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- Wow. - It's an honor. - Really. - No one can come out here. - Of course. - Wow, it's a real runway. - Wow, when did this happen? - I just want to run around. Yeah, I just want to run like crazy. - We're really cool. - From now on, we will start the first couple mission, talent bingo. - Wow, it's a runway. A runway. - Well, like before, you can just play games with your partner and go back home. - We're all cool. - Just now, Kwangsoo suddenly said that he would talk casually to Ko Sung-hee suddenly. He said. He said he'd speak informally. - This is how he lives. - Somin, take care of Somin. - Take care of me. - Ah, Somin over there. I'm so sorry, but don't act like a girlfriend. Don't act like a girlfriend. - You look like a newlyweds. A newlyweds. - When I was talking about this, suddenly. - Me? Am I? No, I saw the sketchbook over there. I saw the sketchbook. - No, I was really surprised. - Me? Am I? No, I saw the sketchbook over there. Oh, but... I was a little upset. I did it here, on my ankle. - Is it Sunghee? - I did it here, on my ankle. I did it here, on my ankle. On my ankle. - It's not a sauna. - Wow, it's hidden. - I can't see it. I don't see it. - Shouldn't you discuss it with me? - You don't want to pretend to be on the same side. - I don't think it's just from the beginning, but I don't want to see Ji Seok-jin. I don't want to see it. - In the least visible place. - He's not easy. Looking at the opening today... It's not easy. - Now, we will start the first couple mission. On the table in front of you, there is a confident talent that you have received from female performers in advance. If you protect your talent, you'll get a bingo sticker. If you take someone else's talent, you will get two, and the first couple to win the bingo will be in the first place. The first-place couple will be given both the ranking of the member they want and hints for the youngest daughter. - Then if it's one person, please pick one, Ko Sung Hee. - Pick one. What could it be? - Huh? - Who is it? 2nd level jump rope? - It's Song Jihyo. - What's a level 2 jump rope? - Sseang Sseang-E. Sseang Sseang-E. - Sseang Sseang-E. Sseang Sseang-E. - Who's the level 2 jump rope? - It's me. - Oh really? - How many do you do? How many do you do? - To be honest, I don't know. It's been a while since I did it. - When was the last time you did it? The last time I did it? Last year? - I'm in trouble. - Oh, last year. - What do I do? - Now, everyone. - Oh, my gosh. - Practice it once. Now, Semi. - Come, come, come, come. - Oh, you're good. Oh, it's done. - Okay, Semi. - Oh, you're good. You're good, you're good. It's done, it's done. Good job, good job, good job, good job. Oh, you're good. - Isn't it level 1? Isn't it level 1? - Ah, it's level two. Level two. Look at this. This is the second level jump. - No, it's one and a half. This isn't a level 2 jumps. - Wait a minute, wait a minute. Then what's one and a half? Tell me. What about one and a half? What about one and a half? - What? - How do you do one and a half? Okay, one. How do I do one and a half? - He's really inquisitive. This guy is really inquisitive. - No, there's one and a half? There's one and a half jump rope? One, and then two. What are you doing? There's no one and a half. - All right. Try it. - Look at the two-tier jump rope done by my partner, Semi does. - Let's go. - Now it's real, right? - It's a challenge. Challenge. - Now, slowly jump one at a time. Okay, one. - Oh, you're good. You're good. - How can I win? - You're so good. - Stop it. - Oh, you did a good job. You did well. That's amazing. Hey, you're good. - Wow. - You're so good. - If you want to try the double jump rope, please try it. If you don't have one, we'll take the sticker to the bingo board. If there's none, we'll go straight to the bingo board. Take the sticker. - I'll try. - Kwangsoo is tall, so he can't do it. - Shouldn't you do it in a different line? - No, you do it with this. No, you're doing it with this. - There's a long one. The long one. - No, you do it with this. There's only one official competition. - No, I'm over 190cm tall. How can this be? What are you talking about? - Why aren't you listening and just coming out? - What? - You have to jump rope. - He pushed me. He pushed me. - You're doing with this. - How do I do this when jumping rope doesn't even touch the ground? How can I do this when the jump rope doesn't even touch the ground? - Now, look. You can touch it. - Shout out "Challenge" There's nothing to cheer for, right? - Fighting, Lee Kwangsoo. Show us your fighting. - I can't feel your sincerity at all. I can't feel your sincerity at all. - Leave it alone. Leave it alone. Leave it alone. It's annoying for me too. - Lee Kwangsoo, show us your fighting! Lee Kwang Soo, show us your fighting! - No, my knees. - Show what? - Why are you kneeling down? What are you doing? - Okay, I'll show you. - Show us. - Why are your knees so light? - I'll run for you. - Ah, so this is the love line? No, right? - It's not a love line. This is worth it. You're the worst. - Jump rope. We're going with this, right? - Kwangsoo, look far away. Don't look at Kwangsoo's rope, but look far away. - Okay, start! - Look far away. Look far away. Don't look at the line. - There are 26 right now. - Look at the rhythm. One. That's right. No, no, no. Not yet. No, no, no. Not yet. No, it's not. No, it's not. No. - It's not me. I told you it wasn't me, bro. I told you it wasn't me, bro. I told you it wasn't me, bro. I told you it wasn't me. I told you it wasn't me, bro. Oh, jump rope. - Hey, how does it fit here? - Ah, the line is too short. - Jump rope is short. Jump rope is short. - It's not easy to do double jump. - This is really acceptable. Accepted. - Should I pick the next number? - It's going fast. - Yes. - I used to do this a lot in the past. - Wow. - Wow. - How many? How many are there? How many? - Wow. - How many is this? How many? - Wow. - How many is this? - Yeah, you look really good too. - Wow, 39. - He's almost a member of the national team. - I'm afraid you'll be discouraged. I'm afraid you'll be discouraged. - Oh, that's amazing. You're so considerate. - I'll pick the next one right away. - Pick one. Didn't he see that? - 5-second talk. - Song Jihyo's 5-second talk. - What's Song Jihyo's 5-second talk? - Jihyo is so good at this. - Jihyo is good at this. - What's Song Jihyo's 5-second talk? - Jihyo is so good at this. - Jihyo is good at this. - I've never really thought of it as a talent. - However, it also brings back the talent, that the production team had forgotten the talent. - But when I played this game, Jihyo had a good winning rate, so the production team thought it was a talent. - Yeah, she beats all of Girls' Generation. - What do you do in the bathroom? - I poo, wash, brush my teeth. He's hot, rich, and handsome. - For those who don't know well, Lee Kwang-soo will simulate it. There are three answers in five seconds. - Three things? - Okay, start! - 3 books that I read recently? - You and me, me and you, us. - Ah one second... This works? - You and me, me and you, us. - Ah one second... This works? Hold on. Can I do this? - I love that book. That book is really good. - You and me, me and you, us. That's a really good book. - Is there a book like this? The director said it. Hey, you and me, me and you, us. - But I think there's going to be one. - You and I are here. You and I are here. - Are you with me? - Wow, Jihyo is reading secretly. - You're studying. - There is, there is. - You and I are here. You and I are here. - Really? - You don't have to be in sync, but you even said it, but it means there's a book. - One person from each team should try. - Come out, anyone. - Then starting with Ms. Jeon So Min, Ms. Jeon So Min. - Hey, the match between the two is a picture I really wanted to see. - Jihyo's talk from thoughtlessness and Jeon So-min talks a lot of nonsense... - Somin, let's go. Somin, let's go. If you win here, you get two. - You have to ask a strong question. Something that makes us agitate. - Jihyo can't agitate well. - Okay, start! Let's start. - Three curses that you know. - Go away. - Hello guys. - Get out of my way. - How can you do this? - You saw it, right? Did you see that? - No, why? I asked you. - Our Jihyo is just a friend who does it. - There's a warming-up. - What is this? - No, I did it because you asked me. Good job. Why would you do this if you get hurt - Somin, think of it as a warming-up. - Next, Song Ji Hyo. Ready. - Hey Somin, hang in there. - Okay, start! - Three words of swearing at the feelings you feel now. - Hey, you have to let me do the broadcast. Hey, you have to let me do the broadcast. - Oh, my. It's back anyways. They were exchanging these conversation. - I really felt it once again, but I don't think I should go anywhere with you two. I think I'm going to get cursed by two of you. - Ms. Jeon Somin, please go in. The person who's going to watch this now and move on to the stage, it does not matter who's winning, if I speak... - Our Sejeong will do it. Sejeong. - Sejeong. - Okay. - Sejeong, okay. - Hey, raise him strong. This is a strong one. - Just do whatever you want. You can just say whatever you want. Just say whatever you want. - Ready. Let's start. - The three idols that Sejeong loves. - Ji Seokjin, yahaha, Yang Dong Geun. Yahaha. Yang Donggeun. - No, this is not it. Hey, haha. - Hey haha wait - Yahaha was a little weird. Wait a minute. - Hey, haha, hey, haha. - Oh, that's... Try one more time. - Okay, give me a chance. - Originally, this was... - Ah, it was good. - As you can see now, Song Ji Hyo, the master of 5-second talk, has never... - Yes, there's no movement. - No matter what the opponent loses or wins. Really free from all thoughts and thoughts. This way, this game is advantageous. - You're good - Ready. Let's start. Let's start. - The three celebrities Sejeong has dated so far. - Yoo Jaeseok and Kang Donggeun. - Kang Donggeun. - I'm Achilles of an idol. Really, you. - Don't you like Yang Donggeun too much? Don't you like Mr. Yang Donggeun too much? - It really hits the jackpot. If you win, you'll get two. - First of all, Kim Se-jeong was bitten, but is Ko Sung-hee coming out? Ko Sung-hee. - Get it, get it, get it, get it. Earn money. Make money, Sunghee. I'm sorry, but can you not cheer for me? - Why? Fighting. Earn money. - Seokjin's cheering is so bad. - They say they're losing morale. - Ready. It's advantageous to attack first. You can't think about this. You can help me. You can help me. - Why aren't you helping me? Why aren't you helping me? - You take care of it. - I'm so tired. - You have to pioneer your life. - Ji Seokjin, what you do every day doesn't help you. Yes, you're doing well. Yes, you're doing well. - You have to do it on your own. You have to grow up stronger. Life is hard. Your facial expression is alive. Sunghee, you're attractive. - Okay, start! - The male actor who wanted to kill the most. - Kim Jong Kook. Yoo Jaeseok and Lee Kwangsoo. Kim Jong Kook, Yoo Jae Seok, Lee Kwang Soo. - No. - At least an actor should come out, if we requested for a male actor. If you do it too recklessly. - Producer Kim. What's wrong with you? Why are you pretending, you don't know? PD Kim, what's wrong? Did you film the producer? - I like it. Jong Kook likes it. - Oh, I was an actor. I didn't know that. - You're good. It's fifty, fifty. If I win here. - Okay, start! - Uh, the three actors who felt love. - Huh? - Jung Il Woo, Kim Jae Joong, Kim Moo Yeol. Jung Il Woo, Kim Jae Joong, Kim Moo Yeol. - Oh, he's talking. - No, so there's no shock from that here. - Hey, you're really good at this compete. - Three proverbs in Korea. - We lost. We lost. - I won. - Okay, start! - Which part smells the most to you? - Eyes, nose, mouth. Eye nose mouth - Oh, you're good. - These attacks are no longer on Ko Sung-hee. - 3 mathematical formulas I know. - 2 nights and 3 days. - Falling down to the mathematical formula. Hey, then Semi. We're first place. We're first place. - Me? - Oh, bingo. - Semi, you're really amazing. - We're in first place now. So you can't come separately. Don't dream about Ungamsaengsim. You can decide the second place. I'm so lucky like this. Yes, there's nothing we can do. - So annoying. - Then now... An eccentric fierce battle. An eccentric fierce battle. - It's me. - Oh, Jimin. - What's that, eccentric fierce battle? - Super strengthen show? Super strengthen show? - But you can't do this even if you try. You have to be born with this. You have to be born with it. First, I'll put my tongue in my nostrils. I'll put my tongue in. - Ah, it's nostrils? Not the tip of your nose? - I've seen people around us who touch the tip of their nose, but they put nostrils in? - Here we go. Don't take still shots. One, two, three. - Wow. - That's really cool. - Get in. I'm going in. - It went in. - One, two, three. - Wow. - Wow, I saw it here and it's no joke. - Yes, Jimin. - You put a lot of strength on your clothes. - It went in, right? It's in a quick moment. - This is hard for female celebrities to do. I won't do it even if I do this. - What is it? What is it? This really works. - Oh, it's real. You're for real. - Stop it. Stop it. - It works. It works. - What are you doing? - Is this a love line? - I really don't want to see you. - Hold each other's tongues. - No, because we're each other's team. We're helping because we're a team. - Oh, and don't molest the two of you. Now, maybe this is not possible, but there is another talent. - I can only put one eye together to one eye. - Look. - This side stays still and this side only. - Yes. - Oppa, you can do both. - I can move my ears. - The ears that move. It's not enough to beat Jimin yet. - This is moving with your face. - Hold your mouth still. - I can't. - Oh? Appeared. - Why? Everyone can do this. - Yes, you can. - Everything works. - Oh, what happened? - It's just that I didn't see it. I'm not a talent. Get in, get in. - Oh, I'm the master. - Sunghee, do you have anything? Sejeong, do you have anything? It can be something very trivial. Bro, One of your fingers is missing. Bro, One of your fingers is missing. - Where? - It's here. - There's one more. - One more. It's one more. - This might work. - If there's no one doing this, Jimin is in second place. - It's a personal talent that lasts until death. - This is hard. It's not easy. Girls can do it. - Try it, try it. - It works here. Sunghee, please come out. Wow, Sunghee... - Sunghee, you can do everything you can't do. - Flip it back and scratch your back like this. - I can't do this. - Try it. Try it. - I can't do it. - Try it. - I can't do this. - I said no. I can't. - Stop it. Oh, it's a love line? - I became Somin. - Okay, stop. Sunghee! Sunghee! Stop it. Sunghee. - Hey, it's done. - Sunghee. - Wow. - This is good for Sunghee. - She is more flexible. - She is more flexible. - Then your tongue touches your nose. Tongue touching the nose. - Can you do that? - Sure. Try it, try it. You have to do it, you have to do it, you can do it. - Jimin, if you do this, you're in second place. - You can do it. You can do it. Jimin, you can do it. You have to do something. Get ready and go. - Go. - What kind of talent battle is this? - Today's second place is Kim Jong Kook's team.
Channel: 런닝맨 - 스브스 공식 채널
Views: 1,284,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Runningman, #런닝맨, #예능맛ZIP, Gary, Haha, Jeon So Min, Ji Seok Jin, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo, RunninMan, Runningman, SBS, Song Ji Hyo, Yang Se Chan, Yoo Jae Suk, runningman, sbs, yt:cc=on, 김종국, 깐족, 꾸기, 꾹이, 런닝맨, 런닝맨 레전드, 레전드, 레전드 런닝맨, 세바스찬, 세찬, 송지효, 쌓이고, 쌥쌥, 쌥쌥이, 예능맛ZIP, 예능맛집, 예능신, 왕코, 유재석, 이광수, 전소민, 지석진, 하하
Id: zds3GZMD1yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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