The Sims 4 Modding Tutorial Part 1

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hello this is simon's model summer on patreon and that's caldwell hu on mata sims and on sims 4 studio today i'm going to give you the first look at how you can make mods for the sims 4 really simple we're going to go step by step through the process to get started there is going to be three important programs that you're going to be using throughout this process you're going to need sims 4 studio and you're going to need the open beta version and depending on if you're using a pc or mac you can choose the appropriate version and you'll want to go ahead and install it using either the installer or the zip the installer is the easiest second program you're going to need is notepad plus plus once you go to their downloads page you'll see there's a list of releases you can go ahead and download the most recent release a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version so pick the one that's right for your computer and the third program you're going to need is the mod constructor by zerbu the most recent version is version four and you're going to want to download this to your computer and then once you download it you can open it okay so the first tutorial we're going to go over is how to make simple changes to existing in-game resources for example if you want to change an interaction that's already in the game you can do so by going to sims 4 studio and then at the top you'll see there's the menu that says tools once you click on tools you can click on extract tuning once the process is done you'll see this long list now this is where you can search so for example if you wanted to change an interaction that's in the game you can click interaction and then you want to scroll down until you see interactions you'll see there's a long list of choices so the first thing we're going to do is the easiest thing to do the easiest thing to do is to take an interaction that is not autonomous and make it autonomous for example proposals let's say you want to go ahead and make it so that someone can autonomously propose to another sim if you click propose you'll see there's a list of choices and the very first one is the action that's used for propose now there's two ways to go about this you can either click on this and export it and then you can pick where you want this to be exported on your computer and then you can open it in notepad plus plus now if you've never done this before you can right click on it click open with choose another app and then click always open xml files notepad plus plus this is the course after you've installed it on your computer okay and then it will open so here we have our proposal interaction now you'll see as we scroll down a little bit it says allow autonomous false now if we had a lot of things above this we want to see it the fastest we would click search find and type in autonomous find all in current document okay and you can just quickly click it will take you to all of the places to change this to be autonomous you just simply click here where it says false change it to true and then click save okay now that you've done that you want to make a package now like i mentioned before there's two ways to do this i'm going to show you this way first and then i'm going to show you the second way okay so if we go back to our tools menu right here at the top again if you scroll down to create empty package you can then create a package on your computer now you can name this whatever you'd like i suggest not using any spaces with the sims 4 with packages the more spaces you have your mods the more lag it can cause so i suggest using an underscore or just having everything together with no spaces once you click save your package is created you can now click here at the bottom batch import and then you want to locate on your computer where you saved the file or interaction that you edited and you'll see it's here and we can click save okay once you've done that you can save it to your mods folder and then click save and it will be saved and once you open up your game now proposals will be autonomous now that's the first way to do it there's a second way that's even easier so i'm going to click file main menu and once again this time i'm going to go to tools and i'm going to click create empty package okay once again i'm gonna choose on my computer to create the file i'll name this one version two okay once again it's empty now i can click tools extract tuning and then once again let it process and type in propose i can click on interaction and click add to current package okay this is a faster way to do of doing this and then you can just simply on the right click where it says false change it to true and save now the reason i showed you the notepad version first is because a lot of these interactions will have a long list and notepad allows you to quickly search and find things as opposed to just having to scroll down in this case we were lucky that the future we wanted to change is at the top but as you get more advanced into modding and you notice there's more things you want to change it's a little bit easier to just use notepad and search speaking of notepad there is also going to be additional features that are going to be very helpful to you going forward in your modding process at the very top of notepad plus plus there's a link or a menu called plugins once you click on plugins you'll see there's a list of plugins that are installed and you can install new ones now there's a few that i'm going to mention that i highly suggest that you download if you click plugins admin right here you'll see a list of available plugins the first one i'm going to suggest that you download is called compare now i already have compare installed so it's not appearing unavailable for me under installed but for you this is your first time it's going to say it on this list and you just click it so for example if you click this and then you click install on the right again you want to do this for compare you also will want to install a plugin called tool bucket i highly highly highly suggest using tool bucket tool bucket allows you to uh replace multiple lines within multiple um tuning files or interaction files at the same time or xml files in this case so if you for example went to extract tuning and this time you wanted to extract multiple interactions or files at the same time and edit them let's just pick randomly the butler ones for example and you clicked export and you exported to your computer you can then select all of these together right click and click edit and open them then when you go to plugins and you have your tool bucket you can click multiple find and replace now this is going to let you replace a lot of different things at the same time so let's say we scroll down and let's you see here we have test globals test globals are global tests for the entirety of this interaction that we're looking at so let's say you wanted to take this for butlers and you wanted to make it so that globally butlers have to be young adults through elders you would take that and put it in replace and you will put the original text here okay so again i'm sorry i didn't reverse the first time you want to make sure your original text goes here and fine and then you want to make sure your edited version goes here in the replace field when you click replace all you'll see the matches so now this has gone ahead and done this in every single file we had open and this is going to be a big time saver for you while you're modding if you have multiple things that you want to change at the time okay and then you can just click save all here and then close all after it's done and you'll notice that when it's gray okay so that's the first lesson in the next lesson we're going to look at how to use mod constructor to start making your first mod
Channel: Sims ModelSimmer
Views: 33,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ts4, sims4, thesims4, sims, sim, mod, modding, ts4mods, ts4 mod, modconstructor, sims4studio
Id: pxVP3MDYvXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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