The Shooting of Lauren Kanarek | Full Episode

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foreign [Music] how significant are horses in your life they're the most significant thing I don't think they can live without them in my life hi hey good boy why does she want to ride with Michael everyone wants to ride with Michael [Music] he was a legend he was the most sought after trainer in the world everybody wanted to train with Michael barason he had competed in the Olympics as a writer he had also trained writers who competed in the Olympics he's a larger than life character he walked the walk and he talked the talk [Music] what did Lauren want from Michael more than anything his undivided attention she felt like as a paying customer she should be treated a certain way she wanted to be the star of the barn I think she became extremely upset when Michael's full attention wasn't focused on her Mary Haskins was the one who in her mind was standing in her way of getting to her goals [Music] two women both vying for Michael's attention is one of the best trainers in the world yeah yeah Michael Barrison stuck between two women his love interest and Lawrence his love interest in his financial need that he needed how would you describe Lauren's treatment of Michael on social media horrible [Music] there were things coming out on social media that were horrific so I think we live in this world now where your reputation or your career or your identity could be changed like that and can be devastating I remember complete and total panic everybody says I was unglued I was on code did you want Lauren cataract dead I wanted Lauren canarick to leave to go away why would I want anyone dead I want operator every man woman has a Breaking Point your little girl just Indescribable it was horrible she'd flatlined several times we had no idea whether she was gonna live or die did you shoot Lauren cataract I'm told I did pulled it out pointed it boom boom just like that but I have no recollection of that event zero nothing I could not believe in my world that Michael would do something like this now did you have you have drawing Michael at some point yes none of that is a justification to get shot good morning doctor good morning she drove him crazy she gaslighted him and she drove him over the edge is it possible to actually drive a human crazy that's exactly what happened Michael Barrison should be in state prison for the rest of his life [Music] thank you [Music] and our champion we see pictures of you at the Olympics looking like a king and then we see you in the courtroom looking like a defeated man yep how do you reconcile those two images I am a defeated man 58 year old Michael barrisone spent a lifetime standing proud in the Winner's Circle but come spring 2022 he was in a Morristown New Jersey courtroom he claimed at the time of the shooting he temporarily lost his mind you knew what he was doing when he loaded bullets into the gun prosecutor Christopher shellhorn made the case that barason was sane that he knew exactly what he was doing when he took that pistol and tried to kill one of his own riding students Lauren Shea canarak he pulled out a gun and shot me once twice directly in the chest yet with the help of emergency surgery Lauren survived can you imagine a life without these beautiful animals no no chance see it is a sensational trial with Lauren herself Accused by the defense of deliberately driving marisone insane she did the worst thing any human being could do to another human being an international superstar in the equestrian sport of dressage she was the person that was shot and almost lost her life that day Michael barason charged with two counts of attempted murder facing 80 years she sees his hand come up and then just boom boom in court the once a Regal Rider appeared as a disheveled shadow of his former self it is as far a fall from grace as his Elite Sport has ever seen as he awaited judgment his fellow Olympians rallied around him for you to see him like that how did it feel but we're gonna get him back now 77 years old in 1992 Michael Poulin took home a medal from Barcelona you won a bronze at the Olympics yes ma'am oh that Michael when he was 11 very energetic and very intense to learn were you like a father figure to him I was his mentor it's rare to find a young man with that energy and that desire but Michael boy he hung onto it tough he wanted it [Music] Philip Dutton is a two-time Olympic gold medalist one of the best in the world you got the feeling that if you were on Michael's team you know he was going to back you all the way and then there's Olympian Boyd Martin he recalls first meeting Michael I had a big cowboy hat on that was sort of marching around and yelling and you're like who the hell's that guy you know and someone said oh it's Michael Barrison he was passionate he was loud but he was a big teddy bear too knew he was a good Rider he also knew he was an even better coach as a coach having someone that's got a track record that's been there and done it it's a wonderful thing the demand for Barrison allowed him to acquire two magnificent Farms to accommodate a sport Rich enough to chase the seasons 45 minutes outside of Palm Beach Loxahatchee Florida is Verizon's winter headquarters Michael's Larger than Life while he is that he's also so down to earth Jordan Osborne her mother Lara Chelsea Westra and their horses too have all been coached by barason in a sport that's all about discipline and restraint control a lot of control duracella's dreams also brought all three women here the jewel in their Champions Crown 53 Acres of prime New Jersey Horse Country an equestrian Paradise Michael barason called it Hawthorne Hill [Music] you had dozens of horses these beautiful Rolling Green Pastures outdoor Arena a huge beautiful indoor arena Barn was huge and come 2019. Jordan and Chelsea had become working students living above the barn 24 7 taking care of the horses in exchange for lessons from an Olympian yeah that is the dream you know to train with someone who is one of the best in the world come good boy Lauren kanerack had her own dressage dreams of becoming a champion see it's good to Bow your head and then they know that you mean them no harm at 37 Lauren knew exactly what she needed and wanted in Seeking a top trainer what were you looking for and seeking a top trainer I'm looking for somebody who I think is going to push me someone who has been there and done that [Applause] it seemed to describe Michael barason to a t so Lauren made her way to Hawthorne Hill hoping verisone was the one there's a million different reasons or things that could make a trainer relationship work or not work but few could imagine how barisone and canarak would soon clash and crash and burn Network and where are you [Music] it is their love for horses that led canarak and barisones paths across it would twist into a road to ruin something neither could have imagined when each first climbed into a saddle [Music] tell me about Lauren canarak the little girl who fell in love with horses it all started at a barn we met up with Lauren at a small horse farm in Wellington Florida how old were you probably two or three then I ever saw or got like Road over and I like never stopped thinking about them after that basically that was it that was it I did have a little girl dreaming of a pony and her love for horses and riding began yep Lauren's father retired Wall Street Attorney John kanarack took fast note of his daughter's determination Lauren really wanted to do this I always knew I was gonna get my own horse and at the end of high school you know one day I was just like this is happening and that was amazing the first of a many dreams which came true it is a fairy tale but with it comes great responsibility because you have your horse to take care of Lauren took the reins and headed towards the ballet movements of dressage dressage means training in French it's dancing with horses it's about Harmony John wasn't quite sure what dancing horses was all about well my experience with horses you know is when play show you know at the Belmonts as Lauren won her first amateur ribbons dressage Superstar barason was a spokesman for the sport Michael thank you so much for having me even educating a bemused Stephen Colbert now is this how you start it you just pull this like a lawnmower all right lean back not too much The Tiara is yours [Applause] do you think you've gotten to that point where you are the best Rider you can be definitely not March 2018 The Olympian was hosting a clinic for aspiring Riders at his Florida horse farm Lauren signed up and while she was there Michael barason approached her apparently saw that maybe she had some aptitude and asked her to come and train with him at that point prosecutor Christopher shellhorn and defense lawyers Ed balinkus and Chris dininger would eventually become adversaries immersed in the lives of barason and kanarack why does she want to ride with Michael everyone wants to ride with Michael [Music] so she decided to have her horses boarded at his farm and decided to go and train with him Arizona said no we can go places come up and you know leave yourself in my hands it was an offer that couldn't be refused the range was five thousand dollars a month she had two horses in training at that point in time Michael barrisone agreed to speak with 48 hours with the support of his attorneys on the day we talked with him he appeared calm while he says he has no memory of the crime he does remember the events leading up to it at Hawthorne Hill this was my life that was my home I built that from scratch that was a labor of love bearizon provided housing there for Lauren canarak and her boyfriend Rob Goodwin I said all right so long as when they're in training I'll throw in an apartment that seems very generous we all have bills to pay overnight Lauren wasn't just training with barason she and Rob were living with him and that was different than any other Arrangement that he had with anyone else the apartment was in the white farmhouse that barason shared with his assistant trainers Justin Hardin and Mary Haskins gray a respected Grand Prix writer and divorced mother of two we lived together she was my partner I thought we were going to have a life together she was Michael's girlfriend and the assistant trainer at the barn Mary had two young children that lived there with her and with Michael at times yes how was Michael's relationship with Mary's young kids he loved them yeah he adored them and they really adored him it all must have given Lauren Great Expectations the child who dreamed of a pony now the student of a dressage Master she was even posting pictures on her Facebook of her and Michael barrisone I knew at least this could work out for a time and be good so why not try it out and it was supposed to be a great relationship and was for a long time barason found that Lauren could be demanding still nothing unusual we all have difficult clients they're not all going to be easy relationships you know there's things like go as far as you can see and then you can see farther and that's kind of what I live by like I will challenge myself every single day Lauren canarak was comfortable talking about her horses and riding but she chose not to speak with 48 Hours about Michael barason and all that happened at Hawthorne Hill [Music] but Jordan Lara and Chelsea Say by summer tension set in and that it started with those expectations about the degree of attention the student would get from the master it was part of the deal that Lauren would train exclusively with Michael that was you know Lauren's understanding when everyone wants to be trained by the name on the door The Olympian yep exactly just because we need to set the record straight here I never exclusively trained any of my clients you are trained by this community that means Justin Hardin it means Mary Haskins it means me and it's understood that the head trainer will help you sometimes the assistant trainers will help you other times I think she became extremely upset when Michael's full attention wasn't focused on her Mary Haskins was the one who in her mind was standing in her way of getting to her goals two women both vying for Michael's attention is one of the best trainers in the world yeah the Tranquility of Hawthorne Hill was on track to being shattered it just happened so fast it was sort of a very cold war until August 1st it became a hot War it's a war and it's going to be dealt with right now I've had enough of these people I need them gone thank you [Music] come come hot hot how important is trust in your relationship with your horses it's really important can Iraq Barrison and his staff had the trust of their horses but over summer 2019 all human trust began to fray and would soon rip apart the fact that they were all around one another almost 24 7 definitely put some stresses on those relationships how was Lauren's relationship with Mary I think it was very uh strained while a top trainer Mary Haskins gray wasn't the Olympic champion Lauren felt she had signed up for so a trainer needs to be someone you can trust and has the best intentions for you it was a different kind of competition with Lauren and Mary Haskins at the center of the contest jealousy and not Romantica you know just didn't like Michael giving his attention she wanted to be the best and didn't want anyone else in her way I mean Michael Barrison is is the best and maybe she was hoping some of that would rub off on her I almost feel as though there was some level of obsessiveness there with her interest in Michael but barazone's time wasn't the only issue there was that five thousand dollars that canarax were paying him every month Michael Lowe wanted his money and he wanted to keep his girlfriend he had a problem Lauren was upset and wasn't going to be quiet at what point does social media become an element to The Strain in this relationship probably sometime in July of 2019 elaborate Lauren was very active on Facebook Lauren launched her online offensive she began by creating a dark Hawthorne Hill Universe based on a chessboard Michael barason the King has been captured and killed Mary Haskins the queen must be sacrificed to protect the castle our heads can't comprehend what she was thinking two weeks later her post grew ominous anyone who repeatedly kicks a resting Beast will eventually wake her up there was a Fear Factor building she was using it to terrify Michael she says it's war I've declared war on them the war raged on Lauren told her father she was concerned about her horse's safety I mean they're the reason I wake up in the morning literally they're also the reason I can't sleep at night literally she claimed that her animals were not being treated properly Lauren told me that her horses are being misfed you know they were just making things uh you know very difficult for her you know abusing the horses not feeding the horses over feeding the horses none of that was true marisone supporters counter it was Lauren violating Barn rules and she just went in the barn in the middle of the night there were rumors of that she was going to do stuff to the horses and come in the middle of the night but according to Lauren one of her horses needed special care then came a disturbing Discovery and it had nothing to do with horses when did you first learn about the recording devices Lauren put in the barn about mid-july we started hearing rumors and started talking Lauren and her boyfriend Rob Goodwin had hidden small voice recorders at Hawthorne Hill Lauren said said she was making recordings because she was fearful of barason Staff what do you think Lauren was listening for anything to help her in whatever plan she had to destroy him canarak took to Facebook and came for barrison's career she branded him racist homophobic and anti-semitic allegations bearizon passionately denies but that could get him banned from the sport there were things coming out on social media that were horrific it shook him to the Bone the damage was done were the comments on social media by Lauren impacting Michael's reputation in the equestrian World absolutely absolutely so I think we live in this world now where your reputation or your career or your identity could be changed like that and can be devastating the champion made his name facing down all challenges in the saddle but he says this Onslaught from Lauren canarak overwhelmed him but have somebody attack me or somebody hurt me and I crumble I fall apart I run from confrontation Lauren claimed it was just the opposite Lauren posted saying a 6'3 man was bullying her and she was fearful for her life did you ever see Michael Bully Lauren of course right Lauren no no never never Michael barason I would stake my life and everything I got family and everything barason says he felt unsafe in his own home he says living under the same roof as Lauren and Rob became impossible barason and Haskins moved out of The Farmhouse her daughter was away at camp now her son was sent back to his dad and I had to hug him and kiss him and said buddy I love you you're my favorite guy in the whole world but I have to send you home it's not safe we fled we moved a quarter mile from the house to The Stables after welcoming Lauren canarak here to Hawthorne Hill it now seems Michael barason wanted nothing more from her than to pack up take her boyfriend and horses and leave his farm why didn't Lauren just leave Michael never asked Lauren to leave did you ask Lauren to leave many times and she said refused many many many many times and eventually you call 9-1-1 yes emergency July 31st 2019 at 9 00 PM Michael barrisone makes what would be his first of four calls to police The Olympian pleaded for help they have chased us out of our house and I need this deal with tonight did you notice Michael's demeanor start to change oh absolutely he was spiraling out of control and this barason had a pistol a pink and black nine millimeter handgun that belonged to one of his clients the gun was locked up in a safe in his office his choice to get it done a pink and black nine millimeter handgun so point back on it Lauren and pull the trigger twice [Music] Michael barason says his paradise had turned to hell and I walked outside and around that building all night every night in the dark I never stopped chaos replaced control he wasn't sleeping he wasn't eating you could hear it in his voice he was cracking Lauren canarack kept up her online attack you were scared yeah of course scared for your life at times again Lauren took to Facebook everyone should be worried I'm not responsible for anything my other personalities do when they're threatened they're nuts they're stalking us they're harassing us and again barason took online threats seriously and turned to police local cops headed over but may have seen it all as nothing more than a landlord tenant dispute when you learned that 911 regarding your daughter what are you thinking I think embarrison is making you know bogus 911 calls but there was nothing bogus about what went down as the sun came up August 7th Lauren posted all my moves against them have been planned for months everything I've done to them so far has been child's played the war was about to get very ugly what put Michael over the edge I mean we can't say for sure my guess is CPS coming and remember a minivan driving in and that was the lady from Child Protective Services it was worker from the New Jersey Department of Children and Families and she said I need to see Miss gray and I yelled for Mary Haskins I said she needs to talk to you they're going to take the kids how did Child Protective Services end up at the farm Child Protective Services was contacted by safe sport safe sport is a watchdog group authorized by Congress dedicated to ending sexual and other abuse in sports and Lauren had filed a complaint with them Lauren Kenrick had made a report to save sport about some of the bullying that she was experiencing by Michael barason and by Mary Haskins gray and how do you destroy someone in that community safe sport this is Lauren's complaint she alleged Barrison was being a bully and body shaming her the safe sport Forum asked does this report involve allegations or concerns of child abuse or child sexual abuse Lauren said yes she said the abuse was verbal not physical the breaking point is when Child Services show up caseworker was there to check on the welfare of Mary Haskins two children but by now both were gone from Hawthorne Hill nothing worse than being accused of harming a child the worst thing that anyone could ever be accused of did you ever see any sign that Michael in any way abused Mary's kids no I know absolutely not he loved them they really adored him have you ever seen any evidence that Michael Barrison abused or neglected Mary's children or any children I don't think there's any direct evidence was brought out of that but a suggestion of possible child sexual abuse was too much for the Olympian to Bear he jumped to the conclusion that they were to investigate him for sexual abuse he acted emotionally and decided that he was going to get the gun and end it by killing Lauren canarak there's not much worse than being accused of harming a child perhaps being shot Mary Haskins and the caseworker were in barrison's office do you remember going to get a gun at any point no I remember going in my office was the gun in your office in a safe yes barason interrupted the meeting with the social worker he kissed Mary he asked them both to wait outside then he opened his safe took that gun and went out the door Michael barason headed down to the white farmhouse exactly what happened next remains unclear but at 2 13 that same day Lauren canarak called 9-1-1 gasping for air Lauren was fighting for her life her boyfriend Rob Goodwin struggled to subdue Michael barason [Music] thank you in the chaos Lauren and Rob's dog attacked barason there were two men on top of each other and a woman shot twice in the upper left chest and in the hands Corporal Derek Heimer had driven alone straight into an active crime scene I rolled Mr Barrison over and there was a gun next to his left hand what kind of gun it was a Ruger nine millimeter Ruger handgun the cop grabbed the gun and tended to Lauren she was pretty pale almost Gray canarak bleeding out got the first ambulance barason beaten by Goodwin and cuffed by Heimer came next the horsemen whispered five words that said everything I had a good life he repeated that a couple of times the war at Hawthorne Hill was done Lauren kanarack was struggling for her life they didn't know she had brain damage they said we put her in a medically induced coma she had tubes in her all over the place the next day Michael barason was charged with two counts of attempted murder he's never been a violent person I said to the cops in my statement that night she broke his brain and she absolutely did what was your reaction I cried I remember waken up in a hospital bed and I remember pulling to move out of it and my hand was handcuffed to the rail that detail he recalls but again Verizon says he does not remember shooting Lauren canarek nothing no I don't have any recollection of that nothing I don't know what happened State versus marisone nearly three years of legal maneuvering would come to an end March 2022. Edward the link is appearing out on behalf of Michael Barrister he was Furious he was frustrated and he most certainly knew what he was doing was wrong when he could try to kill them help I fear for my life those are the cries for help from Michael barrisell those cries fell on deaf ears soon the jury would hear from Lauren and she wanted to remind them that she was the victim I was in a coma for four days in the ICU for three weeks unable to speak because I had a ventilator shut down my throat like my life was almost ended but lincus and dining are set a rare strategy Michael barason was temporarily insane an insanity defenses not one we hear every day they hardly ever worked you took a risk yep I took a huge risk so I have had a number of insanity defense cases in my career did you win them this was the first one that went to trial see more of how the shooting of Lauren kanarack unfolded at [Music] Michael barazone needed to sell Hawthorne Hill his relationship with Mary Haskins ended up in the truth the whole truth is nothing but the truth yes ma'am but she testified that the summer of 2019 was his time of Terror he continued to become more and more fearful to unravel to be in panic sheer panic ask for barrison's relationship with her children Child Protective Services reported no issues and Haskins was emphatic he was wonderful to my children did Michael Barrison love your son very much do you swim in the presence of almighty God that shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing not the truth I do Mr Martin have a seat the Olympians barason had trained now stood by his side you know I love the guy he was instrumental in helping me get to my first Olympic Games and great mentor coach competitor the lawyer's Battleground became barazone's brain in my mind I wanted him examined by a a top-notch forensic psychiatrist how do you do doctors Stephen simmering and Charles Hassan spent hours examining barason why did he do it she drove him crazy she gaslighted him and she drove him over the edge did you have a plan to destroy Michael Barrison at some point yes she played with his reality and she enjoyed playing with him toying with them and he cracked under that pressure have your Breaking Point don't take a gun and try and kill two people shellhorn had his own strategy and his own forensic psychologist Steve will call Dr Lewis lessinger hi doctor good afternoon taking a beat on barisone his sanity and his story he claimed that he doesn't have memory only for the criminal behavior only for the CR his memory for everything else is excellent are you kidding that's a red flag because Dr Louis lessinger didn't buy that barason's mind short-circuited so what does he not remember getting the gun loading the gun driving to where Lauren was the only thing you don't remember is the criminal Behavior why is that Robert Goodwin hit him on the head which is probably the most likely reason that he lost memory [Music] Lauren testified she felt she had been lied to prevented by Barrison from reaching her lifelong dressage dream barazone's legal team says her frustration fed her appetite for Revenge he wanted to ruin his business correct and finally yeah that was in my mind and according to Goodwin if Lauren did want things resolved peacefully she never got a final chance she didn't get to say much to Michael before he pulled up the gun he wasn't there for a conversation he was there to kill us of this Arena sad barason silent teary ragged he looks very different at the time of trial than he did at any other point before that it was a joke you know they had them you know ready for the insanity defense four tense days passed with we going to count one attempted murder of Lauren kanarack what is your verdict Not Guilty by reason of insanity not guilty him crumbling and falling into my arms I feel emotional just talking about it there is nothing greater in life than that that feeling it's unfathomable how satisfying it is when it goes the right way and you win by reason of insanity mean it means he's not responsible for its conduct the jury ruled that at the time incident Michael barason was insane they were not charged with deciphering the distressed man sitting before them what was Lauren's reaction to the verdict shocked this made couldn't believe it Lauren is the victim in this story has that been lost well I think so unfortunately that's uh that's been lost people in the sport I think Michael barristone has been Vindicated she drove Michael Barrison crazy who does that to another individual [Music] you know Michael Barrison is a victim when we spoke with Barrison it was just hours after the verdict I'm Nikki no longer looking at 80 years in prison he seemed a different person he had just checked in with the nurse and she said how are you and I said well interestingly enough it's probably the best day of my life you know then the Fallen Horseman turned reflective I'm I'm lost I'm [ __ ] without a Rudder the world I knew isn't any longer there so I have to rebuild a new world it's transferred to a psychiatric hospital 's supporters hope they will soon get the chance to welcome him home when you think about the day he might walk back in here [Music] how do you envision that a lot of Tears yeah a lot of tears from everyone they'll be happy to see him absolutely horses are great Healers at some point your relationship with Michael changed yes it did across the walls of a jail Lara Osborne and Michael barason became a couple you couldn't go on a date no no certainly couldn't go on a date hopefully that will change soon oh have you learned anything about your daughter through all of this and she's even tougher than I thought it is a miracle where will we see Lauren canarak in 10 years hopefully he's still on a horse well 51 years old and hopefully I'll have a lot more horses I want everyone in this whole thing to go on and have beautiful lives everyone I only want everyone to do well with the dreams that they have foreign [Music] college professor found dead in a hot tub accident or murder suspected her boyfriend then a stunning act from their host a sudden shotgun blast there's something he's hiding 48 hours Saturday on CBS since streaming on Paramount Plus
Channel: 48 Hours
Views: 848,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 48 hours, cbs news, Lauren Kanarek, Michael Barisone, attempted murder, nsanity defense, new jersey, shooting, Olympic trainer, equestrian, social media, true crime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 55sec (2455 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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