The Sopranos Iceberg Explained

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okay we should be live um is everyone able to see and hear me cool um can you guys tell me if the audio is good is it too loud or too quiet good cool awesome um well nice to see everyone here again um we are going to be doing the uh soprano iceberg um i'll officially start at 12 and do a whole intro and stuff like that um but uh for now uh thanks everyone for joining um the last one i did of this was was really fun and uh i like interacting with the community in this way so i'm excited to uh to do it again [Music] yeah three o'clock eastern um if you guys are there i'm in pacific so it's going good the heel call how are you doing you got a b on my hat uh sean yes i have watched better call saul um i will eventually be reviewing that series um but i want to wait until it's all over first because um i want i need to know the ending before i can kind of review this series as a whole um when season six finally comes out next year i might do like uh episode episode reaction if people want that um but the episode by episode analysis um will come once the series is done yeah the iceberg will look bigger um well yeah are you guys able to see uh the iceberg here um let me know if you're able to uh to kind of read this i mean i'll be talking about what it is but um i can zoom in more if it needs it iceberg i mean loud and clear cool um carlos i don't i think this might be the video um where i explain everything um i might like i don't know i might make an edited version of this if if people really want it but um this is the kind of content i feel like i would prefer to do it live and we can like interact together with it um the the more edited stuff i like to do for like analysis type of things rather than just like just explaining what it is um i feel like that's i don't know like a waste of like an edited video um but it's 12 o'clock here um so let's get started i'll just intro this for when i maybe make this into a video um so welcome everyone uh welcome to the stream uh i am kino if you're not aware um and today we're going to be going through the soprano iceberg now if you don't know what an iceberg tier list thing is is um it's a collection of like fan theories fan knowledge um kind of arranged like at the top is like the most like common kind of normy interpretations and then as you go deeper down the iceberg um things start getting more and more weird they get more esoteric i mean kind of the idea is like most of the stuff is below the surface um just like an iceberg is um so uh we'll be exploring we'll be talking about what each of these um you know descriptions kind of means um what they kind of mean in terms of like the community and stuff like that and uh yeah we'll just be having a good time so um please post like as many comments in the chat as you can um i love hearing from you guys um and uh yeah we'll we'll just jump into things here so uh starting off at the top like i said the these beginning ones are like the most like normy kind of entry-level like opinions on the series um as we go deeper things will get you know more progressively more esoteric hey soprano sirius good to see you um you're always you're always around in the soprano community which is always great to hear um okay so let's just jump into things here so the first one we got up here is the therapy scenes are boring um again this is a kind of uh very entry-level opinion uh when you watch the show you are drawn in by like the the action and the mob stuff but as you become like a connoisseur of the series um you really start to understand that like these slower uh more dialogue heavy um emotional moments are really what makes the show great um that's not something you a lot of fans typically think of the first watch through um but it's it really is the thing that makes the show great so that's why it's at the top here because basically it's like it's like a wrong opinion um next up we have uh wannabe mob dudes who idolized tony for being a tough guy um yeah so that is again a very um uh common interpretation from first-time viewers they're like oh my god tony's so cool he's so masculine i want to be like him um it's not just want to be mob dudes it's like a lot of people who watch the show um but again as you peel back those layers as you kind of um really take in the show you start to realize that one you shouldn't want to be like tony just period like he's like a bad person but um even beyond just that like tony's not a tough guy like on the on the surface he is but like underneath it's it's not who he is and that like contradiction is his whole character um it's why you know he makes these like stupid emotional decisions out of um you know pettiness out of like he lets things bother him he's not the strong silent type so again this is like an incorrect interpretation of the series um so yeah the therapy scenes are boring on first watch but they're so important to the growth and development of tony i agree um i don't i don't think a lot of them are boring too to be honest like a lot of them there's some great stuff in there but again i think like the i don't i don't like using the word normie because it's i don't know it's kind of pejorative but um a lot of people watching it are like i want action i want death which will this is the next one here not enough murder um again the sopranos is a slow show not a lot of stuff happens throughout it um but that's really what makes it great um and again a lot of these things are like subconsciously the reason why you appreciate the show is because it does things like this um but you know the your your front brain basically is like it's it's looking for like the more normal stuff like action violence sex all that kind of stuff to keep me engaged um but really the reason why the show is so popular is because it speaks to something deeper down um so the next one we have here the ending didn't make sense again the ending is controversial there's going to be some more points on this iceberg i'm talking about the ending um but uh yeah the ending it's it's one of those things i talked about that in my coverage of the final episode all the pieces are there for me um to explain what happens which again controversial i know but i believe tony dies at the end um the cut to black um if you're not paying attention if you're just watching it straight through for the first time you can just be like what the heck is this um i don't get it and you have to really think about it and like you know look at the details before it so a controversial ending but again one of the most memorable in all of television so um i'm glad they did that um the next uh point we have here tony should have whacked that character for being annoying um again this is a lot of this is not just on the sopranos but like a lot of tv shows in general people really judge characters on like their personal like preference to it it's why um we'll see some points down here of like hating certain characters but um characters like aj right i made that video talking defending him people don't like his character because his character's annoying but the thing about it is that like these characters are well written in how annoying and you know stupid they are it's realistic um and so uh you know a lot of people are like oh i hate these characters i just want to see paulie and sylvia because they're so cool but they don't realize that um a lot of these characters like carmela janis aj even jackie jr are written in this really annoying horrible way because that is realistic and that's you know how these characters would actually be um and so it really adds a lot of depth to them that the show is willing to not just portray them like you know everyone's as badass you know mobster but no these are realistic kids growing up in this environment are gonna turn out a certain way um only character i really wanted to die and hated was uh melfi's rapist uh maya okay um yeah that's another uh i'm not saying you're wrong to have that opinion i i hate him personally too um but you know the employee of the month episode i think it was so powerful because we didn't get what we wanted um and i think again it goes back to this point which is that like the show doesn't always give us what we want but it gives us like these powerful like emotional moments everything paranormal in the sopranos can be explained um this is one that i kind of subscribe to too a little bit there are a lot of supernatural moments in the sopranos there's going to be some on this iceberg list here um but i i like it personally to be honest when shows don't go full supernatural they go like it could be supernatural or it could be explained because um again just like um character you know you can you can explain characters as like they do these bad things for a logical reason um a lot of the paranormal stuff can just be like when tony sees um you know in the mirror um that can be explained by his own you know you know subconscious um hang ups about the fact that he killed his best friend um so i like that these paranormal things have some explanation but um there is a lot of it and i do think that the show was trying to you know touch on the fact that um there there is something beyond just this i mean we see that in tony's coma dream which we're going to talk about um we see that with um paulie seeing the virgin mary um so there are a lot of supernatural elements in the show um but i like when they don't they're when they're not like just straightforward that's what i didn't like about um the many saints of newark um when we had the christopher narration from hell that's basically telling us that like yes christopher is in hell that's not tony or someone else like imagining christopher saying these things and therefore informing us about their thoughts about christopher about you know their character um it's just it's just overt this is the supernatural thing that's happening um so that's that's what i feel about the paranormal uh racist boomer interpretations of the series um so yeah um this is something that's gonna be a little controversial for me to say but um there are there is a big part of this of the community that um i think interprets the series incorrectly um i don't want to get too much on this because it's going to start a culture war but um like like the criticism of the many states of newark that uh they focused a lot on the african-american characters um i sorry about that there's something going on outside my uh my window here i think there might be a parade or something going on outside i don't know what um but uh try to ignore that um the exactly average white guy that's a great uh name for what you posted there um who else huh that scene where um the white family is robbed by the um the african americans um and then the guy screams at the n-word um he's like well who else would rob us um i i really want to see what this is give me one second here oh there is there is a parade going on down the street there um i have no idea what that's for is it like a holiday today um i don't know um christmas parade maybe but i know it's a little early in the in the month for that um yeah it's the puerto rican pride parade aj's out there getting uh dumped uh by his uh his girlfriend um okay so like i was saying before um uh this white family gets robbed um they they assume you know it's black people doing this to them but we immediately cut from that to tony looking at the pictures of the cars so we see that like it was it was him that robbed this family it was his um you know plan his operation and so again a lot of criticism the show gets of being racist or the semi kind of racist people who kind of like like that aspect of it they're both incorrect the sopranos is not a racist show um the uh when we see things like this we're showing that the real the realistic uh thing about it is um there's often different forces behind all of these actions um like the constant thing of like you know it was black guys that did it um you know these guys are blaming african-american their crimes on african americans and so it's not saying that you know black people are saints or that they're criminals or whatever it's just showing that like crime is this kind of universal thing in the show um and it touches everyone everyone's everyone's got their hands out everyone's dirty so again again this i didn't want to harp on this too much but that is kind of what this point is making here is that like racist interpretations of the show whether you're pro racism or against racism it's not true the sopranos is not a racist show um it's like analyze this um this is a joke because analyze this came out after the first season or the first season was already running i'm not sure exactly when but sopranos came first and analyzed this uh with robert de niro just happened to have a similar um plot tony's dreams have no real meaning um i i believe in this to a to an extent um i don't think literally every single element of the dream means something um chase has even kind of gone on record and said that like sometimes they were just adding things in and then coming up with an explanation for them later um but this point is making is that like a lot of the dreams are very esoteric and they're hard to kind of understand so it takes a while to really pick out the meaning from them certain things like the coma dream definitely have a lot of symbolic meaning the funhouse dream the overall meaning was um the uh it was was a rat and that was what tony's subconscious was telling him but there are a lot of weird elements in there that might mean something they might not mean something um so you can read the dreams um a lot of different ways uh carmela is such a um again this kind of goes along with this point of like uh characters for being annoying um people don't like carmela because she's you know like a nag and she's just a housewife and tony's the cool one um but again this is up here because it's like the the more you watch the show you'll more you'll grow to appreciate how well these characters are written um and carmilla like i said carmella has become one of my favorite characters she's just like uh the way she like wants so many different things at the same time she wants to be independent but she also wants you know tony to provide for her um you know she wants all this stuff and it's it's this beautiful contradiction of her character just like tony tony wants to be the tough guy but at the same time he resents you know having to step up and act like this so a lot of these characters are contradictory but that only makes them better written because that's how people are um yeah she's like anyone else just trying to get by everyone in the show is just trying to live their life um and i agree with you my maya carm did a lot for tony um yeah she busted his balls she nagged him but um if you guys remember that scene at the hospital where her like just breaking down crying telling tony how much she loved him that was genuine um i know they hated each other at times rightly they should they're both bad people um but michael you're right carmela is a hypocrite but so is tony like i don't people i don't i don't like people using that as like she's a bad character because she's a hypocrite every character on the show is a hypocrite that's what makes some great characters um so yeah i i really like her character and i like a lot of these characters that people typically don't like um and foolish block yeah i agree with you that um you know you don't have to sympathize with her in the sense that like she did no wrong she's not perfect and the show's not trying to put her on a pedestal the show doesn't put any of these characters on a pedestal um but i i think they're beautifully written um even if we don't you know like their actions personally um tony and dr melfia yeah okay so a lot of people wanted tony and melfi to get together um if you think that would have worked and not worked out at all you don't know these characters um you don't know how it would have worked um but uh yeah tony and melfie together would have been horrible they're not meant for each other melfi even comes out and says this directly like she's attracted to him like we see the sex dream she has but it's just a fantasy like fantasy and reality are not the same thing like yeah they'd get together and they'd be like attracted to each other for a while but you know again tony doesn't really respect psychiatry he doesn't respect you know people melfi is a very you know liberal um sympathetic person it just it wouldn't work um and yeah this this could never ever be uh mafia show um it is a mafia show to an extent but it's much deeper than that and we we've been harking on about that so that's why this is up here um so yeah that is the first tier here so let's move on to the next one um audience should not be able to relate to tony since he does immoral things um this is like a very old-school kind of uh moralistic mentality when it comes to television um you see a lot of um uh older tv shows and movies like the studios used to be really against like oh you can't have the main character do this you can't have the main character do that because if he does something bad the audience won't root for him um but uh what chase proved in this show and has influenced all of television since then is that no we'll like them more because they're more interesting if they do bad things um and he proved that in the episode college which that was my first really big video that i did um tony killing the rat you know with his bare hands like that um proved to all of television that you know we want to see these characters do bad things um it's it's created almost like a cliche now where every tv show basically is um chad has i think i turned down the lag uh olamide um so it pops up quicker um but yeah all of television is influenced by the sopranos to the point where basically everything's like a everyone's a cold dark anti-hero now um i'm kind of hoping we go back a little bit just because it'd be more interesting to have shows about good people again um but we'll see an absurd existence thank you um the college video you did was good um that was my first kind of real for foray into the sopranos i did the dickey video before that but um that was the first one where i learned a lot about analysis um there's a lot of things i would do different about that video now but um you know you live and you learn okay let's move on to the next one uh the sopranos is about psychology um it is um it's not a wrong opinion a lot of it is psychology but again like i said um david chase has talked in interviews and if you haven't seen it um you should watch the interview he did with uh peter bogdanovich he's the guy who plays elliot melfi's therapist um he's also a very famous director in his own right but they have this really long hour plus interview on youtube go check it out um it was really early on i don't remember what season this came out it might have been after the first season but um he uh he interviews him he talks about the fact that like a lot of these things that they're writing in here are like happy accidents they don't necessarily plan out every single detail of like what it means they just put these things in here and kind of let the interpretations just naturally flow and i think you you need to kind of do that as a you know a tv writer if you're too top-down the show becomes boring you need to let it be natural and flow just like real life um and uh robin mark says sopranos is about politics and business it's about life in america chief chase has said that like the only theme he ever intentionally wrote was the parallels between the mob and like america in general america's very america is obsessed with business um and so the mob is you know the mob is too so that's how that connection exists there extremely unrealistic depictions of crime uh this is true to an extent i mean these guys get away with things in real life you you just won't get away with um i will i always said the the pilot episode the chase he does uh where he runs over a guy in public and all these you know civilians are watching you would get arrested for that um people say they're like oh no they're the mob and people were too scared to no this was like 2001. people weren't scared of the mob like and to that extent they weren't you know whacking witnesses like that so um they would have gotten caught so there's a bunch of things like the wait the waiter um in um atlantic city that they kill um there's there's a lot of these things that it's not super realistic but again um it's it's more about the characters than the the criminal element that's the secondary thing um audience relates to tony because he does immoral things um kind of the opposite of this one right here but again yeah that's um we he's more fascinating because of that because of the criminal elements um christopher flack thank you so much that's really appreciated tony's killed at the end um you guys you probably have seen my video by now at the end i i talk about all the different elements from throughout that season um that really hint that uh he's he's dead um people like to point out that um there have been some interviews where chase has said like a word here or there where pete where it's like um no this confirms tony died at the end um i believe that uh only the work speaks for itself um death of the author you know um you can interpret the work any way you want to but you need to have evidence from the show i don't really take chase interviews as like canon for that he i don't he doesn't necessarily get to just declare authority you know what happened at the end it has to be within the show you know um chase could say that um aliens abducted tony at the end well there's no evidence for that within the work itself so um i only probably i only i only look at the show itself the material itself as i decide these things i will look at supplementary things to understand like the intent behind some of this stuff um but i want the work to speak for itself here um let's see what else here the duck represents tony's family this is true um melfi brings this up a number of times in the therapy scenes um the ducks leaving is tony's fear that something bad's gonna happen to his family we see that great shot not of ducks they're geese yes i've a million people have commented that on my college video um the geese flying away at the end um represents like tony kind of losing his connection to meadow because um they were getting really close this episode but he lied to her at the end and so again tony's tony losing his family is like it was his actions that did it um you know it was uh his him being in the mob him being a liar pushing his family away though that's what made the ducks leave um and so it's kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy um but that is true there but again that's one of those things that's like chase has said before too that like the ducks um he just wrote in the ducks and just kind of added the the symbolism later so i think that's why this is up here gabagool yes there's a bunch of sopranos memes varsity athlete gabba ghoul you all have been commenting a million of them um they're fun i love the memes but uh the show has a lot more depth than just gabagool and varsity athletes tony is a sociopath um he is uh you know that's just what it is um he has a lot of sympathy for animals and and certain people but you know he's able to murder family members and even close friends because kind of it's it's what the life demands um mr black hey kino love your work keep that buddy thank you so much the sopranos fans are in this thing for life that is true um the sopranos community is uh i think probably the best like fan community it's not the biggest one out there but it's dedicated and like people love this show even 20 years later so um one of the best communities out there by far um uh the ending had no meaning whatsoever again the ending you had to kind of watch it multiple times you had to look at previous episodes to really get it um but again on first watch a lot of people like my tv turn off what the hell happened let me take a drink of water here green bean uh i started eating official gum ghoul provolone and banana peppers on official italian bread um i uh i haven't i've never eaten gaba cool um i i've eaten um you know a lot of the other ones salami uh sobra so brosada is that it um a lot of the other ones but i have not eaten gabagool yet and i kind of intentionally have not eaten it because i kind of want to like eat it um like for a special occasion like for a special video uh eating gabagol for the first time um but we'll see i mean i imagine it's similar to the rest of them but um i'm gonna i'm saving the cava cool for like a special video or something like that um watch me eat it for the first time i'm sure it is good yeah moog oh that would be so gross um i like i like salami and stuff but it's it's so fatty and so greasy like oh god that would ruin my stomach pepperoni sandwich yes i ate that um because of uh junior um i made it for the first time and so good um i love a lot of italian sandwiches i love going to italian delis um getting a nice sandwich um getting a cream soda oh my god so good yeah nothing but fat and nitrates yeah i'm gonna that's the other thing is like i have not lived near like a really high quality italian deli um for a while um i just moved into a new house here that's why i was delayed this week and that's why i look like a mess um but uh yeah i'm gonna find like i'm sure in my city now there's gonna be like a really high quality italian deli um and so i'm gonna get some some some gaba ghoul in the in the paper wrap and uh we'll eat it for a video carmella is just as accountable as tony yeah i mean that's true i mean she knew like to fail like that her therapist tells her she knew what was involved in their life and she continued on with it so um you know she is just accountable big mouth billy bass again funny like on the surface level but um deeply traumatizing when you think about how much it reminds tony of the fact that he killed his best friend that was his first real like horrible action and then he would kill family members left and right from there but [Music] yeah i got the b on my head okay so uh let's move on to the third tier members only jacket hitman i should have worn the members only jacket for this um but uh yeah the uh the hitman at the end the the guy in the member's own jacket is tony's presumed hit man i talked about you know the details of that but there's a direct connection between that episode and the first one of the of season six also called members only adriana reincarnated as a cat um i talked about that in the blue comet or did i talk about that in uh made in america um but yeah there's a theory that adriana was reincarnated as a cat i don't like the idea that christopher is the cat because the cat's a boy um adrian is just so associated with cat imagery it has to be adriana i don't see christopher there was nothing about cr if it was a bird i could see it being christopher but um yeah it's not uh it's not um it's not he has nothing to do with cats at all uh christopher was cursed um so this is one i'm not uh familiar with um there's gonna be some things uh here that i don't know entirely i'm not again i don't know everything about the community um christopher thought he was gonna go to hell um because of you know his actions um and he had that prophecy it feels weird called prophecy he he had that thing where he he warned tony and paulie three o'clock um so again a connection to the supernatural um but you know i don't know what specifically curse means in this context uh lady gaga cameo yeah so um if you guys i i talked about this in that episode i think it was um uh the telltale mood saddle i think that's what the one it was um it's where aj goes and like uh vandalizes the the pool at school uh one of the girls i mean his little friend group there was lady gaga um it was before she was famous she actually uh is a juilliard trained um i don't know if she trained as an actress or as a musician but she she she's classically trained um and so that was one of her very first um appearances uh the sopranos is a dark absurdist comedy yeah i mean that's the the reason why there's so much humor in the show to kind of counteract the horrible stuff that happens it's very absurd it's very funny um and it's one of the things that makes the show david chase's russian explanation um so david chase uh gave an interview um the one advice he might have given him multiple times but he gave an interview um i think for a radio show um where he said the kind of his head canon again if it's not actually on the show it it didn't happen um but he he said that uh an idea he had was that like in his head was that the russian and pine barons climbed up a tree paulie and christopher you know went away they chased their own you know trails in the snow um he was found by the the russian was found by some boy scouts um and uh they took him to a hospital he got back to slava and then slava sent him back to the ukraine um so that was his head cannon um again if it's on a show it's not it's not true um but uh that's one explanation terry winter also had an interview where he said that he was originally going to write in the russian into another episode where you see the like the back a hole in the back of his head uh which shows that he has brain damage and so he doesn't remember what christopher and paulie did um but again it just never panned out and i think honestly it makes it better because now we get to talk forever about what happened to the russian dr melfi leg fetishization uh melfi shows off her legs a lot to tony and to the audience she's got great legs lorraine bronco um and uh i i in my head canon is that uh she was intentionally trying to like titillate tony because again we see she was attracted to him and she kind of like got off on like the danger and the fact that you know he's like this uh you know tough alpha male so i i believe she deliberately tried to show off her legs people people say that like um she didn't show off her legs when it was just her and carmela that's not true though um in the uh i think it's in the when when carmella goes to see melfi after tony's shot um i think she does show off her legs in that so um that that's not she shut off her legs for everyone um but she had great there was that scene um after uh her rape and employee of the month when she calls carmella and tells us she had a car accident i mean tony's like is she gonna have stitches on her legs just because he's like he liked looking at him so much but um yeah what are you gonna do uh kevin finnerty uh tony's alternative persona i talked about this a hell of a lot in my coma dream video watch that if you haven't seen it but um it's his alternate persona in the coma dream it's it to me it's who he who he would have been um well kevin finnerty is who he is to me and but tony in the dream is who he would have been if he never went into the mob kevin finnerty obviously infinity infinity that connection there um sopranos is about existentialism internet um uh there's a lot of existential themes in the show one of course um the episode where aj gets into existentialism but beyond just that like existentialism is like one of these like very vague philosophical things where it's like anything can be an existential crisis um but a lot of the show is about like what does this all mean which is a big part of existentialism um so yeah that's what that means there shot by shot analysis of the ending um this is kind of poking fun at the fact that um a lot of us really over analyze the the show and that's me too and we go really in depth with like this look at this picture here this means that like the um i talked about um at the ending you see uh a picture of the house from the coma dream video on the wall it's entirely possible that that house is not the actual house it's just a picture they had up there but um again we like to over analyze things about the show and just in general people like to over analyze everything so that's what this point is kind of poking fun out drink a little water here and check the chat robin tony's search for his true identity is his existential journey true uh it's all a simulation um well it it's possible that sopranos takes place entirely within westworld spoiler alert but if you haven't seen the show there's a cameo in the second or third season where it shows that game of thrones takes place within a west world continuity and some people even say that like the reason season 8 sucks is because that writer from westworld died um and so uh whoever wrote the the story arc for season 8 was terrible um so maybe maybe sopranos maybe all hbo shows take place within a west world um uh continuity um although i wonder about certain things like does john adams take place in westworld does uh treme um i don't know but uh it'd be fun i'd love to go to a sopranos west world i would i would blow christopher's head off um in in sopranos world um for treating my queen adriana like that uh that's that's the other one too is oz like a west world like who would who would like pay a lot of money to go basically simulate male rape in prison if oz is like a west world um i don't know breaking bad takes place in sopranos world because dr kennedy also does heisenberg surgery yeah but i don't think he has the same name um i mean that's like saying any actor is like there's like a crossover um i don't know there's some there's some like theme connections between sopranos and uh breaking bad but um no direct ones as far as i'm aware of um i didn't see a video though about all the parallel like kind of like shots and like uh styles of like um tony has the big pizza then walt has the big pizza um so yeah charmaine is a queen too all all women are queens if they if they breathe their thought um okay let's get back to this um weird transition effect in season one i don't know what they're talking about here i i can't remember off top my head what um scene transaction which scene transition they're talking about here um there's that weird like wipe in season five with carmela and wiggler when she's walking away there's a lot of weird transition effects throughout the show but i don't know what specifically you're talking about here um do any of you guys know uh morty yes this is live so um i see your comment ralphie crazy in the bathtub yeah that's another connection here um kevin o'reilly became dennis liz lemon's boyfriend i haven't seen 30 rocks i don't know that but i know i know the guy you're talking about he was on uh oh ryan o'reilly he was um a cop also in uh law and order and of course um elliot stabler from law and order was chris keller and oz so another connection there uh mr black i have not seen gamora um i'll add that to the list of shows i'll need to check out but i'm deep in the wire now and i've got a million shows to watch after that too um oh yeah so uh big i don't know what this name is big uh i think it's talking about when they kill jimmy yeah so uh when uh they take jimmy to meet the russian um and then he goes for his gun and then it slows to um that's probably what it was great great call there keller was not an awful character he was my favorite character in the show what the hell are you talking about um although that might be biased for me because again i watched oz before i watched um sopranos and i was back in the day when i was a normie too um but i i loved chris keller i thought he was um i thought he was cool and to be honest i love the romance between chris keller and beecher um i know it's weird that one's a prison and one's a bisexual rapist or not rapist uh serial killer sorry um but uh yeah that was a i like those characters um out of bc was cool uh schillinger is the the scariest villain in all of television i dare anyone to prove me wrong he is frightening um i don't want to get too much into oz here that's a that's a time that's another video we'll do um cgi olivia again uh people people commented on the video that they didn't realize that uh olivia was cgi in um in season in that one episode in season three um so uh yeah but yeah she was cgi they spent a ridiculous amount of money on it it looked terrible they shouldn't have done it she should have just died off screen without any kind of um you know you know you know any kind of it would have been shocking if she just died we never saw her um but again the the cgi was kind of new to television at this point so i think they're just trying something out but um david chase satirizing american culture talked about this um that's true um every character is a horrible person um yeah that's true um even characters we kind of think are good like bobby or some other ones um i know cinemato did a video on bobby's being a bad person i haven't watched it personally yet um but uh yeah all a lot of even characters we think are traditionally good um they're still a part of a horrible system so um definitely uh you know not no good no real good people in this mix hey junk waffles glad to have you here cryptid sighting in season six episode four this is um uh fleshy part of the thigh so this is when tony's out of his coma i don't know what they're talking about here um i think maybe they're talking about the fact that the pastor whatever the creepypasta guy was talking about dinosaurs um i don't i don't think cryptid by the way if you don't know what that means it's um uh it's like bigfoot um you know uh the hydra like any like kind of mythical creature that's chupacabra um the new jersey devil um any of these kind of like mythical creatures um i don't i don't know specifically what they're talking about here though um if i see part of the thigh was one of the worst episodes it wasn't the best but yeah i don't know we already rated all the episodes so we're not going to get back into that there's a gollum he's talking about tony because tony's a gollum that's probably what it was bobby foreshadowed tony's death um i think this is talking about um the boat scene with tony in uh soprano home movies where he's like you probably don't even see it when you probably don't even hear it when it happens because again it just cuts to black so tony never heard the gunshot go off um i think that's what this is referring to tony's coma arc i talked about that in the video just watched that video but um we're seeing tony's alternate life and who we could have been in the coma dream uh borko you all know borko he's on a little bit of a hiatus because of copyright and he's doing something with law um i talk to barco sometimes though me and him are um not like super close but i like the guy and he's he was great he came on the podcast if you guys haven't seen that one uh go check it out but um he's a great great guy very friendly um i love talking about the show and we'll probably have him back on the podcast eventually again but um yeah awesome awesome guy um okay so let's move on to the uh the next tier here twin tower is removed from the opening um yeah so uh 911 happens 911 happens during the run of season three but they already i think they already produ like has started making most of the episodes um but starting season four they removed the twin towers um just like a lot of shows did um and there's a deeper impact 911 has on the show which i'm gonna make a separate video about um but uh yeah that's uh that's one aspect there ralph was framed okay so this is talking about um the uh whether or not ralph burned pyo my alive um the so here's the interesting thing david chase refused to tell joey pants um whether or not he uh he ralph did it or not and so joey chose to play him the guy who plays ralph um chose to play it like ralph was innocent so there isn't really a real answer whether ralph did it or not i kind of personally believe he did um but when i asked this in the last stream um people were pretty divided over um you know if ralph did it or not so um some people truly believe that ralph didn't you know uh do some people think paulie framed ralph and burned down the the stable but um again i don't know i don't see any evidence for it if i didn't see it in the show if i didn't see hints for it um i tend to to not believe it so i'm gonna pop over here to youtube again we got 260 uh viewers um that's awesome thank you guys so much for showing up um i love doing these and hopefully you love watching them and we can uh we can keep making more of these um it was among the horses real grease ball stuff yeah there's a secret horse mafia um three o'clock symbolism um i've talked about this before but um paulie is obsessed with the three o'clock prophecy he keeps thinking like three o'clock means like time um but another interpretation could be three o'clock as in the position you know relative to where you're facing um and that is where the shooter would have come from um if tony was shot he would have got shot at three o'clock so um that that might be like a nice twist when i love when that happens by the way i love when you're given like a red herring and you assume it means one thing but it actually means something else tony was killed by his own crew it's possible paulie did it it's possible patsy did it it's possible little carmine did it it's possible butchie did it we don't know we can't know because tony doesn't know talked about that in the in the uh made in america video check it out uh okay the russian got away again i talked about this um we don't know what happened to the russian um they were thinking they might do something else with them later on but it never got made so uh we don't know ghosts are canon um so again i talked about this before um there's a lot of supernatural stuff um sorry just looking at the chat um there's a lot of supernatural stuff in the show um we got uh pussy's ghost in the mirror which um is the next one down here uh i don't know why they put two basically the same points right back-to-back um uh we got ghost and mirror when tony sees it's very brief um we have um again right here too uh karen's ghost moves the wine glass when janice and bobby are eating uh her last ziti again it's possible janice just moved the the placemat by herself but there does seem to be a connection between the supernatural we have the dream sequences um where ghosts kind of come back um yeah there's a lot of supernatural connections in the show [Music] uh in at the oaks is hell i talked about this in the coma dream video um the inn was him about to basically cross into the afterlife it looks like hell olivia's there and that's definitely where she would go um and so uh yeah that's what that means there oh and aj would be a great point a foolish block aj hears olivia's ghost in the house after her death there's a bunch of those uh morty uh which james gandolfini movies have you watched which are your favorites um i loved uh is it crimson tide is that the title with uh denzel washington where um they're on a they're on a boat or on a submarine and there's like a mutiny because he's gonna like launch a nuke um against someone that was a good one um the taking of pelham one two three uh was good um i i don't i need to watch true romance i think i saw it once when i was younger but i don't remember a lot about it but i know that was a good one i haven't seen um burn after reading i need to check that out or is that it or was it killing them softly i don't remember which one of those he was in um but i haven't seen either i need to watch that um but uh i i've seen i i've seen his true romance scenes on youtube um that's kind of what got him the sopranos part i think um but uh kino you're too much into symbolism it's too easy the painting three o'clock jacket yeah but what else is there besides like symbolism and like character analysis like what else would i do you want me to just make videos about like oh yeah tony was so cool yeah janice aj i don't know what else i would do besides talking about this killing himself okay that's what it was um but burn after reading that's brad pitt's in that one too right um i don't know uh let's see here cast members threatened by real mobsters so that's this point right here um i haven't heard about that before i know that like there's a there's this apocryphal story going around that tony was told by a real-life mobster or james cannafini was told by a real-life mobster um that um a don doesn't wear shorts i've heard other stories that david chase was told i don't know i've never seen like the actual person who was told to say something like that i've just heard other people saying about that so i don't know if it's true or not um but i know um chris michael imperiale was approached by like wannabe wise guys in uh in like vegas or whatever asking to get on the show um so there was a lot of like wannabe gangsters and stuff wanting to be on the show um there's a great documentary i think it's called like the real life sopranos um but talks about uh how basically the real life uh i forget the name is it the calavante family in new jersey was kind of taken down by the sopranos um it's too much to go into now but uh go check check out the documentary it's pretty cool uh vinnie palermo vinnie ocean is kind of the the inspiration behind tony there is no mafia um tony's famous quote from the college episode um use stairs okay yeah this is from um the season two episode do not resuscitate where janice is imagining uh pushing olivia down the stairs there's that really weird um uh sequence where um it's like almost like a cartoon where she kind of imagines like a cartoon livia being pushed down the stairs um sorry i'm checking my phone i got a text real quick oh that was my fiance texting me she's downstairs it was a it was a native american parade that's what was going on out there um which is cool i wish i could have been outside to watch it but oh well talking about sopranos is not a bad consolation prize i'm trying to read the chat here yeah it's a stereotype and it's offensive um uh karen okay we talked about karen's ghost moving the wine glass lily hammer is silvio's coma dream um i saw a few episodes of lily hammer to be honest i didn't really get into it that much um it's it's a netflix original series where um little stevie van zandt uh plays a mobster um i forgot his name but um some of the some of the cast from the sopranos appears in it too i like paul like um tony serico's his brother is like a priest some people think this is his dream in the coma um i never i never kind of got that whole like other like the series is like someone's coma dream because you would think that if it was a dream it would be like better than how it turns out i again i never saw lily hammer so it might be like a great life he's living there in whatever but you would think he would still be him um people always this might be like a weird tangent but people always say that about um uh pokemon they say that when ash was uh struck by lightning in like the first episode um he went into a coma and the rest of the series is his dream but you think if it was his dream like he wouldn't lose like the indigo league and all these other like tournaments he loses you think it would be more i don't know so that's why i always think those are weird uh fan theories um sorry i know i'm going off topic with like a pokemon fan theory in a sopranos video but um you know it is what it is de cala conte i don't know if i don't know if i said it right but um yeah pokeman car pokeman that's what the series is called [Music] uh jolly yes uh thank you um yes i'm engaged i i mentioned that in the last stream i have fiancee and no no plans we don't have a date yet or anything set but um thank you it's uh it's going really well um the oh guy was connected um i don't know what they mean by this the oh guy is when phil gets hit um uh and then there's like this black guy he's like oh um i don't i don't know how i don't know how he's connected i don't know that theory or not um so we'll skip that one but uh it's a funny scene no less um hopefully let's let's we'll try to move a little bit quicker because i i don't want to take two hours um although i like talking about the show and i like talking about this so um but in terms like the video i don't want to make it too long yeah mr and mrs kino request um yeah i'm not i don't know spending spending half a million on a wedding that's uh that's a little a little outside my price range though um okay tony's oedipus complex uh yeah tony has mother issues um that's pretty obvious from the show um i don't i think this is my when i think about oedipus complex i think people interpret it wrong i don't think he wanted to his mother um but i think like just kind of naturally um he went after women who had a lot of personality traits similar to his mother like hard to please dark hair i don't think he was sexually attracted to his mom that's not what that means and i think that's pretty natural to be honest like to be to be honest my fiance is very similar to my mother in a lot of ways um and my uh my my mom watches these streams sometimes so i don't know if that's weird to say or not but um i think that's just natural that people kind of find you know people similar to their you know their their parents just because that's just kind of how you were raised so you like it but um he didn't i don't think tony was interested in his mother or his sister no matter what melfi kind of insisted vito's doctor note um so vito was thinking like he could get a doctor's note to explain that his medication was what made him gay um i don't know about that i don't know i'm not a medical expert um i know drugs can you know mess with your head but i don't i don't think you could get one that's like yeah this medication definitely made him homosexual sopranos takes place in a hyper paranormal universe um i've talked about this a lot of these points are very redundant um junior fortune that's so gross uh i should ban you for that um uh mafia rat involved in the making of the series um i think the chat kind of lagged for a second because they're all kind of catching up now let me make sure we're still live yep still good um uh mafia rat invade involved in making this series i don't know about that i don't know if they had any kind of special consultant um they actually approached michael francis um if you guys i don't know if you guys i think you guys do because i see it i see who my subscribers watch other channels they watch and a lot of you guys watch michael francis videos i do too he's great um but they actually approached him um for the they wanted him to be a consultant on the show and he he passed it up which he he regrets although he very falsely um believes that chase based uh the uh character of livy on his mother it's not true chase based on his own mother but i guess maybe that's just kind of italian moms are kind of similar in that regard um kevin finnerty you and your fiance should go find a wicked expensive house and just buy it without even looking inside of it um that's kind of what happened to be honest my new place is a house we looked inside of it but it was it was more rough than kind of originally thought but we're working on it and maybe i'll show it off in like a video on the kino studios i'm still going to make some more videos for that channel uh let's see here um carmela's such a again people didn't we just have this one i swear we had another one yeah it's right here why they put it twice i guess it's just to be funny but we talked about that already audience blackpill by made in america um i don't i don't really know what blackfield means to be honest like i i kind of get it like i know what red pill means i know what blue pill means blackfield does that mean like you get depressed afterwards um can anyone kind of school me on some on some 4chan memes here um but i think i think it's saying that like uh the audience gets depressed by made in america because it's a dark episode um i think we have another point down here that's kind of similar um i mean you guys see my name right you you know that's that's a meme right kino um uh please don't don't post about me there though i don't i don't want that attention um so i i've seen i've seen some threads of people posting my videos there please don't i actually don't like it um i want to avoid that crowd um uh the russian killed tony i shouldn't have even think about that um the russian killed tony um that's that's one theory that it was a russian guy i don't think so um but you know who knows who it could have been uh why aj doesn't know what gutters are um i don't know if this means something special if it just means he's spoiled um because he doesn't know what gutters were when tony tells him to go clean the gutters uh i don't know if it's meaning something deeper than that but it's just because he's spoiled and he doesn't he doesn't do any housework um test stream is the best episode again a lot of people didn't like these kind of esoteric episodes they didn't like the slow ones and so it's down here at the bottom to say that if you like the test stream you're like you're like a real fan um so i thought it was a great episode but that's what it is um nexa pin yeah i mean i'm not saying that like you you have to uh i'm not saying like i'm so much smarter than anyone for knowing these like yeah you are supposed to to know this but it's like this is like basic stuff that like people who didn't even watch the series all the way through kind of thing i'm talking about like if you watch the series multiple times you're gonna pick up on like 99 of this stuff um every breath you take peter gun mash up i talked about that in the um uh mr rajario's neighborhood a lot of people correct me on that um fair enough mr rigeria or rigario however you pronounce it um uh but yeah it's a mash-up of every breath you take which you guys actually listen to i'm sure you guys know this but if you actually listen to the lyrics of that song it sounds like a romance song but it's actually about stalking um and again it's it's by a band called police so um peter gunn is a uh i think that's like a i forgot but it's like a detective or police show right um so that's why they match those two up there sopranos food eating compilations um yeah there's a lot of them on youtube uh the food looks great what can i say italians uh you guys got the food game down like that is you're you're really italian food is might be the best food out there and generally um i like a lot of different cultures foods by the way including my own but um man pasta um pizza all of it i got a sopranos uh cookbook for christmas from my uh from my friend um and so uh i might uh i might make a video i talked about that in the uh in the uh breaking bad video i'll make a cooking video eventually here yeah we being pootsy if not for them um mr thorax are you uh is that a king of the hill joke are you chinese or japanese neither i'm layocean is that in china or japan i'm actually both by the way i'm chinese and japanese and mexican um but uh i'm kind of a mutt i'm like noah i'm a i'm a well i guess i shouldn't say that word i don't know if that word's offensive or not um but uh yeah got a lot of different cultures in me um original uh season three uh plot so if you guys didn't know this um nancy marchand died kind of early into the production of season three so they had to completely rewrite the the season um after her death um and so the original plot line was she was gonna be uh she was gonna testify against tony and tony had to kind of like convince her not to so that was gonna be the original outline she was gonna be like involved with pretty much every season before her untimely death which is very sad but um it also allowed the show to expand into new territories um greasy i am not from la i don't really want to give my location to be honest um but uh not from l.a i lived in the bay area for a while for work but um i'm a norcal uh boy uh let's see in the chat here i was not gonna say the n word morty i was gonna say like uh you know the word that tony describes him it's not it wasn't the n word it was um it starts with so with some of the d but i wasn't i'm not gonna say it um tony was dead before the finale okay so yeah this is another theory again kind of like the coma of uh theory which is that like there's a theory that tony died in the in the first episode of season six when he shot and the rest of it is like either the afterlife or his coma dream or whatever um again uh i i don't believe this because if it was a dream i don't think season six would be nearly as dark as it was maybe it was a nightmare but um again i uh i i don't i don't tend to believe in those types of theories there was no spark or chemistry between carmella and furio yeah um i agree with that to an extent i think the like it wasn't the best kind of uh it felt a little forced um they i think they wanted to give furio and carmel up something to do basically but um yeah it could have been more natural like it didn't feel like they had that much in common like he's just like oh i'm like a sensitive italian even though i beat up women and stuff and criminals well but carmella makes sense because she kind of lusted after every guy that came into that house because again she wasn't getting any kind of emotional uh you know love from tony so she craved it from other guys um okay let's move on to the next one here violent 9-1-1 calls made during finale um i don't know what this is specifically um i think that uh it might be about people thought their tv went out um during the finale they thought the cut to black was something wrong with their tv and so i know some people freaked out about that um it was a long time ago but um i don't know specifically if this is referring to a different thing or not um that dunky guy oh okay i saw your post over here so you're saying you didn't like donkey's video about the uh sopranos um video game uh i like dunkey i think he's really fun i thought that video was really funny um but we'll talk about the video game right here um i love you too colburn classroom um the entire veto is gay arc um so again a lot of people don't like the vito arc um i think there's reasons to dislike it again it was from what i hear um uh vito like the actor vito um i'm blanking on his name right now um he's not liked by the cast because apparently one he i think he pushed for his character to get this kind of storyline so he could get more screen time and people didn't like that and two i also hear he's kind of a a greedy like charges people for autographs and stuff i don't know i shouldn't make judgments on people i've never actually met or anything but um yeah joseph uh ganna scully um yeah i heard he's uh people don't have a high opinion of him um and so i think there's reasons to dislike the arc but i don't dislike you just because it shows gay people which that's why some people don't like it by the way uh although i saw a question here did you see the vile eyes um analyzing evil video on tony um no i didn't um i tend to kind of avoid analysis videos from other creators because i'm like what if i want to do something like that and i do want to do something like that eventually and then if i watch it i feel like well i already watched this video so i can't make it because then i would just be stealing his content um if i've made a video by the way um i've not watched other people's theories about i just i don't watch them um i've watched some analysis of it um i watched some of sopranos theories videos they're pretty good um but he did a carmella video and i want to do a carmella video so it's like i'm in a weird place where it's like i i watched his one i think i'm gonna do something a little bit different than he did but um i hope i don't i don't want to be i don't really care but i don't want to be accused of like stealing people's content even though i don't i don't steal people's content and also you don't really own like a like an interpretation that sees even if you make a video on it um i i've gotten my videos taken so to speak other people have made like videos like based on my college video um uh or at least similar to it um so i don't i don't get mad though because no one owns the show it's just uh it's just an idea so um okay let's let's move on to the next thing here um season six nihilistic emotional aura again season six is very dark both in terms like the visuals and the emotions going on here it's a dark season and it ends in a very dark note so but that's that we're seeing tony's moral decline and so it makes sense in that season to show it um psychoanalysis of every dream in the show we talked about this i made videos about psychoanalyzing the dreams there's a lot of ways to interpret them and there's no one correct way whoever did this ending okay so um the uh the ending of whoever did this after they dispose of ralph um they go to the bada-bing to wash up um and uh tony falls asleep and then when he wakes up there's this really weird kind of sequence where he's just like kind of looking around he's all alone um and again i think it's kind of showing that like tony is kind of destroying the people near us to him one by one um and it's a it's a very weird and again supernatural kind of ending he sees the picture of tracy um and we're just seeing how much his life is like consumed by you know destruction and rage like that so um that's one of them um next one sopranos video game is canon um i want to make a video about the video game eventually uh i don't i'm not good at like i had to like learn i did like do research on how to like emulate it on a computer to like stream it or whatever um but i wanted to um talk about it because it's a it's kind of they got all the voice casts the game looks terrible from what i can tell from the videos i've watched the graphics are horrible even for like playstation 2 standards um but i wanted to talk about the story because it seemed i don't know it seemed interesting um it's about uh pussy's illegitimate son um who apparently was is around during the run of the show i don't think it's canon to be honest um although canon doesn't really matter to be honest um i might make a video about that too eventually but um uh but it's not exactly simple to emulate ps2 games though um yeah i'm not again i'm not good i'm not i'm not like a real big video game a person i like i play them but i'm not like uh i don't have like a gaming pc or i'm not into like i don't i'm not an expert in how to do all this kind of stuff so i spend my time watching too much television um but i'd love to make a video on it because it seems interesting to talk about i have not played the game i need to go find my ps2 it's not my parents house somewhere i don't know if my mom threw it out or not she's she's she's like that she she wants to get rid of my old video games she usually gives them to me um i have a box of like my xbox games my 360 games but um i know i can get like a like a video card and record it directly from the um the playstation to my computer um but uh again i uh i don't know how to do that necessarily um [Music] uh thank you uh killer kill but if i really want to i can just go buy a new ps2 um but uh you know hey that's the name of an episode we did it tony we finally became the sopranos i love it when uh when tv shows actually say the name of the show within the show we did a rust we're finally true detective season one okay let's move on to the next one vetodoppelgangers uh yeah the character or the actor who plays video appears in season one as um is the name gene i think it's gene right um in the bakery which kind of relates to this bottom point down here which is um uh christopher uh remembers being spider from good fellas um i when he shoots the guy in the foot uh i regret also not bringing up that point in um in my uh my video talking about the legend of tennessee maltesanti that was early on in the soprano logs right i kind of didn't really know what i was doing um i didn't even talk about uh god there was a connection um uh where dread mateo who plays adriana plays a waitress um in the pilot episode so i missed a lot of things that first season i was just kind of figuring out how to do the videos but geno sorry right not not gene gino um uh so he's saying like when he shoots the guy in the foot he's like it happens uh referencing the fact that his character spider on goodfellas got shot in the foot so um yeah that's uh that's what that's referring to okay let's let's move on i want to finish this in the next like uh 10 minutes or so hbo censored the real ending um that's a theory people had that's why i cut to black some people thought maybe the ending was too violent or whatever and so they just cut to black just like how um it's like uh there were some other like news show like like live events they cut to black like that because something went on so um next uh wire season review is coming out on monday um season my season 3 reaction so um lost ray liotta pilot um some people think ray liotta was supposed to be tony um i i've heard he was offered the role of ralphie for for that and he just he turned it down um but as far as i know there was no one ever for tony besides um the guy who plays artie um i'm blanking on his name right now he was he was considered briefly for tony i heard you did a good job to be honest i could i could see it actually i know i know people are going to get weirded out by that by seeing like he can't be tony he's so weak as already but like that's just good acting i could see already being uh you know having rage and yeah john um he uh he almost got to be he's a great actor um really great so calling all cars stream i talked about that that weird dream where tony is like an italian handyman at the end um he sees livy in the house very spooky sends a shivers down my spine uh but he goes to the mirror he goes to the bathroom and turns on the red light again hinting at connection between that house and hell um happy birthday scene from a camelot meme right there talked about it um happy birthday mr president happy birthday to you squeezing my titties together uh i love that chappelle bit about the marilyn monroe thing um when uh when when john ken jfk is like you crazy my wife's right there um i actually i actually think i think i read that she wasn't there in real life um jackie kennedy when uh marilyn sang that to him but oh yeah let's see it turned me on ah she's got a great uh great gams for an old lady you average white guy uh that's funny there was also a there's also that's also a connection between breaking bad too they both had cringy scenes of singing happy birthday mr president i think anyone trying to sing that is going to be cringy because um uh you know you're you're naturally just setting yourself up for a comparison to marilyn who you know is one of the greatest you know sex icons of all time so um yeah i think anyone tried to do that's going to come off weird even she when she was singing that was a little bit like if she wasn't who she was it's a little weird yeah the song itself is cringe yeah um so surprise way cringier um no i don't i don't think this appearance is cringier than a breaking bad one because uh skyler does it in front of the the whole like audience um and i would i would if i was him like i know he i know he liked skyler i know he was turned on but even like if that was me i would have been like don't do this in front of other people because i'm still the boss and you're making me look like i don't know it just it comes off weird um yeah i think breaking bad is way cringier um okay so let's see here uh bell dinging and soprano home movies again the bell um at the boat when tony's looking over um is a direct connection between when the bell of the door at holston's opens up and tony looks over and so the whole point of that is to establish connection and show that um we're cutting to tony's pov when that happens and the fact that it cuts to black tells us that his pov is now gone so he's dead um yeah still watching the wire love it just finished season three um it uh it's uh it's really fantastic i can't wait to watch the next season but i'm giving myself a little bit of break i like to have a break between seasons i don't i hate binge watching um i want to take it in slowly and enjoy it and really think about what's happening yeah skyler was also pregnant which um yeah we had time to be hitting on your boss in front of your co-workers as you're pregnant with your still husband's child um i can see why she got some dirty looks from her co-workers satchel is cannibalism again uh there's they they cut up bodies with satriari's meat cutting machine and some people think they're like gaba ghoul is people um they're selling the meat there i've heard that human tastes like pork so maybe um i definitely wouldn't eat a saturally's oh god imagine the blood and guts and within the wiring and stuff and ugh gross lincoln logs suicide trigger okay so um i i don't know if i mentioned this in um the second coming but there is like carmela makes lincoln log sandwiches for aj which if you guys don't know what those are they're um it's like a slice a sliced hot dog with cream cheese on white bread um which i don't know that that doesn't sound good to me um not the cream cheese at least like maybe mayo i would eat that but um some people think that like there's a joke like the lincoln log sandwiches are what made aj commit suicide they were so gross that he was like okay gotta kill myself um yeah not not good your hair was in the cream cheese disgusting yeah mayonnaise mayonnaise you can't clean prions off material so if any of the equipment was used to cut up ralphie which used to prepare me they're doing cannibalism are prions only in the brain though or is it because they cut off ralphie's head they didn't cut out his brain um i heard succession's really good uh andre um i'll need to check it out but i've got a lot of other shows i need to watch and besides i like watching shows once they're all done um because then i can analyze the series as a whole but i'll check i might check out succession um i know it's about like news like a news empire right like like rupert murdoch um mayo on hot dogs i i like a little bit of me i like ketchup and mayo mixed together um i really like it's like like special sauce like from like burger places i think it goes great on anything um not a big fan of mustard to be honest i i like uh ketchup i like a little mayo on the hot dog i don't know why some onions and bell peppers on top i know it's good to me i like mayo and anything i love mayo it's just so good family is here yeah dave chevelle it's buddy um have you watched mad men no i need to watch it um i have a lot of shows to what i guys i spent my entire life just re-watching the sopranos a bunch of times why i can make videos on this but i'll watch i'll watch madman i'll probably do a a series review of that eventually okay um that is it for this one five minutes let's go through these last ones paulie's virgin mary sighting um he sees the virgin mary at the bing at the end here um very spooky moment um is it just in paulie's head or is it in real life um i don't know i don't know what it means necessarily um other than paulie was always superstitious and um there i guess there's a whole kind of madonna complex thing with like the bing is where strippers work at but italians you know they treat their wives like saints and you know they prefer to or at least gangsters i guess you know prefer to strippers than you know their wife so um i don't know but that's just what that means right there um i'm sure i would dig mad man i love matt weiner he's great great writer on the show um oh yeah he killed the grandma wait did he kill yeah i think i think he killed a grandma before the sighting so i think that's his uh wake up call he's going to hell phil turns into a house okay so let's talk about this so um when tony and a little carmine go to uh talk with um uh phil and try to make a peace deal after tony beats the out of coco um he uh phil agrees to see them but then he refuses to talk to them he only talks him through the window um i've i've read that the reason why is because uh um frank vincent couldn't make it that day for shooting um and so they had to just add his voice in and post um i don't know if i've never heard that directly from the actor the cat the staff so i don't know if it's it might be apocryphal i kind of feel like this is season six of the sopranos one of the last episodes you would show up when they tell you to show up um but i don't know maybe you had like a personal thing or something but um they couldn't get him so you can't see his face so you people think that it's the house talking but yeah phil has a superpower uh he could turn into houses it would have been nice when he was hiding out from the sopranos he just turned to a house uh man i wanna watch the wire but i can't get past episode one two you gotta you gotta push past it man push fat episode one and two it gets really good um uh i don't i don't wanna say when it gets i mean the show is slow it is but it's it's fantastic once you once you realize that the wire is not about the characters it's about baltimore the city it's fantastic it might be a better character drama than the sopranos if you count baltimore as the main character um season two is more slow than season one um season one gets fast paced towards the end here um but the whole point of why it's slow is because that's just realistic i mean the cops are not this all-powerful organization they're a bunch of guys um i don't know i haven't finished uh the people on the on the season 2 reaction video are saying that like season two is really great once you finish the whole thing so i don't know um i really love season three by the way but um yeah well uh i don't want to talk too much about the wire because this is pandas video but um let's just get to the final point in this last minute heat death of the universe occurs at the end the cut to black again people are like they want to find different meanings for what it means and you know it could just mean everything's over with the cut to black everything's done uh it's kind of like symbolic of like you know how television is basically over it's like a statement uh matt weiner said that in an interview he thought that david chase was trying to make a statement that like television is over now that the sopranos is over nothing else is going to be as good as this the reason it cut to black is because david chase ran out of film yeah yeah he only had he only had like 12 bucks to make the entire series what do you guys want him to do you know film cost money he didn't have anything else um okay so that is the um iceberg uh i hope i hope this was entertaining um i liked going through all these series with you and i to be honest what i love more is just this chat log right here i wanna i like just talking with you guys um i can stay on for like a little while longer just talk about it but if any of you guys were like only here for the explanation of the um uh the iceberg um that's pretty much done now i might make this into a video later we'll see or i might just leave it up as like a streamed video um but we'll see um i'm sorry existence i i know i thought about it again to be honest i said this at the beginning um i like to do like i like to save my edited videos for like analysis that's what gets me excited about it i don't it's the same way like i don't really like making like news videos where it's like hey guys i'm making a video because uh david chase just announced that he's started work on um the many states of new york two i don't i don't know i i wanna do analysis i don't necessarily wanna do um just make easy videos that are just like news stories and stuff and i slap on like a a still image i know i've done stuff like that before um for when like the many saints got delayed and stuff like that but um i don't know and like i said this is fun for me to talk about it with you guys like we're talking about a bunch of different things let's talk about oz talk about mad men talk about the wire um it's fun for me to chat like this um i love interacting with this community is awesome we all have like a shared interest in um all these show like these critically acclaimed shows which are all so great i love talking about this because to be honest not a lot of my friends really watch shows like this um boardwalk empire i'm gonna do that um i i i'll do i'll do it i'll do a just like my wire videos i'm reacting to the whole season i'm gonna do that for boardwalk empire once i'm done because i haven't seen all the boardwalk empire i've seen a lot of it through youtube clips unfortunately so i know what happens but to be honest i watched the sopranos through youtube clips before i got into the series um that's just kind of how i get exposed to shows um but i don't care about spoilers and stuff i'll still enjoy the series even if i know what happens because it's the journey it's not about just these exciting plot points it's about the moment-to-moment character details that i really love um devil hunter uh what shows am i thinking about doing for my episode by episode videos like soprano logs um next is gonna be breaking bad um that's gonna come out the first breaking bad video uh for the season one episode one's gonna come out probably the end of this month um i'm gonna finish all up breaking bad i'm gonna be re-watching the wire during this time and then i'm going to make the wire episode by episode reviews once breaking bad's done but again i need to finish the wire first and re-watch it multiple times to be able to make the same connections that i do with the sopranos um uh let's see here yeah i watched uh i've watched all of breaking bad many times so that's why that's why i'm doing a series review because i know it really well i will do better call saul after the wire because i want to break between two breaking bad style shows um so it'll be breaking bad the wire better call saul and then i don't know boardwalk empire after mad men or something i don't know yet i'm not thinking that far ahead sopranos pinball machine i want one of those um i have this really cool sopranos uh picture i'm gonna put it up i haven't i haven't hung up decorations yet but i'm gonna put it up here so it'll be in videos from now on um a lot of comments are coming in have i watched malcolm in the middle not all of it uh but i watched um some of it um great show um obviously uh brian cranston's first you know what made him famous um really well well put together show under criminally underrated i'd say boardwalk emperor had quite a few boring parts not enough humor um but the gangster characters are great i i kind of think about think that from the clips i've seen like i i really like uh my favorite character just from the clips i've watched is lucky luciano um i love vincent piazza he plays hernan on the sopranos and that that that voice he does you know i'm lucky luciano you know he's so great i can't wait to watch him um cool kevin thanks for uh thanks for stopping by um the mid i'm not i'm not familiar with the middle i don't know what that is um yeah that's true brian cranston was on seinfeld which i should watch that show too i've only seen episodes here and there but that's that's a an older show than i am so i need to check it out um good fellas in casino um i i i'm gonna do i think i might do a godfather video but i'm gonna compare it to the book just like i did american psycho and i have another video for um uh no country for old men coming out the week after next um so uh i like i like comparing books to movies because um it's cool for me to see the differences there how am i i love how i met your mother um i met your mother is a fantastic show um it's like friends which i didn't really watch friends much um but it's like the the the meta narrative elements of how i met your mother of like um the recurring jokes the connections between episodes makes it much more interesting to pay attention to um than something like a typical sitcom like friends yeah no country is great i love the book and i love i love mccarthy mccarthy's my favorite writer of all time uh blood and meridian is is the great american novel for me no i've not watched most netflix shows the only netflix shows i watched are narcos which i stopped mexico after season one um it got boring to me um narcos uh what are the other ones house of cards was great until the last i didn't even watch last season then he got rid of kevin spacey i was like i am watching it um i need to watch once upon a time in america i haven't seen it yet i know it's great i love um uh this is bad i'm liking on his name um sergio leone um because uh once upon a time in the west is my um it's sergio leone did it right i'm not talking on my ass right it's not bear to lucci berlucci did last tango in paris uh yeah narcos has the best theme music ever i love i listen to that like on spotify wire has the best theme song so i to be honest the soprano theme song is a little bit lower for me than like some of those other shows i've watched um way down in the hole is the greatest theme song i've ever heard season one um so so great [Music] uh irishman um maybe i need to think of an interesting angle though um i mean i could just make a video but again i don't like doing just like a bunch of people have covered the irishman and i need to do something different or else i get bored with the video lilly hammer um i don't know from the episodes i saw it wasn't that great like it was like like wanting to be like the sopranos but like not as well written so um i don't know if i do lily hammer um bronx tale i need to watch that i know it's a classic i haven't seen it i saw donnie brasco that's fantastic um no i i anik or and cake i was saying is uh once upon a time in america that's that's sorry giuliani too i'm i'm almost sure but i got kind of confused i thought it was like bear to lucci for a minute but that was like no that's last tango in paris um a lot of fantastic i want to make more films on like if i was going to do more movies i want to do among like classic old movies because that's how my channel got started if you guys don't know i love um old movies um and they're not as popular to make videos on so i've been kind of focusing on soprano stuff but um yeah bogart's fantastic uh one of the great uh uh classics uh hollywood yeah the irishman what i didn't like about it is like he looks too old even in the flashback scenes like there's scenes like when he's like in the army and he's like holding the gun and he like he can't even lift it all the way up because daenerys is just so old and i'm not like talking on de niro he's like on the mount rushmore of acting um he's fantastic he's not just done gangster pictures he's done um all sorts of roles he is without a doubt one of the top 10 greatest actors of all time but he's just old and you know he can't do these young roles anymore um but my god what a fantastic career meet the parents yeah deadwood um i would do deadwood the only thing is i don't like how it ended like because it got cancelled and i didn't like the movie so i love deadwood though it's fantastic um i'd love to do i could do a series on it um i got i got many years of this to do so like i could do all these series eventually um they're often uh always sunny in philadelphia yeah i love that show i have not watched the latest season where they're in ireland i think it's out right now right um but yeah always sunny's is fantastic one of the greatest comedies of all time don't say that to steve um i'm sorry steve between uh robert de niro and your roles on uh blue bloods and this the secret life of the american teenager uh i gotta give it to de niro he's just uh he's done a little bit more you know great stuff um sons of anarchy no i have not seen sons of anarchy i know people tell me to watch it and people tell me to watch the shield um i don't know sons of anarchy just i don't know the premise of like you know get biker gangs i don't know i just didn't really seem that appealing to me i should check it out i know i'm sure it's got great characters too but um i know just that that context it was like oh motorcycle gangs just didn't really interest me that much i will never do westworld i hate westworld um it's season three is so boring um season one is great season two is less great and then season three is boring as hell um hbo up a lot of shows i would do john adams that's a fantastic series i would do chernobyl another fan rome is great even though there's only two seas it deserves so much more um but uh i might check out sons thanks for the recommendation yeah sunny sunny has gone downhill a little bit there's still funny episodes here and there but the one with um uh mindy the the season i don't remember what season was but the first episode had dennis gone and mindy's is there um i didn't like that season i thought was pretty weak um sarah connor chronicles you're you're going back man um i saw parts of sarah connor chronicles um uh i don't know i'm so out of the terminator loop i don't even i don't even know how to approach that show um briganda it's russian uh maybe i'll check it out uh my best friend the one i keep telling you guys is buying me stuff and and telling me about russian um uh maybe i could get her to help me with that show um because uh from i know russians make the best literature in the world like dostoyevsky tolstoy um so i gotta imagine their their media like um battleship potemkin is considered one of is the best silent movie of all time so i should why i'd love to check out more russian films and and series because i'm sure they do amazing work those guys understand depression like no one else uh eastern europeans they understand that more than american writers ever will um no never never heard a yellow jacket um i i can't say david not too many i've gotten better about like making the clips short so they don't get demonetized but um yeah at the beginning a lot of them were getting taken down i had to edit them um wilfred um i liked wilfred um i i i don't it's hard for me to watch like cringe shows so like the office wilfred shows it like are about you know humiliation and stuff like that i tend it's hard for me to watch those shows but wilfred was really great um i thought it was a really well done show russian sherlock holmes is fantastic is that is it literally sherlock holmes but just russian i'd love to check that i love sherlock holmes uh barry lyndon with uh tom cruise i heard that wasn't good with uh kubrick i heard he did a horrible accent that one i love kubrick but i heard barry lyndon wasn't one of his better ones keena what's a popular show you don't like um [Music] people got mad at me in the uh when i did the uh no spoiler review of the many saints in newark where i said that um uh what do you call it better call saul kind of leans too heavily into um fan service i like better call so i love it in fact but i have genuine criticisms of the show that i think most of the um fanbase doesn't share and so people were like no better console is perfect like you can't say anything bad about it and i was like the gus stuff is way too fanservicey it doesn't add anything to his character and it kind of takes away from the mystery of him so um i have problems with i better call saul i can't think of any other population i mean i hate the walking dead but i think that's a popular opinion um uh icewide shut is great that's a great kubrick film no yeah tom cruise was a nice white ship but he was also in very lit wasn't he barry lyndon the irish guy i don't know i got too many movies on the brain maybe i'm mistaken um uh i forgot what film was called but he did tattoos in prison um are you talking about uh eastern promises i want to check that one out that's a great movie with uh viggo mortenstein or however you pronounce it whenever i say vigo's name i always think of the scene from it's always sunny where um uh looking back uh like punches that girl and he's like vega warren she thinks that's the character's name that one's so funny um i watched barry i thought it was boring to be honest i didn't really like it i've not seen vanilla sky um full metal jacket is fantastic um uh what else star wars and game of thrones had bad advanced service i don't watch star wars i don't even get involved with that community i just think anything after the first three movies are terrible and so i just i won't even watch the new ones i'm not gonna get like artificially mad at the movies just for views [Music] um 2001 it's a great movie um we should i should make a video on that get off chat and watch once upon a of america okay i'll watch it i've not watched a lot of movies guys because i'm just editing videos and just re-watching the sopranos um i need to i need to watch more stuff to become a better film critic which is not a real thing but i need to watch a lot of stuff [Music] uh we'll talk like another few minutes i'm going to dip out here i'm getting really hungry blood and blood out never heard of that one um check it out yeah i do captain thank you for pointing out that i click my tongue a lot um i i tend to get a lot of saliva in my mouth it's just how my body works um and i'm very self-conscious about that so thank you for pointing it out um i don't watch netflix animated shows but i've watched all of uh studio ghibli and i love all of them they're fantastic i don't really like anime in general but studio ghibli is fantastic um the only anime i like is um this is so basic but like naruto i think naruto has great characterization um i like death note i like full metal alchemist just really normy i don't i don't get into like i'm not into anime at all not to the deep stuff squid game good or overrated uh squid game is a good um fad show um like tiger king or um i don't know queens can whatever these you know these fad shows which are just like oh that's we should watch it because everyone's talking about it right now but not a lot of depth to it it's all right but it's not it's not a deep show like the sopranos i kind of want to watch it i'm watching i watching cowboy bebop i'm almost done with it um that's pretty good it's not as good as i thought it was going to be because people put cowboy beatbop up as like this is the greatest show of all time um in terms of aesthetics i agree but in terms of the actual story and characters i i kind of expected more um but bebop's all right um i wanted to check out evangelion because i've it's so controversial which i would just love to check it out um but uh squid game is is good it's entertaining but it's like i said it's it's not like a deep show like the sopranos so it's why i call it a fad show it's something you watch once because everyone's watching it right now and talking about it but i'm not gonna like re-watch it and like study the characters and make videos on it and stuff like that i would kill for a sopranos anime um i love those sopranos anime um openings you you guys might have seen some of my comments on those videos but um i uh i think it's just so funny to mash up sopranos and i wish i wish someone would i wish sopranos was more popular so that like some anime animator would just make a parody of it that would be funny to me you guys should watch the uh the sopranos japanese dub it's pretty funny to listen to man in the high castle um i like philip k dick i've not seen the show um i want to check it out um there's always something else i need to check out you know what i meant killer kill you um yeah tiger king's okay but it's just like it's something you watch once you don't you're not gonna re-watch it again that's why i call it a fad show um yeah the animatrons are hilarious um no i want to watch more japanese directors um frame um i've been watching a lot of akira kurosawa i watched seven samurai i watched ron i wanna watch like thrown to blood and stuff but um old uh japanese film is is interesting to me um my favorite video games i was into video games a lot as a kid but i just as i went to college i just never had time to keep getting into them and like keep like building pcs or buying consoles so i i play a lot of video games but just old ones like i play the out of you know skyrim this is cringy to say but minecraft um i like stardew valley i i kind of like like very slow like clicking kind of like i'm not into like twitch shooters and although i love dusk that's one of the newer games i bought was dusk um and uh that one's fantastic i'm just not good at i'm not good at video games so i'm i like video games where i can kind of like um really plan out i'm a zoomer john d coffee you gotta understand skyrim is is 10 years old all right it's it's old for me um uh i like retro games too of like i know i'm too young for to have had like a nes or something like that but like gamecube games i like um i bought the uh the nintendo the super nintendo um the new one that came out that has all the games built into it um those are fun although i don't like the d-pad controllers it just it hurts my thumb to play it a lot um but um yeah just not that into shooters and stuff uh okay i like to play call of duty but i i'm not buying a new one so i just play black ops on my on my black ops 2 on my computer because i have that one um uh yes the skyrim uh sopranos mashup videos from uh pertinax i think those are really funny i would love to i might have him on the blog i might invite him on the podcast if he wants to come on um but i'd love to talk to him about that those are those are funny videos um i'm trying to think of other games i like um i guess i get world of warcraft that's the big one um i was really into classic wow i played it on private servers because again i i don't buy the new expansion so i just play the old ones that i'm used to um i got i have two level 60s on private servers um such a waste of time when i think about this but it's before i started making videos um then i had two level 60s on classic wow until blizzard destroyed their own company with their incompetence so i refuse to play season of mastery even though i kind of really want to um and then i i started making videos um before classic tbc came out so even though i was super excited about tbc because that's when i started wow um i never got a chance to play it because i just i can't devote hours to playing it anymore i have to be editing videos um so that's what it is but i love to stream classic wow um and just because i like just like grinding i like just grinding on games because it just turns my brain off um so maybe we could do that sometime maybe i could stream myself playing that and we could just talk in the chat about stuff like this rather than making it a normal video do you hate dexter kino um no it's not a great series it's like a a seven out of ten but i don't hate it i don't even hate the ending i just i'm not gonna watch dexter new blood though i don't like i don't i'm not go i don't watch cash ins on on shows that ended um let's see here awesome i've seen oz i liked oz not a not a masterpiece but a pretty good show um walnuts and beastiality that's a funny day uh well welcome glad to have you it's about to end right now i'm about to turn off the stream um but uh uh screen stream how would i rank the soprano seasons um in terms of i don't know in terms of my personal enjoyment because that's i can't think about my analysis of it right now but in terms of my personal enjoyment season two um season six season three season four season five and season one that's probably where i would uh rank it thank you um i'm about to end the stream here guys because i've been talking for a while and we're losing viewers because this is boring um but thank you guys so much for um joining me uh a lot of you guys tuned out i mean i think at one point we had like uh 260 70 people um which is fantastic um okay one last question biggest question uh goodfellas or casino good fellas uh casino is good but it's just not as good as good phyllis goodfellas is more feels more universal to me than casino does um uh but okay thank you guys so much for watching i need to go get something to eat here um but uh let's make i'll make some more streams uh sometimes these are fun i like you i like talking with you all quick question before i sign off would you guys um if i don't have like a topic like the like the um iceberg to do but we just chatted um would you guys be interested in that because i like i said i really just like talking to you guys about different stuff awesome cool that's what they call it on twitch right just chatting when they like i'm not doing twitch of course i'm not a video game person but um yeah i'd be awesome we just chat maybe next maybe next weekend i'll announce it beforehand but um yeah there should be a set topic at least yeah i could do that um i don't know let's see maybe we can maybe i just said it about like movies or tv shows or something um maybe i could do it for like the wire and stuff when i finished that but um yeah this is awesome i love uh i love chatting with you all so um i keep you keep posting good questions i want to answer um so while i do a soprano's character tier list that i thought about it it'd be kind of hard because like how would i rank them just like tony christopher you know s tier just rank them based on how much they appear because they're all they're all brilliantly written i don't know how i would do that but maybe i would i could think about it um my realtor always wants to chat um get a good realtor mine was fantastic um okay i keep getting distracted sorry um that is the end of the stream thank you guys so much for watching and uh we'll do this again soon
Channel: Pure Kino
Views: 138,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uOe4FsrZ9bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 47sec (7007 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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