The Son of Monte Cristo (1940) SWASHBUCKLER

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donkey there you have to please another William look yes go come out not you're in a hurry to get me in look general Aaron is inclined to offer your clemency in return for information what clemency can anyone expect from gurko Lenin if you value your life give us the names of your accomplices I don't value it that highly so you're the young man who made the mistake of shooting at me this morning my mistake was in missing you you are worse than an assassin you're a fool that's what your countrymen think of you Colonel Zimmerman for saving Gurkha Lenin's life three years ago when Lichtenberg might have been saved by another fool like me I missed you this morning because I was too far away but now Oh let him go that was the second mistake you make look men like you never realized I rule you collectively because I can master you individually they tell me that you're a blacksmith in proud of it good well I'm the son of a stonemason and also proud of it Zimmerman you're not to interfere under any circumstances now you even hang him died fall in will you please say that a royal highnesses carry you study stop yes baron no no we're ready you have everything money passports everything remember you'll not be out of danger for a movie yes yes I know but please don't worry about me general Lenin will never suspect two years I've gone for drive every afternoon at five o'clock yes but today you're driving to Paris if anything happened to you I should never forgive myself My dear we both know that our last hope is for you or for me to make a personal appeal to the French for weeks general Lenin's watch your every move therefore I'm the one to go I thought we'd settled over this will inform Louie Napoleon of true conditions in Lichtenberg and what we offer for his intervention it will be fatal if it falls into the wrong hand I'll see that that doesn't happen royal highnesses carriage is waiting very good stop if you look at Laurie Napoleon like that you'll come back with an army car well done stop she's pretending to go for afternoon Drive but she intends to go further across the frontier then to Paris Her Royal Highness has just left the palace you may go stop well done Thank You excellency but you will stop it's difficult to believe that the Prime Minister will recuse himself from treason in writing that you've gotta live sincere you must have patience of a man patience is a wonderful thing yes excellency when you're after my soup and treat them as mice but for new Hafiz a lion and you can't catch a line in a mousetrap but treason that will bring down even alarm yes excellency see you at its top lovely afternoon for a drive my dear baron your parting with her Royal Highness must have been very touching I'm wondering how you could bring yourself to permit a beautiful and inexperienced young girl to set out for a foreign land carrying a very dangerous letter in your own handwriting you see my spy system works very well just what you mean Lenin I mean that when a Prime Minister conspires to set troops of another nation against his own people it is called treason and is punishable by death I just given orders to have a royal hand is brought back and with her the proof of your treason you wouldn't dare to lay hands on zoner Lichtenberg you mean that I wouldn't dare to permit Her Royal Highness to leave Lichtenberg aside from my personal feeling zoner of Lichtenberg is the symbol of an authority that is existed in this country for 20 generations and I desire to employ that symbol extensively in my dealings with the people up to now your influence has prevented a closer understanding between Her Royal Highness and myself is a pity that such a brilliant career as yours must come to an end my dear baron Zimmermann excellency Baron fajn new harp is to be confined in the palace dungeon until the day of his trial does that's the first three breath I've taken to lift a palace I can still feel every stowed in the city's staring at the back of my neck I'll feel like breathing when we cross the frontier at catch poor bans on you I wonder what will happen when General Landon discovers we've gone let's think of what would have happened if we hadn't gone it's getting chilly fellow guard she's seen us this way this way you all right countess in Her Royal Highness don't worry about us go get the lossless I'm terribly sorry if my dogs frightened you you ruffian my poor lamb I do assure you Mademoiselle it was an accident car sitting these dogs almost an accident isn't it something I can do can you get us to patch quickly at once I'm not in your carriage I'm afraid I'll forget the carriage just get us two points in that case it's as easy as it what as this that was all seems to get a good hurry hi I'm this you know a shortcut through the woods yes sir this way hang on what happened or royal highness where is she I don't know they were here when we went out to the horses rest ease men lieutenant Sol take after men and search the left side of the road rest of you follow me they can't get far on foot I hate to make am and I've forgotten to ask who you are yes silly and you don't know the rough you erect your carriage I'm The Count of Monte Cristo Mr Hovind up may I present the Carver Monte Cristo I beg your bum Dona fatty Dom very unusual in there you can't we go a little faster charlie hold on tight up after great effort I Hercule Schneider have told you the only carriage in pitch of course the horses may not be the best in the world can they walk oh yes but that's all that's necessary point them towards Paris and stop the movie tonight but I'm certainly tonight but it's dark you don't say it usually is at night Palace is the other way you're looking back towards Lichtenberg yes I know I used to think it's the most beautiful country are you staying long in catch no I'm on my way to Lichtenberg on business about five o'clock this afternoon it became a real pleasure trip I'm sure you weren't able to find a carriage you all right no catch but we must find one no carriage that's too bad but after all you do have one because I sent for mine you haven't told me the object of your journey but I don't must be urgent that was only right I replace your carriage with mine to save you further delay besides Road isn't safe a young girl traveling alone anything could happen you're quite right you sure you don't mind a very early start oh not at all the horses and I will be waiting with the door dawn haven't you had enough driving and excitement for one day you will forget was more chills goodnight yes oh well uh good night good night good night good night miss happened up what are you doing way out of here I've gone carriage is waiting downstairs you mean you I lied to him of course I lied to him it was the only way to get rid of him that young man makes a career of helping people who are in trouble get into more trouble but he's so nice I feel guilty to see it in him zona zona fattened up that could be changed and it's a long way to Paris smokers labour soldiers the cab's waiting outside the home this is not Lichtenberg I don't know how you cross the frontier but you know right to ask me questions whom is a carriage waiting two ladies guests ladies of quality their carriage met with an accident and there are these two ladies of quality Darla at the top of the stairs your royal eyeness how dare you force your way into this room my orders are to escort you back to Lichtenberg your highness I am also instructed to secure a certain letter you are carrying to the emperor of French must I remind I'm the Grand Duchess of Lichtenberg and command my own person I am under orders your highness a letter if you please I think I Royal Highness said she commanded her own person who are you my friend here will introduce me please my father was best Open Express my Hercule Schneider have been 20 years younger the whole Lichtenberg army couldn't have taken her away from you what kind of a country is it when common soldiers lay hands on their own queen from the tales I hear the daisies blackest nights in Lichtenberg four little Grand Duchess a crown is a pretty heavy load for so young ahead and so beautiful the Saints be praised they are too brave a gentleman for those bandits to finish you you show you a few right sir oh there there poor gentleman Karen Safin happened up run get the doctor he's out of his head no never mind the doctor get me my carrot my business in Lichtenberg is more urgent that I thought Zana please you've been pacing the floor for hours son new Haas guilty branded a traitor a criminal his only crime was in being my father's friend and mine he was more than my master he was my friend I would have given my life I understand how you feel stud you're one of the few people he trusted surely your royal highness has some plan to save him we must say them how can they print such lies about it because Gurkha Lenin who wrote them you may go stunts and countless if you don't mind ah my roses and thanks offering for your safe return general LAN and I command you to said Baron run you [ __ ] free at once ordinarily your wish would be my command but for new hoppers died I understand your grief you are thinking of his services to you but I must consider his danger to me I consider that you're having him murdered well the same thing happened to Caesar and Louie the 16th they didn't call it murder they called it Petri autism if Baron von newhoff is guilty then so am i arrest me arrest your royal highness unthinkable then I have nothing more to say to you but there is something that I have wanted to say to you of the greatest importance for three years if there is a difference between myself and other men it is because I have dared to carry out my dreams I dreamed of becoming master of Lichtenberg well I am master but I have other dreams more personal some men are born under a star migrate dream has been to share my star with you what are you suggesting general Lenin you should be able to recognize an honest proposal of marriage marriage but you liar a murderer state forum a peasant my byzant blood Springs from the soil it runs rich and strong history proves the blue blood has always benefited when mingled with red better than any man I appreciate all you represent zona you're a queen but you're also a woman together we could build a greater Lichtenberg could pass its glory on to our children are you trying to say you love me general lemon I've been trying to say it for months even when you look through me rather than air to me I've often wondered when you look at me what you see I see a man I'd give my life to destroy get out I quite understand the aristocrat is talking to the peasant good morning your highness this paper has been printing for months now some of you people here know who printed it My Orders are to strip every house in this town until we uncover the press I know who I'll take you there God there it is there it isn't here smashing those windows clean off this place where's the breasts the drink of this filth I don't know where's it in the base when I hurt awesome swaths better come with me steady hands all right outside so you're Kurt Narvik the man who prints the torch using your story supplying to hide this press to wait for months to hunt you down you know the penalty for India newspaper without government sanction yes but the charges against when you have our lives there are some things not even the Rope can strangle your way clean out this pigsty this is not law and order jerilyn gives the class together but this is tyranny you to master sensory you come with me that's right not hear the sirens strong I know it is winter Sarah over here look what they've done I'll pay them back for this why did you think of coming here this is the one place they never think of looking for you thank you for getting me away but you shouldn't have helped me they'll hunt you down kill you on sight how about you well I'm used to being hunted they've been trying to catch us for months well ducking in here was simple I wish I knew how we forgot to duck out there is a way out hmm here this is the way we sent the papers out why didn't you escape this way oh we couldn't do that these steps lead to some friends we might have betrayed them the old days this was a cemetery looks as if it still is this is the place who is this man he saved my life gentlemen the printing presses destroy my father is arrested the same thing would have happened to me only for this man at least you escaped I saw what you did sir that was enough to assure your welcome here I saw what you did that was enough to explain you being yeah I am Fritz Donner lieutenant of the household guard this is lieutenant Schulz lieutenant I'm Edmond Dantes sometimes call the car body Cristo your Mari Cristo the richest men in Europe it's like meeting a legend face to face you're twice welcome thank you for what you did listen everyone disaster has jealous a second blow a death blow Gockel has given Zimmerman's secret orders that Baron von you office to die at midnight when he dies all that is good in Lichtenberg will die with him run you off yes this is a picture of banner on you Hall where are you going look missed him I won't killing gurko isn't the answer I could have done that long ago we must cure chuckle represent you must have a high opinion of our country welcomed in a tomb with the news that our greatest man is to be assassinated and the knowledge that our Grand Duchess is a prisoner in her own palace prisoner but surely you intend doing something about it easier said than done zone is helpless without the support and counsel of von you Hoff to save her we must save on you all first and von newhoff is in the palace dungeon under a death watch as if an old man could dig his way out with his bare hands there is one chance it is so slim it's impossible we'll take any chance none of you can help me I have to have someone in the palace someone beyond gurkel suspicion you men make me a little ashamed of myself well here's a men like you but never sees them you're right if on you has to be saved it must be from inside the palace that's I can qualifies the volunteer you need you but how can you a stranger get in the palace by using a bank drop for 25 million francs is the calling card money has open stronger doors I'm in Lichtenberg because general anna has applied to the house of money christopher alone alone yes which I have just decided to grant gentlemen I consider it a privilege to help you prove that the tort of Liberty is difficult to extinguish you mean be one of us mentally I be one of you since my first hour in this country my dear general Lannon so good of you to receive me beastly business this banking what do you know you look like an entirely different person huh I hope the effect doesn't remain permanent you know I'm glad I thought of buying these glasses on the way back to the hotel they had that last perfect touch I wish I didn't have to do this I'd understand perfectly if you'd like to change your mind about going through with it I'm not worried about that I was thinking of a Royal Highness ona after I meeting your pet she must have thought me a fool and now when we meet again in the palace I have to make a believe I'm a bigger fool than she thought I can't let her know the me I'd like her to know I can't let general laning over me I'd like him to know I I'm getting a little confused I'm beginning to wonder which me is me it'll take more than a few ruffles in the pair of eyeglasses to Fuger : you'd be better off with a sword in your hand I'm afraid general landing would suspect a man who tried to get close to him with a sword in his hand what makes you so sure he won't suspect a fob a pop is a fool and a fool enjoys a strange protection not shared by other men no one takes a fool seriously you'll need protection of Gurkha discovers your real purpose is to help my new office Cape Marine lieutenant Ola I'm sure I can convince general Landon that the Count of Monte Cristo has absolutely no interest in a slimy old dungeon order my carriage I'm a trifle late for this appointment four days to be exact excellency your carriage is waiting the counter party Cristo who to see your excellency Monte Cristo a say decided to come three days after I'd expected him the pebble some sniveling Prince these bankers would come falling to give me anything I wanted I didn't need his money to build up my army I'd give his Excellency the card of Monte Cristo a lesson in keeping appointments or at garden bring him in we shall have the pleasure of listening to another bank will give us excuses instead of money maybe account The Count of Monte Cristo your excellency welcome to Lichtenberg your excellency thank you terribly sorry to be so late that's a weakness of mine I once get the shot of Persia waiting two weeks oh but the last time face to face with a great Gurkha Lannon I would hardly allude to myself as great Oh naturally not that's the privilege reserved for your admirers uh-huh they say a cat can look at a king so perhaps a humble banker can look at a hero you mind my curiosity no that's all but won't you sit down if only you knew how I simply adore men of action strong self-made men with high ambition who grasp life firmly and bend it to their will my father was like that you know yes I do know a remarkable man yes I suppose he was but I'm getting a little bored having him stuffed up my throat by everyone oh don't misunderstand me I loved him and all that but I'll never forgive him then why not well if only he didn't doubt me with a little of his character he stead of all his money I too might have been a man of action but I'm not so heavy well yes but men of action can do nothing without the support of influential bankers surely you must thrill to the knowledge that there is more power in your signature than there is in my sword thrill I detest banking why at this moment is taking me away from Paris at the very height of the social season if it wasn't for my intense interest in meeting you I'd be very unhappy however here I am so there you are oh uh let's get out of business uh-huh you are you applied to my backing house but alone I believe yes sir 25 million francs 25 million francs is that all why I thought it was more all right however we can discuss that later of course I could give you a yes or no now that wouldn't be good banking I've been taught to too far at a client put him off keep him dangling so I'm afraid you'll just have to dangle a while filthy business is men no hurry no hurry at all I wanted you to be thoroughly convinced that your loan would be a secure one and I assure you now I don't know don't try and get a decision out of it I've already made one but you must dangle I trust that during your stay will be my guest here at the Paris that's most considerate of you I should beat our Colonel Zaman send for lieutenant torn out yes excellency whatever two things I told me to be sure in Sein Lichtenberg if I can remember them um oh yes your lovely countryside and your Grand Duchess zona oh yes she's very beautiful it would be like to present you to Her Royal Highness perhaps tonight we dine at 8:30 charming Tommy lieutenant Donna this is The Count of Monte Cristo my personal guest see that he's given one of the Royal Apartments and that everything is done for his comforts Thank You general till 8:30 then a bit of a fool zoom oven but rich I think if we handle him carefully we'll get what we want he's on a will you stop wriggling this is the fifth time I've gone through the motions of getting you dressed you sure I don't worry if you mean will he suspect that you haven't had a wink of sleep in four nights the answer is no I remember he said he was coming to Lichtenberg on business but I never dreamed he'd come here would you please try to remember that you're a Grand Duchess telling you the first time in my life I haven't felt like one he may be able to help us and then like the Count of Monte Cristo must have powerful friends baron renew hope had powerful friends and he's having his dip in the ferris dungeon that's his last gonna I'm sorry come in dinner is served the pleasure of Her Royal Highness thank you sir your highness may I present The Count of Monte Cristo I'm happy indeed you welcome you looked into your I've had it I can't tell you how honored I am to be here hey the countess fund from the Carter public crystal ready account taught it The Count of Monte Cristo is the last person I expected to receive here I hope you're all hot as well think I'm presumptuous it's terribly funny but for a moment I had a feeling we'd bet before that's because the royal house reminds me of someone I once knew how the most beautiful woman I've ever seen of course she was not the Grand Duchess of Lichtenberg oh no in fact her name was fastened up what yes really it was happened up well my dear Krister you don't strike me as being the type of man who would let a beautiful woman escape him even if the name was whatever it was about it well I did everything I could I was even ready to to to joust for the fair lady's favor but all have very good joste but she wrote off out of my life shall we have dinner My dear general Lannon it's so refreshing in this day of unrest to find a country where one firm hand it takes the national policy why do you know in France it's come to the point where where even a chimney-sweep considers himself as good as a king Oh Nixon baguette is my policy to keep chimney sweeps in the chimneys Oh chimney sweeps in the chimneys ha ha ha excellent my dear general excellent ha ha very funny fellow with me I understand you're in Lichtenberg on business your excellency well no not exactly oh he's too modest since 3 o'clock this afternoon Lichtenberg is indebted to his excellency in the sum of 25 million francs on the country my dear general I feel greatly indebted to you it's such a privilege to meet a great man doing such great things for his country what can't place a monetary value on achievement don't you agree your royal highness gentlemen I'll leave you to your cigars and pork I don't smoke and my doctor assures me that port is the reason all Englishmen have the guard if you'll excuse me I had a headache and say the ladies didn't enjoy their dinner oh really I thought look very palatable I have to report the ten o'clock inspection the guard has been made uh turn o'clock excuse me must be the provincial atmosphere but I have that that drowsy feeling just right after a good dinner and before a good night's sleep all right quite understand well you must have had a very tiring day suppose we just say good night all the perfect host who knows the exact moment at which to say good night attend his Excellency chosen I already at eleven eleven splendid that gives me exactly 15 minutes and 30 seconds this way your excellency don't mind I think I'll go this way I don't need no tendon your highness what a pleasant surprise but fresh air is I believe the best cure for the headache man you change characters quite easily I saw your thirst as a cavalier now I see you in the role of a farm flattering the ego of a man at your first personality should have every reason to despise just what is your true character hmm oh I'm a businessman banker to be exact I believe in making my clients feel superior to myself in pets you made me believe you're a chivalrous gentleman I even cherished the memory of what you did that night I hope you believe it's my desire to add to that memory by lending general LAN and all the money he needs to completely destroy my country but knows about based on sentiment but on sound collateral and what collateral does he offer you a mortgage on the whole of Lichtenberg but you have bought as a partnership in his crimes against my people from what I've heard of your father he'd hardly be proud to know that his son had financed a tyrant and a traitor but perhaps I made this loan because I consider you the most important part of my security how unfortunate you should know that general Lenin does not include me in the collateral for the reason that general Lenin has proposed marriage to me also on a business basis you know you're even more beautiful when you're angry goodnight well nothing at a time good night beloved therefore i gorkel aaron do impose the sentence of death by hanging upon the set parent van you have and to order that the execution of this death warrant shall be carried out at 12 o'clock midnight May the 10th which is tonight I believe do you have anything to say yes you may deliver the last message to general nanan tell him if he hopes to bury loyalty to zone of Lichtenberg in my grave it will rise again to destroy him guards don't you just antenna daughter reporting for duty sir well for the rest of my life I got a view all fireplaces with suspicion but it's very useful my father and grandfather were officers at the household guard they taught me a lot of useful things about this palace Kirk who doesn't know let's hope that fireplace is one of them are we ready as ready as a last hope can be it's better than no hope at all I feel that I dragged you into this all right galloped in with one chance in a hundred of getting to Vaughn you off just say nothing of getting them out that makes the sporting proposition we go this way wears shirts making his rounds you'll join us below you stare has been forgotten for 50 years let's hope they won't be remembered for another fifty in one minute the century will inspect for new off sale I'll meet you at the bottom of the stairs I better go in first you'll be recognized on sight but you'd be recognized - no I won't I decided create another character the general Lana doesn't know when I hope he never will well it's the last night we'll have to do this and good riddance the problem with this job we're as much in jail as bond new law yes but we aren't going to hang on nothing you he's sleeping like a baby well I wouldn't be sleeping like a baby you would if you were an aristocrat like Barnum Hall now let's have a look at it he's sleeping alright I know it got half the minute we get buying you off are we makes the north power helluva new off TW alarmed I'll have you out of here in a minute who are you a friend young man it's madness every prisoner thought that they'd never be an escape come on we're leaving this way wait they bolted the door from the outside it's the turnkey he's in trouble quick men and ask and cake took our new home the old Carter this leads to the Amin there guys there requite nothing beyond here this is the blind corridor now it is even a sporting proposition boys have been very foolish reforms on this couple now we haven't climbed those steps yet what's that the old sewer runs under here to the river that's our way out it's rusted in let's have one time prior to that boat all those guys up you there's no light here by the time they figure out where we are we won't be there this way traitorous swine take more than fairytales and goblins to explain this now even Amana Tomas who disappear through these walls through that footprints bigger box disappeared through the walls you imbeciles you stuffed dummies in uniform the world knows that I considered phone you have a special prisoner kept in this dungeon where I could watch him to prevent his escape and you have dared to humiliate me by permitting him to get away the man you were guarding was to die at midnight you too will die in his place but excellency where where innocent or guilty you will die if only because I must show the bodies of more than one traitor to explain such an escape she's my orders are carried out I'll pick up the gravy let me go xse collapse may be in danger look upon you Harvick Liberty more than my life is in danger in here when you're after sir at Samoan you have to go into sewers to find them hot Sea Hunt gonna come on the bus to the store the least the palace keep a close watch we may have it for this is indeed a happy day for us it's difficult for me to speak because I never expected to see you again and I shouldn't have but for Monty crystal who the living proof that if justice is crushed in one land men will spring to its defense in every land for the spirit of justice creates a common brotherhood tonight you have dealt Greco down and a great blow not because you rescued a prisoner named von newhoff but because you set free a man who was a threat to his ambition but it's no victory Gretel Lenin has not defeated so easily he's lost one prisoner but he holds another far more important zona of Lichtenberg until she is free we have done nothing but it will take an army to free her yes I know it will our one hope is still the French Luna Pony oh is my friend I leave tonight for Paris we'll see that you get safety out of the city we came out of water here yo catacombs here are footprints these are this door break it down torch whoever he is this torch is dangerous he has a sense of humor drops near your own Manor good afternoon you surprised me you're quite agile for a thing poverty wasn't the bank loop lined up here I just couldn't resist the balcony a beautiful girl and the impulse I won't autumn air can make a business of freeing caged birds so many people will appear to be free are really prisoners you appear to be quite free oh but I'm not I've been a prisoner from the moment I found her in your wrecked carriage you're a prisoner too it's such a pity you have to be a Grand Duchess and there are so many roads to be traveled mountains to be crossed happiness laughter all the things you could have if you weren't a Grand Duchess who would give them to me I would and I could too if you were really sort of happened up a girl on her way to Paris love could come riding up to her carriage but it's almost impossible for love to pass the centuries of the doors of a palace man I'd welcome wouldn't find it impossible to pass the centuries no would it be necessary for him to enter the palace I'd go out to meet the man like the torch what a Rufina masquerader her ruffian on a masquerader who's unselfish enough to risk his life fathers such a man would dare take love in his hands be its must oh you don't think I have daddy that I could be master daring and sport perhaps master of money I was speaking of love that's to remind you I'm not gonna Saturday Oh your royal highness good afternoon must be a magician how did he get one to hop out of the palace dungeon the soldiers are looking for more the city well then something isn't it must be a nasty thought this this torch fellow I gotta lay my hands on him well why don't you just reach out and grab him how you could you know no I don't envy you too many problems always worried about bond you ha Louie Napoleon and now this torch who seems to me to be just like some character out of a comic opera oh my dear Cristo at this moment your comic opera characters a greater Menace than the French I appreciate how really dangerous he is I've used the same weapons he's using against me why this torch is more useful to fajn newhoff than a whole army corps overnight he could become a hero a popular leader whom the people would follow blind their mystery excitement daring those are the things that the people admire really oh well then you have to catch the fellow you've made this torch sound very formidable formidable well he's too clear to be run down by a squad of pigheaded soldiers but I have my own weapons this torch has friends fellow conspirators any one of whom would sell his soul for 25 thousand kronor now a little closer please thank you splendid our double little ward and furthermore I'm willing to wait to you that the fellows nothing but I'll but a silly crackpot huh with no more brains than I have to French ambassador for Newhouse certainly hasn't been letting any grass grow under his feet I've been expecting him let him in please excuse me I find affairs of state simply horrid even more repugnant than nothing banking it's excellency the mockito shall tall good afternoon erection 72 damn I can carry out the instructions of my government standing General Lenin I'm instructed to inform you that my government recognizes Baron von Newhall as the legal representative of the govern of Lichtenberg oh really either your surrender Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess zona into the custody of the French government or she will be liberated by force My dear ambassador I'm not as naive as that to you for new half may still be the head of the legal government of Lichtenberg but I have her Royal Highness who is the government itself in position as nine points of the law very well I will report your answer to my government and may I ask your excellency a question yes what would be the attitude of your government if her Royal Highness announced her marriage with one general nanan impossible after all if she thought that there was any danger to have people of a Russian invasion she would do almost anything to save them from such a fate a Russian invasion surely your excellency realizes that Russia is just as interested as France in using Lichtenberg as a buffer against Bismarck I can understand the readiness of your government to support for new heart against me but is it as eager to support him against me and Russia good afternoon your excellency Suda soda the French ambassador just left in Garko is furious that's because a baron van u-haul I knew something like that would happen as soon as he escaped on that killed if we could only do something to help to help them run you off and your people you must escape away has been planned be at the parson gay peasant dress at 10:00 tonight and crust the torch maybe it's a trap of forgery notice I know it is come in you wish to see me isn't it natural for a man to wish to see the woman who fills his thoughts you'll excuse me you may be without an apology My dear countess your royal highness I've never seen you so beautiful you look almost happy my opportunities for happiness have been rather limited general Lana I didn't expect another visit from you did you think me the kind of man was easily discouraged discouragement only makes me fight harder - the kind of man you are take into consideration my feelings so now believe me I design your happiness about anything else in the world so you prove it by keeping me a prisoner away from my friends my people your kind of man general Lana wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice even the woman he loved to his ambitions would it be such a great sacrifice to share your throne your life with a man who loves you could you marry a woman who despises you if she knew how much I loved her she wouldn't despise me my destiny has led me to this palace and to you I've already told you general Lenin I wouldn't marry you under any consideration my object in coming here was to ask you to change that decision that has the sound of a threat but if I don't at the moment your Royal Highness it is only a suggestion of what that I should be most unhappy to adopt another method of obtaining your consent I have no wish to press you look closely I shall return tomorrow at this hour for your answer and in the meantime I hope that it will add to your happiness to know this will be the longest night of my life Mathilde Mathilde what what did he want marriage only this time it was a demand till what'll I do out of you yes yes but how will need help start that's it start we can trust him you're right get him get him started I know how greatly bound Vanya have trusted you yes sons he never doubted your loyalty oh no Highness I want you to help me you must help me anything honey I'm trusting you with the whole of licking Torche somehow you must get a peasant costume for countess von braun to myself i know what a risk you take but I promise you the reward will also be great will you do this for me yes highness Greg go then hurry I flatter myself I've been of some small service to your excellency you've done well start I've also flatter myself I am fitted for much larger opportunities the men's advancement rests upon his ability exactly I'm about to prove my ability by accomplishing something even your excellency has found impossible the capture of the talk what do you mean you know who he is no but I know where he'll be at 10 o'clock tonight well come on out of it did I mention excellency that I'm an ambitious man I'm not sure your excellency would agree that a man who makes possible the tortures capture has demonstrated his right to larger opportunities to say nothing of the financial reward you're right stud what do you want I feel I could serve your excellency to better advantage as shall we say chief of the secret police I've underestimated you start I admire a man who knows what he wants and how to get it I think the man that runs down the torch should be chief of the secret police thank you for now the torch has a rendezvous with her Royal Highness at 10:00 tonight he has planned her escape if you set a trap at the postern gate near the servants quarters you catch not only the torch but her Royal Highness how do you know your excellency forgets I also have a royal highnesses complete confidence if I can be of any further covering range for the palace grounds of troops and keep them concealed until the torch walks into the trap yes excellency I never realized how clever that really was but this is only your signature over it right an order of the death of one Conrad stud but I thought if he will betray her Royal Highness he will also do plenty but do not carry out the order until after we've caught the torch everything's arranged our highness is a peasant car waiting outside the game and we are back here rolling this or I'll be glad to give it to it stay out Senora this is Mike but the way you handle your sold you must be a gentleman my father was the best husband in France that was the best swordsman in France I'll be back my Cristo I could put you to torture be her and now he's not wait start yes your royal highness stop gentlemen and after Royal Highness to her apartment and keep it under constant guard he's not to go anywhere or see anyone without my permission if you please you good evening your excellency grieving are you badly hurt no it's just a scratch I was worried about you so I followed you here he came in without knocking yes I'm a spy now I understand well what do you want stir you know it's very difficult for a man who's always wanted everything to suddenly discover he can have everything you ever wanted just what do you consider your life would for instance it's worth 25,000 croninger : in dead or alive it's a miserly offer don't you think I'm worth much more to myself it is strange how one sense of values changes before I discovered you were the torch I thought 25,000 cronin was a fortune i realize you could toss that amount to a beggar and i do not have to beg got a very clever man start would you work would you might tell me how you found out about this I've always enjoyed the complete confidence of a Royal Highness oh I see and of course you betrayed her to general Lannon suppose we say I took advantage of my opportunities oh I'm a trifle nervous yes I can understand I also take advantage of my opportunities I just can't believe it Monte Cristo the torch and I thought he nothing but a young idiot was more money the brains I called him Western that and all the time his life is in danger oh my child what must he think of me he must think the world of them but my god what is it sarong starts body was found there before the torch last night the thirty silver crowns in his hands and this tied around his neck torching but at least we saved the trouble of getting rid of the ambitious mr. stud do mine oh thank you remarkable fellow this torch not only a grim sense of humor but the very devil in his sword blade Mario general Armand I came to Lichtenberg as a banker not to attend a perpetual mask ball this torture bills will upset my entire social season I wish you'd catch the fella so I can get back to Paris after all he is your affair we'll catch him and soon will we catch him on Achmed as little now oh I thought he was such a problem yes he was a problem but in a few moments from new hot France and the torch will have lost their ability to interfere in my affairs Russian ambassador excellency oh sure Prince pop appearances were not disturbed your excellency My dear Paul I've been expecting you the gada Montecristo prince power how do you do so you're the young man with all the male not all I wanted Montecristo here so that he could witness the signature of our historic agreement not only has a great interest in Lichtenberg affairs 25 million francs worth to be exact oh I think it covers the points of our agreement your excellency yes yes all ready for signature My dear Paul thank you this agreement pledges Russia to put me on the throne of Lichtenberg and to keep me there by force if necessary now you can understand why the future activities of the torture reduced to mere mock heroics King gecko the first it's incredible really I'll feel better when this agreement is deposited in the embassy state this is more than an agreement it is practically an announcement of my betrothal to Zona of Lichtenberg you make a charming couple thank you your excellency why do you doubt and now if you will excuse me my dear Christo I have a very important appointment at this hour I trust you will not have to return to Paris before my wedding oh yes your wedding I wouldn't miss it for the world general Lanham is still outside he's been waiting 10 minutes have you forgotten my dear he's he'll freeze answer I'll go you know why I'm here my answer is the same what you ask is impossible I think I told you that I would regret having to adopt another method of gaining your consent the Russian ambassador has the duplicate in his position many of the trade the people of Lichtenberg turn the country into a Russian province well even you can't do that I dream that one day I would be king and that you would sit by my side you forget so not that I'm a man who dares to carry out his dreams the people knew you'd sign such an agreement they'd storm the palace and drag you through the streets power of diplomacy lies in the fact that that people never discover the truth until it is too late I know how deeply you love your people how concerned you must be for their welfare Dona Madame me share my star we can rise to any Heights with it and endow children with its greatness you're right about the concern I have for my people you've made it impossible for me to save but I was born there Queen I must remain their queen you mean you will I cannot abandon my country when it needs whatever protection I can give me there's nothing left for me to do but marry you're a bold robber my friend taco speak I'm not interested in your purse pins pavlof I pursuing a hobby the MAS can cloak their rather dangerous hobby I should say I'm collecting the autographs of certain people like yourself in general Lantern should we say do you think I can't a pen and paper in our pockets I'm the only guest I want on the document you carry so close to your heart you're relying for this how did you find out you told me yourself when you were fighting for me the past in-game Wow of course I use the same trick against gurkel I used a pitch I should have known from the sis I didn't want you to know Edmund I remember all those dreadful things I said to you at the same time you were risking everything for me but even when I said them I hated myself for can you ever forgive me I remember one thing you said but a man like the torch wouldn't have to pass the sentries of the gates of the palace you go out and meet him that's still true it's always from that very first day of pitch then why did you Roger couldn't see me again because not even the torch can help me now I couldn't bear to look at you again after you knew I must marry general LAN but you don't have to marry him that's what I came here to tell you I've seen that's why I must marry no you saw Gurkhas copy this one I stole from Pavlov tomorrow the world will know the Gurkhas a traitor it won't let you sacrifice yourself to such a man I'm worn out climbing in and out of windows and up and down chimneys it'll be such a relief to go through an ordinary door again it would have been much simple if you had been zona fastened off a young girl on her way to Paris Edmond you remember on the balcony I I slapped you you know we're not entirely safe yet I must get back to my room before gogo misses me haps I shouldn't have come here at all but I had to let you know you I will new general Ellen my government will demand satisfaction for the manhandling tub its ambassador any flower agreement is made public prematurity I will denounce it as he for safety of that document means more to me than it does to you Pavlov in the hands of my enemies to destroy me torch man's a genius wherever he strikes always in a vital spot we've been fooled sir man we've been looking for this torch in the wrong place he's right here in this palace and I can prove it to you by simple reasoning four men in the whole world knew of the existence of our agreement now three of them are here in this room the other Montecristo third guilted fool know that very clever young man in whose interest is this torch been working so now therefore Sona must know who he is in a nursery would have been arrested unless suspicion you can't arrest a man as powerful as Monte Cristo on suspicion devise proof I think I know I can get it would you gentlemen be interested in joining me in a psychological experiment present my compliments to her Royal Highness and ask her to be kind enough to come down here for a moment ask her Royal Highness to come here I think she'd be glad to come if you mentioned that it concerns the torch no heinous I don't understand why you asked me to come here I wanted to prepare your Royal Highness for a shock I know how great your interest must be in a man who has risked his life in your service my service a short time ago Prince Bob laughs was roped of his copy of our agreement by the torch but not without a struggle during which the torch lost the one clue which makes his capture inevitable my men are closing in on him at this moment why do you tell me this to soften your natural grief that the news of his capture and sentence his activities forced me to make an example of him you will hang there is nothing else I can do is that all you wanted to tell me general Lenin my guess since when is the hanging of one man been of such great concern in Russia we are more forceful she's not interested to the torch your experiment was not very successful you must be patient by the Apollo this is only the beginning of my experiment you come on solo Edmund you must get away quickly general Adams men are on their way to arrest you how did you find out in the struggle with Pavlov you left a clue but it was no struggle with path oh thank you well then why did let him tell me he's using me to crack you you'll follow me huh please go on there's still time you'll be too late by morning the agreement he made with pass-off will be in the hands of the people you'd be glad to save himself but he doesn't eat until morning to destroy you please go for my sake all right I'm going but I'll be back he told you arrest the Count of Monte Cristo he didn't same thing about the torch in the past the Kalevala crystals protected the torch now it's the tortoise now to protect Monte Cristo it honor your head beans on a fattened up Edmund I'm afraid I fear we may never see each other again please just for one instant let me bees on a fandom guard every exit arrest the Count of Monte Cristo on site on the pathway but gonna mana crystal unsafe regards everywhere are you going to escape through the fireplace he off a loser built this palace used our imaginations love me more than anything see me after I get back I've made arrangements for you to stay will you please put down that sword I regret that a cell will not be as comfortable as your present quarters but it is only a temporary arrangement I'm sorry to disappoint you arrest this man seems I'm forced to accept your kind hospitality after all I'll trouble you for the agreement that you stole from Prince Pablo because of your great interest in this document I want you to see it returned to its rightful owner as I mentioned once before I'll feel much easier when this is in the embassy safe at times blind loyalty is dangerous your friend lieutenant Dona for instance tried to warn you that we were coming for you it's the first time i permitted my feelings to come before my duty but i couldn't see them take you he'll keep you company where you're going take them away fallen I understand now how my father must have felt 20 years in a Cell I read me dead and cooped up in a place like this don't worry you'll get your wish the girl Anne is very accommodating the tour Chiang here you are your excellency a billy do for you shall I wait for an answer it's an invitation to the wedding if you stand on your tiptoes you might be able to see the palace from the scaffold I wonder why I never thought Garko vana had a sense of humor it's beautiful just as you're the most beautiful bride that licked and I will never see until don't please I'm sorry it was no fool there must be some way how can I walk to an altar the same moment he's walking to the scaffold perhaps if I beg general Lannon he might save him at the last minute big you can't do that I can do anything for him just as he was willing to do anything for me how does a patient for our - do excellence it to make an appearance with time in time so no lovely but don't you know that it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her bridal gown before they meet at the altar that is it would be bad luck if I believed in luck they're waiting for us general Lenin I know you're a man without mercy but I must ask you from this at this moment you realized all your dreams your star is shining in the high heavens you had what you want yes I have everything I want I had something for you your wedding present and to hope that it'll make you happy you have the power to give me something that will make me very happy the life of Montecristo his liberty please send him back to France he can't hurt you now but he can hurt me not as the torch but as a man who has held you in his arms and kissed you if he would alive I would remember that every time I looked at you here we go good people of Lichtenberg Her Royal Highness and I thank you for this demonstration of the old loyalty affection and happiness at our marriage Her Royal Highness finds it difficult to speak to you because of the depth of her emotion but I'm sure that she will join me in saying that this is the happiest day of her life this is the happiest day of my life that'll take care of you I guess they're ready would have been worth coming to Lichtenberg just to know you if for no other reason I'm glad I'm gonna be with you who goes there that's very business and Brickman Cana to me you bring your keys back there you lookin dude we just stand by to see you die it's all plans you're going back to France no you're wrong if you get me out of here I'm going to a wedding that's about to take place Edmonds let one of them alone we're grateful for your life you've done all that any man can do from now on the fight is ours not while there's a copy of that Russian agreement if Pavlov say it's too late for that now the moment Kurkova rizona he becomes Co ruler of Lichtenberg with the powers of a king even if we had the evidence there's no time to use it and the palace is surrounded by troops wait a minute I think we could use it without fighting the troops a good surprise is deadlier than an army huh can you make a hundred copies like this quickly yes how quickly two hours maybe one or two long half an hour I'll try good start now opens his legs of course it is we're all madmen that's why we have the strength of a hound dog Murray man well outrage in outrage I am the Secretary to His Highness Prince Pavel the ambassador of this imperial majesty just when I were looking for open that safe I refused open it very well but I warn you only under protest you'll write your produce after we leave max the whole country will thank you for letting us ruin you start like this if those wedding bells make gurko king of Lichtenberg nobody start will be worth much hi Christo's that's nice you look marvelous Sam where's Hans he's not here what no how so easy for you I did it but the press will never be the same I knew you'd do it pass these out now listen everyone remember to look and act as though you really had been invited beyond your dignity as befits the occasion once you're inside the palace mingle with the guests but take our positions where you can watch every door and every window and every soldier in the ballroom then wait for me we might get into the palace the hell the Baron you and daughter get in your marked men they'll shoot you on sight I know we have to get to the guards outside the palace what the three of you but all agreed to but he must be stopped don't we yeah well let's stop it but this is I'm extremely sorry my dear bottom I don't wish to offend the Count von brows key the my instructions are to admit no one without an invitation in that case we shall both me oh but my dear baron you would invite it you must take I'm sorry the invitations int'l I've ordered my carriage to return at 11:00 you think the ceremony will be over by then oh yes I'm sure thank you sir invitations gentlemen I think it'll work has to work our oil highness Sona Grand Duchess of Lichtenberg has now Sona a good and unconstrained will and a firm intention to take unto their self to husband this man gurko from taoist here before thee i have your thou has not promised thyself to any other man i have not promised myself your eminence we let that torch get away and this fifty thousand proved on his head never mind his head but your neck the gallows we built for him grew coal use for us and free help me hook yourself on on the way to the palace I still beat I'm the servant of God gorko is grown on to the handmaiden of God zona your Cristo isn't hyun-ah minister Lichtenberg without otoki handmaiden of gods owner is crowned on to the servant of god Gor call signal or no signal I'm not gonna see my Queen Mary that quite you fool your own everything Monte Cristo the torches escaped and there's 50,000 Conan on his head why tell me won't be my luck to catch him he'll never come here why not I haven't even tasted the wedding from general landed himself haven't i Jayla very is it hard chemita yelling so their horse no one will hear them from in there googling the old way through the fireplace I meet crystal on the dock if there be any among you who know why these two servants of God should not be Wed let him speak now or forever after hold he speak I suggest the general rattle is best fitted to answer that question the talk yes the torch not a manner mask and a cloak but the symbol of our Liberty the Sullivan man who devoted his life to the defeat of persecution and injustice The Count of Monte Cristo there's no need to present me to general Lannon we're old friends arrest those men everyone it's my extreme pleasure to inform you that your guards of prisoners and you're taking orders from me and the palace is completely surrounded guru Lenin I arrest you in the name of the people of Lichtenberg for the crime of high treason against the state the penalty for which is death there'll be no survivor to the throne of Lichtenberg proceed with the ceremony in another moment panel for new hoof you can present your charges to your king well go on surely you haven't forgotten the words repeat after me i gorko i gurkel pledge my life and my love to Zona it's my life and my love to Zona - hold him - garish her until death at you part - hold em - cherish her until death us do part - repeat after me eyes owner Iser pledge my life and my love - gorko pledge my life and my love to go to hold and to cherish him until death us do part to hold and to cherish him until death us do part your right hand your right hand Zona with ice ring I do thee Wed with this ring I do thee Wed don't shoot this is my privilege what running from the throne general I feel your phone will be as spectacular as your riot remember I said I'll be back long live Sona Lichtenberg this is really the happiest day of my long live the Count of Monte Cristo
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 280,348
Rating: 4.7171717 out of 5
Keywords: FILM, classic movies, MOVIES, PUBLIC DOMAIN, The Son Of Monte Cristo (Film), FREE, #classicmovies, Clayton Moore, George Sanders, Joan Bennett, Rowland V. Lee, filmstruck, Action Film (TV Genre), Movie, CLASSIC, Alexandre Dumas, SWASHBUCKLER, classic movie, Louis Hayward
Id: FEhiqsjvQZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 28sec (6088 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2012
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