The Soul Never Dies - Adrian Rogers

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welcome to love worth fun with pastor teacher and author Adrian Rogers reaching out with God's love bringing people to Christ touching lives around the world and helping you find the answers you need today join us as we prepare to open God's Word and discover how your life can be changed forever by his great love worth finding take the word of God find mark chapter 8 in just a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 35 but let me tell you something about you about your most valuable possession really about you yourself your soul your human soul is of infinite worth your soul will be in existence somewhere when this world is turned to dust when the Sun Moon and stars have burned themselves out if they ever will your soul will still go on endless dateless measureless your soul your soul made in the image of God is worth more than all of the rubies and diamonds and gold and silver that this world has to offer it will go on endless timeless dateless measureless now your body may be killed and your body made us all but your soul whether your spirit inseparably will never ever cease to exist your human soul could no more cease to exist than God Himself could cease to exist because you are made in the image of God in the true sense you don't have a soul you are a soul you live in a body the Bible calls our body and earthly house in 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 and verse 1 now God said something about you when he made you that he didn't say about anything else in all creation and he made it all but this is what he says about you he says that he made you in his image that's what makes man uniquely distinct from all of the other creatures and all of the rest of his creation you have a soul you live in a body now the problem when many of us is this that we pamper the body and neglect the soul suppose there's a boy that falls in love with a girl and he doesn't really know how to ask her to marry him so he thinks if you just give her an engagement ring she'll catch the idea so he has it beautifully wrapped and inside the wrapping is that velvet box with a satin lining on the inside and this gorgeous ring is in there and he he gives it to her and says look at this and tell me what you think and so he comes back hoping that she will say yes to him he says what did you think about my present oh she says it's beautiful I love it and she pulls out the little box she says look at the hinge see the little clasp see how fuzzy it is and look how soft it is on the inside look at that satin he says yes but what about what was on the inside oh she said you mean that piece of wiring glass I threw that away but this is a a wonderful box thank you so much for well she would have room to rent upstairs unfurnished if she did that but folks I'm telling you there are people who are just like that they don't understand that the body is the box the soul is the diamond have we we pamper the Box we pet the Box we feed the Box we rest the box and we neglect the diamond that is only inside now I want you to see what the Lord Jesus said about your soul look here in mark chapter 8 and verse 35 for whosoever will save his life shall lose it do you want to lose yours listen to Jesus but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake in the Gospels the gospel means the death burial and resurrection of Christ for our sins the same shall save it for what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation of him also shall the Son of Man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his father with the Holy Angels now Jesus is saying here is a pitiful and a bad bargain if a man if a man were to try to exchange his soul for all this wide world and I want us to think first of all about the fabulous treasure the fabulous treasure that is your human soul what makes a soul of such great worth Matt give you five things that makes anything valuable you want to know what you're worth you want to know why your one soul is worth more than all the stocks the bonds the buildings the real estates the schools and the industry put together your one soul more worth more than all the rubies and diamonds and gems every star in the universe your one soul is worth more than that your soul let me tell you five things that make anything worthwhile number one is creativity who made it you see the creator of anything adds to its worth who created the human soul the Bible sells tells us in Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 that God breathed in the man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul and Ephesians chapter 2 tells us we are his workmanship now you are the crowning work of Almighty God Picasso would paint and a Picasso painting would sell for millions of dollars because of the creativity a Picasso I have been to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa and very frankly I was not all that impressed but evidently is worth so much because of its creator you my friend are the handiwork of all-mighty God you are crowning work of God's creative genius you are the last creative masterpiece of Almighty God we are his workmanship creative 'ti think of yourself friend you are handcrafted by God that's one thing that makes your soul worth so much let me tell you the second thing not only the creativity that's put into your soul but the potentiality that is in your soul you see a thing is worth much not only because of what it is but because of what it can be you one day can be transformed into the likeness of Jesus Christ people even one day you can be made like Jesus Christ that is the potentiality that there is in you sitting in your seat this morning are three not one but three the person you are now the person you may become if you allow yourself to continue to go the same direction you're going till you finally drop into hell and the person you might be if you give your heart to Jesus Christ and let him transform you by his glorious grace think of the potentiality that there is in one human soul you don't see yourself as God sees you with his creative genius it said that one time Michelangelo looked at a block of marble he was the great sculptor of yesteryear and he said as he looked at that block of marble there's an angel in that block and I'm going to set him free and he made a magnificent statue out of a coal block of marble that's what God wants to do for you there was a man his name was Russell Conwell he was a Baptist preacher and he he was a great man of God and he pastored the Baptist Temple in Philadelphia and he was also he founded temple College and the way he founded temple college was by going about and giving thousands of lectures it was one lecture really but the type of that lecture was acres of diam acres of diamonds and he told about a man who lived in Africa who had a farm but he learned that others were discovering diamonds and this man wanted to have diamonds he wanted to be wealth he wanted to be rich so he sold his farm and went off all over searching for diamonds he never found any diamonds and eventually drowned himself in despair but the person who bought the farm from this man one day was crossing a stream and he saw an unusual looking rock a stone he picked it up you know what it was it was an incredible diamond and then they found out that the farm was loaded with diamonds the man who had sold the farm was standing in acres of diamonds and he didn't realize what he had he never developed what he had going looking for something else your heart is on a search friend you are standing in acres of diamonds spiritually the potentiality that is in you I'll tell you something else that makes something worthwhile and that is durability how long will it last now if you have something it's not going to last very long then obviously it doesn't have as much value as something that will last longer your soul as I've told you will go on endless dateless measureless through all eternity your soul will be in existence somewhere when the Sun Moon and stars have grown cold either in heaven or in hell you could never cease to exist any more than God Himself could cease to exist and you say did you say the word hell yes I said the word hell Jesus Christ had more to say about Hell than any other preacher in the Bible the former pastor of this church RG Li said some people say it's cruel to talk about Hell he said I'd rather be called khru for being kind than to be called kind for being cruel and the cruelest thing that a person could do would be to fail to warn somebody about the hell that is to come your soul is durable it will last either in heaven or in hell it will go on and on and on Daniel chapter 12 verse 2 says and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt your soul will have everlasting life or everlasting shame and content how long is everlasting how long is he turnitin be ever thought about eternity that you're going to be in existence your soul for all eternity Billy Sunday was the Billy Graham of his day Billy Sunday used to talk about how long eternity is and he said just imagine that the earth is here and there's a far-off distant star and this earth is to be moved from this from its location to that star and there's a little bird who will come and take a grain of sand and fly away with that one grain of sand and he will fly if possible on throughout a space until he comes to that distant planet that distant star takes him a million years to make the trip this way and then a million years to come back to earth and he gets another grain of sand another million years he makes the trip this way another million years he comes back and then Billy Sunday said when that bird traveling a million years one way in the million years back grain by grain has moved earth to that distant place it would only be breakfast time in eternity I'm telling you that you have a soul that will live on and on and on and it is creativity it is possibility or potentiality it is durability that makes your soul of great worth let me tell you another thing that makes your soul of great worth and its rarity the more rare a thing is the more valuable it is your soul is absolutely unique and rare God made you unique there's not anyone else like you you are his handiwork and you are totally rare I understand that the rare stamp is the stamp of the one cent stamp of British Guiana I understand that the rarest coin is the argenta of Athens a silver dollar the first silver dollar but you are absolutely unique God never makes copies you are the rare work of God there'll never be another just like you it is rarity that makes something valuable and then alas to Allah - what else makes a thing valuable and I guess this is the bottom line and and it is desirability desirability any realtor will tell you if he goes to do an estimate and appraisal on a piece of property it doesn't matter how much you spent on it it matters not how much you've painted it it doesn't matter how much you have enjoyed it what will that appraiser tell you it's worth what somebody will pay for it is that not what determines worth I mean as far as he's concerned what will somebody pay for this and on the basis of that he makes his appraisal you want to know how much you're worth go to bloody Calvary see Jesus Christ in agony in blood dying upon that cross but Peter tells us you were not redeemed with corruptible things such as silver and gold but with the precious blood of Christ as a lamb without spot and without blemish put your ear on the beating heart of God and hear God say I love you and I want you come down lower and see Jesus dying there upon the cross why because he wants your soul he paid that price for you that's how desirable you're to him I have a friend his name is Mike he's an evangelist might told how he got saved he was just throwing his life away like so many kids are today just throwing a life away didn't care about anything somebody said Mike if you had something you really didn't care about and really didn't want and didn't value at all but somebody else wanted it very very very much Mike if you didn't want it and somebody else really did would you give it to them they said sure Mike Jesus wants your soul He desires you and somehow Mike's eyes were open and he gave his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ I'm telling you you are desirable to him now I want us to move to a second thing not only do I want us to think about this fabulous treasure your soul but I want us to think about a foolish transaction look if you will now in verse 36 for what should it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul now he's talking here about a transaction and exchange that you have a treasure it is a fabulous treasure it is your soul but I'll notice the foolish transaction now this is Jesus the master teacher talking he's talking about a man who bargains away his soul and the vain hope of gaining the world that's so foolish so pitiful let me give you three reasons why that is so pitiful number one nobody gains the whole world anyway nobody has ever done that not one person has ever gained this world I'm amazed how cheaply some people will sell out for Jesus Christ Judas so Jesus for thirty pieces of silver I believe there are people sitting in this congregation who would give up Jesus before they give up getting a new refrigerator it is amazing I mean there are people who say you know I don't want to go down into that church man if I go down into that church they want some of my money you're wrong God doesn't need your money mister he doesn't need your money he owns this world but people are so motivated by this nobody has ever gained the whole world secondly that would be so foolish because what part of the world you gain you can't keep the knowing to thought I'm the foul breath of decay will take your treasures one day and and disintegrate them Nathan ninth century there was a king of France his name was Charlemagne they called him Charlemagne the great he had all of the wealth all of the pomp off city of a of a king but Charlemagne the great died later centuries later they opened the tomb of Charlemagne the great they went in there and all of the treasures and things were buried with him very much like a a pharaoh and they had Charlemagne the great buried sitting on a throne they had him with a crown on his head but his flesh had been eaten away there's only a bony skeleton there and no longer did the crown fit it kind of slipped down over his bony skull and they had put in the lap of Charlemagne the great a copy of the New Testament and he had his bony finger on the text that I'm preaching from this morning for what should it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul or what should a man give in exchange for his soul you can't gain the world and if you gain the world you can't keep it and I'm going to tell you something else if you could gain it and if you could keep it it would never satisfy you it would never satisfy you that's why such a bad bargain you were made for God God made you to know him to love him and to satisfy him pleasures cannot satisfy possessions cannot satisfy philosophy cannot satisfy God made you for him God made a bird to fly in the sky God made a fish to swim in the sea God made you to know him and to love him if you take a bird out of the sky and put him under water he's an unhappy bird take a fish out of the sea and put him in a tree he's an unhappy fish your element is God and if you don't know him you're going to be like a round peg in a square hole you're going to be like a fish in a tree like a bird under the water God made you for him in him we live and move and have our being this world cannot satisfy you friend let me tell you why it's such a tragic loss we're talking about a tragic loss well number one if you lose your soul it is an irreversible loss don't get the idea that one day you can step out of hell back into heaven no there's a great gulf fixed and it'll be when you come to the Judgment Day it'll be too late when you come to the judgement to plead for mercy there'll be no mercy there if you want mercy you may have it but you must have it in this lifetime the Bible says it's appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment and you will be standing before God and the recording angel will be there and you'll have no Jesus you'll have no salvation your sin will not be forgiven and that recording angel will say what shall I write with a broken heart God will say write los del OST beyond time beyond hope it is an irreversible loss Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4 behold all souls of mine as the soul of the father so also the soul of the son is mine the soul that sinneth it shall die but not only is it an irreversible loss a friend if you lose your soul it is an immeasurable loss an immeasurable loss I mean all of the wealth of the world cannot compare to the value of your soul it is a a replaceable loss if you lose other things you can replace them we've lost things we've replaced them but you can't replace your soul I there's no substitute for your soul there's no replacement for your soul a newlywed couple had just moved into their little apartment he came home to find his wife in tears he said sweetheart what's wrong she said I cook I baked you some biscuits and the dog got up on the table and ate them I said no sweetheart don't cry we can get another dog there's some things you can replace but if you lose your soul that's an irreplaceable loss it's an irreversible loss but here's the main thing listen Jesus said what should a profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul and I think with me you can't gain the world if you could gain that you couldn't keep it if you could gain it and keep it it wouldn't satisfy you and then he says why would you trade your soul of immeasurable value for the things of this world because it is an inexcusable loss you don't have to lose your soul it's absolutely totally inexcusable three men were in a restaurant sonto one a believer - an unbeliever - were unbelievers the two unbelievers got in an argument and one believer put his finger in the face our one unbeliever put his finger in the face of the other man who was hell bound and said to him you go to hell the Christian was sitting there listening that he leaned over to the man who'd just been told to go to hell and said listen I have been reading the instructions you don't have to go if you don't want to don't have to go that there's no reason that you should go is inexcusable for you to go to hell now now think with me Jesus is talking Jesus is talking about a transaction he said watch it at profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul now watch this or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul now think with me suppose somebody comes to you and says I have an offer I have a transaction I want to make and this person has the authority in the ability to do this and you know that he does and he says I will give you anything and everything you want you want money you can have it you want pleasure you can have it you won't influence and prestige and power you can happen but there's something I want from you well all right what is it what what what is the exchange he says I want your little finger I want to have your little finger amputated that's what it costs but you have all of the wealth of the world you can have all of the power you want all of the influence all of the pleasure all of the fun all of the friends but it cost your finger where'd you take him up on that deal maybe you wouldn't but I'm telling you there are millions in this world and say that sure it's a deal well now wait a minute let's change let's move the ante up a little bit suppose he were to say to you at this time no it's it's not your finger it's your arm I want the entire arm but remember you have everything you want would you take that deal some would but wait a minute what if he says not your finger not your arm I want your ability to hear you will never be able to hear another thing but you can have everything so what if he said I want your eyes you'll never be able to see I want your eyes and your ears but you can have everything let's say wait a minute what good is everything you want my eyes you want my ears you want this and that and you're going to give me everything no I don't care if you give me the whole world there's a place any thinking reasonable person would draw the line and say I will not pay is that not right obviously listen to me I am preaching this morning to people who are giving far more to gain far less I mean you are giving your soul not your eyes your ears your hands your soul and you're not gaining all of the pleasures of this world you see listen to what Jesus is saying Jesus is saying what should it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul what should a man give in exchange for his soul now let's move to the third and final thing I want you to think of the fatal tragedy this is a story of tragedy notice a game Jesus is saying in verse 36 the man loses his soul I mean he loses his soul have you counted the cost if your soul should be lost though you gain the whole world for your own even now it may be better line you've crossed have you counted have you counted the cost the devil doesn't want you to think about what I'm saying today the devil wants you to lose your soul old-time preachers used to tell the story I've heard it many times you've probably heard it probably based in some truth of a man who was leaving the old country to come to this country he didn't know how to transfer all of his wealth so he could get a new start and he thought well there's something it always holds value it's a diamond and so he took all of his assets bought one precious stone a diamond he intended to come the United States sell that diamond and begin his business his life anew he was on the steamer coming over he took his diamond from his pocket and looked at it very beautiful friends around looked at it and he enjoyed the notoriety of holding that and looking at it he tried that casual like he was very wealthy man he acted casual about of course it was all that he had and then people began to talk about his diamond and how wealthy he must be so it took his diamond and held it out like that and held it over the edge of the briny blue ocean everybody kind of gave a gasp he put it back in his pocket he was feeling like a very important person the next day he happened to saunter out on the deck and people gather around it he took it tossed it up and caught it tossed it up and caught it they would gasp every time this would happen and he kind of enjoyed the notoriety he was sort of a big man on the deck and you know what happened tossed it one time he reached for it it bounced II reach for it again they bounced out of his hand sunk to the ocean floor the ship sailed on he said what a fool what a fool I am all that I had and I lost it is Adrian that's probably not a true story nobody could be that ignorant some of you are playing more carelessly with your own soul all that I have all that I have and and and people sent in churches hearty unbroken unbowed unbent when the eternal destiny is at hand I'm not talking to you about what Adrian is saying I'm talk to you about what Jesus is saying when he said what should it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul friend your soul is worth billions of worlds like this one and I want to call you to decision this morning from my heart and I prayed on my knees about it that God would help me - cause you today to do friend what you need to do this look right here at me I want to tell your story there was a man who was an artist and a chess player he painted a painting a young man is playing chess with Satan Satan has the dark pieces the young man has the light pieces and they're playing the outcome of the game would determine the destiny of the man's soul if the young man were to beat Satan at the game of chess then he would be ever free from the power of sin and evil on the other hand if Satan were to master the young man the young man would be forever Satan's slave the man who painted the painting was a chess master now in chess the idea is to checkmate the other person and if you can checkmate the other person say in four moves the game is over you just simply say checkmate there's no way you can escape and in this painting Satan has so moved his pieces on the chessboard that it's obvious that he has moved the young man into a position where he cannot win it is checkmate the young man is sitting over here and his hand is hovering over his pawn trying to figure out the move that he can make over here is Satan knowing he's won the game there's a gleam in his eye chess players would come and see that painting there was a man named Paul Morphy he's from Louisiana he was a master he was a champion of chess as a matter of fact he finally retired as a champion because the strain on his brain playing this game but he went to the art gallery to see this painting there's the young man with his hand up there morphe didn't want to lose he he didn't want to lose this this tournament as it were he put himself in the place of the young man and he stood there in his mind and he's he's making a move he's thinking he's making a move this this this five minutes he stands there ten minutes twenty thirty forty thinking and thinking and then he sees something that the man who painted the painting had never seen and he's figured out a way that the young man can win and right there in the museum he says young man make that move make that move I know very little about chess but I know something about the Bible I'm telling you there's only one move that you can make and that is to repent of your sin and give your heart to Jesus Christ if I had a thousand souls I would give every one of them to Jesus and friend I have read the directions you don't have to go to hell there is a move that you can make what should it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul what should a man give in exchange for a soul and very simply I'm going to ask you today to do something I'm going to ask you today to do what you'll be glad you did when you stand in the presence of God I'm gonna ask you to put your faith where God has put your sins on Jesus receive him as your Lord and Savior and I promise you on the authority of the word of God he will save you and he will keep you safe for all eternity you don't have to lose your song do you bow your heads in prayer heads are bowed and eyes are closed and I'm going to lead you in a prayer and then this prayer I want you to pray and ask Jesus Christ to come into your life forgive your sin and save you pray this prayer if you're not absolutely certain that you're saved or if you're absolutely certain that you're not saved pray this prayer dear God I know that you love me I know that you want to save me Jesus you died to save me and promised to save me if I would trust you I do trust you young man pray that prayer don't don't don't play foolishly with your soul pray that prayer Lord Jesus I do trust you right now with all of my heart young lady ask him into your heart businessman your money will not help you at the judgment ask him into your heart come into my heart Lord Jesus forgive my sin save me Lord Jesus pray it from your heart save me Lord Jesus save me did you ask him than by faith pray this way thank you for saving me I receive it by faith like a little child you're now my Lord my Savior my God and my friend thank you for saving me I'm weak you're strong so begin now to make me the person you want me to be because I've got to grow I know you'll help me and help me Lord Jesus never to be ashamed of you in your Holy Name I pray amen [Music] we pray God has blessed you as you've watched this message if you'd like additional copies or information on other resources write us at love worth finding p.o box 38 800 memphis tennessee 38134 [Music]
Channel: wmforce
Views: 20,572
Rating: 4.8994975 out of 5
Keywords: Adrian Rogers, Dr Adrian Rogers, Dr. Adrian Rogers, LWF, Love Worth Finding, Death, Soul, The Soul Never Dies, Value of a Soul, The Value of a Soul, 2211, #2211, RA 2211, wmforce, playlist, Adrian Rogers - Love Worth Finding
Id: -TIab8qvoaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2019
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