Нюхач. Сезон 1. Серия 2. Детектив. The Sniffer. Season 1. Episode 2.

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No. I am not giving up the case. Over twenty million stolen! This case is under my supervision. Weíll see. When did those sons of bitches have the time? If we donít find our ìmailmanî before nine, the Chief will find out. And you know what that will mean... Are the photoís real? Very... Find anything yet? Itís clean. Not a single print. Crap! So are we giving up the case then? The case... If only it were just the case... Best outcome- theyíll send me to some county office, worst- fire me. And then thereís the wife. I know a guy. His methods are... unorthodox, but effective. And itís going to cost you. Even more than you think. Call him. Idea by Artem Litvinenko Kirill Kjaro Ivan Oganesian Maria Anikanova Nina Gogaeva Make-up by Ludmilla Semashko Vitaly Skopeledis Wardrobe by Elena Rukavishnikova Sound by Sergei Stepanski Music by Nikita Moiseev Casting by Elena Prilipko Artwork by Evgeniya Lisetskaya Cinematography by Vladimir Zapriagalov Executive Producer Andrei Rizvanyuk Producer Viktor Mirski Screenplay by Artem Litvinenko Andrey Babik Directed by Artem Litvinenko Sniffer Hello. ...Do you know what time it is? What time? You must have lost your mind! Waking me up in the middle of the night with offers of small change for my work? Double it and Iím on my way. 50 percent in advance no matter the result. I will need everyone that touched anything. Send me the address. Hello. Hello. Are you the client? I am. My advance, please. I will have to settle the entire account when itís done. I donít have that kind of money just sitting around. My advance is in the left pocket of your jacket. And thank you for having it in large bills. Come on already. Shall we get down to business? ìTopazî ìTopazî powder. Used for gathering fingerprint samples. Made in 89. Not stored in accordance with procedure. Relax. Is he alright in the head? Pavel Ivanych, have patience. Who sleeps here... Apart from you? My wife. Whatí s going... No one else? No. Is that her closet? What the hell is your problem? What are you trying to pull here? Woman of 35, a dyed blond who smokes apple flavored cigarettes, wears this bra, sleeps in this bed and also happens to be your wife, put the envelope with those photographs on your table last night. Ira? It canít be... Why would she? That I cannot tell you. Spousal infidelities are not my specialty. At any rate I sympathize... Now, letís settle our account before you start splitting belongings... Fedya! All the documents are signed. Isnít that your department? Resolve the issue, thereís no time for graciousness. Who the hell cares? Find a way to persuade him. We start demolition next week. One down. Do you want tea? No, thank you. How is school. Okay. Okay? Okay, why? No. Nothing. I was cleaning up yesterday and I found something. Alex! Alex! Alex. Youíre not going anywhere until you pass a drug test. You are out of your mind. Whereís the bag? Alex, you are going through withdrawal! You need help. You canít handle this on your own. Iíve found a very good clinic for you... Where is the bag? I flushed that poison down the toilet. What have you done? It wasnít mine. Not yours? I want that test, now! You are the one that needs help. Alex! Alex! I am listening, comrade General. But Comrade General Iím on... Understood. Iíll be there. Hi Dad! Hi. Iím, like, sorry and everything. Howís school? Fine Want to bowl? No. I have a problem. What kind of problem? I smashed my laptop. If mom finds out - well you know. I need six hundred clams. Six hundred what? Dollars. Iíll buy you a laptop. But I need to speak to your mother first. Whatís mom got to do with it?! Iíll just get the exact same laptop! Switch them and that it! No, Alex. Iím not giving you the money. Iíll buy you a laptop but only after speaking to your mother. Mom this, mom that! Canít you do something yourself? Itís not even money to you! I mean, you rent the entire alley to roll a couple of balls. Itís not about the money. Thank you daddy! I always knew I could count on you. Enjoy! Alex! Alex! What have we got? Boring stuff. Another murder. Nothing compared to the Prosecutor cheating on his wife. Yeah, I was working all night while others... Quiet! One - one! Shall we get down to business? The deceased - a Butnik Boris Eduardovich, born in 65, Chairman of RUSUKRBANK. Time of death: 10.09 Have you determined where the shots came from? The killer is a forty year old male. Doesnít smoke though he works at a tobacco factory that manufactures cheap cigarettes. Cheap? Yes. Uzbek tobacco acidized with glycerin. Imported tobacco is used on the more expensive brands. That one is acidized with the so-called sauces-aromatized spirit solution. Disgusting stuff, by the way. Anything else? There is the distinct smell of paraffin. Itís weird. I donít understand where itís coming from. Paraffin? Yes. Is that everything? Yes. I have to go now. By the way, your new friend was ovulating yesterday so you might just become a father. Two-one. Hey, snitch! What are you deaf or something? Piss off. Hello. I wonder - do you show up late to your investigations as well? Is this what you called me for? Not itís not. Our son is a junkie. He needs to help. You are blowing things out of proportion, as usual. I saw him today - heís no junkie. Oh yeah? Well I found a bag full of drugs. You are underestimating the situation, as usual. What bag? Like this! He needs to rehab. I will speak to him first. We need to understand... What is there to understand? What more do you want? I found a clinic - all you have to do is front the bill. Iím going to speak to Alex first. Something isnít right here. Your whole life isnít right. Tell me - why is it that every time I ask you for something I end up regretting it? There is one thing that I donít regret though. That fifteen years ago I made the right choice. And now Iím also going to take care of it myself. Youíre such a... M-14. Now itís clear why there were signs of paraffin. Excuse me, what? We managed to identify the bullet taken out of Gutniks body. Astounding. Itís from the M14, an American Rifle. It has been pulled from active military use back in 64í. The remaining ones were sent to third world countries. As Humanitarian Aid. So what? The rifle is very old. Now we know where the smell of paraffin came from. How so? The magazines in these rifles must be bloated by now, that why one uses paraffin to grease the bullets as to avoid it from jamming. Now about this factory- Uzbek tobacco is used in two factories- Ulyanovskaya and in Bobrino. Could the killer have come from afar? Negative, the tobacco smelled fresh. That leaves Bobrino. But that still doesnít give us a whole lot. There are almost three thousand people working there. Is there anything else? Iím in a bit of a hurry. Say ìhiî to Tatiana Aleksandrovna for me. I knew it. Come in! Hello. Your favorite. Thank you very much. Too bad Iím on a diet since yesterday. You had coffee with these exact same chocolates thirty minutes ago. Thank you. Letís start the treatment. Take a seat. Letís have a look. Better. Much better actually. You are making a speedy recovery. Of course. Indian shionaki inhalations. Iíve figured out your secret. Did you lose something? Yes. But I clearly remember putting them in the cabinet. What are ìtheyî? Packets with the alprostradin. And you use these expensive drugs to treat nose infections? No, they are for my father. He has surgery right now and he really needs it. When do you remember placing the packets here? This morning. A woman of about forty- forty five, non-smoker, works with medicine. One of yours. Who are you? This woman came into your office about an hour ago and stole two packs of the drug. And not just them. Apparently this isnít the first time you do something like this. I would have never though Natalia Andreevna is capable of something like that. You are too trusting. And people take advantage of it. I canít blame them. What? Ugh. Nothing. Itís time for my inhalations. But how can this be, Fyodor Stepanovich? Iíve already transported all the equipment, prepared the building to be torn down. We are calling everything off. Get rid of the documents. You have two days to return the money. Fyodor Stapanovich! Thatís the limit - two days. Fyodor Stapanovich! The number you have dialed is unavailable. Yes? Meluzov, Fyodor Stepanovich Born in 1965. Deputy to the Prefect of the Southern District. Who found the body? The Factory Director. Has he been questioned? We didnít have enough time. An ambulance took him to ER. I wonder what the deputy prefect was doing here? Diascia. What? There are two new smells. Of what? Wax and Diasciaís. Diasciaís? What are those? A bush that is in bloom throughout the entire year. Tiny little flowers. Anything else? No, thatís it. Small flowers... Who would he get them for? Could he be married? He is not. No girlfriend either by the way. You see how aggressive a man gets when he isnít leading a healthy sexual life? Two-Two. Alright, sonny. This is the deal. You have been asked to hold on to some product. Where is the product? The bones responsible are yours. Now listen very carefully. You have two days to bring me four thousand. And Iím not interested in any more fairy tales about your mother. If you donít bring it - youíll owe us a vig. Clear? Clear. Good. Hello. Hello. I have something important for you. What is it? I wanted to offer you to start your day with a hot cup of rich Italian coffee. I donít drink coffee from dispensers, so sorry but no. I have work to get to. I presume you do too. Colenel, sir. I have information concerning Merluzov. Fantastic. What? Itís fantastic that you have information on Merluzov. Want some coffee? Itís good Italian coffee. Take it. Thank you. Letís go. Weíve studied the documents taken from his office. Merluzov was overseeing the distribution of property and land. He also dealt with construction. Yes, there is such a profession - creating land. The factory where Merluzov was murdered had been pushed to bankruptcy and was going to be demolished. Who was going to get the land from the factory? A certain company called ìSophoclesî. And it is overseen by RUSUKRBANK... Yes. Specifically by Gutnik - the man murdered yesterday. The plot thickens. Has Merluzovís daughter been called in? Sheís already here. Who could have wanted your father dead? I cant even imagine. Daddy was always... Did he have enemies? I donít know. Dad was such a kind man... empathetic. Tell me, what was the relationship between your father and Eduard Borisovich Gutnik? They were... childhood friends. They spent all the holidays, went fishing, saunaís, hunting. Always the three of them. Three? You boys celebrating something today? No. Itís always like this. Nice house. Is the Defense Ministry building it? I donít know. Almost on the premises of the base. Whoever could have permitted this? I donít know. You have a birdís eye view of the entire base. Is that HQ? I donít know. What do you mean? I mean yes. HQ... Here, please. Cognac? Thank you, but Iím not on the job. Well, we are in service, so itís fine. For the guardians of our Motherland! Iíll admit - your call caught me off guard. To what do I owe the pleasure? A Mr. Gutnik, Boris Eduardovich, born in 1965, was shot to death with a sniper rifle yesterday morning. That very same night a Meluzov, Fyodor Stepanovich, also born in 65í, was killed under similar circumstances. Do you know the men in question? Fedya too? Do you know these men? May he rest in peace. So you know them? Of course I do. We went to school together. We met up from time to time. Time to time? What about saunaís on Saturdays? And hunting? You arenít suspecting me are you? Iím at the base all day. I have an alibi, witnesses. I donít think you are the killer. I do, however, think you are a potential victim. I also think that you know something. You are wasting your time. I know nothing about any of that. I ask you to excuse me now. I need to get to the ministry. The sentry will lead you off the premises. Call me when you are being murdered. I will, Viktor Alekseevich, definitely do that. I want that snoop out of here in five minutes. Affirmative, comrade commander! Anyone asks - Iím not at the base! Understood, comrade General. Damn it. Hurry! Faster! Where is it coming from? Damn it. Heís in that building. Hereís the list, colonel. Thank you. So? Itís the same killer but there are no scents. Now thatís how you really earn expensive cars. The killer threw away the napkin. Lots of scents. I need to get to the lab. There might be casings in one of the bags. Any news? Some. The scents of the napkin include unsaturated polyester with an ortho phthalic acid styrene foundation. Do you know what that is? Of course, I know. What is it? Polyester tar mixed with powder, any powder like granite or, say, marble. Thatís how you get artificial stone. Great. So what..? Nothing really. If that was the only scent. You are cultivating my inferiority complex. On the napkin discarded by the killer, apart from the polyester tar, I found two soils. Soddy-podzol and clay loam. And? Soddy-podzol is surface soil. But clay loam soil is deeper underground. When do you think soils mesh? When youíre digging a hole? A hole about two meters deep - the clay loam had traces of fertilizer. Add the artificial granite. A fresh grave? Thatís my conclusion. Then I guess we hit the Bobrino cemetery. What do you have? We havenít found the casings, by the way. Oh, yeah? Guess it was my mistake, then. Alex? Did you call me? I did. Come on in. I was only supposed to pass them on but she just threw them away. Perhaps. I donít know what to do. Promise me that you will never again smoke, try take, carry, or even touch drugs. I promise. Now what? Iím calling Viktor. Dad, you donít know these people. Donít get anyone else involved. We need to just give them the money. And forget about it. You are scared right now. Please believe me. Fine. Tomorrow evening we will go and pay your debt. Maybe I should go on my own? No, Alex. We are going together. Fine - if thatís how it has to be. You want more tea? No, thank you. Then get dressed, Iíll take you home. Howís mom? Okay... Crazy. Alex... Oh come on, like you care. Get in the car, I need to wake up early tomorrow. Here are the latest burials. Not a single marble statue. No one places statues on fresh graves. It takes some time while they order and manufacture it... then you still need to install a fence. Are there fresh graves in any other parts of the cemetery? We only have one cemetery. Apart from recent burials next to loved ones - none. Have there been any such burials in the past... Week. Over the past week? There were. Do you want me to show you? There is a factory close by here... Pollution. The air is so polluted that people just keel over. Here it is. Last week the mother was buried next to the daughter. May she rest in peace. Diascias. No, it was a stroke. She became paralyzed after the death of her daughter. There was nothing the husband could do, no matter how he tried. Sinitsina Olga. Sinitsina Taisia. And hereís our wax. Whoa... So whatís the story here again? The daughter was killed two years ago in a hunting accident. The mother had a stroke the next day. Who killed the daughter? Who knows? Some bigwigs. " There are hunting grounds nearby; lots of those come to hunt..." Okay. Anything else? What more is there? Thatís the story. First the daughter, then the mother. Thatís all I know. Could you give us the address of this Sinitsin? Sure, why not? He lives in the dorms off the tobacco factory. Shouldnít we wait for the SWAT team? Donít fret. I am the SWAT team. Itís him. What? Freeze! Take it off safety. But I canít shoot! Goddamn it. Damn it. What is going on here? Everything is fine. Lock your door. What is it with me? Itís your turn. Iím still under the impression that I killed a man. Well, first of all, to kill you need to take your gun off safety. Secondly... Never lower your weapon. You were right about Sinitsin. He worked at the tobacco factory. He was the chief of technology development. Before that he fought in Afghanistan. As a sniper in the commando squad. Why didnít he contact the police? He did. But the whole thing was stomped out. They didnít even open a case file. After his wife dying, I guess Sinitsin went off the deep end. Starting seeking vigilante justice. That General is a real piece of crap. He is going to testify about everything. The construction job, the murder of the girl. Sinitsinís daughter. And thatís all thatís fit to print. By the way, the pregnancy test came back negative. So three-two. What is it now? What? Are you at the house? Wait for me, Iím on my way. Whatís wrong? Alex has been arrested. He is being charged with murder...
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Keywords: детектив, нюхач, смотреть нюхач, нюхач 1, нюхач 1 сезон, нюхач онлайн, нюхач смотреть онлайн, нюхач сериал, нюхач все серии, нюхач все сезоны, сериалы детективы, детективы сериалы онлайн, сериал детективы смотреть онлайн, смотреть сериал, детектив сериал сезон, сериал детективы 1 сезон, русские сериалы детективы, кино детективы, фильмы, русские фильмы, новые сериалы, детективы новинки, кино, сериалы русские, сериал выходного дня, кино выходного дня, фильм выходного дня
Id: 4CiwNo-Qlbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 08 2014
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