The Smiling Critters Run A Bar (VRchat Adventures)

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I can't get my tongue through it it's too thick you okay here you try to get your tongue through that let me let me try no don't do that why you wear a light bulb like that doesn't it burn your neck yeah yes sir it does gang it's time for us to run a bar a smiling Critter's bar to all the amazing adults will have fun so let's get everything Tip Top shap Amazing adult no you're not amazing all right let's see what these crazy goobers are doing no we're not supposed to drink our product kicking chicken peer pressure wasn't supposed to get you in this episode you're supposed to show that peer pressure could be beaten is wrong with you K I didn't beat peer pressure dog day I'm sorry I'm disappointed I don't think guys I don't think that's how you use a register whoa whoa whoa whoa Hoy what are you doing are you okay hoppy breathe Jesus Christ hoppy Hoy H hoppy it's okay it's okay hoppy you need to get your lungs hopping up and down like are you good put them to sleep being wait no no no no no guys got God damn [ __ ] breathe are you okay you okay what the heck happened to crafty corn I can't you wait hold on wait I got you I I got you wait stand still stand still stop right here let's make those together they make green yeah I don't think it's how you ketchup and mustard looks like piss and blood I think okay now yeah if you mix them together you get green Hy Hopscotch you're piss and blood kicking chicken what do you have to say for today's episode I don't like this I like the fact that you guys all started looking whoa is that pancakes great job KCK fat [ __ ] you fet whoa whoa who whoa no no wait a minute wait what's happening with bubble Bubba fit oh yeah I can get you a resum yeah of course you talking to some guy called purple guy you're not supposed to talk to strangers on the phone especially guy who who bases himself off of color that's just oh that's really ironic no actually I think you should keep talking to him let me so so I hear your purple too hey we should kiss see that door can you stop hopping on the keyboard hoppy hop scotch it's in their [ __ ] keyboard it's a register wait that's a keyboard and a register wait this is not a bouncy castle I'm kind of dog um I think I heard someone get strangled on the phone oh Jesus Christ let me just hello I'm over here stroking my dick I got lotion [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay wow that was a trip well the kids don't do drugs are you having fun kicking chicken I am having fun dog day wait did we both put our hands in each other's mouth wait wait we what is this it look so futuristic that's amazing did we really both just went up to each other dog day x kicking chicken it's real kicking dogs wait no that's a bad ship name that is a horrible ship name that is kicking dogs chicken dog I give up CH it tastes like strawberries though oh my God no for you what the [ __ ] how do you Hoy wait no you can't just avoid that how do you know what that tastes like if I get a six I will die don't worry about [Laughter] it I get a five I'll I'll I'll die tomorrow I think I liquid did something I think we should we if I get a five I'm going to I'm going to change my my Persona to a cat oh sweet Jesus thank the Lord oh I get a six I'll stop being gay oh well damn I guess I like these [ __ ] now what about you Hoppy if I if I roll a four I'll finally reach the moon you're halfway there you're halfway there that's what matters if I get a a four I will drink all the liquid hair wait no no no no bu no no no no no bu no ch ch ch ch ch ch ch wait what about pancakes friendship and rainbows everything wait where did hoppy H I think hoppy went over here oh God damn it [Music] hoppy did we lose her again hoppy check the bathrooms just in case why is it purple wait don't drink that I have a bad feeling catnap pissed in that it's purple CU it's good for you hell no catnaps lying wait no who got the purple drink who has the purple drink too bad there's another thre it away it was what's your name you stop were you trying to RIS up a goose it was a goose you guys why is it Dr do you do you guys think that if I drink this I'll make it to the moon no please poppy don't that genuinely that a heal haard don't listen to catnap shut up cat to the goose first God [ __ ] get the goose out of here my new girlfriend your girlfriend what is happening kick and chicken always takes the person that I like before I get to them kicken chicken get I found something what'd you get Bubba drunk ofit guys guys I found something come here happy get back here oh no what is Bubba the smart elephant have to show us today I found a vent like Among Us okay all right oh my God Among Us oh God they're loose my mom what what poppy what you wait what what poppy what I don't know help I don't think L we we know your mom died of an overdose when you were a kid but that doesn't mean Jes Christ we can't show this to Children think if I drink this I'd understand why they like it to much [ __ ] it go forhead knock yourself out when you want the red one when you want the red one oh my God youle you what do you mean the goose you stole the goose from me hey man show me but I met her first listen oh kicking chicken with kicking chicken out of the way I can finally go and date that goose help me I pray what is happening what are you doing going on over herey cake all right I want to see this let's see it hoppy Bubba let's see it okay I'm ready get yourself to HBY breathe this is not te doing it's the other hand other hand bubble other hand oh there you you were the smartest of all of us how do you not know how to play patty cake all right me a minute you have a tongue and and and you have a tongue you have a tongue you I have a tongue why doesn't he have a tongue yeah why don't you have a tongue God godam it don't ever [ __ ] question me again listen listen every time every time he does that I'm just going to suddenly be able to breathe since I can't breathe any other time I can breathe Bubba Bubba can you quickly show us how smart you are with your mathematical skills sure 2 + 2 is 24 I'm done with the smiling Critters I'm I'm leaving I'm done I'm quitting I'm done I'm depressed I hate this I'm leaving don't follow me hoy hop gotot you brought all the [ __ ] Critters with you you [ __ ] listen this is just going to be an absolute [ __ ] it is it is going to be a [ __ ] stop staring at me with your big ass smile Bubba Bubba get the stop [ __ ] what are you doing what are you dog day a person a person dog day a person a person the hello there do you [ __ ] up jooin this world I hope you enjoy it hi I'm crafty corn want to see I can bring you to your table Hopscotch I want you to play fat and this is he's he's smart smart he's not no listen to me listen to me listen to me listen to me listen to me I I oh God I'm having technical difficulties hoby hops got [ __ ] Bree your ears feel funny ear so funny get your floppy trunk out of my face it's for me I got lotion on my dick right now God damn it's the same person buba said something weird what did you say God damn it I hate your name hoppy Hopscotch was talking about the internet I was like I've heard of rule 34 but I don't know what that is disappointed in [Music] me you're laughing you're laughing is making laughing um does anyone know where catnap went catnap oh wait let's Che the bathrooms catnap did say they need to use the bathroom catnap [Music] cat we found catnap we found catnap yeah girl I mean customer customer for something sweet Jesus Christ I'm loving this I'm you're loving this I'm so sorry that you had to lie to yourself just now I'm so sorry hey hey hey I think we should eat the purple cat not really it's Jesus [ __ ] Christ you don't even [ __ ] don't what the [ __ ] is wrong with you no the first one was right you're live I'm tired of it and I want some chocolate no one has any chocolate I don't eat everyone else e why did I come in the dog deep throating pancakes banana so I think I should eat this give F oh no can I eat your smoke oh yeah notation by new customer new customer customer new customer three of them three of them hot dog it's a family picky Pi picky whatever the [ __ ] your name is I don't know yeah you got a stupid name too you should have seen the elephant beforehand his name was like Dy Buck or something like that [ __ ] Bubba need a minute Hub Hubba Bubba fing I think I I think I heard him I think I should apologize catnap that you're not the type of person to apologize you just lied to me right now yeah you're right do you know how to jump yes yes yes I do I do in fact know how to jump where the [ __ ] did you come from that was scary bo bo boy
Channel: ShadowBoiFun
Views: 662,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ytFQ_KgxQMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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