The Simple Affordable Home Gym Setup

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hey there my friend welcome I'm dr. Anthony vol doozy founder here at the fit father project and I'm excited for today's video because we're gonna do something that we've never done before we're gonna show you exactly how we set up our home gym here and more importantly how you can set up your home gym because there are some core essentials that'll just be amazing for you to be able to set up a home gym and I can't tell you just the amount of convenience and money we save by having a home gym so we're gonna cover the steps and the important things that we think of this video you're gonna learn a ton get out a pen and paper let's dive on in fit father project calm all right so let's cut right to the chase you know for a lot of reasons home gyms are amazing I mean the average gym might cost $40 a month so just being a member of a gym for a year can be almost 500 bucks and that's on the low end side of things right so it can be a really great idea to invest in a home gym and it's not just for the financial savings which definitely can be there it's for the convenience because we're being honest with ourselves the best thing they can do is set ourselves up in an environment where we make working out easy or at least the fact that there's not a lot of friction to getting that habit going and there's not too much of anything better than that then actually having your weights right home you know what to battle traffic there's no excuses to get out and do that kind of stuff so that's the biggest reason that I love a home gym now I heard the fit follow project we teach this fitness stuff for a living so we have pretty much all the bells and whistles here we're gonna show you a little bit around our home gym how we do things well but I'm also going to show you the bare-bones set up what you absolutely essentially need the basics to get started on a home gym and before I show you some of the equipment I'm actually standing by one of the pieces right now I want to say that a lot of people think to themselves oh you know I don't have this space for a home gym or we can't convert my garage to a gym you know if you have opportunity to do that go for it but listen pretty much most people I've seen they have that one room in the house that they keep for the relatives and they come in maybe like one to three times a year and that room just sits like that you know that could be your home gym it could be just a piece of that room that you have the home gym in there and then when the relatives come in you move some of the stuff out so there probably is space in your house and the best thing is you don't need a ton of space so brings me into the first piece of equipment if you're gonna outfit a home gym the number one thing you need is an adjustable pair of dumbbells now you can go out ahead and get a full-blown dumbbell rack but the problem with this is that thing is damn heavy to move and all these dumbbells you got to buy weights and five pound increments all the way up to however strong you get so for most guys that might be weights from fives all the way up to like eighty fives crazy right I mean this is very expensive so what I love is a simple setup just like this where you have some adjustable dumbbells I think we got these from New York dumbbells I'll make sure my team actually puts the exact links of what we got but these are amazing because it's just a simple spin mechanism where these things spin on and off you can load the old-school weights on there and a couple different size I want to show you this mega one which is awesome because you can get these shorty guys which are great you can load these are ten pound plates up here so this is a 75 pound loaded dumbbell you can probably load up to like 85 pounds on this but this guy can go up to as heavy as you can possibly go really I mean it can probably take around you know 70 pounds per side so these are great because you just get a stack of these weights you can adjust them really easily and what you're also gonna probably want is some kind of flooring that's good for you to drop so you can actually see come down here check this out this is rubberized gym flooring so we have a we have a hardwood floor in here but this is just rubberized gym flooring that we just laid down we got a we got it around this guy's look is around an inch inch thick because we want to make sure we're not cracking the bottom of the floor but even getting two of these cutouts of gym flooring with a pair of dumbbells just like this is the bare bones you need for a gym setup and if you haven't checked out our fit father 30 X program yet highly recommend it because we show you the vast majority their workouts we give you a whole at-home workout setup so whether you work out at the gym we give you the gym routine if you work at home we give you the home routine we show you how you just do with a pair of dumbbells so most of our members are working out at home pair of dumbbells and some of them have gym flooring some of them just use carpet but it's really really amazing now the next thing is I'm actually sitting on the next piece of equipment after adjustable dumbbells that I would get is an adjustable weight bench amazing I mean you could train your whole body and build the body of your dreams with a pair of adjustable dumbbells in a weight bench and I love this this is a I've had this exact weight bench for probably like 10 15 years and it's amazing because you can just raise it lower it really simple it can go even into a little bit of a decline right here so a simple adjustable weight bench you want to buy something that's not cheap crap because this is something you're gonna have but for a couple hundred bucks you can have one of these that can be with you for life and it's very easy to pick up transport again you can use that spare room in the house with the dumbbells in the bench really great and amazing now after you get those two pieces in place I would potentially consider getting a pair of kettlebells so when you join if you check out our fit file or 30 X program we talked about a lot of these fat burning workouts that involve kettlebells so these are a great investment but with these guys they're not adjustable so you will have to get a pair somewhere on 2030 pounds but they're amazing the fat burning circuits we have in that ffs 30 X involved kettlebells could be a good investment not necessary because the dumbbells really are but I want to point that out we have a whole army of different kettlebells down here that we have which again they're great tools particularly for these fat burning complex workouts but they're not the necessary foundations of the dumbbells in the bench next thing though if you have the space is to get a barbell with some weights so barbells are great because they give you some more variety and doing some of these bigger compound lifts things like the deadlifts and the squats and with a barbell though if you do get it you're either gonna want to get rubberized plates that can bounce like these guys can bounce or an actual full-blown platform leave you have here that's meant to actually pick up the weight here and you can drop it and it's meant to bounce on this platform so if you're gonna eat a barbell good to get a platform as well and at least get some bumper plates that you can drop because you don't want to be dropping traditional plates like these guys you know which are not meant to be drop etcetera so barbell great you don't even need a rack because it's great for doing dumbbell squats shoulder presses you can even take this and probably potentially do some bench presses on your bench really amazing if you can though I'll look into getting some kind of power rack setup where and the very least you can rack your barbell up here it's a little easier to get it for squats a lot of these power racks also come with a pull-up bar on so this is a potential great addition but I gotta say remember I'm giving you the fundamentals of what I would get first if I had the space if I only had like a closet room of space it would be a bench and a pair of dumbbells that's all you need this next stuff is stuff we can layer on so I do recommend a barbell if you can get it as well as the power rack but regardless if you can't do these kind of things right now based on your space your finances or whatever what I would look into is some resistance bands so we have a whole bunch of these suckers here but these are a great tool because you'd be shocked with a with a very strong resistance band the kind of exercise you can get with your curls your lateral raises and what I love about this if you're a guy who travels a lot you can throw these things in your bag you can do so many amazing exercises with these so resistance bands are huge they're great at home and I'm a can take a band like this and hook it around the backside of a doorway or my power rack here and I can start doing things like my face pulls just like this so it's a really versatile at-home piece of equipment you can put it on the ground you can do shoulder raises you do pull parts really awesome piece of equipment so resistance bands would be something I would definitely consider getting and again doesn't take up any space so those are the foundations of a great at home gym get an adjustable dumbbell set I prefer these types of dumbbells over one of those power blocks or the Bowflex power blocks where you twist it and you pull off a different weight this is just a little more old-school and I like it to have a proper dumbbell like this that I like to turn on they're more stable you can drop them without worrying about breaking them if you are gonna be dropping your dumbbells get some rubberized gym flooring and definitely get a bench so this is the foundational stuff but above all you can totally check out a home gym you know I just want to show you these are some of the foundational basics we have a ton more toys here in our gym heck we even have a pool table over there that we use sometimes between sets so an inversion board so we got some fun stuff we play around with here in our home gym but the point is build something that has the foundations and as I said if you're a guy who's interested in starting to get this at home workout stuff figured out and you want to start training at home getting the basics see in the dumbbells the kettlebells in a bench any more importantly want to start seeing results then check out our fitfully 30x program it is the best program online for busy guys over 40 who want to lose fat build muscle and get strong for the rest of their lives and especially if you want to do it at home all the home workout routines are amazing and you can see links below to the page in the overview letter and all the testimonials and all guys whose lives have changed definitely check that out I know you'll find it valuable and thank you for being here my friend I'm excited I hope you build the amazing home gym and if it kicks ass and when you join our program get a results invite me over I'd love to train with you and see what it looks like so thanks for being my friend hope you have an amazing rest your day check out from flower 30x we'd love to have you with us and I'll see you in our future videos and I'll talk to you very soon
Channel: Fit Father Project - Fitness For Busy Fathers
Views: 151,697
Rating: 4.8394794 out of 5
Keywords: best equipment for a home gym, equipment needed for a home gym, how to equip a home gym, how to get started with a home gym, affordable home gym setup, simple home gym setup
Id: bSyA6ofy56w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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