The Sopranos | The Deleted Scene Which Explained EVERYTHING About Vito

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how people [Music] in this pronos New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano must deal with all the issues and headaches that come with running a crime family in the sixth season Tony is shot by his mentally unwell Uncle Junior and after a period in a coma he decides to alter his outlook on life to consider each day a gift to stop and smell the roses so to speak but as he says to melfi regular life has got a way of picking away at it it drags you down immediately after returning to the fold after his injury Tony faces problems first he must tackle his crew potentially thinking of him as weak and from there it's just one thing after another until the hopeful glimmer we had of a changed better Tony Soprano is replaced by the same old toxic narcissist only even worse than he was before one of Tony's biggest challenges is the veto situation to the shock and horror of The Sopranos poorly especially Vita betrays his crew and switches up his blood pressure medication getting a taste for catching not pitching yes in other words he's a fan I don't want to get graphic beyond that the idea of it repulses me so much but with his secret out Vito escapes to New Hampshire starting a new life as a novelist Vince and even striking up a gay romance with a Burly volunteer firefighter it feels like something out of a Hallmark movie it does make you think is this the same show where a guy beat a pregnant 20 year old to death but that's part of the point this is a dreamlike situation for veto a place where he can be open about who he is he is living the dream heck talking about dreams maybe the blood pressure medication was so strong the entire Johnny Cake storyline was a fever dream and veto never left the motel room he was staying in how's that for a Soprano's Theory anyway Vince could have carried on with his life in New Hampshire but after getting work as a handyman he realizes the life of a working man is not for him and heads back to Jersey to try to talk his way back into the mob leaving Johnnycakes who loved him like a brother-in-law and sandbagging Tony at the mall offering him 200k and a steady trickle of cash if he can set up an Atlantic City Tony's crew are uneasy but the man himself is fixated on that 200k dilly dally is around the situation but eventually gives the okay on veto's death after he faces too much pressure unfortunately though when veto came out of the closet Phil jumped into one for who knows how long not a peep and it's him and his men who got to veto first pool cues and all veto returning to Jersey is considered one of the most brain dead moves in the entire show in my video on the dumbest decisions made by characters Vito was at number one and I didn't even specify a decision he made because so much of what he does is imbecilic dressing in a motorcycle outfit and dancing at a gay bar where the mob makes collections blowing a security guard where he and other gangsters work and returning to Jersey they're all right up there here you have a man who is so incredibly lucky that he escaped that he had found a place where he is accepted and comfortable and just because he couldn't resist the life he speeds his way back to impending an inevitable Doom it's a common theme of this show whether it's Christopher Jackie Jr or even Tony himself Mobsters are given the chance to escape the life but their love of materialism and the easy lifestyle Dooms them ironically the one man who is desperate to escape Eugene couldn't and was trapped by the feds so anyway veto is not at all a sympathetic character we can't be in aisle much as we love him and the show drives home this point by having him shoot a civilian on his way back but if you try a little bit you can kind of make sense of some of Vito's actions like the dancing thing that happened the night Johnny sack's daughter got married right he said he wasn't feeling well on left and he then hits the social club so he must have had some cornholing urges and figured that all the connected guys would be at the wedding so it shouldn't be a problem still a stupid thing to do but I guess when your medication makes you that desperate rationale and logic goes out the window the security guard thing at the construction site as well maybe he figured that none of the Mobsters come in early for work and none of the workers do either and he was probably right who knows how many times he had been coming to this site nice and early to get the guard to come nice and early it was finned abnormal adherence to his job that a minority could have had that got veto Court he had no doubt been pulling moves around his family and the mob for years and never gotten caught perhaps because coming emboldened over the years that's the thing with the gays living in the closet makes him devious and would you believe there is actually a deleted scene that makes Vito coming back to Jersey make a lot more sense and not just come off as him desperate looking to get a taste of the life again in fact it's Tony who gives him the assurance that he'll be fine let's take a look I've chopped up the scene a little to avoid copyright Tony and Sil are at Vito's house clearly for a pre-arranged meeting and veto phones his wife who hands the phone over to Tony with Tony politely asking her to leave the room I just want to quickly mention before we watch it please subscribe to the channel and hit the notification Bell if you haven't already done so so where the are you it's not important you take a powder you forget all your responsibilities what the am I supposed to think about that under the circumstances I felt it was the wisest thing to do for everybody was I wrong some of our friends are not very happy there's a certain sense of betrayal but I talked to them calm them down then it's gonna be okay you're gonna have to make up and maybe be wise to relocate for a while what for sure we establish relations with your wife have another kid show people you know where to put your dick but time heals the wolves I'll bring you back where's Phil on this I took some work with Phil appreciation situation look I went on a limb for you here don't make me look like a jerk off I'll think about it Vito I mean this really changes things and puts things into context it explains why veto later says to his wife he wants to have another kid it explains why Vito slowly makes his way back into things and it shows why he was so confident in driving back to Jersey because Tony more or less said he was in the clear it's not just the whole wanting back in the life kind of thing he had reassurance from his boss plus veto handles the conversation well not allowing it to become a berating of him and instead leveling that lambing it was the best for everyone Tony saying his bit and Vito jumps to the Crux of the issue wanting to know what Phil's reaction is without this scene our natural reaction to Vita coming back is to think what are you doing you but to know he was already in contact with Tony having been told the outrage had been squashed makes his actions make a lot more sense it's difficult to gauge when exactly this scene takes place I'm guessing it's after Vito and Tony meet at the mall as Vita doesn't have a black eye it was his second attempt to get through to Tony then again his black eye does heal closer to his whacking I'm not really sure it does make Tony's talk with veto at the hormone a bit weird because that conversation sounds like it's the first time they've spoken since he floated away it could just as easily have been before he spoke to Tony over the phone and that felt confident enough to see him in person but what's Tony thinking in this scene if it's so early on then maybe they were trying to lure Vito back to kill him why else would Tony try to reassure veto about Phil why is Tony even wanting to bring veto back if they're at a point where they're not sure what they're gonna do with him that soon as well after veto's outing it fits a bit awkwardly in the story which is why it may have been deleted and if it was kept in the show other scenes around it like Tony and Vito the more may have been slightly Rewritten but the key thing about the scene is that it adds another element to veto's mindset and the choices he made it wasn't just the case of stay at New Hampshire with a life of a working man or risk death by going back to Jersey he would have been more tempted now because there was a real chance in his mind that he could actually come back and things could work out it wasn't available albeit difficult option and that would be a much harder thing to resist when facing the daunting excruciating task of chopping wood good and using a saw Vito is also shown to be quite shrewd he probably feels as a trap so turns Tony's offer down and throws the phone away and if it takes place before the mall scene he may have figured I need to catch Tony when he's alone to bribe him I'll have more of a chance without any connected guys there in any case though the show Works without the deleted scene there's more ambiguity in the air with veto's return more uncertainty with what's going on and what will happen to veto and a veto coming back to Jersey still works because we can chalk it up to him not being able to escape the luxuries of the life do you think the scene should have remained in the show or do you think it's better off deleted let me know in the comments section below be sure to subscribe to the channel and thanks for watching
Channel: CineRanter
Views: 152,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sopranos video essay, the sopranos analysis, tony soprano, vito spatafore, the sopranos deleted scene
Id: 86IhreDSW_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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