The silent war of luxury hotels

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[Music] [Music] for the past decade the world's hotel groups have been trying to outdo each other to capture the upscale clientele that frequent palace type hotels from the location to the size of the rooms from the luxury materials used to the made-to-measure services from the choice of a chef to the bathroom design everything has been studied to differentiate a hotel from those of its competitors with more than 10 million millionaires in the world and the arrival of the nouveau riche from emerging countries the future of this luxury hotel industry seems to be extremely promising provided that this same industry is capable of targeting the needs and demands of its clients and can anticipate the changes in the notion of luxury for nowadays the competition is no longer for the most luxurious marble or gold leaf today the accent is on the purest style and on unique living experiences the new keywords for luxury hotels are simplicity authenticity and a return to nature in Portugal the Maldives as in Tanzania the competition between the most beautiful establishments has been launched Paris the number one tourist destination in the world is deeply involved in this heated struggle and Frances capital has to confront fresh competition from Asia Paris Tuesday June 28 2011 at number 247 of the famous rue saint-honore there's great excitement over the opening of the ninth Parisian Palace the Mandarin Oriental Paris a property of a Hong Kong hotel chain which has more than 10,000 rooms it's such a pleasure to be with you this morning to celebrate the opening of the Mandarin Oriental Paris [Applause] you know we're going to dedicate ourselves to serving the values and the culture of the Mandarin Oriental it's very simple exceptional service but service with emotion faced with this threat from abroad the mythical Paris hotels are retreating behind their Fame and their position of leader by resting on their laurels this palace has existed for a century and it's the Alliance of the traditional and the modern our light motif is once upon a time there was the Palace of tomorrow and I'm going to explain one you're now in the hall of the Plaza Anthony's Lobby what I want to explain to you is that tradition in France is important and that many people are jealous of us the French art de vivre is synonymous with space you come here you have the height of the ceiling chandeliers the crystal and the furniture and all that represents French tradition and French no hello here's a perfect example of the plaza as an a strategy the nineteenth century would work combined with the modern design of the bar with its ice effect the decorator created something very modern in a structure which is old now I'll take you to one of our Suites which is called the Eiffel suite it has an incredible view of the roofs of Paris and of course the Eiffel Tower the largest we know that would be the Royal Suite I'm sorry but I can't show it to you because it's occupied so now you're in one of our I fell Art Deco Suites the decorator made it look like a Paris apartment it's these kinds of details that allow you to see what being a palace means this Eiffel Suite costs 7,000 euros a night without breakfast one of the particularity zuv this Art Deco suite is that even from your bathtub you have a view of the eiffel tower solar toy fit yep but yeah there's no war we each have our own identity we're competitors of course some of us have the same customers but there's no war we're very fraternal salut tell Platini the hotel Plaza Athenee which belongs to the Sultan of Brunei and is managed by the Dorchester is going to invest a hundred million euros to purchase the adjacent buildings and create more spacious rooms and common areas in order to be competitive chrisp a COC you've got to invent enormous sums so is not to be left behind absolutely a peony pinnacles a modern innovation are these television mirrors you turn off the TV and you had a mirror the Bristol which is an historic Parisian hotel spent more than a hundred million euros over three years to keep pace with the newly arrived hotels it opened a new 3,000 square metre wing entirely redid all its rooms and its spa and changed its dining room all chairman Sousa shall she do Center hostel at the Bristol one of the only palaces belonging to a family in addition to the monumental work undertaken everything has been thought out down to the last detail in order to remain competitive DJ like Alva is its CEO has even hired the services of pharoah a splendid pet a great cat in order to create a family atmosphere and amuse the children some of the tail I mean your family bill yet Kerr family has had this hotel for more than 30 years Anto it's a fairly unique timeless palace with a very homey family Finny multifamily Meisel he's a friend of the guests of the hotel and of the staff guests feel at home in this palace as proof if you're a regular guest here you can leave your affairs in your suite you'll find them where you left them on your next visit this is the hotel's storage room where guests can leave the majority of their things until their next visit fossil fuel bag for example as you can see one guest left a balloon here which will be here when he comes back this pillow belongs to the Spanish filmmaker Pedro almodóvar who left it behind on his last visit and here is an object left behind by Woody Allen inside those boxes that's confidential even I don't know what's inside even watching Asifa Taecyeon tell exist wheel there is a clientele which occasionally will reserve sweets for several thousand euros and night but the majority of our guests pay between 600 and 900 euros and I see soy and perky sign of me I think that the venue of these new palaces helps us all to attract a new clientele to Paris so yes there is competition but the word war is a bit too strong Paris is a magical place at the gorge sank an emblematic Canadian for season Group palace there seems to be no fear of competition either it's like an army getting ready to attack isn't it look at him how are you everyone okay this morning it's a beautiful day isn't this blood yes fondues last night we had 72 percent occupancy with an average price of one thousand thirty nine euros today looked promising with 113 arrivals and 92 departure is a post-cold we saw that does the path I think there's room for all of us on the Paris market and we can work together I really don't think it's sales war was apostasy I think the gorge sank is the most extraordinary palace in Paris the volumes are exceptional it has an incredible history and it stands out because of the exceptional quality it offers its guests every day it's the versatility exceptional huzzah for the visual oblivion palace call nucleo you become a palace when a guest recognizes the exceptional nature of the building and of the service and is therefore willing to pay the highest price on you Sylvie de marchi a lord on the subject of money as you know we've had an economic crisis in the last few years and during this crisis we not only maintained our prices but we even increase them which says two things to our guests first when you come here there's no talk of a crisis because once you come through the door you're in our bubble which is free of all worries and all crises secondly we never talk about money we prefer to ignore the subjective okay because it's not important because it's not in the decision to stay here the diseases for food of Nevada was Diego let me have it price per night for a palace tax included is about one thousand euros a night for me you take a vacation with your family you may even have people who come with you like a babysitter your butler or your chauffeur who accompanied you was systematically on a vacation and you have to house them you need a very comfortable suite so we're talking about 40,000 euros a night deletion assess the number of rich people continues to increase through the entire world bank reports indicate the increasing number of millionaires and billionaires every year there shall set planet [Music] if you consider Paris and London as standard bearers for palaces you find more new arrivals and renovations nowadays priests ahead oh hey Louis Paris has a thousand rooms in this category and it will soon surpass 1500 will be able to create a new hotel room today means a minimum of two million euros and a maximum of three and a half million well that should give you an idea of what an entire hotel costs the statute for the room the freedom vanity far from being discouraged by the prohibitive costs of installation the Chinese shangri-la group opened the doors of a new hotel a few months ago the shangri-la Paris has 87 rooms of which 27 are suites in a unique historical setting designed to attract the wealthy Chinese clientele since its invasion on TV it was the private residence of Napoleon Bonaparte's great nephew Roland who built this majestic home which has evolved over the years we are now in the entrance hall of this hotel which in 1896 was built as a town house medical the decor and the volumes have been kept intact people come in search of authenticity history and the life that made this history they're not here to visit a museum but to live an important part of French and Parisian history Paris is a monumental City and considered one of the most popular with international visitors this is the Imperial suite when you have such imposing accommodations you can easily invite friends for dinner and this suite is equipped with a kitchen and a chef who can come with his staff has organized a private dinner for guests of this sweet patisserie an AP organism and eva chief for many hotels offer a view of paris we have 50 of them 50 views of the eiffel tower second second they're all on the same segment and have to lure their clients talented people today travel a great deal they stay at hotels in Shanghai Hong Kong New York etc they also have an idea of the going prices and are not ready to pay just any price reporter friend for the price they pay they demand total excellence and perfection excellence and perfection require impeccable service it's this quality that brings guests back year after year our policy is to never say no we listen to our guests whether their family's stars or groups and we always try to meet their requirements the service say a fundamental aspect of service is the human elemental meaning the people who administer it you cannot have a luxury without a staff of exceptional men and women days are made if an omok oddly exceptional it's very hard to find highly qualified personnel even in Paris either on the management level or for the hotel's general staff cubed and so there's really a war on that and hotels try to steal employees away from their competitors in the Tweel Erie Gardens a few hours before the opening of the Mandarin Oriental the entire staff is present for a performance of Japanese percussion and Thai she designed to unite the different staff members and to create social cohesion [Music] yeah book there are a lot of hotels opening up and each one tries to take personnel away from the others which means that there's a lack of training you have to constantly train personnel models for middle jinda maja I asked for it without butter and there's butter all over the plate I'm not hungry anymore I don't want to eat anymore I'm not hungry at all I'm too stressed out I'm really stressed out Madame de Lacroix is a lacto-vegetarian and she found butter on her plate I have an important appointment I'm incredibly stressed out I was a large check with my supervisor as to what we can do to compensate her for what she has experienced on-the-job training including role playing is required of all new recruits to unify the staff a special coach is used to mobilize the energies of the young newcomers to instill group values in them to greet the day energetically the chambermaids at the Georges sank undergo an exercise session making beds turning over mattresses pushing furniture and tidying up closets or strenuous activities and require a sports trainer to keep fit we turn over the palms of our hands and we stretch our arms in this position what's the goal to extend our spinal column come on push push and don't forget to breathe that's it higher in the meantime an important staff meeting is being held in the basement self-criticism debriefing and even the slightest organizational hitch is discussed and analyzed we started to too long for his dessert to come it was a little late because we were pretty busy at the time it was a chocolate souffle we offered him two glasses of champagne while he was waiting and he was satisfied at the same time at the Bristol the hotel's housekeepers are being briefed and the plan of attack for the day is announced madame room 888 which is our honeymoon suite so special attention to one mr. mr. room three for three special attention three special attention two and three our services we provide in the rooms for our guests let's not good-mouth shorty ski offenses it's the fruit bowl we put in the room and very simply the size of the bowl today's value is the smile our smile should be authentic our actions are the reflection of our character and our commitment in luxury hotel industry there's no such thing as no sir no ma'am we don't know it's always yes it's always we'll do our best to answer your question it's this positive attitude that dictates our behavior Jos attitude positive key dick look on for tomorrow we yes hello this is the concierge of the Plaza Athenee how are you I'm calling to check if it's possible to reserve a table for two at 8:30 on September the 1st please clients are always very demanding they want service but more made-to-measure service nowadays they'll request something at 2:00 in the morning like a brushing because they're going out to a nightclub later and they absolutely have to have a hairstylist but not just any hairstylist they want the best and preferably one who's used to dealing with the stars and who knows their whims and who is willing to come out in the middle of the night and we will find one recently a guest we know very well wanted to surprise his two young daughters and asked for two lion cubs or Tigers to be brought to their room and so we managed to rent the Cubs and not stuffed animals either accompanied by an animal tamer of course so the girls couldn't play with them for a while in their sweet donie lewis in the luxury hotel business if you can't surprise your guests then it's not really luxury luxury by definition means creating a surprise at a given moment touching one's emotions and one's heart dickish the guests experience has got to generate the memories that are closely linked to the exceptional sight lelou exceptional service the service exceptional its us creating exceptional manases that today however exceptional is synonymous with standard the codes of luxury are oriented towards the discovery of new experiences and previously protected mythical sites even in the heart of the bush we find hotels that offer the same services one would find in a Palace Hotel in Tanzania on a former hunting territory the South African singita group the leading luxury hotel group in Africa set up its flagship hotel on a promontory overlooking the immense Serengeti Plain it was immediately recognised as one of the most sophisticated hotel installations on the continent I think luxury has many definitions of depth for us as a business we believe very strongly in authenticity in the depth of the experience truthfulness in what we do at every level this is a safari experience primarily and that's what people are coming here for four camps each with a different design are spread throughout the properties 150,000 hectares the daily program consists of unique experiences during a made-to-measure safari in the company of a private guide like Eugene [Music] [Music] he's saying look on this bright finish [Music] they're trying to tell they open up their ears to appear much bigger than us and then they come closer and that's a sucker we have 10 villas and they vary from being able to sleep just two people up to eight people in our presidential we have also staff accommodation for perhaps bodyguard or nanny or private pilot and so forth if you booked it for the eight people it will be had sixteen thousand five hundred dollars per night that's fully inclusive [Music] as you look they're very full now they might had something either today early in the morning or this afternoon that's what I would say and if look at their bellies full big bellies you know the Safari is done all over Africa in in varying ways but the one thing that will be remembered for many many years is the person who made that impression on you of an excellent delivery of the experience when thing eater guests leave their solid Victorian style structures it's to head for one of the reserves camps Subura to experience VIP camping as close to the animals as possible [Music] it's beyond exceptional it's a real serial is the right word it's a real you cannot imagine it and when even when you're here we see that the circle of life you feel like we live in a very isolated bubble and so when you get out you see what what really exists in the world is here this is a great experience some great friends we've all been in a lot of different places around the world and and this is overwhelming you can't duplicate this they really can't I think the definition of luxury has been redefined as I say no longer are they and I use the guest amenities the key to someone choosing a resort or or how good is the wine list you know what thread count is the linen those things are expected at this level that is fundamental to what we do so we have to look way beyond those criteria for luxury and get into that experiential luxury of an experience that you're not used to that is luxury a small mobile encampment has been set up at singita known as explore camp the capacity is 2 to 12 but reserved for one group of friends or family at a time [Music] [Music] specialist in finding exceptional sites for wealthy clients christine has only a few minutes available for visiting this adventure camp she's come to test the new itinerant experience proposed by the singita group for confirmed Horseman or horse women and do you use this camp as well for the horse safaris what they do basically yes when they when you have the horses here we would put the horses pocket then we we we do the horse riding from here to basically everywhere around the camp and they'll be coming back for meals yeah ok great thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is our ba and have your drinks here and this is basically the launch books junior pristine wants to see everything that camp has to offer she knows that although her customers are ready to camp in the middle of Africa and live a unique and rugged experience a minimum of comfort is required and in this area nothing has been left out we have these beats hot water cold milk and you can do your coffee and tea every property I visited from singita has a certain theme what's the theme they've gone with is there a certain theme they've tried to stick with here at this camp yeah they've tried to make it a bit you know fancy but very traditional yeah in here is the shower we hit the water with a boiler up there then we do the mixing of the water with the right temperature then we come and put it up yes for Massey say talk for me it's the best because they've kept the most important elements and these elements are in nature Donna Donna to Donnelly Monty is on film they did a fabulous job keeping it natural safer come on it's not like other properties where you live in a bubble it's horrible that they're nothing Boone say or even here you feel as if you're in Africa they're drunker more chicken people I know who are very very rich appreciate simple things like that you've already experienced luxury let's do the shows there loops is when they come back and tell me you know the things that made me the happiest and then I found Magnificent burrows were the simple things to create unforgettable memories there's nothing better than to end the holiday with some surprises like a picnic with luxurious solar settings and crystal glasses while admiring the sunset over the huge Serengeti Plain we always have Kleenex tissues on standby in strategic places when guests are leaving people cry people weep people have their outlook on life altered they pay to weep [Music] so happy they're ready to pay the price divided that everything is irreproachable and if they can have the kind of exceptional experience everyone dreams up except that's it Bobby Ojeda [Music] Serena's when you open bottles that can be worth twenty or thirty thousand euros each and the wine cellars of the palace hotels have such bottles you can have a dinner bill of two hundred thousand euros the Doosan meter or blondie you know you have to count about eight thousand euros for table I have at the moment you see there I have four and for that eight I received it more recently but they said we set up an aging wine cellar which is worth half a million euros for about fifty thousand bottles the pleasure sometimes comes from spending an exorbitant sum the depot sing some eggs on me don't you ask me why because it's crazy and anything that's crazy is thrilling today the average age of our clients is 42 so you've got a new and younger client who has been all over and who is looking for a different kind of luxury so co-chef next is the home who is having met nan de nouveaux don't know you now have new life hotels that are built or renovated in a totally different spirit and which call upon for example important creators to attract new clients and to set themselves apart from the competition palaces have an important new weapon design the most sought after creators are being given carte blanche in the decoration of rooms common areas restaurants and spas [Music] [Music] this hotel is the work of four talented creators madam C buildamodule for the Mandarin Oriental Paris civil de mal jury has devoted three years of work in imagination into giving this new palace its style character and atmosphere the color codes are those of Parisian fashion somewhat atypical with shades of anis and amaranth Mahanta c22 city book it's a reflection of the 1930s updated with a contemporary feel it's a woman's Hotel in that its femininity lies in its subtle quality in order to give guests an emotional Parisian experience without being ostentatious your buys in the so for Tokyo scope as well and in the category of emotional consumerism the aesthetic dimension in general is essential you need the decor you need originality you need something that touches your sensitivity Duch what was sensibility if you know now almost so we enter into a sphere in which you go from the outside to the inside world we wanted a soothing atmosphere in a backdrop of Chinese shadow theater in order to create a poetic and peaceful feeling of nature they're going in the direction of universes that are D standard eyes pluralist and eclectic in other words why not out for simplicity in Portugal above the banks of the Douro River the kita della roman-era proposes a totally new concept the Dreamhouse the idea is to create simplicity in excellence far from the stress of modern life it's a concept which has disrupted the codes of traditional hotel philosophy everything has been aimed at creating the spirit of the vacation home there are no newspapers or television guests are voluntarily cut off from the world in order to give them the sensation of a modern day epicurean permit the 20 rooms and apartments have a colonial spirit with Portuguese Brazilian and English influences with lunches under Ann Arbor siestas in the shade of an olive tree rowing and bucolic picnics Greg Orman is an American who travels all over the world with his partner looking for rare new and original vacation experiences for his wealthy clients most possum McNeil when I think about my clients I think that it's a place that they're really going to like places like this are pretty unique nowadays you find more and more places in the world that are trying to give their guests something different whether these activities are cultural or athletics potential higher than sports [Music] [Applause] halodule the Douro is it larger or larger oh it's masculine loo duro people have told me that it's called duro because at a certain time of day it looks golden and door a means gold I'm not a hundred percent sure they're right but it's true that there's a magnificent gold color at times during the day it's really a very very pleasant place today just a little walk keep it because I am is their single right you have a nice boat trip yes perfect there are two kinds of clients there are clients who come here especially for the US who come to spend a weekend here because they know the dream house concept and want to experience it there are also people touring Europe and stop here when they're in Portugal [Music] there was a time when all hotels began to resemble each other more and more with the same services the same decorators the same restaurants the same menus made by the same people I wouldn't say that tourists became blase but they started looking for something new quinta here you have fabulous view of the content how many rooms are there Annette there are 18 Suites her apartments spread over two houses it's about 1100 euros a night for two people then we dip on the vessel there is nothing ostentatious about the dream house just authenticity and simplicity - absolutely priceless qualities however the Roman era retains its Palace character thanks to the freedom it offers its guests we've got gardeners who bring us the tomato as you find in your plate the same day here we make certain that the quality is exceptional with its made-to-measure service it's possible to have lunch or dinner at any hour of the day or night and in any part of the property [Music] an important part of our concept is to satisfy our guests demands for quality accommodations and cuisines at the same time however they appreciate enormously the natural and simple aspect of the house it's something they really like and that's what we often say longer trust going over and Poisson postcode what I think that luxury should be discrete and so I look for simple things but very high quality there's no margin for error horshack shape actually it means minimizing the error and taking advantage of the simple things in life I'm not looking for gold a picnic with soup for food is extraordinary we wonder Nuvi to the potential [Music] yeah counsel 15 years ago we stayed in a hotel because it had a dream bathroom that we didn't have back home today hotel owners have a hard time keeping up with technological innovation sometimes guests possess this innovation themselves so the hotel has to distinguish itself more through its exceptional service and less through its material don't Matta yet it might be less fancy and more filtered but certainly more adapted to the demands of the nouveau riche not in the classic sense but a younger set who can zero in on the uses of today's hotel thank you so places somebody who rushes into your room to unpack your suitcase and put your clothes in the closet nowadays even billionaires have much lower than the t-shirts in their in their suitcases is it really necessary to have a governess to put your t-shirts away not really in that case what's the purpose of the governess should you come at all you have to adapt the Palace Hotel is not only modified its appearance but its raison d'etre and its location as well today you have palaces on stilts as in some of the magnificent resorts in the Maldives and the seashell which can boast that they are palaces or that they have the palace spirit thanks to their impeccable service their beautiful rooms and they're fantastic settings in fact we don't even talk about luxury in a palace since we're beyond the concept of luxuries we're dealing with the exceptional and everything that is exceptional can be considered as following the lead of a palace for more than a decade the Maldivian government has developed the island hotel concept in accordance with concessions granted to the world's most important hotel groups at present 87 islands are occupied by complexes which rival each other in luxury and originality in order to attract the million or so visitors who come to the maldives annually Sonu and Evan Shiva Sonny founded the Six Senses Hotel group which proposes a totally innovative concept intelligent luxury in the midst of extravagant underwater restaurants gigantic spas and private houses on stilts today the couple takes a seaplane to the site of its latest creation where it's an evolution International Airport so welcome to Sneha pushy we hope you have a good stay with us hello Sherif how are you very well thank you how are you sir good good welcome to the naughtiest Norris philosophy in sunny are pushy if you're ready for the better experience you're most welcome thank you thank you does the philosophy it's sir neighbor is no news no shoes that's one of our missions no news no shoes and so we take the shoes off and the importance of that is that it sets the context the mission of Six Senses and so it's the neighbors as some senses neighbor brand is intelligent luxury and by that mean we mean we question and challenge what really is truly luxurious to the wealthy of today as soon as guests reached the pontoon the synneve full sheet shows its difference there's no endless jetty no infinity pool and no villas on the water all the constructions are hidden by lush unspoiled vegetation the group's philosophy is minimalist in line with new client demands everything has been designed for a return for simplicity and a rebirth of everything natural [Music] one of our objectives is to be super super luxurious win all these awards for being you know the best property in the world con les travelers have twice cited us as the best of the best in their readers awards and we've had other prestigious magazines you know give us such accolades as the best but we've also won plenty of environmental awards as well and I think merging the two is really our goal to actually say well you can create you know these fantastic creature comforts but at the same time you know it's done in a sustainable way we found that there are different stages of luxury so you know the first stage is someone makes a lot of money and they want to show it off so they'll buy a white Rolls Royce and they'll go to the Burj Al Arab and stay there with the gold taps and the thick carpet that's this thick and they may shop at Bulgaria or whatever you know that that second level is people want to show they've got a bit of taste so rather than the white Rolls Royce that goes and they may have an anthracite Bentley or British racing green or whatever and they may go and stay at the Armani and beyond that people are really searching experiences you know in in that sort of third and fourth stages it's all about self actualization about experiences for themselves the construction of the villas and here's to the strict rules of durable development no tree was chopped down and to cut a branch express authorization from Ava is required [Music] we never ever use any any wood which is a topic of wood absolutely forbidden and no tick read a no no no no unsustainable won't at all it's the only only plantation wood or Asaka would for example after tsunami we had a few trees have died because of the salty you know saline water caving over the island and we know we don't throw away anything being almost to use everything we never waste as you can see if somebody passed by in front you can only see them for a fraction of a second when they pass by and the country they look in because it's quite private so that's why we have caught you are celebrities I won't mention home because we don't never talk about who comes here but they are very private than if we were protected and of course no paparazzi's can't get here a number of wealthy clients have literally fallen in love with this on Ava Fuji concept to the point that they have opted to build their own hotel within the hotel for the experience of living with next to nothing when they can afford practically everything this villa was bought by a very long-standing repeated client groupie the guests who said well if you studied the villa I want to buy this one actually we didn't want to sell the existing villas we want to build new ones but he said no no I really want this one but I want extra this extra this extra this I mean said fine no problem so they this become like a village [Music] [Music] so we of course have the bananas growing here and then we have the Sapodilla tree here and then if we turn around over here you have the rest of the organic garden as I said this is one of our two Gardens [Music] and then we have them even rosemary so what sort of items would you grow people say we have the best food in the Maldives and then that's a tangible standard of luxury but it's also the best food because of the quality of the ingredients not that they've been shipped around the world on a 747 to arrive here for our guess but quite often because of how we've taken local ingredients and crafted them into something that's quite interesting and that freshness becomes more luxurious than the caviar or foie gras because of the success of the gastronomy proposed by the Suniva Fucci a ver and son who decided to increase the size of the restaurant however instead of creating three different dining areas as many other hotel groups have done the couple decided to build a gigantic convivial tent the key concept being conviviality and sort of bring back the essence of the family dining in the garden and the dishes sort of calm as and when they're ready and there's no removing all the formality of the three four-course meal wait till everybody's finished take it away and create a more relaxed yet elegant and and refined environment with the food as well so the the origin of the food we're gonna say is Provence and Tuscany we're reminding of cells of these these long lunches under there under the trees in the summertime you know we have some luxury competitors here that are offering holidays of a third of what you would pay to come here just a neighbor who she but our guest we have 50% repeat business and for them you know time is much more important than money we have a particular guess who has $110,000 booking and unfortunately the villa that he wants to go in is no longer available for his dates but he's really pissed off because he can't change his dates and he wants that particular villa so so that's really the profile of guests that we're experiencing here so new constantly looks for new creations today he has an appointment with his architect to discuss a new project in fact it's our goal for the group success as a group to be decarbonizing by 2020 we have five goals and one of them is for the group to be decarbonizing by 2020 and for so neighborhood we'd like to hit that target end of next year you know middle of 2013 we realized that people they understand global warming they want to be more ecological but they're not going to give up their long haul holiday they're not going to give up the comfort so what we're trying to do is we're trying to create your Bentley car you know with all the comfort and luxury and so on but to make it totally recyclable in a way the luxury hotel industry continues to innovate in order to respond to its clients demands prestigious sights original architecture and exceptional service no longer make the difference the vocabulary is changing the new hotel luxury is based on unusual experiences and emotions in exclusive and formerly inaccessible places this return to simplicity and authenticity will not prevent certain hotel groups from launching futuristic creations like palaces in the sea or even perhaps in space [Music]
Channel: Enzo Pan
Views: 6,088
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Id: Yy0mNuRuM5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 55sec (3115 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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