The Solo That Broke The Internet

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three years ago I was at the N show back in 2020 and there's one memory I have distinctly from it and it happens to do with a guitarist that was not on the Rolling Stone top 250 guitar players of all time it's pretty hilarious when you watch this video that he's not on it since he's one of the greatest ever I had interviewed Frank ambali a year before in 2019 uh out in LA and I heard that Frank was playing at the Kel Booth cuz he's a Kel endorser so I thought okay we're going to make my way over to it was me and I think Dave anado and Rhett sha and pretty much every guitar player I know that was at n anyone of note headed over to this thing to watch Frank play now let me just set the scene so Frank is playing to a backing track through some hou and ker amp not his rig he's playing his guitar and everything but he's got all these guitar players around here this camera shot was filmed from right next to where I'm standing so I'm standing literally right next to Frank near the end of his head stock of his guitar I happen to be way up in front so he's playing with a backing track and you'll notice as this starts to play he turns to the one of the guys that works at Kel and he's I don't know if he says turn it down or turn it up like his guitar and it doesn't really matter that Frank's not playing through his rig or anything he just he's playing through whatever they set him up with without any preparation with every guitar player that's at n their watching of course Frank doesn't feel any pressure because he basically just goes ahead and just kind of be arries everybody over the course of about four songs or so this is the the first one that he played and we were just laughing because he's you know talking to the guy uh turn the turn the sound down and everything and he's playing along with this track it's called 68 Shaker is the name of the song it's off a record that came out in 1994 let me play you the beginning of this okay so it starts out with this kind of f dominant Vamp let's check it [Music] out he's like too [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] loud love it everybody's got their phones out [Music] great [Music] deal effortless oh love this triplet [Music] licks I love the guy right there like turn it down a little [Music] bit maybe give me more gain he like yeah that's [Music] good love these changes this is beautiful right [Music] here [Music] then [Music] oh Frank never misses his right hand is so [Music] [Applause] smooth oh now it's like okay I got this we were all just smiling cuz it was so [Music] [Music] [Applause] good [Music] then oh woo goes a c love [Music] it oh [Applause] wow [Music] oh [Music] so Frank is laying waste to all these guitar players here cuz it's improvising that's the thing is that this is so off the cff obviously right he he knows everybody's there with the cameras he doesn't care he's got his tuner there is like bag TR oh it's too loud here oh give me a little bit more gain here he played three or four tracks or so and the amazing thing was to watch people walk away from it it was both inspiring and depressing I would say I'm I'm talking like the best guitar players on Instagram Pro players a lot of my favorite players they were just oh my God cuz the other songs were the same thing you can find them on YouTube there's a couple of them but the fact that I was standing right there it reminds me of going to shows in the 70s I don't know why for a moment that sense of wonder that I had before I knew anything about playing and I would hear stuff and I'd be like wow that was amazing like going to see Aerosmith Toys in the Attic or going to see weather report play or going to see alen holsworth play on the IOU tour and being right up next to the stage you know and you're know you're seeing something unbelievable or Pat meeni in 1983 playing or Larry Carlton playing 40 years ago these you know you knew you were that it was something special but this is a feeling that I never get anymore and I had it there back in 2020 and I was right next to Frank there playing and like I said I spent a couple hours interviewing him the interviews on my channel I think it was from 2019 maybe it was 2018 was a long time ago it's one of my first interviews and Frank is a lovely guy along with being one of the greatest guitar players of all time who of course was not on Rolling Stones top 250 guitar players you know we've got some indie rock Rhythm strummers on there but no Frank who can rip your head off with feel with phrasing with chops it reminds me of the thing that he said my favorite quote of Frank I can play as fast as I [Music] want you know people say I should Grimace more at least make it look love to know your thoughts we got Nam coming up again I don't know if Frank is going to be at n this time I hope he is because if Frank is going I wasn't going to go to n but I might go if Frank is going to go there and play I don't know if Kel's going to have a booth or not but it is something to see I love frank he's an incredibly great guy in addition to being one of the greatest guitar players to ever play the guitar thanks so much for watching hit subscribe
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 840,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, Frank Gambale, Guitar Solo, How to play guitar, NAMM, best guitar songs, Guitar Theory, Guitar Lesson, Guitar Riff, Fusion GUitar riff, Rock Guitar, what makes this song great
Id: B3D0Dtk8c4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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