The KA-BAR Story - The Complete Documentary

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Wow this is long. Iโ€™ll have to watch it later though

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/midline_trap ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Just saw it yesterday. I liked it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Stormrider001 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My friends grandma used to own that company, pretty sick.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/pyknik_ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I keep my breadstick [Music] keep my eyes fixed on the door keep a bullet in the chamber keep my feet firm on the floor I keep the skin see [Music] it keeps my [Applause] keeps [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the end of the 19th century America has emerged from strife wars on American soil from the war of 1812 and the Civil War in addition to American excursions in Mexico and Cuba firmly put the nation on a path of self-determination in the wake of the Civil War American industry flourishes reconstruction in a need for unity helped fuel the tide of American self-reliance the waves of which hit the cutlery industry the term cutlery in the late 1800s and early 1900s referred to anything that had an edge on food raw shaves and planes scissors razor so today we think of knives forks and spoons well this is so much more than that previously dominated by German and English interests a floodgate of American enterprises soon take rise cuddlers set up shop along the East Coast clinging to the New England shoreline after immigrating to the United States in 1859 an oil boom in northwestern Pennsylvania attracts investors that fuels a migration of skilled craftsmen out of the Northeast and into the rural landscape of western New York at Northwestern Pennsylvania this era when you when you call out within a 20 mile radius here is a mecca for the early color industry in the United States this migration lays the groundwork for some of the most recognizable names in the knife industry today most notable is the case family more than 30 cutlery operations connected to the cases branch out over the span of a few decades this dynasty begins with joke case whose daughter Emma is married to John W Brown Emma and John have five children Wallace Anna Emerson Ethel and effort has grandsons of joke case Wallis and Emerson Brown are raised in little Valley or the village of knives as it would come to be known at age 19 Wallis Brown becomes a traveling salesman for the robust and cutlery company Wallis Brown original started out as a salesman as a wagon shopper Wallace's mom was a case so he was familiar with cutlery and where color is being sold a lot of it did the south so he travelled around the south and a horse-drawn carriage took his wares and theirs and peddled that's where the roots of this company came from in that though if that wouldn't have happened he also wouldn't have understood sales channels product and the quality as much as he did for his own ventures when he ended up doing it in 1894 Wallace starts his own mail-order cutlery business based out of his home in little Valley he calls this business the Union razor company Wallace is soon joined by his brother Emerson the brown brothers open a warehouse in little Valley where they rent space to the many cutlery companies in the area to store their products in addition to storing various products for other companies Wallace and Emerson formed their own cutlery company Brown Brothers razor they contract with local manufacturers to produce products that bear the brown name however this enterprise is short-lived this company ended in terrible failure today there is no official documents or any kind of official or legal mention of Brown Brothers razor company that that we can find anywhere in the in the County Archives and the company archives so it was almost like they wanted to wipe that chapter out of history entirely in less than three years Brown Brothers razor shudders operations defeated Wallace Emerson and father John Brown go to work for the Cattaraugus cutlery company another offshoot of the case family in titty youยดd Pennsylvania a small knife shop also struggles to make ends meet at the end of the 1800s the color industry was dominated by German and English interests it had a long track record for quality and that was kind of the gold standard so american-made color it was kind of looked at as that second tier now with the passing of the Dingley act that all changed tariffs went up upwards of 50% on a lot of items most notably cutlery so as such cutlery works sprang up all over western New York northern Pennsylvania most of these companies they came and they went it's a very hard business to be successful and there was so many companies doing the same kind of knifes the same kind of designs that there just wasn't room for everybody in 1897 in an attempt to keep their cutlery businesses alive 38 men agreed to form a partnership known as the titty ute cutlery company limited the titia cutlery company legally anyways was formed in 1897 by 38 men most notably H H Cummins who was a civil war hero 16 battles during the Civil War now there are strong evidence to suggest that this company was a much older upwards of 20 years earlier this company may have started we don't know if that original company was called the tittie you cutlery company but we do know that in 1897 after this meeting it was formally called the tin you coloring company in 1898 the company begins manufacturing knives this lays the foundation of the company that will become k-bar in 1902 Wallace Brown works on starting his own cutlery manufacturer in titted named the Union razor company of tittie owed an offshoot of his Union razor sales company in little Valley New York while Wallace waits for the paperwork on his new manufacturing operation an unexpected opportunity arises the Brown Brothers receive news that the titty you cutlery company is struggling as several business men in the company redirect their financial support to more lucrative enterprises in oil and timber the tittied cutlery company's finances are gutted backed by local businessman and civil war hero Henry Cummings Wallace personally buys out the stock of the fledgling titia cutlery company in January 1902 one of them may be the major lessons we take out of this is they were never scared to fail and they failed a lot what else I succeeded a lot they always stood back up they never quit they kept going and that's a lesson that we take forward here is it's all right to fail it's all right - it's all right to lose don't quit four months later when the Union razor company of titute is legally organized Wallace transfers the assets of the titty you cutlery company to Union razor in April of 1902 the company holds its first stockholders meeting Wallace is named president of the newly formed company and his father John is appointed secretary and treasurer henry cummings instrumental in the Browns rise to Providence into Butte his appointed vice president man manages business operations Wallace combines both companies and names the newly formed organization the Union razor company the name of Wallace Browns former sales company tdu company is no more the Union razor company was born Union razor was initially a sales company for the Brown Brothers which did in fact turn into more of a manufacturing arm through the titty of coloring companies so Studio cutlery company was the factory but there was there was all kinds of different stamps that came out of that today you can still find you know stamps to say the Union Union razor Brown Brothers are observed continued cutlery so they used a large number of names to do you know what seem to be similar operations the Brown family now controls the Union razor company they manufacturer straight razors and a small assortment of pocket knives as society changes Wallis Brown changes with it hunting and the outdoors in general become romanticized by popular figures like Teddy Roosevelt the well-groomed gentleman straight razor at the ready is slowly replaced by the rugged outdoorsman using a name like Union razor kind of pinch into a corner if you only want to do straight razors it probably works very well the brown family they want to do more than that they want to do two hunting knives pocket knives they want to keep doing traders as well but they want to have a more diverse product line no longer content that the Union razor company name is an adequate moniker Wallace Brown changes the company name in 1909 he removes the word razor and the company name is changed to the Union cutlery company this ship reverberates throughout the product line though still producing straight razors the number of hunting knives in places to work in the culinary industry during this time period it really had to have been a labor of love it was pretty unforgiving work so to continue to do this particularly the Brown family who had already been knocked out once with the failure of Brown Brothers razor they must have really loved what they were doing the world is changing at an ever-faster pace determined to keep up Wallace Brown and the Union cutlery company make a fateful decision mr. Brown welcome though in the ramifications of which can still be seen today Wallis and Emerson Browne born in little Valley New York in the late 1800s are determined to begin their own cutlery company after a number of different ventures the Brown Brothers eventually begin manufacturing and selling knives under the name Union cutlery company the Union cutlery company's success does not go unnoticed in September nineteen ten the Olean New York Chamber of Commerce approaches Wallace Brown and asks him to consider moving his cutlery company to Olean armed with tax incentives land and a building the chamber makes Wallace an offer he can't refuse according to the aulia newspaper there was a large push to add 50 new businesses to the city of all again and I believe they had about one week time period to do this so his terms of doing this you had the Union cutlery moved along and but subsequently you also had another company called American home now further research shows that Union color and American home were in the same building and strangely enough Wallace Brown was the president of Union cutlery Emerson Brown was the president of American home and when you dig deeper Emerson was the vice president of Union cutlery and Wallace was the vice president of American home subsequently another business popped up called the John Brown sons company was listed was to manufacture straight razors and knives basically the same thing union coloring an American homework doing but again it helped the only on Chamber of Commerce hit their coal of fifty new businesses but to say they were different businesses probably only in name by January 1911 the Union cutlery company begins to move operations to Olean though a skeleton operation remains until the majority of operations are now based in western New York the move to Olean proves to be a success and union coloring knives are used by hunters and outdoorsmen across the country after a number of years in Olean wallace brown receives a package containing the fur of a Kodiak bear and a letter from an Alaskan hunter thanking the Union cutlery company for their outstanding knives so the lure passed down to us when I purchased the company was at the cable our name came from kill apart the truth was never really totally known until recently 20 years after we purchased the company we unearthed a document that we had not found before and it was a manual written by the grandson of one of the original owners of Unicode and in there it specifically references the letter that was sent in to kaiba from a trapper killing a Kodiak bear with his life once his gun Jim corroborating the Kilowog story inspired by the hunter story Wallace combines ka for Kodiak and bar for bear to create the name K bar he trademarks the name K bar in January 1924 Union cutlery begins to use the K bar named on a wide range of cutlery particularly honey knives the future of the Union cutlery company is bright Wallace has a young son who despite a wild streak shows interest in the family business Richard Danforth Brown was born in 1908 Danforth Fez he's known to friends and family spends his early years learning the ropes of the cutlery industry during the 1920s Danforth is sent to three different military schools to build discipline and prepared and forth for his future in the business world the future comes faster than the Brown family could have ever imagined in 1924 at the age of 49 Wallace Brown the founder and driving force of Union cutlery passes away his brother and longtime business partner Emerson assumes the leadership of Union cutlery during his time as president of the company Emerson Designs and Patents a number of unique knives Emerson is credited to many of the pads thoroughly patents that came our made knife with a light knife for the compass these were things that he owned the patents on in the early 1900's way before they're ever invoked many of them never took off because they were way too radical for the time that nobody thought that this is something that he could do he had the ability to be creative and get out get a get out of the box before the region was a box and really push the boundaries of water manufacturers and product people were doing at the time despite Emerson's best efforts America is in the midst of the greatest economic depression the United States has ever experienced American home a closed affiliate of Union cutlery dissolves in July 1928 Union cutlery sales fall although emerson guides the company through the rocky economic environment the brown family suffers another devastating loss when emerson brown passes away unexpectedly on february 4 1934 with his father and uncle gone Danforth at age 26 assumes the role of President of the Union cutlery company Danforth is forced to lead a company in a horrific business climate with the weight of his family the company in the community on his shoulders so you have Wallis and Emerson both died at a fairly young age and leaving their their company in the hands of Danforth Brown where I believe was in his mid-20s when he's left to run this company this is in the middle of the Great Depression starting to get into major military conflicts across the world I'm sure it was a heavy situation as long-standing American companies shuttered their operations Union cutlery survives the 1930s under young Danforth Browns guidance Danforth Brown led the company through the Great Depression and brought them right up to World War two and had them prepared and a good footing to prosper surviving the Great Depression allows for expansion in the 1940s war wounds on the horizon when it comes time to produce combat knives for the US military Union cutlery has the skill equipment and infrastructure in place to produce and deliver products that contribute to the war effort world war ii and the war board goes to essentially anybody can manufacture anything and whatever your product was that you made you stopped making and now you started making products for the war effort the life companies they all made military war or fighting knives Union cutlery is just one of a number of cutlery companies that supply troops with combat knives the most famous the 1219 c2 or USMC fighting utility knife is designed refined and submitted for approval to the US government by USMC captain Howard America USMC colonel John Davis and Danforth Braun Danforth decides to use the ke baare trademark on products made for US troops most of the companies that were producing these products and would have a name on it their company name or could be a town and say USMC ke baare was one of the only ones that had a trademark name on it that wasn't their company this collaboration forms the foundation of K bars relationship with the United States Armed Forces a lot of people when they see a K browser say boys so quite a fearsome weapon a pretty amazing knife to use and impossible your hand to hand situation in combat but for most soldiers it's a utilitarian use the basic uses of of any knife in use in the wilderness and in the wood line a lot of folks use them for preparing hooches as we call it a more shelters in the woods use them for preparing food whether it's dressing in field game in the woods or cutting down bamboo shoots very many more utilitarian uses actually for the caber of the natural combat uses the Union cutlery isn't the first to produce the 1219 see - and they don't make the most of the combat knife but according to troops in the field they make the best version a lot of soldiers and Marines when they came back from the Pacific brought their K bars with him and refused to leave them behind they brought their knives home and and I think that there is performance in the Pacific at places like Taiwan Peleliu and Abel Jima and Okinawa I think its performance there really sealed its reputation for rugged durability and for quality for high quality knife a lot of Marines today swear by them we talked to Marines 80 90 year old guys they still have their K bars at home despite the different manufacturers American troops begin to refer to all fixed blade style knives as k bars the name has become iconic this the sound of the name I believe has has made an impression on people but also the style of knife is common in in world war two in a number of manufacturers but k bars knives were the ones especially especially manufactured here in only and we're much more durable they were stronger they were a better knife I can actually tell you when I was in Special Forces in the qualification course you were allowed to take one knife with you for your your journey into the wilderness for a week and most of us pick the K bar in May 1952 Union cutlery officially changes its name to K bar we changed the name to K bar because it became so popular after World War two Union cut was the company Colonel Wharton so for a brand to become so popular that you change your brand name to it that's pretty cool due to the uncertainty on how long World War two will last a surplus of Union cutlery marked K bars are made so many in fact that after 1945 another k bar USMC fighting utility knife will not be made until the 1970s the surplus K bars do not sit idle for long wars in Korea and Vietnam eventually put the World War two knives back into the hands of American soldiers soldiers in Korea wanted to know what the guys in World War two carry it's a it's a word of mouth a lot of times you see grandpa carry 2 K barn and Pacific I'm leaving for Afghanistan what should I carry and it becomes a family thing it's a trust issue and once again it goes down the quality people trust that k-bar knife the brand has been established people know K bar that's quality they don't have to second-guess they don't have to wonder if it's gonna break they know it's a good knife because you know what grandpa carried one on Iwo Jima so if it's good enough for Grandpa in the Pacific in World War two it's good enough for me although ke baare experiences a surge in name recognition once world war two ends the demand for fighting knives fades friday wartime manufacturer it's a very hard transition to get back to what they were doing before the war particularly when they have made hundreds of thousands if not millions of these products so it was difficult to assimilate themselves back into the civilian market the companies that couldn't do it went away the companies that could flourish and many of those are still around today after decades of stability danforth Brown and k-bar faced a changing marketplace and once again struggle to keep the company afloat just like his father Danforth Brown is faced with difficult decisions that will impact k-bar forever Danforth Braun has seen the Union cutlery company through the Great Depression and World War two he capitalizes on the popularity of the USMC fighting knife and the K bar named the end of World War two there was millions of knives in circulation around the globe that were known as K VARs whether they were actually K bars or not trying to capitalize on that Union color he changed their name to K bar a 1932 now the problem was the market had changed instead of military and I have see utility knives it had kind of gone back to that pre-war need for hunting knives pocket knives and union collar II was forced to adapt just as his father Wallace Brown had been approached by Olean New York officials to move his cutlery operation Danforth is courted by representatives from Dawsonville Georgia in a bid to relocate his company Danforth found himself in a very similar position to Wallace before him he had this very intriguing offer in front of him to move the company only this time it wasn't thirty miles away it was that was a miles away far away from their home base where they were from where their family was from so ahead who have been quite a decision and I'm sure he didn't take it lightly tax incentives inexpensive property and the prospect of cheap labor give Danforth brown optimism that this is the right move for the survival of k-bar in 1954 he moves K bar to Dawsonville Georgia under a 20-year agreement keep our relocates Danforth Brown moves to down to Georgia and he quickly finds that this probably isn't gonna work out one of the reasons for this not working out was the workforce good hard-working people but unfortunately the surrounding area was mainly farmland and these were families that had for generations been farmers their crops were very important to them so if they had to tend to their farm they would leave and tend to their farm at the time it wasn't really set up for a factory manufacturing environment and as such they often found the plant short-handed and were scrambling for workers to do the necessary inviting operations a disinterested workforce and slumping sales but Danforth Brown and the officers of cabe are in a precarious position this is a pivotal moment for k-bar Danforth has taken a gamble and it has failed he can admit defeat close the company and simply walk away or make another bold move quickly overwhelmed there was only one choice stand forth Brown had to relocate back to only in New York fortunately the factory was still in place much of the equipment was still there the workforce with all of their knowledge were here as well so it was a pretty seamless transition back fortunately for him that probably saved the company after being in Georgia for only two years the Dawsonville operation is closed and k-bar limps back to Olean New York Kay bars return to Olean was quite a homecoming that had to have been something that was very reassuring for Danforth and for really much of the staff here that was a big part of the community that had been suddenly taken away for them to return home that was very positive thing for a western New York despite his miscalculation on the move to Georgia Danforth Brown has crafted the company into a globally known brand on March 3rd 1960 Danforth Brown dies bringing an end to over six decades of brown family leadership it was danforth's father Wallace and uncle Emerson who built the company from scrap dan forced grandfather John helped his sons grow a cutlery dynasty from the ashes of failed businesses and manufacturing ventures after Danforth Brown passes the company changes hands several times from local only and businessmen to other knife companies to what we would consider today to be conglomerates the death of Danforth Brown marked the end of the brown color-- a dynasty and really marked the beginning of a turbulent time in the company history k-bar sales begin to decline several Olean business men step up in an attempt to fill the leadership void however the decline continues a series of owners also jump at the chance to own a piece of the world war ii legend but all suffer the same fate failure k-bar enters into chapter 11 bankruptcy Dix term a long time k-bar employee is appointed to run k bar on behalf of the bank one of the key employees during this time period was a man named dick Sturm who started at K bar in the 1940s and had subsequently rose to run the newly created k bar collectors club and he was a great resource for history from firsthand history but also really tried to gather up documents and anything that could be a value down the road so we're very much indebted to him today for for what he did during his time at caper although k bar files for chapter 11 the Robinson knife company purchases the k bar assets from the bank before the company can be reorganized despite bankruptcy gay bar operations continue without delay the Robinson knife company prevents the total collapse of K bar but a declining marketplace does not allow them to capitalize on their investment after only two years robinson knife company sells k bar to the coal national corporation an outdoor conglomerate of cleveland ohio once K bar ultimately left a lien and went to coal consumer products it largely became a brand that sourced all of its products and they sourced it from a variety of places Pakistan China Ireland and the products that were in the line or much of a shell of what it used to be armed with an aggressive business plan coal National begins to diversify the k-bar lineup the company focuses on inexpensive pocket knives that look similar to Union cutlery patterns from the early 1900's products are sourced from the Far East and stamped with several variances of the k-bar name slowly but steadily sales begin to stabilize during this time period there are several different stamps used for k-bar knives many of which you will see still today today we use all capital letters with the hyphen between the K and the bar during this time period they experimented with everything from all lowercase letters to losing the - entirely - marks that said things like k bar international different lines like Sabre and this was just kind of a way to delineate the different features of these knives coal national keeps the cave our brand alive for nearly two decades gaybar continues to operate at a modest clip however it lacks the dynamic growth an organization like coal national demands in the mid-1990s coal national puts k bar up for sale Kmart did hit a rough patch again and it was something where it ran a very real possibility of the company going away entirely was being bought and taken offshore or just eliminated completely the future was a very answer Olean New York is also home to another cutlery company Cutco the cooking utensil company by the 1990s Cutco men known as outcasts is in a position to acquire k-bar and provide the stability that k-bar needs to survive in 1996 bond Brian Shriver who headed kvar had called Jim step my father who ran outcasts and told him that k-bar would potentially be for sale and dad talks about the purchase of the company from outcasts as a decision of the heart none of them Cutco been making the marine combat knife since 1975 for cold consumer products P and it was the logical choice that boolean based company by a former boolean based company and one that happened to be one of their primary vendors it's done after 30 years K bar ownership returns to olya you in May 1996 Cutco Cutlery purchases k-bar from coal national corporation rescuing an American icon there's no way around it I'll kiss saved ke baare knives it brought a bar truly home put the home office back in only in New York without their intervention K Bar K bar probably would've won away in 1996 on their purchase K bar I was 20 years old and at the time working in the Cutco factory they needed some employees to help out in the shipping department I was one of the first employees hired by K bar and became their main picker Packer shipper of all the raw materials and finished products that were getting sent out of the door for the orders under the Cutco umbrella initial K bar offerings are limited the USMC fighting utility knife is the centerpiece of K bars rebirth I think they'll always be a need for a good knife in for combat soldiers it's it's just that way as we move more forward with technology and they talk about push-button warfare and drones and and all these kind of things and the technology advances to a point where they're talking about autonomous tanks and aircraft you're always going to need guys on the ground there's always the need for the infantry for soldiers that can take ground and hold when that comes down to it it goes right back to the basics of hand weapons and tools like that and of course whatever comes down to it it could come down to hand at hand and you're gonna want a good blade on your side and it's gonna have to be a k-bar for most guys the attacks on American soil in September 11th 2001 plunged the United States into global conflict one of the robic turning points for the company was in in 2003 when we got involved in multiple operations in Afghanistan Iraq the knife that came to the forefront again was the caber it reintroduced this legend to a new generation of warriors because pound for pound is still the best value on the market when it comes to just an all-purpose utility design is timeless and it still does exactly what it does today what it did that it doesn't want a surge in demand creates the conditions and capital to expand k bars product lines more knives are made in Olean New York creating jobs than fostering a sense of pride in American manufacturing the product line slowly was built back up under al casts and when it started it was just the 12:17 USMC fighting utility knife that did expand due to demand to the US Army and the US Navy for a brief period of time the US Coast Guard as well one thing that never really changed throughout all of these transitions in the company history was the cave our name the cave our reputation the tradition that was behind it the way that it is revered throughout families from veterans and the overall American growth has been astronomical the k-bar family grows to include custom knife designers from around the country the advent of custom knife makers became involved probably the 80s when custom knife makers and manufacturers started collabing and getting producing products that were different than what the just the company would do by itself for us there was none of that until 1996 when bought the company we started with Bob Dozier moved on with John better TDI and the Becker to see Charles and like snow t-cell is Steve Johnson all of these persons have a different element about them that they're trying to relate to the consumer and say this is why and this is what I do and for us it was trying to find people that had stories that identified with their consumer base like our stories identify with Harkins orbits in 2014 kay ba requires another world war two knife icon in a commando knife subsequent collaborations under the umbrella with Spartan blades and Jessie Jara's expand the k-bar footprint today k-bar continues to evolve the fighting utility product line continues to form the backbone of the k-bar brand new products such as the ke baare spork combined with the k bar master series have diversified ke baare off reeds we've spent quite a bit of time over the last five five six seven years really creating a environment of change and willingness to change internally with our employees our employees know who we are they know what the brand stands for they know what we do but it's to not get so tied down into the muck that you're scared to change and be fluid because we've seen that so many times with this company over the time line of it that that's when it fails when you get so scared that you just do the status quo and we've got wonderful employees here Cutco everybody was involved in everything with ke part they get it they get what this thing is and they like to be a part of this thing that can evolve and change to move and be something else I don't know where we'll be in five years time or be in ten years but it's a whole lot of fun being part of it watching a change watching your young boys come in have an idea and something a ticket okay let's try April 28 team represents 120 years in the k-bar story the k-bar story is about more than just knives it represents family duty tradition ingenuity resilience in pride when I think of a k-bar knife I think of kind of like a historic value you know it's it's been around for a long time it's something that's been proven it's got the history you know whatever design may be out whatever new features are whatever it may be it might be the newest thing but it's still got that history and proven capability I'm a history buff so you know I think of the history behind that and how many how many young kids relied on their K bar and you know to them a K bar was more than just tonight and I think that's when that's why every every every knife out there in that pattern is a K bar you know and it definitely says something for the brand if you were to go down downtown and the strip right now with the white board and take random individuals 50 of them as they walked by give them a 6 seconds to draw a knife on a whiteboard and you were to superimpose those over the top of each other you probably have something that looked like a cave our knife I mean k bars been around so long and it's such an iconic brand for those don't live in a knife industry those that don't collect or don't use them her first thought of a knife is either one of two things now kitchen knife or a K by K bars one of the few cutlery companies that's lasted the test of time they were making a the same product and they continued to improve upon that product every year and it's just a legendary company it's one of those companies that's an icon in America it's a knife of American myth and it's been it's been in every war we've been in since the early parts of World War 2 Korea Vietnam every little outlying event military event urban K Wars there and the good ones are actually made by ke baare despite the many setbacks ke baare has always picked itself up from the canvas and continued the fight a fitting tribute to the example set by wallace emerson and john brown story of ke baare isn't always a pretty one it's not always one that has a clear line from point A to point B but it's one that we're very proud of and it's one that we hope that we're continuing to write that we're pushing it forward that a hundred and twenty years from now we'll be having a similar conversation just the faces have changed so to sit here today and to work out a project like this is so important on multiple levels because as we dig through this history and we flip over rocks and find nuggets and try to piece things back together we're doing our due diligence to pass the stories forward the best we know and to help out the longevity of this company and the story of this company and the Lord everything that comes along with it to make sure that the stories get told the stories remain [Music] [Music] well the morning comes on fast when you're just above the water so you wake up with gas well morning comes on slow when you wake up in your mansion army in the holy Road and I wonder as I said in the seed of this soul Shelly I broke my back again watch the sunrise on this town watch the good guys go to work Wow guys like me coming down [Music] I chose this life when it chose me but it looks different to me now than how it used to watch TV I seen the world made some friends almost lost the girl I love about a dozen times since then [Music]
Channel: KA-BAR Knives
Views: 583,085
Rating: 4.8602352 out of 5
Keywords: KA-BAR, KA-BAR Knives, documentary, history, miniseries, series, tv, movie, film, channel, military, discover, manufacturing, nostalgia, knives, knife, how its made, USA, Made in America, industry, review, WWII, world war ii, Bones Owens, Union Cutlery, Olean, WNY, pride, American Made, fixed blade, folder, pocket knife, recommendation
Id: PnjlE-wP4dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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