The Sopranos Road To Respect Put Me in Therapy

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oh yeah I don't want to do your dirty work no welcome back to the channel folks so I've been rewatching The Sopranos over the last few months and just finished the series again a few weeks ago it's a show I didn't get into until long after it finished airing mostly because my family didn't have HBO for like the longest time while I like the serious storytelling and drama of the show what really got me loving it was just just how funny it could be the antics of Tony Soprano his family and the rest of the north Jersey crew would always have me laughing my ass off it wasn't the usual mob story or crime drama I was used to and I kind of regretted missing out on the series back when it was airing the soprano centers around North Jersey m boss Tony Soprano as he tries to balance running his criminal Enterprises his chaotic Family Life while also dealing with his own personal grudges played by the late James scalini the series would explore Tony's character his inner conflicts moral ambiguity and vulnerabilities both through his actions and through his therapy sessions with his psychiatrist Dr malfie with excellent writing one of the most groundbreaking lead characters ever put the screen and a strong ensemble cast of memorable characters with their own story lines is it any Wonder so many consider The Sopranos one of the best series put to television it's just too bad that its video game adaptation couldn't live up to that pedigree as The Sopranos road to respect is a bland uninspired and boring ass game one that had me mentally checked out through most of my playthrough today's video is brought to you by War Thunder step into the ultimate Battlefield experience featuring detailed Graphics authentic sounds and over 2500 meticulously detailed tanks planes helicopters and ships from 10 Nations spanning nearly a century of warfare from the 1920s to the present day making each Skirmish feel like a Journey Through Time what sets War Thunder apart is its unparalleled 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watching have seen The Sopranos so I'm not going to explain who every character is that shows up in the story that also means if you've never seen the show Now's the Time to Leave the video as I'm going to be spoiling quite a few things The Sopranos road to respect is an action adventure beatm up developed by seven Studios and published by THQ released on the PS2 in November of 2006 the game story is set in between seasons 5 and six of the show in a similar vein to both of the Godfather games instead of playing as a character from the show you know someone you'd want to play as like Tony Soprano or even Christopher malan in road to respect were playing as original character Joey loka while made up for the game Joey does have ties to the TV series as he's the bastard son of salvator Bon penero AKA big [ __ ] before discussing Joey let's talk about his father by the way I'm mostly going to refer to him as puss or big puss as I'm not sure YouTube will let me say [ __ ] too much without getting demonetized big puss was a close friend of Tony Soprano working as a soldier under his crew during the first season while attending a card game held by Jimmy Altieri the feds would raid the building and puss would get caught in arrested after throwing out his back bailed out of jail by his wife Angie he beat confined to his home on his doctor's orders while also treating his back injury with painkillers during this time Tony would get word from his police informant Vin Ma Ian that he's learned the FBI have an informant in his crew pointing the finger at Big puss Tony was uneasy about making a move on his friend unless he had definitive proof so he sent Paulie to confirm his loyalties and authorized him to take out puss if he saw a wire why don't you want to take your clothes off I got high blood pressure you [ __ ] idiot I go in there I could check the [ __ ] out my doctor mentioned steam and sauna specifically as no no he said stay the [ __ ] away from heat the encounter at the spa failed to confirm if he was a rat but big pussy's refusal to take off his clothes made him look even more suspicious it's during that encounter that Tony is visited by Jimmy Altieri who had also been arrested by the feds Jimmy acts extremely suspicious and asks about the Colombian drug money his guy stole the episode before with Tony quickly realizing he's fishing for information meeting up with Sil he explains that Jimmy is the informant and that maian mistook him with puss since in Tony's words they're both fat bucks with black hair Tony is then thrown into a panic as he can't reach his friend or Paulie and is worried that the hit has been carried out on the wrong person I can't find [ __ ] anywhere Paulie would show up and confirm he was still alive but big puss would disappear right after his own family unsure of where he was after taking out Jimmy Altieri and the issue of the Rat seemingly put the rest big puss would resurface outside of Tony's house he cooks up a story that he was in Puerto Rico getting treatment for his back and explains that he didn't tell anyone because he caught on that the crew thought he was a rat and was afraid that he'd be wrongly killed this is enough for Tony to welcome him back into the family but big [ __ ] was indeed working with the FBI now as during his initial arrest he was also busted for dealing heroin so he was facing a long prison sentence unless he turned informant put into an impossible situation as the season went on we'd see his struggles with staying loyal to his friends or ratting them out when Tony returned from his trip to Italy with the others he changed the power structure of their organization when he became acting boss of the family promoting Paulie to cappo and S to his conigliari despite his years of service hus was passed over for promotion and newcomer furio would be brought on board at the same Rank and equal footing as him taking this as disrespect he'd now make a more Earnest effort working with the FBI and gathering information on his friends Tony after getting a bad case of food poisoning would have a surreal sort of prophetic dream and realized that big [ __ ] was working with the feds when talking to a fish you know I've been working with the government right tone this whole dream thing felt so weird to me the first time I watched it but it's supposed to be a manifestation of Tony subconscious and him accepting what he's La suspected about big puss searching his home Tony would find a wire and and confirmed that his old friend was indeed an informant lurring big [ __ ] out to the ocean on his new boat Tony Sil and paully would confront him and get him to admit what he did before executing him I need her up when I was down there the trio would dump his body at Sea and told anyone suspicious of his disappearance that he turned rat and was in witness protection I skipped a few things like that whole mess with Christopher getting shot but the reason I went over big pussy's role in the series is because it plays a big part in Joey's character and story after he was killed Tony and the crew would look after his wiping kids though look after might be too generous a term as Tony basically roped Angie into taking over puss's body shop being an illegitimate child puss had with his mistress Joey wouldn't receive that help and was forced to offend for himself by stealing and robbing people after trying to rob someone outside of satriale's pork shop he'd get stopped and confronted by Tony telling the kid to get his act together Tony takes pity on him and brings him into the crew while the reasons for doing it aren't really explored I like to think this is Tony's way of trying to make amends with his old friend by helping his son actually this is Tony Soprano we're talking about it's less about being virtuous by helping Joey and more to make himself look good and to feel better about killing big [ __ ] I'm not going to analyze his character as there's dozens of videos by more articulate YouTubers who break down his character character far better than I could ever hope to so watch one of those instead now part of The Soprano's crew Joey still has a big chip on his shoulder since it's well known his father was a rat a sore point for him whenever it's brought up by other Mobsters or members of the crew like Christopher things get easier for Joey as he begins to doubt that his father went into witness protection and was actually killed by his former friends for being a rat Joey loka doesn't end up becoming this multifaceted character but he has a solid foundation Andes struggle with some of the things he does in the game often speaking to the ghost of his dad for reassurance uh yeah I'll get to that during the story portion of the video road to respect is a fairly by the Numbers action beat him up with Joey getting into fights with other Mobsters drug dealers and random civilians who get in his way combat makes use of the usual light and heavy attacks with Joey able to block incoming hits while also grappling his opponents to knock them down to the floor into a wall or an object around them while you do have some combo moves to use they're all fairly basic in execution and you're not going to pull off anything fancy like you'd see in a Yakuza game best the game has are some special moves you can use by pressing the directional button and then pushing the analog stick in the direction prompted effectively acting as finishing moves it'll have Joey do things like smashing someone's face into the floor or breaking their arm there's also some environmental moves you can pull off by dragging someone to an object with a red arrow button of it and then pressing the right prompts to smash their head with a filing cabinet or stabbing them with a pen or injuring them with a table saw there's also a multitude of objects you can find in levels to use as Weapons like wrenches pipes whiskey bottles and even a big purple dildo huh and here I thought San Andreas and Saints Row were the only games that had a dildo as a weapon while more effective than just punching someone to death weapons do break after a few hits also you can't carry any of them with you even during the same level as when outside of combat Joey can't pick up any weapons which I'm assuming is to maintain some level of realism since he can't hide them when running around honestly the combat and road to respect is as Bare Bones and simple as it gets there isn't any real strategy to encounters and outside their varying appearances all enemies are effectively the same the lack of enemy variety means the combat gets repetitive immediately as you're never challenged to change up your approach to fights or use a certain move on a particular type of enemy to damage them so outside of the Curiosity of seeing what they do you never really have to use the Combos and special moves you've unlocked also combat encounters are fairly easy as while it can be clunky at times since you have to move the camera around as you fight the majority of enemies offer close to no challenge the only time they do is if you let yourself get surrounded in which case you'll end up getting stun locked to death as it's hard to break away from their constant attacks there is some shooting in the game as during a few levels Joey can pull out his gun to handle a problem which instantly locks on to the nearest enemy and let you pump him full of lead though that's the only firearm he gets outside of a couple occasions where you can stumble onto a shotgun that has limited ammo and is awkward to aim however the game actively incentivizes you not to get into shootouts as it will impact Joey's respect with the family underneath his health is his total respect and underneath that you'll occasionally see some stars that vary from 1 to three depending on the level those stars represent how much unwanted attention you'll get in a public place while shooting which causes your respect to deplete the more you use your gun and if it hits zero Joey will end up just like his old man one favor guys please not in the eyes on paper I kind of actually like this idea as The Sopranos wasn't the type of crime show where Mobsters killed each other and Giants sh outs as most of the time if someone pulled a gun it was usually in a remote place with little of any Witnesses even the more absurd times when someone should have noticed like when that waiter went into a seizure after Christopher hit him with a brick and Paulie finished him off that's my money Paulie and I also like the idea that you can't just rely on shooting someone to solve all your problems the real issue with this mechanic is that shooting tends to be clunky and unreliable in killing someone as shots don't do a lot of damage and you can miss depending on the size of the target reticle when firing your enemies are also clunky at shooting you as they're very slow to aim and fire so it's easy and more efficient to just run up to them and punch them to death without bothering to trade shots that and even the penalty of losing respect is pitifully easy to rectify while running around levels you'll occasionally find some things you can steal like flashlights wallets and three players Etc anything you allude is instantly converted to cash and you can rob your opponents after knocking them out too then using that cash you can interact with this yellow envelope next to ply in between missions and kick up to him to restore your respect the cost bearing on how much needs to be refilled you can also kick up even more to unlock concept art and behind the scene clips for the game so while an interesting idea in theory punishing you for overusing your gun doesn't amount to much since the shooting is so bad you're better up not wasting time firing and the few times you choose to your respect is so cheap to restore overall the combat kind of sucks it's too basic lacks any sort of Challenge and gets repetitive since you could just Spam your basic light and heavy attacks to win every encounter add in a severe lack of gameplay variety and road to respect is just not fun as a video game in the least all right but what about the story there's got to be something there right sort of let's get into it you [ __ ] kidding me pulling a stun like that on his street it was just sitting there what do you care look at you a [ __ ] Street Punk snatching pches from old ladies Christ the [ __ ] was here to see this [ __ ] well he ain't here and [ __ ] him anyway I got news for you Joey there's more than one way to shame your family whatever else he was [ __ ] was a good father and he would have hated seeing you like this he'd be as pushed as me I'm sorry Tony just if you need money or something you should have come to me go home qu acting like a [ __ ] delinquent and maybe we can find something for you to do no kidding you do that I go out the back way now I forget the [ __ ] purse your [ __ ] go after the opening cut scene the game shifts to the bottoming with Joey roughing up some guy who got handsy with one of s's dancers okay I know I said earlier I didn't want to spend too much time explaining who every character is but if I don't talk about them just a little bit I feel like could be doing them a disservice Sylvio Dante or just Sil is the owner of the Bing strip club which serves more or less as the headquarters for The Sopranos crew zil is Tony's conigliari he advises him on business matters and often acts as the voice of reason being one of the few people who actually manages to talk Tony down from doing something stupid without setting him off which partially comes from his level-headedness and since he acted as a mentor for Tony when he joined Johnny Soprano's crew oh and he really loves doing alpacino impressions when I thought I was out they pulled me back in zapino zapino there's more I'd like to say about Sil but none of it's really relevant to the game what I will say is that he's easily one of my favorite characters on the show everything about his character feels like a stereotypical movie mafioso but it doesn't end up distracting or feel remotely out of place and those few moments where he loses it like attacking fat Dom after that whole mess with veto are hilarious and shows he's not above it all and he's prone to getting emotional just like the others heading inside the club one of the dancers Debbie ask Joey to tell the DJ to change the song playing speaking to the guy you're given the option to choose what attitude to use when speaking to him either tough neutral or smooth I thought this would be some kind of Fallout speech check or using the right attitude would unlock a bonus or skip an optional fight but nope it just changes how Joey addresses people and what they say so the outcome to these conversations are always the same considering how barebones the combat is I really should have expected as much getting the DJ to change up the music Debbie will thank Joey with a free lap dance nice afterwards Joey needs to check in with this Captain Paulie galtieri AKA Paulie walnuts like s Paulie is an older mafioso who was already part of the Life by the time Tony formerly joined the exact opposite of the more level-headed sill Paulie is quick-tempered impulsive and even paranoid at times while fiercely loyal to Tony he does often neglect to kick up as much money as he's supposed to and would sometimes do things behind his boss's back like keeping the painting of Tony with his prized horse P my after Tony ordered it destroyed I love Paul and his interactions with Christopher provide some of my favorite moments from the show you're not going to believe this he killed 16 checkless for varans guy was in aior decorator his house looked like [ __ ] since Joey is working under Pauline I was kind of hoping the game was going to recreate that Dynamic and while there are some funny moments between the two their interactions aren't as great as I had hoped finding Paulie inside the club he's in the middle of a conversation with some guy who's looking to speak to Tony and won't take the hint to buzz off telling that kid to take a hike paully will order Joey to go get him a sandwich and to check in with Tony to get his order too hey Tony you want anything from the deli Po's hungry which must mean you're buying give me a salami on ride lettuce Mayo mustard uh chicken soup with rice lots of pickles cheeseburger and a vanilla shake if it's chocolate you're [ __ ] taking it back got it I forgot to bring it up but a good chunk of the cast from the show returned to reprise their rules for the game they all give a solid performance and if there's any real reason to play this game it's the interactions with them the only notable missing member of Tony's crew is Bobby bakala but I'm not really all that bummed out he doesn't show up I don't give a [ __ ] all right don't give a [ __ ] I don't hate his character or anything I'm just not sure his inclusion would add much outside of another person from the show to interact with though I would have liked the mission where he asked for Joey's help and taking care of Junior could have had potential for some funny moments after running around the bot Bing for a bit Joey will return to Paulie who's in the bathroom dealing with the kid from before Joey will take over and beating the guy up but gets a little too carried away when bashing his head into the urinal and kills him despite partially being his fault since he gave the order paully gets mad and tells Joey to get rid of the body Joey will head down to the Doss with his buddy Reggie another guy trying to work his way up the crew and they plan to dump the body into the water lifting a gun and a fancy watch off his Corpse The Duo soon discover the guy isn't quite dead yet nothing a couple bullets can't solve mission accomplished they just need to ditch the car they brought the body in but first it's time for a conversation with the ghost of big [ __ ] I see they got you doing Paulie's Dirty Work that you're really in it now Joseph you can't do any worse than you did it breaks my heart I hurt you son but sometimes in this life all your choices are bad ones wait till you live some you'll see Joey speaking to the ghost of his dead dad felt a little too out there and maybe a bit too on the nose at first even if it's probably not meant to literally be his ghost but The Sopranos didn't shy away from out there moments like Tony's food poisoning dream or that alternate Lifey experience while in a coma there are some small and subtle Supernatural moments in the show too like big pussy's ghost briefly popping up during Livia Soprano's wake or the whole thing with Paulie and the psychic either way I like that we get some interaction with Joey and his dad though I wish these moments could have fleshed out the relationship more as it really doesn't go into how much of a presence big [ __ ] was in his son's life before he died before reporting back to Paulie Reggie gets the idea to hit up the casino first and drags Joey along he's gotten word that a mutual friend of theirs is having a bachelor party and he wants to head upstairs to join in on the fun Joey isn't interested and stays downstairs St instead bumping into Neil a crooked lawyer with a drug problem he briefly met earlier when getting Tony's food order Neil's complaining about the money he's spending funding his daughter's wedding and the guy upstairs enjoying his master party is his future son-in-law he also introduces Joey to his friend Dr Tyler Adams who has a bit of a gambling addiction and a little later after beating up some drunks Joey meets Carol a lawyer at Neil's Law Firm most of the new characters introduced are all one-dimensional and not really worth discussing but the ones I just mentioned do pop up several times throughout the story and have some tiny importance in the plot after running around the casino for a bit Paulie calls up wondering why Joey and Reggie aren't back yet heading upstairs Joey will fight through most of the guys at the bachelor party and then some pimp in order to save his buddy Reggie oh and to get his watch back from the stripper who robbed him when he blacked out the following day after giving pulie his cut and talking to Tony Joey will be forced by Christopher to help him with his collections at some gym and as they arrive the pair bump into Tony's son AJ soprano hey Joey Chris how's it going going good Junior going good Jes is that your car I wish my dad had me pick it up for him just drove it off the lot the one over on Bloomfield that's [ __ ] miles from here well I'm airing it out hey give me a call sometime now there's a three car pile up waiting to happen o Christopher moltisanti outside of Tony Soprano himself he's the other character I had to stop myself from going into a giant discussion about Christopher or Chrissy as he's often called is Tony's nephew well technically his cousin and serves as the secondary protagonist for most of the show Tony has looked out for him for years mostly out of respect for his father Dicky moltisanti who Tony looked up to as a mentor when he was younger and who was killed when Christopher was a toddler Christopher is impulsive hot-headed and eager to prove himself to Tony with his uncle initially hoping to groom him into a successor problem is Christopher tends to screw up a lot doesn't completely think his schemes through and is quick to pass the blame for his own screw-ups he's also extremely insecure and desperate to gain Tony's approval which makes it easy for his uncle to manipulate him oh and he has a recurring drug problem too like I said I could go on and on talking about Christopher but I want to Pat out the review of this game by discussing the show so here's him and Paulie lighting up Mikey pal Mei arriving at the gym we'll run around with Christopher trying to find the owner Saul will'll beat up the juice heads around the gym stumble on to Saul's side hustle selling roids and get introduced to Joey's old friend trelle there's not much to her character she's not fleshed out like Carmela or Adriana trelle is just there to be the shallow love interest nice boobs though after some more running around the gym we'll eventually track down Saul kicking his ass and torturing him a little will force him to agree to cutting Christopher into his side business this is also when the game Central story story and conflicts start to form Angelo buchetta a powerful mobster from Philly has been asking around and looking for his nephew Mario who's been missing for a few days the last time anyone saw him was when he was on his way to speak with Tony which has the buett is assuming he got whacked and also because someone is running around flashing Mario's fancy expensive watch ah [ __ ] it was the guy from the bot Bing Joey roughed up realizing Reggie is the one who's been spotted wearing Mario's watch Joey heads off to meet Paulie and give him the bad news about what happened now you tell me the [ __ ] I [ __ ] up Paulie I'm I'm sorry [ __ ] he you [ __ ] up you [ __ ] m twiddly d and twiddly dumb ass whatever you need Angelo just let me know had three nephews but the only one who ever come to see me inside was Mario no [ __ ] if anything happened to him it's been gone one day probably banging away somewhere just take it easy Angie at the same time Tony just finished having a sit down with Angela busetta who if he sounded familiar that's because he's voiced by Robert castano the voice actor for Joe Barbaro and Mafia 2 Tony has things under control for now but to avoid any issues with the buchetta paully orders Joey to kill Reggie before anyone finds out what happened to Mario heading to Reggie's Place Joey's not thrilled about having to whack his friend and his hesitation and some Mormons knocking on the the door causes him to botch the hit chasing Reggie all around his apartment building Joey eventually Corners him on the roof and despite his pleased that he'll disappear Joey has no choice but to put him down unfortunately someone else was also on Reggie's Trail a guy working for Angelo busetta by the name of tessio since he saw Soprano's associate wack Reggie and probably overheard his conversation with Joey we got to take him out before he spills the beans to his boss about what happened to Mario after a brief face and shootout we'll put two bullets in teso's back before he falls several stories and Splats on the pavement glad we don't have to worry about him anymore thanks to a job well done Joey earned himself an invitation to the bar mitzvah for Hesh's nephew which is being held at vuo Hesh is an associate of Tony's but doesn't make an appearance in the game and Visio is an Italian restaurant often featured in the series unfortunately we don't get a cameo from its owner Ari buo or his wife bummer we do run into Angelo busho again he's trying to make a deal with Tony to smuggle in drugs through the party controls Tony isn't interested though since the risk is too high even with bisha offering him half of the take mingling at the bar mitzvah And discussing a potential business opportunity with AJ Joey will hit the bathroom and get a guilt trip from his dead Dad look who's here everybody's newest wise guy or weak and all it took was wasting his best friend what's your [ __ ] point dude were you just talking to yourself you wanted to tell me something I'm throwing a rave with my buddy next weekend 30 bucks to get in cash bar it's going to be huge I want you to work security nice to see Joey feels a little conflicted after being forced to kill his friend not that he dwells on it for long oh well let's go help out AJ with his Rave I got to tell you the missions where joee is helping out AJ might be the highlight of the game for me AJ soprano probably isn't going to rank very high on anyone list of favorite soprano characters despite his affluent upbringing and somewhat stable Family Life at least in comparison to Tony's childhood AJ is a spoiled lazy and directionless kid but I found myself changing my opinion of him after my recent rewatch of the series as while a very flawed character a good chunk of how AJ turned out is entirely on his parents Carmela spoiled and coddled him Tony while strict and trying to instill some discipline in his son be AED to connect to him on an emotional level and was still distant and despite how hard they push AJ to better himself his small successes would always be undermined by his parents so I've come to sympathize with the issues he goes through especially during the final season that said the reason I like these missions with him is because it's classic AJ with him getting a dumb idea in his head carrying it out and not properly thinking it through which usually needs someone to bail him out this Rave idea he's cooked up is in partnership with his buddy Freddy and at first it looks like he has a decent handle on things man is being responsible about managing the party something he did in the series when hosting a similar event he has Joey acting as security making sure no one is causing trouble or trying to sneak in anything illegal oh and trelle shows up again too so did you invite me to dance or be frisked yeah it'll be a complete body search don't you wish I'm kidding aren't you the gentleman I'll be waiting for you however it's not long until the crack show as AJ and his friend got Financial backing from a Jamaican gang called the dreads and their leader Desmond the payer owe him money for the party but don't have it yet which In fairness to AJ is partially Joey's fault as Joey interrupted a drug deal between Frankie and some dealer where he was supposed to get the cash to pay Desmond Desmond is less than understanding as he now demands double what he's owed and wants AJ's Car as collateral which going be so bad except that he's driving Tony's SUV knifing Freddy and taking the keys to the SUV Desmond will take off and Joey will have to protect AJ as they fight off the dreads and try to stop Desmond from driving off with Tony's car spoilers they fail he took the [ __ ] car what do I tell my dad anything but the truth cuz this ain't good what happened Joey are you guys okay no they took his car at least you didn't didn't get hurt right are you kidding me we're [ __ ] dead both of us the following day AJ managed to keep what happened to the car under wraps lying to his father that it's being detailed Joey asked around and learned the car might have been taken to a chop shop called Do Right auto repair and he'll head over there after AJ Googles the address after a very long level beating up everyone in the mechanics shop Joey will get Tony's car back in one piece before he can hand it off to him though Paulie's got a job for him there's been word that the Crooked lawyer Neil was spotted talking to some cops so Joey needs to investigate what he's up to oh and to collect the money he owes Paulie heading to Neil's Law Firm Joey will briefly speak with AJ and tell him to come pick up the SUV looking around the firm for Neil Joey will bump into Carol again and learns that it wasn't a cop speaking to Neil but Mario busa's probation officer who's looking into his disappearance well [ __ ] it's all Ty together now isn't it we also learned that Neil regularly buys Coke from Angela buchetta and is helping out with the drug shipment that Tony refused to take part in earlier in the game finding Neil after he finished banging a secretary he'll cough up the dough he owes Paulie but a couple of Angelo's enforcers will pop up looking for the money Ed to them for the drugs he bought kicking those guys asses Joey grills Neil about the dealings with Angelo and learns the vettas are moving the drugs through the port Tony controls completely under his nose and we end up losing Tony's car again hey please no don't that's my dad's car holy [ __ ] again how many times is this going to happen returning to Visio Joey fills Tony in about what Angelo is scheming and immediately afterwards Tony gets a call from AJ about how he got carjacked pissed to learn busa's guys are involved he wants to strike back at one of his businesses ordering Joey and veto to go blow up his porn Studio oh man Vito spap for it's fascinating to see him go from such a minor character in earlier Seasons to becoming such a key figure in the show that a good chunk of the final season is focused on his personal storyline to questionable results popping up during season two of the show he would work under Richie aiel after his release from jail mostly lingering in the background he didn't get much Focus until his brother Brian was assaulted by Mustang Sally and he demanded retribution with his next big moment being the hit on Jackie junor God I don't know what it is but I always find that scene so funny a couple Seasons later after the deaths of Richie aiio and then his replacement rals upto veto would get promoted to cappo and leader of the aiio crew soon becoming Tony's best earner he's out of focus again until meow's boyfriend Finn discovers he's secretly gay managing to intimidate Finn into staying silent veto eventually gets outed in season 6 when some Associates spot him at a gay nightclub since being gay in the mafia is a big no no he goes into hiding to avoid being killed by his associates Tony for his part wasn't particularly eager to order veto's death again because he was his best earner and because he was getting pressured by Phil leotardo to do it in the first place I don't really have much to say about veto honestly I think he's fine as a character but just like everyone else who has issues with the final season his story line went on for way too long and it felt like it just came out of nowhere considering how little Focus he got in previous Seasons his homosexuality isn't really touched on or alluded to in the game either outside of his reaction to walking in on a porn star getting blown by another guy two more minutes I'm at half mast out now veto's smiling might not even be deliberate for all I know and could just be a quirk of his character model any who with his help Joey will beat up everyone in the porn Studio blow up the place with a bomb and then run back in to save trelle who was working there as a cam girl despite him being responsible for her almost dying she still ends up falling for Joey returning to vubo things get even better for the kid as all his hard work has earned him a seat at the table with Tony and the others with only one objection and predictably it's Christopher Joey have a sheet you earned it it took me years to get a place at this table now this rap bastard comes along he's instantly one of the family not your call Chris come on Chris can we bury the hatchet yeah maybe in the back of your head it's enough Christopher you made your point you either leave the kid alone or you get out of here unfortunately for Joey the Goodwill he's built up with Tony goes down the toilet as after a brief level where he saves AJ from Desmond and the dreads again the kid will end up in the hospital Tony will verbally chew him out for what happened and for not telling him what he and AJ were up to things get worse as when he's sent to get coffee Joey will bump into Angelo buchetta and find out that tuzio somehow managed to survive getting shot and following several stories onto the pavement I'm going to skip over the finer details of this level but Joey will end up getting to tuzzio's hospital room and finish him off for good this time back at the B Bing Tony's more relaxed now after AJ explained what happened and he thanks Joey for looking out for his son more trouble heads their way though as Angelo buchetta finally returns Tony's SUV except it's been wrecked pretty badly worse inside the car is trelle who while alive was beaten and assaulted by Bush's men seeking Revenge Joey gets the okay from Tony to go after buchetta and he'll head down to the docks skipping a lot of the level again since it goes on for a while Joey will catch up to Angelo who serves as the final fight for the game you can't kill me you're a punk big [ __ ] bastard kid you ain't nobody I'm Joey loka hear that Joey loka the last name you're ever going to hear skipping ahead in time Joey is moving up in the crew he'll speak to the others and the Ghost of big [ __ ] one last last time getting some closure with this old man who's proud to see him working under Tony Soprano the game will then come to an end as Joey loka becomes a maid man in the soprano family and that was The Soprano's road to respect man that sure was a game probably not the worst thing I've ever played but it really wasn't all that great either at least the game wasn't very long as I finished it in around 4 hours did I feel like I wasted my time not really I wasted more time playing worse games but yeah I didn't really get much out of my experience the gamep play is basic boring lacks variety and is stupidly repetitive levels are tiny linear and often get reused despite the story being written using notes from David Chase and everyone from the show delivering a solid performance it feels like a cliffnotes version of an episode of The Sopranos the bastard son of Big [ __ ] working for the man who killed them has the ingredients for a great story but fails to come together it's the kind of idea that doesn't really work for this type of video game and is better suited for a point-and-click story game like tail Tales The Walking Dead it's just another low effort licensed adaptation video game in an ocean of similar games worth a one-time rental and that's it is it worth experiencing if you're a fan of the show no even with its short runtime you're better off watching a video of all the cut scenes stitched together or a video of someone summarizing its story like this video the game is a one-off novelty that while mildly interesting you're not missing much if you choose to ignore it and that's the video thanks again to today's sponsor War Thunder play it today on PC Playstation or Xbox and use my link in the pin comment or video description to register new and returning players who haven't logged in for 6 months can claim an exclusive bonus pack that includes premium Vehicles the coveted Eagle of Valor vehicle decorator 100 ,000 silver lions and 7 Days of premian account access and that's the video thanks for watching guys and special thanks to my $5 YouTube members and patrons with their names displayed on screen right now and shout out to my $10 YouTube members and patrons miles Garrett Primary and skill fuse if you're interested in becoming a channel member or Patron on my patreon you can support me for as low as $3 a month which will give you early access access to future videos and to uncut versions of videos too as more members join I plan to do members only polls to vote on what games to cover in the future and eventually exclusive videos too I'm trying to cut down on my Reliance on YouTube ad revenue and sponsorships so any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated so I've been giving it more thought and I might finally get around to streaming I want to try giving it a shot in a week or two probably on a Friday or Saturday night around 10: p.m. eastern Time or later once I'm set on a sure date I'll make a community post to let you guys know I can't promise a consistent schedule yet but I want to try it out at least and see how it goes think I'm going to start off with a fresh playthrough of GTA 4 since I've an inched to come back to it since I'm not really about being hyperactive and screaming into a mic every few seconds reacting to something it'll be a mostly chill stream to relax and chat not much going on in my neck of the woods at the moment almost done with Final Fantasy 7 rebirth hope y knock it out before the Paper Mario Thousand-Year Door remake drops I actually did a video on the original Paper Mario Thousand-Year Door a while back honestly I don't really like the review I did it feels too basic and rushed I'm not going to take the video down but I am strongly considering redoing it along with some older stuff for that matter I'm very proud of the work I've done but due to my older stuff being made way before I knew what I was doing and before I was monetized they like the quality I pour into my content now uh the struggles of being an artist I'll still be doing new stuff of course just maybe every once in a while I'll redo an older vid up next is God of War I I didn't realize not many of you knew I covered the first game already it was a little over a year ago after I did the San andreus video while I still like that review for the most part I might have a slightly different approach when tackling the sequel and after that's out I'll move on to Asher's wrath I still need to plan out what I want to do for June and the rest of the summer but I plan to cover Red Dead Redemption next month from there I'll probably ask you guys for feedback and see where I want to go definitely want to do Yakuza 2 maybe Far Cry and finally that video on the original Final Fantasy 7 I promised way back in December I've actually been working on that one for a while now but I haven't made as much Headway on it as I wanted to just way too many distractions I'm trying not to haass it due to the legendary status and popularity of it but at the same time I want to use the video as a test run for other Final Fantasy videos so if it works out I want to cover Final Fantasy 10 during the summer which is my favorite game in the entire Series so you know make sure to give the Final Fantasy 7 review hundreds of thousands of views again thanks for watching folks if you enjoyed the video be sure to give it a like and comment down below who's your favorite Soprano's character which is the best season in your opinion how do you feel about the many Saints of Newark post your thoughts down below and if you're new to the channel Channel I'd love it if you subscribed check out the recommended video or playlist here at the end and consider checking out my memberships or patreon I'm fuzzy slippers and I'll see you later peace [Music]
Channel: FuzzySlippers
Views: 24,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Sopranos Road To Respect Put Me in Therapy, the sopranos, road to respect, ps2, hbo, tony soprano, christopher moltisanti, paulie walnuts, silvio dante, vito, jackie jr, new jersey crew, david chase, many saints of newark, review, critique, fuzzy slippers, fuzzyslippers
Id: J3uzYCX6QlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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