The Chanse and Angela Show Special

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- [Angela] It's the heart of the cards. (Chanse and Angela moan) - [Chanse] Chosen. - [Angela] Mario! (everyone laughs) Oh. - Oh. Oh, hey. - Oh, hey. - Welcome to "The Damien and Shayne Show." - I'm Damien. - And I'm Shayne. (Angela chuckles) Stop getting closer. - Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. (Chanse laughs) Hi, guys! - Whoa! Just kidding! Don't look at me yet. - Oh, just kidding. Don't look. - It's Chanse and Angela! - Woohoo! Yeah! We got you there. We got you there for the first second. Guys, this is our take on "The Shayne and Damien Show," but we're gonna do our own thing, and we're gonna play our own games that we actually don't know what the games are. - The producers have kept it a surprise from us. - Yes. - So we are finding out right now which game we will be playing for the next seven hours. (Angela laughs) - Oh wait, we have to roll. - I'm already, oh my god, yes. So we're gonna start by rolling. - Six. 11. - [Chanse] Okay. - [Angela] That's my mom's lucky number. - [Chanse] And this is Satan's number. - Okay. Awesome. - Okay, so before we find out what game we're playing, I think we should make Miis. - Yay! - Did you ever make Miis? - I haven't made a Mii in so long, and oh my god, I remember this. - Yeah. Yeah. I used to make mine so (beep) up 'cause you can get the eyes, you'll see, off the sides. - No, I've probably seen it before. - Oh. - Oh my god! - Oh, head shape. Angela, look at me. - Wait. - Let's see your head shape. - Wait, I should make you, you should make me. - Oh, genius. That's genius. - That's genius. We have to go back. - So give me this. - Yeah, you go. - Angela, you have kind of this jaw. Ooh. - Let me see. - That's a (beep) Mii. - That is a (beep) Mii. How do I capture all these wrinkles? (Angela laughs) No, I think you're pretty wrinkle-free. - I remember only playing Wii to create Miis. - Oh, 100%. - And then my cousins would play the rest. - [Chanse] Oh, how tall are you? You're short. - [Angela] Ooh. Ooh, this is kind of- - [Chanse] Skinny. - Okay! Honestly- - You're like right here. - No comment. (everyone laughs) - Okay, let's see that hair. That's honestly not bad already, but I feel like- - It's fresh from a wig cap. - Closer. - I literally don't have bangs. - Okay, but you could, and that's what we are here to talk about today, Angela. - Oh my god, wait, this is so good. - [Chanse] She looks like her name is Hope. (Angela laughs) She looks like she would be class president or something. That's pretty good. Oh my god, that's like the... - Let's do that. - Napoleon Dynamite! - Oh. - Which side do you want it on? - Whatever feels right. - Oh. Oh. Okay. Let me see your eyebrows, bitch. Okay, we have an arch. - I have a thicker arch on one. - Yeah. - A less of an arch on the other. - I can't distinguish. Let me see how high they are. They're pretty close to your eyes. Oh. Oh. There. - Wait, check. - Okay, well, you can't lift it like that. - You should check. - [Chanse] I'm not gonna check, bro. - Look at the amount of eyebrow options you have. And look, you could put them- - Let's see these eyes. - You could switch 'em too. - Let me see these eyes. Look at me. Okay. You don't have droopy eyes. You kind of have normal eyes. - Cool. - Oh. (Chanse moans) - Okay. We have at least two hours. You cannot (moans) every second. - That's my catchphrase. Oh. - No, no, no. It's for every time you touch something, move something, open a door. - It's because it- - Pour something. - It takes lot of effort. - Every single time you do an action, you go (moans) - It's funny. It's called comedy. Let me see your nose. Pointy, pointy. - This is gonna hurt my feelings no matter what. - I didn't mean to... (everyone laughs) Sorry. I didn't mean to- - "Let me see your nose. "Pointy, pointy." Everything already hurts my feelings, so I'm just not gonna think about it. - Don't get sensitive now, bitch. We got three hours. - It's just the nose page. It's just the nose page. - Okay, then we'll just go to this nose then but a little bigger. - Okay. - Let me see your lips. Let me see your lips! (everyone laughs) Okay. - Okay, before this video, we were gonna do this fake kiss thing as Shayne and Damien and someone asked us, someone was like, "You guys have definitely kissed before." And I was like, "No." 'Cause we're on our sketch team, and I've kissed a lot of the people on our sketch team for like sketches. - [Chanse] Not me. - Me and you, no way. - Okay, I kind of like this. - Would you like ever want to or like... - Ew! (Angela and crew laugh) - So just going back to it- - What color did you want? - No one, no one... For what? - Your dress. - Whatever you want. These dresses are so funny. - Yeah! Can I grab it? Oh, look. Bitch. (Angela grumbles) Now do me. - Okay. - Choose a lookalike? (Chanse gasps) Be careful, Angela. (Angela laughs) Don't make me sad. Okay, that one's not bad honestly already. Ew. Angela. Stop! Stop! Stop! I don't look like him. - That's not bad. - That's not bad. - Are you mad you're pissed? - Yes, I'm mad that I'm pissed. - 'Cause I can make you smile. - Yeah, I would like to smile. - Okay, we'll fix it. - There's some magic that you're performing now that you're making me have this face. - Oh, this is the size of your face. I'm not gonna win no matter what here. There's nothing- - I mean, there is definitely winning. - There is literally nothing I can correct. - And there's definitely losing. - First of all, let's go straight to the lips and let's make you happy. - This does not look like me. - There you are. Yay. - Aw. I love that one. (Angela moans) I think my mouth is a little lower to my chin though. - Oh, I can do that. (crew laughs) - Not that, okay. (Angela and Chanse moan) (everyone laughs) I love that. - Let me see your nose. (Chanse and Angela moan) - Okay, hair. Let's fix that hair. Shaggy. Did they have like shaggy hair? It's all white people hair. - [Spencer] Yeah, it was 2006. - Yeah, Black people didn't exist then. - Oh! (Angela moans) That's it. - Okay, let's fix those eyes too. - Oh, I thought they were just fine, but... - I mean, make them that yellow color. - Oh yeah, 'cause you have, oh yeah. - I remember that 'cause whenever I would make my Mii, I was like, "Oh, they got my color up in here." - I never look at people's eye color. (everyone laughs) Yeah, that's, that's (laughs) - (beep) you. Whatever. - That's kind of it. - (beep) you. - What? There is no winning. - You're right. - Like, what will I do and you'll go, "Yes"? - Fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine. - Yeah, I'm gonna go with that. Okay. - You can rotate it down too. That one. Wait, no, other way. (crew laughs) No! Put my eyes back. - Rotate. - And now, oh wait. No! - That seems about right. Wow, you have a good brow. Do you get your brows done? - I don't. - Who do you think on the cast gets their brows done? - Arasha. - I think all the women do. - Yeah. And then boys? - Do you think any boys? - No. - It's crazy you don't do yours. - I don't have enough hair there honestly. - So do girls have more hair on their brows? - I think just more- - Why do girls get their brows done and boys don't? - I'm just kind of hairless in general. I don't have a lot of hair, so I have to fill in my brows every day. - Yeah, let me just change your clothes and we're good. I wonder why, you're a little taller. - Yeah. Yes, Angela. You know what color/ - I don't. What's your favorite color? - That's so embarrassing. I cannot believe you don't know. I bet most of the Smosh fanbase knows my favorite color. - I think people asking like what your favorite color is the stupidest question in the entire (beep) world. - No! - And I refuse to know my loved one's favorite color. - [Chanse] Why? - 'Cause I would rather know what your loved language is, what your favorite- - But why can't you know both? - Because there's only so much room. Green? - [Chanse] Green. - (beep) yeah! (Angela laughs) - Chab. I kinda like Chab. - Okay. - Chab. My nickname in high school was Cham. - Oh, why? - Oh, take those- - Wait, if you're a favorite, it's red pants. - No red pants. - Yeah, it looks like khakis. - I don't, oh. - Look. (Chanse laughs) - You got me good. I'm gonna admit, you got me good. Yes. - Oh! Chab! (Angela yells) (Chanse groans) ♪ Teach me how to Dougie ♪ ♪ Teach me, teach me how to Dougie ♪ Roll dice. (Chanse moans) 18! - Seven. Okay. - "Disney Channel All Star Party." - It's giving Cory Monteith? No. What's his name? - What's Raven's last name? Baxter. - Baxter. - Did they have so people wouldn't throw it at the TV? - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. (Chanse gasps) Jonas Brothers. - Is that the Jonas Brothers? - Who is that? - Who's that? - Who is that? - Who's that? - Oh my god! She made a pie with magic. Is that Demi Lovato? - Is that the Sam and Cat? Oh, this is a little too old for me. Young for me. - Phineas. - Jimmy Neutron! - Ferb. What? (Angela laughs) Yes, there's our queen. - Hannah! Who's that? - That's gotta be Ashley Tisdale. Oh. - "Camp Rock"? - That's Demi Lovato. Okay, "Suite Life on Deck." - [Narrator] Welcome to "Disney Channel All Star Party." - "Camp Rock 2." "Jonas LA." - "Hannah Montana Forever." "Jonas LA," that's when they go to LA. - [Chanse] What? Oh, it's 2010. We're in 2010. - Who the (beep) is Sonny? We can go to the closet. - What's in the closet? Aw. In 2010. (everyone laughs) - In 2010, let's go inside the closet. - Oh! - My! - God! Not Mitchie. Not Mitchie. - [Angela] Who's Mitchie? - That's Demi Lovato. - I don't understand what Sonny is. Did I just black out for that? - Wait, Sonny's different than... Wait. - Sonny. Who's Mitchie? - Wait, Mitchie is definitely Demi Lovato's character. - [Spencer] I think it's her in "Camp Rock." - [Alex] I think that's "Camp Rock," yeah. - And is Sonny her- - We can be Zack. - It's two Demi Lovatos! - Two Demi Lovatos, one cup. Okay. Oh my god. I think I'm gonna be that bitch and be Hannah. Sorry. - No, never apologize. Not here. - It's either Hannah or Joe. You know what I mean? - [Spencer] You can also use your Mii. - (beep) no. - No. Why would I be me when I could be Hannah Montana? - Why would I be me when I could be Zack? - Not Zack. At least be Cody. - Do you wanna be Hannah? I know you do. - What? - Do you wanna be Hannah? - No, you can be Hannah, but she is from my hometown. Oh. - I can dress her? - Not tops, bottoms, and shoes. - She's in skinny jeans. - There's three types of gays. Tops, bottom, and shoes. (laughs) Okay. - God, this is- - [Chanse] Look at that stance. - I'm literally dead because Disney Channel clothes are the worst (beep) clothes. - Also, no wonder people had body dysmorphia. Look at that. - Look at that. Ah, what is that? That's tinfoil on top of a dress with a vest? - Yeah. - Disgusting. This is literally the most fun I've ever had. Okay, I'm done. - Okay. Then back. Joe. - Yeah. That was it. That was my second. - Yeah. Oh, hell yeah. - Whoa, Joe down real bad in this. - Oh shit. - Oh, Joe. What the (beep) are those pants? - Oh, baby. Let me see. - That looks like if you put Joe, Kevin, and Nick in a blender. Would you pick Nickelodeon or Disney Channel? - In what era? Great question. Great question. - Great question. Great question. - It's giving Shrek. Wait, do you think I can do Shrek vest? Yes! - Yes. - And then make that white. Yes. I wish I could make his skin green. - Joe Jonas dressed as the Shrek. The Shrek. What? - [Chanse] No, I like it. (Angela laughs) - How embarrassing. I just called Shrek "the Shrek." - They really did his hair, they really did him dirty. - Yeah, he looks literally awful. - He looks really bad. - [Angela] He looks like a marble. - Okay, so now you can choose, so now I can be Joe. - Yeah. - And thank God we went to the closet, so we got to choose our outfits. - And thank God we came out. - And now you get to choose the other two people that we play with. Oh, let's play with Selena, and let's play with- - We have to play with a twin. - Okay, we have to play with a twin. Let's play with Cody. - Okay, here we go. Here's the question. Zack or Cody? - Cody! - Okay. - Even though I heard, yeah. Cody's smart. He works harder. Zack didn't care, and that's not cool. Caring is cool. - And then Demi Lovato. - Demi Lovato or Selena. I'm down for either. - Mitchie? Alex? (Chanse laughs) - I like Mitchie. - Yeah, let's do Mitchie. ♪ This is real ♪ - Oh my god, that's her! - Oh my god, it's Joe and Mitchie! Okay, you choose by game. Wow. The Final Jam. - Folks, we're off to a crazy start. - Okay. - Rocker Soccer, Camp Rock Dance-Off, Rocker Dance Class. What else? What else? - Wow. Wow. - What else? Should we do Hannah- - Oh. - Singing Sensation, Hannah Montana Poll, Malibu B-Ball. - It's Hannah Montana pole dancing. (Angela and crew laugh) - Ready, Set, Drive? What even is that? That's just a car. "Suite Life on Deck." Okay, which one are we feeling? - Okay, just choose one to start off with. Let's start with "Wizards of Waverly Place." - Okay. - Do you remember the movie of this? - I didn't watch any "Wizards of Waverly Place." - What? Oh my god. How were you not invested- - Don't get caught or you'll be cold as ice. - Angela, do you know the plot of "Wizards of Waverly Place"? - They're all wizards. - They're all three wizards, but only one of them gets to keep their powers. - That's pretty- - So the rest of their lives, the other two siblings don't have powers. So there's a final contest. That's what the movie is. Their training is all leading up to them competing for who is gonna get powers for the rest of their lives, and the other two are stripped of their powers. - That's awful. - Awful. - Let me guess. Does Selena win? - I guess you'll have to watch the movie. - Okay, don't get caught casting spells. Be sneaky, be good, break the ice. Wave your wand to cast spells. Stop moving when the teacher turns around! - Okay. - If you get caught, okay, here we go. - Let's ride. Look at Joe. - And I'm Hannah. (Chanse gasps) - Yeah. - I feel like this looks- - Got them bells, bitch. - I feel like this looks inappropriate. - Don't. - Oh, what a (beep) (Angela yells) - He got you. - He's hitting me. - He got you. Oh, what? - Break the ice. Break the ice. - I'm breaking it, bitch. - Oh my god. Foreshadowing a little "Frozen." - He got you again. - Break the ice, break the ice, break the ice. This is bizarre. What the (beep) This teacher hates- - No! - This teacher hates women. - No! No! No! - Are you (beep) kidding? - No! What? - Yeah, bitch. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - If he taps me one more (beep) time. - What? I was not even casting spells. I was in ice. This is bullshit. - [Alex] Oh my god. - I'm in ice, bro! - Literally, anything we do right now, he is gonna turn around, and he is gonna tap my little (beep) head. - No (beep) Mitchie can suck my butt! - Mitchie won. (Chanse groans) - This is not real. This is not me (crew laughs) - Again. This is not real. This is not me. "Suite Life on Deck." - Oh, hot. - Suite Shot? - Oh, basketball. - Okay. Grabbing the ball. Hold B and pick up the ball. Jump into the air. - [Chanse] Rebound. - Shooting. Copy. - Air ball. - God, my outfit is literally (beep) disgusting. - Okay, how do I shoot it? - You pick it up with B. And then you pick- - What? - Go. Pick it up. - What? (Angela screams) - Pick it up with B. Literally. Suddenly I'm a savant. - How did you do that? - Hannah can shoot hoops. - How are you getting threes? - I literally... - How are you getting threes? You looked at the rules and didn't tell me 'em. - No, I just, I'm just... - Me blaming you. - I'm just being a pop star/girl. - This is bullshit. (Angela screams) - [Spencer] Look out for Mitchie. - It's like we're on the world cruise. (chuckles) - I don't understand how. Is it based on how you, I don't understand. That is bullshit. - Thank you so much. Thank you so much. - That is such bullshit. - Let's do "Camp Rock"? - Yeah. - Oh, Dance Class or Dance-Off? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Dance-Off. - You're on Camp Star. That sucks. - Oh. - Mitchie's with me. - Boys verse girls. Oh, this is gonna be so embarrassing for you. (Angela gasps) Oh, oh, oh. It's when it hits the circle. - Yeah, have you ever played "Dance Dance Revolution"? - Oh, oh. Oh, oh. (Chanse groans) Oh, oh. - I'm a pop star and a girl. (Chanse sings) Okay, the spin thing actually doesn't even work. It's just go. Just move. - You're the voice I hear inside my head. - Inside. - The reason that I'm singing. - Da da da! - Oh shit. - That's the spin. You see them? Look at them go like this. Do you see them, Chanse? Oh! - I spun, but it didn't do it. - You see them? Look. Oh wow. - Boom. We can dance. We can dance if you want to. ♪ You can leave your friends behind ♪ ♪ 'Cause if you don't ♪ (Chanse speaks gibberish) Love "Phineas and Ferb." - Phineas? - Bust a Gnome? - Whoa. Bust a Gnome? - I could bust a gnome. - Shuffle across without being spotted? - Okay. Fun. - As gnomes. ♪ Dun dun dun, dun dun ♪ Okay. - You can either play this game with the Wii Remote in your pocket, or you can hold it in your hand while you run. - Run? Okay, we have to move. - Okay, I'm gonna put it in my pocket. Let's see if this works. - Me too. - Okay. Oh my god, this is so fun. Oh, oh, oh. - What? - Do we get back up? Okay, go. Shit. - How do we get back? Oh, we have to freeze. - Damn. - Bitch, I stopped. - Okay. Okay, it's gotta be outta my pocket. Okay, here we go. What? - You have to like suck your ass if it's in the back pocket. (crew laughs) (beep) - Oh! - Ready? And... Suck your ass. - Knock that bitch back! (crew laughs) - Is Mitchie winning? - [Spencer] Mitchie won. (Angela sighs) - Mitchie the bitchie. Someone left their coffee here today. Oh. - Go! Yes. Yes. What? Oh, Angela, you didn't finish. - I thought the game was over when Mitchie won. - Game's never over till the game's over. Are you keeping tallies? Mitchie. Yeah. Keep a Mitchie roll. We need another dice for Mitchie. - (beep) target on your back. - Wait, we should also keep score. - No, because we're just learning the games. And then you and I. And then I think you and I should put something in the pot. - What's in the pot? - Like, we should try to win. - Oh, I love that. - Like, you and me should- - Okay. - "Jonas LA"? - Yeah, let's see what's up. - FAN-demonium? - What is it? Run from the herd of fans. (laughs) - Yes. (laughs) Let's see. Keepin' It Jonas. - What's Keepin' It Jonas? That's not even a play on- - Find the real Jonas brothers. Yes. - That's hilarious. That's hilarious. - Yes. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? Spot them in a crowd of Jonas lookalikes. Find a Jonas, point to the screen. Tag A Jonas, press B. - Oh. What? Okay. - Those are them. Oh my god, there's gonna be so many Jonases. - What? That was so dumb. (crew laughs) Okay, here we go. There's gonna be more people. - [Jonas Brother] The fans are our best friend. - You gotta get 'em fast. - Dude, Mitchie's on your ass. Chanse, you have a little up on Mitchie. I'm just clicking. - Oh shit. Mitchie! You bitchie! - Yes. Suck my ass. - Damn. - That's not him. That's him. Not my Jonas. - (beep) Also, but look at this bitch in the bottom. (Angela laughs) I don't like Mitchie one bit. - I don't like Mitchie one bit. Are you team Edward or Jacob? Just asking for a friend. - Do you want me to be honest? - Mhmm. - I was team Jacob. - Oh, we're getting nods. - Yeah. I was team Jacob. Edward- - Did we play a Hannah Montana game yet? - There's just something where Edward wasn't ready for a relationship. And when he left her to go, like he was like, "You're out." He was like, "I can't deal with you. "I have too much baggage." It's like, no, Edward. You're allowed to share your baggage with other people. - So you were for a while, and then you moved? - And now I'm like, well, Edward was being so selfless in that he didn't want... But it's like, you gotta figure your own- - No, yeah. - You gotta figure your own shit out. - And he did. Okay, so this is the Hannah Montana Poll. Who is the most winning personality? Answer five questions to find out. - Wait, what? - Point at the screen. Hold to grab, release and drop. I don't understand, but- - Is it trivia? - I have no idea. - Who has the most winning personality? - Are you the zaniest or the most rock and roll? Question one. - What type of music- - Type of music do you listen to? - And this is just like, which one's the best? - [Alex] It'll pick who's the coolest. (Angela laughs) - [Spencer] It's super dumb. - No (beep) way. - What's the coolest movie genre? - Oh. It's just arbitrary. It just gets to decide what the- - I think this is my favorite game I've ever played. - Yeah. - Wait, let's play this game again and do "Don't Win." (crew laughs) - Oh, lemonade 'cause I like sugar. - What do you like to drink on a hot day? - Yeah. (beep) milk, (beep) water. I'm drinking lemonade. Isn't there lemonade- - How do we know who wins? I swear to God, if Mitchie wins this, we're (beep) ending the video. - Mitchie's not the coolest. - What pet is the best? - Oh, snake. - A rat? - A snake is (beep) dope. - A rat 'cause he cooks you dinner. - That's disgusting. Girls. But you're thinking like teen girls are gonna be like, "Ew, rat." - A bonus question. - Who would win in a race? (Alex gasps) Oh. - A huge gasp from Alex. - Honestly, Cody would not win. Oh, you can pick two of the same? - Mitchie said me. (crew laughs) - What? - [Spencer] Uh-oh. - Oh, zaniest. Mitchie! You... - It's you too. You won too. - Yeah, but I don't wanna share it with Mitchie. (Angela laughs) - I don't wanna share it with her. Okay, now I understand that game, you guys. - But what- - No, there's two. Everyone, we're gonna play this again, so you're gonna need to know. Okay, there's two things that they could be guessing on, and it's random which one. I get it. I can't explain it. - Yeah, but how do you even choose? - You just had to be there. - But what's the zaniest movie genre? Or what's the, like how do you- - The zaniest movie genre is comedy. - That's crazy. - What do you think it is? - I don't know. Horror? It feels zany. - [Spencer] No, but the fact that there's no way to know what it's gonna ask for at the end is so funny. - [Alex] Who's the zaniest on who would win in a race? - Yeah. I don't know. - Mitchie 'cause she's a bitch. - What's the zaniest music genre? - [Alex] There's a poll for every single one too. - Oh. - So Random Poll. - Yeah. I love the polls. The polls. (everyone laughs) Pokemon Go to the polls. (Angela laughs) - There's a poll for every single one. - Oh baby. The polls are gonna be my bread and butter here. Oh yeah, baby. Are you the most hilarious- - [Angela] Hilarious or quirky. - What's the difference? - Now the question we're gonna guess what day is the funniest? What's a quirky answer? - Your birthday. - What's a quirky answer? Or what's the other one? Funny answer. - What's the difference? - A quirky, I'm gonna go both. No! No! - Halloween. - No, no, no, no, no. Bitch, get up. Okay, I'm gonna try to answer for both each time. What is more fun to do? What is quirky? Rapping. - Dressing up. Dressing up is quirky. - Rapping is funny and quirky. - Telling jokes is funny. - You're right. - But is it- - I think you have to find one that answers both. - Is it funny or is it like the funniest answer? - What do you prefer to eat when you watch TV? - What? - Peanuts is so quirky? - What's a funny answer? - Pretzels. (laughs) - I don't understand. (laughs) - This is like when we play family edition of anything. - What do you watch on TV? - Watch on TV? - I feel like the news would be funny for a kid. - Cartoons is quirky. (Chanse sighs) - Like, what's funny for a kid? Like, it makes sense to watch cartoons. Is that the funniest answer? - This is so insane. - Which player's wearing the silliest outfit? - Me. - (beep) Mitchie. Your outfit's silly, bitch. (crew laughs) - Oh wow! Everyone's on my tile. (laughs) - You're wearing all purple. - No, I have an accent of aluminum. Okay, so it's the quirkiest. - It doesn't mean anything to me. - Yeah! - [Chanse] What? - See, I told you. You have to answer for both categories. - That doesn't make any sense. (Angela laughs) I thought I was answering for both categories. 12? (crew laughs) This is bullshit. Find props for the next "So Random" sketch. That's the one that Damien and Shayne were in. - That's crazy! - Oh my god, let's play it! - Do we see their characters? - [Spencer] I don't think so. - That would be wild. - This really is "The Shayne and Damien Show." ♪ Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo ♪ - [Angela] Somehow they find a way to make it about them. (Chanse laughs) The one time we get to do it ourselves, they join the convo. - Should we roll again? (Chanse moans) - [Angela] Dirty. Oh. Nat 20. - [Chanse] No, that's clean, bitch. - [Angela] And that's a five for me. - [Chanse] He's cooking! - Wow. Okay, here we go. - But I'm cooking. - Wait, this is crazy, guys. We're playing the "So Random" game. - Oh my god, you're so pale. - Do you see Shayne or Damien? - No. - Damn. (tape whirs) (high pitch squeaks) Let's do Phineas. - Yeah. Monster Truck Chase. - Phineas and Ferb Poll? - [Chanse] No, not a poll again. - Bust a game. Oh, we did this. - We did Bust a Gnome. Bust a game. (laughs) - I don't have my glasses. Robo-matic. - What's Monster Truck Chase? - Okay, cute. - Yes! Whoa. - Where's Hannah? - Why are we facing this way? - This is bizarre. - This is very bizarre. - Why are we facing the opposite way? - I don't know. Oh. - This is dumber than the polls. - Oh, okay. (crew laughs) - Woo! - Oh my god, it's reversed. That's really confusing. ♪ I'm going through every obstacle ♪ (crew laughs) ♪ I'm going through every obstacle ♪ - Okay, I'm actually killing it. (crew laughs) Where's Mitchie? - [Spencer] Oh my god, they die. - No. - Did Mitchie die? - I'm about to die. I'm too pretty to die! - [Alex] Oh my god! - Yes! Yeah! - As long as it's you and not Mitch. - That's true. That was really scary. - Okay, so this is actually good 'cause you and I are practicing. - Yeah. Oh my god. - Learn and teach dance moves. - Never forget in that movie when Joe comes in, he's like, "Okay, everyone, get ready. "Line up." You know what I'm talking about? Okay. - When you're the leader, switch between dancing, spinning, and posing to lead the class. We're gonna follow the leader. - Oh my god. Oh my god. - Is that you? - That's me. - Is that you? - That's my avatar. - No, no, no. - That's literally my avatar. - That's literally not your- - That is my avatar. I didn't make that. - You made that, and you said, "That looks like you, Chanse." - No, I changed that. - Yes, you did. - I swear to God, I didn't do that as your nose! - Roll back the clip. - I put khaki pants. - They changed my outfit. I'm dancing. - Here we go. We're gonna follow the leader. (crew laughs) We probably look like such (beep) virgins. (crew laughs) Pose. Get low. (crew laughs) Get low. How do I stop myself from doing this? - I don't know, but you're giving me a lot of points. - I can't stop. Oh. Strike a pose. (everyone laughs) - Okay. - Okay, bitch, let's go. Okay. (Chanse grunts) (crew laughs) - We got a Brennan laugh. - Oh-oh. Oh. Oh. Y'all ain't getting no points on me. - These avatars look like insane. Get low - (beep) Mitchie. - Here comes the bitch. - Arch enemy number one. - I bet she's gonna look like shit when she does this. - Gotcha, bitch. (crew laughs) - Wait, she has- - I spun and I clicked A! - Wait, you're supposed to be pressing buttons? - Yes. - Wait, what buttons are you pressing? I'm just dancing. I've been dancing this whole time! I've just been dancing. - What? Ew, Cody. - Wait, I've been just dancing this whole time. I was going like this, not pressing any button. What buttons were you pressing? - That's why you lost. - [Alex] Wow. - That is, this is- - Of course I have fourth place, I did nothing. - I still did badly, and I was doing all the things. - Okay, time for another poll. (laughs) - Yes! We did the Hannah Montana one. - Ready, Set, Drive. Singing Sensation? We haven't done that. - Keep the beat. - Keep the beat. Let's do it. - I think it's the same as the, okay. Let's ride. - Keep the beat. ♪ Keep the beat ♪ ♪ Don't, keep the beat ♪ ♪ Don't stop, don't stop ♪ ♪ Don't dee dee dee ♪ ♪ Doo dun dun dun ♪ ("Best of Both Worlds" by Hannah Montana begins) - Oh, we're gonna have to turn this sound off. ♪ Oh yeah ♪ - Guys, everyone in the room is hanging on by a thread. ♪ It's really you but no one ever discovered ♪ - Oh. - Slap it. ♪ Star ♪ - Hey, hey! ♪ 'Cause you get the ♪ ♪ Best of both worlds ♪ - What? - Ba ba da! ♪ And you know that it's the best of both worlds ♪ - Key change! - [Chanse] What? Oh. Oh. - [Spencer] Chanse is killing it. - (beep) off! ♪ Best of both worlds ♪ - We're doing the background parts. ♪ Mix it all ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ - Boom, boom. - Boom, boom. ♪ Best of both worlds ♪ - [Alex] God damn. - With that harmony. You hear that? - You can't sing it though. - Oh. - Good job. - No, you can't sing it. (everyone laughs) - Okay, so it feels like there's a bunch of mini-games, and they're each themed depending on the show. There's a random ass (beep) poll. There's a driving game. There's a throw a ball somewhere. There's find a Jonas or find a prop. - Or find the prop. - Find the boat. It's all the same just depending on the show. - [Chanse] Love. - Okay, so All-Star Party. - [Spencer] Let's do nine. - (beep) yeah. - (beep) yes. Wait, loser has to drink hand coffee. It's still outside. (crew laughs) - [Alex] No, it is not. - That's crazy. - It is. I kept it on purpose. - Okay. That's really bad. - I think we do it. - [Alex] It's been marinating all day. - It's been marinating. - Yeah, and you have to pull out the hand. Stir it, drink it. (Chanse gags) Just one sip. Just one sip. - Okay. Okay, I'm in. - I'm gonna choose "Hannah Montana." - I think I'm gonna choose "Phineas and Ferb." But also "Wizards of Waverly Place." Be the first to do what the sign tells you, but first... - What? - Okay. - Be the first to what? Be the first to do the sign that tells you, what, what? - I don't know. Woo! You gotta be quick on the draw, Angela. - Okay, the winner is in control. - Select glowing object to pick the game. - Okay. Oh, that's where all the games are. Whoa. Do you remember these reading games that you would get from like the school fair and they had all the learning games? - I am obsessed with the design of this game. - Yeah. - Hats off. - Let's do Magic Carpet Ride. Fly high in the sky with your magic carpet. Let's ride. - So sign on the dotted line, okay? 'Cause you have to do it. - [Chanse] Okay. - [Angela] Drinks one sip... Of hand coffee. - [Spencer] Is it still there? - It 100% is. - [Alex] She just said it is, yeah. - Yeah, it's on the candy table. And if it's not, make a new one. (crew laughs) - [Chanse] Not make a new one. - Stick your hand in there. You know what I mean? Okay, I'm signing. - [Spencer] Oh, this could be a tease for the- - [Alex] I know. - I'm gonna keep a score for Mitchie and Cody as well. - [Angela] And you need to sign. - Is that who's playing with us still? - Yeah, and you need to sign. - Okay. - Amazing. Honestly, have a good game. (dramatic music) All's fair in love and hand coffee. - Oh no. - Bump around in the air battling for points. - Okay, flying. Magic wand. If you get a wand, press two to zap everyone. Okay. Grab as many as you can. Got it. Fly around, grab moons, zap people. Heard. - Fly around, grab moons, zap people. How do you grab a moon? You just grab it? - You just fly into it. (Chanse gasps) I'm yellow, I guess. - I'm Hannah Montana and I am on a magic carpet. (Chanse laughs) - I'm Hannah Montana and I am on a magic carpet. - Crescent moons. - Wow. It's really sensitive. - Whoa. - Oh, he bumped me. Mitchie's getting a lot. (Angela laughs) - Literally... Put in the comments who your Mitchie is. You know what I mean? Always wins. I know. And there's bookshelves? What is this? Is this "Sonny with a Chance"? - It's really sensitive. Oh, y'all got hit- - You killed. - Y'all got hit by birds. I didn't get hit by no birds 'cause I know how to fly a magic carpet. - Here we go. Ready? Ready? - That's you, Angela. (everyone laughs) No! I was, no. - Let's go. - [Chanse] That's some bullshit. - I'm a pop star and a girl. (Chanse laughs) - Woo. - What is this? This isn't "Hannah Montana." This is a carnival. - This is the boardwalk. She lives in the California place. - No, she lives in Nashville. - No, no. She moves to- - She doesn't live in Nashville? - No, she moves to California. That's the whole thing. - But Dolly Parton's her next door neighbor. - No, Dolly Parton is visiting. - God, no one in the room knows anything. If this was a Marvel question, everyone would be chiming- - And it's not Nashville. It's Franklin. ♪ Best of ♪ - Did you see what I clicked? - Is it the poll? - It's the poll. - (beep) (beep) I can never win the poll. - Race to the polls, guys. Your vote counts. - Rock and roll or funniest. Okay, I can do that. - Okay, what is both rock and roll and funny? - Okay. I think- - Rock and roll and funny. - MP3 player is good. - I think my strategy is not really it, but- - No, it's definitely not. (crew laughs) - Then this game really doesn't make any sense. - What do you do during spring break? - I do my homework. - Oh (beep) I'm gonna go with rock and roll and hope that it's- - Me too. I actually, now I think my strategy's good. - Now I might choose the funniest. - Did you take a stupid picture of us on the monitor? (crew laughs) - What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Cry. That's funny. - Bob my head. - I'm taking a risk here. I'm doing one funny answer just in case it is funniest. What animal is your personal mascot? What's funny and what's rock and roll about this? Tiger is pretty rock and roll. - Oh, this is hard. Going penguin. - That's funny. - 'Cause I haven't done enough funny ones. - Yeah, penguin is objectively funny. Bonus question. Who is wearing the best outfit? - I love this part every time, and I always go to myself. - I would never go to Mitchie. - I actually do like Cody's outfit. - Mitchie always comes with me. (crew laughs) - Oh my god. - Sorry. I'm sorry. - Oh my god. Whoa. - Thank God I did penguin. - Whoa. - Thank God I did penguin. - What? - [Alex] Wow! (crew applauds) - Should I run for president? (crew laughs) (Angela laughs) You flew the magic carpet, but I won the polls. - I don't understand how you won the poll. We're tied for first right now. - Oh my god, look at that. And Mitchie's so low. - Good. As she should. - Yes! - There you are again, Angela. Struggling to hold that sign. - (beep) off! (Chanse grunts) - Oh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. "Phineas and Ferb." Okay, we in the backyard. Mom! Phineas and Ferb are getting crunk again. - It's actually so (beep) (laughs) It's so (beep) stupid that the boys get to have all these adventures, and the girl's always like, "Mom!" Think on that. Unpack that. - They have, he has- - And also Jimmy Neutron's babysitter's so mean. Mom, so mean. - Icky Vicky. Yeah. - Name one girl cartoon character- - [Spencer] That's "Fairly OddParents." - Oh yeah. - Name one girl cartoon character- - Wait, does Jimmy Neutron have a babysitter? - [Alex] No, Jimmy does not have one. - Actually, the "Rugrats" mom. The "Rugrats" mom. - Scoop up a head. Whoa. Whoa. - What? - Okay, so Cybork is worth 1,000, Klampy is worth 500, and Normbot is worth 250. - But what do we do with the Normbot, the Klampy- - Build as many robots as you can. Match parts for extra points. Oh, so- - Okay, so I'm gonna build the red guy. - Parts don't have to match. Warning, if you pick up a bomb, your work table will explode. Well, then I won't pick up the bomb. - Is that me and you? - Yeah. (crew laughs) Oh, I'm definitely Ferb, you're definitely Phineas. Okay. - I'm glad that I don't know, so I can't take offense. - How do we grab it? - [Alex] Scoop. - Scoop? I'm just gonna scoop it. How do I know what a bomb is? - [Spencer] It sparkles. - Thank you. - Oh shit. - (beep) it's a bomb! (crew laughs) - [Spencer] Guys, Mitchie is in the lead. - Spence, we really don't need that, okay? - That's a bomb. A bomb. - Pick it up and drop it off. Everything is a bomb. - That's so true. - No! - No. Shit. - Cody. - Cody? Look at him doing the robot back there. That's kind of cute actually. Go Cody. Cole Sprouse is hot now. - Dylan too or no? - I haven't seen Dylan, but Cole is hot. - Oh, so it's you and Mitchie now. That's awesome. That's awesome. I (beep) killed at the polls, and now I'm fourth. That's awesome. - What? - That's really cool. Mitchie replaced me. - No, it's Cody and Mitchie now. We need to pick it up. - Let me see you do a 10 minute musical with Mitchie. Huh? (Chanse laughs) What was your favorite Disney Channel original movie? - I really liked "Smart House." - "Smart House" is so good. - Yeah. Also "Halloweentown" is just a classic. Oh shit. - Folks. - [Spencer] What game did y'all just pick? - We're dancing again. - Oh, not the dance. Oh shit. - That's you. - That's me. I love that it knows I'm teaching. (Angela laughs) - That isn't you though 'cause that's not the clothes I put you in. - Angela... No, I spun. - Join along at home. - You gotta (beep) Mitchie up. - Ready? - Yeah. - Gonna (beep) her up. Chanse, we're just gonna shimmy the whole time, okay? (crew laughs) Just gonna shimmy the whole time. Beat that bitch. Just gonna shimmy the whole time. Then maybe a little of this. What is that? Tell me what you're gonna do, so I know. (crew laughs) Tell me what you're gonna do. Are you pressing B? What are you doing? - I'm not doing anything. - No, you're doing- - B! - You're doing "get your head in the game." - B! Shit. Mitchie's too good! Shit! It's 'cause she was in this movie. Stop. She's doing every move I do. I'm not doing that! - I'm completely connected to you. - That is such bullshit. (Angela laughs) - Honestly let's just dance and poll the whole time. - Dude, we're gonna have to team up to take out (beep) Mitchie. Here we go. This is where we can catch up to her. - Look how (beep) stupid she looks. - She looks awful. She looks really, really bad. I'm not dancing. - Anything you do, bitch, I'm gonna see. And I'm gonna do it too. I'm doing it too. How does she have- - I held it and I spun! - This game is so (beep) - [Alex] Why did you pick that game? (crew laughs) - You picked that. - Oh, that's me? - You picked that. You're giving Mitchie this on a silver platter. (Angela laughs) - The arrogance you have to just hand this to Mitchie. - Just hand it to... Cody? Oh my god, we're so far behind. We're tied for third. (Angela laughs) We're tied for last place. - Okay, that's why 'cause I clicked camp, I didn't know that you have allegiance to your town. - Yes. That's why you picked the town. No more "Camp Rock." - No more "Camp Rock." (Chanse laughs) Always "Hannah Montana" or what's yours? Phineas? - I like Phineas, but- - No, but who are you? - Wizards is fun. - But who is your character? Oh, Jonas. We should be hitting Jonas too. - Oh, we should. - Hometown advantage. (Chanse gasps) What? - Why do I look so (beep) dumb? - What is this? Yes. - "Who Meme'd It," am I right? Or not "Who Meme'd It." "Beopardy." Damn. - You were close. Okay, take turns hiding your Wii Remote somewhere in your... - What? - Holy shit. - We've been doing the polls this whole time when we could be hiding- - Is Mitchie gonna... She's like, "(snarls) "Where's the (beep) Wii Remote?" - And we're like (screams) And then we look on the call sheet from earlier this morning and we see Mitchie, call time 5:00 PM. - Oh no. Seekers. - Okay, seekers. Close your eyes and get ready for the hider. And we can use the whole room? - Cover your eyes and- - [Alex] Within the- - Okay. Okay. - Okay. - Could you (beep) imagine if Mitchie walked through this door? A Mii. - Hider, hide your magic wand anywhere in the room, like under the couch. Then hold A and B to start the search. Oh my god. Seekers, track down the hiders wand by listening for the sounds. - Of the wand! - [Chanse] Oh my god. Oh my god. - [Narrator] Player one is the hider. - Okay, okay, so I'm gonna cover my eyes and cover my ears. - No, keep it dark. This is (beep) fun. Okay. - [Alex] A and B. - It's gonna make noise. (beep) Okay. Okay, now go. - What? What? - [Alex] It's making noise. I heard it. I heard it. Start looking. (crew laughs) - I got it! - It went, "Ha ha ha!" - Now what? Player two is the hider this round. The rest of the players are seekers. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. - Okay, okay. - Okay, okay, okay. - Okay, okay. Press B when I'm ready. - Okay. - [Angela] You have to press A and B when you hide it. Can I ask for absolute silence in the room? Tell me when you go. - Okay, go. - Shut up! (crew laughs) Shut up! - [Chanse] Find it. - Shh! Shh! Shh! (everyone laughs) - [Alex] Wait, why did Angela just win? - Huh? - [Alex] Angela just won. - No! - [Alex] Chanse, I think you pressed a button. - [Chanse] That's bullshit. (everyone laughs) That's bullshit. - It was in your asshole? You (beep) sicko! I won. - Every time you press the button, it was like (mimics vibration) (everyone laughs) Oh. That's the most fun game yet. - Yeah, so it's that and the polls. FAN-demonium. - Where's that? Oh. Run away from excited herds of fans. I think so. - Look at the fans. (beep) (everyone laughs) - Go. - Thank you. My dumb ass fell on the ground. Guitar. - Oh my god, they're getting closer. - Where's Mitchie? - They're gaining on us. - Where the (beep) is the bitch? - She's coming. - That's so (beep) - You've jumped over so many more things than I have. - 'Cause I'm a woman. It's harder. (everyone laughs) - [Spencer] Holy shit, she got the guitar. - [Alex] If you guys jump and get the guitar, you run faster. - I haven't gotten the guitar. - Where's the... Mitchie has the guitar? - [Alex] Oh, what the fuck? - My arms are getting tired. - Me too. - [Spencer] I think you guys all won. - No. - We got to the VIP. - Mitchie lost by one point. Woo! - [Alex] Wow! (crew applauds) - Wow. Wow, wow, wow. - Thanks, guys. - We needed that. We needed that bad. - Yeah. - Wow, and just like that. - This point system is- - This point system is whack. - I'm either on fourth or first. And just like that. - Whoa. Oh my god, it's close. Oh, good thing Mitchie's in last though. - Yeah. That's a personal win. - That is a personal win. - If Mitchie wins, we both have to drink hand coffee. - Oh (beep) - Wait, there must be like a find the wand, but find the ship key or something. - What's find the wand? Which one is that? - The one that was so fun. - Oh, the hide and seek one. - There must be like another one. - Okay. No. (everyone laughs) He chose the poll so quickly. - I didn't do that. - The CPU got to choose. And he said, "Polls, polls, polls!" He said, "I don't even need to look around." - Cleverest and most down to earth. - Hey. - We need to play more bad games on this channel. This is so fun. Symbol best represents you. Most down to earth. - Anchor. - And what's the other one? Clever? - Yeah. - A wave is down to earth, right? Wait, a wave? Like a wave? What's in my smoothie? What's a clever thing to put in my smoothie? - That's so dumb. - And what's a smart thing? Vitamin C. - Clever or down to earth? This makes zero sense. How long should a cruise last? - That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. - That's not down to earth or clever. That was bad. - Which sailor was the master of the seven... Is this getting biblical? - Oh wait. - Who's Captain Nemo? - He was a famous captain. - [Alex] He was not real. - What? He was fictional? - Someone in my- - He's also in- - Someone on TikTok in my comments called me- - "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen." - Someone on my TikTok in my comments said that I look like a hot version of Marlin from "Finding Nemo." - Nice. - Isn't that so mean? - Well... - Which player eats the most seafood? Mitchie. This one was hard. - Like, what does this mean? - I think it's whoever said the seven seas. - [Alex] Oh my god. - Whoa. (crew applauds) - Whoa. - I didn't even do anything. - Wow. - Should we roll? (Chanse moans) - This is (beep) nuts! - [Spencer] Shit! Look how small her thing is. - [Alex] Jesus. - Oh no, Angela. - Oh, you got a nat one. Ooh. 13. 13 for me. Great. You're the current Suite Life leader. - Oh, baby. Okay, I'm feeling "Wizards of Waverly Place." - Yeah. - Fast paced ping pong with up to 12 balls at once. - [Spencer] That sounds sick as hell. - That sounds sick. - Fine. - She's mad. She doesn't like the sports ones. - No, I just like, I can't believe you put a controller in your asshole, and I had to find it. And I wanted redemption, but it's okay. - Oh my god. Force fields and magic hands are the norm in 12 bong. Whoa. - [Spencer] 12 bong ping pong. - 12 bong bing bong. Okay. Force fields of the magic hands in norm 12 bong bing bong. - I said what I said, bitch. Oh my god, we have two sided. Oh my god, I remember them playing this. - Wait, I'm in the back jumping. - [Chanse] Yeah, you are. Where am I? - Why am I looking like that? - I think I kinda remember this game in the show. I just remember the double sided, okay. Okay. - So I don't really understand. We're just gonna hit until the force field. This looks like a scene from "The Social Network." - Give me some balls. - (beep) - Oh shit. Whoa! - I should be able to break out into song. I love that we don't give a (beep) about Cody. (crew laughs) - No. No. - [Alex] Angela's doing pretty well. - (beep) I'm not paying attention. - What else are you paying attention to? (crew laughs) Not in my swamp! I haven't looked at the score. - (beep) (beep) Cody. - [Spencer] Cody ate. - Yeah 'cause ping pong's a nerd sport. - Yeah, so why'd you (beep) pick it? - 'Cause I'm a nerd. Oh, Angela. (Angela laughs) Not doing too hot. - Getting closer to hand coffee. Okay. Hey, at least Mitch's below. - Boom. That's a win. But not by much, Angela. I'm not gonna lie. - [Spencer] So there might be one more game. - So you can get 10 points and get first right now. - [Angela] Okay, obviously I'm gonna hit- - [Chanse] Double points! - [Spencer] Holy shit. - [Alex] Wow. - Mitchie can win. Oh my god. - We cannot do a poll. 'Cause then it's really democracy. - What do we want? Hannah Mon, everyone's choosing "Hannah Montana." - Wow. Everybody, even Mitchie. She knows I work there best. - No. Mitchie chose- - She knows. Yeah, she's a little bitch who's scared. - Okay, what are we choosing for the last game? It better be something good. - Should we do something we've never played 'cause there's gotta be... Singing Sensation we've tried. - That's the time one. - Poll. - Not a poll. I think honestly, Angela, the basketball would be smart. You do well at that. - Let's (beep) do it. Let's do it. - Oh, you block the shots too. Okay. Wow. - That's what was happening. I'm gonna stand. I'm sorry, but I have to. - No, I think I need to stand as well. Should we roll one more time? - Yeah. - Nine. - 10. - [Chanse] 11. Balloon pump. - There's no balloon in the basketball. This isn't the game we played. - One at a time. Oh my god. We took a big risk. - Oh my god. And we're doing this on the beach in front of everyone. - In front of everyone. - We're doing this in front of all my crushes. - You're first. Oh my god. Oh my god, I can block shit. - (beep) off, bitch. (Chanse chuckles) No, that's not (beep) funny. - [Alex] Angela, move to the left. - It cares which way I go? This game is, once I think it's stupid, the second I think it's smart. - [Alex] Ooh. Damn. - Oh my god, we gotta block Mitchie. We gotta block Mitchie. - How do you block her? - [Spencer] Throw the, yeah. - [Alex] Oh my god. - [Spencer] Jesus Christ. - No, no, no, no. They can't beat us again. - [Spencer] God damn it, dude. She's sinking them. I didn't know Demi balled like that. - No! No! - I (beep) hate this (beep) - No! Oh my god. She got 16? - Okay, let's go for Cody. Yeah, bitch. - Oh no. She got a point? - Oh, now I'm blowing up the balloon. I'm blowing up the balloon. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can choose when to release it. - I'm pumping, I'm pumping. Look at me pump. Look at me pump. Look at me pump. - Okay, here we go. Here we go. So grab. - I'm gonna need a little more support in the room. - Okay, so grab- - [Spencer] You have to sink all of these. - [Alex] Remember, you have to aim. - I have to aim? - [Alex] Yes, yes. - That's what I learned. - [Alex] You don't have time to. - Mitchie is blowing up balloons. - [Alex] Keep doing it, keep doing it. (crew laughs) Oh. (laughs) - This is so dumb! (crew laughs) - I swear to God if (laughs) - [Alex] Slayed. - [Angela] We're gonna have to both drink. (crew laughs) Oh my god, Cody, you got first place. - What? - Okay, we love that. - At least Mitchie didn't win. We still lost to her, dude. - The most boring ending is that Cody wins. - I lost by one. (beep) - [Angela] Your score was 69 though. Okay. - This is like six hours old, I think. - Yeah, with a little- - It's been a long time. ♪ You got the limo out front ♪ - [Spencer] Yeah. Put it back in. ♪ Ooh oh ooh ♪ ♪ Hottest styles ♪ ♪ Every shoe, every color ♪ - Okay, did the video that- - [Alex] Yes. Yes. - Okay, so it's already come out. - [Alex] "Uno Dare." - Go watch "Uno Dare" if you don't understand and you're confused. I made a cup of coffee. It was warm. I was about to drink it before- ♪ Discover ♪ - It was warm and I was gonna play, okay, Chanse. (everyone laughs) Okay, so I was drinking the cup of coffee, and then Chanse threw a disgusting plastic piece of shit that had been on the ground into my coffee. It landed there. Then I put the piece of, piece of coffee? Then I put the cup of coffee outside, and it's been there ever since. And we're gonna have a sip of it now. Okay? Should we do it together? (crew laughs) - How would that even work? (everyone laughs) Angela! It got in my mouth. - You go first, then me. (crew laughs) - Ew! - Let's stir it. - No! Not with that! - [Alex] No, no! - [Angela] I'm kidding. I'm kidding. - [Chanse] It tastes like coffee. - It tastes like coffee. (crew laughs) Coffee and germs. - [Spencer] Wow. (crew applauds) Oh, put that. Oh. Stop. It's dripping all over the (beep) - [Angela] Put it back, put it back, put it back. - [Spencer] Guys, but you're not done yet. - Oh my god. - [Spencer] There's one more game y'all have to play. - Oh (beep) yeah. - [Spencer] This is a staple of "The Shayne and Damien Show." - Their favorite game is Mind Hogg? "Nidhogg." - "Nidhogg." (crew laughs) - What do we do? - Oh, oh, oh. What? - [Spencer] So, Chanse, you're trying to go to the left, or sorry, you're trying to go all the way to the right. And, Angela, you're trying to go all the way to the left. - How do I come back? What? - Yeah, bitch. - What the (beep) What? Wait, wait, wait, wait. - Bye. (crew laughs) Bye. - How do I chop? Final screen? What? (crew laughs) (Angela yells) How do I chop? - The brutal murder is hard. - No! - Wait, hold on one second. Hold on one second. - You cheated! (crew laughs) - Wait, hold on one second. I still freaking... How do you push? - Bitch. - When you wanna use the knife. You have to tell me. But he has to tell me how! He has to tell me how! - [Spencer] Probably A. - I'm hitting A like a maniac. You have to- - No! - Yes, I found it. It's Y. Still died. (laughs) - No. Can I parry? - [Spencer] Yeah, I think so. - We're just putting our dingers together. (crew laughs) (beep) idiot. - Go, go, go. Oh! Quick on the draw, bitch. - Wait, this is really fun. - Shit. - Bye! Eat my (beep) fart. - Ew. Yeah, that's right. Can I do anything else besides this? We should have turned on other weapons. - No, we shouldn't. - [Spencer] I think you can throw your sword. You can also like attack below and attack above. - How do you attack below and above? - [Spencer] Like, hold up. - Okay, I tried that. Didn't- - Whoa. (crew laughs) - Let's coexist. - Woo! You got juked on, bitch. - Wait, this game is actually so fun. (Chanse and Angela scream) Run, bitch, run! - Yeah! - Run, bitch, run! - You're going the wrong way. - Wait, no, I was going the right way for me. - Yeah, for you. - Bye! Bye! I was going my way. - Yeah, but it's on me. Oh. Now it's on you. - Yeah, 'cause I'm a little- - You are a little. - Oh my god, I learned how to lay down. - Oh wait. - [Alex] You need to kill her. - And I learned how to kick. Okay. Swords, push, kicking. This is... - Oh no. - It's weird when my ghost goes- (Chanse screams) - Okay. - I am like sweaty. - Ow. - [Spencer] Oh. Oh my god. (Angela laughs) - I was (beep) flipping. How am I... - [Spencer] Bro! - This isn't fair. - Whoa. I win? - Yeah. - Yeah, because every- - [Spencer] That's the Nidhogg. - I want to get eaten by the Niddhog? Because I want- - That's sexy. - I want the sweet relief of death. - [Spencer] Yeah. Y'all wanna do best of three? - This is so fun. - Yeah. - Bye. Okay, something's different with him. (crew laughs) - Oh. - No, there's like something that you have on that I don't have on. - Yeah. - Bye. - Dignity. - [Alex] Wow. - [Spencer] Swag. - Swag. - Now I'm getting annoyed. - Don't get annoyed. Oh. You have to, look. Look at the top. It's on green, so that means it's me going. So you have to kill me before you start going your own direction. - Oh. So I have to hurt you? - I learned this. Oh my god. Angela. - What? Wait, hold on. - Look at what just came in the door. - Alex? Wait, I'm confused. - Okay. - So when it's- - It's me going. You have to kill me before you start going. Does that make sense? So you cannot go anywhere until you kill me. - Okay. And how do I kill you? - Press Y to stab me. - [Spencer] Yeah, if you want to like fuck around with controls right here. - There you go. Now it is you going. All you have to do is run. - Got it. - All I have to do is kill you before I- - Now I got it. - So you're trying to get to the other side. - Now I got it. - Oh. - Ooh. - We both died again. So one of us has to die before we start running. And you threw your sword. I don't know how you throw your sword. (Angela laughs) Oh. And now you start running! And I'm gonna appear. And I'm gonna try to kill you. - [Spencer] Oh! - So it's still- - I killed you as I committed suicide. - Oh shit. - Damn. Wait, what did come in the door? - Oh. - [Spencer] Surprise. - Okay. (Chanse moans) - Oh no! - Run, run, run! - Here I come. - So how do you jump? (laughs) - A, or B. The bottom button. Oh yeah, it's me. Nidhogg me. Wait, no. - [Spencer] Yeah. - That's not the Nidhogg? - Bye. - No. - Ooh. - Oh! - B, B, B. Ooh. Okay, I'm finally joining the game. - Yeah, you are. Oh. Ooh. Yes. - No, no, no. You're gonna get eaten by that thing. (beep) I let you go. - Whoa. It's you? How's it you? Oh, you killed me. Oh. Oh. Oh no. - What is that part? (laughs) Gosh, you see my lungs when I get brutally murdered. - Or do your lungs... Oh. - Bye. I do that every time. (Chanse moans) - I waited. Oh no. Whoa. - Oh wow. Deserved. - Don't. - Boom, boom, boom, boom. (Chanse moans) Boom, boom, boom. - You keep getting caught on that ledge. - I don't understand that ledge. (Chanse yells) Bye, bitch! Bye! - I need to do like a running stab. - I'm not here. I'm kidding. (crew laughs) Oh damn. - Wait. What? - Bye! (laughs) - No. - No! - En garde. - The one time I made the ledge. - Okay, okay. You're not getting me this time, bitch. You're scaring me. - You scared? You scared? - Okay, here we go. - Oh, you're so scared. Oh! Bye! - Angela, stop. Why can't we just be friends? Oh (beep) En garde! - Wow. - [Spencer] Oh my god. - You're gonna get it. - Go, go, go, go, go. - [Alex] Oh! - [Spencer] Oh! - [Alex] Wow. - (beep) - Ew. This is disgusting. (Chanse gasps) - [Spencer] Damn. - Wow. That was cool. - That was. - I finally started to understand the game. - You did. - [Spencer] All right, guys. As consolation for everything you've done. - Shut the (beep) up. - [Spencer] We wanted to get you your first Canes. (Chanse screams) You're both winners. - Oh my god! - Oh my god, I'm literally- - I've never had Canes! - [Alex] We also owed this to Angela. I think you won a video a little while ago. - Wait. - Oh. Oh my. - [Angela] It's like Texas toast? - [Chanse] It's like Texas Toast, bitch. - [Angela] You've had it? - Yeah. - [Alex] There's some sauce in there too. - Oh my god, the sauce, Angela, will have you dripping wet. And I mean that sexually. - Oh my god! - Oh my god. Oh my god. - [Spencer] Do the outro. - Guys. - Wow. Wow. Can we fly the wigs back in? - [Spencer] Yeah. - This is without a doubt been "The Shayne and Damien Show." - If you take one thing away from this, it's never trust anyone named Mitchie. And, oh. Polls are important. - Oh my god, I'm gonna try this sauce really quickly. - Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like the hot sauce too 'cause I can't eat anything if it's not spicy. - Oh my god! - It's delicious, right? It's crispy. It's salty. - Guys- - It's delectable. - Put in the comments if you like us better as Shayne and Damien. (Chanse laughs) Send this to your Mitchie. - Send this to your Mitchie and don't caption, don't give any context to it. - This is so (beep) good. - Yeah, it's literally heaven on earth. - Now, let us know what you wanna see us do next. - If there's any Disney Channel games that we should know about, that we don't know about. - This was so much fun. Love you guys. Heart of the cards.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 478,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny
Id: WPrxE5tTFzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 20sec (4280 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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