The Story Of Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)

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hello guys and welcome back to jaegerist in today's video we will be going through the story of kamado tanjaro the demon slayer tanjiro grew up on a mountain along with his younger siblings and parents as the eldest son of the kamado family at some point in his life his father tanjuro kamado passed away due to his illness which led to his siblings treating him as a father figure during the taisho period tanjura lives a modest yet blissful life on the mountains with his family consisting of his mother and five younger brothers and sisters on a snowy morning dangerous prepares to leave for the nearby town and sell charcoal in preparation for the new year however his younger sister hanako kamado and brother shigeru kamado hold him back begging for him to bring them along her mother intercepts and tells them how tangiero wouldn't be able to carry them if they retired upon hearing his family's conversation takio kamado also expresses his disappointment and states how he was initially hoping to cut wood with his elder brother that day tangero bids farewell and starts making for the town he quickly encounters his sister nezuko kamado who is carrying their youngest brother rokuta kamado nezuko comments on their siblings attachment to tangible and sees him off upon arriving at the town tajira holds friendly conversation with the townsfolk and some ask for his help to perform errands after spending the afternoon of the town tangible begins to make his way back home but is suddenly stopped by a man named sabaro saburo requests that the boy stay at his house for the night and warns him the dangers of the mountains although tantra tries to deny the offer sabro continues pushing and emphasizes that demons are active during the night tangible finally relents and listens to saburo talk about the demons as he falls asleep when tajiro makes his way back home the next day he returns to see an unconscious and wounded nezuko lying in the snow and chilling rokuta with her arms devastated he realizes that the entirety of his family has been slaughtered except for nezuko tangero picks her up and while attempting to carry her to the nearest doctor discovers that she has been transformed into a demon and is promptly attacked by her tangero struggles to fend off his demon-turned sister and is overwhelmed by her strength narrowly managing to block her attack with the handle of his hatchet as nezuko begins to grow in size and overpower him dangerous initially apologizes to his family for the suffering they must have felt during their last moments and begs his sister to retain her humanity upon hearing her brother's words nezuko begins to cry the siblings are suddenly interrupted by the arrival of giu tamioka who attacks nezuko from behind only for his attempt to fail when tonjiro moves her out of the way recovering quickly the swordsman asks tonjiro why he protected the demon and he desperately replies that the creature is his sister looking at the madden nezuko gio questions the statement before swiftly removing the girl from her brother's grip as tanjoro calls out to nezuko in alarm gu tells him not to move and states that it is his job to kill demons he listens to tanjiro's attempt to defend his sister and explain their current predicament as tonjiro expresses his confusion with nezuko's transformation guillo comments that her change is simple to explain any open wound bathed in demon blood causes that person to become a demon themselves thus increasing their overall numbers tanjuro exclaims that his sister hasn't eaten any people but gear reminds him that she had just attacked her previously and bluntly tells him that there is no way to cure a person once they are turned into a demon estandro continues begging for his sister's release gio brings his sword up to nezuko's throat tangero then bows before the swordsman and begs him to spare his sister's life gio grows angry and yells the tantro has no authority over who lives or who dies given he was too weak to protect even his own family he labels all his talk about finding a cure for his sister's condition and his family's killer is ridiculous as neither he nor the demon lord would have any respect for such a miserable display guild demands the tanjore prove his dedication to protecting his sister by drawing his axe when tantaro hesitates upon hearing these words giu silently encourages him to find the resolve necessary to accomplish all of the lofty goals he had placed upon himself he then stabs nezuko in the chest causing dangerous to throw his stone at him in fury gew blocks the stone with the hilt of his sword and avoids another one of the projectiles as tanjore charges at him empty-handed seeing the attack attempt as only a simple act of emotion the swordsman angrily drives the hilt of his sword into dangerous back knocking him out staring down at the fallen boy giu realizes his opponent's hatchet was missing and looks up to see the weapon spinning towards him through the air narrowly dodging it he muses over tanjo's clever strategy and realizes the boy's plan was to feed him with the flying hatchet after he was knocked out distracted the swordsman is attacked by nezuko and he dodges backward from her kick cursing himself and kyu watches as the girl reaches for her brother certain that she was going to devour him to his surprise she instead stands protectively in front of his vulnerable body before charging at him in rage gear recalls tangero's previous statement that nezuko wouldn't eat humans noting that somebody a long time ago had said the same thing and had been killed regardless he reflects on the nature of demons in particular the high amounts of stamina lost during the transformation process and what they do to alleviate the lost stamina and prevent starvation eat humans seeing that nezuko is not following this example gear sheathes his sword and incapacitates the unusual demon with a bare-handed blow to the neck while tanjiro and nezuko are unconscious gio wraps the ladder in a clean cloth and straps a bamboo muzzle-like tube across her mouth when dangerous wakes up after seeing a vision of his deceased mother and siblings gio instructs him to visit a man named sekonji or rokodaki at sagiri mountain and not to take his sister out in the sun vanishing swiftly afterwards the pair then leave their home and head towards sagiri mountain later that day tandro hides nezuko in a small cave entrance and goes to the nearby farm to buy a broken basket plus straw and bamboo comically insisting on paying as the owner was willing to give him the materials for free reaching the cave entrance tandro quickly assembles a basket large enough to carry nezuko on his back with a little help from her shrinking abilities near sunset tandra was told by a villager that to reach sagiri mountain he would need to pass through a perilous mountain where people were disappearing unafraid he ignores the warning and encounters a way station with lights on immediately smelling blood he goes inside to check in case there were harm travelers but instead encounters a demon feasting on three humans he had just killed when the demon notices them he senses something odd but nevertheless jumps on tanjiro and tries to strangle him nezuko avoids her instinct to eat the human flesh in front of her and kicks the demon's head off saving her brother much to tanjuro's shock as the body furiously attacks nezuko tanjuro headbutts the head twice in order to get an opening and pins him to a tree nearby with half of the demon restrained tundra goes to help nezuko by tackling the body of the demon and throwing it off a cliff although tangerine nearly falls off as well nezuko is able to catch him in time despite the excruciating pain caused from the destruction of his body the demon does not die tantra realizes the demon pinned in front of him smells different than the one he sensed in their house and concludes that his family's murderer was somewhat different estancia prepares to kill the demon with his knife the hand of a figure wearing a tengu mask touches his shoulder and tells him he would be unable to end the demon's life with such a blunt weapon tangero questions the man on how to properly kill a demon but he is told that he would need to figure that out himself the man's disappointment tundra is too compassionate and overthinks accidentally letting the demon perish but the sun's first raised after watching the demon's death tentura notices the man is already giving a proper burial to the demon's victims the masked man introduces himself as sukonji urokodaki and asks if tanjore was the one giul spoke of in his letter to which tanjiro confirms sakonji follows his question by scolding donjero for his inability to make quick decisions and slaps him when he hesitates to reply about what he would do if his sister decided to consume human flesh sakonji states the tantra lacks resolution stressing that he must not allow his sister to harm another human under any circumstance else he should kill both her and himself sakonji then tells tanjiro to follow him saying that he would be tested to see if he would fit the role of a demon slayer on their path dangerous while carrying nezuko on his back feels short-winded rapidly sakonji despite appearing to be much older than him keeps an extremely fast pace with his steps seemingly soundless glimpses of tundra's past strike his mind as they arrive at sakonji's house all worn out tundra questions if he had passed the test in which the kunji replies that the test had just begun at that moment as the two start ascending a mountain while the pair scale the mountain tantrum notices the thinness of the air and thick fog covering their sight when they reach the top tantro becomes dizzy and feels weakness in his legs sakoji tells him to climb down to the house at the foot of the mountain by dawn vanishing in the fog afterwards tanjiro confident in his sense of smell easily begins descending as he had memorized sekonji's scent however he immediately encounters several traps including tripwire triggering rock throwers ramming wood trunks and covered pits tanjiru notices that he is running out of air quickly due to the altitude of the mountain and begins focusing on his breathing a heavily exhausted and injured donjero manages to reach the house before dawn sukonji accepts him as a student after janjaro wakes up sakonji explains his profession as a cultivator as well as how to join the demon slayer core survive the final selection held at fuji kasani mountain to prepare him for this trial tsukonji begins to train tangiero in the way of the sword focusing to practice different skills a core swordsman would have for endurance tundra would make his way up and down the mountain on a daily basis improving his ability to evade traps and sharpening his nose with sakonji slowly increasing the danger levels of the traps to the point where tanjore thought his teacher wanted to kill him for swordsmanship sukonji starts making him perform the same endurance process as before but instead wielding a katana as a way for him to start thinking of it as a part of his own body tanjuro stands at the foot of the mountain and swings his sword several times until he felt like his arms would fall off next tandro learns from tsukonji about the intricacies of the weapon and the forces behind it as he starts slashing bamboo poles to train aiming and precision for combat practice tanjiro learns how to break his fall and get up quickly with his katana as he spars with an unarmed sikonji for breathing tangible learns the proper forms of breathing receiving blows to the stomach from his teacher when he fails to get it right at some point after the training begins nezuko falls into an endless slumber deeply worrying tanjiro sakonji attempts to call a doctor but he is told that there isn't anything wrong with her tanjiro feels an uneasiness that when he wakes up one day his sister would be dead he keeps a journal which he writes in daily to remember what he learns from sakonji and also serve as something nezuko could read once she wakes up finally after a year passes sakonji tells tonjiro that there is nothing left to teach him and instructs him to prove himself by working upon the basics he had been taught he leads the boy to a giant boulder and tells him that if you can split it in half with his sword he would be permitted to participate in the final selection while tanjiro hesitates overcome with doubt sukunji leaves without a word his hand in the boy's training completed dendro starts training on his own harder and harder for half a year but is still not successful one day while thinking his skills weren't enough tanjiro headbutts the boulder in desperation a boy with a fox mask appears on top of the boulder and shouts at him to be silent a surprise tanjiro notices that he appeared out of nowhere and he did not detect his smell the boy proceeds to attack tonjiro with a wooden sword which the ladder defends himself using the hills of his sword despite wielding a real sword dondero is overwhelmed by the attacks and receives insults from the boy who knocks him out after a short fight a girl with a fox mask is present next to tanjiro as he wakes up she asks him if he was all right but tanjiro is too impressed by the fox masked boy's combat skills to respond the girl proceeds to assure tanjiro that she would watch over him and help him improve his techniques she clarifies her name as makomo and the boy's name is sabido for the next few days makamo spends time pointing out all the defects and correcting the unnecessary movements in tanjiro's techniques tanjiro comes to know that makamo and sabido were not siblings and they were raised by sakanji along with other children humakumo implies have been watching over tanjaro as well she instructs tanjiro about the concept of the total concentration breathing technique by expanding his lungs and bringing more air into his bloodstream his temperature would shoot up and his heartbeat would accelerate to become as strong as a demon for six months tundra uses what he learned with makamo to spar against sabito but is defeated many times one day a longer-haired tanjuro faces sabito the latter who finally wields a real sword they performed the simplest contest the faster blade would win for the first time ever tantra's blade reaches sabito's mask and splits it in half revealing sabito's face he holds a sad smile and fades away alongside makamo after they disappear tanjiro realizes he had not just split the mask but also the boulder tanjiro is praised by tsukanji while also being told that tsukanji actually did not want him to participate in the final selection let's seed risk another one of his children being killed tangible cries as they hug and takanji urges him to come back alive sukhonjin cuts sanjiro's hair and gives him a white mask resembling a fox with the sun symbol in the same place tundra had his mark as a way to ward off evil while leaving tangible tells sekanji to give his best to makamo and sabito surprising sakonji with the fact that his student knew the names of his long-deceased students tundra arrives at fuji kasani mountain and gathers around with the other contestants a young boy with black hair and a young girl with white hair and explained that demons hate wisteria flowers which grow abundantly until this area even out of season from this point on there would be no more wisteria and demons captured by the core roamed free their trial is very straightforward survive for seven days with determination tanzero and the others march ahead two demons immediately start assaulting tanjiro but he quickly smells the opening thread while avoiding their advances and ceases the opportunity to decapitate both in a single strike sukhonji had bestowed upon tanjiro a special sword called the nichiren blade which at the decapitation of a demon would crumble its corpse preventing it from regenerating and effectively killing it tangible smells a rotten scent when praying for the souls of the demons he had just killed advancing closer to the center of the scent tundra finds a fellow contestant running away from a giant demon with several hands swirled over its body the demon tries to kill the contestant butandra pushes himself to act and unleashes the water breathing second form waterwheel saving the boy the demon recognizes tanjiro as an urokodaki student by his fox mask the demon questions tangible regarding current affairs to establish which period of time he was in upon discovering 47 years had passed since his capture by the hands of sekanji during his time in the demon slayer core in the ido period the demon becomes furious the condescend refutes such a fact stating that no demon there should be that old however the demon replies that not only had he survived for so long he had also killed 50 people in his life including 13 students of tsukanji referring to sabito and makamo as notably strong victims and implying tanjiro would be the fourteenth tanja recalls to konji teaching him that the strength level of a demon is proportional to the number of humans it had eaten tantrum notes his sense of smell had developed to the point where he can detect the strength level of a demon by its decaying scent explaining the rotten smell felt before as the demon starts describing how it killed both sabito and makamo tangiero starts breathing heavily in an angry response he charges at the demon slicing several of his arms but is hit by a hook punch on his rib cage and thrown in the nearby tree hitting his head and fainting tantro hears a call to awaken from one of his deceased brothers while unconscious regaining consciousness in the nick of time before dodging the demon's onslaught shortly retaliating tanjiro cuts more arms from the demon but realizes that no matter how many arms he cut more would grow tanjuro suddenly leaps very high in response to smelling the demon's hands underground while in midair the demon tries to take advantage and strike him down butanjiro uses an improvised headbutt in defense rolling forwards and positioning himself in range of the demon's head tantro uses the water breathing first form water surface splash and decapitates the demon contrary to the demon's belief the tangible would feel disdain towards its existence the young swordsman feels sorrow holding the hand of the demon while his corpse crumbled praying for god not to let it become a demon again when it reincarnates tantrum thinks to himself that all children trained under secondary that perished could be at ease now on the morning of the seventh day tangero and three other contestants are congratulated for having survived the trial one fellow contestant seems aloof another is still frightened about the trial he had just passed and the last one questions about when they would get their official nichiren blades the two children introduced the demon slayer uniforms and the ranking system ranging from the lowest to highest rank akasu gagarasu is provided which would fulfill the task of following the new demon hunters at all times for communication purposes and a crow lands on tonjero's shoulder afterwards each survivor is asked to choose an alloy for the nichiren blade to be forged from some time later tundra climbs down fujikasani mountain his body in pain from the fatigue he had sustained from the trial and even the new uniform appearing too heavy for him to carry tanjiro is troubled by his emotions for not being able to hold a conversation with any of the demons before killing them and thus losing the chance to ask about a way to turn a demon back into a human a weary grimy and bandage-covered donjero using a stick as a crutch eventually arrives back at sikonji's house as he makes his way towards the entrance he suddenly hears the front door being knocked down from the inside nezuku walks out of the house much to tanju a surprise of awakening from her slumber tanjura tries to reach her but falls to the ground out of exhaustion nezuko immediately picks him up and embraces him as tangible starts crying out of relief in the tenderness of the moment sakonji appears and embraces them both weeping out of happiness the tantro came back alive 15 days later tanjo sites at the entrance of a house with a man with a large woven hat with floral wind chimes hanging from it covering his face the man tells tanjiro that he is called haganezuka and he had forged the blade which would be used by tanjiro the young boy also introduces himself inviting haganezuka to come into the house and have some tea but is ignored and the swordsman sits on the ground unwrapping the nichiren blade haganezuka explains to tonjero the origins of the nichiren blade forging tanjo still shows concern about higanizuka being on the floor as his belongings would get muddy but he is again ignored higanizuka suddenly lifts his head towards sanjiro revealing the kyotoko mask he wore similar to sakonji's mask once again azuka realizes tanjiro had red hair and eyes he calls him the child of burning crimson much to tangier's confusion inside the house higanizuka explains that the blade changes color after being pulled from the scabbard hinting that by tanjiro's features he might finally see a blade turning bright red chandra unsheathes the sword and the blade turned to black much to the frustration of higanizuka tsukoji comments how he had never seen the shade of black and taganizuka jumps on tanjiro blaming him for not receiving the chance to see a red blade in that instant tangible's crow alerts him to go on his first mission to hunt demons after some time tanjiru equips himself with a standard demon slayer uniform under his checkerboard houry sukonji explains to his people that the outfit he was wearing was made from a special kind of fiber the fabric is designed to be breathable moisture repelling and non-flammable it is strong enough to withstand low level demon fangs and talons as for tajira's nietzsche and blade it is stated that not much is known about its unique properties since not many people have wielded black swords however it is implied that few black blade wielders have managed to survive as long as others tangier brushes it off since he is going to do everything in his power to revert his sister to a human again regardless of what color blade he had to ease his travels saconji gives tanjiro a large custom-made box for nesco to rest during the day the materials were handcrafted out using extremely light wood called cloud mist pine coated with rock lacquer to reinforce the exterior and durability dangerous expresses his gratitude to his master and proceeds to instruct nezuko to enter the box right before tangero disembarks on his journey as a demon slayer tsukoji straightens his people's clothes and bids him farewell upon sundown kazumi questions tanjiro if they should rest for the night and continue their search tomorrow the demon slayer refutes stating that it is because those creatures are active during the night he can't afford to rest tundra kneels closer to the ground picking up a new scent at their current location he speculates that the demon he is looking for is somewhere nearby tanjoro sprints past kazumi and towards the source of the scent kazumi is stunned by tangero's speed and soon follows him but falls far behind tanju yells out that a demon's at large before jumping onto a nearby rooftop arriving at the source of the scent tanjuro hops off the roof and lands in an alleyway he draws his sword readying himself for battle tendril detects two different scents a demon and a female human despite the fact that no one was in sight he could tell that the two were in fact underground after finding the exact spot where the demon scent is strongest at chandra proceeds to thrust his blade into the ground wounding the demon a pocket swamp dimension opens up revealing the girl trapped inside tanjiro immediately sticks his hand into the swamp grabs the unnamed girl and pulls her out a demon's hand sticks out from the ground holding a torn piece of clothing from the unnamed girl's sleeve the creature pulls his upper body out of the swamp revealing himself to the demon slayer tanjiro confirms that the swamp demon is capable of using blood demon art as the wound on the swamp demon's arm rapidly heals dantero questions where he was keeping the girl captive the swamp demon does not answer instead he grinds his teeth before sinking back into the swamp kazumi arrives in time to see the swamp demon disappear into the ground tanjiro probably asks for kazumi to hold the girl and for the both of them to stay close to him for their protection dangerous attempts to use the scent of the demon to detect where it was while he was able to pinpoint the location and prepared to use the water breathing fifth form blessed rain after the drought he was surprised by the emergence of three bodies of the swamp demon switching to the water-breathing eighth form waterfall basin tanjiro manages to hit all three however none of the wounds were fatal since he switched forms as seen when he was only able to cut off the arms of the swamp demon the three bodies submerged once again allowing him to jump back to kazumi's side and regroup tangier was able to wound at the shoulder of the demon swamp again however the cut was again too shallow tangible ventures to asakusa tokyo for his second mission with the demon slayer core the big city of tokyo is new to the village boy he is to track down a demon disturbance in the area but early into his assignment tangerine notices an all-too-familiar ascent he frantically rushes to the crowded streets and discovers muzan kibutsuji masquerading as a human with a family to escape the situation muzon transforms a man into a demon and flees with his family astangiro deals with the new demon this gains the attention of lady tameo and a young boy named yushiro they dispel the situation and bring tanjiro back to their secret house where tamiya a demon doctor treats patients yushiro is a demon as well and they're trying to eliminate muzan tamio and tanjiro agree to help manufacture a cure for demons by studying nezuko's blood and the blood of demons close to muzan lord muzan's assassins interrupt the meeting claiming to be members of the 12 kazuki and unleash a furious assault on the house using tamari and arrow spells in order to stop the situation from escalating tamiyo uses a spell that triggers muzan's curse inside suzamaru the tamari demon falls victim to the curse and dies after the battle tanjuro ventures to the south southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named zanitsu agatsuma he is a fellow survivor from the final selection and his sparrow asks tanjiro to help keep him in line together tanjiro and zanitsu venture up a mountain where they find a mysterious house they meet shoiki and taroko two small childrens whose brother was abducted and taken into the house tanjiro and zanitsu head into the house but are separated shortly after tasked with protecting one of the children each zenitsu accidentally discovers another young demon slayer who wears a borehide as a mask enosuke and tanjiro come to blows with the suzumi demon controlling the house while zenitsu and shoichi are chased throughout the house by the tongue demon while asleep zenitsu showcases his incredible thunderbreathing abilities at the same time the wild boar shows off his self-taught beast breathing techniques against the horned demon tanjiro and teruko locate kiyoshi and learn the demons wish to eat him because he possesses the rare marriage he blood tantiro and kyogai come face to face again in a battle where kyogai constantly changes the orientation of the room using his blood demon art kyogai is also revealed to be a former member of the 12 kazuki at first tangero struggles due to the injuries he sustained in asakusa after regaining his spirit tundra is able to adapt to the changes by changing the form of his own water techniques he sees fit not to trample on kyoga's writing and even complements his blood demon art before severing his head kyogai dies in peace knowing his talents were acknowledged by someone everyone regroups outside where nosuke comes to blows with tanjuro and zenitsu over nezuko's box inosuke tries to slay the demon without understanding the situation even though zenitsu is in the same boat he tries his best to protect the box for tonjiro chandra mentioned earlier that this box was more precious than his own life tanjuro and dinosuke get into a ferocious bare-knuckle brawl that ends in tanjuro giving the wild boar a concussion with his rock hard head the demon slayer and the children go their separate ways and the new trio recovers at the house with the wisteria family crest there they get to know each other and clash personalities nezuko reveals herself and zenitsu learns the truth about why tanjiro is traveling with a demon for the next mission the three are told to go to natagumo mountain zenitsu is too scared and stays behind though he later ascends the mountain because he realized tundra had brought nezuko with him inosuke and tanjiro encountered mirada who explains that he and other demon slayers went up the mountain but suddenly started all attacking each other when they arrived then they got attacked by the demon slayers who were controlled by threads spawned by the mother spider demon because some of the puppets were still alive tanjiro and enosuke started swinging them onto tree branches to immobilize but not kill them the mother spider demon decided they were useless and snapped their necks killing them enosuke used beast breathing seventh form spatial awareness to locate the demon the mother uses her strongest puppet to attack tanjiro and danasuke the puppet is already headless so they cut it diagonally inosuke throws tanjiro into the direction of the mother spider demon to give him a boost tanjiro intended to use his water breathing first form but realized the demon was not trying to defend herself so he changed it to fifth form blessed reign after the drought so that she will not feel any pain as she dies the mother even tells tanjiro there is one of the 12 kazuki on the mountain when tanjiro and enosuke meet up again they see the daughter spider demon she calls her father and runs away the father spider demon is very strong and quickly overwhelms enosuke and tanjiro the demon flings tangero away and he tells anosuke not to die giu later kills the father spider demon danju later encounters rui when he lands rui was abusing the daughter spider demon and tanjiro asked him why he was doing it as they were supposed to be allies rui told him that they were family not just allies dangiero denied it saying their bonds were fake tanjiru is brought before the hashira and put on trial for traveling with his demon sister nezuko tanjiro tries to explain the situation but the hashira do not accept it all except for giu who also broke the rules by protecting nezuko the wind hashira refutes tanjiro the most and even harms nezuko for being a demon stabbing her twice through her wooden box the master of the mansion arrives and tell the hashira to pardon the kamado siblings a letter was sent from sakonji the ex-water hashira explaining the situation and asking the demon slayer core to look past this even saying that he and giu will also commit seppuku ritualize suicide if nezuko harms humans sanami tries to prove nezuko is an evil demon by letting her out of the box then baiting her with his own blood however nezuko refuses to take the bait despite her injuries and proves she won't harm humans following the conclusion of the trial shinobu brings dandruff and nezuko to the butterfly mansion where nezito and ninosuke are also healing their wounds the hashira commence their council with master kagaya while the other demon slayers heal after their injuries are sufficiently healed tanju and the boys endure rehabilitation training under the tutelage of aoi kanzaki one of the nurses in the mansion tanjuro also learns about shinobu's past with a demon who killed her sister tanjiro zenitsu and inosuke struggle with training at first unable to beat kaneo in any form or capacity eventually the boys regain their stamina and master total concentration constant the ability to use breathing technique all day and night long with their training complete tangier's group heads west to join the flame hashira meanwhile muzon dismantles the lower moons and continues his scheme to crush the demon slayer core after enmu is assigned to kill tanjiru kamado in order to become an upper moon and obtain more of muzon's blood tanjiru zenitsu and inosuke buy tickets for the infinity train in search for kyojiro and goku the flame hashira kyogiro informs them that he was sent on a mission to kill a demon suspected to be the cause for multiple disappearances on the train he informs tangero that unfortunately he knows nothing of the hinokami kagura he quickly senses a demon and kills it the group impressed by his skills asks that he makes them his and kyoujiro accepts enmu enlists the help of five civilians riding the train with severe insomnia one of them is the train's conductor who follows enmu in order to dream of his late wife and child the group had already touched enmu's blood by taking hold of their tickets the conductor is put to sleep as a reward for his work and the remaining four are said to carry out the rest of the plan as they sleep the group fall into vivid dreams as an effect of touching the tickets xenitsu dreams of being on a date with nezuko inosuke dreams of being a cave explorer with tanjiro zenitsu and nezuko as his animal minions meanwhile tangible dreams of being back together with his family enmu's minions work on connecting themselves to the group's dreams through a rope with a special spell that enables them to penetrate the dreams of others completing the second stage of enmu's plan before kyojiro can have his spiritual core destroyed which would render him unable to move think or feel thus becoming easy prey his body unconsciously moves and he holds the person connected to his dream by the neck preventing any damage to his core meanwhile tanjuro carries out his dream while receiving more and more unconscious cues from his mind such as seeing nezuko's box or being told by himself in his demon slayer uniform that he is experiencing a dream at the same time nezuku woke up and exits her box before attempting to wake up tanjiro but to no avail annoyed she headbutted tanjuro but ended up splitting her head and started bleeding due to tonjiro's comically hard forehead she then uses her blood demon art which engulfs his reel and dream body in flames which allowed him to slowly wake up and retains back his sword in uniform enmu continues using his blood demon art to make tanzero fall asleep but keeps waking him up from killing himself in his dream tangible was able to behead enmu using the water breathing tenth form as sanchiro beheads enmu enemy describes that this is not his actual body but that he merged with the entire train with it being his flesh and bones dante were panicking immediately tries to go back to the passengers to defend them despite him stating that he can only protect two carriages at best he shouts kiyoduro and the others begging them to wake up in order to defend the passengers tanjore believes that the weak spot is somewhere nearby and requests enosuke to open the floor that they are standing on the ladder gets frustrated for being commanded around by his subordinates and uses his beast breathing technique towards the floor tanjiro sees zenmu's neck bone and immediately uses the water breathing in order to behead him but the latter protects his neck bone with flesh before tandro's technique can make contact with the vertebrae enmu unleashes his blood demon art forcing tangero to fall asleep constantly tanjuro quickly tells inosuke to cut his own neck inside the dream in order to wake up keeps on waking up and falling asleep at one point he doesn't know what his reality anymore and positions the nichiren blade near his neck ready to cut his own throat in the real world before he could do so inosuke quickly grabs sanjiro's wrist and drags it towards the ground to stop him from killing himself as anasuke falls towards the engine of the train he uses his beast breathing to cut away the flesh that protects the neck bone for tanjuro with neckbone exposed tanzer pleads to his father tanjuro to help him defeat enmu as he transitions between the water breathing to the hinokami kagura with that he uses the hinokami kagura clear blue sky severing enmu's head truly killing him kyojiro notices the tanjiro is bleeding from the abdomen and tells him to focus on his breathing in order to heal himself upper moon 3 akaza appears behind them akiza and kiyojiro engage in a battle and tanjiru notes that they are moving so fast he can't follow them with his eyes only seeing sparks in the process inosuke arrives and tanjiro begins to get up wanting to help the hashira out but kyojiro tells him to stay where he is akasa and kyojiro ferociously attack each other and the dust disappears to reveal that akuza has stuck his arm through kyojiro's chest as the demon retreats tantrum throws his sword at akasa screaming at him not to run away from the fight and calling him a coward tanjiro lets out a final scream and collapses to his knees crying kyogre looks over at him and smiles telling janjiro to come over to him so they can have a final chat before he dies thank you guys so much for watching this video it really means a lot to us we will see you guys very soon in one of our next videos
Channel: Yeagerists
Views: 236,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demon slayer, kimetsu no yaiba, tanjiro kamado, tanjiro explained, strongest demon slayer, nezuko kamado, demon slayer ending, demon slayer end, demon slayer anime, demon slayer explained, who is the strongest demon slayer, demon slayer season 2, demon slayer season 2 episode 1, kimetsu no yaiba season 2, kimetsu no yaiba season 2 episode 1, kimetsu no yaiba explained, demon slayer episode 19, demon slayer op
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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