The Simple Joys of Being Right

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thank you very much thank you for having me there's a pleasure to see everybody here I want to thank ya I want to thank the College Republicans and I'm really happy to be here at Emory I'm here we're a Georgia we're in Stacey Abrams his home state and I haven't kept up on it since November but it has she conceded the election yet or is she still technically running for because I know they brought in all those Democrats to fill in all those extra ballots I don't know if it's happened yet but I'm glad to be here I'm also sorry to say I forgot to bring my chalk I initially for those of you in the home audience who don't get that joke I at Emory University two years ago I remember reading about this at the time as somebody committed a vicious and awful hate crime at this university an unthinkable villainy and horror somebody chalked the phrase Trump 2016 this caused mayhem there were protests I believe they threw the president of the university out of his job for this unspeakable horror of not writing Hillary 2016 of choosing the other presidential candidate so I was gonna come and write in Trump 2020 but I didn't want to set the University of blaze so I guess and maybe next time it is it is also very good to be here in Atlanta before the green new deal goes into effect and obliterates all air travel make it will make it very difficult for me to come in from Los Angeles once the green New Deal obliterates all air travel as well as all automobiles travel as well as 88 percent of the American energy industry it will of course allow electric cars to remain but not for very long one because electric cars are actually worse for the environment than gasoline-powered cars a lot of people are unaware of that and two because electricity does not come from magic electricity comes from coal which is very dirty and filthy and pollute II and certainly will not be allowed in the green New Deal just occurs to me I should actually probably go to the University of Hawaii first before the green dear Gerson because I can always take a train to Atlanta I can always high-speed solar-powered wind trains or so I don't know the green new deal by the way if you haven't read it also will make it very difficult not just for you to get around without the cars or the trains or the automobiles but also it will make it harder for you to stay at home because it will abolish your house the the green New Deal promises to destroy and rebuild every residential and non-residential building in the entire country within 10 years every residential and non-residential building it turns out is every single building in the entire country and those those will be outlawed by the green New Deal which everybody is endorsing all of the beautiful things the beautiful houses in Atlanta beautiful apartment buildings in New York homes and Beverly Hills all of them will be gone and this brings us circuitous lead to our topic tonight which is the simple joys of being right the greater joy felt by being right rather than wrong we're left-wing but I repeat myself the green New Deal is emblematic of the left's ultimate goal which is to abolish to destroy to change and to fundamentally rebuild every single thing in this country what we have who we are what we possess what we know this reminds us of Barack Obama who said that he wanted to fundamentally transform the country and were conservatives got into trouble when they suggested Barack Obama might not love his country it's how dare you you don't want to fundamentally transform things that you love if you ever set valentine's day is coming up if you turn to your little honey on Valentine's Day say baby baby I love you so much I want to fundamentally transform you I want you to be unrecognizable when I'm through with you you will not have a very good Valentine's Day and the green New Deal would do this it would remake the United States entirely politically intellectually and spiritually physically this it would involve a radical redistribution of wealth it would involve a government takeover of one-sixth of the US economy not just any sector by the way the health care sector we're talking about urgent questions of life and death it would destroy instantly with within one instant tens of millions of jobs and it would end our deliberative Republican system of government it would do this there's a little line in in the draft legislation it says that the committee that will be appointed for the green new deal will decide on a universal basic income it will decide on welfare programs it will decide on a universal socialist health care program and any other programs that the committee deems necessary which is any law that's anything whatsoever without any sort of democratic accountability imagine hating your culture and your tradition and your society so much the all you wanted to do is rip it to the ground and rebuild it within ten years is it any wonder that conservatives are happier than left wingers if you look at the various presidential candidates the the difference between the right and the left in terms of smiles and frowns could not be clearer you have chief liya watha senator Elizabeth Warren who is slogging her way to the White House one miserable beer at a time looking unhappy with each passing sip you have baito robert francis O'Rourke wandering the country aimlessly writing angsty diary entries as though he were a teenage girl on you know you know just finding himself man you know just wandering for a bit you have of course senator Spartacus Cory Booker crying tears of rage at every opportunity and then those are the candidates on the left then you have on the right our president Donald Trump smiling and tweeting the more he smiles the more he tweets the more e tweets the more he smiles the more I smile too he said this I really liked this one he tweeted out about the green New Deal I think it is very Fortin for the democrats to press forward with their green New Deal it would be great for the so-called carbon footprint to permanently eliminate all planes cars cows oil gas and the military even if no other country would do the same brilliant one gets the sense that this man really enjoys being president he really enjoys it I enjoy it and he enjoys it because his policies are working his policies have corresponded in a really delightful way to reality the economy is booming we have joblessness at all-time lows especially minority joblessness Hispanic and black and female unemployment we have a relative peace abroad we have an approval rating that is now reflecting this president Trump today just passed 52% in the daily presidential tracking poll we have excellent Supreme Court judges and justices who are interpreting the law rather than rewriting the law these are policies that are working out well for the country they're corresponding with reality and I don't just mean economic reality I mean they're corresponding with our tradition they are corresponding in a way with the American people across demographic lines across political lines you have the Trump Democrats I suppose they're now called the populist movement the the Trump populist you have it across racial lines president Trump support among black voters doubled within the first eight months of his presidency and it has continued to go up since then the same is true among Hispanic voters he's grown the tent because of the effectiveness of his policies some people have the idea that it's because of his acerbic personality that he's attracting people that he just attracts mean-spirited people to them I don't think there's any evidence for this when Trump is really mean when he's really going after people when he's doing things that they deem cruel his approval rating does drop and at the moment he's just winning with like hashtag sick and tired totally winning he had a very successful State of the Union address the Democrat presidential candidates humiliate themselves and his approval continues to increase so he enjoys it and this is the keyword I never got the feeling that Barack Obama enjoyed being president he always looked so miserable doing he went gray in about eight days he got wrinkles on his face his plans were constantly foiled his strategies went awry his legacy has been totally eviscerated there is no legacy left for the Obama administration because it turns out that opposing reality is not terribly conducive to happiness there's a line that Democrats used to use all the time that George Bernard Shaw of he was a playwright and Robert Kennedy would quote this line he'd say some people see things that are and ask why but I dream things that never were and ask why not as though this were some inspiring you know yeah man totally snaps but it's not if that line is from a play called back to Methuselah and the line is actually from the mouth of the devil it's from the mouth of the serpent tempting Eve in the garden fantasy is not conducive to human happiness and we have a cult of fantasy now in our country one half of American Millennials believe that there are more than two biological sexes how many people in this room think that there are more than two biological sexes see there's a little self selection here if you come to see the co f f/a on campus door you are probably a little more tuned into biological realities but among our fellow young Americans one half believe that there are more than two Facebook says that there are 56 biological sexes as of an hour and a half ago there may be more now I haven't checked it since I left my hotel room Millennials are 60 times as likely as the average adult population to be confused about their own biological sex this has led them to become the most anxious most depressed most overprescribed and most suicidal generation in American history fantasy is not conducive to happiness this confusion stems from the left's embrace of radical skepticism you can call there are a lot of words for this you can call it post-modernism relativism subjectivism nihilism in all amounts to the same thing which is a rejection of the truth a rejection of even the concept of the truth or the concept of objective reality in favor of my truth or your truth or his truth or tzer's truth this creates a serious problem for conservatives not just you all on campus even people like me who go around and give lectures on campuses it shows that fundamentally the left is unwilling to reason there is a hard core of the left-wing right now that will not be reasoned with in order to reason you need to at least accept the premises of reality that there is an objective truth we have different opinions about it and that's what we're arguing about if you deny that there's no debate there's no or there's no logic it actually sort of makes sense from that perspective as to why they try to shut us all up because they they're not having a debate for them politics descends into a brutal interest battle where there is nothing civil or reasonable about it so I propose an alternative of talking out the left and bringing them over to our point of view and my alternative is to show them how much nicer it is on the right it's so much nicer it's so much more enjoyable it's so much less miserable you judge the tree by its fruit and if we show the left the logical conclusions of their terrible premises I think they might be more likely to come on over that's the best option that I have the evidence is clear conservatives are happier than leftists conservatives are more content and more joyful than leftists us see did a study last year they analyzed five different studies it was a meta-analysis 20,000 people in 16 different countries from the 1970s all the way up to 2017 it showed that conservatives are happier more satisfied find greater purpose in life and what kind of conservatives are we talking about are we talking about those squishy vichy kind like John Kasich are we talking about those she washi moderates who make Twitter videos about how much they love yoga yesterday was so awful if you haven't seen it do not watch it it's just unwatchable no it isn't those middle of the rotors if you stand in the middle of the road you're going to get hit by a truck these studies actually showed that the more conservative you are the happier you will be this is very helpful for someone like me whose politics is slightly to the right of Genghis Khan for those of you who are similarly Attila the Hun fellows this will also be good for you there was a study from Pew Research in 2006 conservative Republicans are 68 percent more likely than Liberal Democrats to be very happy extreme conservatives self-described are the happiest of all according to these surveys so why are they so happy we can begin with religion religion is the basis of our identity as st. Andrew Breitbart of the Blessed Hollywood conservatives showed politics is down stream of culture and culture is down stream of religion cult and culture come from the same word the what the culture worships will define that culture and everybody has a religion some people pretend they don't have a religion but what you worship will define your culture so some people worship God some people worship money some people worship sex some people you know it depends on the time of day or the day of the week but everybody has a religion conservatives are more religious and specifically Christian than the left a conservative religious conservatives rather outnumber religious leftists four to one this is not news anybody who happened to watch the Democrat National Convention in 2012 would have seen the entire party booing God in their national platform which is good evidence that you're not worshiping God if you're booing him religious people are twice as likely as the irreligious to consider themselves a very happy this of course makes sense if you believe that God loves you that you live in a world with purpose and reason and that ultimately you're going to be with God forever you're more likely to be happy than if you think that the world is just a sick joke and a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing that we all take a dirt nap and get eaten by worms that's not a very happy making idea conservatives take part in religious behaviors much more higher much higher rate rather than leftists to conservatives specifically get and stay married and marriage makes people happier though this may not always appear to be the case it's true the Institute for Family Studies showed in 2015 one that conservatives are more likely to get and stay married and controlling for economic factors kids in red states are much more likely to grow up in the home of both of their biological parents the general social survey showed that Republicans are more happily married more likely to remain in their first marriage and I can just speak from personal experience I was an atheist for 10 years ish from 13 until about 23 I was rather single during much of that period as well I reverted to Christianity after college and I got married to my wife last year to sweet little ELISA my life has vastly improved her life has deteriorated and fallen apart but my life has gotten very very good and I can personally attest to it but religion and marriage don't tell the whole story there are many different kinds of conservatives many of them don't realize that they are conservative or that they are partaking in a Christian tradition that has just come to them through their culture religion plays a role it's the foundation but there are many other joys to being right the most obvious one is humor and laughing the left cannot laugh at the moment we all know that the left can't meme but the left also can't laugh they can't they don't laugh anymore they screech in the yell and they cry and they try to get the presidents of universities fired for chalk that says Trump 2016 comedians don't play college campuses anymore Jerry Seinfeld won't play college campuses a lot of others won't either because they were rade that the kids are gonna pretend to be offended and triune their careers with one or two tweets and the left lacks a sense of proportion a sense of balance a sense of humor every republican president these days is Hitler every Republican policy is not just going to cause political pain it will literally destroy the world it will cause the end of human life as we know it forget those polar bears those polar bears are long dead it will kill them all horace walpole observed that to the man who thinks life is a comedy but to the man who feels life is a tragedy conservatives have a more balanced reasoned logical view of the world it's based on sounder premises premises that acknowledge reality and truth the left is stuck in its own subjective tyranny of feelings and when you were a slave to your emotions and your passions you are not going to have a very good time this unreasoned despair leads to rather dark policy prescriptions you can see this in particular up in virginia with governor blackface governor blackface now in his unreasoned view of the world his absurd view of the world is advocating fourth trimester abortion he's advocating post birth abortion of course there's no such thing he's advocating killing babies after they've been born and then when he's called out on this on radio he says no no but listen I'm specifically talking about killing babies with deformities as though that makes it better as though because the baby is missing a finger his life is not valuable he should be killed after he has been born according to governor Northam and this this was not just a gaffe governor Northam is a very stupid man but it is not just a gaffe this comes naturally if anything governor Northam is honest event you know governor Northam by virtue of his simplicity he shows his black face from the 1980s turns out every other Virginia politician was wearing blackface in the 80s too so he's not the only one he shows the logical conclusion of this absurd and unbalanced culture such that to the left if you're a little bit imperfect you deserve death though with the left doesn't realize is that we're all imperfect we all have foibles our imperfections actually in the grand scheme of things are fairly funny we can laugh about these incongruity and imperfection makes for a good joke but not to the left to the left imperfection is a horror it is a humiliation it is something to be denied stomped out snuffed out and killed now this in part comes from the left's embrace of pride as a virtue as the virtue I don't know how they managed to convince themselves of this but the left managed to take the queen of all sins pride which goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall and turn it into their greatest virtue they hold pride for a pride parades not just for gay pride for all sorts of pride fat pride skinny pride black pride lady pride not white pride white pride you are not allowed to do but all other sorts of pride pride which is the vice pride which is the queen of sin they exalt as their highest virtue now this brings us to another discreet joy of being right which is diversity the left despises imperfection if you contradict their narrow homogeneous view of perfection they want to discard you literally they will kill you for it as Ralph Northam made very clear conservatives love diversity this is ironic because the left says they like diversity and then they disinvite people and yell and screech at you if you have a different opinion the Conservatives truly love diversity and always have conservatives love the variety of life we love to be surprised by the differences among people the differences among experiences and the expressions of our human nature there's a quote from Thomas Carlyle that this calls to mind every man is my superior in that I can learn something from him you don't have to recite the party line you don't need you toe the line point by point you can learn something from everybody you can learn something from those screechie blue haired leftists as well they can teach you something about ideology or about youth or about going down a wrong intellectual path but the left can't stand diversity so the left exalts only its own perverse view of perfection this is why it disinvites conservatives from campus this is why the left censors conservatives through a big tech so big tech companies persistently have kicked conservatives off of the platform's shadow bands them I've had my show censored constantly because I'm such a threat I'm so intimidating I've had I've had I had a conversation with a priest on my show about the sacrament of marriage you could not possibly get dryer content than this not exactly a provocateur that the episode was banned it was banned from the Internet the left is threatened by free speech because the left is not confident that its own ideas correspond with reality this too flows naturally from its premises which deny objective truth which deny a real epistemology which deny that we're all talking about one thing so there is no way for us to have a civil dialogue it is just a brute force and a shouting match this is another joy of being right is clarity of vision nobody sees with perfect clarity of course but generally speaking conservatives have a much clearer political vision this is borne out by social science surveys which show that the right understands the left much better than the left understands the right we generally understand where left wingers are coming from because the left brings to their political vision very narrow ideology the rationalization that strips away inconvenient facts a good example of this came yesterday with Amy Klobuchar announcement that she's running for the Democrat nomination for president she's the senator from Minnesota she's standing there in the middle of freezing-cold Minnesota and Amy Klobuchar starts talking about how global warming going to kill us all now by the time she was finished talking about how global warming is gonna kill us all her whole head was covered in snow she had little snowflakes all over her hair everyone was shivering gold you're in the midst of a polar vortex throughout all of the country have been traveling a whole lot the last few weeks everywhere I go it's colder than the next place and she says that we need to immediately re-enter the Paris climate Accord they all yeah Amy we're gonna enter the the United States presently which is not party to the Paris climate Accord is doing a better job of upholding the tenets of the Paris climate Accord than the signatory nations themselves we were told when they tried to pass that ridiculous climate Accord we were told that if we don't do it the whole world is gonna end so then we didn't do it how are you feeling are you feeling healthy are you feeling okay not sick everybody's good everybody's fine and ironically the countries that have signed on to it they don't really care they're not reducing their air pollution they're not reducing carbon dioxide but we are doing that nevertheless she says we need to destroy the entire American economy for global warming never mind that the predictions don't ever seem to come true never mind that New York has not been under water for five years never mind that Florida just neighbor down to the South has not been under water for five years never mind that the polar bears are not dead the polar bears are doing just fine their populations have increased never mind that Amy Klobuchar was freezing cold bundled up in snow no ignore the reality who cares don't believe your lying eyes who cares what's going on in the real world what we have to care about is what is going on in the leftist fantasy theories that is what she told us yesterday ideology discourages learning this is another simple joy of being right if you've got the answers to everything if you have a totalizing political system ideology then you've got nothing to learn for the left politics and history are science not art conservatives view it as art Aristotle says politics is a practical science you can't formulate it all in a little calculation and because tell spreadsheet you can't have a bunch of egghead bureaucrats planning out everybody's life exactly for them politics is an art because we have free will we are free people the world is infinitely immensely complex that's a beautiful thing it's part of why we love the variety of life but for the left it's a formula and if you find the formula then everything is supposed to follow progress perfectly this is why they're always shocked to find out that they lose elections they don't ever believe it when it happens when Stacey Abrams lost that election here in Georgia she would not give it up she was supposed to win the formula said it she that was the path to progress the only reason Stacey Abrams ended up conceding I'm certain is because all those little Democrat activists who came in to fill out forms for fraudulent votes she didn't want them to get carpal tunnel so she said no in the interest of your health stop writing in all those fake votes Hillary Clinton was supposed to win and then when she didn't win she found out it was the macedonians it was James Comey it was Bernie it was did I mention the Macedonians it was the Russians it was I was everybody except the American people who did not want to vote for her those deplorable irredeemable American people brings us to another joy of being right which is love conservatives love our countrymen even Hillary Clinton sometimes not all the time in so much as she is our countrymen we we love her the left doesn't love its country this is why the left wants to knock down all of the buildings and rebuild all of them within 10 years this is why the left once fully open borders this is why the left protests the American flag the American Left does not love its country or countrymen the left loves humanity but it doesn't like human beings very much it loves human humanity and the abstract but it doesn't like humanity in the particular in the real in the familial in the that with which we have a relationship this is why you see it baked into this ideology this is why you see baked into utopia this is why frankly the left is so angry at all of the conservatives is because they have the keys to progress and if you impede progress you can be one of two things extraordinarily stupid or evil have bad intentions you're a bigot you're a sexist you're a racist you're what whatever silly euphemism they want to use those are the only two options and who could love either of those people as a result the left is more likely to unfriend people on social media than conservatives or I've been traveling to all these campuses I just saw us in the student newspaper of Washington University there was a headline that read quote it's okay that conservatives don't feel welcome it's okay now it's okay according to this kid because we already know conservative ideas are wrong we've never read them or engaged with them or talked about them or thought about them for five seconds but we know that they're wrong so it's okay for conservatives not to feel welcome at my own dear alma mater of Yale the other day they published an opinion piece in the student newspaper about how white men with brown hair or evil all of them every single one and the whole point of the piece was that because all these kids at Yale end up becoming Brett Kavanaugh or somebody they really hate Breck have an oddity I really don't like Brett Kavanaugh because of that what it is moral it's a moral duty for students at Yale to go up to every white brown haired young man there and ruin his life find a picture of him too drunk at a party find a text message that looks kind of weird and ruin his life that was the thesis of the op-ed what a cold and miserable way to go through life what an absolutely terrible way to view your fellow man and your institutions and the world the idea that if anything is different from you that it is offensive that is a miserable way to go through life this is the definition of pride by the way to say that everything that I am is perfect everything I am and have and no is perfect and everything that isn't me terrible that is pride Michael Oakshott a wonderful philosopher who does not get read enough gave a very good definition of conservatism and I think it gets to a little bit why we enjoy it so much he said to be conservative is to prefer the familiar to the unknown to prefer the tried to the untried fact to mystery the actual to the possible the limited to the unbounded the near to the distant the sufficient to the super abundant the convenient to the perfect present laughter to utopian bliss familiar relationships and loyalties will be preferred to the allure of more profitable attachments to acquire and to enlarge will be less important than to keep to cultivate and to enjoy we don't want to fundamentally transform things evolution not revolution the conservative view in which we accept our limits in order to exercise our creativity because these limits are not such a bad thing like the parameters of a poem they allow you to be more creative they allow you more enjoyment this view in which we look on the world with awe and wonder in which we feel gratitude for our lives which we did not earn in which we did not invent in which we venerate the author of those lives and the order that he created in which we defend and cherish the tradition that carries this vision throughout the ages this view is more conducive to joy because it's more in line with the truth because it's more in line with reality for leftists for there aren't very many of you in the audience on the left I think most are on the right for those of you in the television audience who are on the left ask yourself if you are miserable every single day if you are constantly irritated by the news cycles by your conservative uncle at the dinner table by your conservative friends on Facebook if you are constantly and perpetually joyless do you maybe have a problem is it possible that the problem is not Donald Trump it's not George W Bush before him it's not Ronald Reagan before him that maybe you have the problem and maybe the problem is not so much psychological as philosophical to them I say come on over the water is warm global warming has made the water warm it's really really nice just dip your toe in you won't regret it you can choose how to live you can choose another mode of viewing the world and you can choose a new politics you can either choose to remain wrong or and this is the one that I recommend you can choose to be right thank you very much [Applause] we can all lineup down here along this aisle and if you disagree I know this is a common tactic with banham we have you know the daily wire makes me do this rule if you disagree with me you have to cut the line I think this creates a terrible and perverse incentive but that's okay that's what I have to do that's what my boss is saying all right I'll start off then because I'm president and you're not like Donald Trump says so my first question what do you see being the consequences of there being an elimination of the center and do you see a third party emerging anytime in the future I think it's already been promised to us the loss of a Center in American politics can be either a good thing or a bad thing it depends where the center is the conservative movement is responsible for destroying the American Center it's responsible in so much as there was a liberal consensus and then in the 1950s there was a more concerted conservative movement now it wasn't our fault exclusively for long because then the radical left came in pushing what was though in those days socialism versions of Marxism the introduction of identity politics the destruction of the barrier between the personal and the political the anti Western politics hey hey ho ho Western Civ has got to go and this Sasa's continued unabated for the last 50 or so years to the point that now you have democratic socialists running openly on as as Democrat candidates for office and you have a conservative movement that is more conservative I think this is a very good thing Howard Schultz the billionaire from Canarsie who's self-made and actually a fairly inspiring figure is a lifelong Democrat but he can't run as a Democrat because Democrats are socialists now he is going to run he's not going to win though he would go a long way I think toward creating a viable third party in the United States I like this idea in so much as it will throw the election to Donald Trump so I'm pleased about that and it will force the Democrats to moderate it will force them to realize that they have got to ditch some of the Bolshevism no they can't collectivise the farms in ten years this would be a very good thing however broadly speaking the third parties don't always help us out third parties can be spoilers and can actually undermine the will of the American people and in our republic that's an important thing so what I would much rather see than a third party is a candidate like Howard Schultz come in disrupt things throw the election to a Republican and more importantly bring Democrats not just back to the center not to be moderate conservatives or something just bring them back to the point that they accept objective reality that they accept that there is truth about which we can argue if we did that that would be a huge benefit to American politics so you talk about objective and subjective reality do you believe that President Trump is actually thriving off of the subjective reality in politics today I think that he's thriving in so much as he makes fun of the absurdities of the left and this gives him a lot of material so he's always talking about how the whitest woman in America pretended to be Native American for 30 years to advance her career that she filed with the Texas State Bar as America Indian in her own handwriting this helps him out without the subjective ridiculous emotivist fantasies of the left we probably would not have a Donald Trump phenomenon we would not reward a man who speaks bluntly like a guy who grew up in Queens and who has a very basic relationship to people and to the media and a sort of basic and visceral understanding of human nature that really helps him the notion that President Trump is himself living in some kind of fantasy I think is totally overblown they throw these silly terms like fake news around or alternative facts let's not forget these are terms that the the left has popularized a fake news was a term to undermine conservative leaning outlets which is ironic coming from the mainstream media the mainstream media which is now simply a megaphone for Democrat Party politics as for alternative facts alternative facts actually are alternative facts they're not a contrary reality they're not a parallel universe when that phrase was used it was Sean Spicer saying Donald Trump had the biggest inauguration crowd ever it is true that in Washington DC it was a smaller crowd but the core total crowd when you factor in social media television and eyeballs around the world was larger the phrase alternative fact referred to that it's a sophisticated point and it's a subtle point that is certainly lost on the left but nevertheless that is a reality and always with the left they are projecting they are projecting their own bigotry onto the right they're projecting now their own anti-semitism you've got freshmen members of Congress calling for the obliteration of Israel and yet they call conservatives anti-semitic that is nothing more than projection and I think the same remains true of their claims of subjective reality and lived experience thank you very good question hi thank you for your coming out tonight you made mention that people like Amy Klobuchar aren't paying attention to reality as events like the polar vortex poor vertex swept across the country the past few weeks per NASA 18 to the 19 warmest years have all occurred since 2001 with the exception of 1998 1998 excuse me the our 2016 ranking as the warmest on record and record-keeping beginning in 1951 I'm wondering what you would believe for then would account for the increase in global temperature my only question is what Amy Klobuchar or you if you hold this view as well predict will happen as a result of variations in recorded temperature by NASA what you think that the tangible effects of that will be and how you propose to stop it for me just kind of more so hearing well Amy won't answer the question either and so I and the reason that she won't answer the question is because of course there is no answer she's complaining that were not party to the Paris climate Accord we're doing a better job of fulfilling the Paris climate Accord than the nation's that are actually party to it what is the prediction we've been told a lot of predictions by global warming alarmists New York is gonna be underwater but by the early 2010's didn't happen from Florida is gonna be underwater the polar bears are gonna be dead on and on and on and it hasn't happened so I want a concrete prediction of what's going to happen and that I want a plan to stop it because so far I've seen no plan to stop it other than this green New Deal is the first piece of legislation which proposes we destroy 88 percent of American energy we knock down every single building in the country we outlaw air travel we outlaw automobiles we spend 40 trillion dollars and the way we pay for 40 trillion dollars is to just print it at the federal reserve through like you know quantitative easing or whatever so that isn't a plan and I owe the the person who proposes that idea I owe them no explanation whatsoever of my point of view if they are going to make an assertion and propose a policy to certain to avert that oncoming catastrophe I'm more than happy to entertain it but they're simply behaving like children the point I will make on this as well is that the left always talks about global warming as just believing in science you know it's just the science but for the left it's not science it's religion this is why a bill designed strictly to combat global warming includes socialist health care it's white includes a universal basic income it's white includes a universal jaw the program it's why it involves totally redoing our Democratic Republic because for the left it is a religion it is socialism by the backdoor it is a religion that has indulgences you can buy indulgences such as carbon tax credits it has sinned it has original sin it has pollution it has all of the criteria and for a people who would call themselves largely secular and modern it fulfils a natural religious longing but I know of no 19th century doomsday cultists who have ever been so consistently wrong as the left-wing global warming alarmists thank you hi I just want to say I love your book thank you for you're clearly a scholar absolutely I just want to know like what sort of academic rigor did you put yourself through when writing it sourcing just general information it's not online available obviously I built on it from my undergraduate thesis in college I had been preparing there for four years I did some work I studied abroad and I I spent about 27 years of my life researching the book and when I finally sat down to write it it was as though inspiration struck me from above it it poured out it flowed right out of me and within about 17 seconds I had finished my first and final draft of that book and so I'm planning a revised and expanded edition in about ten years but in the meantime I I hope that the the first edition is serving you well it's truly remarkable thank you yeah thank you / the Emery wheels request I would like it if you could say your name when you ask your question I'm Jasmine Jaffe hi jasmine okay so next week there's gonna be a pro-abortion speaker here talking about how abortion is immoral good from a Christian perspective how do you how do you argue with someone who has such an extreme permission about abortion well I have an extreme position about abortion which is that it's bad to kill babies after they're born or as they're being born or just before they're born or really anytime before that they're born I think that extreme position is easy to hold and easily defensible the the question you'll have to ask is what that person's premises are because there are two points to that topic one that abortion is a moral good and two that it is Christian to kill babies I seem to recall some verses of Scripture coming from what's a guy a guy named Jesus Christ who talked about he'll hold you accountable for whatever you do to the least of these you know and tie a millstone around your neck and it'd be better right that that guy so I think I'd be curious as to what he says I've never heard a coherent argument for abortion that did not also imply that it would be perfectly fine to kill other various human demographics one of the arguments that cynical people make for abortion is that it's good because these kids they'll all be on welfare and probably grow up and commit crime and this is a very racist argument because everyone who makes that argument is saying that it's good to kill the little black kids but you wouldn't want to kill the precious little white kids who grew up in the suburbs and the question you have to ask him is Oh which young black man in an inner city would you be willing to apply that logic to at the age of 24 look him in the eye because they're never called out on the absolute racial bigotry of it all in New York City more black babies are killed in the womb than are born that is horrific and the future generations will look on that barbarity with great moral opprobrium and will look on the people who advance that with great moral opprobrium and if this fellow is a Christian then when he gets to st. Peter's gate someday I have a feeling that the eternal judge is not going to look very well on him spouting horrific heresy that has led people possibly of good faith astray he will he will meet the Millstone and in the next world it would be better for him to correct his views in the present all of that is to say you should always take the level-headed approach do not you'll notice I'm I'm not yelling or screaming about this man I'm not yelling or screaming even about abortion even as the Democrat governor of Virginia says we should kill babies after they're born because the truth is on your side you don't need to pretend that this is some passionate interest battle that is brutal and unreasoned for him it is for you it's not so I would calmly rip apart his arguments and then I would advise him to go have a quick confession and and repent before the Judgment Day thank you hi my name is joshua adler my question is what do you think is the best way to kind of argue in favor of capitalism and against socialism because it seems like a lot of young people today just kind of fully buy into this like utopian idea where we just like oh we'll just take money from the rich people and give it a you know just kind of why not they've got all that money you know like it sounds good but like how can you explain like the reality I guess it's wrong to take other people's stuff this is bad this is coveting your neighbor's goods this is stealing this is a very bad thing this is Envy you can speak to them in basic terms like that the majority of American Millennials identify as socialists rather than capitalists this is a new phenomenon in American history and it's a very bad thing the way that we can argue for capitalism is from a moral perspective we should not strictly argue for it from questions of efficiency it is true that free markets very efficiently allocate goods and services they generate wealth they generate wealth for everybody not just some people every single person but this is not the strict argument the argument for it should come from our moral sense free markets come from our property rights our property rights come from our idea of natural rights our natural rights come from our idea of the natural law this is grounded in the history of the Church this is grounded in the school of Salamanca many Popes have written encyclicals on the evils of socialism how socialism should be rejected not merely because it is inefficient though it's very inefficient people are eating rats in Venezuela because of how inefficient it is but also because it is inhuman it is anti human it's Stokes our vices its suppresses our virtues it is a wicked and evil system the left talks about socialism in a moral way it tries to pretend that there's a moral basis for it we should speak in precisely those moral terms we should not be eggheads with our spreadsheets talking about how the Laffer curve means that tax receipts to the government will increase when we lower our taxes no boring nobody cares about that we should speak in a very moral way because one thing about young Americans is although they are totally morally uneducated they've been they've grown up without a moral ethical or religious tradition and huge numbers they are morally very curious they are searching for purpose they are chiefly motivated by a feeling of personal value by a feeling of virtue this is why the virtue signal and we should give them something about free markets to virtue signal about because there's a whole lot there that is virtuous thank you hi my name is Kim here tava subha thank you for coming to speak to us so I'm wondering based on your on your time point of climate change and all that stuff so I'm so I'm sure you know William Buckley and President Nixon were one of the first people to actually make great strides and Environmental Protection so my crushed question was is a conservative I guess denial or opposition to climate change based on the science that's been presented about it or is it based on just an like a disagreement of the steps that need to be taken to implement protection metric measures that have been put forth by people on the left what am i denying I guess is the first question because people say that conservatives deny the science of global what am i denying I don't deny that the temperature changes every year and that some places get hotter or some places get colder or I'm denying that the polar bears are all dead because they're not dead the polar bear population has increased I'm denying that New York is under water because New York is not underwater as the left promised us it would be I'm denying that Florida is under water because it's not under water I'm denying many of those IPCC climate models because they haven't proven to be true I'm I don't feel that I'm the denier I feel that the left which is sticking to their models in the in the face of reality are the ones who are denying the ones who insist that the whole world is going to be over within 10 to 50 years it's just not going to happen they have not presented a convincing case that warming is being primarily driven by man they have not presented a convincing case that warming will be catastrophic and and human life as we know it they haven't created a convincing case that any of their models are going to really bear fruit with their catastrophic predictions in five years 10 years 50 years or a hundred years now if the question is should conservatives protect our environment yes of course that's a wonderful thing conservatives conserve but but the left does get it backwards and I will just draw this distinction conservatives tend to be conservationists we like the environment because it's beautiful and we like to spend time in it we want to protect the deer population so that we can go hunt them because we really like hunting them and they're beautiful and they we like to have them on our walls we like to see them prancing around we like them on our dinner plates that's very different than environmentalism which puts the cart before the horse which makes it seem as though human beings exist to serve nature in some quasi divine way rather than merely serve it up for dinner so what would be proposed conservatives would be in favor of or would present if you do if you're not denying that global warming exists I mean I certainly admit that temperatures rise and fall at various times and that I suspect that of the myriad contradicting climate models that various scientists put out one of them is possibly correct okay so if one of them is possibly correct and if there was one way to fix that one possible correction then like what would be a proposal that conservatives would you would present you know what would fix it from what I mean of the temperature increasing 0.2 degrees in a hundred years like if there if there's like a trend that may lead somewhere than like if we were to agree on that then like we do agree that a trend might lead somewhere but lead to what what is the somewhere I mean increased global warming equals increased air pollution which is does it I thought increased air pollution causes increased global warming yeah increased burning fossil fuels increases greenhouse gases does it I'm not totally sure about that because the main graph that the left used to argue this point the hockey stick raft was shown to be a fraud within the last seven or eight years right the main bit of evidence in that Al Gore movie was fell apart over the last ten years so is there a relationship between carbon dioxide and increased temperatures yeah perhaps I suppose so I'm not an expert on it my question isn't even that I'm perfectly willing to grant that that's possibly the case and it's even possibly from greenhouse gases emitted by humans but what's the endgame what's the upshot what is that going to lead to what catastrophe do I need to craft a public policy to prevent I don't know if you if you can present that to me I'm more than happy to engage in a serious policy discussion but it's not just you it's not just you nobody on you you are doing you are exactly as expert on this as any leading politician on the Left which is that they huff and they puff and they say that some catastrophe is going to befall us which is why we need to take everybody's money and socialize the government and take away people's political rights and take away people's economic rights because of the catastrophe that's going to happen and then we say what's the catastrophe and they say how dare you you're denying the problem show me the problem and then and then we can talk about a solution but until then it's not the right that is being unserious about this question of environmentalism it's the left that's being unserious thank you my name is Andrew Kapoor yells kind of on the back of that I wanted to ask you why Democrat policies when it comes to global warming and climate change are actually rather impractical like in the entirety of a OCS green new deal right she didn't mention carbon recapture at all she doesn't like it yeah no she doesn't like it because you know you know who created that probably some capitalist some some guy like Elon some nerd at the Heritage but instead she mentions you know like eliminating air traffic you know eliminating farting cows you know what does she what is she gonna do kill all people I mean we emit co2 I mean Gunther Northam is trying he hasn't succeeded yet but he's doing up he's doing his best maybe that's a climate policy not an abortion one I don't know who knows but I didn't see anything that was actually viable she also is anti nuclear power now I know why they're anti nuclear power which is because it's strip mining but wouldn't you say that the results of strip mining are far far beneath the the benefits of nuclear power of course nuclear power is very efficient it's a green source of energy and so much as it doesn't release air pollution or carbon dioxide what I love about Alexandria cassio Cortez's green new deal is it exposes environmentalism for the lie that it is if the green New Deal has nothing to do with protecting the natural environment as always the hysteria surrounding global warming the green new deal is about getting socialism by the backdoor just coincidentally the catastrophe that awaits us five years down the road or 10 years or 20 years or whatever isn't the day after tomorrow the catastrophe that's going to affect us on the day after tomorrow demands that we give the political left every single thing that they have wanted for a hundred and fifty years to fight the Sun monster it's simply not credible I don't know if you're a star Wars fan but it kind of reminds me of the moment where the Senate gives them for emergency powers yeah it reminds me of that exactly almost word-for-word to be honest she said in order to prevent the catastrophe that's going to happen the day after tomorrow we need to give Alexandria Palpatine emergency powers her to create any policy whatsoever no of course it's right and it's it's a total farce and but of course this is the case because then left they always talk about how we're denying science show me Alexandria's science degree show me Alexandria's PhD in physics or atmospheric science I'll I'll be waiting for that I'll be waiting for that with by the way when I get all the information that I get from is steven crowder had dr. Patrick Moore on his show and then I went up and looked on YouTube because it's a basically a sea of infinite knowledge and looked up dr. Patrick Moore and he went through all the different graphs that the left uses and all the different you know actual numbers and he showed that you know the hockey stick you know graph that he thought that they talk about all the time if you show before that the disparity between carbon dioxide levels and temperature global temperature is is vastly changing it's like this Reilly another another great guy on this point is dr. Richard linson who former atmospheric scientist at MIT who is now he's called a science denier by Alexandria who Casio Cortez types you know he's called a science denier by people who have never taken even a remedial science class this man is a professor emeritus at MIT there are some excellent guys out there who are skeptics skeptics and they've had their careers ruined because they haven't toed the party line because apparently now we make science by political consensus to mask a personal question really quick no way yeah sure so I'm Hispanic I'm half Cuban right and I have a lot of Latino friends at my college right and basically we had an argument last year I haven't talked to most of them since but we had an argument and in that argument they basically attacked me for being white white Hispanic right they said basically you're not Hispanic your parents probably appropriated your name my full name is andrey cameron who yells it's pretty hispanic you know like but some of the other guys who look hispanic you know dark skin dark eyes dark hair if one of them's like like like john clark or something like that I'm pretty Hispanic I heavily identify with it you know like how do I get them to see past there's actual it's a sterile stereotype I have to be brown I have to be dark I have to be you know dark hair dark eyes in order to be qualified as actual Hispanic you know otherwise I'm just a conquistador and I'm ten I'm white you know how do i how do I make them see that what they're doing is stereotyping their themselves and other people's well this was something I never understood about the left-wing hatred of Christopher Columbus this comes out a lot they hate Christopher Columbus because he discovered the new world and was oppressive in some way you they usually have no idea how he was oppressive because they've never read a single word about the man but Christopher Columbus invented the Latino race even without Christopher Columbus there is no such thing as Latinos Latinos are the mixture of Native American populations and Spanish European populations but there is a real hatred it obviously comes from an ideological bigotry and the ideological bigotry is the same thing that motivates the hatred of Columbus or whatever which is a hatred of the self of the un-- tradition our own tradition in America in all of the Americas we descend in part at least from a tradition a Western tradition Western tradition that baguettes a Western culture that's based in a Western religion and you constantly see the left trying to undercut that at every single step even if they start to contradict one another in order to do it this is the ideology of intersectionality which says that a Muslim extremist and a gay activist need to band together against Big Daddy Western civilization even though the extremist Muslim might want to toss the gay guy off of a roof in the middle of Iran it doesn't make a lot of sense except that the only reality that they will acknowledge is the reality of oppression which in in many instances of their historical narrative their Selective historical narrative is a fictive one or an incomplete picture that suggests that only one group of people has ever been abused in history that our human nature is otherwise perfect except for those those bad guys on Columbus's ships that that's a fantasy and I'm afraid that you're not going to be able to reason with a fantasy that denies reality you'll just have to convince them of the simple joys of being right I think it's the only way to do it hey thanks for being some being here it's great to see you that's good to be here I thank you for coming I'm Zack Schuster and I'm in a group of friends where we like to discuss and debate theological differences we have Messianic Jews of angelical Protestants Greek Russian Romanian Orthodox and of course Catholics so one thing we've been debating is whether or not it would be appropriate to use the term ecumenical to describe ourselves because traditionally ecumenical has meant coming together to root out heresies and draw good lines where they belong but more recently that I think especially leftist groups have changed the meaning of the term to mean some kind of meaningless kumbaya come together so as an addendum more generally what should we do when the left appropriate spur fect ly good terms do we try to reclaim them and use them in their proper sense or do we go on to use different terms with clear meanings an excellent question and excellent observation to quote our president always use the best words folks always use language precisely the left uses language as its primary tool of perverting the culture they do this to all sorts of language they deconstruct quote/unquote everything they've now deconstructed language such that I'm I'm older than most of the people in this room so I remember when the word man used to refer to someone who is not a woman whereas now the secondary definition of man of course includes also possibly a woman they take words and they deprive them of their meaning justice which is getting your dessert dessert without favor is now perverted into social justise which means getting what is not deserved because you are favored this goes on and on you should use the word properly you should also root out heresy you sound like you have a very fun group I can't wait to join it next time I'm in Atlanta I'm gonna have to join your new Inquisition and maybe we'll find will root out some theological heretics good question and say stay strong on the language over the US actually really what's a group called we call ourselves the morning walk group because it started as morning walks where we would talk about theology I like this because I can smoke while I do it too this is very good the body is a temple and the temple needs incense very good question thank you good question mr. Noles thank you for coming out tonight my name is Jonathan Lauria and asking from one Sicilian to another you talked tonight about the importance of your faith and loving people in your politics so how do you personally balance loving people with politically engaging with people who fundamentally and sometimes violently disagree with you I only do it because I love them if it's the only reason conservatives go out and constantly are trying to have dialog going to college campuses constantly engaging and debate on the internet or in real life is because we love people if we didn't love people we wouldn't do it if the left likes to talk about a civil war in this country and how they hate us and the country is ripping apart trust me if we had an actual civil war ii wouldn't last very long conservatives have all the guns and we also have thought pretty deeply about our politics relatively so that wouldn't last very long fortunately though conservatives do love our countrymen and so I always approach it from a position of love and a position of realizing that there are different kinds of debates if I'm on a debate stage with somebody and I'm speaking in front of an audience then the purpose of that debate is to own the Lib it is totally to wreck that guy so that you can see not that he is personally humiliated but that his bad ideas are humiliated if I'm at a coffee shop or a bar with that guy I'm going to have a totally different perspective and a totally different tone because I there's no audience and in that point what there is is just me trying to convince a guy to come along to my point of view but that is ultimately we won't we we want to bring people over to our point of view because we love our countrymen who are in our country we're going to have to live with them and we should try any tactic whatsoever to bring them over we shouldn't get stuck on Johnny owns the libs we shouldn't get stuck on just using humour we shouldn't get stuck on just arguing from theology we shouldn't get stuck on philosophy or economics or history we should use it all bring it in there I have a rule if I'm ever on Twitter and I'm getting genuinely angry genuinely riled up and offended I turn Twitter off that is not gonna make for a productive conversation I might make a misstep which would damage my own argument I put it away if people took that advice in virtual debate and real life debate I think the quality of our conversations would improve immensely thank you hey mr. Noles thank you so much for coming out tonight my name is Renzi Wilkie and as just mentioned you're a Christian as am i with this our religion emphasizes the importance of caring for those in need as our God King Donald Trump affirmed us the other night in the State of the Union address the United States will never be a socialist country with this in mind how do you suggest we create a society that lives up to our moral conviction by caring for those in need without some sort of government mandate first of all we already do we have the most charitable country in the history of the world and nobody dies in the streets in the United States everybody does have access to medical care they illegal aliens have access to medical care they get it by going into the emergency room it happens all the time the other way that we do it which is a wonderful thing that Tocqueville talked about and was so impressed by in America is our civic institutions these are non governmental private institutions Catholic Charities is one of the biggest examples of it but obviously a lot of different church groups a lot of secular groups as well though primarily they do tend to be faith-based organizations go in and take care of people in need the more local the better because the more local the organization the more likely or you are to know the person the more likely you are to be able to tailor care to that person so you're not just wasting money yet another bureaucratic bloated program that is a way to do it we do have the most advanced medical care in the world unfortunately for us our biggest problem is not precisely medical or even pharmaceutical it's psychological and philosophical but we have in this country a declining expect life expectancy it's now declined for two years for the first time in 50 years the reason for that is suicide and drug overdose that's not something that's going to be fixed by socialist health care that's going to be sixth fixed by fixing a perverted culture that causes people to despair and to turn to drugs to solve their problems because their view of the world has become so distorted and inverted no big government program is going to do that politics is downstream of culture that's a cultural problem and ultimately it's a religious problem thank you mr. Noles uh thank you for coming out here my name is Chris Borg and I have a question about journalism with the rise of supposed non biased journalists like Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo presenting their opinions who Ben Shapiro calls a literal block of wood presenting their opinion as the news on their show even though as the president has said their ratings are terrible terrible folks do you see the mainstream media to potentially correct this issue in their biases or is the future of journalism doomed I mean there's no president of journalism so there's no future of journalism there's no I mean but there is not even a recent past of journalism these guys were always total hacks Walter Cronkite frankly was a hack I mean he was a political leftist he was a world Federalist he had a decidedly radical and left-wing point of view he did a better job of hiding it obviously than fredo Cuomo or his buddy Don Lemon but that's just a merely a fact of hiding the the issue when he declared that we had lost the Vietnam War we had not in fact lost the Vietnam War though he had favored pulling out of Vietnam for a considerably long time the new york times always had a bias it's just gotten worse it's just gotten more obvious the Washington Post all had a bias it's just gotten worse it's just gotten more obvious I'm all for it being obvious I'm all for seeing people's point of view frankly I think the post-war liberal consensus idea of the so-called objective media was always a way of disadvantaging people with conservative points of view and pretending that they were outside of the mainstream we always had partisan press in all of the history of the world certainly in the history of this country and I think it's perfectly fine to return to partisan press however what you've got to do in that case is consume a lot of different news outlets but that's good I don't want anybody to read the New York Times and think they've got all the news that fit that's fit to print if you read the New York Times you get all the news that fits the narrative what you should do is you should read the daily wire obviously you should watch the michael knowles show and then but and then you should go read voxcom if for no other reason than that you need a belly laugh you should go over there and read do people even read daily coasts anymore I don't all those left-wing crazy things you should read that that will give you a much better idea of how people are viewing politics it will give you a much more nuanced idea in a much less disingenuous view of people caricaturing the other side you'll get both sides unvarnished and you can make your own decisions that's the future of a certain type of journalism and I think it's an improvement thank you hi my name is Albert Zhang I'm the assistant news editor of the Emery wheel I know you're a real journalist before you write up a report about this show tonight you are a real good journalist just want to get that out there before I get a bad review thanks thanks so you know I know you just answered a journalism question so I'll keep this one short what do you think the the role of journalists should be in society and how does that differ from what journalism is happening now and if you could speak to the role of college newspapers in particular Oh journalists have a very important role in society with journalists frankly speaking are people who write in the paper every day or write in the magazine once a week or who put their observations down on paper some try to do more straight with some like me do a commentary and and do broader observation based on discrete events that's a hugely important role it's a privileged role in society to talk about checking your privilege it's a joy to be able to think about the world every day and then be able to express an opinion about it and hopefully have that influence the way that other people are thinking about things as to where that goes in the world today particularly from student newspapers I loved writing for my student newspaper when I was there I was one of the few conservatives everyone was very far left part of the purpose of student newspapers is for education it's for people to learn how to write to learn how to engage in the public square this is why they did this with Naomi rau the new judge candidate who will be replacing Brett Kavanaugh now that Cavanaugh has ascended to the Supreme Court and they were trying to bother her about little articles she'd written as an undergraduate saying things that they felt were too extreme the purpose of undergraduate newspapers is to write a bunch of stupid ideas and to flesh out what you think in various op-eds you shouldn't be held responsible for that you're a student when you become a professional you should be held responsible for that and ironically now we're holding people responsible for the things that they did 35 years ago or the op-eds that they wrote 35 years ago or even the blackface that they were 35 years ago we're not holding them responsible for the views that they're espousing now for the calumny that they are spreading now or for the post birth abortions that they are supporting now in the case that singular case of Governor Northam I think we should extend a lot more grace to student journalists and we should extend a lot less grace to professional journalists thank you so much yep my name is Jack Rubenstein and you talk about the joy and being right so my question is how do you recommend being a passionate Republican on a campus that is so hostile to alternative points of view that speaking up in a class politically will not only evoke harassment but can also lead to a professor penalizing your grade also why do you thank so many professors are liberals I'll do the first one first don't let him get you down man that's all I can tell you obviously I mean you're asking this question so you're probably a little out of the closet people might know your views I think you're wearing a mag ahead backwards is that correct no it's just red but given the biases of the day you can understand my confusion yes you you will face consequences and and I didn't graduate from college that long ago I graduated six years ago six and a half years ago from college and I have noticed it has gotten so much worse since I've been there you will face certain consequences social consequences academic consequences as a result of your political views and holding them that's the cost I mean that's what life is I think there is a perfectly fine case to be made to keep your head down and your mouth shut and make it through school make it through law school make it through med school and then later on you can be more open about your views I never had that amount of restraint I was always a little too open about my views I suffered for it in some ways I don't regret a thing about it it made me put my head on my pillow with a big smile every night I think it contributed to that joy of being right it allows you to feel your integrity and it gives you a terrific intellectual advantage which is that when your views are constantly being attacked and challenged you will refine them you will ditch certain ideas you will go deeper into other ideas you will figure out what you think and you will know what the other guy thinks and the other guy who's trying to persecute you whether he's a student or a professor is not going to have that advantage he's going to be stupider he's going to be crass err he's going to be crueler he's going to have a more miserable life that's the disadvantage for him you might get a b-plus instead of an a-minus you might not get into the fraternity that you want to join life has costs and you got to deal with it the reason that professors are a left-wing is I think there are many reasons for this one in some ways in many academic disciplines which do not partake much of the real and they partake more of the theoretical I think this is more conducive to a leftist lifestyle I think conservatives generally are more compelled by practical pursuits work more compelled by making some money establishing a family especially men in so a life of being a starving academic is just not always compelling that's one reason the other reason which does not get spoken about but this is dead to rights happening all the time is that the left won't let conservatives in we have tenured radicals running the campuses both the faculty the department heads the assistant deputy assistant deputy assistant deputy Dean of diversity inclusion whose job it is is to keep out conservatives all the way up to the president of universities cowardly presidents they deny conservatives tenure they divert them from the track they tell them that they are not welcome here I have seen this happen firsthand I've seen it while I was at college I've seen it happen to academic friends of mine people with stellar credentials excellent background excellent academic pred agree bard because they wouldn't toe a leftist partisan line I think that's where the real scandal is and it's an ideological monopoly and an ideological mob that we have to break up among the faculties and the administration's yeah thank you all for coming out especially those of you who disagreed so let's give a final hand for Michael Knowles all right thank you all very much very nice to be with you thanks we're out of here have a good night
Channel: DailyWire+
Views: 35,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Knowles, Emory University, Daily Wire, speech, politics, covfefe, MAGA, Leftism, Conservative, Liberal, global warming, life, Donald Trump, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker
Id: sEv0zI2yBU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 19sec (4759 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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