The Smosh Cast Breaking Character: Reunions

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that's core concept are you do you know at all how this works you've seen a cartoon of an accordion right practice before you seen a cartoon I it's been a while have you ever of ACC watch this rock star kick it oh my lover and I we went to an Italian restaurant last night and guess what we ordered lasagna oh no oh oh God oh God there any other unrequited stories here relationships I should know about Wanda you lost your you lost virginity I lost my virginity to all of you in a bus two times you went in my butt out my dick the second time in my dick out my butt maybe it is who we are maybe it is who we are what are you doing to you stop touching that stop oh appropriate that's inappropriate I feel the urge to do T custard I hold my stand SE I can't explain here ghosts that are so fued up they were up when they were alive they're more up now that they're dead and I had to kill them Janes stop talking when I'm talking he's being weird idiot ass I had a basketball injury I got hit really hard in the head with a basketball oh my god when I was uh 18 and so my memories are kind of weird I've also done a lot of steroid and other drugs and the combo has created turned me into some sort of very talented demon that doesn't remember his past oh Peach it looks like you have something to say about Daisy trouble trouble yeah Daisy's a oh my God that's so okay okay on my mother's grave I will say you got something on your face what it's my fist just kidding when was the last time you all saw each each other oh it's been a long time mate like I went away I moved to Italy and I just I just wanted some peace we are all constantly evolving we're humans not Pokémon we don't just have three times evolved we have constant ones I don't like none of that made sense sounds I really don't like you that didn't make any sense Ash did it hurt when you fell from heaven now I'm doing you know local community theater uh I play the fiddle in a Fiddler on the Roof it's Pico the fiddle the fiddle you've ever heard a Fiddler on the Roof if I was a rich girl you come on thank you so much I studied Beast law Madam I know these things you also studied women's studies yep so read my [Music] lips the man's got 12 kids I just don't want you wrapped up in that I don't want to be with you Toad you're small I got a lot of injuries because when when you have have five people playing basketball at you it's pretty tough when can can we see some of these injuries e well no you can't see what a weird question I love it we need funding we don't have the funding mate just chabon I love when he spits packs I do spit there you go Meg it's the one time he listened he botched it you absolutely botched it well I'm just you have genitals though yeah they're right here oh my God you you see this day how many ghosts Fred that's a good question a lot of ghosts i' see I'm not I'm not it's you it's fine you guys had a threesome because I've so many ghosts but you never so much ghost ballpark estimate how many ghosts have youing hundreds man hundreds hundreds of ghosts I did have a fitness boot camp called uh ass catch and boot camp sounds fun and lucrative not as good you guys gave me one class but then you guys kept like dangling on things yeah oh I love D love to dangle I love hanging on things when I you know Broke Down the Walls to her kingdom and flew in there uh she was up in her castle just like this wow so what I'm hearing what I'm hearing is that we did go inside Arnold and we went inside me too yeah arold and I have been inside of each other it's awesome we have now what what child John is a cartoonist John draws sorry [Applause] just putting it down just put it down joh sorry about that John that's enough of that sorry well actually let's put it back here anyways we started off doing shows in in in small bars yeah we used to do shows in pubs mate it was really fun I think we did one in the back of a bowling alley yeah the bowling alley you all trespassed on my property we found 20 lb of weed in there that was my fault look I I don't I don't know what you thought you were doing you thought you were doing good well you you didn't do you two do children's parties well that's a good point I love children especially Twins and I love parties it's great stop I idiot okay so what was it what was it what was it I mean I I got to say My Truth here okay all right so it wasn't killing Dar Jeter have you done better it's been about 15 years why don't you tell me oh I I tried I'm sorry you know I enjoy the public humiliation stuff this reminds me of the time I got a present in Christmas in a rack don't cut away to that we definitely are not filming cut don't cut away to that I'm an artist mate don't blow me off I don't want to get you know superficial and all I took the money man and ran man I went to Italy I'll be honest with you I don't well someone had to for your boob job yeah can we all talk about the the elephant in the room is Wanda's breasts are I tried to get you on a diet but I'm on Ain now thank you I'm a cat we need we need protein meat ckins C oh that's way better oh see I'm Losing My Edge and what were the consequences of those actions well they ripped the mask off my face really hard yeah and then sent me to prison but you love each other Gabriel why are you saying this when we clearly but you love each other it's a sibling kind of love what is going so are you guys related too I got to get my wallet out why what are you going to do with your wallet nothing I have driving glasses that's it I just want to make sure they're still there I want to make sure that if I have to go what listen I want to make sure that if I have to leave here I've got my driving glasses you have I want a treasure tracking business there a Wii U exclusive in the I think it was ported to the switch your eyebrow is weird something suffer suff it's called an eyebrow be free to there oh I just hey someone used gust hey stop saying stuff at the same time yeah it's really no execution is not legal in Rhode Island but we're trying to get a special case in Donnie why are you laughing at that sorry don't go to their level where are the other students the class was a lot more like we have we know where Carlos is M uh where's Kesha har I'm harvesting her sh I'm Harvest sharp he doesn't remember you he doesn't even remember where we went to school I I remember where we went to school don't say that where did we go to school Troy High School Musical you're so smart belly rub here belly rub a belly come here come here don't pee don't pee don't pee don't pee not here not here doing it doing it good boy that's the spot that's what he likes that's the spot we're on back go back go back little pee he get he pees when he gets excited I also read the audio book and it includes all sorts of silly sounds in it you can like what mate you can hear my ball bouncing in the background sometimes uh someone who works for the government I can't handle anything with Towers falling it's a little too triggering for me Jesus Christ G can we give Peach the floor please I guess trouble trouble like I won say much Daisy's not that's okay um I'm sure daddy is going to have a lot to say about that so I hope you guys have a PR up going somebody help us up oh my God hey do say to say I thought I thought people didn't like you because it's like if the White Stripes were in Lazy Town yeah that's it that's oh my God that's pretty good how is Toadette you guys is Toadette yeah she your daughter I don't know what is what is your relationship with Toadette I I would need to check the wiki there you go fine I will sing a little bit of Jump For Love j u m p f o r you guys can't sing it I said it was she I play the piano the piano um with my bare feet wow there's no way somebody actually wants to see that it's actually crazy so many people want to see it including George Bush point at the person you think is to blame St keeps getting bigger but he stays a Pikachu it's not normal it's like a baby that can vote oh yeah uh so aair like like a like uh what's what's that so a fair I'm a little dizzy uh oh Dipsy right can we cut that what about all the Gettys ghost that you said you no they don't want to me they pass on I I ask if they want to and then they're like you know what it's time to go how do you ask them I can talk to ghosts your cousin Janet she was on the show sometimes how is she oh she's doing great yeah yeah she's actually uh she just won an award oh for what uh world's bitchiest pharmacist great she works at a Walgreens please if you were a song I'd never play you that's mean that's the opposite no I'd never play you I'd never screw you over I will play you nice like my iPhone stuck on replay honey John I do this thing right I start I start dribbling and I'm just like I want to see you in AIA and and they it sells so well wow that's really amazing Troy but I'm being equally friendly with both but all right that's I've got pockets full of sex pills and I'll take it and I'll be I'll be hard as o and ready to you never had sex let's Reckless drive you know it we'll make it a triple Dash situation you can come join with us yeah Wario's going to pick us up on his motorcycle no no and we're going to fly no I don't what do you think bubble bubble watch out we're in trouble I'm very concerned with most things you think don't talk to me like that brother all right brother because you guys share the sad last name Gabriella daddy Bush I get it I'm Jesse and James you've turned a new Leaf so you don't see Giovani anymore never even I haven't even thought of that man's name in Forever whom Who as a kid when I only read it I thought it was pronounced guova me too gagaga G lady Jaa oh stop quit it how stupid do you have to be no one's asking me about Bella who is Bella My Bullfrog that I brought episode 8 you didn't want her on your desk I was going to get warts or worse a corn well you know what I don't know if any of you remember on the show I work um to batter myself I'm so excited I'm a part of a lot of different programs one where I plug my TV into the Calm app and I look down I look down and I'm back baby I'll be good I'll do whatever you want make you feel good just give me my fuing can can [Laughter] canoli hello you take those pills does your nose grow dud everything's evolving into a my whole body is turning into oh I guess James you should hang out with Professor are you enroy like do you guys keep up do you guys talk yeah man like whenever I look at the Moon I know that Chad's looking at it and whenever I look at the sun I'm like ah yeah I think we we like to look at those things cuz they remind us of basketballs yeah circle circle when was the last time you guys talked high school high school calling you gay isn't a bad thing yeah but you didn't say gay you said gay I didn't say thought there was a twin I didn't even think yay I am currently dating another celebrity we're not ready to go public yet but uh her name rhymes with smello Kitty um stop dating her she crazy you don't know who it is but I'm also taking J about your failed sponsorship deals yeah it's kind of hard to do that when your manager's a baby okay yeah we had a deal that we were trying to make with the government where we thought we'd launch a new letter um it was in in collaboration with season 3 it was your it was like you were 13 technically Going on 30 so you you your 30th birthday okay that's a terrible movie I had a 13 Going on 30 no it's not terrible Tom Hanks Big situation Arnold you need to remember what Amelia aart said oh I believe the children are the future and that's my favorite Amelia aart quote followed by LaLa no don't do that with her she can move her feet look what they to me they done to me this room isn't big is that a cake or a basketball you know what it is you were just holding you have to know what it is you have to know it's a basketball trust yourself true you know this don't smell it it's a basketball think C don't bring jerck Jeter into this jerck Jeter we're going to go to Apple Beach this month yes we are oh we got this is our retirement fund think about it you're going to sell my ring no no no no no no just put it on no I can't put this on right now we haven't figured out anything haven't you seen Ralphie you seem to know a lot about Amelia aart which makes sense understanding that you're CU we both flew everywhere and you're out and about about your sexuality yes you want talk about that a little I'm Ralphie tanelli and I like to plants no what what no yeah now suddenly there are Paparazzi in front of all of our Apartments mostly mine though yeah lines of Paparazzi tons they came inside my house for din inside your house yeah I invited them in for dinner I got some good Glamour Shots and I needed help getting out of bed so it was good okay see where it comes from what they're dealing with all the time you know and I I I don't want to hurt this family I don't want to hurt this family I uh care another one of fire cleaner it's only beneficial to have Jo here today I remember you guys giving advice I was like Hey when we go on the Bumblebee tour you got to be careful they're going to teach you how to dance but they're going expect you to work oh the bees I forgot about the bees s I'm Not Afraid a pee a little peas not so bad what are these straps for Mom moved why was your mom moving we were on the run from what the IRS we'll get you no I well you're on TV now get you all they tell me is you got another check for you Luigi from the bookkeeping and I say ring it up so is this is this is this mushrooms related yeah okay right I mean Luigi dog you aren't only a baby you are an evil baby and also you were a son still you had a mass that was incalculably larger than the earth are you currently seeing a plant now well yeah she's a palm a I'm going to show you some pictures and I want you to tell me what you think they are okay okay not going to be nude right no they're not going to be nud did you just say that the president lied presidents are allowed to lie they take an oath of office you're right Tran they they legally these are your friends the people that you decided to up they they were my friends you can your friends you can your I think we all yeah thank you Johnny buttons your friends you can definitely your friends thank you Dy butts well you think it's in the briefcase nah I just got that from Kohl's can you believe it all right hold on sorry about this Arie one second I don't know if I've been playing basketball with cake my entire life that's am I does that make me a baker or does that make me a basketball player and why are so many the same letters in Baker and basketball no that's what the high school's doing to you it makes us think we can't choose both you're saying I play basketball with a cake no it's like it's like it's like Sharp
Channel: Katie M
Views: 187,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cxlGifNtg-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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