The Spirit of Hezekiah

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and what shall we do come let us enter into his courts with praise the dice ecology [Music] [Music] [Music] the call to worship I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord our feet shall stand within thy gates o Jerusalem because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good blessed are they that dwell in thy house Lord I have love thy habitation the place where thy honor dwelleth let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer we're announcing our opening hymn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we will now have the invocation by Eric Roberts good morning if you could please connect with your neighbor father God we just want to thank you this morning for life health and strength and things being well as they are father God we thank you for giving us a mind to come out and serve you father God on this beautiful Sunday morning father God and and while we're thanking you for doors being opened father God that no man could close and we thank you for making a way out of no way and keeping us healthy and safe father God we're just definitely mindful that there are those who are having to rebuild their homes after tragedies father God we're mindful that those that are walking through the valley of the shadow of death father God we're mindful that we're living in a nation father God where we can't always seem to live up to the mantra of being the United States as the Tartar relation so we just ask you to stop in today and lead guide and heal and bless father God according to your will father God and we just thank you Father God today because we are celebrating the 35th anniversary of the mighty man of God that you have placed over us is our pastor in the form of Reverend dr. Lee P Washington father guidance we just thank you for everything he's done for us we thank you that you have built him up and you you you use him as your manservant and he breaks for if the bread of life every Sunday father God we pray that you teach we thank you that you have allowed him to teach us how to be disciples and good stewards and and disciples father God and we just pray that you bless him bless his family that stands with him bless his lovely wife and his children and grandchildren and everyone whose lives he touched father God we pray that you bless our church bless the balance of these services father god bless all the preachers that are coming to stand and proclaim your word during this day of celebration and we just thank you and lift you up and give your name all the honor the glory in the place and in Jesus name we pray amen [Applause] [Music] I've been born again into the rivers baptized born again yes I have I've been born to the river baptized I've been converted [Applause] I've been born again I've been born again Oh to the rim baptized I've been converted [Applause] I've been born again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] to the river baptized [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we will now have the Old Testament by Katrina sister Katrina Brickhouse the New Testament by sister Renee Warner and the gospel lesson by brother Eric Roberts in that order good morning I will be reading Ezekiel the 33rd chapter verses 7 through 11 son of man I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me when I say to the wicked you wicked person you will surely die and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways that wicked person will die from their sin and I will hold you accountable for their blood but if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so they will die for their son though you yourself will be saved son of man say to the Israelites this is what you are saying our offenses and sins weigh us down and we are wasting away because of them how then can we live say to them as surely as I live declares the sovereign Lord I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked but rather that they turn from their ways and live turn turn from your evil ways why will you die people of Israel amen good morning new New Testament lesson is coming from Romans 12 9 through 18 again New Testament Romans 12 9 through 18 love must be sincere hate what is evil cling to what is good be devoted to one another in love I know one another above yourselves never be lacking in zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord be joyful in Hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer share with the lowest people who are in need practice hospitality bless those who persecute you bless and do not curse rejoice with those who rejoice mourn with those who mourn live in harmony with one another do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low positions do not be conceited do not repay anyone evil for evil be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone if it is possible as far as it depends on you live at peace with everyone amen our gospel lesson is Matthew eighteenth chapter verses 15 through 20 in our V version if your brother or sister sins go and point out their fault just between the two of you if they listen to you you've won them over but if they will not listen take one or two others along so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses if they still refuse to listen tell to the church and if they refuse to listen even to the church treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector truly I tell you whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven again truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for it will be done for them by My Father in heaven for where two or three gather in my name they are mi with them [Music] [Music] and gods of all these words saying I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt of the house of bondage you shall have no other gods before me [Music] and he said to him you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind this is the great and first commandment and the second is like it you should love your neighbor as yourself on these two Commandments depend all the law and the prophets [Music] [Music] now will we be blessed by the vessels of Honor dance ministry [Applause] [Music] there's a leak in this old building and my soul [Music] building [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] before this time [Music] [Music] this is all sinking yo and my soul [Music] the song song Sinkin yo and so when I can read my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] yeah [Music] well you hear the same I'm just gonna look well you see me [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Applause] praise the Lord we temple can we give a mighty mighty thunderous praise for our pastor dr. Lee P Washington we as the mighty men every wanted to just publicly thanked him for his patience with us and allowing us to grow and allowing us to kind of follow him around and support him oh it's a wonderful thing and what we wanted to do is we want to do a medley of songs that the pastor likes and/or appreciates so we're gonna run through about five or six of them in two minutes and if you know sing along with us pray for us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let God arise and my enemies be scattered God and my scatter and my enemies be scattered [Music] and my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good morning Reid temple well our first time and return visitors please stand if we have any first time or return visitors will you please stand we'd like to take this moment to welcome you thank you for joining us for our pastors 35th anniversary celebration thank you for or for anyone who may have invited them thank you as well if they are anyone who invited these members would you please stand thank you for following the pastors Andrew plan you may be seated we also have an additional announcement from pass analysis for the past is a comfy Society thank you good morning Reid temple on behalf of the pastor's agape society I would like to thank everyone for participating in this week's events honoring Pastor Washington and mrs. Washington on their 35th pastoral anniversary do we have anyone here this morning that volunteered on yesterday for the 8th annual Lee P Washington Day of Service if you're a president would you please stand we want to acknowledge you and thank you for your service [Applause] thank you all for participating we will at a later time acknowledge all of the locations that were represented on yesterday from masters touch to the missionaries as well as the church members and our DC and North campuses participated as well at this time we would like to make mention that in your bulletin this morning you received an envelope if you did not receive an envelope it's okay to if you have an offering for or a gift of love to Pastor Washington we ask that you make that off your checks out if you're paying by check to Lee P Washington directly to him if you're paying by check the members of the agape Society who'll be standing down front next to our Stewart's in orange and brown will be holding bags the bags that we are holding are for pastors offering only so we ask again that you will make your checks payable to Lee P Washington if you don't have an envelope that's okay we'll still accept all cash as well as checks in his honor we want to also in his honor of his 35th anniversary acknowledge anyone who's returning home we know that Reverend dr. Anita Ghul from Mount Gilboa Baptist Church is with us this morning are there any other ministers who were under pastor's leadership he was here this morning dr. cool would you like to stand at this time everyone knows dr. Gould knowledge her there being none we ask now that you turn your attention to the street the screen and enjoy the balance of the service [Music] hi I'm Reverend Tish and here are this week's announcements as ambassadors of Christ there is a need for more assistance education and awareness about homelessness in our area many of our talented work population are lost in the streets this is why the state's played cry from the streets sponsored by pastor Milton and Linda Matthews of the milk Matthews Foundation back to basic ministry deserves your support I had a great job great job it was sending me all around country man and I stole off that job a job I look and they fight so but I couldn't stop smoking crack crying from the streets will be performed at the September 27th Bible study here at the Glendale campus join the real temple law ministry for a free legal information seminar designed to inform educate and empower the public law day 2017 will take place Saturday September 30th from 8:30 to 12:00 p.m. at the Greenville campus for seminars on family law wills trusts and estates personal injury workman's comp business attacks law plus one-on-one informational sessions with seasoned attorneys registered today agreed to move out o RG and for more information email ritika law ministry at gmail on Friday there will be a special back-to-school worship service followed by a volleyball tournament and a dodgeball tournament on Saturday there will be a trip to fun land this will be a day of laser tagging and go-karts but the catch is that we must attend Friday in order to go on Saturday to register contact Bremen Demetrius price at deep price at 3 temple or don't listen the reed restoration Center is pleased to present the helping yourself and others through difficult times workshop on Saturday September 30th from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. after two new the workshop you will have the tools you need to help yourself or someone you love face a difficult situation the workshop is free but registration is required you can register at Reed restoration calm or for more information call 3:01 3 5 2 1 7 6 8 Reed restoration Center a place where healing begins we are pleased to announce new like gathering at 3 temple a fresh monthly gathering for new members or anyone wanting to grow in faith new life gathers will be facilitated by our very own minister of discipleship and development Reverend chelita zombie it begins June 27th I will meet on every fourth Tuesday at 7 p.m. at our Glendale campus the Great Commission found in Matthew's Gospel challenges us to go and make disciples but first we must engage ourselves at a heart level to become disciples on the grow join us for relevant teachings and group discussions with time for your questions to be answered get ready to move from membership to discipleship when you commit to the New Life gatherings you commit to becoming a disciple along the road the prison ministry reaches outside of the four walls of the church we reach out to their incarcerated and we aim to change one life at a time on the son of father and through poor choices they felt upon release in 2007 I had a visit from the temple prison ministry they took me to the courthouse and helped me through the process of getting my record expunged and my driver's license back read temple we thank you for your tithes and offerings to help the returning citizen to transition into the community for a second chance of life with Jesus Christ being the head we thank you and may God the best shape now you're up-to-date with all of our announcements for these and other announcements please follow us on all of our social media outlets such as Facebook Twitter YouTube and Instagram god bless you and remember have faith in God and we greet you this morning the joy of Jesus it is because of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed and we are blessed to see another day thank God for life health and strength let me begin by also thanking those persons who have been so kind and so generous in the celebration of my birthday as well as the anniversary thank those that really were able to come out on Friday night at night a fellowship night of fun I really enjoyed watching the seniors I don't think anybody lost their salvation if you did you didn't have it to start with it's alright to have a good time and enjoy the Lord and I thought that the the the gathering was just a tremendous blessing so thank you so much thank you so much let me continue with the announcements funeral for sister s still our Herod the sister Brenda Herod and the honor Disha Adams will be held on Monday that's this coming Monday here at this church the viewing begins at 9:30 and the service starts at 11:00 o'clock funeral for sister Cynthia D Smith wife her brother Raymond Smith will be held on Friday this coming Friday and that's here at Glendale viewing his 11 o'clock 10 o'clock I'm sorry in the service at eleven o'clock the midweek service will yield this week to the homeless we're trying to help the homeless and be supportive of the homeless they have a presentation a play we will invite you to come out just a free-will offering and we will assist them in their endeavors so if you can please come out and join us let me also acknowledge the Dorcas queen this year is to Celia T Skinner I don't know she's here - she is so she's asking for your support as we normally do support the Dorcas Queen princess so that re temple can be make its make its presentation as well let me thank the men's choir this morning for the medley that you did I came in looking late but I did hear it and I'm grateful for that as well as those persons who served on yesterday we made an attempt to get to a couple of places got hung up in traffic in one had some meetings we had in the morning so that did deter me from making the personal appearance but I am grateful the note is that as much as I appreciate you celebrating my birthday I even appreciate even more when you reach out to help other people because when you reach out and help other people the blessing does come back to you so let me thank the agape Society over the years they've been so supportive and and and so kind and generous towards me and my wife and so we're grateful for that and with that being said of course I got my horns with me this morning and they were with me on Friday night so if y'all just break me off just a little peace that's all I need this morning get me going [Music] give him my hand I have to keep it short because some of y'all still got a wobble spirit in you and I know she just bought ready to break it off to but thank you so much because you've been faithful over the years and support as well let me again thank dr. I need a goal she passes at the historic mountain Mount Gilboa Church I've been in a Benjamin Banneker attended that church and so we're grateful for her she came out of this church grateful for how the Lord is blessing let me ask again persons visiting us first time or returned visit if you're here you're not a member would you please stand so we want to acknowledge you we want to acknowledge you if you're visiting with us this morning please stand thank you so much for coming thank you so much for sharing with us we are just blessed to have you with us now we're going to ask all of the members to stay and get a smile on your face greet that neighbor you're blessed to be able to reach out and touch their hand and grace them with your presence in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I will share one note from Friday night I watched people who were 90 years of age have more movement than those who haven't even reached the age of becoming a millennial and that that just lifted me to see those seniors out there having a great time l that bless me that blessed me so a man and I do think I have the best dancing security in all of Africa Methodism every one of them contains every one of them amen so we had a great time enjoying God now we want to sow into the kingdom here to be a blessing to other people as well as support the minister of this church we challenge all the members each Sunday morning that you grow to the place you become at either do we have any first time tithe as president seeing none follow these instructions from the rear to the front of your tithing go into the center box if you're going in faith the tab goes on the table guard lovers what kind of a giver lets me that way when we come to the table never ever be cheap for God God's never been cheap with you God always gives us the very best that it has god bless you as you come god bless you as you give and let me thank also I see the orchestra and I think these are church mothers over there with these hats on and the dancers and all of you god bless you amen please cover the directions of the ushers god bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] to the right day [Music] [Music] washed up right there since dye was placed inside hard all the they said behalf of Nations which all my enemies away this tiny got within me so let me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all things come abhi all things come of the [Music] if you see thank you so much for your generous spirit and certainly on behalf of my wife want to thank you all who made a contribution and and most importantly the prayers that you continue to lift on behalf of my wife and myself god bless you let's prepare Oh introduction this morning we are blessed to have one a pastor Washington's son and ministry and to many of us he is not a stranger i 7:15 as well as our 9:30 and 6:00 p.m. worship our preacher this morning is reverend omar EK hughes pastor of Church of the Redeemer Baptist church at Philadelphia Pennsylvania Reverend Omari Hughes is the son of Frank and Sheryl Hughes a native of Richmond Virginia he's the husband of Natalie Marshall Hughes and together they are the proud father's father of Khalil Omari he's a graduate of Hampton University of fellow HBCU grad where he obtained his bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism from the Scripps Howard School of Journalism and communications he graduated from Hampton University magna Kanade in spring of 2006 Reverend Hughes acknowledged his call to ministry in the fall of 2008 he was blessed to receive his license to preach from the Second Baptist Church in Richmond Virginia in 2009 under Reverend dr. James Harris senior pastor during the summer of 2010 Reverend hew served as an intern minister at the Christ Presbyterian Church in Ghana West Africa Reverend Hughes was called to serve as the interim preacher at the Church of the Redeemer Baptist in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in January 2013 as the church saw it fit he was soon called to serve as interim pastor and October 28th of 2013 he was called to serve as the fifth pastor of the Church of the Redeemer Baptist wherever he was believes that God is called the Church of the Redeemer to go higher he looks forward to serving God and the church as they strive together to carry out the vision of God for this great congregation so after Assam onyx election from the monumental read you hear from no other than Reverend Omari Hughes [Music] my hallelujah belongs to my hallelujah belongs to you my Honolulu belongs to you my hallelujah belongs to [Music] you deserve a [Music] hallelujah [Music] yeah hallelujah my hallelujah belongs to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're saying [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah beloved by hallelujah belongs to you halleluiah belongs to you [Music] hallelujah [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] I mean if you have a testimony that this morning you your hallelujah belongs to Jesus you couldn't convince me with that I said how many have a testimony on this morning that your hallelujah belongs to Jesus some of y'all don't mind saying hallelujah when your team is winning on TV you say hallelujah in your living room you watching your favorite show on TV you say hallelujah when you watching scandal watching whatever but how many know he's the king of kings he's the Lord of lords there aren't be nobody in our lives and we celebrate more than him even on today where we say grateful to God for a senior pastor how many know how halleluiah is belong come on can we just take a couple of seconds can you just help the warm up come on come on really bless the name of Jesus come on if God has been better to you than you've been to yourself come on if it had not been for the Lord on your side Oh God come on I'm starting to feel it I think we're there we almost come on come on come on come on open up your mouth and shout hallelujah come on come on come on shout shout come on come on bless the name of Jesus in the place come on God you're worthy got your awesome gotcha god you're all that you're all Paulino certainly as you're standing even on today we do bless God for the man of God who were celebrating for over 30 years of pastoral ministry for 69 years of life amen my father in the ministry would you just give it up like he should for reverently P Washington England you can take your seats in their presence I'm thankful to God for my wife she's streaming you look good to the camera and my son Khalil to all those persons are gathered who are family to us Marlon Kisha Reverend GU is so good to see whether in Google and Google was a part of my formative process in God and help to affirm God's call on my life when I thought I was crazy so she would package me up and ship me off out of the autumn Ivy brought around the flow I want to preach I wanted to say this by the Spirit sitting there and I felt the unction to do so I just want you to know no human apart from my mother and father have and presently my wife and my son is affected me greatly but a part from them no human has had more of an impact on my life than Lee P Washington you radically God used him to radically make me aware of his presence I heard going to church on Sunday morning about God but here through the preaching and the teaching that God sent through him I experienced God and he affirmed I called into the ministry when many people told me I was crazy and some of the same folk who shouted how great you can preach now with calling me crazy so you don't listen to the crowd he when I told him I felt as though I found a woman I wanted to spend my life with he embraced my wife as a daughter and embrace my son as a grandson and so I'm just grateful to God for him in a in an authentic way and I just wanted to say that to to you and to him on this morning it man he's my father I know I've missed none other than that come with me to second Kings chapter 18 it's a blessing too cuz I got a great biological father too you know I'm not that thing for me I got a great mom and dad you know I just don't brother just get to mm-hm second Kings and I needed to you know not not trying to be funded I needed to I needed I needed who I needed who he is in my life in order to become Who I am I needed him to be just though he is and God to connect me with him so I could be Who I am thank God for second Kings chapter 18 we're gonna begin we're gonna reverse his one through eight and then we're gonna look at second Kings 19 verses 32 through 34 and I know that was a curveball a V I love you second King is 18 1 through 8 the Bible says this in the 3rd Yin of King Josiah son of Elah king of Israel Hezekiah son of Ahaz king of Judah began to reign he was 25 years old when he became King and he reigned in Jerusalem 29 years his mother's name was Ibiza daughter of Zechariah he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord just as his father David has done just a key note here in verse 1 the Bible says his physical father was a has but here in verse 3 the Bible says he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord just as his father David had done hmm thank God for sonship he removed the high places smashed the Sacred Stones and cut down the Asaro polls he broke into pieces the bronze snake Moses had made for up to that time the Israelites had been burning incense to it it was called new Hostin Hezekiah trusted in the Lord the God of Israel there was no one like him among all the kings of Judah either before him are after he held fast to the Lord and did not stop following him he kept the commandments the Lord had given Moses and the Lord was with him he was successful in whatever he undertook he rebelled against the king of Assyria Vivid own point and did not serve Him from Watchtower to fortified city he defeated the Philistines as far as Gaza and its territory now in second Kings 19 the second king is 19 second Kings 9 thank you thank you guys so much I know you're working hard second Keys 1932 234 therefore this is what the Lord says concerning the king of Assyria remember scripture says he rebelled against the king of this area this is what the Lord says concerned the king of Assyria he will not enter this city or shoot an arrow here breech he will not come before it with shield or build a siege ramp against it by the way he came he will return the king of Assyria at this time people of God was wreaking havoc all around but listen to what God is saying about this place by the way that he came he will return he will not enter this city declares the Lord I will defend this city and save it for my sake and for the sake of David my servant when a preacher message by the spirit on this morning simply entitled the spirit of Hezekiah speak father your servants are listening bring the children on all the right ears to hear eyes to see a mouse to speak for you get your glory in this place like only you know how let your anointing come and fall fresh have your way use me your preacher as you desire to do on today will be careful to give you gone and praise preached by the part of the whole that goes in Jesus name Amen I believe that upon leafy Washington rests the same spirit and the same type of spirit as this brother by the name of Hezekiah Hezekiah was a reformer he was one who God used to bring about radical change in the land during a time in which change is necessary whether people want it or not preached oftentimes change is most necessary when people want to stay where they are when people are ok with quote unquote Who I am because Who I am is who God made me to be they are oftentimes vehemently opposed to change particularly when change involves sacrifice but when you are a reformer you become accustomed to the fact that God will oftentimes use you in the people of God's lives to institute change whether they like it or not whether you like it or not when you are a reformer and you move by the Spirit of Hezekiah as Lee P Washington does you will oftentimes find that you may be confronting change all by yourself people may push you and promote you to bring about change but when it's time to step up to the plate cast the buck and get it done you oftentimes find that you are moving and standing by yourself and so it can be difficult to walk with the spirit of hezekiah he was a reformer he bought radical change throughout the land and I believe God has used and will continue to use the ministry and the legacy of Li P Washington to do much of the same reform was necessary during this time period because the people of God had begun to turn away under the rule of his father by the name of a has a has was a corrupt king he was an idol worshiper he desecrated the temple he would oftentimes allow children to be burned alive and to be sacrificed but he was his biological father and so Hezekiah comes in and he inherits the throne under this ungodly man under this ungodly regime and he has to come in and turn it all around and people don't like that because people don't want to do anything that has to do with real sacrifice there's a professor at my alma mater Princeton Theological Seminary by the name of Ken decree C Dean she's now the professor of culture and the professor of youth and church and she says that the theology that we practice in the church today can be summarized by three words moralistic therapeutic deism she says it is moralistic therapeutic deism it's all about making you feel good making you look good it's all about what you want to do how you want to have it but when you serve that God that I serve you know that worship and life are not about you and that's the change that Hezekiah is challenged with coming in and bringing into the land he knows that under his father he has there have been some things constructed that he is going to have to tear down God is going to use you in any great way in ministry in a great way in life in a great way on his behalf there gonna be some things that God will use you to build up but they're gonna also be some things God will use you to tear down one of the signs of wisdom amongst a leader is knowing what to leave in place and what to demolish because some people come in and they're so arrogant and so proud they want to get rid of everything that doesn't have their name tattooed on it but some of what God builds he builds to stand it's a legacy and a testimony to his work in our lives and so Hezekiah comes on the scene and they're doing different things one of the things that they're doing that he has to get rid of when he makes a break from his father a has and cannot tell you by the spirit on this morning that oftentimes as believers God wants you to make a clean break part of the reason that some of us are in the mess we in right now is because you got a couple of stragglers in your life that God told you to get rid of and let go of a long time ago why do you still have your old booze number in your phone if you married now get rid of the scragga lers why you got friends on facebook that you don't want your fiance and your loved one to know about get rid of the scrag lers if you're really walking for God why you still got the weed man's phone number you need to get rid of the scrag lers there are oftentimes scrag lers in uh there are oftentimes kragle is in our lives and we don't understand that if we're gonna do what God has called us to do oftentimes we need to make a clean break and the longer you allow them to stay the more work you oftentimes have to do you just need to get rid of somebody somebody just need to get rid of somebody just get them out your phone just get them out your life they should not be there in the first position never been there they are a leftover from a has but when Hezekiah comes on the scene he recognizes that my job is to serve the Lord to serve God and to preach on his behalf and to establish godly rule in the land so he begins to deal with several things as outlined in the scripture he deals with high places he deals with the Ashera polls and he deals with in the Houston the high places are an interesting place for him to start because high places were places where the people could come to participate in universal worship which meant would that whoever your God is you could come set up your low Idol burn your incense to it clean it all off and go on your way just like we do out at the park like you go in use the grill cleaner girl of next person come in darling what that is worship is not customizable worship is not a la carte and what worship is not what you want to do and how you want to do it God gave specific instructions as to how he wanted to be worship and he was to be the only God he said I'm the Lord your God serve no one else but me and he tells us how he wants to be worshipped that's why I don't understand Reverend Google people who come into church on Sunday morning this sit quiet because he tells us he says this is how I want to be worship enter into his gates with Thanksgiving enter into his courts with praise be thanked this is what he says be thankful unto Him and bless his this is what he says he said be thankful unto Him and bless His Holy Name for the Lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endorse all dinner this is what he says he says shouting to the Lord with a voice of triumph him say sit on your puke have no pity party come in here with your doggone attitude he says I want you to shout he says shout shout shout we don't we don't shout no more in church because that might mess up my makeup shout he says shut your wig might turn on shout he says shout it to the Lord with a voice of triumph he says be Claes has come before my presence with singing enter into his courts with praise II make a joyful noise unto the Lord he didn't come you can cry but you ought to make a joyful noise too because that's what God says he wants worship to be all about me praise him with illyrian heart praise him with the trouble in Africa let everything that have breasts hey that's why I came to tell you real quick I know at 7:15 magic gotta tell you right here I don't care how you feel about me I don't care what you think about my praise I don't care baby cuz you don't know my story and what I had to go through just to get in here on Sunday morning and if I wanted to stay quiet I would have went to the library and read my Bible there I came in the house because I wanna shout because I want to say thank you because I wanna BES his name good god I know it's early let me just ask though is there anybody here on this morning and you came in the house of God and you decided well I might as well do what he told me to do make a joy tell your neighbor be joyful tell them be joyful if they look man nudge them say be joyful say what's wrong with you be joyful God woke you up this morning spotted you on your way put food on your table put clothes on your back you sinned I know you saying that no yes and I know you said but just be joyful [Applause] Hezekiah Hezekiah comes another Hezekiah comes in he says not man this is not what worship is all about worship is not customizable you don't get to determine who sings to solos you don't get to complain because it ain't show song you don't get to decide which choir you liking which choir you don't like you don't get to decide who prays and who reads scripture you don't get to decide because worship is not customizable so he has to deal with the high places people don't like that because everybody wants to assert control Hezekiah gets rid of the high places then he comes in he deals with the new Houston this is dangerous particularly if you're a pastor like Hezekiah every Church all most people before they grow to a particular place in God having a Houston is the bronze snake that Moses constructed during a difficult period of Israel's life preached they needed a miracle to survive what they were in they were coming out of Egypt in the wilderness complaining and God allowed serpents to come up amongst them and they were biting the people of God and they were dying in the wilderness and so God says I want you to take Moses a snake of bronze hold it up before the people and when they look at it they will be healed and so the notion was what God used to save them but he didn't call it in a Hoschton because it who stood is a name they gave it he just called a bronze snake and the tool that God used to save them they made into an idol they took a blessing that God used to bring them out they took a man or woman that God put in your life when you needed them good God Almighty they took a friend who was there when nobody else was there in your life they took a financial blessing from your boss when you really needed it they took an opportunity that needed to come your way that you couldn't bring you away they took that and they idolized it and worshiped it instead of their God and and they didn't want to let that thing go they wanted to hold on to it they wanted to keep it so much so that they confused the blessing with the blesser and I just came by to tell you this morning I don't care how blessed you are I want to let you know that you're not blessed just because of your boss you're not blessed just because of your God and do not confuse the blessing that God puts in your life with the God who sends the blessing because if you're not careful you'll pray and ask God for deliverance and when deliverance shows up your cast God aside and walk off and worship the man you put in your life that's why you sleep with the man you're not married to because you've been praying for them and you're sleeping with them instead of living wholly before your God why because they were a blessing God put in your life but you allowed that blessing to become an idol I feel like preaching right here that's what a man will sleep with the woman that he asked God to sin in his life and not honor God now look at this thing you ask God send me a life partner send me God somebody that I can live with send me God somebody that I can marry according to your standards and then you get them and you sit with them and turn your back on it why cuz you made him into Anna Hostin that's what you do you made of it so I hosted that's why God it got quiet that's why you can go to your job and you can pray for a raise and pray for a financial increase and when you get the financial increase you ain't tithing you ain't giving you ain't sewing because you took the blessing and you forgot all about you took the blessing and you forgot all about the God who blessed you but when you now that you know that you know that you know that you know that God is the God who made a way that God is the God who healed you that God is the garden that put you out that God is the garden that provided that God is the God who made a way you say baby I love you but I got to keep my pants on I've got to do it I've gotta be chaste I've got to be holy because God's been too good to me and the only reason I've got you is because God gave me you and I can't turn my back on the blesser for the blessing [Music] don't look at him just bump him tell him you got some new hostess the new host and he has to deal with the bronze snake was powerful as he breaks it and destroys it well that's what you send yourself up for by the way keep living like you're living and worshipping the blessing you're setting yourself up for the idol to be destroy breach once your marriage to be strong you better keep it all before you get that ring on your finger because you're setting yourself up for God to destroy the idol [Music] and whatever yours is he destroys it like all sin don't preach about sin no more like all sin but the Spirit of hezekiah commands us to do so so he deals with in the houston he deals with the sheer oppose another form of idle and then like all great leaders at some point in your leadership you're going to experience major crisis Philippi Washington it may be one thing for me so pastor it may be another for you it may be another before Hezekiah it was the king of Assyria had a chance though while ago Reverend Loxley to go to the new Museum of african-american history my wife we were down on the lower levels where the slave exhibits are amazing what our people have come through with strong people one tagline caught my wife's attention she said baby come over here and look at this this will help you preach that's when you got a good wife they help you with your preaching a craft sermons for you just go preach it and the lion was slave traders enslaved our people not simply because of their physicality that's what they want us to believe they want you to believe that they wanted us because you're an ox cuz you an animal they want you to focus only on your physical body they said in the exhibit that they enslaved our people because of our skills they wanted our intellect but god they arrived on the coasts of Africa and saw what our people had built it saw the advancements that we've made medically and I society they haven't counted Timbuktu and sank her eye they saw Angola they saw what we've done and we may need these skills because we dying over here and that is how the king of Assyria moved the Syrians would come into an area leave the city and take the people they would oftentimes leave the wealth and take the people and in the fourth year of Hezekiah Vrain preach a little bit and I'm gonna sit down the Syrians show up in the northern kingdom during the time of the divided monarchy and Hezekiah is reigning in Judah and they show up right next door to Hezekiah but even though they show up right next door that Hezekiah the Bible says that they were not able to come into his kingdom when you and I get to heaven we're gonna look back and we're gonna smile and thank God and high-five him and praise him on a different level you know why because we're gonna see the stuff that was right next door to us but didn't take us out and I know you super holy in here on Sunday mornings so you don't want to go with me but you know you were sleeping right next door to HIV and it didn't take you out good god you don't know like I know you may have been right in the bed with an STD right next door but it didn't take you out you could have been right next door yours could have been the one to get the pink slip and not have a job you were right next door you could have been right next door to the car accident that would ain't taken your life you could right next door to the slave bullet it was to the stray bullet you were right next door but it did not take you out that's why I don't just praise her for what I've seen but I praise my god for both dangerous scene I gotta give him praise cuz I got two categories to cover I've seen them keep me I've seen a provide for me but I haven't seen him keep death away I haven't seen him keep heart attack away I haven't seen them keep molestation away I haven't seen him keep drug abuse away I haven't seen so I got a lot of cover when I come into church on Sunday the Sirians show up they a syrian show up i'm getting ready to call get ready get out of here syrians show up right next door in the northern kingdom but they do not come into the place where Hezekiah is but they come back they return you know sometimes the enemy comes to investigate you before he launches your attack god help me in here that's why you got a watch married couple what you put on Facebook because everybody there ain't there to support you some people are there to investigate you to see oh god help me in here that's why everybody who tagged you you don't need a tag that's why everybody who follows you you're the father that's why everybody who's around you on Sunday morning you don't know how to keep your business to yourself we need more introvert signatures to be honest with you because people come in the house of God they don't realize they under investigation but you know why you under investigation because of you on Hales most-wanted list they have no choice but to bug you they have no choice but to watch you because they know that if your breakout and praise and you break out in worship that's why you want to wake up and know that the enemy is trying to get in your house and say devil I just want to tell you cuz I know you're listening on one of my phones this is the day our Lord has made Wow magnify tell the demons on your own magnify image the first time they come around they come to investigate second time they come around they come to launch an attack they come to Hezekiah Hezekiah is a godly King because you got to know even as a leader preached now by the spirit hear the spirit on this morning hear the spirit on this morning that hear this brenell smile you got to know even by the spirit as a leader how much you can take you got to know when this is too much for you it doesn't make you weak to say I'm sorry it doesn't make you weak to say forgive me I was wrong that makes you strong it's harder to say I'm sorry than it is to walk around and be mad you can stay angry easily but it's hard to humble yourself it's hard to humble yourself and say forgive me I didn't mean to it hurt me I need you to help me get over this thing and so Hezekiah though because he's a godly man he recognizes when something coming against him is too much for him to handle and so he goes to the Prophet the Prophet by the name of Isaiah because I've got to have somebody in my life who even knowing it as I am as Holy Ghost field as I am as a lover of God as I am I still Reverend Ghul I gotta have somebody in my life who can knock me upside my head and talks it into me and tell me what the stairs the Lord see I know you super holy in here but you've got emotions and when emotions cloud you it's difficult for you to hear God through the emotional state that's why when anger gets on you you need to keep your mouth shut that's why when madness gets on you you need to talk that's why when jealousy is all over you you gotta know yourself enough to know I was telling the church last night my wife asked me this question she says are you upset or are you angry she calls it being angry that's when your hunger makes you angry that's when it's not really you talking but the state that you're in is causing you to outside of character and you need somebody in your life recognises that who can call you back to yourself and in the case of Hezekiah this is Isaiah he goes to the prophet by the name of Isaiah he says what should we do because he knows when it's too much for me I've got to go to God he knows when I can't handle this I need somebody in my life who I can say pray for me about this I need somebody who can see the inner workings of my problem and say I need you to keep this lifted up and prayer is hurting me so bad I'm crying so much I can't even see God clearly and here God would you go to God for me the prophet Isaiah goes to God he goes to God and he comes back and this is what God says God says don't worry God said they're not gonna set foot in the city now this is tempting and challenging for Hezekiah because the methodology that the Assyrians would use to get the people out of the city is to go up to them with the force that would help match theirs and they would send an emissary to the city to speak on the King's behalf in this case the emissary comes to the city gates he screams over it Hezekiah watch this by the spirit but when he screams over to deliver a message to King Hezekiah he does it in Hebrew now he's a Syrian and the officials who are there to represent Hezekiah because of their learning is in the official courts they can speak a Syrian - but the Assyrian speaks the language of the common people who when he issues the threat against the King he wants to get to the ear of the people because he knows Reverend Ghul if he can turn the people against their king that's what distinction comes in the house of God and you have rebel rousers who try to run around and try to collude and try to work on the back of the pastor that's why in church on Sunday morning you gotta be careful because there are people who will try to come in and manipulate narratives and change things in order to come and to wreak havoc and to pair the people apart from their covering that's why somebody will come in your life and speak to your wife about you as the covering on the house to try to tear her from under you because if they can get you from under the covering so so so he comes he comes he screams to the people he's created of people he says y'all gonna stay in there with him don't you see what we've done to all other people who've been worshiping their God they went down and you are - y'all come on out here and get in these chains and that's what you do when you run out from under your covering man a woman of God you don't realize it but you leave safety for poverty in Chains and so the enemy comes to try to lure you from under the covering of your marriage to try to lure you from under the covering of the house that you're in to try to lure you from under the covering because as long as you stay under the covering everything is going to be alright and then he comes to Hezekiah he says Hezekiah why don't you come out here why don't you come out of the city notice he never says we're gonna come in he always wants you to come out because as long as you stay in the place that you're called to be as long as you remain under the covering that God places on your life as long as you are where God would have you to be huh I came back to tell you that the enemy cannot touch you and so what he does is try to lure you out of the place of your destiny into the place where he would have you to be go ahead and close I can get out of here but I can tell you that that will not work if you just stay where God has you you may not like it there may be threats all around you huh but stay stay right where the Lord has you because here's what my Bible says he that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty huh I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him I'll try shall deliver me from the snare of the Fowler now let me take you back so you can see it this is not a universal problem man and woman of God I came by to tell you I agree with became the Dean says there's too much moralistic therapeutic deism going around in the church today he's not just any old deity his promises are yes and amen but they're only for those who love him and who are called according to his word stop trying to make the promises of God apply to every old person living here on this earth because if you love him he said you'll obey my Commandments and I'll come and I'll make myself available to you I came back to tell somebody this morning that the promise of you being in the secret place the promise of no pestilence coming near you the promise of a thousand falling at your side and ten thousand at your right hand is not a promise that's extended for everybody it's a promise for they who stay in the secret place as long as you stay in the secret place of the Most High you can say I shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty and I can say of the Lord my refuge my fortress my god in you I trust and then I like this part he says he'll rebuke the Devourer for his name's sake there's some things that cannot get to you read temple there's some things that cannot even cross your road because you stay in the secret place because you abide under the covering then I just can't you tell you on this morning that's why you gotta stay under the pastor that God has assigned to your life cuz when you stay under the covering there's some things that can't come into your city there's some things they can't get in your house right now because of the covering that you sit under that's why I say thank thank you for a man with the Spirit of Hezekiah and the Bible says that Hezekiah turned them away and they could not get in the city and he destroyed everything that came after them but here's my shout and let you go my shout is Hezekiah never had to go after him miss Akaya had to never run him down he never had to swing a sword he never had to shoot an arrow all he had to do was stare under the covering stay in the shadow of the Most High is there anybody here you can just say over your life I'm gonna stay I'm gonna stay I'll go stag [Applause] [Music] first time he comes to investigate your marriage investigate your life he comes to find out where the weaknesses are second time he comes he doesn't just come and leave he starts talking to you trying to draw you out of your character trying to draw you out from your husband draw you out from your pastoral covering we we don't believe like we ought to in 2017 in the power of a pastoral covering anymore I'm here to tell you there's some stuff that I know has not gotten on me simply because I sit under him and the same is true for you too it matters who you sunder [Applause] because the Prophet said God said it will not come into your city but listen and and we gone he says it won't come in your city because of my servant David and I told you when we read verse one that has a Caius biological father was a has but he no was wise enough man to know who to stay under and who not to stay under so even though his biology connected him to the sin of Ahaz he stepped out from under it and the Bible says he followed in the footsteps of his father David and as we close on this morning I just want to ask you in a real way look I'm not talking about I don't get myself in trouble I'm not talking about no I'm a tithe and remember re temple devil don't care about that I'm not talking about no I've been here 25 years I go back to good luck I'm saying you have to evaluate who you're sitting under because God will honor who you sit under God says Hezekiah they're not going to come in your city but it's not just because of you it's because you follow in the footsteps of your father David and for his sake I'll keep the curses and the enemy from coming after you on this Sunday morning if you're grateful to God on this anniversary Sunday for the man of God that you and I have had the privilege of sitting under these 30-something years would you just stand on your feet and give God some praise and tell them I Know Who I sit under god god god bless [Applause] let's open up that ask me open up would you just come up put your hands together on this morning and give God some praise I think this is a good moment for us to issue a real call if you know that you know that you've been coming to Reed temple but you've never joined and done what's necessary to officially come under this covering if you know that where you're going preach does not have the spiritual bandwidth and the anointing that's necessary to repel a true dark devilish and demonic attack if it was coming against your family's life if you know you know where you are ain't feeding you you know you aren't even going anywhere to get fair you're a man and so you struggled to hear this conversation about sitting under another man I came by to tell you until you embrace the love of the Father you won't even really understand what true manhood is all about there's a blessing in store for those who will humble themselves and come under recovery and on this morning as we open up the doors of the church I want to really make that push in that call for you if you need to be under recovery if you need a church home if you need God in your life would you come on today let's let's clap our hands Church and let's make it easy for people to move is there one on today would you come would you come some man some woman some boy some girl are you here do you need a covering on your life come on let's not stop clapping let's push let's push let him know how I'm here this and it's blessed my life they're coming a family's coming come on let's celebrate are you under recovering come on how whisp minister long with me on your roll are you under recovery look look to your right to your left this okay just smile when you're doing are you under recovering if not why don't you come why don't you come so that when the enemy knocks on your door part of what will keep him or her him away is knowing the cover here she comes she's coming in slowing the covering that you're under maybe you need a church home maybe you need to rededicate your life to the Lord maybe you've never really given your life to the Lord maybe you need to rededicate it you need to come maybe you did what many of us do maybe you are under the covering hear me whether it was beer it and maybe you stepped out from under the covering and now God is saying it's time to get back in would you come can we celebrate this young family as they're coming do you need to come and get are you in the balcony let the Spirit of the Lord minister to you he may be trying to save you from something that's coming away and it's going to get you simply because you're not under a comfort would you come would you come some man some woman some boy some girl would you come if you need the covering over your life I need a covering over my marriage I need a covering over my my business I need a covering over my aunt so here he comes I need a covering up come on come on let's make another push Church come on really clap come on willing witness come on let the Lord use you to minister on your own we are we are for a covering in the presence of love every knee will one day bow and every tongue will confess [Music] we offer the covering [Music] the powerful for his namesake we offer the cover that could be the difference in your life will you come will you get planted when you get proved when you come sit under the covering will you come sit under the covering [Music] if you've been blessed by the covering you sit under in this house come on just give God some praise a man [Applause] [Music] we have with us today Walter and Nicole Smith who are coming to join Reed temple [Applause] we have Angela battles who's coming to join our example we have Cathy Yates and Dennis James who are coming to join Reed temple and we have artists Woodberry who is coming to join Reed temple pastor these are they thank God for them let's thank God for the Prophet who preached this morning and if you go with who they gone with all right Amen sister Peggy can you thank God for that word again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me say this reven Amari and I have been in conversation he's been here a number of times and revenue Mari I want you to hear what I'm gonna say revenue Mari is bringing his gift to read temple he's going to be a part of our staff thank you for a warm welcome but I want to say a little bit more so I'm not inviting the person to the stand because some people don't see the person and get bothered by the gift if you insecure the gift will make you compete against him but we've been in prayer and this is probably a year ago he's felt that God had called him to come back and we've been working and praying and praying and working and so he's bringing the gift to this ministry and I'm grateful for the sacrifice that he's making and I want to make sure that you're clear it's the gift of God in him that's coming to expand the ministry here at rhe temple you heard the gift this morning witnessed the gift in times past so he'll be coming on board will be working out sharing more with you it blessed me not because it made reference to me it blessed me because of his keen insight that's a gift into text and how he challenged the people of God and you really have not been to church unless you've been challenged to the next level final thing I want to say is this I don't know why people go to a restaurant and leave hungry I mean that's the purpose of going to satisfy your hunger I don't know why people come to church and leave like they came in when the purpose of coming to church is to leave out different then you came in and thank you are you gone Thank You Amen let's stand sing praise God from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures here below [Music] god [Music] [Music] this is what the Bible said lift up [Music] before we dismiss there's no official board on tomorrow night we had the quarterly conference it'll be just a repeat of what we had I will have one probably in November instead of October now unto Him who is able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before his throne our glory and Dominion to his name we thank you today for the blessings of your spirit and your presence amongst us in Jesus name now henceforth and forevermore the people of God in the presence of God has lifted up to the Lord open up their mouths and sang with joy amen amen and amen [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reid Temple AME
Views: 2,866
Rating: 4.5789475 out of 5
Keywords: reid temple, ame, Pastor Lee P. Washington, Rev. Matthew Watley, Church, ame church, gospel music, Worship, Reid Temple, AME, Sermon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 7sec (6967 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2017
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