The Soup Will SAVE THE WORLD! 🍵 Lentil Soup Recipe with a Variety of DELICIOUS Toppings!

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back to life back to life and today i want to show you a recipe that in turkey everyone loves i haven't seen anyone in my life who doesn't like it like i was a child and i was only eating five things and this was one of those five things so as a child who doesn't like anything this is a recipe that will find its way and plus it's cheap it's very nutritious and it's incredibly easy to make today's recipe is marge make service it's just pure lentils and water and very simple ingredients but it keeps you warm it keeps you happy if you're on a diet if you drink like two or three cups it will keep you full for a long time and with low calories plus it's really good in proteins if you want to make this greatness into something bigger i have toppings and some small tips which can make it into a heavenly fulfilling dish [Music] we're going to start with the lentils by the way this is like an ikea jar and i write things like this the old school way it's like something small but i love doing it very much i have here red lentils but there are of course yellow ones which are thinner and more oreos this also makes a really good orange mix soup but here because it's more wildly known i'm going to use the red ones i don't like using plastic but this helps to get the excess dust and the starch away i'm going to put some water and mix it really really well for about two minutes so that it all goes away there will be bubbles on top that's good that's what i want to get rid of it decreases the prick effect that you have and the taste becomes rather nicer and the color a little brighter as you can see the water becomes starchy well i'm going to do it for a second time if any of the lentils float throw them away there might be a bug or something inside so i'm going to put the starchy water to the plants now i had like glasses this big two glasses eight glasses of water and always there are lentils left and it's just a nightmare trying to clean it water helps in that so i'm putting the water to the cup that i have washed this looks like a very idiot tip to give but trust me when you work with lentils it's quite important to this i'm going to add one onion onion will give it sweetness it will add the dimension to the soup and it will be really nice in the old days i used to cut it into two pieces but what i've realized because lenses like cook in 10 to 15 minutes the onions do not get cooked really well sometimes it has some raw taste so i make it into slices and add it to the soup this is going to boil for about 10 to 15 minutes it's depending on the type of the lentil the lentils are going to explode and it will be like a thick puree the only thing you have to do when it's cooking there's going to be a white foam forming on top it's called caffeine turkish we have to take that out because it gives like a grayish color to the soup and makes it harder to digest the taste slightly changes there's a sourness as well it really happens in many things in jams and some casserole dishes and nothing else [Music] my soup is almost ready the lentils popped out and the onions have been cooked and we have five more minutes to go i need two tablespoons of butter if you want to make it vegan you can use of course olive oil sunflower oil now i'm going to make something called mayane in french cooking it's very similarly called i have one tablespoon for each glass of lentil to this i'm going to add two tablespoons of flour now i'm going to mix the butter with the flour what this does is thicken the soup it adds also flavor when it's light yellow like this the power of making it stiffer and harder is more as it turns browner the flavor increases into nuttiness like you are making some nuts on the stove but the energy to make the soup thicken decreases as lentils have no problem in thickening what i want is i want more taste so i'm making brownies and guys i want to tell you something if you haven't subscribed to the video please subscribe it's very important for us that's how we survive if you like the video don't hesitate to press like that's how the word spreads as you can see this turned into like a brown beautiful color now here i have 250 milliliters of chicken stock i put the stock into the pan because i want to get all the goodness before it boils i have to take it to here because this will thicken so our soup is almost ready i haven't put salt yet a heap teaspoon of salt and depending on your taste this might increase or decrease now it still doesn't look very nice in turkey when we were small children and these machines were not invented this suit was called sushma marriage mixtures which is they used to put this through the sieve so it makes this pure and silky smooth soup as it cooks on the sides some lentils are stuck but always get them into the game even though you might either carve them as you can see creamy looking and silky it's very nice some people put carrots pepper paste tomato paste but the plain one is actually my favorite and it's such a base that you can build on top of it many different things the soup comes with a lemon on the side and there would be red pepper and lemon okay so this is the most classic one i have like small croutons there was a pedem it was almost dry you can use any dry bread you have with a bit of butter and mix it and it becomes this crunchy goodness which is very simple and a lot of olives actually eat spoon there would be one olive and all goes on on the bread and the seed comes up usually i would collect the seed that would be another plate and each time count i remember eating 35 olives in one soup what i loved it this is my secret side guys all right so good third one is actually like a main course here i have the soup i'm going to add small meatballs the recipe for this meatball we have on the channel i'm going to put it here and i just changed the shape it's just like small balls and to this i'm going to add some red beans does it matter what's happened no like i had this purple ones at hand these were jarred and some coriander this could be parsley if you don't have coriander in your country now suddenly this soup becomes a really fulfilling thing to eat i remember writing an article in the newspaper as soup to save the world from bad eating in the canteens of the schools soups like this can be served and maybe some kids in turkey don't eat proper lunch they don't like it they don't want to get fat or something but this is a great way to eat various things together and have this fulfilling effect in a healthy way [Music] now this is when everyone tells me how like you should eat salad this was a way i have discovered that i can eat salad i don't like so much but this is a salad i like but anyways i put the salad into the soup and some croutons what it does is especially in summertime or cold winters you want to eat something warm but you don't want a lot of calories this is a great way to do that and this is the fourth one shall we come to how bahar eats it yes now you guide me bahar yours please yogurt one more and this is especially for the people who do not like very hot stuff you get one sip from a creamy yogurt and then the other one it will cool the soup as well a lot of black pepper yes red pepper three four olives oh really and some parsley what it tastes good okay this list can go on and on here for example for the crunchiness instead of bread you can use kadaif and red pepper and not to the kadaif but to the side some lemon okay let's start this is this is not soup this is a course so good for the salad we dip the soup and mix it well and here becomes this also because of the bread it is like a kebab i don't want to dip my spoon again because i believe you love it so i want to save this one for you thank you the pizza has to give up this yeah it does it's for you so this is what it is and now because we made these beautiful ones and we had to take photos of them and etc it turned a bit cold to tell you the truth and as you can see here your soup when it's left on the side will get cold and as it gets cold it becomes thicker like this and i believe it's really important how to reheat it you add almost a glass of water the soup looks lighter then again as it starts to boil it will come to the form depending on the type of management you might need to add some more water it's okay if it's too watery let it cook five more minutes and it will be okay so don't worry guys and finally let's go to the classic one now as this is really hot some tips for eating the soup if you get your spoon from the middle like this it will be boiling hot very hot you should always take it from the side like this and not for the tips to drop you just have to sear my spoon from the side like this i'll eat it i take my spoon from the far end of the bowl so guys that's it hope you enjoy our lentil soup video hope you like the recipe if you develop your own techniques please write them down i read all your comments thank you so much take great care and have a nice wonderful weekend
Channel: Refika's Kitchen
Views: 228,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: refika, refika's kitchen, lentil, lentil soup, how to cook lentil, how to make lentil soup, perfect lentil soup recipe, lentil soup recipe, refika lentil, refika lentil soup, refika mercimek çorbası, mercimek, mercimek çorbası, how to use lentil, lentil soup toppings, toppings, soup, soup recipe, how to make soup, soup with toppings, soup topping recipes, soup with toppings recipe, recipe, çorba, çorba tarifi
Id: Ap9TaNkEPxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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