The SHOCKING Way Gamestop Ripped You Off | Gamestop Stories

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hey everyone Camelot 3:31 here and I got something diabolical for you today I've really been picking my brain lately trying to think of something that's done consistently a Gamestop that is just borderline theft if not theft and I finally realized what that thing is but before we get into it by the time I post this video we'll be over ten thousand subscribers that is outrageous for just a guy let's just make us some goofy videos reminiscing about the past and putting them on YouTube that's more than I ever expected I'm so thankful for everyone that's supporting me it means so much to me especially you know when times are the darkest so I'm really glad that you are all now a part of my life and I hope our family grows keep in mind I'm just a normal guy I don't have any budget for this I don't have any team of editors or anything like that it's just me sitting here just trying to make everyone laugh and crack a smile and affect people in a positive way or inform them so I just want to tell you how thankful I am that you're here watching this right now one thing I've really enjoyed on this journey is hate comments and I know what you're thinking why you like hate comments because they make me laugh I enjoy laughing and for some reason they make laugh so hard so here's what I want you to do I want you to go down in the comment section right now with this video and just leave a hate comment don't be too brutal so it doesn't get filtered out just leave a hate comment try to make it funny I'm gonna pick the best one and I'm gonna send you something huge something I'm sure you're gonna love so go comment right now imma wait you can't see me you're down in the comments right now top something alright we're good thank you scroll back up we're here okay cool so as you're all aware I worked at Gamestop 11 years I saw some crazy stuff but the craziest thing I ever saw came from none other than egg we all know egg egg is the star of our show he was so round look how round he is he's just an egg now no matter how much of a smoldering pile of Filth that you think this man may be it is about to get worse is it possible I didn't know it's apparently possible you're about to find out right now so something that went on for years while I worked under him before I became a store manager Game Stop people would come in to trading games trade in systems well back when the 360 the original model 360 was out it was getting around $100 cash you know a little bit more for store credit $100 cat ran out the door so somebody could bring in their Xbox 360 lay it on the counter as long as it looks decent it works get $100 cash out the door well this is what egg would be the biggest ripoff in gamestop history so somebody would walk in they would lay their 360 on the counter now depending on the demeanor of the person or the terrible situation that they were obviously in like if they really desperately needed money egg would offer them $30 maybe 40 he would basically be like yeah we have a lot of these already so they're only getting around 30 bucks cash right now which was a lot he wouldn't even start the POS he would just tell them that and he would wait and see if they accepted it and if they didn't he would bump it up to 40 keep in mind the POS are still not logged into it all and the majority of the time if somebody was in a bad situation they would say yes they would take the 30 or the 40 bucks cash and walk out the door with it and I remember moments where he wouldn't take it he just wouldn't take the Xbox 360 if they rejected the offer because he just didn't want to fool with the trade he would didn't want to process it and you know rubberband everything and clean everything and put it in the box he didn't want to do all that if it didn't benefit him he wasn't worried about it now let's say they take the 30 or $40 cash they walk out the door he now has this 360 it's not in the system at Gamestop and by that I mean it's not in the inventory so around that time 360s used we're going for $1.99 because they were still for 249 and 299 brand-new so used game saw sold them for one 90m so about five minutes later somebody would walk in looking for a 360 so egg almost said his real name so egg would basically say no we have used ones for $1.99 but I just got this one in it's only 149 150 cash out the door and of course the customers like that's great do that's awesome new I'm gonna do that right now so they pay him the cash they walk out the door with it and he would take the cash and just pocket it and I saw him do that two three sometimes five times a day for years imagine how much that man me he's like a millionaire now now of course you're thinking yourself how is it possible that you don't get caught doing something like that something that terrible something with that much of a discrepancy between what we sell it for and what he's offering how come people don't catch on well believe it or not the internet wasn't a huge useful tool back in those days of 2007-2008 people didn't just go how much do you get for this on gamestop docked right in a lot of people couldn't really fact check the amount of money you would get for a trade-in or for cash but it did eventually catch up we had several customers come in and they claimed their 360 was stolen and sold for cash at this store because the person that came in and sold the eggs bog to egg actually had stolen it from like their neighbor or their brother and they ended up telling the neighborhood their brother that they took it a Gamestop and it sold it for cash so that person would come up to gamestop and several occasions the police got involved and what egg would do to alleviate this problem is he would just shrink one out of inventory meaning he would remove a used one we already had from inventory and he would just give it to them be like hey I'll replace it here you go and then when gamestop had our inventory we would just be short an Xbox and he'd be like I don't know what happened and then no one would care because the DM never cared about anything he always turned a blind eye eventually all the associates in our store were so tired of it tired of getting these customers come in and be violent towards us because of what egg did we actually complained to corporate you know we acted basically like we were a customer and our Xbox have been trading in cash and offer $30 and we knew that wasn't correct so corporate got back to us eventually the DM my DM was emailing my fake email about this Xbox thing that never happened just so we could bring lot to it so I emailed him back God our regional directors email as well emailed him and just kept going up the chain and emailing eventually an investigation was started so it was terrifying when the DM and the regional director showed up and they were questioning everybody in the store including egg and going through all these transactions and stuff to that nature that had happened which was all legitimate it all happened they investigated for a couple days and that was it never heard about it again they stopped responding to my emails and everything I found out later that store manager turnover actually negatively affected the district manager and the regional directors bonus so hence that is why he could never get fired and I know you're thinking that's not really a Gamestop thing that's eggs thing it's eggs fault keep in mind he was employed there for 13 years that's a long time most kids that went into the store that he ripped off weren't born when he started working there and they were almost driving when he left that's how long games talked kept that guy on our district manager kept that guy on knowing damn well what he did every single day he knew everything everything our associates and me used to joke around that egg must have witnessed the district manager killing someone and just had so much dirt on him and that's why he wouldn't terminate egg because he did so much stuff you've seen my other videos go watch them if you haven't I mean in the back room you can't even walk because there was so much juice I mean oh my gosh bodily fluids you know what I'm talking about you remember Fupa it all happened it was all really bad but he still worked there he worked there after I left what so not only was egg adding warranties on games GP G's warranties on consoles PRPs reservations and pro cards on people's transactions without the knowing 90% of the time there was reason why he was number one in the district every single week not only was he doing that he was also offering almost nothing cash for trades and then selling them to other people and making more profit than game stuff what even made and gamestop didn't do anything about it even though they were a well aware the DM was well aware he didn't give a diam son he didn't care she ain't care so when you're in a game stuff and you're trading in something for cash hell if you're trading in something for credit request to see the POS just request to see the vos okay you might see your POS screen you know just make sure if things cool just do it because you never know when egg will be in that store a different every time you crack an egg two more eggs appear we got to get rid of the egg menace there's too many eggs running around taking advantage of poor little people and Game Stop doesn't care retailers don't care as long as they don't have turnover if they don't get day so be wary next time you're in a game stop what profit just don't go on one to begin with cuz it's hell us gamers love games Game Stop is literally not about games it's the complete opposite I mean look at half the store it's collectibles now collectibles that are extremely extremely cheaply made and have a huge profit margin that's why they're in that store cuz Game Stop is dying so you go in there and you buy a pop figure it's a pot it's my dog its mouth you go any buy pop figure for 10 15 bucks whatever they cost Game Stop paid 2 to 3 dollars to get that in the store that's profit margin right there that's more than they're getting on a new game that's more than they're getting on a ps4 console brand new game stop only makes four to six dollars on a brand new ps4 console out the door profit meaning one pop makes more profit than a ps4 new makes them that is why I half the store is collectibles and continues to expand every time you go in stay away there's no reason to go in there no reason Amazon's cheaper you don't have to get up you don't have to bathe or shave you can just smell bat and eat ramen and just sit at home which is what I'm gonna do when Wow classic comes out hell yes two months straight I'm not moving from the seat I'm getting me a bad pan it's gonna be great and I hope you guys gonna be right with me in the Barrens oh I can't wait oh I can't stop freaking out man that's all I had today I just wanna make all of you aware next time you're in that store or in any other retail location request to see the POS request the POS son get on a doggone it I love you all [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CAMELOT331
Views: 153,910
Rating: 4.8681798 out of 5
Keywords: Gamestop, gamestop story, gamestop horror stories, gamestop rant, story time, story time scary, camelot331, gamestop trade in, why I left, why, how to, 11 years, gamestop 11 years, working at gamestop
Id: OPwpQUyTzx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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