The Spiritual Forces of Evil, Part One

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the following message by Alistair beg is made available by truth for life for more information visit us online at I invite you to turn with me to Daniel and to chapter 10 and we'll read from verse 1 Daniel chapter 10 in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a word was revealed to Daniel who was named belt a Shazzer and the word was true and it was a great conflict and he understood the word and had understanding of the vision in those days I Daniel was mourning for three weeks I ate no delicacies no meat or wine entered my mouth nor did I anoint myself at all for the full three weeks on the 24th day of the first month as I was standing on the bank of the great river that is the Tigris I lifted up my eyes and looked and behold a man clothed in linen with a belt of fine gold from Rufus around his waist his body was like Beryl his face like the appearance of lightening his eyes like flaming torches his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude and I daniel alone saw the vision for the men who were with me did not see the vision but a great trembling fell on them and they fled to hide themselves so I was left alone and saw this great vision and no strength was left in me my radiant appearance was fearfully changed and I retained no strength then I heard the sound of his words and as I heard the sound of his words I fell on my face and deep sleep with my face to the ground and behold a hand touched me and said me trembling on my hands and knees and he said to me Oh Daniel man greatly loved understand the words that I speak to you and stand upright for now I have been sent to you and when he had spoken this word to me I stood up trembling then he said to me fear not Daniel for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humble yourself before your God your words have been heard and I have come because of your words the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days but Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me for I was left there with the kings of Persia and came to make you understand what is to happen to your people in the latter days for the vision is four days yet to come when he had spoken to me according to these words I turned my face toward the ground and was mute and behold one in the likeness of the children of man touch my lips then I opened my mouth and spoke I said to him who stood before me o my Lord by reason of the vision pains have come upon me and I retain no strength how can my lord servant talk with my lord for now no strength remains in me and no breath is left in me again one having the appearance of a man touched me and strengthened me and he said o man greatly loved fear not peace be with you be strong and of good courage and as he spoke to me I was strengthened and said let my Lord speak for you have strengthened me then he said do you know why I have come to you but now I will return to fight against the Prince of Persia and when I go out behold the Prince of Greece will come but I will tell you what is inscribed in the book of truth there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael your prince and as for me in the first year of Darius the Mede I stood up to confirm and strengthen him amen I want to turn you just one or two passages this morning sometimes more than usual but daniel chapter 10 and the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a word was revealed to Daniel who was named Bell to Shazzer and the word was true and it was a great conflict or it was about a great conflict and he understood the word and had understanding of the vision well what is actually wrong with our world this morning what is wrong with our world how come it is so unbelievably broken that's the question that many people have been posing as a result not simply of the events of 1113 but of all that those events represent in the lives of people and in the circumstances of the nation's you may have been asking yourself the question you may actually have come along to church this morning in the hope that perhaps somewhere along the line you may find an answer to that question because you're deeply concerned and understandably so what is wrong with the world how do we account for the atrocities of these days why is it that at all that in all of our attempts at unity unity of the nations and of the homes and so on there is so much conflict in our world and in perhaps most importantly of all when if ever will it all end this is not just a piece of rhetoric I am finding and I'm sure you're finding too that these questions are bound at the moment and it makes perfect sense and it may be of surprise to us and then perhaps we can pass it on to others to acknowledge the fact that the tenth chapter of Daniel actually helps us in this matter that it doesn't help us in a way that is exclusive to the tenth chapter it is in keeping with the rest of the book and it enables us to grapple with these kinds of questions chapter 10 is the beginning of the closing section of the book it is largely a vision that is followed by a prolonged prophecy that runs all the way through chapter 11 and into chapter 12 and as we've said so many times in this study it is absolutely imperative that we don't allow ourselves to be distracted by the debatable details but instead make sure that we are made on the major themes that unfold for us from the text we have said again and again quoting the Westminster Confession that not all parts of the Bible are equally understandable or as easy to understand as other parts but those parts that relate to the unfolding story of salvation both in their statements individually and in the impact of them cumulatively leave a man or a woman in no doubt that salvation belongs to the Lord now it is immediately clear from the reading of the opening verse that Daniel has been made aware of what he refers to as a great conflict and this word that has come to him has been understood and he has something of an understanding of the vision to that vision we will come later in the day all being well and what he is making clear to us in recording it for us is that what if you like was happening on the ground was tied to conflict in the heavenly realms that the unfolding drama of history needs to be understood in light of all that the Bible makes clear concerning history again to repeat ourselves we have said on numerous occasions that the only way that we can really understand world history is with our Bibles not that all the events in the unfolding story of history I haven't found the Battle of Hastings in the Bible I haven't found Napoleon in the Bible and so on but nevertheless it is the way in which the Bible unfolds the drama of history that we can then say while I can begin to make sense of what is going on here when you agree that the events of the last 10 days or so have created the impression in many of us that there is something far deeper something far more sinister behind these horrific events in our world and particularly those events which are making clear the fierce opposition of many our world to the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and consequently to those who name the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and one of the questions must surely be why is it that that is the case why should it be why should it be that the followers of Jesus are so manifestly opposed unlike the followers of other religious figures Abram Kuiper is famous for a lot of things but his one great quote that most people know reads as follows there is not one square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ who is sovereign over all does not cry mine not one square inch in the entire domain of human existence exists apart from Christ the person you are sitting next to could not exist does not exist apart from Christ the water that comes out of your tap does not exist apart from Christ the stars in the sky and so we can go through bearing testimony to what kuiper is saying Jesus says Paul when he writes to the Ephesians has been raised from the dead he seated in the heavenly places far above all rule and authority and power and above every name that is named not only in this age but also in the one to come now Paul is writing that to the church in Ephesus who are opposed who find that they are marginalized who are suffering from all kinds of trials directly related to their affirming of the fact that Jesus is the savior of all who will come to him in faith and it is on account of that that the Evil One and his minions is opposed to that very reality and consequently engages in conflict now this is not something that springs up from nowhere this is the conflict that is announced for us at the very beginning of the Bible in Genesis chapter 3 and to which we refer from time to time is referred to in theological terms as the protoevangelium or you Angelli on and here it is God speaks to the serpent to the to Satan and he says I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel here you have this prophecy eventually pointing forward to Christ who is to come and as a result of that all conflict in the world ultimately may be traced to that one root now you're not going to get this from listening to the news I don't think I've heard anybody our read in any newspaper this week anybody's saying well you know there's no surprise that all this is going on because after all we exist with conflict in the heavenly realms there is a great cosmic battle that ensues in a realm that we do not actually see and which we are prone to reject as scientific rationalist as people who say all that we have is now and all the reality is in the tangible in the seeable and to be observable and so on and the Bible challenges that our fight then says Paul in Ephesians 6 having identified the triumph of Christ is not against a physical enemy it is against organizations and powers that are spiritual we are up against the unseen power that controls this dark world and spiritual agents from the very headquarters of evil are you going to have to decide whether you believe this or not you're going to have to determine whether you're going to bow down under the authority of God's Word and realize that the conflict in our world and the opposition to the Lord Jesus and to his people which is manifest in many parts of our world today is not simply as a result of political bumble in aptitude a bad attitude on the part of people but is traceable to the fact that within the corridors of power within the governments of the world there are dark and sinister unseen forces that are at work that the very people who are making decisions unwittingly may be the very agents of these things that sounds so bizarre doesn't it I may quote Piper again in his second most famous quote in the opening I think of the University of the free University of Amsterdam this is what he says if once the curtain were pooled buying and the spiritual world behind it came to view it would expose to our spiritual vision a struggle so intense so convulsive sweeping everything within its range that the fiercest battle ever fought on earth would seem by comparison a mere game it is not here but it is up there that is where the real conflict is waste and our earthly struggle drones in its backlash the most powerful forces in our world our unseen forces and we actually live our lives largely if not in some cases completely unaware of the spiritual battles that ensue in the heavenly realms and if we had ever doubted that surely our studies in Daniel make it perfectly clear to us that God is revealing to his servant six centuries BC that the immediacy of the conflict on the ground that the people of God are facing there is emblematic of that which will continue through the ages until in this final great dinner long when Christ who is all-in-all comes he will usher us into an entirely different realm now that seems like a very long introduction and I guess it is but it is purposeful I want to try and make sure that we set this scene I then want us to get no further than really just the first two or three verses we'll come back to the bulk of it later on I wrote down in my notes just a heading that route that reads Daniel still serving after all these years and those of you repulse Ayman fans will recognize this where that notion comes from instead of still crazy after all these years which fits many of us Daniel is still serving after all these years now it is interesting to me and I hope to you as well thereby making it worthy of comment that this first verse of chapter 10 seems to be directly taking us back to the beginning of the entire book ad identifying the time frame as being in the third year of Cyrus the king of Persia a word revealed to Daniel who was named Delta Shazzer but we know he was named belter Shazzer why mentioning it here or presumably to remind us that what is happening in chapter 10 is directly retired tied to all that has preceded it if you go back to Daniel chapter 1 for just a moment you see there that it is in verse 7 that the chief of the eunuchs gave them their names and Daniel he called belter Shazzer and in verse 21 the very final verse of the chapter and Daniel was there until the first year of King Cyrus well now chapter 10 verse 1 in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia I think it's a deliberate reinforcement of these things so that we might recognize that God who had put him in that position was still with him and this Daniel was still serving you say while he was supposed to be there until the first year of the king of King Cyrus and now it says that in the third year of King Cyrus he was still there oh yeah they just said that he'd be there until the didn't see wouldn't be there for longer than the first maybe it was until the first that that rounded out his formal service and after that he's in a kind of retirement mode and so by the time we get to year three he is confronted by this word he understands something of the vision and then having given to us this kind of editorial introduction he's then going to tell us exactly what was going on now as I study this I thought it would be purposeful to pause for a moment and just recognize three aspects of Daniels life and service he is distinguished by his service of the Living God you remember back in Chapter six when he's in the den of lions and the king who's had a very broken night of sleep comes down early in the morning to see if Daniel is still around and when he cries out in an anguish voice you remember what it says he cried out he came near to the den this is the 20th verse of Daniel 6 he came near to the den where Daniel was he cried out in a tone of anguish declaring Oh Daniel servant of the Living God he didn't say Oh Daniel dreamer of dreams visionary Daniel great leader Daniel fantastic administrator all of those things were true noises Daniel's servant of the Living God and they asked has your God whom you serve continually being able to deliver you from the Lions and of course the answer was yes and so it is that we are have him identified throughout the entire book in relationship to his service of the Living God well here are the three words that I want you to get number one to notice that he is faithful that he is faithful in this respect by this time he was an old man if he'd been taken away at the age of 18 and these years of elapsed that are 70 then he's 88 he's definitely in the second half of his eighth decade he's the age of some of us here he's the age of that some of us hope we will one day become and throughout the book he has been marred by His faithfulness in two respects particularly absolutely faithful in listening to the Word of God and absolutely faithful in seeking the face of God listening to his word and seeking his face that was the thing that annoyed his friends and his companions why do you have to be this way why can't you just be like everybody else why do you have to be so engaged with all of this stuff and that of course was the basis of their charge against him because they knew that they could find him in that situation because of his faithfulness in these regards he is if you like the embodiment of the second half of isaiah 66 - this is the one to whom I will Luke says the Lord ah he who is humble and contrite in spirit and who trembles at my word and it is in this trembling response to the word of God that we find Daniel here now again it is important to realize that the third year of Cyrus the king of Persia is a marker for us to recognize what is going on elsewhere and here you need to turn to Ezra and to chapter 1 for just a moment in order that you can get a hold of this Ezra chapter 1 reads in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia so that he made a proclamation throughout all of his kingdom and also put it in writing so are we seen we have seen that the that God enabled Nebuchadnezzar to take the people of God into exile now he has prophesied Jeremiah 25 which we saw a week passed on Sunday night Jeremiah 25 that the end of this time would come and there would be the opportunity of repatriation how was it going to be possible for the people to get back to Jerusalem well God says I'm going to take care of it and so he stirs up Cyrus he puts it in the heart of Cyrus if you like and Cyrus publishes it abroad that anybody that would like to go back up to Jerusalem is now free to go and he's as I will try and enable you as you head out and so a number of them leave but interestingly Daniel doesn't leave I wonder does that strike you the way it strikes me when you have father Daniel would be the first person do you think that he would say now listen we're going back and I have been very very important in this whole program and I'm going to be at the front at the front of the parade I want you to make sure that everybody sees me everybody knows me and that it will be credit will be given where credit is to others none of that is or there wouldn't be and he who is humble and contrite in spirit and who trembles at the word I suppose part of the reason that he wasn't going back is that he didn't want to go back when you're 86 he presumably don't want to do some of the things that you did when you were 46 or 36 or 26 or even 76 he wasn't as physically commanding as he would have been as a younger man and after all there were people like Ezra Nehemiah and their helpers who were put in position ostensibly in order that they might do the heavy lifting so Daniel stays and he does some heavy lifting of his own what is that heavy lifting he prays he prays his faithfulness is revealed in listening to the Word of God and seek in the face of God and as he seeks the face of God having understood the great conflict that is about to come he prays for the people of God immediately in their return to Jerusalem and in the awareness of the conflict that will ensue following that return in other words quite remarkably he is committed to a project in which he himself had no immediate part and the conclusion of which he would not live to see seems to me that what that is one of the great tests especially as we continue in life people have told me for 32 years now that Cleveland is on the way back apparently I love Cleveland it's my home I mean no disrespect but it still got a long way to go I mean I can't go to Higbee's and I haven't been able to go to Higbee's and twig bees and everything for Christmas now it's a casino on the way back apparently so without doing a disservice to the town planners and everything else the missing link it seems to me in a city like this or in other cities it's to have leaders who are prepared to lead even though they may not see the fulfillment of their vision even though they may not live long enough to realize the radical transformation that is involved if we only want to operate on that which is immediately gratifying to us then we will probably never make a dent the real test is in those who are prepared to see beyond the parameters beyond the horizon and to give themselves in faithfulness to that which they will never themselves enjoy and that's exactly what you have here in Daniel he is engaged in this even though it is not his to see that you see is part of the reason that we pray for our unsaved kids and our unconverted grandchildren in the hope that one of the posthumous joys of heaven will be to see then in that day the answer to our prayers that God has actually fulfilled his covenant promises and that that for which we have labored long and prayed long and never saw the end to may be ours to enjoy in that day he was faithful secondly he was also fearful I'm not going to go all the way through the chapter you can see how many times that notion comes across the reports that find their way back to him presumably did not become the occasion of immediate gladness in fact we're told that he was mourning for three weeks his life was devastated both by the vision and presumably by the reports that came for your homework you can read in Ezra chapter 4 and there in Ezra chapter 4 you discover that although the building project had begun it soon came to a crashing halt as soon as people realize what was going on and that their focus was still on this God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob they said we want no part in that we want to oppose that and eventually it all stops and it is in abeyance until you get the beginnings of Nehemiah when nirmaia is sad in the presence of the king in sues of the capital and eventually he goes up and picks up the project that had come to a halt and so there is a reason as to why it is that Daniel would be as fearful as he proves himself to be I find it greatly helpful that he is at one at the same time faithful and fearful you see you might think if you're faithful then you won't be fearful and if you're fearful you can't be faithful but an actual fight I think faithful and fearful is a is an understandable combination they certainly find it all the way through the Bible Gideon you're a mighty man of Valor I think you got the wrong person Lord I am the least I'm the smallest I'm Jeremiah your will be the prophet to the nation's I can't hardly speak I'm only a youth what would I do Moses you're the man for Pharaoh go to Pharaoh and say let my people go I'm no good at that God my brother he's really he's a good public speaker but I'm not your man and he who was faithful unto death who received the crown of life in the Garden of Gethsemane said if it might be at all possible let this cup pass for me faithful and fearful you see Daniel denies the notion of the kind of rugged driving personality and instead we find him not so much on his knees telling people what to do as on his knees asking God what he should do so faithful and fearful and that's why incidentally the first word to him from the angelic visitor in verse 12 is fear not and when he had spoken this word to me I stood up trembling and he said to me fear not you don't have to tell people to fear not if they're not afraid and thirdly frail frail it's very straightforward isn't it he was faithful he was fearful and he was frail the receiving of this word and the vision laid a great burden on him and you can read this all the way through and I encourage you to reread it in the prospect of this evening as we try and work our way through the body of the text the conflict was going to be severe the conflict was going to involve suffering among the people of God and his frailty is apparent he is finding himself in a trance he's finding himself once again thrown down and on his face he is struck dumb his encounter with the majesty and the greatness of God doesn't put him on TV to tell people his amazing story but actually puts him once again facedown and so what is the word to him well verse 18 and again 1 having the appearance of a man touched me and strengthened me and he said o man greatly loved fear not peace be with you and here we go be strong and of good courage it's similar to the Word of God - Josh oh isn't it and the Word of God throughout the Bible now when we think along these lines and we realize that our lives are but a shadow there but a breath we're here today we're gone tomorrow we do well just to pause for a moment and see whether this picture in Daniels life does not have a particular word to say to a certain demographic in this room I am part of that demographic and those of you are not still have to listen to what I'm about to say I'm speaking now I'm addressing those who were born a little earlier than others who have lived in to the closing chapters of our lives recognizing that God in His purposes has brought us here and making sure that we realize that in doing so he is given to his maturity as a gift we haven't lived this long by chance and it may well be that our best days are in front of us despite the fact that everything in our culture says there's not much chance of that you might as well go and fossilize in Florida because you've got nothing to do and nothing to say take your retirement package and make a run for the border and so it goes on and when we're tempted to do that especially in in Christian terms and in Christian circles and in the realm of church work we are in real danger therefore I suggest to you that it is important to take a leaf from Daniels book Daniel is not looking back to the good old days if we had spent time with Daniel we would not find him saying you know let me tell you about what it was like 70 years ago it was I was really on my game then I mean we we had it going myself and a few of my friends while if I could only explain all of that - he was terrific you were finally doing that nor would you have found him involved in regrets or in recriminations and certainly not in nostalgia no he knows that he is at this point in time and he is a work to do his work is not the same as the work of those who are repatriated his work is not the work of building with Ezra and Nehemiah his work now is to continue to do what God has enabled them to do that is to listen to the voice of God and to seek the face of God and to pray for the people of God what an amazing privilege what an amazing privilege and if you find yourself at all discouraged this and thinking that somehow or another you are beyond the pale that you've got nothing no real contribution to make anymore then pay careful attention to this there is work to be done the vision has underpinned for him the vital necessity of turning to God and wholehearted devotion wholehearted dependence and confessing that we can do nothing and God alone can work in other words in 2 corinthians 4 terms confessing the fact that we are actually old clay pots old clay pots now you could if your life i was a different kind of preacher i'd say turn to the person next to you and say you are an old clay pot but i'm not going to do that but you can do it when you get home and some of you are thinking it right down but the fact is we are we're increasingly cracked we've been around for a long time we no longer look the way once look physically there is a degenerative aspect to it emotionally that may be the case certainly in terms of cognitive memory loss and all these other things we recognize that but god has purpose to bring us to this day to this particular sunday in order that we might recognize that where it's not over till it's over and if it isn't over then we must recognize that untold numbers untold numbers of unknown faithful frail fearful prayerful servants will be revealed in glory untold numbers of unknown people in other words when we read in the bible about the nature of what it will be to see christ to be made like him and to receive the crowns that he has purposed for those who are his own when none of us will be disappointed with what we receive but we will be surprised i think without being disappointed and will say how in a world it and did that elderly mrs. so-and-so end up in such a beautiful place she never seemed to do in the church at all well what do you know what do you know the God who sees in secret will reward her openly or she didn't have a profile he didn't have a profile he was never upfront he never did anything at all apparently oh you don't realize that the faithful fearful unknown ones may be the very first while having been last and that those of us who were apparently first having moved a little further down the food chain and understandably so none of us will be disappointed it will all be perfect on that day well you say you're a little steamed up about this aren't you well I am a little yes I must say must be feeling my age and I shall fight my trip to Ireland generated some of this in me as I was studying the Bible I find myself going in this direction and it's partly because my visit to the north of Ireland last week was what was the occasion of a number of sort of painful discoveries at one point as I was sitting in the congregation someone referred to thee to the older people in the group older people being anybody over the age of 60 I said okay well that's me and then and then also I found out that I fight for a for it to travel on the busses for free which is I guess suppose there is a compensation for the fight that you're you're on your way out you know and then I was thought well that'll be good as a Scotsman it appeals to me and it had and anything for frees is absolutely terrific by the actual fact it really came across to me when I was saying goodbye to a couple that I had known when I was there previously when I was 45 years of age that was my last visit to this particular church and I said to the couple I said well um go on your way go home and I will go home and if if we continue on the 18 year cycle then I'll be back when I'm 81 and then I thought 81 81 but the thing that really drove it home for me was a visit that I made to one of my heroes the hero is a lady her name is Helen Rose beer a medical doctor and a missionary in the Congo from 1953 on she went to Congo when I was one I had read her book as a youngster soon I had had her in our home in Scotland she visited here she graduated from Cambridge and she went as a single woman to the Democratic Republic of Congo or whatever it is now it was while she was there that some of her colleagues were killed by terrorists and she was imprisoned for five or six months during that time and after 20 years she finally came home her biography will repay your reading is called give me this mount and that is an autobiography and the energy recognizes the fact that she was not an obvious candidate for missionary service indeed she says that she almost failed to be enlisted in the ranks of missionary endeavor with the worldwide evangelization crusade and the reason she said that she was going to fail was because of her failings and that was that she was a bit of a know-it-all she was phenomenally stubborn and she had an ingrained inability to work with others and yet God took her up and crushed her a little and the story of her life is actually the story of tread in deep deep dark valleys and getting a glimpse of mountains and the autobiography is of course the title of it is taken from Caleb give me this mountain here I am today 85 years old and still as strong as I was at the first it's amazing thing and I found out that she was living as she had been taken into a nursing home just a few miles of where from where I was taking and staying and so I asked to borrow a car and I went to see her and she'd she's had a stroke she's 90 years old she was paralyzed all down her left side and as we sat together she never said a word if you know Helen she has amazing eyes beautiful eyes but scary eyes you know you could never if you were burbling on you could tell without her saying at a thing that she knew you were just burbling on anyway her hair was nice her glasses were clean they had cared for her and she laid in her bed and I had to do all the talking which was really hard for me and then and and eventually we read reread from the Bible she listened as I read and then we held hands as we prayed and as I prayed she squeezed my hands and so the time was gone and I said I'm gonna have to leave now and if sue knew that I was here she would send you her love and the lady who was in the room who had been caring for her lady by the name of Pat said to her Helen Helen do you have do you have a greeting for Aleister to take back to sue but she nothing happened and she said oh come on now Helen do you have to have a blessing for Aleister and Sue and she moved her head just ever so slightly in her pillow and she turned towards me and this level of volume she said four words keep on keeping keep on keepin on seems to be the lesson here is 86 88 years old not nostalgia not regret not a fascination with himself but an ongoing commitment to the vision that God has given him and the fulfillment of God's purposes you see in in in the life of an individual and in the life of a church it will be this overarching reality which will galvanize sustain develop and quicken us for the coming generations you see when we talk about building into the next generation this is not isn't that hot air some of us have got to be a little more diligent than we've been and step up to the privilege that we enjoy and even though we're frail and even though we're fearful with God's help we can be faithful and as the chapter ends of course Daniel is consumed with the fact that eventually this one who is to come will reign forever and forever well father thank you that your word is worthy of our study is worthy of our submission is worthy of our trust thank you that eventually as we think of Daniel in all of his willingness to serve you the Living God we eventually find our gaze caught up in the Lord Jesus Christ himself and he is the one who urges us to be faithful unto death in order that we might receive the crown of life help us to know this morning that in our world with all of its twists and turns in all of its chaos and in all of its discord that Jesus Christ is Lord of all for we pray in his name amen this message was brought to you from truth for life where the learning is for living learn more about truth for life with alistair beg visit us online at truth for
Channel: Alistair Begg
Views: 128,514
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: Alistair Begg, Biblical Figures, Faith, Fear, Kingdom of God, Obeying God, Perseverance, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare
Id: fCMcq4A2LiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 30sec (2610 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2015
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