The Skatepark That Banned Scooters! 🇬🇧

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look at this the duct tape's the only thing holding it together and here's parts of the ramp popping out all over the place oh my days yeah literally what is that and it even has CCTV look the guy's gravestone this is chimpo apparently he was a BMX rider who got killed on the roads and they never found the drunk driver [Music] shn B people today we're visiting a skate park which by the look of the reviews online they do not like SK scooters yep the hatred towards scooters is still going on 10 years later would you believe it we're in this today which is 1 hour from where I live and the population here is 10,000 doesn't seem it cuz it's completely dead but it is a school day to be fair so I'll probably have the whole place to myself as usual but anyway it's literally just over there the entrance to it is on a country road cuz it's literally on the very outskirts of the town but anyway let's o just sneak through here shibby bbby bop boom o see I knew I'd be the only one here obviously and it's like 11:00 a.m. as well so what' you expect but look what the hell the chimpo that's a very normal name is it but look here's what I mean the chimpo skateboard and BMX park this facility has been provided solely for use by skateboards BMX bikes and skates sorry mate you're not allowed you can actually see where the nose scooter sticker used to be uhoh uh I didn't mean to take the mick out of chimpo there's a gravestone right there which says this skate park in memory of James chimpo Hal well rest in peace to you I didn't mean to diss your middle name at all I just thought you know chimp like the monkey come on don't kill me people O Yay first looks of it it's not too shabby mate not too shabby at all oh bit bumpy there and smooth wait what the heck is that I've never seen that that must be where it's been repaired or something but jeez few bits of duct tape on the floor to fix it as you do no what the hell how do they get blessed with flood lights bro my local skate park is literally one of the best in the UK and we don't even have flood lights come on come on I might just have to buy some myself and put them there and I just noticed people I'm Not The Only One recording today we got some CCTV up there boys the feds are watching us and what the heck is this red button the hell actually I think that's for the flood lights which I'll definitely be gone by the time they're on so it won't be experienc that but look lovely ledge jeez this is a big old spine look that's up to my armpits mate my stinkers and that's a tiny bit bigger and then that must be the same as that one 5T do well pretty good apart from the duct tape what the heck how has that even stayed on there in the rain fair enough you got to do what you got to do I suppose what the oh yeah there is a crack underneath there that does actually look funny just little black lines all over it it was raining yesterday so I got to make sure I dodg this thing I won't really need to go near you so well pil of looks a it I reckon I can have a lovely old session here do well you hear that peace and quiet Perfection anyway let's put my pads on and start riding right you're going on my head in three two shnb Bap one oh let's quickly put my pads on boom and just like that I am ready to sesh first drop in huh uh-oh nah that's actually sketchy make the bottom of the ramp there's like a dip in it right at the bottom boom boom boom you definitely won't be able to tell on camera but trust me I can feel it oh it's like I'm on a pump track oh that is dodgy we'll have to get used to that though now coming over here oh that's pretty nice I can't lie let's go back over it oh that's actually dang do well I'm definitely going to get some bangers over this thing o this is literally creme doar creme yes this thing though oh not so much much literally I wish you could feel it through the camera oh oh well who and he got so much room up here see oh the water I said I need to dodge the water and I went straight in it no now how are we going to ride this one without going in the water wait what the hell that's literally sh sh like a love heart come on tell me that's not a love heart I guess we could go to the very left of it but that's not a very good angle maybe on the right side of it yeah that's better that's better he I totally forgot about that metal thing like what is this for I guess that's the pump wait that is actually the strangest thing obviously it's built for that a bad way to start off today boom I've got an audience over there I think it's a nursery over there and it looks like they're all fascinated by me just like my last video actually Boy Yes boy all right we done three whips over it now 1 two 3 four just about SC he see I love riding Parts which are in the middle of nowhere cuz you just get no trouble it's lovely right I've just no it's this railing like every other skate park I go to I have to jump on the railing I just have to but this one feels extra sketchy oh well see if you literally don't think about it oh my God that is far come this go Brother come on brother boy y boom oh yeah I forgot to say that no matter what we have to leave a five star review at this place and I can't lie so to give it an honest review I should probably ride all of it and not just bum that thing all right back to the love heart puddle oh all right all right all right I'm getting the flow of it I'm slowly getting the flow of it woo if we just go round and round and round boom pump over this flickers Yeah Boy fat X up and now let's do a cheeky in W yeah boom M if I've got to give it five stars how am I meant to not lie about this thing this sketchy old ramp why can't I show you on the camera wait well I actually might be able to can you see that literally the ramp goes boom and then it goes in it's caving in right there on both sides so how am I meant to not lie about it I don't know we'll have to figure something out all right let's do some more overheads BR Dade come back round inward butter so my way ended up on this one do throw bar oh let's get some Redemption there shall we yes we shall boom Oh I wonder if I can huh wait there go from the big one to the little one oh that's stank yes come on boy what dude how GE uh cheers mate that weren't too shabby and it slides I weren't expecting that oh my god let's redo that oh that is lovely o beans on toast mate let's do some more transfers Yeah Boy sh up oh oh ah let's get Redemption again Yeah Boy as you do boom why am I going backwards I don't know what first try cheers for that mate all right now back to the best ramp here oh yeah yay I could ride this all day honestly mate I just noticed the Floor Mate if you're from the UK you know how much of a blessing this floor is I actually don't know if I've been to a skate park with the floor this smooth now why am I talking about floor cuz most skat Parks you go to it's like that where it's literally a cheese grater so if you fall off expect to lose um all your skin to be fair it probably was all like that and then I don't know they probably had too many faceless kids with their lips missing and all sorts and then they turned it into that how am I getting gassed over floor I've completely lost my mind mate ready that's one one rewind two two rewinds and now keep it going no no no no no oh that wasn't free can we 180 it though oh we've got to get that oh back pain oh oh come on bom bom b 1 2 3 yeah [Music] yes Karan 1 2 3 yes I don't know about you but I think that tripod is a lovely addition to the family right whilst I'm warmed up and that let's see what the best trick is we can do over here and I know I'm going to land completely flat so help me out G that's the thing mate once I get comfortable on a ramp I can't leave it until I've landed a banger but what should it be huh I might be able to one up what we just done let's see see let's see a all right that was the same trick what are you playing at way way first try and shout out to the duct tape holding the ramp together all right now let's try one up another trick we done we done three so now let's try four first try of course no it's not oh ready 1 2 three [Music] four what do you know what about three bar spins or is that tapped what oh oh that is a bit tapped bum bum bum that's all it is hey hey that's all it is I just thought of a 360 oh y y I never do them ever oh as you can tell we'll do one 360 trick and that's enough I don't fancy loen any teeth today wait let's do another in W all right what could we add to that huh oh my God that's actually terrifying let me just do a practice land to Flat all right that's the worst that will happen now just add this trick into it simple land flat plus that trick [Music] equals inward finger inward finger just like SNB B that yeah boy in inward finger what what what who's the king of these end's blood o m this ledge oh that's so slippery it's actually got fresh wax on it look all that on the floor is wax which means that this place is actually used so at least it's not completely forgot about then like some skate parks I visit this one's actually getting used as it should oh my God no the puddle wait let's do it backwards let's do it this way instead we might get away with doing three of these things over it but I don't know wait there let's refuel now I'm ready now I'm ready ready now I'm ready ready let's start off at one and then get to three just to have a bit more practice all right there's one and then come back with no speed two and then come back with full speed and it should be possible right oh my maybe I need to drop in here on a skateboard for good luck Miss bump at the bottom please don't kill me please oh oh that actually throws you off ready one more for good luck sh Bap boom and now fingers crossed we should have it oh what what the blood I went too shabby at all now I wonder if I'm the first person to ever do that here hm if you're from this area then someone comment whether that's been done or not and Shout out again to Mr Duct Tape I appreciate that g without you I'm sure that would have collapsed by now why do I want to clear it on a skateboard now oh my day that is fried oh well don't think about it what wait that might actually be possible oh oh my God n no n n oh me and skateboards are not meant to be see you lder only joking right let's do three more tricks on the spine and then we'll finally ride the rest of this place oh yeah we got that shn back it's come back over from this side for once oh my oh I need to get used to that right now two more tricks far one two three like a g but I reckon we could actually add four so let's try add one more oh my oh I don't know now but all it is is Boom don't think about it no no oh flat onlyi right let's go come on just go back round and send [Applause] it oh my oh my God how did I pull that off wo now one more trick over the spine that's sick what the heck is it going to be I actually have no idea my guy what about a triple whip bar oh actually that weren't that hard I reckon we got better than that what about whip bar easy and then a whip bar I said one more trick but I actually can't get enough of it m feels too good now what about one of these thingies yeah reckon so mate oh no oh no no no no let's act like that didn't happen I promise now how can I stop riding you honestly if I had just that in my back Garden I'd never leave my bloody house mate which actually would be a bad thing cuz I'd never make videos all this is too fun I actually can't stop what about Ino Kiki huh it's a bit smaller than what I'm used to but I only one way to find out man is on one here's a combo I never do let's try that oh my how is that our first time falling off we've been here like an hour as well uh redo there you go that's more like it let's spin it five times yeah and then straight after spin another five times yeah five oh that was four that was four but we've got five come on 1 2 3 4 no was at four what the hell 10 whips in total five yes 10 spins just like that B all right spanner I think you've had enough fun on that thing so I mean it this time the very last trick ready if you'd even count this as a trick oh cuz I'd count that as a hospital visit mate my back oh my back I got trap nerve trap nerve oh well oh well man up I honestly need to rest for like a week but I find that impossible right and now let's ride the rest of this place it's only fair I can't drive an hour just to ride that thing well I would but anyway for a skate park to be five stars there's five things that it needs to have it's got one of them there which we've spent plenty of time on it needs a ramp which you can actually send nutty tricks on which it has that and then the second thing is it needs a street ramp which it has right here the third thing is it needs a quarter that you can do good air tricks on and I'm sorry but these ones don't count because of that sketchy bump the fourth thing which I think is the most important thing is it needs a fly out it needs a ramp which you can go out of and it's just flat and this one has plenty of room to learn tricks so the reason why it needs that is is because when you're an absolute beginner that's where you'll learn all of your tricks out of a fly out so we'll test that and for the fifth star is just the location the surrounding area also I'm a dad to two daughters so obviously I went and got that Dad board you got about 1 two three almost four lengths of a scooter so that's plenty of room to learn tricks is that ready 1 2 3 4 five easy oh got to watch that puddle looks like I'm only doing them that way back scoot yeah this is more than enough room to learn tricks out of honestly we're about 360 Yes just about and now oh three do that yo no wait I just realized you have fly out over here as well yeah mate this place is blessed with fly out and I'm not joking I've been to so many places where this will be their fly out literally that much room look how the heck you meant to learn tricks with that so this skate park definitely got lucky look imagine I'm a beginner look see you have so much room to learn tricks and then once you're feeling brave you do them over a ramp and in the future I'm sure I'll visit places where that's the fly out but for now let's make the most out of what they've got here ready baring water boom boom oh wait I learned this trick the other day I literally don't know what it's called oh wait wait wait wa wait literally grab the scooter and keep your hand on whilst it spins like this oh oh I hit my arm oh oh oh [Music] that's more like it my sney Bap guy now let me know in the comments what that should be called I've already got a trick named after me called the spanner flip so it can't be called that maybe it should be called the handy cuz you keep your hand on wait handy n maybe not right let's do a few more tricks out here oh yeah almost face plant let's redo that boy yes another spin see it may not be a lot of room but it's just enough to learn tricks on all right one more weirdo trick boom boom and now let's ride the rest of it come on got this hip remember oh that is so steep oh my god oh another car's rocked up now are they going to sit there and puff their Vape like the other guy or have they actually come to ride let's see let's see what is this ramp honestly let me show you a closeup of that what is that surely that won't always like that there's no way that is actually so deadly maybe it's the local vaping spot just puff puff puffing away I don't do that mate now let's not die oh no no no that is sketchy mate why is that Gap there this needs to be moved to here my foot keeps almost going down there oh that scary honestly I'm confused what this is for like you can't roll into it cuz your scooter full on hits it let's try wait there all right I guess it works oh my God we have got to do that I was just about to say why don't we use that gap for our advantage look yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh we've got that oh come on brother yeah yes I am the one the one yes and don't need a gun to get respect up on the streets oh no that's still so scary honestly every time I do a trick over it my back wheel is like here and if it lands there I am we'll do one more steezy trick there you go all right and now to properly test out this thing which I've just known missed again they've left another gap on this side and I don't know what you're looking at mate the same here as well look I don't know why I just makes it scarier to ride but I'm fearless bro yeah and again all right I need to speak to whoever designed this place where are you excuse me uh excuse me o oh crap they're coming no right oh well all right we've come here to test it so I got no excuse I just got to ride it as if I'm one with it yeah easy stuff some techy stuff o Che and then let's get a quick world first yeah 50/50 sip of the old red bu in the same trick boom I just thought s Oh my days what is that oh nah look at this insane engineering that Precision right there blood look that's got to be the best rail design ever look just hop onto here boom into there yeah let's give it a go oh why I'm actually doing this I'm actually fried mate oh we've got that no come on oh my God disco for the Disco in this three two shn Bop what the hell how do El are safe for that worldy bro so you go down there and then you pump over that thing and then you go boom yeah that should be all right come on Je come on that was pretty cram and now let's do some bloody technical stuff oh F oh first try my guy now back to the most pointless ramp ever made so you can get so much speed for this thing yeah great design oh just about oh oh that's why I don't do them anymore ow oh can we do that weirdo thing over that ramp wish me luck people SNB bibity B oh I don't know I don't know I don't know that felt like I let go way too early [Music] early oh I don't know I don't know I don't know now my hand was on the whole time so I'm counting it I might actually come to this place again honestly it's well fun all right now let's try my new favorite trick which is basically just slap it as many times as I can let's see all right two is easy that doesn't count but can I slap it three times look at my fingers that's how messed up my nerves are what is that look what the shout out to my back oh my how embarrassing oh no no no oh why did I shout out my back ow that killed what the hell I fell over in the puddle and it somehow wrote my name definitely oh my back my back my back oh God that hurts literally no matter what position I put my body in my back is killing and now I'm about to throw myself 10 ft in the air that's definitely what the doctor would advise yeah all right just bum bum bum bum oh I don't know I don't know I don't know might have to skip it ah ah ah now I need to take another break mate my back is killing me how do people rest honestly and the weather's dank as well it would be easier if it was Winter I'd obviously be able to rest to let my body heal but it's so hard when the weather's like this this will be my first drop of water today so quick bottle flip there you go landed oh now I actually can't now my back kills all right we're not doing that trick we are not doing that trick instead let's see how many times I can spin my scooter yeah starting off with one of course and then one two like that and then 1 two 3 4 keep it going 1 2 3 4 wait was that four or five just to be on the safe side let's redo that 1 2 3 4 five and now let's try six why up oh my toes just about slipped off as well yeah yes boom and shout out to my back pain oh that is so dank mate and now let's try four rewind first try yeah boom boom boom boom Oh my back my back back oh well 1 2 3 4 like I said like I said first try my guy boom ow my back my back someone else has just rocked up in their car oh he's actually got a skateboard now let's see if this skate park actually hates scooters like the sticker once said and like the sign says this place isn't designed solely for scooters wait there I just remembered I wanted to try hop off here and grind along there you right do you get many people down there yeah sometimes it's a bit out of the way is it I like it no I prefer it but if you need me to move my stuff just let me know ow my back huh that might work what wait there wait there we could do better than that oh first try oh it's getting even darker it might rain any minute I don't want to get in this way wait there oh my back my back let's try two grinds in a row oh let redo no my back oh I actually can't oh I might have to cut the video here people my back is in so much Agony ow how am I meant to drive home honestly right now I'd usually say let's do three more tricks to finish off the video but my back is honestly seizing up I'm literally turning into concrete right now so me and this skate park this skate park are done and here's my review five stars without lying oh yeah I forgot to say at the beginning this place was built in 2004 for a 20-year-old skate park it's not doing too bad obviously the duct tape's helping but anyway this skate park now has a festar review on Google all thanks to me and another thing I forgot to say this country road the speed limit is 60 MPH 60 MPH with no foot path so if anyone here wants to go to the skate park they have to risk their life just to get here what is that about mate oh yeah and I just found out the guy's gravestone this is chimpo this skate park was built in memory of him apparently he was a BMX rider who got killed on the roads by a drunk driver and they never found the drunk driver and obviously cuz he didn't want to lose his license he didn't even call the ambulance rest in peace to chimpo and hopefully after this video the council might add scooters on there come on mate but for now I'll see you later keep [Music]
Channel: Spanner
Views: 786,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scooter tricks, sport, sports, scooter, skatepark, skate, undialed, pro scooter, scooter parts, skate park, scooter check, gopro, pov, go pro, original, halfpipe, SPANNER, SPANNER JONES, STANLEY JONES, scoot, game of scoot, action sports, diy skatepark, abandoned skatepark, abandoned, exploring, explore, worlds best scooter tricks, how to tailwhip, how to barspin, backyard skatepark, build a halfpipe, village, sk8park, tricks, scotering, look mom no hands, diss skatepark, diss, Suffolk, norfolk
Id: 3xIzDdFys70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 15sec (2175 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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