The Story of Samson & Delilah Explained

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[Music] all right if you have your Bible turn with me this morning to judges chapter 14 beginning in verse 1 judges chapter 14 beginning in verse 1 any time the pastor tells you to go to the book of judges you know you're in for trouble you know you're in for it all right the book of judges I want to take a second like I do every week and that's to glorify the name of Jesus above every other name this morning we've gathered to lift up and exalt one name and it is the name of Jesus Christ the king when you leave this church we pray that you don't leave talking about the preacher or the music we pray that you leave talking about the name that is above every other name the name of Jesus you down with that anybody believe that it's all about him and even if you don't believe it it is all right so you're welcome this morning I'm going to talk to you about lessons from the life of Samson lessons from the life of Samson in the Old Testament you'll find three chapters nestled in the book of Judges that describe the life and the tragedy of this man named Samson Judges chapter 13 through 16 tell the story of Samson and I believe that there are some valuable lessons for us to draw this morning from the word I want to pray over you before we totally jump in father we come to you in the name that's above all names and we give you praise for this morning and we welcome you to continue to move in this place in truth and in power holy spirit blow through this place touch hearts and lives and I pray God that we would all be transformed by your word today I pray that it would make us knew that it would transform us more into your image today help us to not take this moment for granted but help us to be fully alive in this moment in Jesus mighty name and everybody said amen Samson is an oxymoronic character he is very contradictory in his very nature Samson is a little bit of a peculiar biblical character all right his story begins with a miracle yet it ends in tragedy Samson's mother was barren she thought that she would not be able to conceive a child and in the angel of the Lord appeared to her and told her that she would be with a child and that she was to set him apart as a Nazarite a priest a servant unto God Samson had everything that a man could ever desire but he was always empty the Holy Spirit of the Living God rested upon Samson yet he continuously lived in the flesh Samson was set apart from birth as a Nazarite yet he lived his days as an enemy of God Samson was a warrior chosen to fight for Israel yet he was a man who befriended the Philistines God's enemies Samson was strong before men but he was weak with women Samson was a man who was chosen by God yet he chose the world how could a man so strong be so weak this morning I want to talk to you about lessons from the life of Samson how did you know that wise people can learn from other people's mistakes you don't have to make the same mistakes that somebody else made in order to learn the lessons that they learned true wisdom is found in the fear of the Lord and it's also found in learning from the mistakes of other people this morning as we reflect on the Word of God I pray that we learn some valuable lessons from the life of Samson so that you don't have to learn the hard way and make some mistakes the difficult way can I get a witness anybody want to learn from somebody else's mistakes I want to learn from what you did wrong right I remember early in my Christian walk I had an opportunity to meet and be around some really elite Christian people or so I thought and I remember being so excited and anticipating you know forming a relationship with these people and the closer and closer I got today and I thought I was going to learn so much but the closer and closer I got to them I actually learned what not to do and I actually remember saying to myself if that's what a Christian is if that's what ministry looks like I don't want it how do you know sometimes you can learn more from what didn't go right than what did all right and so that's the mindset that we're gonna look at the book of Judges with this morning Judges chapter 14 beginning in verse 1 one day when Samson was in Timna one of the Philistine women caught his eye when he returned home he told his father and mother a young Philistine woman in Timnath caught my eye I want to marry her get her for me guys it doesn't work like that anymore all right it's not that easy you can't just be like I like that go get it dad it doesn't work it just doesn't maybe it should I don't know verse 3 though I know he doesn't that's not good all right all right I lost you verse 3 his father and mother objected isn't there one woman in our tribe among all the Israelites that you could marry they asked why must you go to the pagan Philistines to find a wife but Samson told his father get her for me she looks good to me Philistine woman must have been looking real good to Samson all right he was like he was so infatuated with this woman's beauty he was blinded by her beauty the first point that I want to speak into your life this morning is gonna sound very basic and very elementary but I want to unpack it before you today and that is do not marry or date an unbeliever I'm gonna say that one more time do not date and definitely don't marry an unbeliever all right look at your neighbor and tell them with me don't date or marry an unbeliever all right for real now before you think I'm getting all legalistic and weird on you I promise this is the word of the Lord Samson was blinded by her beauty if you have your Bible look with me really quickly in 1st Peter chapter 3 beginning in verse 3 not all that glitters is gold don't be fooled by a person's beauty their beauty is fleeting it is failing it is not lasting first Peter chapter 3 verse 3 don't be concerned about the our beauty of fancy hairstyles expensive jewelry our beautiful clothes you should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit is one who is precious to God first Peter says that our we should not be blinded by people's beauty don't be blinded by the beauty of the Philistine Samson he was looking at this unbelieving woman and by the way some of your translations might talk about don't marry a foreign woman alright don't get it twisted it's not talking about her race or her ethnicity it's talking about she is a pagan her God is not the god of Yahweh she does not serve the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob she boughs to the gods of the Philistines she and the ways of God they are foreign to this woman and the Bible is warning you don't make the same mistake that Samson made don't date an unbeliever and definitely don't marry one remember Samson's story begins with promise Samson's life begins with the supernatural it begins with a miracle yet his life ends in utter tragedy at the hand of the Philistines if you want to avoid tragedy you got to learn some lessons from the life of Samson don't date and don't marry an unbeliever do not be blinded by their beauty listen there is a difference between love and lust and you and I must understand that this morning we have to understand it love sees a person from the inside out love looks beyond the skin beyond the beauty love looks at the inner part of a person who they are what their character is like love sees from the inside out but lust looks from the outside in I want to I'm going to ask you a question are you blinded by some these beauty are you blinded by what is attractive remember that not everything that glitters is gold don't be blinded by their beauty lust of the flesh is not in the Father it is not in him lust and love look totally different and it is critically important that we understand this love is selfless love prefers somebody else's needs above their own love is thinking about the other person and how to enrich their life how to edify them how to make their world a better place because you're in it but lust thinks in the exact reverse lust is selfish it thinks only about self gratification pleasure and the appeasement of the carnal appetites Sampson thought he was in love but really he was in lust now if you have your Bible look with me again at judges chapter 16 beginning in verse 6 not only was Samson blinded by her beauty not only was he blinded by lust but he was also blinded by his feelings judges chapter 16 beginning in verse 6 so Delilah said to Samson please tell me what makes you so strong and what it would take to tie you up securely Samson replied if I were tied up with seven new bowstrings that have not yet been dried then I would become as weak as anyone else so the Philistine rulers brought Delilah seven new bowstrings she tied Samson up with them and she had hidden some of the men in the inner room of her house and she cried out Samson the Philistines have come to capture you but Samson snapped the bowstrings as a piece of string snaps when it is burned by fire so the secret of his strength was not discovered now that's all I want to read right there from first samuel 16 samson was not just blinded by this woman's beauty but he was blinded by his feelings for her he ignored the Word of God he ignored the of God to not marry foreign women he ignored the voice of his parents he ignored the voice of reason that was constantly crying out to him Samson don't go down this road don't make a mistake I need you to understand this morning that not only beauty will blind you but your own feelings they will blind you now I just need to paint this picture a little bit clearer so you get this or did y'all read this story in 1st Samuel 16 did you read it listen to what this woman says to him Delilah was a bad woman I will tell you this was a bad girl I'm gonna tell you she was nuts all right she says to Samson laying in the bed they're not married problem they're laying together and she says to Samson what is the secret to your strength and how do I tie you up so that you can't escape say what look Samson if I were you I'd been calling 9-1-1 I would have been laying now I'd be like kid get the ambulance out of here help me somebody that's a red flag right but he was blinded by his feelings and when you are blinded by your feelings you overlook blatant red flags that are flying high waving in the wind in your face she asked him how do I tie you up so that you can't escape if there's not a red flag I don't know what is she should have been calling 9-1-1 Samson this woman is bad this woman is mad I know you're not a believer asking those type questions your feelings will entice you to trust the wrong people you've got to beware of your feelings for they will deceive you if you follow your feelings and you do what feels right your feelings will send you straight to hell I know that's not seeker-friendly I know I just said he'll word in church but it's in the Bible you need to hear it your feelings will send you to hell you cannot follow your feelings you cannot follow your emotions they are not a reliable source they're not a reliable compass for you to navigate this spiritual realm in your life if you listen to your feelings you will overlook red flags all around you not only did Delilah ask him that question one time she asked him a second time and she asked him a third time and every time Simpson kept trusting he kept believing the first time he tells her use seven new bowstrings that haven't been dried and she actually does it and she ties him up with seven bow strings the Philistines come surrounding him in the bed he snaps um and beats them all down lit the next night she asked him the same question Eddie tells her something else he's when he's fallen when you're following your feelings you trust the wrong people and you believe anything they say ignoring the blatant problems that are right in front of your face this Delilah woman was a bad woman but Samson just could not see it if you follow your feelings your promise will end in tragedy there is a promise that God has spoken over your life there is a destiny that God has put before you and nobody else on planet earth can take your place don't sacrifice God's promise don't sacrifice your destiny because you're blinded by the looks of an unbeliever you're blinded by your feelings of somebody that you know you shouldn't be with I promise you if you ignore if you ignore the Word of God and you follow your feelings your promise will result in tragedy just as Samson three people agree with me that's all right you don't have to friends and family are always telling you he's no good for you he's no good for you you say well I know I know he doesn't have a job I know he doesn't have a car I know he's lazy I know he plays video games a lot I know that he won't go to church with me but you don't know him like I do Joker please everything you just listed was a red flag are you saying that I you don't know him like I do everything you just said is a red flag y'all are ignoring the red flags right in front of your face because you are blinded by your feelings your feelings are dangerous you gotta walk not by sight but by faith we have to walk and live by the word of the Living God and we have to trust this even when we don't feel it your feelings will absolutely deceive you everything we overlook red flags we don't have time we don't have time for playing around anybody will have time for these games of time for playing around second Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14 tells us to not be unequally yoked look at your neighbor and tell them missionary dating doesn't work missionary dating doesn't work now you might not know what I'm talking about but you will in about three seconds you see I meet people all the time to tell me well I know he's not a believer well I know she's not a believer but God put me in their life to lead them to the way y'all think I'm playing I'm not playing here's the deal I hear you and it sounds so noble and it just sounds so just honourable but I can promise you not every battle is yours to fight and that battle is not yours to fight you will never see an example in the Bible of someone leading somebody to Jesus through dating them it don't work it's way too complicated way too convoluted it just does not work and what you should do if you love somebody who's an unbeliever instead of date then you ought to intercede for them you ought to pray for them you ought to pray for their salvation you want to invite them to church keep them in the friend zone until and and ho-ho you got to be watching out this isn't in the notes but I'm just free-flowing now you gotta also be careful because if you let it be known that you got to be a believer first you got to be careful because some Joker's will play you and they'll come and they'll kneel at the altar they'll cry you're running and all that and then they'll try to convince their live their spiritual life for you and not for him that's manipulation in the highest form run for the hills I don't know who I'm talking to today but I the Holy Spirit just sent me to say something and here's the deal I know that you you think you're strong you think well no I can lead him to Jesus I can lead him back into relationship with the father I got this I can do this well let me just remind you that these three chapters in the book of Judges about this man named Samson he was one of the strongest men to ever live and though he was strong before men he was weak in front of women and you might be strong right now you might be strong you might be gifted and you might be talented and you might know a lot about God but I can promise you you are not strong enough for that battle Samson the mighty fell in the in relationship with an unbeliever and you will fall too no matter how strong you are it doesn't matter and while we're at it the Bible talks about not being unequally yoked and we just treat that as a suggestion rather than a commandment but here's what I need to tell you because I promise you if we can learn these lessons from Samson it will transform your destiny it really will you see here's the deal the reason that the Bible warns you about this is because something happens to you when you get saved it's called being born again all things are made new former things former mindsets perspectives ideals morals pass away and in Jesus all things are made new that means that you see the world from one perspective and they're still seeing it from another your world views are totally polar opposite and while you might be able to giggle and laugh and like to share some common interests right now when things get real and you start to go through some difficult times with this person you start talking about finances you start talking about raising a family you start talking about how you want to live your life and plan for your future things will not things will not be smooth they will not work because you are seeing the world from two totally opposite perspectives and I promise you there is promise in your life God has a plan for you but if you ignored the Word of God your promise might just in in tragedy just ask Simpson and just I'm gonna throw this in for free the living don't date the dead that's weird all right it's just weird living you are alive you are a new creation in Christ Jesus the living don't date the dead they don't do it all right that was all point one don't get nervous they won't all be that long the second lesson from the life of Samson don't desire Delilah more than God don't desire Delilah more than God now look I know that that sounds cliche and I know that if you've been coming to church for a while you're probably starting to tune me out right now don't tune me out listen lean in to the Holy Spirit this morning don't think I'm talking to somebody else lean into the word and receive it as if the Holy Spirit was speaking just to you because I believe he is Delilah was an idol to Samson she was his priority his prerogative she had his focus his devotion his sacrifice she had his heart Delilah became the idol of Samson's life and we've talked about this before but an idol is not some graven image that you keep over by your fireplace or in some hidden closet an idol is anything you love more than God an idol is anything you focus on more than God and I know you don't think you're an idolaters I know we don't think we're idolaters but I promise you we live in the land of idols in the United States of America we love everything and we put everything before God when the Bible warned us the Bible says that there would come a day in the last days where men would love the things created rather than the creator himself don't let that be you don't let yourself fall into a love for the things of this life so much so that you neglect the one who is the author of life all creation points to him but it can also point away from him and distract you from him if you allow it [Applause] Delilah was Samson's Idol and I was just be real with you there can be good things in your life that you make an idol your children can become an idol your spouse can become an idol your career your zip code that you live in all of these things that you obsess over and you focus on they can become an idol this morning let us cast down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God for there is one who is to be highly exalted and lifted up in our life and his name is Jesus Christ the king of all kings now here's the deal Samson this is amazing the Bible tells us this in in Samson excuse me in Judges 16 the Bible says that Samson loved Delilah but never once does the Bible say that Delilah loved him back I'm just kidding I'm just going to say that one more time and then just let it sit in Samson loved Delilah but Delilah did not love him back you can love your idol but your Idol will not love you back I promise you you can love the world if you want to but the world will not love you back it's gonna be a one-way street it's gonna be a one-way relationship it's gonna be take take take and then take some more the world is all about consuming you he's all about destroying you it is all about robbing every out of time from you the world will not love you back you can love your career you can love the Panthers you can love whatever it is fill in the blank but I promise you your Idol will not love you back it won't the world does not love you back in fact I think it's kind of ironic that in this chapter Delilah actually does represent the world the mindset of the world absent God the things created rather than the creator himself and what did what did Delilah always do to Samson she always tried to make him weak and she always tried to bind him up what is the world always doin to you trying to make you weak drain you of your joy drain you of your strength drain you of your peace and it's trying to bind you up to restrict your life to hold you as an addict to hold you as a captive this world does not love you back it never will it will take from you it will steal from you and it will ultimately destroy you and if you love Delilah more than you love God if you love anything more than you love God your promise will end in tragedy they will if you have your Bible turn with me to Revelation chapter 3 beginning in verse 15 it's about to get real in here look at your neighbor with a little attitude tell them it's about to get real he's about to get real Revelation chapter 3 beginning in verse 15 I know you say you love God I know we say we love God but do we really I know we say we desire God but do we really I know you say you want God but do you really hear me this morning if you--if you hear only one thing I say hear this do you really want him do you really desire him like you say you do Revelation chapter 3 beginning in verse 15 for I know all the things that you do you are neither hot nor cold I wish that you were one or the other but since you are like lukewarm water neither hot nor cold I will spit you out of my mouth you say I am rich I have everything I want I don't need a thing and you don't realize that you are wretched and miserable poor blind and naked so I advise you to buy gold from me gold that has been purified by fire then then you will be as rich you'll be rich also by white garments from me so that you will not be ashamed by your nakedness and Ament for your eyes so that you will be able to see I correct and discipline everyone I love so be diligent and turned from your indifference look I stand at the door and knock if you hear my voice open the door and I will come in and we will share a meal together as friends Jesus is not seeker-friendly he's not tiptoeing around your feelings he's not walking on eggshells he is telling you like it is he says to the church at Laodicea in Revelation 3 he says I know you say you love me I know you come every Sunday I know you serve I know you say all the Christian things but you are neither hot nor cold you are indifferent you are apathetic you are complacent you say you love me but with your life you tell a different story you desire Delilah more than you desire me I'm not saying you don't desire me I'm just saying you don't desire me most I'm telling you this morning that the Church of America is the Laodicean Church did you hear what he said to lady to see him you are rich you are wealthy you have everything that you could ever need you've got all the lights you got all this sound system you've got everything you've got all the nice comforts of the world you've got it all but you have nothing you look like you're rich but you are poor and you are broken and you are empty you look the part but you are broken inside because you still desire a lover that does not love you back more than me I know we think we love God I know that we say we love God but I need you to yourself the question do I really it's he really number one in my life because I promise you you can deceive yourself you can be blinded by your feelings you can be blinded by your emotions but one day we will stand before our Creator and only one thing will matter we'll see the Lord of all or was he Lord at all in America everybody wants a Savior but nobody wants a lord everybody wants Jesus to save them but nobody wants to obey Jesus I don't even know how else to say it search our hearts Oh God change us transform us help us to love you like you deserve father have mercy our blessing in America can also become our curse we've got all the comforts all the frills everything that life could offer but if we're not careful our blessing can become our curse distracting us pacifying us neglecting the most important relationship in our life I want to point out something amazing revelation 3 Jesus says to the latest see in church he says you're you you don't really love me like you say you do me you love me you do but it's like a lukewarm love you you love me when it's convenient you love me when you have time you love me when things are going right in your life yeah you didn't say you don't love me he said your your love is a pathetic your devotion is haphazard here's what he says and I've read this a million times and been so complex by he says we'll buy gold from me buy your robe from me buy your ointment from me now first when you read that you're like one seems a little little off base like forgive I are worth we can't but totally missing it what he was saying to the Laodiceans is he was talking to them in a language that they would understand and he's saying for so long you've invested your life in the world and it has given you no return now invest in me invest in a relationship with me invest in knowing me invest in making me first invest in desiring me above all else and I will love you back I am a different lover than the world the world loved didn't love you back but I love you with all that I am investing in a relationship with God really fast I'm not going to preach forever but I want to ask you a question who in the world actually finds God who in the world these days actually hears from God these days who finds God the people who are actually seeking him I'm just gonna say that just real getting real quick who hears from God who experiences God who knows God those who are actually looking for him Jeremiah 29:13 says that if you will seek me with your whole heart you will surely find me here's the deal you have as much of God as you truly desire you have as much God in your life as you really want he says well I would hold any good thing from those who ask it know so that why don't we have more of God in our life why don't we have more peace in our life why don't we have more love more fruits of the Spirit in our life why don't we have God's presence in our life in a greater capacity because we don't want it because you have as much of God in your life as you truly desire as much as you want of him you can have as much as you want to know him you can know him as much as you want to find him you can find him am i preaching the Bible it says if you will he says in Revelation 3 I stand at the door and I knock if you will just open I'm right here His Word says if you'll draw near to me I'll draw near to you if you call on my name I will answer you we say we want God we say we need God but you have as much of God as you actually want did not expect any amens on that but that's alright I'm gonna and I just gotta just and I know that it's hot in here and I know that there's I'm running late but I don't even really care right now Exodus chapter 33 Exodus chapter 33 turn with me there really fast Exodus chapter 33 beginning in verse 15 I want to show you this this is this is so profound Holy Spirit's speak and move in your people right now this is a conversation a dialogue between Moses and God as they approach the promise the promised land then Moses said if you don't personally go with us don't make us leave from this place for how will anyone know that you look favorably upon me and on my people on your people if you don't go with us for your presence among us sets your people and me apart from all other people on earth Moses says a prayer here that is absolutely beautiful and I pray that you receive this this morning he says on the edge of his promise he says father if you aren't going with me if your presence won't go with me I don't want to go in other words I don't want your promise I don't want your blessing without your presence there I don't want to go where you aren't I don't want the things created and not the Creator himself Moses desired God and there's nothing wrong with enjoying things in the world but is his presence first and can I just be real with you it's okay for you to be in this room today and not be ok it's ok for you sit here and just be honest and say you know what I don't desire God first I don't desire God most I don't want him more than I want this or that or this it's okay for you to not be okay it's okay for you to admit that but it's just not okay for you to stay there our prayer this morning must be God created me a new heart and renew a right spirit within me help me to love you first help me to love you most and help me to pursue you all the days of my life we need a transformation of our heart if you have your Bible the third and final point is the band's coming to help me finish this thing out it's found in judges chapter 16 verse 19 judges chapter 16 verse 19 what I'm about to read to you might be one of the most it might be one of the most frightening passages in all of the Bible but I pray that it speaks to you today judges chapter 16 beginning in verse 19 Delilah Lord Samson to sleep with his head in her lap and then she called in a man to shave off the seven locks of his hair in this way she began to bring him down and his strength left him then she cried out Samson the Philistines have come to capture you when he woke up he thought I will do as before and I'll shake myself free but he didn't realize the Lord had left him so the Philistines captured him and gouged out his eyes they took him to Gaza where he was bound with bronze chains and forced to grind grain in the prison Samson woke up from his slumber and did not realize that the Lord was not with him the third and final point from the lessons of Sam Samson is you cannot take grace for granted you cannot take grace for granted it is possible to live in such a way that you wake up one day only to realize that the Lord is not with you Samson sinned many times in his life and nothing happened no consequences immediately followed his rebellion and so he was lulled to sleep by a full sense of security that God is still pleased with me I need to warn you this morning that there might be some of you in this place and you are living a life of deliberate conscious sin you are trampling on the grace that redeems you and because you have not experienced immediate consequences for your actions you continue to do the same thing over and over and over again and you have convinced yourself that it's okay that it's not that big of a deal that it's not all that wrong God still pleased with you God still using you God still moving in your life you still get goose bumps at church but we cannot trample on the grace that saves us Romans 6 shall we continue in sin that grace may abound heaven forbid for how can we who are dead to sin live any longer therein it I'm preaching to some church people right now we must learn a lesson from the life of Samson yes you have promised but if you abuse the grace that has been extended towards you your story may end in tragedy there is pleasure in sin oh there is but for a season in other words there's an end there's a limit and this this passage I know it's Old Testament I know it's Old Covenant it's still the Bible it's still the truth Romans 6 Romans 6 confirms that it's still the truth in the New Testament we cannot take for granted the grace that saves us otherwise if we continue living in a deliberate lifestyle of sin we may wake up one day only to realize that his presence is no longer with us but here's the deal it was not God who left Samson it was Samson who left God I just I just have to say that again it was not God who left Samson it was Samson who left God turn with me one last place Matthew chapter 7 beginning in verse 13 I've been all over Matthew 7 the past few months the Holy Spirit must be speaking to us Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 enter you in at the strait gate for the gate is wide and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be that go there at it because Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life and few there be that find it your Bible says that the way that leads to destruction is broad it's broad it's wide and many there be that go at it proverbs says that there is a way but for every man that seems to be right but it ends in death the word says that the way that leads to life is straight and it is narrow and few there be that find it now if you ask people in America are you saved are you a Christian are you believer everybody says that we live in the Bible Belt everybody says that they're saved everybody says that they're a believer but Matthew 7 says that Strait is the net Strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to salvation and few there be that find it listen we are saved by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ all right it is not your works it is not your actions it is not your obedience to the law it is by faith that you are saved faith is how you get into the gate but notice that Matthew 7 says there's a gate and there's a way in other words there's an initiating and then there's a walking this thing out we cannot trample on the grace that saves us and if we have truly been saved listen repentance true repentance always follows faith you say that you have faith in Jesus you say that you've been saved you said that you said a prayer when you were 7 but are you repentant in your life are you turning daily are you choosing daily to follow him because true faith is always marked by repentance this morning we cannot abused the grace that has saved us if you'll stand to your feet all over this place I want to pray over you father we come to you in the name of Jesus the name above all names Holy Spirit move in this place right now convict us change us touch us shine your light into our heart help us to not desire or love anything above you and I pray father that you would forgive us for trampling on the grace that has saved us and because we didn't feel an immediate consequence for our sin we continued living in it father forgive us today is the day we repent today's the day that we turn around today is the day that our faith activates repentance in our life and we follow you and restore you to your rightful place as the king of all kings and the lord of all lords it's in Jesus mighty name we pray and everybody said amen these altars are open if you need to repent if you need to give your life to the Lord I pray that genuine faith arises in you today and it activates repentance listen you don't repent one time when you were seven you repent every time you willingly sin and turn away from the Lord this Christian walk walking in sanctification walking in righteousness is a lifestyle of repentance God does not demand perfection from you he demanded perfection of his son but he does require that you and I repent turn and follow him these altars are open [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vizion Church
Views: 67,978
Rating: 4.7642164 out of 5
Id: w-A9ltYUVBo
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Length: 43min 58sec (2638 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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