The Story of Moses - Bible Stories - See U in History

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the people of Israel established itself in Egypt and the descendants of Jacob and Joseph multiplied for a long time the Egyptians showed their gratitude to Joseph for saving Egypt from a major cataclysm and because of that his people were treated with respect but many years after the death of Joseph the Hebrews life in Egypt started to change God made Abraham's descendants fertile therefore the Hebrew population in Egypt grew rapidly the Israelites were now numerous more powerful and influential when a new Pharaoh sat on the throne someone who knew nothing about Joseph and Egypt's debt of gratitude to the people of Israel the life of the Hebrews changed abruptly the Pharaoh feared the Hebrews Growing Power a population that multiplied and thrived he considered that the Israelites had to be contained otherwise Egypt would fall the ruler decreed that the Israelites had to endure forced labor nevertheless they continued to multiply the Pharaoh subjected God's chosen people to slavery and their lives embittered and under the Egyptian rule they were forced to conduct the most strenuous and degrading tasks nonetheless albeit subjected to the harsh slave life the people of Israel continued to multiply just as God promised Abraham the Egyptian ruler forced The Midwives of the Israelites to murder the Hebrew Offspring as soon as they were born they refused to obey such an order which threatened the very existence of their people and when the authorities questioned them about their refusal noticing that their children continued to be born they stated that Israeli women were blessed with so much strength that they had given birth before their arrival enraged the Pharaoh decreed that all newborn boys would have to be thrown into the Nile and only the girls deserved to be saved the terror grew among the Hebrews and mothers saw their children being snatched from their arms a woman of the tribe of Levi attempted to hide her son and for 3 months the child managed to dodge the pharaoh's wrath but as he Grew Older it became more difficult to hide him desperate to save her son's life she laid the baby in a seagrass blanket and let it sail the Nile his mother prayed to God asking for his Mercy to save her child's fate as the basket with the baby floated on the Nile his sister chased it following along the Bank the God's will then guided the basket towards the river banks precisely where the pharaoh's daughter was bathing herself spotting the basket between the Reeds the Egyptian princess ordered her maiden to pick it up the pharaoh's daughter was stunned when she discovered that there was a beautiful baby in it all the evidence pointed out that such a child could only be a Hebrew Offspring nevertheless she decided to adopt the child and called him Moses since he had been saved from the waters the child would then grow up among the highest Egyptian nobility not knowing that an even more glorious fate awaited him Moses had been rescued from the Nile by the princess daughter of the Egyptian pharaoh she adopted him and Moses grew among the highest Egyptian nobility the princess needed a nurse for the baby and in order to feed Moses an Israeli slave was brought who was in fact his b biological mother among the Egyptian princes he had a life of luxury and privilege and already an adult he wanted to see in person how the Hebrews his ancestry were treated the prince felt nothing short of horrified after witnessing the conditions under which his brothers were living seeing an Egyptian overseer brutally beating an Israeli slave wrath took hold of Moses's will and he attacked the Egyptian the latter eventually died the news that Moses had committed a dreadful crime spread quickly and the Pharaoh ordered Moses to be arrested having no other alternative Moses went into Exile living now like a vagabond Moses encountered a group of young women who were trying to hydrate their flock but a group of shepherds was stopping the girls from reaching the well Moses intervened on behalf of the girls allowing them to give water to their animals the girls thanked the Egyptian and introduced him to their father rule the girl's father invited Moses to live with them and offered him one of his daughters in marriage and the former Egyptian prince settled in the median lands he and his wife Ziah gave birth to jersam and together they lived in peace in his new home but meanwhile the people of Israel suffered under Egyptian rule time passed and a new Pharaoh sat now on the throne his government was even tougher on the Hebrews and the chosen people asked for the Creator's help God didn't ignore Abraham's descendants as he would never forget the pact made with the Israelites Moses was guiding his flock grazing on the mount horab the Mountain of God when he saw a bush spontaneously bursting into flames intrigued by it Moses walked to the bush and realized that despite the fire the plant was not burned by fire and flames and Moses heard the Lord's call God said I am the god of your father father the god of Abraham the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob God declared that he had come down to answer the Cry of the chosen people and Moses would be God's instrument to free Abraham's people from the Egyptians Moses wasn't convinced he was just a simple man and he couldn't imagine his voice being heard God asked Moses to drop his rod and when his Rod touched the ground much to Moses's astonishment it became a serpent the Creator ordered Moses to grab the serpent by the tail and with that it became a rod again that Miracle alone would be enough to show the Israelites that God was by Moses's side and that he was there to help them in their Liberation God taught other mechanisms to convince Abraham's people that Moses told the truth nevertheless Moses still asked for someone else to be chosen saying he lacked oratorical abilities but God reassured him he would always be by his side telling him what to say God LED Aaron to his brother Moses he would be Moses's spokesman the two brothers returned to Egypt to free God's chosen [Music] people Moses was chosen by God to free the Israelites then enslaved in Egypt he returned to Egypt after his long Exile in Midian at his side was his brother Aaron renowned among the Hebrews the leaders of the Israelites gathered to listen to what the ancient Prince of Egypt had to say Aaron and Moses explained God's plan to free his chosen people and in order to convince them Moses showed the miraculous signs that God had taught him witnessing such a miracle the Hebrews believed that such a man could only be God's Envoy but the Pharaoh would not be so easily convinced Moses and Aaron were received by the Pharaoh and revealed God's will to him Moses then said let my people go but the Pharaoh was not willing to release the Israelites Moses warned him that if God's will was not fulfilled Egypt would be subjected to all sorts of plagues but such a threat only embittered the heart of the Egyptian Sovereign retaliating the Pharaoh made the lives of the Hebrews even more difficult The Sovereign ordered the straw used by the slaves to make bricks to be removed but the daily production quota remained unchanged and therefore the work of the Israelites became even more painful Moses was dismayed to see that his people now suffered even more than before his arrival God commanded Moses to return to the Pharaoh once more showing him the signs that he was God's representative standing before the Pharaoh Aaron threw Moses's Rod to the ground which became a serpent but the pharaoh's priests using their occult efforts replicated the action through throwing two rods that also became snakes nevertheless Moses's serpent devoured the other two snakes yet again Moses and Aaron failed to convince pharaoh to free God's people the Creator knew that the Pharaoh would not voluntarily free the Hebrew people and therefore the Sovereign and his people would feel the strength of God's hand to bend the pharaoh's will different calamities plagued the kingdom these events became known as the 10 plagues of Egypt Moses asked pharaoh to free the Israelites From Slavery it had been 400 years since the chosen people of God were under Egyptian judgment but the Pharaoh of Egypt's heart was numb so he refused Moses's request the faith of the people of Abraham was feeble but God was beside Moses and his brother Aaron and they would be gods in instruments to fulfill the promise that God had made to Abraham and his descendants God commanded Moses to meet pharaoh who was navigating the Nile in his beautiful vessel and to ask again for the freedom of the Hebrew people after another Pharaoh's refusal Moses stabbed the river with his Rod the Nile Waters became red as blood the fish died and a foul odor took over its banks the Nile Waters became undrinkable the striking scene that Moses performed was not enough to change Pharaoh's will since his magicians and priests had shown that they were also capable of performing a similar feat the Egyptian people had to drill Wells to quench their thirst and this was the first plague of Egypt Pharaoh continued unabated and through Moses and his brother God caused innumerable frogs to emerge emerge from the Nile and invade the cities the Egyptian homes were overrun by the amphibians not even the Palaces were safe and frogs stormed even Pharaoh's bed Pharaoh declared that he would free the people of Moses if he drew back the plague that was sweeping Egypt and Moses made all the frogs perish the frogs bodies piled up in the streets and the rot spread in the air when the worst was over Pharaoh decided not to free the chosen people and God ordered Aaron Moses's brother to strike the Earth the soil dust became lice that would infest Egypt the men and animals of Egypt suffered from the infestation of lice the pharaoh's Wizards tried to reproduce such a feat of Aaron but were ineffective and thought that it could only be God's feet but the Pharaoh refused to even listen to his advisers therefore Egypt endured another plague clouds of flies took over Pharaoh's Kingdom but the Hebrews living places were spared by God from the incessant hassles caused by flies the sovereign's obstinacy caused God to provoke a plague that would cause the death of Egyptian cattle oxen horses asses and Rams died by the thousands but not even this could melt the heart of pharaoh the Egyptians and their animals began to suffer from scabies and their bodies were overcome by blisters still the Pharaoh refused to free the people of Moses God's representative on Earth said that a punishment would fall from Heaven on Egypt as never before an overwhelming rain of immense hail and lightning terrified Egypt and many of those who did not take refuge ended up dead the plague of the locusts was the eighth to strike Egypt Locust clouds eviscerated everything that was in their path the Pharaoh sensed that his stubbornness was destroying his kingdom but his pride prevented him from changing his position Egypt was then gripped by a black mist and darkness took over the kingdom of the Pharaoh for 3 days they lived in darkness this was the second a last plague that devastated the tormentors of the people of Israel but the greatest plague of all was Yet to Come God told Moses that he would impose his last punishment on Egypt at midnight he would go through Egypt and take with him the lives of all the firstborn of Egypt not even the eldest sons of the high nobility of Egypt would be spared the mourning of the fathers would reverberate throughout Egypt but God's chosen people had escaped unpunished from such a Slaughter Moses commanded the people of Israel to sacrifice Lambs or young goats in honor of God with the sacrificial animals blood they were to Mark the entrance to their homes the Hebrews would roast and eat the Flesh of the sacrifice and thereby celebrate the Passover of the Lord at midnight God sent the angel of death to Egypt who in inspected all the houses reaping the lives of all the firstborn sparing only the dwellings of those who had left the mark of the sacrifice among those who died was Pharaoh's son and Heir Pharaoh's unrelenting will had been shattered and he finally yielded to the requests of Moses ordering him and his people to leave Egypt Moses managed to impose the will of the Creator and would now conduct to the nation of Israel to the promised land the people of Israel had already endured 430 years of slavery in Egypt until the arrival of Moses after imposing 10 terrible plagues against Egypt Moses succeeded in getting pharaoh to finally free the descendants of Abraham under the leadership of Moses and Aaron hundreds of thousands of Hebrews grabbed all their possessions and started their March to the promised land and the large column of migrants headed through the desert to avoid the Egyptian armies God warned Moses that Pharaoh's heart was filling with hate and resentment soon he'd turn his Fury against the people of Moses following God's commands Moses guided his people to the shores of the Red Sea the news that Pharaoh had organized an army of War chariots to pursue the Hebrews reached the migrants many fell into Despair and thought that the option of surrendering would be met with clemency by the Pharaoh returning alive to their masters some blamed Moses for bringing the people of Israel to such ruin Moses calmed his people and assured that God was at their side and that would be the last time they would see the Egyptians on their Trail the dusty Cloud on the horizon indicated that the Pharaoh's Army was approaching quickly but God created a flame barrier to block the Egyptians progress then God spoke to Moses and told him exactly what he would have to do Moses went to the shores of the Red Sea and raised his rod and the Sea parted ways it dissipated any doubts still clouding the Hebrews mind about God being on their side a dry path emerged between the two massive walls of water and the people of Israel crossed the sea the Egyptians were astonished when they encountered such an astonishing scenario but following Pharaoh's orders they pursued the Hebrews along the path opened by Moses as soon as the blocking Flames were quenched the Egyptians violently entered the valley created by Moses but when the last Hebrew reached the opposing Shore God commanded Moses to close the path he had opened the sea closed over the Egyptians Pharaoh's Army was devastated by the force of the waters together the Hebrews sang praises to God they were free from their Egyptian Masters Moses was celebrated and everyone was happy and thankful to the man God had sent to rescue them under Moses's leadership great Columns of followers set out for the promised land Moses had opened the Red Sea Crossing it with his people towards freedom for days Moses and the Israelites walked through the desert they became hungry and thirsty they started started to suffer and some complained that it would be better to live under the Egyptians whip than being plagued by hunger and thirst in the desert until their ultimate Extinction but God would not allow the chosen people to perish in the desert a miraculous food dropped from Heaven as a Grace from God it was Mana Moses hit a rock with his rod and water gushed out of it to supply the need for meat God guided flocks of quailes to the Hebrews and the needs of the people of Israel were satisfied Moses guided his people to the Sinai region there was a mountain from where Moses could communicate directly with God only Moses had permission to climb the mountain anyone else who dared to climb it would be killed immediately on top of Mount Si God revealed to Moses the code of conduct that should be followed by the Israelites the Lord's directives would become known as the Ten Commandments the following Commandments were written in stone one you shall have no other gods besides me two you shall create no Idol for yourself no image of anything in heaven on Earth or in the waters beneath the Earth three you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain for the Lord shall not leave unpunished those who take his name in vain four remember the day of Saturday to sanctify it five honor your father and mother so that you may have a long life in the land that the Lord your God gives you six you shall not kill seven you shall not commit adultery 8 you shall not steal nine you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor 10 you shall not covet your neighbor's house you shall not covet your neighbor's wife nor his servants nor his maid servants nor his Ox nor his donkey nor anything that is his these laws God renewed The Covenant with the people of Abraham Moses presented The Ten Commandments to the people and warned them of the serious consequences that would fall on those who failed to comply with them the first was quite clear mentioning that there is no God but the god of Israel and that idolatry would be one of the most serious sins Moses returned to mount siani and stayed there for 40 days in communion with God his people people who stayed at the foot of the mountain began to despair they feared that Moses would never return Aaron brother of Moses and other priests worried about the future of the people and disrespected the Commandments when they asked the women to give them their Golden Earrings they melted the metal and raised a golden calf an altar was built to shelter the golden idol the Israelites bent in front of the Bine figure a great celebration was made in honor of the new Idol and sacrifices were offered God warned Moses who was on the mountain that his people had gone astray from the way of the Lord and that they were now corrupting themselves Moses ran to his people and with great disappointment witnessed such a Donan scene God pondered the possibility of destroying the people of Israel but Moses convinced him otherwise Moses would punish those who turned their back on God he destroyed the golden cast half and pursued the idolators who were out of control more than 3,000 died and only the Levis descendants did not suffer the reprisal of Moses as they were always faithful to God a beautiful Ark was built to keep the laws delivered by God it was made of wood and covered in Gold cherub statues adorned the lid it would become known as the Ark of the Covenant the people of Moses would still spend 40 years wandering in the desert to finally arrive in Canan the Promised Land
Channel: See U in History / Mythology
Views: 9,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, mythology, See You in History, See u in history
Id: 8c0sGPvI69E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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