Satan oarsman another person that is also of interest is a man by the name Hosea he had an incident at the time of the Prophet Elisha was salam and the prophet says mention la who-who Saima for our husband usually you need two testimonies you need two witnesses for things but the process Elam because of that incident he made the witness of Satan a Hazama equal to two witnesses and it is a sucia is a special case no one else can claim that now we moved to phase 3 which is the phase during our backers time so if you can imagine now the prophesy solemn that's the way our backer became halifa he was the first khalifa after the Prophet ally in southwestern when the prophesy Stalin passed away the Quran was committed to memory in part by all Muslims major parts by thousands of Muslims the Quran in full by many Muslims the Quran is written in fragments five verses at a time and they scattered scattered to describes the scattered was those that witnessed the revelation and also we might have copies that were copied from those that were written in front of the professorial salams who even copies that were copies from those copies and so on and that's that was a situation when the porcelain festival during albicans time there were the with the wars the war of apostasy and the prophets alloys are the the Muslim army fought those that refused to pay the car and during one of the battle the Battle of your mama the Muslims suffered heavy casualties especially among the Cobra 70 of Zhukova 70 of those that memorize the Quran - - it were martyred and that was a wake-up call Satan armor when he saw this he started thinking and it was a wake-up call so he went to say to Noah Becker and told him that we should do something about the Quran and collect it all together this hidden over Kara hesitated how can we do something that the profs are Selim did not do himself said in the whole ayah by Allah this is good a drama also has a long-term vision because when you write something on a piece of paper or piece of skin piece of leather a piece of stone piece of wood it's a palm tree over time they may get lost over time something may happen they may get burned over time they out of it may may get destroyed and if someone dies it might also die with him or it lost with him so he said we should do something in Calexico and in one place and in one pieces and they kept on discussing until la strada opened their hearts to do it so they embarked unto that project so what did they do a worker says amar kept on urging me to accept the proposal until hospital opened my heart to it and I began to realize how good these ideas then they called for sayyiduna Zaid called for Zeta in say it came and they said oh but I told him so they did nurse Abbott was was tasked with collecting the Quranic pieces so he put together a committee and this committee executed the task and the outcome was the first collected copy of the Quran and the project took about a year one year to complete then the this first copy of the Quran was kept with a worker until he passed away then we say to normal until he passed away then was say the hafsa the sister of say to normal the wife of the Prophet SAW Selim until something happened when Sagan is 8 went to oh Becker you know Becker gave him the task we have to ask ourselves few questions here when you start a project whether in school or at work or anything you do in life first question you ask is why why am i doing this project what is the motivation behind it what is the process the second question you might ask is how is the project decided on how did the company of the school or your teacher or your parents told you you have an assignment and you have to do this they must have gone through some decision-making process and reached that conclusion that this project is worthy of being done and then they came to you and said this team is going to perform this function the next question you might ask is what kind of qualifications the committee members must have we can't just bring bring anyone on the street and tell them to do this project they have to be qualified they have to be good they have to be committed they have to see the seriousness of the project they have to put their heart in it if they don't if you don't have passion in doing whatever you are doing the outcome will be as good as input so the committee members had to have an appreciation of the seriousness of the mission also when you do a project we need an Esso w we need a statement of work what is the Mandate of the project what am i asked to do when we do a project we need to plan some projects are private some projects are for the public and if it is for the public then we need the public announcement and you might also need a request for cooperation many of you some real estate developer wants to develop 5000 houses and Tracy and they put a public notice those who don't like it come we're gonna have discussion so public announcement might be needed in some cases and a request for cooperation might be needed the committee needs to have an office I need to have an address where the team can gather and execute the job and then how the project was executed and implemented that also you have to take a look at and then we need to do some critical and final reviews make sure that there is double-checking it's not just we write something and we we say it's finished no you have to review and review and review and review until you make sure that there is no error and then you can send it out so say Dina's aid or the elan who says I will become an armor and the Companions told him you are a wise young man that's the first thing they did no Sabbath is he qualified was he not qualified is he qualified to lead that project so what I've told him he sings he said you're wise young man first he told him you are a young man ie are full of energy you have a lot of passion he's strong we want someone who is strong who can do the job and you're wise have experience you have wisdom he used to write for the office also used to write letters for him he used to translate say dinners aid or the allow I know the prophesy Selim requested him to learn Syriac and he learned Syria in 15 days and he also asked him to learn Hebrew and he learned Hebrew in 17 days and he started double-checking the letters that is to come to the father Salim in Hebrew and Syria is wise that's number one and number two number three and he said and we do not have any suspicions about you you are credible we don't have any suspicions about you you're credible your integrity you have integrity you have good conduct no one doubt you we cannot give a project to someone that we doubt number four he said and you used to write the divine inspiration revelation for the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam number four you have experience it's not that it's not just that you have energy and you're wise and and you have integrity know also you have experience you've done that before that's not the first time it's not just you've done it before you've done it so many times that you are the best person to carry this this work and then say deny worker and those with him told him this is your task this is your mission this is your a so W so search for the fragmentary scripts of the Quran and compiled them together into one book the project is well identified very simple search bring them together compile them into now the it is qualified and we have to select the committee we have to make sure that the members of the committee appreciate the seriousness of the of the project so Zaid or the alone who says by Allah if they had ordered me to move one of the mountains it would not have been heavier for me than this I ordering him to compile the Quran is a heavy responsibility and he felt the seriousness of that that responsible then later on students ate in the same hadith said therefore I started looking for the Quran and collecting it from what it was written on home stocks thin white stones and so on and so forth the committee members that were chosen for this the committee members that were chosen for this task were Satan as aid he was the project manager say do not obey of no God who is a quorum and Satan armor Satan armor laid the marketing role Ceyda normal made the public announcement and chose the address and the committee had an office as you might have guessed outside the gate of the mosque of the Prophet Allah Reisen so at the gate that was their office the three people used to stand there whoever comes who ever goes to pray they would ask him public announcement and request for cooperation they would ask him and the work was divided as follow say do not obey if niqab would recite because excitation is immaculate in Satan as aid will write in sin they would give you back and forth back and forth back and forth but first we have to find all those fragments so they made the public announcements and they followed a methodology and the methodology is the Quran is committed to memory by Satan as a by side in armor by obey of niqab so we know the Quran by memory now we want pieces but we don't want any pieces we only want the pieces that were written in front of the profit allosaurus era only those pieces any other piece that was written from those written in front of the processor Salem we don't want those so Satan is aid his methodology was there he must be a victim it must be written in the presence of the processor many cootie bear he said Makuta bayonetta he said to bring to me whatever was written bayonetta he in between his hands in between the hands of the Prophet Elisha and number two at least two witnesses that witness that event and they collected the script the the fragments using that methodology all of the fragments so it took yes more actually yesterday they went but whenever something was revealed pasta Salem would call whoever was available from describes the describers they were not just six huh the number of scrubbers at one time whatever whoever comes sometimes they'll - sometimes there's three sometimes there's seven sometimes they're five sometimes they're 13 yeah because the number of scribes as I from what we know I don't recall the exact numbers it's either 23 or 43 scribes and some people also go away or maybe that piece he left to push his brother or whoever you know so what is more what is what they wanted to do is that whoever present that piece and claims that it is written in the front of also Silla we need two witnesses described and someone else the one that wrote it and someone else and that's what they did that's a very good question just like on love him so then when the first collected copy of the most half was written it was preserved with Satan Oaxaca then with Satan armour and then we say do not say the Hafsa so nothing of him worthy of notice took place when Sidon armor was in charge of the Khilafah it was a Holly firfer about ten years in Satan armor had a policy policy is the the Companions should not leave Medina he needed the companions to stay in Medina to advise him and consultation and so on and so forth so during the time of Satan armor most of the companions that were in Medina stayed in Medina only few were sent abroad Satan Abdullah Massoud was sent to Kufa on a mission by seda normal and very few people were also sent on missions when when Iraq was opened when Iraq became Muslim say do not glory Massoud was sent to help in the transition Iraq is not like Medina Iraq is a civilization thousands of years of civilization Medina is a civilization but it's a simple civilization compared to Iraq where you had various religions various cultures various ethnicity there is people occupying over thousands of years the second normal sent up blood Massoud to help in that transition because when you have new country like Iraq and they want to align everything with Islamic teachings it takes someone who's an expert to do it can't be just someone like you and me so say the normal sent up blowing Massoud imagine for example if the US or Canada were to become Muslim and you want to change everything from the political system to the socio-economic system to everything to be aligned with the teachings of his lab it takes a huge team to do it takes people who have encyclopedic knowledge not just someone who knows a little bit here and there so second whom are sent up the road and sent someone with him loyalist Road began by assessing the situation in Iraq and then he started an academy and India Academy there were 10 students later on the 10 students became a hundred eight around the hundred students became four thousand Abdullah was rude and four thousand students changed all of it in a very short period of time and he taught them to Quran and how to understand it and how to apply to say the moment during his time few companions went abroad and there was no need for them to go abroad but during the time of say dinars man things have changed things have changed that many countries have now become Muslim and they needed to learn the religion the companion started leaving Medina and going to Syria going to Iraq going to wherever it takes him and they started teaching the people their religion the Muslim army was advancing near the Caspian Sea near Georgia and Uzbekistan and Armenia in Azerbaijan and in the battle there the army from Iraq and the army from Syria met and with them with Satan opposes a new Yemen amino survey Rasool Allah Allah Allah Allah the one that the process LM confided in him the names of the hypocrites and the one that used to ask the Prophet about the bad things that could occur after his death so when the Muslim army when the Iraqi and Syrian army met in Armenia and Azerbaijan was a familiar man witnessed something between between the two armies that alarmed him in his reaction because he saw people reciting the Quran and it's another group reciting the Quran or two men or two groups and they were calling each other gong recitation so it allowed them so much to the point that he left the battlefield and went straight to Medina to say to nurse man and he told them at the Rick has a room take charge of the soma hurry and do something about this before they differ among themselves like the people of the earlier scriptures the the Jews and the Christians differed among themselves then Satan ass men or the allow one who took an initiative to start a new project the new project is to take the master copy that was kept that was prepared by said you know vector and to make five to seven master copies and send them abroad to various urban areas to the provinces to the UM star to the main cities in each province and with each copy with each master copy he would send also a master recital and told the people that whatever you have you compare it against this master code this is your frame of reference whatever agrees with it you take it so it doesn't agree with it you burn it those are the master copies so now we have to ask some questions number one what did who say throughout the alone who what did he witness what did he see what alarmed him what made him so upset number two why did he leave a Romanian Azerbaijan is it easy to leave Armenia and Azerbaijan is it okay to leave Armenia and Azerbaijan does he have the right to leave Armenia and Azerbaijan is it up to him to leave Armenia and Azerbaijan because leaving the battlefield not allowed deserting an army is not allowed in today's standards you could be court-martialed in Islam it's a major sin ask a big Ottoman el Kebir yet say dinner Hosea left the battlefield and went straight to say the Norseman in Medina so the harm he must have seen greater harm greater evil that must be corrected and leaving our million Azerbaijan was the lesser evil number three what do you think was response on you have somebody leaving the army and coming and telling you take charge of this Ummah do something about it before before they differ among themselves how do you same so generous man tackle the issue what was the issue in what solution that say generous men adopt and why today we will not go over the overall overall format of the zoo command and the color ad and with citations but we have to touch a little bit on it so let's start by taking a look at dialects Arabic dialects I'm silly no no I'm gonna tell you Natalie but before we go into that we have to take a step back and let's go back to the Arabs before Islam all right so let me ask you a question did the Queen OD Arabic before Islam is pure Arabic there is no mistakes we measure our Arabic by they are the frame of reference and they were excellent in poetry excellent and rhetoric that was their strengths language you think all Arabs spoke the same Arabic or force Arabic at the time like we have tribes about fifty tribes at the time of the prophesy Salander about over fifty tribes the tribe of Vinita meme but a fan appease the Cholula garage which is a mecca a lambert new jordan by no Hanifa renew dose in yemen house an House version Medina Hemi are and many others but did all these tribes speak the same Arabic or Fosca Arabic or classical Arabic because we know in the quran at all cave art across arabic but not all arabic is allowed in quiet not all Arabic from any tribes is allowed incorrect in terms of how they pronounce things and how they say things the answer is actually that all arabian tribes spoke Arabic whose variants variants that specific to their tribe when we talk about the language also [Music] when we say things we're talking about sounds linguistic sounds so as you know Arabic is a very old language Semitic language it's a very old language and it's in a live language some languages are not alive languages are like human beings they get born they become mature and become old and then they die on earth there is about 6,000 to 7,000 languages 50% of them are dead and languages are dying at at at at the high rate high speed they say every two weeks or every one months one language dies and the language dies when the number of people speaking at hour less than a thousand it becomes an endangered species some languages are well and alive Arabic is one of them what makes a language healthy and that it could survive is the language itself the structure of the language and also the linguistic sounds some languages in the world have only 11 sounds and some have up to 60 sounds Arabic is in the middle as around 30 to 33 sounds and with variants similar and totally and so on maybe 35 sounds but unlike the other Semitic languages there are some sounds that are avoided in the Arabic language they don't exist in the Arabic language as the Syriac language might might have or Hebrew or other languages or English for example in Arabic we don't have all sound oh we don't have we have the sound ooh our dama is ooh not all we don't say as more men we say animu min has to be dumber you close completely the sound all might affect the sounds after it and the sounds after it get compromised by the sound oh so you say for example in English just illustrate the point is we say walk we say talk I'll get swallowed you don't say it anymore you don't say walk or Toluca because this sound or affect the sound after it somehow sound - does not and Syriac is a dying language English is a dying language according to David crystal one of the authorities on the English language the English that we will speak in 50 years from now will be completely different from the English we have today the English would speak today is completely different from the English that the British people spoke in the 17 or 16th century there are some sounds that that have completely disappeared same thing was French same thing with other languages the Queen actually issued a decree in the 16th century or around that time banning certain sounds in the English language she takes the word light lig HD I don't know how it was pronounced before but gh had a sound is list the list is an ugly sound it's not a nice sound so the Queen didn't like it got banned and language has changed over time our use are inventing inventing idioms all the time before it was awesome now it's sick now it's late no I don't know what will happen 10 years from now languages the language is changing and in 50 years - 100 years and God knows what language would look like but the Arabic language one of its features that it's free from the sounds that the dilemma observed that languages die because of those sounds oh it has to go a major change if those sounds out there so if we go over dialect there's a difference between dialect and language when the dialect becomes so much and it develops its own grammar it turns into a language there are three aspects of a dialect sometimes in one region this is another region one tribe is another tribe one country which is another country it might have different ways of pronouncing the same songs so different pronunciation but the same meaning since we're talking about Arabic and you can also think of examples in English or in French any other language in Arabic for example let's take the word water and to illustrate the point the stick the the way Arabs pronounce water today so in one region maybe in the Arab world you might feel the world man and dokin man another occasion might be man in a third region it might be it might be Moyer I can Kuwait and some other places in some region like Lebanon and Syria others or Egypt they say my and they make the frame of the meme mooie-mooie but different pronunciation same meaning the same meaning so dialects might differ between tribes or between regions of people speaking the same language they may say things differently but the meaning is the same we're still talking about the same world in the same connotation sometimes the pronunciation is the same but the meaning is different between one of universes another like for example the word galine galine in egypt when you say Galil lahu della della Lu initial in Chile in Yemen or Saudi or other places when you say Galil means Coleen little do labs word do lab in some parts of the Arab world or Muslim world it means tire rim in some other parts it means closet magnesia it means a closet do lab same word but different meanings depending on where your visions sometimes a word might exist in one vision but not in another hmm like if you were driving and anybody from South Africa you're driving in South Africa see sign robot ahead robot ahead when I think the word robot I think of transformers and artificial intelligence but in South Africa a robot means traffic light so they're telling you traffic light is ahead so that's the word that's used in South Africa but it's not used in California Horgan another rock in the UK sometimes this takes a keen versus media say to know Guevara and knows the word media in in in his tribe type of burn of dose they used the word media to indicate a knife but in Medina and Mecca they use the word second indicated knife in the Quran instructors of the wife of a Aziz in Egypt she gave each lady a second Kitana idea and then they they were so distracted they they cut their hand they cut themselves so one time where I was with the prophesy sell them and the Prophet told him yeah the huayra there will nice give me the second give me the knife asakim and say don't ever ever I'd never heard this word the king and his tribes they call it media and he looked around and he couldn't find it the Prophet asked him again and he looked around they couldn't find it cause Allen asked him again and then he said there wasn't a second and he pointed at it in a war zone a mediator to eat do you want a media are you asking for a media he said yes oh wait a second give me a second so it's a word that's used in one tribe but not in another in one region but not in another those are dialects we call these dialects when a dialect changes beyond this it starts to become its own language when so many words are different and then the structure changes then you start seeing the birth of a new language in many countries you may have the language of the country and also some local languages even there so what turns dialect into a language is when number three each has a certain point and it becomes starts to become its own language and ask you another question and was revealed in what language was it revealed in the language of Vinita meme or auto fern or sub T or as a judoka ratio banana fat which of the tribes in Quran was revealed inducer hmm let's take a vote who agrees with him hmm grace okay okay so you agree with them all right all right okay so are you saying oh son has garage or crash boss what we have to so you have a different answer who agrees with that guy so we have cohosh and we have cohosh plus it's not cause much Quran was revealed in Arabic but the majority of the vocabulary in the Quran belongs to Christ and a few words here and there were used from other tribes versus other tribes what could be passed for example it's not so Qureshi word the word robbie-poo sued the Habib is not the Quraysh award it's not from the tribe of Quraysh collie do Sami what you Lord Macaulay do the word halakha perish allaka ie dies crash doesn't say halakhah they say matter he died some words not from Croatia quran was revealed in Arabic encompassing all the Arab tribes but the majority of the world vocabulary Koresh had the share of the lion 99.9% were / crush and only a small percentage well from scattered wars from various tribes because of some connotations so why courage why Quraysh got the majority of the world and here I've really met with some reasons Croatia actually and Mecca was the capital of the Arabs what does that mean it means Mecca was Center for people coming together it's like in New York you have 800 nationalities in that city the center for people coming together from all over Arabia and even the world at that time Mecca was and you have some maybe some villages even there they're far away they're locals they have their own language their own tribes Mecca was different gosh was different and because you have this melting pot of people the language is more refined and is more or mature not only that the dialect of Quraysh became the standard for poetry and speeches so the dialect of crush became the global language if you want to give a speech you don't give it in your own dialect you give it a new dialect of course if he want to publish an article now today you publish it in English don't publish it in French because English has become global language in business so the Meccan dialect became became the global language for poetry when the poets used to come to compete against each other they would compose their poetry not using their own dialect but using the Mac and direct the Qureshi dialect because it was the more the standard one it became the standard I never see when so Corey cars used to so Kerekes is a yearly conference like today we have yearly hush SoCal causes a usually a conference between where people come and give speeches when people come and present the products when people come and consult the heroin abuse women used to work as a consultant the then junior junior poets used to come to him and say I've composed this this poem can you fix it for me and you review it for me he became a consultant so in the season of shows and has the season of Hajj even before Islam when people used to come and visit the Kaaba visit Mecca keresh dialect became the standard and was the one that was used not their own dialect and because the Quraysh direct is is very refined the majority of the vocab in the karana belonged to quash with only few words here and there because of connotation because of original meanings that were kept they add shade of meaning Allah Ta'ala use them in the right so there are things most things to say but let's keep that discussion for another time sha Allah if Allah Street Allah wills we can do another one on the oral transmission of the Quran let's go back now to the time of say dinars man this was this he witnessed someone reading we're a team we'll had well Murata Lilla and someone else reading were a team we'll had Jerry Marotta little bit not littler instructed Bakura the meaning is not for us but that shouldn't happen so he left Armenian Azerbaijan and went straight to Medina to tell say to never say dinars man that do something about this problem something the problem that can start small may become something very large and as soon as he saw the beginning of of people differing maybe someone didn't memorize the various properly maybe whatever maybe he got it wrong he was alarmed and went straight to say the nice man to tell him to do something she Satan ass man the protocol Mitty together now imagine yourself you know in the presence of Satan arse man and all of a sudden you see this guy coming from Armenia and Azerbaijan and he's alarmed and telling Satan arse man do something about the owner before they differ what would you do if he was a generous man would you do you tell him calm down what happened like tell me was wrong why are you so so upset then stayed in Hosea of the alone who related to say the nurse man what took place inside owner has been consulted with the people and they came to the conclusion that we should do something about it so what say the nurse man did he put a committee together he put another team and he chose date again and he put the committee with Zaid they started out as four and by the time the project ended they became twelve people working on the project some of those guys put a committee together Zaid and people helping him the project took five years to execute lots of reviews and reviews and reviews and reviews and some of those people were chosen we'll talk about some of them several master copies were made so the outcome of this project the several master copies were made exact copies of the original and each copy was sent to the urban area or the capital of provinces and with each master copy the master reciter was also sent so let's talk about its committee again committee and plan again we have to ask the same questions what is the motivation what is the consultation process how was the project approved and decision in selection of the committee and the 12 people that were selected they were from the muhajreen and ansar in the qualifications of the people of the committee members we had syed the louse he was firstly he was eloquent well if you were to hear him each letter when he pronounces a word it's like each letter is coming on its own very fussy Zaid is experienced obey is the top-notch core it and another a blob in our best was chosen as well and say do not have the love in our best reticle and under is a toughness habit about five times he completed four times and he read most of the fifth so people who are experts people who are qualified people who have experienced love in our best as you know is Professor by excellence he is a top confessor among the Companions one of the top officers and he active seer underside an ally they do not block notice the committee worked day and night for five years to produce up to seven copies that were sent to the I'm sorry to the urban areas of the Muslim world wherever there is a large concentration of of people master copy and the master is right there was sent not just a master copy because at the end we want to make sure that we recite properly so we have documentation control we have recitation control today for example if somebody gives you a new jeiza if a top-notch scholar gives you an ijazah in - we'd I'm not talking about the various people that Nokia add to our still junior or intermediate or still young but the top-notch Shalimar and the Muslim world today when he gives you an each other he is telling you you are now carbon copy of me and I am a carbon copy of my share back to the prophet Alastair to Estella many Kogi today they're not at that expertise yet even if they have 10 qira'at or seven covert or another but there are top-notch Halima in the Muslim world that are experts on Koran and the sweet and quiet that fit this criteria still in the committee so what was the role of the committee members the committee members had various roles some of them were dictating reciting some of them were writing some of them were reviewing and various the processes became known to them and the statement of work the mission to them was that you you copy and you know that Koresh has the absolute majority of vocab and their dialect is a standard and that's how they worked today for example when when we have copies of the Quran when we enjoy copies of the Quran in our mosque is a huge effort that went behind producing a copy that is free of error in many parts of the Muslim world be it in Damascus or in Cairo or now in Saudi they have complexes for producing commands or else well in the Muslim world in India and Pakistan many areas when when a calligrapher is tasked with writing the Quran there are committees and there are people someone is writing there are people that are watching him as he is right in each letter which work and people watching and some people that because they've been doing this for 50 years 60 years if you were to ask one of them if you were to say one word he would tell you which Surratt is which patient is which line it is which number of words and that line it is they know all words and the Quran that's the most half that's the copy of the Quran that's produced today it's either 15 lines per page or 13 lines per page that's a standard today we have 15 lines that's about 600 pages you have 13 lines that's a bit more and then good review and review and review and review and review until the hundreds of editions or versions that you see they're all the same they're all the same so this committee worked day and night to produce five to seven master copies that were sent to the various areas and say Daenerys meant kept a copy with him as well and when he when he was killed when he was martyred he was reading that master copy so in Medina there were two copies - master copies one with Sagan asthma and one was the reference for everybody else so continuous review and until the final review takes place until it's ready for four for it to be published and then second Osman would send it with the master recital so some was sent to Mackay some was sent to Yemen some who sent master copy was sent ooh Damascus to Kufa to Bahrain behind in the old days is not like behind today I heard today is an island back again in the old days at the time of the prophesy Selim it's a whole Eastern Shore which includes Bahrain and Qatar and the ma'am and Hoberman's Iran and all that area used to be called machine today the Bahrain indicates the name of a country not a region and in Medina say generous man kept cook two copies one copy with the people and one copy with himself one copy in them in the mosque of the prophets Allah Allah with the reciter nabob the Quran astronomy was sent to Kufa and that's where Al Hassan Al Hussein read under him and then copies inside generous man told the people now when you want to make copies you make copies from those master copies whatever and he says whatever you have in your hand if it agrees with the master copies you can keep if it doesn't agree destroy don't keep so many of those copies that may be copied from originals or copies from copies from copies from copies from originals most of them got destroyed or burned however we also know the Satanist men buried some copies in Medina some copies that any copy that doesn't agree with the master copy they were either burnt or destroyed or buried Saudi Arabia today doesn't do archaeological work they are not active in that regard it may happen that a hundred years from now or 50 years from now some might do might dig something in madina and find one of those copies that might be different than the master copy that we have today the master copy that we have today is authenticated and been transmitted by mass transmission by Toretto it is the reference today if we print any other must-haves we compare it to the master copy it's been transmitted to us we authenticate if you bring me a must-have today bring me a copy of the Quran this copy of the Quran that you have i authenticated based on the master copy and the reference if I find a new manuscript anywhere that from 200 years that manuscript is not authentic to me unless it agrees with whatever was transmitted so we can authenticate manuscripts based on what we know could that's a certainty this is your king if somebody wrote almost half maybe a hundred years ago on his own he might have made a mistake it's no there is no guarantee that he might not have made a mistake but the element have developed a process and documented the words of the Quran in volumes and volumes in case let's say all the copies of the Quran today will to be destroyed or disappear from the face of the earth an earthquake hits the earth and all of them disappears the element have written other books that will allow us to reproduce the Quran accurately hundred percent without even having any copy when those books are called Dressman massagers how to write some stuff how to write the code it's a sign it became a discipline on its own and each book in that discipline could be seven volumes and volumes and talks about each and every word in the Quran and how to write it how to make calligraphy oh it's a discipline that element of Quran have to go through element of K have to go through the sweet is just the out of a citation but caveat is the art of another art it's the art of also writing decline for producing the core how to write each and every letter there are five categories of words that were documented Arabic as we mentioned is is a language that is was weak what you see is what you get hmm so when you hear award you can write it down because the sound that you produce the linguistic sound is exactly the letters in 99% of cases unlike English of rain and show you say Monsieur Monsieur you write that is mo and SI EU are completely different from how you pronounce it same thing with English midnight or light you write it differently then the way you pronounce it in Arabic what you pronounce you can write it exactly the same except for five categories of words that will document it we are documented in in volumes and volumes from all angles so that it can always be reproduced in the hypothetical event of copies of the Quran not being available anymore so it's another another double-checking so what is the impact of the solution and what does the solution solve and what is it that is not supposed to solve yeah man what was his reaction he left Armenia and Azerbaijan immediately as soon as he witnessed that he Raimi was like booga-booga this is not supposed to happen so what problem did say donors men solve what problem they say dinars man solved his solution did it because the question we will have to ask is okay forget the Sunnah okay said you know how I if I came to say to honest man and told him there's a problem and instead the nice man consulted the Companions and agreed on a solution and they said this is a solution we're going to adopt the question is is the solution adequate so after the solution was implemented and the project was completed did it fulfill its mission did the requirements were they met or not ie we say dinner Jose fer satisfied the dissolution is actually solves the problem he saw or not what was the reaction of the Companions and said in a hadith and others word that that proposed solution they've all agreed that this is a solution and after that we don't hear of any other complaint from any other companions anywhere in the world so what did the solution solve it solved three things the first thing is solved is that the order of words so for example when I read the Koran I do not switch to words again one world before another for example we share at sacra to motive in Hakone / J at Sakura to hug people mouths I don't mix which I keep the order of the order now is protected the second point the solution solved is synonymous or replacement if someone by mistake when they copy they put another word instead of a word that's now been it can easily be discovered and it can easily be corrected like what is that Malala an example is synonymous of a placement like when instead of a word say hypothetically a kebab you say awesome there would be synonymous so instead of writing Akbar you got awesome by mistake even though it's the synonymous not accepted has to be the exact word and that's part of our our Islamic disciplines like in the Koran it says yet Louella him AIT recites the verses as is not beside the meanings not recite synonymous as is and the same thing in our life as is when we caught other people we call them as is when people say something we call them accurately we don't put words in their mouth as is because we have to be responsible and that became one of the leg of scholarship is called knock alone you are aware when you caught people you code them accurately when you transmit from people you transmit accurately when you say people says this because of this and this is their evidence you make sure that you're bringing the exact evidence that they said nothing evidence that you found in one book or another book no it has to go back to them and that became a layer of scholarship and today this layer is messed up with as many people so before they become top notch scholars that layer has to be mastered now I'm saying yes they're all motivated there are ten ways of karate they're all motivated they're not about this we're going to talk about the Machado later but the oval format we said we're not going to talk about it now because it requires another another report sure but Jessica no Haven for raising the point the third potential problem that it solved it's addition insertion or a mission of words let's say I'm writing I'm writing a copy of the Quran and I forget to write one word or I write I put another word either because I want to I put the meaning of a word or I insert the word I omit the word I add the word all of this now is no longer possible because we have a master copy that we can always double check this is what the problem solved however the solution the Sedonas man proposed must not exclude the motivator sounds the linguistic sounds that the prophets allah assalamu transmitted to us by the widow and this is one of your question is we say for example many kill me Dean Mele Kiyomi Dean the script allows for boss so the solution has to exclude a problem but not cause another problem has to make sure that the Quran our stills can be read by that same script by that same writing so for example the word melech can be read as Malik or Malik oh yes their own can be read as you heard your own or your down because the Arabs at the time they don't write The Aleph on words exe boon you can see born loves for both hard time hard him the fact hi the cassava the script to the love of us and all of those are linguistic sounded for salient article to the early Muslims and the early Muslims thought the students and the students thought the students up until today so the solution is a generous man came up with address the issue and also made sure that the linguistic sounds can still be transmitted the motivator sounds from the professor assalam can be transmitted and preserved in the same script so now we have to ask ourself a question all right it's just the end now we can go home and relax and sleep no it's not the end it's the beginning so now let's say we're at Sidon ours men's time now we have to make sure that from say the Norseman up until today in each and every generation the Koran is always reproduced accurately the most half is reproduced accurately the way the Arabs used to can you all see otherwise so I'm sure most of you can you all see from over there so most of you know the alphabet so in the today we have Beth and Ted and sir so they're there and sir but at the time of the pops Ursuline those three letters were written like this there were no dots there was g m-- and ha and ha at the time of the Prophet they were written like this one symbol one one form representing letters the letter of fair and cause who is written like this no no dog it was like that and the Arabs knew how to eat but as new Muslims as people became Muslims and new Muslims started to read the Quran it was very difficult so now we have to make sure that we can distinguish between the letters and I will also to do Ali and his students took on that process so this process is called a gem of the letters the consonants the consonants letter there we need a way to distinguish each letter from another letter each letter needs to have its own form the letter Saad God power and Zhou used to be written like this all these four letters used to be written as one symbol so what did they do they added something here and they added something here to distinguish these two letters from these two letters now we need to distinguish this letter from this letter so they added a dot here but this thing was dots from soft and what they did they put a line here to distinguish these two from these two and to distinguish this guy from this guy they added a dog here so the same the one symbol became four symbols to represent four letters because each letter must have its own symbol so that process took place like a row and they used to be written like this but now to distinguish Z from our we put a dot on the serve in touch we D have to announce each letter properly yes yeah but in the the way it was written it was written like this you see this on the screen there were no dot there were no Fatah no daman orchestras and they are obscene Oh after we even today I don't need for Thailand on mind customer I can read without them but if someone is new they need fought hard on the custom dan thought the different letters here we're not learning even though yeah because some letters some letters like the letter toy that we talked about and the letter T and the science of the read or a new Allah SWA the science of sounds some letters so when I pronounce a letter and I pronounce the letter I open my mouth I have air in my lungs the air in my lungs has to come out ice to come out so I say that that goes out I see it oh when it goes out it doesn't go out like this so we saw what I need to do I need to create an echo and the letter before it goes out as an echo is created the letter becomes bigger and bigger and bigger in the letter that the air in my lungs goes straight out in the letter car the air in my lungs are pushed to the roof the roof of my my mouth the roof of my palate so it has the roof then it reflects and then reflect and then reflects and then it reflects creates an echo and then it goes out when this circle is created it's called the same or Estella when I say the letter war I'm pushing the air out push the air out but it does its own creation of echo and then it goes out from my mouth but with other letters I say there the air in my lungs goes and goes out without any echo if I create an echo that's the wrong sound for the birth and death and that's out of - we want to create an echo were not too critical and what is the process the mechanism of creating an echo that's something we study in Toledo and in animal as well the discipline of salmon yes yes she'll know it is like a Highland for for these observations and questions so here we have situation so is this the end no this is not the end now we need to have documentation control make sure every time we write almost half it has to be written according to the same rules and principles of the master copy and secondly we have to do a recitation control like our dear brother an elder has mentioned how to recite it properly like the profits of a lesson and also we need to help new Muslims or people who don't know how to read Arabic without dots or without at hand on man castle so the correctness of the reading we have to make sure that the consonants can be distinguished even though they may have similar forms there are and they say I have similar forms but we distinguish them by it by aunt and we need the phonetic guide the rules of tajweed so the element immediately as soon as they saw some land some deviation in the recitation they put the whatever they heard from the Companions and book format that's how you pronounce that that's how you pronounce bear that's how you pronounce this that's how you pronounce combination of letters that's how you pronounce that's how you make an echo that's how you make Hana when you make wooden air you push the air through your nose that's even possible so they started doing something called what we call today orthography arrest the bed the bed and the said used to have the same form the gym the Hat and the hall used to have the same form the Dell and the Zell used to have the same form the fair and the car is to have the same form the scene is machine the sod the dog the paw the saw is to have the same form the iron and the wine is to have the same form and some letters they had their own form because there is no other letter that resembles them that could cause confusion then came the vowels the vowels is fat hard on my and kisara in fact her but her means to open what are we opening will opening the jaw and we're opening the jaw vertically vertically astra means we opening the jaw is hustled opening the jaw horizontally not vertically and Amba means we are closing completely and DOMA comes from gathering together rosin completely it's a new sound so the fat tire is an a sound when you say ah you open vertically at Matt fat but that's another sound in English if you speak English you can do tissue it there is I have no doubt because most of the linguistic sounds exist in Arabic and as well as in English but sometimes because we come from an English background we think we start reading Arabic in a weird way thinking this is too sweet but there are tricks that can help you learn to read in a natural way let's put this way the Dhamma is an O sound like blue like moon like Moo like the cow and the cow makes a sound ooh blue the e the Casca is an e sound e you open horizontally like B when you have the bee buzzing bee e me me to me the same sound if you speak English you're going to touch it alright so in English for example if you are a native English you'll be able to eat this can you read it yeah you may struggle with it a little bit but with some practice it becomes second nature same thing in Arabic you can also read this in Arabic even though the dots are omitted the Arabs used to do it naturally for us we have to go through training to do it properly so in the first half of the century the master copies only included the form of the letters the body of the letter in Arabic is called the rest of the letters only no Doubt's no Fatima kisara no names of surahs no numbers no numbers of pages just the body of the Quran of the text in the first centuries the vowels were added that had a man cast her to help and you Muslim read if you need to open your mouth they put a line above if you need to close your mouth they put small wall if you need to lower your jaw and open your mouth horizontally and they put strike underneath the letter in the second century in the first century they put dots but dog became confusing so they make it like a line a small line and then they made pointing decks by critics which is the are gem to differentiate and distinguish consonants from one another and in the third centuries until the fifteen centuries it was beautifying the default making different fonts like in English you have Arial and add vertical and all these things in Arabic you have goofy necessarily have so loose of the various fonts and calligraphers he became an art became a discipline became a science that people study and and learn the next issue is now if hypothetically we want to always reproduce the most half as was written at the time of first man when the master copies were produced so they're only looked at all the words in the Quran and documented five categories of words and that became a new discipline called in Morrisville massages and books and books and books and books and books and books are written from all angles so discipline of rest Manasa have became its own science and was developed as highlights and this afternoon we it's almost sometimes hamdullah this afternoon we went very briefly over this this is a course actually that earlier my study over one year from all angles and and sometimes respond also have takes longer but part of this usually is covered in 12 sessions or 24 sessions and today we were very quickly we went to the summary highlights in order to give ourselves an appreciation of the effort that without their effort we would be lost today we would not be able to get the crayon or would not be able to we don't know what to do languages keep on changing all the time keeps on changing sounds keep on changing but in our case we what we see and what we cite is exactly what the profs are selling recited is exactly what the companions recited is exactly what the early Muslims and Muslims over the ages recited because even the art how to make a sound was transmitted how to make a sound from each letter in in all states whether it's in the state of Fatah Adama Ankara who is transmitted and she transmitted with with Raghava like you're not gonna finish this malaria never him properly until you eat it properly it may take six weeks it may take six months you have to read it properly only then you'll be qualified to be a top-notch Harlem we also very fortunate that the copies of the Koran can be reproduced 100% this is something that I I was listening to biblical scholars and other religions they would love to have these issues they would love to have a master copy they would love to have you know the challenge of reproducing accurately something that was originally authenticated and we are very fortunate that that we are we are like this it can be reproduced on the percent accurately in all circles it's not just in Cairo was not just in Damascus it's not just in Saudi also in Malaysia Indonesia everywhere in all circles of the Muslim world even in North America it can be reproduced once you study Elmer West Monroe Saheb can be done in straining can be done and the disciplines of restaurant must have interact was developed yet became that today we we have if you study digital communications or digital transmission of information you have coding and error correction codes Givat became a code the realm about poems that if you read it it's a Chiffre it's the code you have to decipher it because they're able to condense a lot of information and took poems that you can recite as a song difficult disciplines became song and once you practice the song and sing it now you know you know everything about a particular discipline via the read okay ah earth and so on and so forth and authentication of manuscripts that I find the manuscript here I find the manuscript there the manuscript that I find is not 0 is not the reference I'm going to a so what I find based on what I know because what I know is hundred percent certain what I find needs to be authenticated not vice-versa so if a manuscript is found in Birmingham or in some higher or on Mars or on the moon that manuscript I don't know its origin it needs to be authenticated not vice-versa and that's the message I hope that we we all get a shock I will stop here also la la allah sayidina muhammadin wa ala alihi wasalam is a common law heaven thank you very much for for staying and this thing or two and a half hours three hours is that come along him so Lolo on a sec in Omaha
Channel: Muslim Community Center - MCC East Bay
Views: 4,172
Rating: 4.7435899 out of 5
Keywords: MCC East Bay MCC Muslim Community Center Mosque Khutbah, pleasanton mosque, The Story of the Qur’an | Shaykh Talal Ahdab, Shaykh Talal Ahdab, The Story of the Qur’an, mus'haf, Talal Ahdab, Birmingham Quran manuscript
Id: dbyx2c0BJnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 42sec (9102 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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