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Who are you, the tough guy who sent you, right? I like tough guys best. You said that if I castrated you, I don’t know if you would still be a tough guy. What do you want? Your father has a murderous grudge against us. Don’t talk to me about people and money. The dead bird dies for food . Just tell me how much money you have. As expected of Boss Ma’s daughter, you have the courage. Just tell me, stop talking nonsense. 20 million. I ’ll give you 30 million. 30 million. Don’t you understand? I’ll give you 30 million , but there are conditions. What conditions do you have? He said that the man who was arrested with me is my man. If he loses even one hair, I will bite my tongue and commit suicide. Then you won’t be able to get even a cent. And no matter where we go to the end of the world, my third brother and my father will never let you go. Don’t hurt him, hurry up. Put it down, put it down , Xiaozhuang, Xiaozhuang, Xiaozhuang, Xiaozhuang. When did you meet? What does this have to do with you? Xiaozhuang, Xiaozhuang, Xiaozhuang, bastard , coward, coward. If you have the ability to deal with my father, how can you deal with my brother? Take it away. What are you going to do ? Hurry up, hurry up. If you want to kill him, I will kill myself . Third brother , you have the guts. You bastard, you are crazy. Your name is Xiaozhuang. Since your sister is not in danger, say goodbye. You saved my sister. Then our Ma family should thank you. There is no need for this . It's what I'm willing to do. Then what do you want? You said take me to Xiaozhuang. Are you a man? You said they would agree if you take me away. You believe me. It was you who forced him away. I hate you for being sinister . It's all for your own good, and he chased him out. Although I felt very guilty that I had deceived him after all , but thinking about Miaomiao, whose life or death was uncertain, my heart became firm again. What are you looking at? I've never seen a man fight. If you dare to dig out your eyeballs, get out. Lift your feet , lift your feet. Didn't you see that your feet are all punctured? Hurry up, hurry up. Okay. You go . You go. I'll follow you as far as you want. You can go wherever you want. You don't have to worry about me. You can't beat me away. I will stick to you for the rest of my life. You are my man. When you are hungry, I will cook for you. When you are injured, I will find a doctor for you. If you are beaten to death, I will collect your body. I told you to go wherever you want . As far as you go, I will follow you as far as I will. I will haunt you all my life . My parents divorced when I was 20. I joined the army at 17 when I was so young. I once served in a certain reconnaissance brigade of the People's Liberation Army and was expelled from the army for threatening the instructor with a gun. I became a professional killer at the age of 18 because of his The cunning soul is nicknamed the Siberian wolf. Why haven't we heard of this Siberian wolf before ? I've inquired about it. He used to be active in the Northeast , and it was only recently that he appeared in the Southwest. This majestic one needs to be carefully observed. If he is a useful talent, he may not be able to become a good one. If the helper needs a test, you can arrange it. One principle is that his hands must be splattered with the blood of the police . Miss, what are you doing? Our boss wants to see you. Please come with us. He saved me. I know how to call someone. Hello, can't you say something? It sounds good. I like boys with personality. I will just flatter him and achieve nothing. Dad, you are so good. Do n't flatter me. Don't worry, I won't kill him before he can kill him. Dad, I followed him and he is still alive. If he dies and I die , oh you, girl, how could I kill him ? I was wondering if he could stay and work for us . In this case, you can't be together all day. Mr. Ma, I am a loner . I may not be suitable to work for you. Do you love him? Just answer me, so you can stay and help me. This is not Mayor Ma lying to you. This is your future father-in-law. Please hear me . My dad is very good to you. Just agree, I'll give it a try , great , great. Today , I'll have a good meal tomorrow to celebrate. I'm going to arrange something. Sister, this is the car waiting outside. Step by step, I walked into the dark room and got closer and closer to Miao Lin. Where is he? Oh, why are you still standing there ? Why are you taking a shower? I'm still sleeping on the sofa tonight. Why aren't we already engaged ? We haven't received the certificate yet. You are a killer and I am the daughter of a drug lord. Where can we get the certificate? Why do you have so many rules? Why are you acting like this? Killer , I was wrong. I shouldn’t have asked you. Who are you doing? Did you sleep or not ? Are you in bed? Why did you ask your brother-in-law to get dressed and come out for what? It’s the middle of the night. Dad ordered you to be careful. What are the three lively protagonists ? A captured police officer, police officer, I annoy the police the most, okay, you come and execute the chief of the reconnaissance section, come here, good man , you bastards, I won’t let you go even if you are a ghost, please be smart, don’t let me suffer, come here and hit me , but Favors are still considered transactions . It depends on how you understand how much this person is worth to you. As a favor, they left Miao Lin at the door of the Public Security Bureau to demonstrate to the police. It was also a warning to answer questions. What were the police and criminals doing? Hahaha, I finished breakfast. What are you ready for ? The latest news from our station: The body of an anti-drug policeman was found abandoned at the gate of the Public Security Bureau of Yuanshan County yesterday evening. According to the police spokesperson, a police officer surnamed Miao disappeared near Yuanshan Town a month ago and was killed. He shot well , but remember to hit the head directly and not the chest. Why is it because a shot to the chest may not be fatal? Some people have a heart on the right side , like me. Does my heart grow on the right side ? Eat breakfast on the right side. After gaining the trust of the Ma family, the investigation continued according to the police plan. The intelligence was continuously passed to the police, laying a solid foundation for the next action. Such a flash caused me All attention, whether it is internal beauty or external command, the Chinese war effort has officially begun. All units are encircling and suppressing the distant mountain formation. What are you thinking? There are two paths in the forest with no end in sight. I stood at the fork in the road for a long time and could not do anything alone. I embarked on two journeys at the same time. I chose this one but I couldn’t explain the reason. Mom , maybe the other path is not bad at all and it’s buried without the footprints. Sister, have you finished eating? After finishing eating, go upstairs. We have something to talk about. According to us. The intelligence and border defense forces have started camping and training again for three months . They have already conducted camping and training more than 20 times. Isn’t there anything new in this ? Didn’t we talk about our relationship? They are responding to the call to strengthen training. I have a bad feeling this time. I'm going to make a phone call because we're here. What's the matter? I'll take you up the mountain to play. Let's go again. How many times have you gone in the past two months? Are you not tired of it? Then I'll go by myself . Then I'll go too. I'll go change clothes first. Hey, it's cloudy here. Is the sky going to change ? It's sunny here. If the weather changes, I'll tell you. It 's hard work. Don't worry . It's okay. The Siberian wolf is coming up the mountain. Next to it is the cuckoo emperor. The leader will follow you. The No. 2 brigade commander will follow you. We went up the mountain . Emperor , I saw the silent battle of Group A. Group B responded as planned. Received completed . Received completed . No. 1. I am a wild wolf. Due to an emergency, it is recommended to adopt the No. 2 combat plan. Attack the distant mountain formation during the day. You bastard, liar, get out of the car. Ah, get off the car, stand still for me, the evil wolf is controlling the dead, Xiao Zheng, you bastard, you bastard, you liar. I should have expected you to be an undercover agent. You lied to me when you said you loved me . I love my motherland, you liar, third brother. I 'm sorry , don't Tong Tong Tong Tong , leave it to me. You can't get up here to breathe. You need surgery. Go to the field hospital . Hurry up. Tell me who you are. I am Xiaozhuang. You are the Siberian wolf. You watch my special forces go to bed. Hello, let go. Cover, why are you looking for death, let go, cheers for fireworks, while I'm doing it, walk away, the Chinese Army starts to warn , raise your hands , put them down, turn around, turn around, old man from the Special Forces , you have the eyesight to see that I am not on the Interpol Red Notice list. The second best pick is also the top pick. You are so polite when you talk to me. I can give up all my money and shut up . No one wants your dirty money . I gave you my woman. I gave you all my love. This is how you repay me. This is mine. Mission : Operation Chinese Sword has achieved a complete victory. The drug trafficking group in Yuanshan Town and surrounding strongholds. This cancer entrenched in the southwestern border of the motherland has been completely conquered by the special forces. They want to go into the mountains to complete the search and suppress the bandits. My footprints save lives and heal the wounded. I don’t know. When is the next time in the future ? Is it Hushan? Is it Liang Shanbo? This is an army made of iron discipline. It is an army based on the principles of the three major disciplines and the eight points of attention. Will you all sing the three major disciplines and the eight points of attention? Will you do it? I don’t think you ’re the one who winked and said you. It’s just you. You’re not my first love who winked at me. You’re actually winking in the queue. I can’t train you. Leave it to our squad leader and let him train you. It’s ours. The squad leader wants to talk to you alone. Let's go with our squad leader. Who is your squad leader? Xiao Yin, squad leader. Hahaha, what are you laughing at? Hahaha, stop laughing. Report, you are already the squad leader. Are you okay ? Are you a special soldier? Look at you, what are you doing? Let me tell you , this is my territory. Even if it’s a dragon, you have to stay with me. Even if it ’s a tiger, you have to lie down with me . Where are you going with me ? Why are you following me ? Hahahahahahahaha. What about us? No organization and no discipline. Did I say disbanded? There are no three major disciplines and eight points of attention. Can you sing it? Sing it to me 8 times. Sing it quickly . Revolutionary soldiers must remember to remember the revolution. Close the door and come over. Comrade Xiao Zhang , do you know what mistakes you have made? I don’t know why. He ran past Comrade Zhang without even saying hello . Comrade Xiao Ying asked me to tell you that he didn’t want you. Soldiers must remember the Three Major Disciplines and the Eight Principles. All actions should be stopped. Don’t go back . What are you doing? Please come in. What are you doing here ? What’s going on? The criminal is injured and needs treatment immediately. Free up the medical clinic quickly. Silence. You treat him. Hey, this is our army. Get out of the way. You want to play tricks, right? You didn't expect to meet us. This is our army's business and none of your business . Can't you tell I'm playing tricks ? I'm a hygienist. I'm here to treat him. Anyway , you can't stand back. You don't have to worry about this. Little staff officer, you will definitely regret it. Put away the gun and bring it in . Boy , if you dare to break into the flames, I will kill you. I have to go. This is my job. Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll be stingy. I'm sorry. Please get out of my way. I need to check the wounds and prepare for battle. This guy is definitely going to do some tricks. I'm telling you not to act rashly. Put away all the guns. Put away the guns. You can still let go after coming out of the hail of bullets. Is this an opportunity? The two who followed us are also our masters of partitions, gauze. You are Xiao Zhang’s girlfriend. If you can’t rush in, I’ll come up. Now you’re satisfied? There’s an emergency in Taishan Taishan Health Team. Don’t waste your efforts. You can’t run out. Then I will drag you to be buried with you. I will drag Xiaozhuang's women to be buried with you. Go out and close the door. Six helicopters will come out of Beijing to support the special forces. The snipers are in place . The curtains are blocking the view of the target. I understand the political commissar. We can provide a surprise rescue. I hope you approve us . I know that your troops are very good , but we receive more systematic hostage rescue training. I like your style. I believe that your troops can rescue my soldiers. I approved your plan and executed it. I am the main attacker . No , you are the leader. Mainly attacking my wife , they went in without me. I am familiar with the furnishings there . Then you have to promise me not to include any personal records. I understand that they are hostages. I am Xiaoyong Xiaozhuang. You must rescue him. I will definitely save everyone. Save them all, Siberia. It's your turn. Different way. You are really not afraid of death because I believe it will be you who dies. Be careful and lean against the wall. How could it be impossible for the hygienist to take him as far away as possible ? Stop him, boss, give me a break. Move , do n't move, little boy, get out , don't come here, put the gun down, hygienist , will you get out of my way, shoot me ? I let go of my gun, Old Pao, let me go, Stafen, let me kill him, Stafen, are you my brother? Kill him alive. A bunch of drug lords will be wiped out in one fell swoop. Understand , what should I do with Xiaozhuang’s TV series? I’ve already arranged it for you. The real crew members are already on the way and will arrive at noon tomorrow. As for the funds, we can't let the Anti-Drug Bureau pay for the necessary filming, right? Ma Qitong, you don't know yet, right? Ma Qitong, the real boss behind the investment in this TV series is Ma Qitong. How could it be Ma Qitong ? He has been one of us for a long time . His heart is with us. Now I absolutely believe that anyone can become our special agent with your persuasion . Haha, it’s not difficult at all to think about how Xiao Zhuang was taken care of by me back then . I'm really happy that this kid has become something. Yes, the public security and border defense forces have secretly entered the position to prepare to block all exit routes. It's such a big deal. I guess Ma Yunfei never dreamed that the special commando team would be transformed into a TV series. Who could have thought of this? Hey , who came up with this idea ? How could you be right? Your paratroopers knew that the novel was going to be made into a TV series, and they shouted for acting all day long. This Deng Zhenhua must be thinking about who will play my role. Actress Doufu, let’s see how I deal with her when I go back. Actually, she inspired me. It’s very difficult for a large number of outsiders to enter Yuanshan Town without being suspected. The TV series crew is different. The TV series crew is full. There are both men and women running in the world . This is the combat type of the special forces , and weapons can also be brought in. How can you win the best director award at the Langya Film Festival without attracting attention ? You said their Langya B clan leader is not big, so why are you tall too? It's not big. War is just a game. The difference is that this game requires bloodshed. As for you, I know everything about you, right ? Langya Best Director, I'm not joking with you. Inform the troops to enter the mountain after 5 kilometers and infiltrate as planned. They went to the vicinity of Yuanshan Town to prepare for a surprise attack and wiped them all out. It was such a big scene. They would soon find that they had become the protagonist of the TV series. The protagonist of Wei Shiyuan is not me, is it , is it, is it, you? Ostrich sniper , hahaha. I must let him write a movie about sniping. The novel in hand is called Assassin . Hey, let me tell you, please pay attention for a while. We will hear our shouts from behind the wall according to the way the director pretended to shoot. Then you will go around from behind the wall and follow this route to go there. Run as hard as you can, do you understand? Me , you are so handsome. This is the most handsome outfit I have ever seen on you. Hey, uncle, this bowl calls me to wait for you all day long . This gun. We have been keeping this gun for you. We will take it out and insert it every month. Brother Xiaozhuang, you are my idol. You don’t know that I have always wanted to be someone like you. You are the idol of all the children in our Langde Village. It’s not because you stood up and were not knocked down by suffering. You are the best special forces. Peel off your skin. In order to prepare for the battle , we are encircling and suppressing the Yuanshan Formation in this line. What about the Encirclement and Suppression of the Far Mountain Formation ? Filming TV series, TV series , tell you, don’t run too fast, it’s okay, don’t be anxious , let’s take your time, understand? This is not someone else’s show, this is It’s Director Zhuang’s play. The director is here to prepare for the actual shooting. Call me. Ready to start, wait a minute , wait a minute, whose car is being taken care of by the steward, please stop shouting, little brat, you dare to stop my car, your reputation is getting bigger and bigger, Gao Brigade, why are you here? Guess who doesn't know, you still have a gun, it feels very powerful. You guys asked them to film a movie, but they didn't invite me. I didn't invite my own costumes and props. I brought all the costumes and props. Why did you also bring a few extras ? What are you talking about? I am a senior colonel of the People's Liberation Army and I will be an extra for you. You still think you're not qualified enough? Welcome welcome welcome . To be honest, I like your equipment. It's settled. We'll mess with you. I know you don't have enough special forces. I personally brought a few soldiers to be extras for you. Follow your wife. Li Jialang, come on , brothers. At this moment, I had the illusion that I was not preparing for filming but about to participate in a real battle. Can we start? Let’s start. Let’s start . All departments are preparing to shoot the Siberian wolf . You You won't forget our ceremony. Come on , let 's live and die together. Are you sure I have to go back? I know it's your sad place , but you also understand that even if Ma Yunfei catches him, he won't say anything . It's time for you to come forward and do the work. Besides, Ma Yunfei, he doesn't know that you are still alive. If you come forward to do the work, it will definitely be effective. Can Xiaozhuang still recognize me after 11 years ? Hey, what's wrong with Ma Yunfei ? Why doesn't Ma Yunfei come? What time will it be when we are the boss? Hey , hey, hey, hey , is Ma Yunfei playing an empty city trick with us? Yes, is he playing tricks on me? Big brothers, what time is it ? Big brothers, Mr. Ma, I have something to do at the last minute . When I get back, hahahaha, I can’t wait for half an hour. Can’t take a picture? Come on, can we shoot? The military director is not ready to let everyone work hard. Hold on, Teacher Geng . We are not professional actors . We must get into the state to perform well. We are in the state. Uncle , pay attention. Get ready to try spraying. Come to all departments, pay attention. Are you ready ? You come to launch the attack. Prepare the troops for demonstration. Come on, everyone, pay attention to prepare for real shooting . 3. 2. What happened at the beginning ? What happened ? Bosses , bosses, don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid. We are just filming the TV series Encirclement and Suppression of Distant Mountains. The town shocked me. Hahaha, our boss will be here soon. Mr. Ma will be here soon. Please wait a moment. Thank you everyone. Team Huo has passed. If you don’t want to stand by, watch your spare magazine. At this moment, I We have really got everything. It is no longer. Therefore, nothing will come. Hey, we have spoken, we have spoken , we have set off, come back, come back . Don’t be afraid. We are anti-narcotics police to protect your safety. Evacuate the scene. It’s dangerous here. Move on. Move on. What’s going on? It’s dangerous here. Move on. Go , go, go. It's dangerous here. Go, go. Owl , owl. Are we ready at the evacuation site ? Are the Siberian wolves ready? Let me tell you a secret. The old cannon is an undercover . The old cannon is an undercover. Remember , don't shoot him. Are you still fighting? I 'm alive. I have Is it so easy to die? This operation is a secret operation jointly formulated by Interpol and the top brass of the Chinese police. It can only succeed and cannot fail. In order for the old gun to gain Ma Yunfei's trust, you all have to die , right? It's too big to sacrifice the four of us. We faked death. We faked death again. The specific steps to explode the point are quite long. When you are close to the old artillery, the special brigade will be asked by the police to dispatch the annihilation point. During the battle, you two will die from cannibalism. Zhang Zi, you can withdraw after you die. This is what I heard so far. The best news is who is Ma Yunfei ? Can he believe it? So Lao Pao will be shot with a live bullet and hit the vital point. This is the most dangerous level in our operation. If we miss, Lao Pao will really die . Who will come ? I can't finish it . You're already dead. This is the only live ammunition shot. You must load it accurately. What are you thinking about? When will I return to the SWAT team? Until the entire operation mission is completed, I understand that you are thinking about your police beauty Xiao Lei. You're right, Owls , you all must be taken to the Special Forces Brigade by Lao Gao to hide it. All members of the fake death team must be taken away by the Special Forces Brigade , or they will be exposed. The news that you are alive cannot be disclosed to anyone, including your Xiaoming. I understand , but what about Xiaozhuang? He doesn't know that he will collapse if he sees a few of us killing each other. His collapse is the best preparation for our actions. Poor Xiaoduan Xiaozhuang, he has received strict training and is also my soldier. He can't survive even this little suffering. I really made a mistake . This mission is very dangerous and difficult , but it is also very glorious. This is a chance for each of you to prove yourself. Do you have the confidence to be loyal to the motherland and the people? What's going on ? Where can I get the gun? Get up stop. What are you doing? You haven't heard that we are filming here today. Who are you? Sit down. What are you doing? Something happened at the hotel. Come on with me. Don't go up. Brother Zhou, I will kill you. Get in the car and follow him. Brother Zhuang, save me, brother Xiaozhuang. You have to save me, brother Xiaozhuang. Save me. Shut up. Where are you taking me ? Brother Zhang, save me. Brother Xiao Zhan, save me. The louder you shout, the more exciting it becomes. Big Bad Wolf, Siberian Tiger Howl, are you the best strategic sniper? Answer me, damn it, of course I am. What are you doing? Finish, shoot me the helicopter. When you come down, people are passing on the helicopter. Although I know , I also know that you are the best strategic sniper. This is my most difficult combat mechanism . The host gave me the car bomb. I am good at leading the helicopter gun with high-explosive bombs. The bastard doesn't smoke . Specialty. Pay attention to the altitude: 54 degrees. Distance: 112 degrees. Temperature: 23 degrees. Flying speed: 80 kilometers per hour. Waves in the southeast direction: 5 meters per second. Ready to run. Brother, he doesn't care about your life or death. You're on a helicopter and he dares to hit me. Think about the gun for yourself , okay, let's explode together . You are the best strategic sniper. Get in the car , go quickly, get up , and I will kill you if you don't get up. Go over there, don't go out , don't , don't, don't, Ma Yunfei, don't be wishful thinking. Take everything. All exit routes have been blocked. Put down your weapons. Surrender immediately. Block the scene immediately and wait for the lone wolf commando. Ma Yunfei is rich and stubborn. There is no way out. We have the best special forces in the world. Are they special forces that specialize in killing hostages? You will go to hell. This beast is good. Just pull 2. He was buried with him. Brother Xiaozhuang, save me. There are too many of them. Come with me and cooperate with me to act out a play. Brother Zhang , save me. Brother Zhang , save me. Brother Xiaozhuang, they are all here. Okay. Xiaozhuang is so lively now. Who is the director of this scene? I love him so much. Xiaozhuang shoots and beats your woman to death again. I like this scene so much. Brother Xiaozhou shoots. Okay, I understand, Commander. When are we going to do it? Owl has a gift. What gift should I give to Wang Yunfei ? Don't enter without my order. Stay calm . Ma Yunfei , we are making a deal. Will you make a deal with me ? Are you stupid enough to let me out ? Otherwise, I will kill him. Your sister, Ma Qitong, is on the way. So you let the hostage go, we let your sister go. Now get out and don't come back to China. These are the original words of Owl. My sister is dead. She is not dead. She is alive and well. We let him go. He is doing business abroad. I came back this time to express my condolences to your father and his two unlucky brothers. Now the owl is coming here with him. Even if he is still alive, he is innocent. Do you think it is worth tossing him? Nonsense, the hostages in your hands are not innocent. You fucking bastard , what about you? I'm a drug lord, can you compare? Brother Mengzhuang, save me the Siberian wolf. Your position is the best design point. You pull down and I'll go up to finish. I'll take the initiative. Finish. You evacuate. This is the end of the order. I'm the active shooter . It's over. We only have this one chance. Over. I'll seize this opportunity . Over. Wang Yunfei, look who this owl is. It's funny. I know there are snipers outside waiting for me. I don't look at the third brother. The third brother is me . It's Tongtong, aren't you dead? It's been so many years. Why don't you come and see me, brother? I don't want to recall the past anymore. 3Brother, stop it. Bai Yunfei, you bastard, I tell you that your sister is in my hands. You should immediately come now. Let her go or I'll shoot her. Try it. If you dare to touch my sister, I'll kill him. Wang Yunfei, you know my methods. Your sister is in my hands and the person opposite me is a hostage I don't know. You are not worthy of being a police officer . I don’t deserve to be this brother. My legs. He broke my legs. Third brother, save me , my arms. Third brother, save me. Brother Zhuang, save me. Hao Yunfei, you are very cruel. Okay, I will beat your sister to death now. I will let you. Do you know what it means to shoot and kill security brother Qiuzhuang ? I'm still alive. I'm still alive. Ah, why is it over before we get there? Don't you know that I am a strategic sniper? Kill with one shot. Are you going to compete with me? Hahaha who? The Siberian wolf was satisfied and resurrected again hahahahaha I knew you could do it hahahaha come back we just need a strategic assaulter like you Hey hahaha Hey he is a celebrity now Hey hey hey you too Ostrich Fly quickly, where am I going? Look behind you. Hahahaha, don't run. Hahaha, run. Let 's go . The director is sorry for kicking you out. We will live and die together forever. I'm so sorry. I really didn't expect to even take care of you. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha did not help but you thought I would really leave the army. Hey, the actor who played me in your TV series is so handsome. Hahahahaha . Hey, right, right , and don’t forget me. He has always had a glorious image . Hey, you two, don’t worry. These days, we are looking for idlers who are more handsome than you two. Hahahaha, that little Goku hygienist from the wall ancestor , ok, I know, there are countless of them , hahaha, I’m giving this to you. Oops , you can’t buy it now . Where did you buy it? 13 years ago, because I remember you like to watch Dragon Ball , so I asked my mother to I bought a set and have been keeping it for 13 years. Today I give it to you . It’s beautiful. The hygienist. The hygienist is so unprofessional. The CT team members openly accept gifts from hostages. Then I am better than the Siberian wolf . How powerful are Siberian wolves? CT team members. You're really good at having sex with a hostage and you're still a 7-year-old girl. Hahaha , what are you doing, what are you doing? Oops , do it well . Remember, the one who plays me must be the most handsome, cool and cool one, so you think I am. What a cool strategic sniper ! You have it on you . Hahaha. This is all the work of our Xia Lan. Hey, it’s over. What are you doing? Captain, these are non-commissioned officers who have just transferred to the profession. I have reserved them for you. You must always be prepared. Don't embarrass me, you know? He is a Siberian wolf. I 'm filming with you as a director. Is it ok with you ? Captain, what do you say? It's ok with me. I'm so ok with you. Weapons, blanks, ammunition, costumes and props are all left to you. And Dabao is the main force. He follows you specifically and is responsible for keeping weapons and ammunition. Xiao Zhang, you are all good actors. You are all very powerful. You can move me around. I am convinced. Mr. Wu turns right, left, back, and walks together. I know why you love him so much. Because they are really cute. This is your military uniform. Put it on again and let me see how it looks like your soldier. Although you are a big director now , you are still a soldier. Do you still remember this? Yes, tell me about you. How do you say it? You are a 33-year-old man who never gets married or falls in love. All he wants to do is work and buy a bunch of broken game discs. Why not just play games for the rest of his life ? You stinky man, do you know how many pairs of stinky socks you have saved? More than 40 pairs made me wash them. Until midnight, you were still a soldier. You didn't care about hygiene at all. Now you're clean and you look much more comfortable. I'm going to work. Mom , why are you like a ghost? When did you come back ? How do you know I'm not dead? Because I didn't do it with my own hands. I touch you , so I believe you are not dead. You are back. It’s time for me to go. What are you doing? I have to go to work. Let go. The press conference will begin immediately. Everyone, please sit down. Thank you, everyone . Thank you for caring so much about this drama and being able to come and join us today. Press conference Well, thank you again . On behalf of all the crew and crew, thank you for your support and concern. Thank you. I announce that the celebration will begin now. Thank you. Thank you everyone . Owl needs you. He was kidnapped by a drug cartel abroad. I can't leave the country. Can I rescue him? Ah, there are always endless troubles like this , and I have become accustomed to it. I joined the Chinese Army Special Forces with the domain name military rank and the northern wing burning incense code name Siberian Wolf 02 Road. Come home.
Channel: 无敌战神
Views: 28,649
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Keywords: 无敌战神, 戰爭, 特種兵, 特種部隊, 軍旅, 狙击手, 抗战, 抗日战争, 中国, martial arts, 八路军, martial arts fight, martial arts movie, kung fu, 日军, fight, 动作, 历史, troops, Chinese television dramas, Chinese drama, 中国电视剧, action, action movies, kung fu movie, eight route army, 抗日神剧, Second Sino-Japanese War, 战争剧, 战争片, 抗日电视剧, 抗日剧2020, 抗日战争剧2020, 功夫, 功夫片, 戰地槍王, battle scene, movie action, action movie, 动作电影, best action movie, 中国历史, 神剧, new action movies, fight scene, best fight scene, war fight scene, 決戰零距離, 军旅, 经超, 郭艳, 孙祖君, 石兆琪, 钱志
Id: uxHZiJWMs2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 1sec (5281 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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