The RIVER is awake, securing 3 fish species (Never Stop Tour 3 - The Finale)

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previously on the never stop tour boys we made it to M we are about to Embark in the last stretch of concrete that is roundout one I'm definitely what they would call a fair weather fish to think that stupid piece of metal was causing us so much headache and now it's finally off the boat got him oh my gosh it's smoking per pull over pull over pull over [Music] perig and I have hit the road it has officially begun mile marker zero and this is going to be our our life for the next month on the road on a specific route headed north fishing all the water in between here and there doesn't doesn't matter if it's fresh water doesn't matter if it's salt water doesn't matter if it's 200 lb doesn't matter if it's 1 in this is an open book from here on now we've got some species we obvious going to Target but we're we're keeping our our uh our doors open for just about anything that cross our [Music] path all right here's how I catch a 10 pounder oh got him got him big dude big get the N get the N get the n F boy is Holy he's looking at he's looking at trying he's trying he's trying you got him you got him you got him that was so sick got him he just ate it dude he just ate it got him let's go [Music] dude another species down there she go let's go [Music] baby thir pull over pull over pull over this is not good oh my gosh this something happened between no no no look at the boat dude the boat is on the that definitely happened between us going past the border and now I've there anything like this my trailer just literally gave out on me oh so [Music] [Applause] oh by the way welcome to Canada this right here is the support uh this should be level with the actual trailer the frame of the trailer we did do some saltwater fishing this trip but I mean it shouldn't have done that much we always wash the boat down too that's crazy bad well luckily we met Glenn who's got a great Jack he's got a bunch of wood we broke down right in front of his house here so I think we're just going to see what happens without this equipment we'd be stuck out of the water so we got a 2x4 that's going to sit right along the trailer Edge and then we're going to put a piece of foam in there just to hopefully stop anything from rubbing we've gone through some hiccups with the Jack Plate but uh the trailer's a whole new catastrophe and I feel pretty confident that we'll be able to roll away from this though now we got a plan North bang thank you seriously appreciate it happy to help you guys out yep yep wow we'll see how far we can get her oh yeah quitting fishing selling my boat um not doing you anymore going to be coming C cursed dude this boat's cursed I think never stop it's cursed the best thing we can do right now is get this boat into the water yeah well like here's the thing that that 2x4 is great if we can just figure out a ways that stays on there at all times like get a wind strap crank it on there maybe get another one too like or yeah another 2x4 or we could launch the boat you and I get to like the deepest spot in the lake I go under water I pull the plug say go and we just we go down like true captains go down with our ship [Music] against better judgment we're going to put the boat in the water um we may try to leave the the boat in the water overnight we did call Marina and they did say that you can publicly leave the boat mored up at the dock um we just got to work on this trailer tomorrow I think we can get in the boat in the water now for sure but getting it back up tonight it's not going to be it's not going to be plausible like as soon as we get that in the water it's not going to be [Music] good that's a piece of my trailer I need to go get that what the hell let's get that scun the [Music] darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] the think something's got to [Music] change what a Musky looks like on your [Music] ground [Music] [Applause] seeing some fish we're in the right area for sure they're getting uh getting antsy on the baits but just can't get them to commit so we might go pick peric up see if he found a slip and uh link up with him and see if he wants to fish for a bed this is our uh key card so now we have access to the dock 24 hours a day so we've got ourselves a slip we've got our a spot to put the boat and um the Sun is going down quite an eventful day to say the least and never stop tour is never stopping keep going keep going fast fast keep it fast fast had one more fall I think we're going to move up sh real quick and see if we can uh maybe at least get one little one throw some blades around ah frustrating like six follows in like literally an hour it's not bad need better though he call you into the or [Music] no all right we're headed back to the place we're staying at tonight we're going to make it back here safe and sound and uh another day of the never stop tour begins [Music] tomorrow yeah so after removing the boat it appears the uh trailer is uh completely broken the metal pieces that were holding up the bunks didn't have enough support they weakened over time as you know John and myself we used our trailers probably a little bit more than the average person especially John we we drove his boat all the way from Key West Florida up here into New Brunswick Canada and bouncing up and down interstate one going up and down ramps going in and out of saltwater it didn't hold up and uh we learned a valuable lesson just take take a look at this rust here this trailer this trailer is less than 2 years old and look at that rust granted we give this thing a wash down every single freaking day we fish in the salt and we only fish in the salt maybe like 7 Days um and then over here you can see where the boat was rubbing on the wheel well it cut it cut through the wheel well the boat like the side of my boat all that friction cut through the wheel well and it started to dig into uh the tread of my tire we're going to have to rebuild this bunk so that way we can drive 3 hours back home but you know what out of sight out of mind let's just this here let's go fishing let's get some D let's get some oh there's no Dunkin Tim Tim Hortons get some get some T Hortons and uh forget that this even happened piece of crap hey how's it going uh I was calling to see if you guys had any Canadian my crawlers okay you guys have quite a few okay perfect I'll be right there thank you oh wow they got lots yeah we're good I might buy every single one these ones look good 4 oz that's what we need 4 oz not 5 oz 5 oz too 6 oz six sounds yep [Music] good good well we're on the river the boat is still here it didn't sink nothing stolen but uh this is where we're going to be fishing it's kind of nice just to hop on the dock and the boat already be in the water today's goal is to catch a new species a species that is probably one of my favorite that being the sturgeon I believe there's two or three different types or species of sturgeon in this River one of which being the Atlantic sturgeon and the other being the round no sturgeon this is the only stretch in the St John's where you can catch them because we are below the dam technically this is tidal water so if if in theory we wanted to rip down to the ocean we could so the sturgeon come out of the salt and into the freshw water for I don't know what reason I think spawning purposes in the spring and then they pretty much just stay here and and grow up around but I'm I'm pumped for this these fish have been around for hundreds of millions of years and have not changed they're really cool I'm not going to say we we're going to catch one but if we do it'd be new species for never stop three it [Music] should cold start in the morning get things going so The Atlantics are like 8T but I guess there's just not that many oh we could we could tangle into an 8-footer all right all right all right all right from what I've been told in the past these surch are a little weird I always think you got to go deep slow moving water for these fish but we're starting off in the middle of the river it's like 8 to 10 foot right here we're going to cast some in eight going to cast some in 10 and cast one and 12 I don't know this uh this is a spot that we're going to try going to fish for 30 minutes if nothing happens in 30 minutes we don't get any bites boom move to the next spot try some different stuff around I'm usually complaining about spots so we'll fish a spot for an hour and we'll see what happens we're just using uh these slip Sinker rigs so right here we've got a 4 o weight although although it may not look like this water's moving it is and it's moving a ton down there so we want like a heavy weight like a four or 6 oun lead weight straight braid to 80 lb floral I know 80lb floral seems insane but these fish have scoots and what scoots are it's like these really sharp razor blade like armor uh armor it's basically just armor and uh that will Fray the line a ton so we want to use 80 lb test and uh just soak some worms for a bit keep our eyes fueled see if any need jump if they start jumping they we'll kind of slide over to them but this is spot number one I've caught some surgeon in my days never on this RI though and it's a 0 to 100 kind of thing this is on the floral carpet is that fine yeah okay and then I put a swi yeah then you need more Flor oh that was a small maybe not that's a sturon come on sturgeon sturgeon I think so it's little if it is a sturgeon oh yeah it's a sturgeon oh it's a good one dude it's a giant it's a giant it's giant it's a giant it's a giant oh my gosh dude oh my gosh that's a big one oh my gosh it's a giant that's a big one oh my God he's going crazy get him in the net did it we freaking did it just keep him in the water oh that's a big one buddy put her there okay just keep him right there I'm going to reel this up that happened so quickly holy hell wow I don't really think that was a sturgen because the rod it's crazy a fish that big very subtle Taps very subtle Taps on the line boom John set the hook net was grabbed fish is in the net it didn't fight at all at first fish is barely hooked in the the corner on the circle hook using barbas out here because that is the law in New Brunswick and it's also just better for the fish this right here is the New Brunswick round noard it's pretty wild to think we're on this same boat 2,000 Mi away almost doing the same thing in Key West gosh man this thing is an awesome Beast old fish too these fish could be anywhere from like 20 to 30 Old 30 years old they live to be very very old and they uh they actually can't reproduce until they're I believe in their early 20s so going to get a sweet release shot in this guy and see if we can get another it's basically just like bottom fishing for crazy looking prehistoric giants oh fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish fish that's the sturgeon get him get him get him oh I got him he got him no way no way no we got a double we got a double Sean's messing with his fish in the net right now get the net get the net get the net I got the net right here bring him right here not big but still it's a sturgeon oh beautiful fish oh yes we got a double let's go Baby Woo that's insane dude man that fish was just playing with it insane playing with it oh my gosh as I as I was taking my as I was taking my fish out and about to release him Perri's rod goes off we have two sturgeon in one net is that Rod going off what's going on there triples I know okay let's get this guy unhooked okay what a freaking M how's the water nice and warm water's nice and warm sturing or Lively this guy up right again there he goes we got our sturgeon in the water we're also in the water going give you guys one quick look both these fish side by side and we're going to send them back on the beach of the St John's river again not 100% sure if these are the same species they look a little different take a look at their noses but again I'm not 100% sure regardless two sturgeon down for the Johns unbelievable honestly I didn't think this was going to be the coolest mode I've never stopped but this is very special this is nuts let's uh send old stury back into the [Music] Johns we did it St John's sturgeon is done what the hell man it's like every bad moment it seems like in this trip is Fall by something been epic like that like that's my biggest ever round no sturgeon incredible stuff we still have one more too perck is just chilling in the water in the net he's going to send his back off now I'm glad we both got one we ticked off a huge bucket list for both of us and we're not done yet there's more species in this river that are bigger and meaner and toothier that we'll be out here uh hopefully shortly I love this place a sturgeon is a fish I'm always trying to chase based on its looks it's mysterious ways and it's elusive nature but man it feels good to tangle with one even though it's a little bit smaller than John's I still love [Music] you we started from the bottom now we're here literally we started from the bottom we're still kind of on the bottom but yeah but like from a geography standpoint like we started in the keys and now we're here but yeah you're right we're still on the bottom got the surgeon done we could what do you want to do we could keep fishing for sturgeon we can see if we can get a bigger one or I'm I'm kind of like the check marks the spot there me and you both got them we got sick releases I got musky on my mind oh you going to do some mus fishing yes put some put some big girls in the eight turn a couple what other shapes do musky guys do do an eurn L like one of these a w put them in the W we're going to go put some muskies in the O Let's Go Get It sturgeon [Music] check [Music] this is it time to get a Musky throw big baits and big water let's get that toothy Critter the last fish of our Quest the last fish but then we go for tun afterwards musky are one of my favorite species The Target just to the sure fact that they are so elusive you have lots of boatside eats you'll have lots of chances to see the fish and not successfully hook them so that gets you kind of intrigued when something's hard it always per loves the chase yeah I love the Chase's he's he peric loves to chase on and off the water it's uh it's one of those things he he seems to enjoy I think he likes a Chase because there's many many times where he just never really gets there you know never just gets to where he needs to go or what he's looking for or who he's looking for but at least it gives me something to do you know like if I didn't like this everybody knows I'd be under that railroad bridge right there and that's not a spot for AP Bassin he needs to be chasing something I'm about to catch one here because that time he like down oh my God oh my I got him got got him got him still on must isn't it oh it's small mouth it's a giant Smallmouth it's a big smallie ready oh my God yes it's like 3 lb small I thought dude I thought when it came up I was certain that was a little musky dude that is a long guy holy you going to bump him but that was close to 20 top water eat there on a musy lure and it turns out to be a smallmouth midday and what a just awesome eat kept going key with a top water is you don't want to set the hook you just want to get that line tight and then once you feel that pressure you drive those hooks D I was I was certain it was like a 30-in Musky like cuz the the Wake was huge biggest small for the trip nice job man old fish old fish I'm just going to some water oh we have no flers now fers in the water sick sick well guys trying to show you the bait this fish ate a chopper my favorite musky top water baits are well PL Plum Plum Plum ploppers but uh this is a custom one by Le lures real good musky fisherman out of Wisconsin good friend of mine got the fish with him haven't talked him in a while though Lee hopefully you're doing well love this bait um and that fish clobbered it and the pliers got clobbered into the water too our only pliers for musky too if we do catch them the raw dogger just going in there bare Knuckles yeah you know a thing or two about raw dog and no sir I am a father actually fun fact first musk were caught a raw dog didn't got bit so that [Music] sucked oh my God I me oh my God giant giant oh my god did you see that Holy huge W look it look look look look there he is there he is there he is oh my God he came up and smoked it I don't know how he missed it holy it's a big fist left left left left holy I'm about to go over him dude the boil was huge I thought I saw a flash here he comes for stop it stop now hit it now hit it he's right [Music] here he's right there oh my god dude it's a giant it's a giant keep going keep going down my leader hang him hang him on the left hang him hang the stop me oh my God this is so big St to the boat holy did you see him okay cast c that way is he behind the boat oh my God I'm shaking dude that was such a big fish that was epic oh I'm shaking dude he boiled on it at first we just had a 40in plus fish follow my bait and he boiled on it I didn't feel anything I watched this huge Flash and this giant boil completely missed it and then he followed us right to the boat saw him and everything that was a big fish I knew there was one going to be sitting there it looked too good always come back we know he's here where did he go he went he went back sitting in the like the where it gets uh you sure that's not him under the boat or was that him no I saw him I saw him like like over here like 60 y away did you see the boil Noe he missed it completely God damn I'm shaking oh my gosh came close it's a good sign [Music] oh what that have another I I got another I got I got I got one on me oh my god there he is another one another one another one oh my God two of them two of them two of them here there's two there's two there's two there's two there's two they're both 40 in holy holy dude what is going on right now what is going on right did you see them both yeah that was sick holy holy oh what's that kind of lazy F yeah oh my God I we just had two low 40in musky follow us in right next to the first follow oh my God I cannot believe this I'm putting on a follow up bait just a plastic you can drop right in front of their face sometimes when they're following something lazily like that you could throw a followup eight I like a big hair jig or a small plastic like this it works sometimes sometimes though they're just territorial they're just waiting until that time the right Moon and their feelings they got feelings I don't usually really care about people's feelings but I care about musk's feelings uh who am I kidding I care about feelings they're still here what you got there it's that white paddle tow yeah on he's on he's on you he's on you he's on you he's on you he's on you oh God it's a big one dude it's a giant it's a giant it's a giant it's a giant it's a giant holy sh giant dude oh my God still on it still on it please get him still on it yep off now lost him this is crazy this is maybe we need a blade what's that I think we need blades oh we just made another path to where we were fishing earlier and uh got those follows decided to see if maybe if we downsize they'll be a little bit more Adept biting uh I basically shrank my presentation I was throwing a big twitch bit and I'm throwing something a little bit smaller and a a smallmouth color because I think that's what they're down there eating and then peric switched to the um per color crankbait both got follows again but you can tell that they're they're aware of our presence and uh they definitely didn't come to the boat like they did last time so we found a good group of fish probably three fish over there anywhere between 38 to 45 in Quality quality musky the game with this though is you just have to kind of Bounce Around try different spots revisit areas that you know there's fish there and pick the perfect time you know also switch your presentation up throw something really big throw something very tiny throw something in between uh Musky fishing is is difficult it's one of the reasons why I've only caught a couple is I suck and they're difficult to catch so what do you think per what's the plan I think right now we go grab a quick bite to eat recharge um recharge I want to look at the moon phases when we have that that moon rise tonight I think we need to be right here and we need to be here at dark like when it's dark dark uh clean water and with a bright moon a lot of these fish will feed at night instead of actually feeding during the day so I these fish are just curious he nipped my tail brand new swimba what does it smell like does it smell like big blondes busty blondes we're picking up some much needed gear listen all the musky gear that we have on this trip is mine and I've only caught four musky in my entire life granted I don't fish from that much but still it's not my strong suit so therefore we're at minnows right now in frederickton New Brunswick and we are reupping on some much needed stuff I think really we don't need like a ton of lures but we definitely need hooks we need hook sharpener and pliers since per thought that uh he was going to do a catch and release with the pliers the only pliers I had in my boat thanks by the way I appreciate that I'm buying a Musky fly fly rod I've always wanted one and uh nice that they got one set up here so we're going to do it not sure if I'll even throw it on this trip but it's a it's a r you can travel with you can put in your carry on so why not once we get some gear here going head back on the river see if if we can capitalize on the musky bite got a bit of wind coming in some Cloud covers switching up the conditions so maybe we can get those fish from previous to actually commit if not there's a whole lot of river and with that a whole lot of fish so yeah just uh do what we know how to do best and that is Meander around and spend some money on some good [Music] gear thanks guys I'm going to do a bit of Scouting For Us John's going to take a little snooze in the truck maybe call his wife do some things that John has to do and I'm going to go explore probably throw a fly rod around just look and see if I can find some more active fish we've got a great moonrise at 8:51 tonight so we got a little bit of time to kill quick look at that Jack Plate that is amazing hydraulic jack plate look at that motor it's not even touching the bottom look at that that's crazy it's 6 in out of the water if you run any sort of rivers you need a hydraulic jack plate cuz we are in 1.4 ft of water look at this current look at this current get the top water out nice little school small M sitting in that pool there decided to bite my fly set the hook pretty hard that led to a nice successful hookup you really want to make sure you set the hook hard because you don't want to let him get [Music] away oh my God what drop it there's a fish on it oh my god oh that was so funny if I was fishing a bass tournament I'd like this spot um but I'm not so trying to catch a Musky on the Fly the smalles are alluding Us West behind the camera let me know that there was a fish falling my fly didn't even see him beautiful fish long CAU a couple on the Fly I thought there was a little Eddy so there might be some musky in there but there's definitely a school of small mouth living in that little hole there we got the blooper here and I'm going to throw that in there there's a lot of bugs I've seen a lot of mayflies uh the bug hatch was probably a month ago but there's still a couple insects crawling around around and still alive so hopefully this will get [Music] him there we go nice one gosh crush on top water [Music] and sometimes it pays off to use a bigger bait cuz you weed through fish like that all right here we go six [Music] pounder saw some fish busting on some mayflies here we've got a nice rock I'm going to cast my popper maybe a little B [Music] hooked up smly on the popper great little spot really crushed it that was really cool I love a good old blooper fish blooper smallmouth bass perfect combination right there [Music] great [Music] what's up what's up bro what have you been up to oh I did a little bit of scouting out there and I'll tell you what I still don't know how to catch a Musky in my humblest opinion I think we should get onto the juice right now throw a couple baits and try and hook one's face do a nice release segment and then go from there so you're telling me that this whole time while you were gone and I was here sitting down for 3 hours and you catch a single musky and see a Musky didn't catch a Musky somebody asked hey do you catch any muskies and I told them nope I saw one and I did some calculations about noon that was probably the last time we saw one right let's go moon rise wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait sit down sit down for one second one second moon sit down for one second it's the minor sh do you hear that well I took a bit of a break this afternoon um weather was kind of spotty and honestly it been been going hard been going really really hard and I uh I saw the opportunity to take a nice parking lot to chill Sash and I did let peric take the boat almost wreck it a couple times and apparently caught some good SW off still no musky but it's Prime Time spunge hour and we are right in the zone this is kind of the general vicinities to where we've seen a lot of fish and had a couple bites so we're going to fish it real hard until basically sundown [Music] same thing as this morning um yeah we put ourselves in generally the same areas where we getting those followers hopefully that hoping that the low light conditions would make them a little bit more depth to eating and uh yeah same story they're just coming up taking a look at the bait coming back down you know like to put this in perspective Ive we're a foot away from getting this fish to bite probably less honestly we've had some fish that have just barely nipped that have opened up their mouths but they're just kind of lazy about it um sucks but you know it's musky fish and these fish are not easy to catch and these are also big old ones too these aren't like little tiny M they're pretty they're pretty good sized ones still have all day tomorrow to figure these fish out just sucks we had a really good moon phase and you know the weather's awesome so I don't know we'll probably to figure figure out we're in a different [Music] mirror I don't know think we should go in wake up at like [Music] 2 [Music] [Music] another day and another broken trailer still we uh had the idea of potentially fixing this yesterday day one in Canada but we uh we were so in the zone sturgeon fishing and Musky fishing succeeded in catching the sturgeon still have yet to get a bite or link up with a Musky came very close about very close we got to see them they followed us right to the boat big fish if you're familiar with musky or don't know how they operate they operate on their own terms they'll bite when they want to bite so I guess it was a full moon I don't know if after the full moon is going to help probably not from my experience fishing in general is very difficult after the full moon and uh as you probably could guess musy fishing is already a difficult challenge I think we're going to have to grind for one fish all day I think we should go right back to those fish though right now throw on them really yeah oh yeah we're going to beat the hell out of this dead horse just it's it's a 20-minute deal you know there's fish there one might fire up and eat also also too um we got panoptics we will just get broadside with one I got a big uh menhaden trouble hook in there for snagging bait they're invasive right they are which is weird musular invasive uh not to make this in any longer but basically some mad bile just decided to throw them in there uh without permission and somehow they've thrived so anyway Story Time over let's hop in the truck grab Tim Hortons then go to go to River catch musky finish never stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] v as and musky Derby every year and it's a kill Derby what they do you got a phone [Music] charger go is there exactly I didn't know yeah my he like my dad [Music] died [Music] [Music] good morning from New Brunswick we just hooted from the marina where the boat was mored up and we've arrived yet again at the spot where we keep seeing these giant musky if I had to guess there's probably I mean I've seen more than four fish but they could be the same ones that I'm seeing on my graph but there's like for sure at least three very nice musky in the mouth of this Creek it's a really shallow Creek that's uh pretty clean and it dumps in under this bridge and under the bridge it gets like there's like this giant hole it's like a 10ft hole and that's where they're sitting so we're going to take a couple cast here as we have been doing for the past past day I should say and then we're going to bounce around to some deep shallow spots kind of complement one decision with another we don't want to get too married to one [Music] idea oh there's one around in the boat see him no that might that might just be bait what time did you guys get up I got a bait I did not sleep well I can not fall asleep till two oh my I just got hit musky what the didn't feel big it felt like a bluegill hit it I don't know if they're being spooky or if they got the out of here but i a see because that all right I think we need to get out of here you stop yeah you want to go to that bridge or no can I think we can okay honestly I'm not stressing are you stressing no let's go that's what I like to hear God that look good there's one right there [Music] got one seriously yep seriously yep big snag giant giant big one big one big one big one big one big one big one big one I I'm snagged right now you got to keep on my line got him got him yes yes yes we did it baby we got a Musky I'm snacking hang on we got to hold the net for me real quick holy sh dude nice job baby we did it we got a Musky and that is why I love Musky fishing unreal because it feels so hopeless all the time oh I'm I'm going to get this fish unhooked oh my gosh dude nice one bro woo I thought you were messing with me cuz I'm snagged and I'm like there's no way you have fish that hook set was sick that was so sick like I just cranked on that thing there's something about catching a fish too with 80 lb braid and you're drag all the way tight when they hit it you better pull back or else you're ending up in the water but fish uh beta Choice here which has become very very popular for Musky fishing over the last probably decade is a big old tube you could fish it slow this one's weighted so it gets down there really deep and uh fish the bridge piling fish came right up and clobbered it unbelievable the final page to our neverstop chapter is this fish this is the last species that we anticipated catching I knew it was going to be hard I knew it was going to be difficult but she's said then that we're going to the bank right now to give this thing a proper release like we did the sturgeon it's just something cool about getting in the water with the big fish um I can't believe peric pulled that off we made a quick little audible we were fishing the creek where we saw Big Fish earlier pulled up literally to the first piling Bridge piling that we fished all trip that was like what your second drop down there first drop got ourselves a nice High 30-in m musy we're going to hop in the water and uh get some nice angles so those fish can stay in the water be alive and be 100% comfortable without taking them out in the boat just keep her in the water no slime coat make sure my hands are wet and man this is a beauty thick fish very healthy thick healthy musky God look how tall it's pretty tall too from Tarpon to muskies to everything in between this has been my favorite never stop and what a way to end it with my boy congrats dude yeah thanks this may be our final fish of the trip and uh it's probably one of the coolest keys to Canada I will catch your muskies don't even have to lift her out of the water we're just going to bring the net down what a fish what a fish nut is getting out of here I'm going to walk with her in this clean [Music] water this is going to be one of those moments where we we reled this tour just it's uh I don't even remember what it was like when we left Florida it feels so long ago we wanted to make something for you guys I want to be proud of um yeah a project this was definitely a passion project this was not trying to make any money or trying to get any sponsors we just did this because I love fishing and I love hanging out with my my buddy John and John is following my musky Into the Depths how's it going I still got her she just wants to be in that one man lot of shallow over on this side [Music] yeah got long days here in New Brunswick being on at Landing time but we are running out of hours did get a Musky this morning mission accomplished but me personally I'm still a little hungry I think we're going to Pepper these Bridge ponds real quick different set of bridge pins than what per caught his fish on but day number one did see some big fish they just weren't [Music] [Music] committing [Music] got one on me got one on me got one on me big one it's a good one he's all over it he's all over it stop stop oh my god dude it's a big one where's he at now right under the boat of course he's under theer oh my God got him got him n n n n n n n n n n not me not me it's a giant it's a giant it's a giant it's a giant per give me the net give me the net it's a giant giant it's a giant it's my biggest musky ever dude don't lose him don't lose him don't lose him it's my biggest musky ever dude come on come on come on man me holy holy get him in the net buddy put it there holy didn't give up f W keep fishing never stop baby dude that's a big one that might be one of my biggest musky ever definitely my biggest Canadian musk ever oh my gosh I can't believe that just happened I dropped it like right in front of his face and he just went boom let's go oh my God I can't believe that just happened oh my God that's a toad dude is this even real did we just catch two musky in one day the blue tube strikes again we've got our musky in the net she's doing good she's unhooked no bleeding no gills uh made contact with our Hardware we're bringing them to the shore right now out of the wind so you guys can hear us talk but I'm just like I'm blown away I can believe just happened like I don't get the musy fish that much I'm not good at it it's something that I really appreciate but also I'm humbled by so to have a fish like this in my net means the freaking world to me especially doing it on this tour woo water we got the fish still in the N she's doing great as long as she's in the water that's all that matters uh we're going to hop in the water now too and uh get some angles and shots to this fish before we send them back in St John's I cannot believe that just happened we didn't give up we kept fishing we could have easily packed up the truck and gone back home to Main and flown out than uh this this afternoon but we wanted to keep fishing want to keep grinding put in that Ro quick oh my goodness what a beast what a freaking beast wow there're such cool fish very difficult to catch takes lots of time patience and effort but when it all happens it is something truly magical time to send this big beautiful musky back into our home ready put in some clean water look at that Beast she starting to kick a little [Music] bit off right scared buddy ns3 complete oh oh he's right on he's nose on his nose on it oh my God he's nose on it holy dude oh my God he's he's still on it peric he's still on it he might eat this you might eat this got him got him got him n n n n no D too early oh she slobbered it on the bottom that was so crazy oh she must have just barely been huged my line slipped too she is all the way back there that was a fish that was the fish God damn it that was your PB son yeah I know we should have grabbed him this this trip is all about the EV and flow of fishing fishing is not always catching it's not always having that Pinnacle moment that you've been anticipating and uh what fishing does to an angler is it basically takes all your ego all of the knowledge and experience that you think you have and it uh takes it crumbles it up into a little ball and just throws it out the window fish don't care if you know you have a $100,000 bass fish don't care if you've traveled 2,000 miles to potentially get a chance at hooking them in the face fish do not care that you're an angler and that you're filming a video video and uh for example in that instance um you just you know you have to be okay with sometimes accepting failure and uh in this case we uh you know we hit a hit a bit of a God sorry I can't even speak that sucks that could have been my biggest musky ever oh my God [Music] [Music] [Music] Bo well buddy officially over we didn't get a chance to use the old T this truck was in the videos quite a lot you uh you even gifted it to me as a uh a late marriage present but marriage first child just becoming yeah becoming an adult but the the the leader never got stretched the hook really never got to pierce anything kind of feel like maybe that's a little little bit of foreshadowing maybe maybe we got maybe we've got one left one last objective to do I don't know if it's going to be this never stop or next but probably the next one if we even do an next one this right here is our last destination and we will no longer be traveling any miles farther north although this uh this never stops comes to a temporary halt doesn't mean that parag and I are done fishing filming creating content for you guys Bittersweet moment for sure I feel like we accomplish what we came here for but as an angler I'm always still hungry for the next bike so with that in mind it's like I'm looking at this 50 wide that we were meant to hopefully catch a tuna on and it just never happened maybe one day yep that'll do over the many years Alex and I have known each other we've always shared the ambition to keep the dream of never stop alive though this dream seemed to fade into our rear view the lingering desire to reignite the flame of never stop remained apparent and soon weighed heavy on us yo sorry Mr call the day give me a call back letter dude I want to talk about this idea we have all right see you to keep this Legacy of never stop from fading Alex and I rekindled our decade long friendship after years of absence and began molding the ultimate fishing experience either of us had ever conceived this was our [Music] vision [Music] we are awful at fishing and we know it we suck we [Music] suck let's go fishing
Channel: apbassing
Views: 108,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uMI3-nUOW84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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