The Story of ClownPierce

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oh my god son they found me pierce run and get as far away as you can as possible your father will take care of this you know exactly why i'm here i'm here to collect your debt of course it's all here take whatever you want shut up unfortunately you decided to flee you made my boss very unhappy you brought this on yourself [Music] and so the man took all of the father's debt and ran away as pierce watched his father die the man stared him down on his horse and remained unknown or now but pierce was not going to give up he learned to fend for himself and trained on a certain set of survival skills and within a few months pierce was ready to take on the world he wanted revenge on the man who killed his father so he began his journey to find the man but unfortunately he was unsuccessful and began to change hello sir have you happened to see a man wearing a pitch black clothing that travels in the shadows [Music] been searching for the man for months i need a drink bro the other day i saw a pig wearing a crown it's actually insane hey look we got a customer yo what's good bro where you from nowhere i'll take a drink okay no problem seems like you really need a drink i got you oh no the sheriff's here make sure everything's put away make sure everything's clean hurry up hello gentlemen what are you two hiding here wait what officer what are you talking about we haven't done anything i don't care put both of your hands behind your back right this instant one sec officer hey kid you forgot to pay me get back here what he stole my horse get back here kid [Music] on pierce's journey he found himself in the snow by him forcing him to get comfortable with different environments and even learning new survival strats using everything in his surroundings to his advantage he also got caught up in conflict with other members of the snow biome hello filthy human what do you think you're doing in our territory we've gotten a lot of reports that you've been invading people's property okay i see you're not gonna respond to me get him boys [Music] i did not expect you to kill my entire army but that's not gonna stop me from killing you you filthy humans really think you can take down us vindicators not a chance you're going down [Music] hello young man i hear that you're a wanted gentleman on his journey to find the man who killed his father we've been watching you for a few months now and your skills are impressive would you like to join our team of assassins and find the man who killed your father that's a deal alright then we will take you to our base where you will follow every instruction i give welcome to the assassin lair do not speak or we will eliminate you the man with the night outfit his name is bob he is my partner now we will escort you to your room all right sir you may now open the chest and equip your assassin outfit the assassin outfit you are about to equipped has been passed down through many assassin generations we call it clown pierce good morning everybody we have a new bounty that we must eliminate he stole over one hundred thousand dollars from our leader the grand prize will be 50k dead or live good luck on your first mission pierce [Music] [Music] all right time to make my move oh hello clown man you must be a part of the assassin team i knew you people were after me all along so now you will pay the price [Music] oh my god where am i hello filthy human who do you work for exactly i want to know i work with a group of assassins and we're trying to kill you for 50 grand who is the leader of this assassin group to be honest i really don't know i've never seen him you say you've never seen him don't tell me you work for the man in black i've heard a lot of bad stories about him what the heck hey [Music] this mission went perfectly [Music] so [Music] okay give me a stack of emeralds and i'll give you a stack of carrots i say that's a good deal let me just make sure you're not scaring me haha okay looks like this is a stack of emeralds in return i'll give you the stack of carrots as pierce was eliminating the bounties he began to forget his main goal finding the man who killed his father and little did pierce know he was working for him so what was the purpose of working for this mysterious man that secretly killed his father when in the end piers would find out and why was the man in black following him for all these years why does he never reveal himself even as the creator of the story i still don't know so you think that the man of black killed your father he was literally just here what a coincidence where was he heading he went that direction to some sort of mansion i think i don't know perfect after all of these years you've finally found me the man who killed your father and yes i know you're in a fit of rage but unfortunately you're not going anywhere [Music]
Channel: FroggyDude
Views: 1,403,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, lifestealsmp, ClownPierce
Id: kBVvkzQl4EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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