The Story of the Breath of Thunder - Kimetsu no Yaiba Demon Slayer Techniques & Stories Explained!

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thing in zenitsu a sort of vibration within zinitu that rumbled much like his own internal vibrations gramps was amazing still but in his time he'd been one of the fiercest warriors in the demon slayer core he was known as jigoro kuajima and he'd ascended to the rank of hashida or pillar which is a rank reserve for the most talented and powerful masters of a particular style that continue in the mission of ridding the world of the vile demon plague the thunder called to him and he used its power to act as lightning on its behalf to swiftly cut down his enemies eventually he'd seek out a student a boy named kaigaku the boy had dark hair and sharp eyes but his talent was without question he excelled in his master's teachings but one could say that those gifted with talent are also the ones not often gifted with patience gramps came along zunitsu and zunitsu was now a member of this family of three made up of one master and two students even though the boyzinitsu was his cherished student who he saw more like his child than just a pupil one had to assume that he had to view kaigaku as his true successor even though in his heart the master felt as if both could succeed him zanitsu had only managed to learn the first of the six breath of thunder techniques while kaigaku had learned them all it only made sense that kaigaku would be the student to move forward and become the next thunder pillar with that level of skill at his young age but there was something in zenitsu that made him special a sort of coldness and calmness that he can tap into when did it start i don't think we get an answer to this in the story but i'd like to think that it begins after zunitsu is hit by a massive bolt of lightning as he stood in the tree on gramps's property that changed his hair from black to blonde maybe this was a sign maybe this was a gift maybe this was a coincidence but we've certainly seen zunitsu embody the ways of lightning ever since when he's awake he's weak and timid like a cloud but he's also quick to scream and yell making him more like a thunder cloud when he passes out that's when the lightning comes down from the calm and peaceful state to crash down upon his enemies like fierce lightning zanitsu is hyper aware and asleep to the point where he can even speak and have entire conversations with people but he remembers these nights as dreams there's definitely something off about him but it allows him to use the breath of thunder quite masterfully so who can truly complain the breath of thunder has less techniques than the breath of water style however the techniques themselves have incredible potency and as anito himself has shown they're also modifiable in ways that can make them far more powerful the first technique is thunderclap flash a single sword strike meant to kill an enemy in one blow the user gets into a stance unsheathes their sword and lunges forward at an extremely fast speed like a bolt of lightning to cut the demon's head off while the swordsman sheaths the blade before the head even reaches the ground at short range this technique is almost impossible to dodge but zunitsu has made it even more deadly by modifying it due to it being the only technique that he knows there's a great saying that goes fear not the man who practices a thousand techniques once but fear the one who practices one technique a thousand times zenitsu is a good example of that as he's taken the thunderclap flash and created the thunderclap flash six-fold which allows him to speed through six different points between point a and point b he's able to do up to eight different zigzags so that's up to eight-fold making him truly lightning in human form to an unprepared enemy the second technique is lightning ball lightning ball is a series of five powerful electricity filled slashes that surround an enemy in all of their ways of escaping as they all happen in the exact same instant due to the insane speed of the style it's like the user is swinging the sword at you and five different massive blades of lightning claws are grabbing at you trying to hit you and fill you with their killing power the third technique is buzzing mosquito thunder it's a jumping and spinning attack that sends lightning flying everywhere the user jumps in the air and sends lightning energy flying around the room from their swinging arms and legs which makes them sort of seem like a mosquito buzzing in the air imagine sasuke's chidori nagasashi from naruto and it's pretty much that the fourth technique is distant thunder which is a huge burst of lightning that can be used as a ranged attack the user gathers a massive amount of lightning energy around themselves and sends it flying at their opponent from their blade if this technique were to connect i could easily see it being like when gogeta kept punching broly and setting him flying until he exploded in the movie because that energy is going to go inside you and go absolutely wild as it tries to escape and does the fifth technique is heat lightning which is another attack that can be used at mid to long range and it's a sword strike that summons for a large bolt of lightning that doesn't just shock what it touches but also burns it too making use of the fact that lightning also has burning and fiery properties the sixth style is electric lightning shower which is a flurry of slashing techniques that overwhelm the opponent and slash them all over as they're pierced by lightning and the user bounces around turning them into sliced pork these slices also burn and crack apart the victim's skin destroying skin on contact now these are the six styles of the breath of thunder but there's some other stuff to discuss of course you see zanitsu is able to tap into a boost of power that he likes to call god speed godspeed is pretty much the need to using his full focus breathing to put all of his forth and strength into his legs to use them full force to go at insane speeds with his thunderclap flash but when he does he can't use his legs anymore and it's basically like he did leg day for three days straight there's one more thing that we should speak about but we will return to talking about it as our story brings us to it you see it would be nice to say that the master and student relationship between zunitsu kaigaku and graham stayed as it was however the dark truth of what's in denitu's heart and what's been going on is something that i think it's time for us to discuss zunitsu becomes a demon slayer and meets a boy named tanjiro kamado along with his sister nezuko who's a demon that tanjiro hopes to heal they also meet inosuke hashibara and other demon slayers as tanjro inosuke nezuko and zinitsu travel the countryside slaying demons and reporting back to the demon slaying headquarters we learn about his extreme sense of sound that allows him to hear even people's intentions at times we learned about how he freaks out and becomes extremely powerful when he's asleep due to his somewhat alternate personality and we've also seen that zenitsu's official demon slayer nichiren blade is quite strange since usually the blades are a solid color or have a tint but sinitu's blade is a black and yellow blade that has a literal lightning bolt on it it's one of the coolest looking blades in the entire series because it's so mysterious to me how it came out that way in the forging process and it looks amazing he's had a smooth but loud path through our story so far he easily takes down the tongue demon in the demon mansion early on and although he almost dies he takes down the older brother spider demon with his thunderclap flash sixfold in the manga he has a good fight against a pair of upper moon demons alongside tandro and inosuke and this is the fight where he uses his eightfold thunderclap flash and godspeed for the first time it's been a long path but this has all led zinitu down the path of thunder to the base of his goal what is zanitsu's goal it's been very vague in the anime so far because we still don't know why exactly he became a demon hunter i mean he could have just stayed at his sensei's place and trained under him and helped train other students or done something else right well unfortunately things didn't go that way you see kaigaku leaves his master's training to go off on his own seeing the relationship between gramps and zinitu as a waste and being frustrated that the master won't name him his true successor this is really because of kaigaku's upbringing in his early life he had a really hard time growing up always fighting for himself and struggling to feed himself to him being strong was more important than anything else because strength was what he needed to secure the life that he wanted people who saw his strength and praised him were worthy of his time and worthy of his loyalty but those who didn't see how great he was trash he hated being compared to zunitsu the master wanted them to be his joint successors but kaigaku was far more talented how could the master not see his strength and see that he found himself alone in the world and came across a demon with strength that he couldn't possibly hope to overcome but instead of believing in his master's teachings and embodying the spirit of a demon slayer instead of running and gathering intel for a future fight kaigaku did something unexpected he shaped his blade placed it on the ground before him and kneeled before the demon the demon stood before him appearing like a swordsman standing before his pupil and offered kaigaku a portion of kibutsuji muzan's blood to turn him into a demon capable of even more amazing feats of strength and power of course but a demon nonetheless if he proves himself even the lord of all demons will recognize his strength and provide him with more it must have been the perfect solution to kaigaku so he drank the blood offered to him from this demon he drank every single drop and got what he wishes for after a few days he'd become a demon with amazing power and suddenly didn't need gramps's acknowledgement or title he had something better power on their travels eventually zenith would get mail that would come with some troubling news news that shook his heart we don't learn about what it is until much later but once zinitu finally reaches kaigaku and sees him face to face we're all just expecting it to be that zunitsu found out that kaigaku had turned into a demon but sadly it's far more tragic than just that it's revealed that gramps actually killed himself as a result of finding out about kaigaku becoming a demon he left his home and set up an area and then committed the act of seppuku by cutting open his own stomach as he kneeled and bowed his head what makes this so much more tragic is that both of the students were gone zanitsu was gone on his trip with tanjo and the others and kaigaku was now a demon so there was nobody to end gramps's suffering zenitsu screams at kaigaku that somebody has to cut your head off to keep you from suffering before you die in the usual sepulcher ritual but gramps suffered alone he didn't even cut his own throat to make his death quicker he suffered on purpose in an attempt to atone for the fact that the path of the breath of thunder had produced a demon let alone a demon powerful enough to join the ranks of the upper demon moons this battle is personal for zunitsu these tragic events are what have pushed zunitsu to make a decision in his heart that he wants to take the place of gramps as the next hashira or pillar of the breath of thunder zenitsu wants to become a super powerful warrior for the demon slayers to live up to gramps's teaching and show him that even though he had two awful students in zunitsu's own words something good is still going to come of it a future will still be forged and the first step in doing that is putting kaigaku to rest because of how personal this is it isn't about falling asleep and fighting brazini to hear he takes on kaigaku completely awake and furious but even though he's powerful and actually faster than kaigaku at times kaigaku's massive power boost thanks to his demon cells and his mastery of the thunder style really gave zunitsu a hard time danitu gets the upper hand and ultimately wins with the secret attack breath of thunder seventh form flaming thunder god this is the seventh and ultimate form of the style that zenitsu created himself the user creates a dragon like creature in the shape of a blazing hot lightning bolt it truly is like the ultimate form of thunderclap flash it's an attack that was so fast that kaigoku couldn't even see it happen even with his massively enhanced speed and demon jeans and his lifelong high speed training that lets him do moves in an instant using godspeed alongside this technique is the fastest that zunitsu can move and when this gets animated everyone everywhere is going to see it because it's going to be one of the most amazing scenes in the anime period kaigaku screams at sinitsu cursing him and saying that the master did favor zinitu after all because look he even taught him secret techniques but he's told by zenith about the attack's origins and how it was meant to be used by zinitu to cut him down as his equal this technique takes everything out of zunitsu and although he wins he passes out completely out of stamina kaigaku can't understand or accept what's happening to him and as a severed head falls down the hallways of muzon's mansion he slowly crumbles to dust watching zinitu be saved by his allies this isn't where our story ends however because if you know zunitsu you know that when he falls asleep that's when things are just getting started zanitsu is injured and he's asleep near death from this fight of kaigaku and we see something beautiful the boy woke from his battle with his brother to a sight that he didn't expect he awoke in a field full of red spider lilies at the shore of a small glistening river before him on the other side of the river was gramps as he remembered him he cried out i'm sorry i couldn't get along with kaigaku you even wrote a letter to me and i never answered you if i wasn't around kaigaku probably wouldn't have turned out the way that he did i'm sorry forgive me i couldn't pay you back the money that you spent to buy my freedom i'm sorry i just wanted to become a pillar while you were alive and that kept me from focusing on making the money to pay you back i'm so sorry gramps i'm so sorry do you hate me now say something gramps the boy couldn't stand the silence the boy couldn't stand seeing gramps across the water standing there he walked towards and tried to cross the river but the spider lilies were too thick and began to tangle themselves around his legs keeping him from going any further he cries and cries panicking trying to get to his master and get an answer from him and then he hears it zenitsu the boy looks up and meets his master's eyes with tears in his own and sees the tears in his master's eyes and gramps his response to everything that zunitsu's been saying is one thing you are my pride and joy and as zanitsu hears that the water coming from his eyes wells up further and further blurring his vision until slowly it shifts back to the real world where he lays being healed by the demon slayer core allies that he's made along his journey this is the story of the breath of thunder a boy stumbles upon the path changing it for himself and everyone involved and ultimately it's a story about how someone meek and timid who felt like they had no place in the world finds one and steps up to become who he needs to be in the world before him hopefully you find the story of zunitsu his master and his rival interesting because i've been teasing this video for a while and i'm glad that it's finally here to be honest if you want a similar video detailing the full story of sabito giyu and tanjiro's involvement with the breath of the water and urokodaki's teachings for now that's all i've got this is pineapple i like doing these laid back kind of story videos so i hope you enjoyed it i really enjoyed it let's see who's gonna be next what element's gonna be next i'll see you guys later that's pineapple peace you
Channel: Vocal Pineapple Academia
Views: 1,000,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Demon Slayer Techniques, vocal pineapple, Kimetsu no Yaiba Breath of Thunder, Breath of Thunder, Kimetsu no Yaiba Breath of Thunder Explained, Demon Slayer Breath of Thunder, Kimetsu no Yaiba Zenitsu Backstory, Demon Slayer Zenitsu Backstory, The Story of the Breath of Thunder, zenitsu breath of thunder, 鬼滅の刃, kimetsu no yaiba explained, zenitsu vs kaigaku, Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 19, Demon Slayer Episode 19, Tanjiro Hinokami, Kimetsu no Yaiba Hinokami, Hinokami, Tanjiro Fire
Id: ix9wppCIouY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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