The Simple Streamer Fly Pattern Tutorial

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what is up everybody Sven diesel here we're going to be tying up the simple streamer this is a streamer designed for specifically a group up in alberta canada called the vice crew these are a group of young tires that are looking to expand their fly tying abilities and want to tie up some streamers and so this is a pretty simple pattern but it's super effective sometimes the simplest patterns are the most effective we're gonna be toting a there's an AR x hook it's a streamer hook we're gonna be using a semper flyer this is a swacked thread it's a sick saw and what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and start this right here behind the hook guy and we're gonna lay down a little bit of thread roughly two hook eyes I really love the the length of the shank of this hook and it's super effective for what we're gonna be tying in lots of marabou so trim out your tag in and we're gonna be waiting this so you can either weight this so it rides hook point up or hook point down I'm gonna have this one right hook point down but there's a couple different ways you can attach these lead eyes the one is you can build up a little bit of a hump here with your thread and then jump forward just a little bit and put a secondary hump and then your let eyes kind of sit in between those two humps that that takes a little bit of time and a little bit of thread I'm gonna show you a little different trick here I'm just gonna get this thread off and what we're gonna do is I'm gonna have this right hook point down so I'm going to attach these on the bottom and I'm gonna put two to three loose wraps over these led eyes and then pull down and it automatically twists those eyes and then I just go ahead and do some crisscross about 10 to 15 wraps each way and then as you get it about how you want to position so it's perpendicular to the hook shank what you're gonna do is do some over unders to tighten those thread wraps that we just did the crisscross so by going over under you're actually tightening those led wrap or the sorry thread wraps around those lead eyes and then I'll advance my thread back to the bend of the hook now before we get too far sometimes I apply this later when tying these but let's go ahead and just make sure they're perfect and I'm gonna put a little dab of superglue use what you have I like using Zissou because it's advertised as waterproof however you can use a superglue or hit cement or something that's quick drying you don't want to put like a gel on there that would take you know five to ten minutes to dry and when we're tying in the next few materials that would end up getting stuck in it and other things so what we're going to be using is something you probably have in your fly supplies already and it's marabou we're gonna go with the rainbow color themed I'm using sculpin olive and kind of a white it's actually called UV white this is by nature spirit but all you need is some good long marabou fibers for this and as you know when you're tying in a bait fish usually it's darker on top and lighter on bottom so I'm gonna start with my lighter color and the white and I'm gonna trim out the tip so though I don't have a little stiff end on this and then I'm going to measure it so it's roughly one one and a quarter the length of the overall hook I want it to be a little bit of a bigger tail and then I'll just use loose wraps and advance that up to right behind the eyes so that we have a little bit of bulk underneath we're starting to build a little bit of the body right now by tying in that marabou and then a little trick here is I'm gonna wrap the white a little bit into the bend roughly a hook eyes length so it's kind of going down the bend that will help separate it lighter and dark on top when we tie in the next color which is the sculpin olive and this is going to be the top of our tail so it's really a two-tone marabou tail and what we're gonna do is pick out a feather that's a little bit more dense than the white I like it to be a little bit stronger with the dark just because most of the baitfish I see it has a predominant darker color in the rear and so I'm going to tie it in so that these fibers are just a tad bit longer not much but generally the bulk of the the color is going to be roughly longer than the bulk of the white or lighter color and we'll go ahead and cut that out at about the same place and I'll just use some nice securing wraps working my way down but I'm not going to tie it into the bend I'm gonna leave about a half an eye length right there you can see that way the olives going to stay on top for sure and it adds a lot of movement and then with most of my bait fish I like to add a little bit of Flash ads that sparkle shimmery effect to mimic you know that shimmer where they get with their scales and so I'm gonna take two to three fibers of this crystal flash and I'll go ahead and make sure it's longer than my tail and I'll tie it in on my side almost like you would a lateral line and then I'll advance it a little bit up pull it up and over and then tie it down the opposing side so that it meets up right there in the middle so that that crystal flash is kind of dividing like at that dividing line and then I'll just pull those crystal flash not stretching them and then as soon as they exit out the marabou towel I'll just go ahead and snip them off so they're all even now we're well into this and this is the part where I would normally put a little bit of super glue on the core of this to bond the marabou the thread to the hook shank and then I'd glue my eyes but we already glued the eyes so we're good there but I like doing this just because when you get a fish that chomps in the middle of your fly it could potentially cause the fly to shift down if you aren't using nice and tight secure wraps and so I just like to put a little bit of super glue down so that it keeps that durable now for the body of this reason this FNL creeper it's made by fnf and this is in the color white you could also use a chenille or something else but I really like this material because it builds up profile as you can see when we showed it earlier when it was wet it pops up the marabou so if you were going to do this you could do a regular chenille but you're gonna want to really pack it tight behind the eyes and I'll show you what I mean here in a minute how we're gonna get this so tight and so there's a bunch of different things you could use for this but I really like this and so we're gonna go ahead and Palmer this FNS fnf creeper and I want to make sure I'm not trapping a lot of these rubber legs if you're using a regular chenille like kind of a Perl or something like that you're gonna just you know Palmer it up and then I'm gonna take my time now and really wrap this really well so the issue is we're going to be doing a marabou head just utilizing the same materials we use for the tail now with most marabou heads the issue is it's going to want to lay flat that marabou tail goes to a taper it gets really thin it doesn't naturally pop up and so what this material we're adding now is creating a structure that that marabou will rest on giving it the I wouldn't say perfect taper but basically we're trying to mimic what a baked fish looks like you know kind of that oval too teardrop shape and so we're gonna go ahead and right here when you get up to the right here behind the eyes we're gonna want to start packing this really dense almost you want to try and squeeze about five six wraps in the space you do normally would do two and what this is gonna do is create a structure that that marabou is gonna first hit and pop out a little bit and so here I'm gonna just keep wrapping until I feel like almost like if I wrapped one more it would pop those eyes forward that's that's how much how tight I want it right here behind these eyes and then as you get it to the right tension then I bring the chenille or this fnf creeper I'll bring it up and over and I'll tie it off so what it did is it just went up and over and it covered the lead eyes you could do it on the other neat side but I'm trying to not create more profile on the bottom side because that could potentially restrict your hook point and so we want there to be less profile on the underneath side and so I'm just going to tie off that creeper chenille and make sure that I don't have any fibers that are in my way for the next step you can clean this up to however you want but if you're using anything else just make sure you've got a really nice wall right there you can see how it's got that diagonal backwards and then what we're gonna do is I'm going to start just with my darker color here I'm gonna grab one piece of marabou that's got some really good-looking fibers and I want it to go roughly the tips of this roughly into the end of the bulk on my tail not the wispy fibers but the core of the tail and we'll go ahead and tie that off with four to five wraps and it's gonna look super super ugly and hideous this fly is not men to look good when it is dry it's a fishing fly so then I'll rotate it over and what we're gonna do is now tie in the white and but I'm only gonna do it about half the length I really really want to limit the amount of materials that I have restricting that potential hook point and so you can see I measured it it's about half my wispy ends right there kind of going into the hook point and those will naturally when it gets wet kind of go around that hook point but the last thing you want to do is have like a big bulge hitting that hook point I know marabou isn't a material that we think could you know prohibit a hook up but I'm not taking any chances and so let's go ahead and trim that up just a little bit and advance our thread off that hump we just created with that marabou and now I'm going to tie in a secondary another feather combo in the same color range if you wanted you could potentially switch this up at this point go with an even darker feather but what we're gonna do is I'm trying to make this as simple as possible and we're trying to minimize the amount of materials that you need to have an effective fly and so I'm going to go ahead and tie in this underside first and I'm gonna have it be a little bit shorter than the other piece I just tied in so that it gives a really good taper and we're gonna use some nice securing wraps and then what I'm going to do is trim that out be very very careful not to cut your thread I've done that many many many times and it really is annoying at this point because we're almost done and so you want to be a little bit careful clean that up just a little bit and then we'll add another feather in the sculpt and all of at this point and if you want you could have switched out the two white feathers on the bottom put in a red one in the front or a pink one but we're gonna go ahead and utilize one of my favorite tools to have at the time bench Sharpie pens and so we're gonna go ahead and and tie this in and I want this olive to be roughly the same length as that other other piece I tied in we want a little bit more bulk on the top and then kind of just position these feathers so that these are going um mainly on top and bottom you don't want them kind of wrapping around the side and the way I do that is I'll pinch it here with my left hand before I start to really kind of crank down and wrap and just make sure they're where I want them to be and then I'll give a few really tight wraps and then trim that out now the last step is we need to just clean up this fly you could take some time right now and brush this out if you want but we know we've secured it it's only two feathers and so what we're gonna do is I'm just going to use some thread wraps to kind of create a little bit of a nose almost make it look like it's a small bead on the front with the thread and make sure you don't cover up that hook eye at this point and then we will do a 3 turn whip finish once I get this as clean as I want it and that looks pretty good to me I'll show you a little trick here in a minute if you got a little bit of a fuzzy fibers just use a little lighter cover up your your important feathers so you don't burn those and that just kind of gets those little fuzzies out of the way so we'll just go ahead and do a 3 turn whip finish and we are just about done now we're to the arts and crafts section of this fly and you can see this does not look pretty at all dry this looks like a mess like I said it's not pretty when it's dry but it fish is really really awesome so the next step what we're gonna do is we're gonna use our arts and crafts and get out our sharpies before we put some resin on this and I'm going to take a brown sharpie because I want naturally some of the baitfish or stock trout that I'm trying to mimic here they often have a little bit darker down the center of the back and so what I'm going to do is take that Brown which is a little bit darker than the sculpin olive and I'm going to just color right there on the top if you get some of these rubber legs that's okay too and then I use my fingers to kind of blend it out it's something that you're going to get your fingers a little bit dirty with you can wash them but it really helps to blend it just running it through your fingers a few times and then what we'll do is we'll add some barring but let's get this let's add a little bit of hot pink here right here at the front maybe it's got those roses or hot pink cheeks it's a little bit it's blushing on us or potentially let's add a little bit of red as well the color combinations are endless and I'm just kind of blending it with my fingers I want to make sure that we get it even coated on all sides and that looks not my best color job with the red but it will do the purpose of what I'm going for here so now let's add some stripes and a little trick to doing that is kind of just pinch it in between your fingers like this so it's almost flat and I just color down the one side and then color down the other and then I match it I color are down this side I color on the other and that's how we create the vertical barring and you could take a brush and brush this out and blend them a little bit more but I kind of like to leave these more barred I don't want to blend them too much at this point I'm going to let that dry now this looks super super terrible it's not a good looking fly dry I think I've said that now three times let's finish this up and make it durable I'm going to take a little bit of UV resin you could also use some sort of glue like a head cement and just I'm gonna coat the the head here of this fly being very careful just to get the the thread wraps you don't want to get any in your hook eye and cause it to be an issue where you're gonna have to pick it out when you're on the river and let's go ahead and cure that up or let it dry if you're using just a regular glue and this is a ugly simple streamer but it fish as well and you can see how that fnf creepers you know that rubber legs it adds a profile and let's go ahead and give it a little twirl here of it dry and then let's check it out wet you can see it just teardrops that thing and that is just gonna have tons of awesome movement as you strip this in the shallows or in the deep and so the color combinations are endless usually you have it's a simple fly Buechele thread and some LED eyes and some sharpies so hopefully you tie some up and have some fun and catch some fish [Music]
Channel: Svenddiesel
Views: 32,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fly Tying, fishing, fly fishing, fly tyer, how to tie, tips and tricks, tutorial, pattern, variation, hook, thread, whip finish, dub loop, trout, bass, perch, rainbow, small mouth, brown, cutthroat, nymph, dry, streamer
Id: ZOqdS8lzHgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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