The Full Story Of Divine Divinity - Supercut

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what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you the full story of divine divinity so divine divinity is the very first game in the divinity series that came out in 2002 and as you can obviously see right off the bat it's a little dated right so it's pretty old game getting it to work on modern hard work and be a bit of a pain the first thing you'll notice is the menu if you ever see that like that's not scalable that's just how the menu is there's nothing wrong with the game that's just that's how it looks on modern systems because we're the game's old we're gonna start with the intro cinematic to the game obviously since this is the full story we'll start there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the intro cinematic tells us one important fact it's that the canonical player in this game is the male warrior now when you hit new game you actually have a choice between a survivor warrior or a mage and male or female versions of all of those now the main difference that you're gonna pick with those is that each of the survivor warrior in the mage they each have a special attack which is your right mouse button by default besides that pretty much everybody can do everything otherwise it affects your starting stats like a little but that's about it for the most part the main thing is who gets what special attack the survivor gets to sneak the warrior has like a swirl attack and the mage has I think it's like a bolt or something like that so I picked survivor just because it's easier for me to play that way but the canonical character for the game is the male warrior from the cinematic the cat goes back apparently and tells its master that it found somebody in the woods or at least leaves its master to him and we wake up in somebody's basement once we're done getting our bearings we can head upstairs and we'll have this conversation ah my friend you're awake at last how you feeling you're in my house in al-a'raf a small community of healers in normal times this place would be bustling with activity but things have been rather quiet due to the recent troubles you mean apart from the orc bandits infesting the woods and the fact that we've lost contact with the source well our leader Mardan is by name seems to have gone how should I put it well he seems to have gone as crazy as a loon yes that's the only way to put it he's constantly raving about dark chambers and evil spirits and he thinks everybody is a servant of the dark powers if I didn't know any better I'd say he's been possessed by a demon of course that can't be true nobody has gone down with possession in in centuries oh that's good of you my friend and I don't want to sound rude but we are after all professional healers if we can't help him I doubt a simple adventure could do better and then again so far all our efforts of curing him have failed in the man is in constant mental pain maybe strange illnesses was be cured by strange methods follow the street outside my house a little bit to the south and then go west his house is next to the old well before you go I couldn't carry your belongings with me when I brought you in feel free to take anything you find necessary from my house hoo-wee healers believe in sharing what we have with the needy oh you're very welcome you can always repay me later if you feel in my debt perhaps you should pay George a visit he has a small shop and could provide you with some basic gear for a reasonable price but I'm sure an adventurer like yourself will find ways of making enough money even here in poor alla Roth he lives in the southeast of the village near the gate now the main thing we learned from this conversation is that the town's leader maar Danis has gone a little crazy here in the past couple days we asked if we could help but and it goes from there and then as we take what we need from his house and then step outside we can see a conversation with Martinez taking place Lord Aeneas my poor old Francis what are you doing outside - [ __ ] Louie you're raving mardonius you must take more rest come let me take you home but nemesis is near we must be vigilant we must be pure we must behave Oh what did you say yes I could try to see if only the voice my head would be silent now from here we're free to explore town the town and when we're ready then we go and see Mar Danis now obviously what you want to do here is go around town pick up what you need but there's also a couple quests you can pick up in town as far as side quests go most of them are unimportant we're mostly going to stick to the main story here but the main things I want to mention is that you can find out that there's a plague in river town and that the town you're in Al Araf the healers witch it's a big healer town Lord most of the healers live as an hour off it is neat dealt the healers are needed in river town where there is a plague going on and then also if we try to leave out the front gate we get stopped by a soldier who says that there's a bunch of orcs and everything and we should probably stay inside now you can technically leave right here like there's nothing stopping you from staying in town but the main story kind of leads you through this town first just to kind of get leveled up so that's where we're gonna start with helping more danis because it's important later that we do that after we've learned all those things and we are ready to move on we can go to Martinez's house which is in the southwest corner over here and we see this conversation unfold Annius I'll feed you the medicine myself howl demon no no it's me well anymore come let me make you some more of that hot tea I will not drink your foul Bruce do you really think you can fool me taste my power no daddy's no I am Lani Laura now since this guy is frozen obviously we need to help him out the door is locked too more Danis his house now but if we speak to the guy who's frozen he tells us that there is another route through the well so if we go over here to the well drop down we can then use that to get into more Dana's house and after a conversation with Martinez we convinced him that lana laura is not a demon and that he should unfreeze him so once that's done we learned that Martinez went down to the catacombs recently and is been going crazy since then so he gives us a hint about how to get down to the catacombs which I'll really have to do is go over to the shrine in the middle of town and click on the four dragon statues until they are all facing north and then the statue in the middle will shoot up and you'll be able to drop down into the catacombs now the catacombs consists of five levels this is where the combat actually starts in the game really so there is mostly just skeletons which are pretty easy to kill however you will start running into some other enemies like skeleton Guardians which are giant skeletons and the occasional skeleton conjurer which just spawns more you know skeletons and then just some harder variations as well you will run into some orcs down here that are after a specific axe if you find that axe and give it back that will give you some question experience it's just a quick side quests or doesn't I on the implications later in the game so from there we of course plumb these catacombs we get down to the bottom finally and we find out that what's going on is that a mage and we should have picked up some notes and things that would be telling us about this as we're going down a mage named fel Ryan has basically been down here this is where he got in tombs and all of these skeletons are trying to resurrect him because that was sell ruins last directive to his minions because all these skeletons are his minions he made them which again is something we'll learn as we're plumbing the catacombs and the reason they can't resurrect him is that one of the skeletons in charge of something important has died so if we go over and take that skeletons place the skeletons will resurrect him and then this conversation happens at last I have returned from the lands of the dead I have become immortal our master has returned Oh master finally you are with us once again oh my sweet minions I knew you could bring me back [Music] salary on wasn't aware that being and under Lich apparently was pretty painful so he asked you to kill him so you have to do that to restore Martinez's sanity I recommend you do it otherwise I have to come back and do it later honestly because Mar Danis is important little spoiler warning so go ahead and kill him and then the room floods with skeleton minions were mad you just killed their master so as you can see just from the sheer number of skeletons here as fight is impossible you want to run out the north entrance that we came in through and you'll be portal Doubtfire veinous [Music] [Applause] [Music] fantastic [Applause] so he thanks you for restoring his sanity and everything which is nice and if you tell him about the fact that River town has a plague which you can learn from the guy at the gate when you tried to step out if you inform my Dana substance plague he will tell you that you need to go down to the army barracks south of the Dukedom Farrell basically secure them a military escort because the woods are crawling with orcs so that kind of becomes our next objective however once we actually step down through the path here and go down we get interrupted by a dragon rider now these guys ride pretty small dragons you'll see several dragon riders throughout the game these are not like full-grown Dragons they're getting much bigger than this they are not dragon knights that's also important to remember is that these guys are dragon riders not dragon knights dragon knights are a very separate thing so he'll have this conversation but then he gets interrupted by Chandelure so some of you guys remember right remember is and allure from divinity original sin but this is the first time you would see him in the series obviously this is the one you were playing hands and Allah interrupts the dragon rider heals you after the dragon rider attacked you and basically explains that the thing that hit you in the woods was a divine being and that you are one of the marked ones and he asked you to meet him and the other marked ones down at the Dwarven bred in so in addition to stopping by the army barracks to secure a transport for mard anuses healers we also need to now head to the Dwarven bred in so i think that's where we're going to wrap up part 1 of this full story here and I think we'll pick up next with just at the door of inbred in probably I hope you guys liked it this is the first episode obviously but it's the full story of divine divinity so like comment subscribe if you're looking forward to more and thank you so much for watching what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you part two of the full story of divine divinity now if you miss the first part you might want to start there but also there's a link down below for the full divinity series timeline if you're interested in checking that out so where we left it off was we had to go to the Dwarven bred in to meet Chandalar with the other marked ones before we do that we need to stop by the barracks and tell commander Alex that there is healers in al-araf who need a escort to River town so they can help with the plague there that is important for later in the game so you do actually need to stop and do that as well even though it is technically kind of a side thing it does need to get done so after stopping by and telling her this we can head over to the Dwarven bred in natural lookin around for a little bit we can find one of the marked ones and we can have a short conversation with him essentially talking about wares and lore and the other marked will and honor and this marked one and charge you that Chandelure has went off to storm Fez Castle which is the home of the late duke farrell that he requested that you guys wage here so rather than wait there you decide to go to storm fist castle to look for Zindel or here's where it gets a little tricky because you can't just enter storm fist castle you actually need an invitation so this is the first of what I would call a bit of a time gate that the game gives you where you have to achieve something by pretty much stopping and doing side quests now there's a couple of different ways you can get a invitation to storm fist castle but it pretty much all just involves side quests and stuff and you only really need to complete the one chain of the couple options you are presented that'll actually lead you to a invitation so using the magic of videos we're going to go ahead and skip that part because we're worried about the main story and not all these side quests and we're going to jump to storm Fist castle so after you've successfully secured a invitation by hunting down a side question that you don't necessarily have to do per se we can enter storm fest castle at the request of the current Duke Janice now before we go any further I want to explain a couple things while you're out doing these side quests what you're likely to find out about is that the old Duke Duke Ferrell died he was assassinated actually by the Assassin's Guild which you can find out it's kind of obvious by the way so it's not even really a spoiler like as soon as you hear about it oh that guy definitely got murdered so you find out that this happened to the Duke and that his twelve-year-old son took over as the new Duke which is very suspicious he has a brand new advisor who is also very suspicious so there was no real attempt to be subtle here like something's clearly off so besides something being off Duke Ferrell actually also had a prophecy before his death that a new divine would rise after he died obviously very scant details on who the divine one actually was but you know blessed by the seven gods all that jazz there would be a new divine is essentially what the prophecy came down to and it had a couple particular details about the reveal so then we go to meet Duke Janus after finding all this out through side quests and getting our invitation and Janus decides to appoint us as his Lord Protector the thing is it seems that he mostly just wants you to do chores around the castle so after this happening and getting yelled at by him and his suspicious adviser you have to do a couple odd jobs around the castle none of them are really important but you do have to get them done it pretty much just involves fetching things for his girlfriend and that's pretty much it like you have to bring her flowers you have to bring her a poem you have to find her lost teddy bear like it's it's a whole thing now in between these little mundane tasks there are a couple of interruptions at the court and these interruptions at the court basically kind of explain that Duke Janus is kind of intentionally starting provoking wars between people the elves come in and request help as the dwarves have been moving to attack them recently by stealing their artifacts and things and instead of trying to handle that justly Duke Janus sides with the dwarves entirely and basically trying to intentionally tries to set off a war with these elves Janus uses the fact that the door of successfully repelled the first chaos invasion by themselves and kind of uses that as justification for this and then a second interruption we can have and the last one really after we do all the tasks shows Duke Janus being declared the divine one by the Church of the seven gods this is the part where we realized the reason Duke Janus appointed us as his Lord Protector was to fulfill his father's prophecy so as you can see from some of the wording here that you can read him being here as well as with his Lord Protector at his side and this adviser on his right side that would be justification enough for the church to declare him the new divine and that he would have sinned to that now obviously with everything being suspicious as it is it's very odd at this point orcs come up from the cellar and attack and Duke Janus orders you as his Lord Protector to defend him now regardless of what happens right here it doesn't work out so Duke Janus has to help in the fight and he uses that as justification to say that you failed him as a Lord Protector and you are a coward and he promptly kicks you out of the castle instead of killing you because this way and more importantly he can discredit you it seems that he intentionally wants to rob people's and like idea of you because in getting an invitation to storm this castle you've made a bit of a reputation for yourself and it would appear he doesn't want that to happen now throughout all of this despite the fact that we were here looking fors and allure and we've asked about sandal or several times no one will help us now as we get kicked out of the house so when we walk away a little bit we will be prompted by his advisor from the castle lady Ilona - you know we'll have a conversation with her and it turns out that she's actually wicked and she throws you in a dungeon reveals that she's actually a member of the black ring and tries to kill you now naturally that's not going to work for us this is where our who makes an appearance we also met him inside the castle by the way for the first time makes an appearance and helps us escape this prison cell and then from there we have to escape Ilona's dungeon and then our who outside explains that Zanda lore has been trapped inside the castle by Duke Janus he and the other marked one that is and then he leaves us to find a way into the castle to help rescues and allure now we know that there's a way in through the sewers and we're given two options at this point to basically either find the way back into storm this castle through the sewers or join the Thieves Guild in a town slightly north of where we are and they will then show us where the entrance is but that said you don't really need to join the Thieves Guild it's super easy to find this entrance into the castle and the sewers there's only really one sewer and you can just explore it till you find the entrance like it's not difficult at all so once we get back into the castle it plays a short cutscene about how the black ring has us all trapped it's kind of a cutscene between a death knight and his master insect ha ha ha we've trapped him and everything and at this point we see a little scene where's and alors and the third marked one are trying to fight off all of these death Knights from the black ring ultimately the marked one is killed and we do manage to rescues and allure however nozanne de lor takes this opportunity to explain to us that he's looking for the sword of lies the sort of lives which he explains is a sword created by a wizard during the earlier wars so a wizard named ol spring joined the Damned which is the followers of chaos which is really just a sect of wizards that follows a chaos God and he forged a sword called the sword of lives under chaos as direction now this sword contains a tiny piece of the soul of chaos so obviously it's a really big deal and Xander lures here looking for it now after rescuing Xander lore from these death Knights and hearing all this we actually go to the vault which is nearby to check for it and in looking for it we find that the sword is gone but do find a toy dragon there and when we come back to Zindel or we can show him this and that's when everyone kind of pieces together what happened after Duke Ferrell died after bringing the sort of lies back from the battle that he was in Janus goes and down to this armory to play grabs a hold of this sword and the piece of chaos that's in the sword uses it to possess Janus and completely take control of him so from there we have to escape obviously now Chandelure uses a little bit of wizardry to tell us teleport us back to the Dwarven bred in to make contact with the other marked one it's down to just you two now now upon arriving we see a scene where ultimately this marked one is filled by the black ring you and zamboula are discovering this and finding out that you are the only marked one left I have to come up with a bit of a new plans and allure teleports you both to the Council of seven now this is where the seven champions of the seven gods would meet and hold Council thing is it is infested with demons because of course it is so the succubus the head demon ear traps as and allure and in order to free him we obviously have to kill the succubus so we take some time to clear out the Council of seven which frees Endora from his energy cage and now that the holy site here has been purified of these demons Chandelure takes you up to a room with seven orbs now the old council of seven is long gone obviously it's been hundreds and hundreds of years since this has been used however they left a method to determine the new council the gods pick these council members regardless of whether or not the council members know it so all we have to do is pick up an orb put it in the appropriate scrying place and it will show us the God's chosen Council member now now there are a total of seven of these there are six for each race and then one for the Wizards so collectively these seven races so we have to find the council member for each of these now the good news is one of them is already right here's and allure is the council member of wizards so we're gonna make the next part of this series finding these council members so this is the second time gate in the game in a way so you have to stop do some side quests help track down all these council members before the next part of the game can kick in so like I said this is kind of the second time gate of sorts that we run into so there you go guys we're gonna stop it right there so we traveled from the Dwarven bred in did all this stuff with Janus kind of found out what was really going on behind the scenes with all this stuff that's causing problems out in the kingdom and we now have the new task of restoring the Council of seven so we can ascend to become the divine one ourselves as that is our fate as a marked one as and allure has previously explained there you go guys I hope you enjoyed it if you're looking forward to part three please fit like comment subscribe all that fun jazz and I will see you guys for the next part have a good one what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you part 3 of the full story of divine divinity so last episode we got into storm Fez Castle kind of learned more about the broader plot of what's going on and that honestly Janus is of course possessed by the demon of well the Lord of Chaos whatever you want to call them basically the devil in this particular world what we have to do now is find the seven council members of the Council of seven as you might imagine and convinced them to come and perform the council ritual so we can rise to divinity and face this threat head-on by scrying into the orbs as I mentioned last episode as well we can see who the current council member is because the old ones have been dead for a while so starting off with the easiest one the humans we find out that the human council member is actually more danís from episode 1 now this is why we want to go ahead and do the catacombs thing at the start of the game because AO kind of gets just some stuff to get you moving and be a little better off as far as exploring goes but also because Martinus is this human council member and if we haven't cured him of his insanity yet he obviously can't join the council so we have to do that part and then when we're ready to go back to our oath where marred anus lives and it turns out that the town has been attacked by orcs so we have to kill all of them then kill their leader I will fight that leader she actually runs off and then after that our danis comes out tells you how the way you have to grab the key off this woman's corpse then go unlock his door and mard anus to kind of tells you how they attacked and everything you ask him to join the council tada you're done so next up is the lizard guy is the one I like to next go go moe I guess is how it's pronounced so he is the lizard council member now this guy is also a healer and al-araf and i believe i've mentioned him up to this point but in order to recruit him to the council of 7 we have to have done the send aid to Rivertown quest so river town is of course dealing with a plague issue at the moment that the healers of al-araf are requested to help with so we have to go to the barracks which we did at the start of episode 2 I believe and send a military escort al-araf to get the healers to River town now once that's done all of the healers move into the Blue Boar in which is just slightly north of river town now if we go there after this is done to talk to gum oh we find out that he just left abruptly with a bunch of shady characters if we talk to the other healers there and if you do some poking around you can find out that he was taken to a town north of the Dukedom cauldre Disqus and if you do some poking around in for distance you can find out that some strange characters just moved into an abandoned house there now once you go in you find a bunch of thugs go down the stairs you get frozen in place by another of the Lord of Chaos is minions and while he leaves to fetch his master vandaleur comes in saves you from your freezing and tells you that Gummo has been polymorphed into a lizard and you have to figure out how to deal with that it's actually super easy there's a wand of polymorph you know in the next room so you just pick that up talk to the snake and you can sort that out commode which is back into a lizard and you can ask him to join the Council of seven tada you're done with the lizards and that brings us to the Imps so if we look at who the IMP council member is it's not somebody that we know but we do recognize their surroundings as the dookle in in row distance which is the town where our Dean's saving demo so we go to that in we talked to an imp and unfortunately I can't show you all the footage for this because this quest actually bugged on me and it is a known bug that so sometimes happens so and by the way I keep like this is a fully patched game this is the only bug that I actually ran into while playing with it and it was a huge pain so in order to fix this bug which by the way to him wouldn't talk to me at all like I couldn't interact with him in any way and then he just like randomly died so I don't know what happened exactly but that said I had to use a hex editor to go in alter my save data file if you don't know what a hex editor is it just lets you go in and alter like the actual binary code of a file so I had to go in there use that to alter my player position to the place that the IMP in this Inn teleports you to because the IMP you actually need to talk to is not the end in the in the IMP you need to talk to is in this weird plane if exist that the Infineon is controlling if you had divinity original sin - you know that like pocket realms are a thing imps like to do so in this pocket realm we find out that there's a huge battle going on between wasps and bees which is weird but you have to pick a side help you can kill everyone - if you want it's very strange but at the end of it you find the IMP you looking for ask him to join the council and you're pretty well done this was this was a strange one to say the very least and that brings us to the last of the easy ones which is the orc council member now if we scratch or council member we find that he is in a prison in orc prison basically so we may or may not know where this is at this point in the game so when we needed to get an invitation to storm this castle which through the magic of videos I would end and skip because it would have taken forever for the sake of stating the main story but it's one of the ways you can earn a invitation to the storm this castle is by helping the army at the barracks all you got to do is basically help them rout the orc invasion that it's been happening that you kind of get introduced to in Al Araf and if you've done that you've of course found me or camp where these prisons are and if you've done that you can free an orc named coxy and all you got to do is talk to him like freeing him is enough to get him to join the council that's literally all you have to do so it's basically like if you haven't done this quest line go do it kind of thing so as long as you've done that you're done all you got to do then you can talk to proxy ask him to join the council and you're done now this brings us to the two more difficult ones to do the elfin council member and the Dwarven council member now the Dwarven council member actually won't be able to be scribed until this point like you you can scry him but nobody knows who he is or where he is so at this point once you enter the dark forest which is the second section of map in this open world you can actually scry him at that point and you still won't know who he is but you'll recognize the landmark behind him or at least sandal or will and he'll tell you that it's the stone monument and gloom boris now if we go down to gwen boris and talk to the dwarf in front of it that we immediately recognized by his distinctive clothing we find out that his name is eto list some like that it's hard to pronounce for me so we talked to him and we find out that he will not join the council until the acts of stone is retrieved it's just a dwarven artifact they believe that elves have stolen which I alluded to her in the last video actually when I was talking about Janus instigating wars and that the dwarves and elves are accusing each other of stealing each other's artifacts so one of the artifacts for the dwarves that is missing is the axe of stone now if we talk to Ellis we can find out that they actually have a captive in town that they think stole it that they found outside of town passed out and they're just trying to interrogate him to find out where he took the axe of stone this is where this can actually go one of two ways because at this point you can either go to the mayor and talk to him about seeing this prisoner or you can actually go down south to the Dwarven King and speak to him about it and he will then tell you more about the axe of stone and it'll essentially send you back to the town to talk to this guy but what you want to do is talk to the mayor find out that he's a drunk that's important and then go talk to the elven prisoner after he gives you permission after talking to the elven prisoner you can find out that what he smelled before he was knocked out was rents and Mead and then you put two and two together like oh hey the mayor's a drunk so you realize that the mayor is at least involved in this in some way so at this point we have to go get him an ale and take it to him - you know butter him up essentially and get us to give us information after we do this the Dwarven mayor will tell us that his new friends are helping him try to overthrow the Dwarven king who's a guy he doesn't like I guess it's his brother or something from this we find out that the people with the axe of stone that have enacted this plan are holed up in the mines in the Dwarven halls which is where the Dorgan King is it's just like a mine section of the Dwarven homeland so we go there we plumb the depths of these mines we come and find more more than nello I guess as he browses guys name and it turns out that he has the so stones so we fight and attack him until he runs away and then we can find the ax of stone in the next room and then once we've returned that axe to the king by the way that's probably the easiest way to do it just go to the king with it and give it back and that solves that problem and then we can go talk to Eolas he'll join the Council of seven tada you've done one of the hard ones now that brings us to the last council member which is the elf council member now when we scribe this council member it turns out that it is actually Bronte and which you may or may not remember is the elf that came to duke Janice's court to talk about the dwarves stealing their artifacts from episode 2 so if you go down to the elven encampment in the dark forest you can find Bronn thean who tells you that he's very honored that you asked him to join the Council of seven but he absolutely can't do it until he gets back the artifacts that were stolen by the doors if this sounds familiar it's because it's like the same thing for the doors but in Reverse so he sends us down south to the elven burial grounds where we find that a bunch of dwarves are in fact destroying the elven burial grounds and stealing things however they're acting very strangely so if you follow these dwarves they will lead you through an orc encampment down to a secret lair where you are immediately attacked by a bunch of mind-control dwarves and a woman named Josefina by the way just a quick side note Josefina is the absolute hardest boss in this game you have to fight her twice she teleports away after this and then you kill her later on like spoiler I guess on the game from 2002 I mentioned this because oh my god this woman is a nightmare she is so difficult to fight the first time I was actually able to melee her down with some potions and stuff but like in the next episode I'll get to just how ridiculous fighting this woman is but anyway after we well we have to line up killing the dwarves actually but once we get the elven artifacts back from Josefina who happens to have all three of them the bran thean sends you after you can bring the artifacts back to her on Thea who's like oh my god thank you and then you know joins the council now the most important part of this part of the story is the stuff that goes on between the dwarves and the elves so if you remember from the last episode Janice was trying to instigate a war between the two on purpose obviously so by completing these two things we stopped that war from happening we keep the dwarves and elves from going to war with each other by essentially proving that neither of them is responsible for stealing the other ones artifacts now with that out of the way we go back to Zanda lore we tell them that we have gathered the Council of seven yay and that they can perform their ritual so that is where we are going to leave off episode 3 the next episode will be the final episode it's it's a pain I'm gonna have to piece together a bunch of footage like it won't be like a super long time or anything like it won't be a long video I just want to make it by itself so I want to mention that right now before this after this part of the game the game is it's over for all intents and purposes like it's not like really over but from here to the end of the game is just one giant linear rug that's it so the last part is just gonna be us wrapping up this video and the full story of divine divinity so there you go guys I hope you enjoyed what you see if you have any questions I mean just let me know I guess any comments anything like that down in the comment section below like comment subscribe do all of those you to be things considered joining xalapa blah blah blah words thank you so much for watching have a great day [Music] what's going on everybody mortem here this time bringing you the final part in the full story of divine divinity and that story of course tells us how Lucian became the divine as his well his most well known role and divinity original sin to let's be honest this is the last part last episode we wrapped up with gathering all of the seven council members together and we stopped right before they performed the ritual to make us the divine now as I mentioned in that episode from this point it is pretty much a straight shot to the end of the game so there's really not that much going on so just to fill you in they perform the ritual they have to wait to summon you back from death because that's part of the ritual they have to basically sacrifice you and then the Divine's resurrect you is kind of how it works the gods that is so while they're waiting for the notice to summon you back basically Janus comes in now at this point Janus loses all pretense and completely sheds his 12 year old boy form and fully transforms into the demon of Lies the demon of lies of course being the tiny fragment of The Lord of Chaos that was inside the sword of lies that the Lord of Chaos had forged so he could instill a piece of himself into it and use that to bring himself full-fledged into the world because the gods through their sacrifice made before this game and seen off screen had made it impossible for him to actually enter the world all of that explained the Lord of chaos shows that well the demon of Lies shows up kills pretty much all of the council members we had just assembled after they performed the ritual and then we get this awesome cutscene about us becoming the divine [Music] [Music] and then after this happens we wake up in the desert with some orcs having an interesting conversation nearby what becoming the divine actually means in game mechanics terms as you gain in the ballpark of around five to six levels instantaneously basically depending on you know your actual level it's like a set amount of experience but more or less it'll be around there the orcs point us on the way to a village nearby that has been destroyed by the black ring so we of course follow that path down to that village and who'd we run into but Zanda lore and our who now's and allure and our who explained that you have been gone for months like several months and in that time the demon of lies has basically been rampaging across the Dukedom of feral it has just been basically killing and causing general strife now the human population and the elves were able to take refuge with the dwarves which saves some of them but like people are dying in droves right so Zanda lore explains that you being the new awesome super-powered divine should really probably go kill the demon of lies before he finally finishes summoning in the actual lord of chaos so from here Zanda lore tells us that in order to reach the black ring base which is on a lake to the east we are going to have to find a way to cross this lake that is instantaneous death so it sounds to me a lot like the idea of death fog but they hadn't actually submitted that idea yet but basically if you walk on the water over here you die so in order to get past that you have to master a form of the divine called spirit form which basically lets you turn into a ghost and travel without a growing any monsters and taking any damage now you can do this one of two ways one you can go talk to the patriarch which is a black dragon nearby he's largely considered the oldest and the leader of dragons in general which is why it's called the patriarch and if you talk to him he can teach you one rank of spirit form or alternatively you can take all of the skill points you just earned from becoming the divine and just manually put them into spirit form literally either of these works so from here the little desert area you're in it basically just serves as a primer if you need to cry a couple more levels anything like that there's one person in the wrecked village that used to got sent back - which is actually the orc council member who managed to survive the attack as well as an dolor so you can use him as a merchant to buy more potions anything you might need and then it's pretty much just straight off to the black ring island from here once we've spirit formed our way across the lake and gotten to the black ring hideout it's basically just a dungeon run to the end of the game the five black ring elders that we have encountered throughout the rest of the game while gathering council members and doing various activities you should have encountered five of them and now you have to kill all of them to clear the way to the demon of lies most of them are fine and this is where I'm going to mention that this is an old game and cheesing bosses is a thing so some of them if you have literally just one rank and polymorph you can polymorph and that that's it fights over there polymorphed you can just beat them to death like they they just run from you at that point it's it's hilarious however there are two bosses that you can't just instantaneously polymorph and that is Josefina and Iona so Iona is not nearly as bad so you can pretty much melee her down if you can't polymorph her Josefina as I mentioned in my last episode is honestly harder than the last boss she is a nightmare which is funny cuz the boss she was the last black or any other I beat going from her to the demon of lies is hilarious like it's so easy it's it's just criminal almost she should have been the last boss that is how difficult she was so what makes her difficult well I'll explain that just cuz I had so much annoyance with her I'm gonna tell you all about it so she opens up by summoning a death knight casting a shield and then casting blind on you before hitting you with AoE spells until you die so here's the thing the death knight is whatever you can kill that pretty easily the shield and the blind with a problem so blind in this game means you can't even see your target to target them you can't hit them because you literally can't see them to target them which means they're unattackable so to get around that you basically have to use a stealth potion or run away until the effect runs off or that's pretty much it you can stand there and get hit if you want but that's pretty much your only option at that point the thing is she's immune to the polymorph trick at least in my experience supposedly you're supposed to be able to use this curse spell which lowers resistance is and then you can polymorph her but I spammed this curse and that never worked so I mean I just don't see it happening but how I finally wound up beating her was definitely some cheese so when you first run up to her there's about a two-second window where she goes to cast her shield and the death knight and if you hit her during that attack like if your attack actually connects it'll interrupt her it's what I wound up having to do is use this trap spell called a summon scorpion or whatever or like a trap scorpion and I had like 11 of them so I spawned all of them in and they didn't do a lot of damage but they were hitting her so quickly that she could never actually get her shield up or get the death knight summoned the thing is you know at that point you're just like oh you just used a scorpion that's not necessarily cheesing really you're just using an ability yeah but you know so when you use curse it actually freezes the target in place for like half a second through the cast animation so in order to keep her from moving and even trying to use her shield I just spammed curse while these scorpions slowly stung her to death and that was how I basically cheese this boss so there you go there's more information than needed about Josephina so after all these black ring elders are finally dead you can go fight to the demon of lies but of course not immediately so you have to check up his path in the dungeon fight through a bunch of enemies to the demons fortress as it's called now it's kind of shaped in a weird bat like situation where you have to go to the far left and the far right or like the tip of the wings to hit the levers to unlock the door to go fight the demon flies now while this is happening it turns out that the demon of lies has completed his summoning he has someone to the Lord of Chaos that is to say that he has instilled as a fragment from the sword of lives which is basically him more or less into an infant now we go in we kill the actual demon of lies but again it's too late the ritual has completed to some the Lord of Chaos so then we're given this pretty cool cutscene about whether or not Lucien decides to kill the baby or you know basically what goes on so what we see here at the time it was intended to be vague so you know they didn't know if they're going to get to make another game so they've kind of left it open you never actually see him taking action one way or the other with the baby you never see him carry it out you don't know if it's loot or the baby you also see the sort of lives try to convince him to pick it up basically and then become possessed himself he refuses casting it back into hell which in this dimension is called nemesis and that's pretty much the end of the story right there guys so we managed to kill the demon of Lies but unfortunately he did succeed in his ultimate goal which was of course summoning the Lord of Chaos now he was able to put it in an infant child so this child we know now because obviously games have come out since then becomes Damian the damned one Lucien and Damian basically fight for a very very long time we know that story up to Divinity 2 which is actually the latest game in terms of the timeline we know that Damian is still alive and Lucien is still alive we'll have to see if Larian ever decides to pick up where that endgame like the end of the series timeline we'll have to see if they ever decide to pick that back up and carry on with the story but this is it guys this is how Lucien became the divine so if you know him from divinity original sin - there you go you might have also heard about Damian or any of those in them he's mentioned in some of the lore books so basically from here Lucien as we now know who he actually was Lucien takes Damian raises him as his own that goes south which I explained in my divinity series timeline video below and there you go guys that's all I got for you so there are gonna be probably a couple more videos about divine divinity just some stuff about like the recurring characters that show up later kind of what this game brought to the series and then lastly I actually want to do a bit of a surprise video about who Alexander's mother might be because he's not mentioned in any other game besides divinity original sin - and this game actually gives a clue as to who I think that woman is supposed to be so there I hope you enjoyed the video and the entire story of divine divinity if you did by all means like comment subscribe let me know all about it do what you got to do thank you so much for watching have a great day [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 36,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Divinity, Timeline, Dates, Divine Divinity, Beyond Divinity, Dragon Commander, Divinity 2, Ego Draconis, Flames of Vengeance, Developer's Cut, DOS, DOS2, Original Sin, Lucian, Divine, Godwoken, Series, The Divine, Lore, History, Franchise, Gods, Story, Plot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 15sec (3195 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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