Here’s What Christians DON’T Realize About Dinosaurs

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well you know when i talk about dinosaurs i have a lot of people ask a question they say how do you fit dinosaurs into the bible and you know sometimes the answer that i give surprises a lot of people the answer is you don't i caught your attention didn't i well here's what it is a lot of people they say well let's take these ideas about dinosaurs let's try to fit it into the bible somewhere we don't want to do that you have to be very careful about that because a lot of times when you take dinosaurs you're taking a lot of other aspects and elements and belief systems about dinosaurs that are trying to force fit that into the bible i don't want to do that i want to do something different i want to step back and i want to use the bible as the framework by which we look at dinosaurs almost like you're using the the bible as lenses like glasses uh to look at dinosaurs so you don't try to fit dinosaurs into the bible but here's what you do do you try to explain dinosaurs using the bible let the bible be the absolute authority not our preconceived notions about dinosaurs so really we want to use the bible uh as reality glasses when we look through the lenses of scripture we're looking at the world the way that god looks at the world and that's kind of important to us because that gives us a proper understanding of the world when you reject god in his word well you're stuck with nothing really but when you start with god and his word we can understand reality so much better you know just basic concepts why do we wear clothes because of an event that happened back in the past all the way back in genesis chapter three why is there a seven day week well because god created everything and rested on the seventh that's why we have weak that's why cultures all around the world actually have a week why does marriage exist well because god created a man and a woman you see when we start with the bible it actually makes sense of the world and so when we look at dinosaurs we want to start with the bible use the bible as the framework to look at dinosaurs now dinosaurs are land animals so they were created on day six of creation we've already talked about that in the previous session but i kind of want to remind people of that so some people out there watching this might be your first one so dinosaurs are land animals uh if you actually look at flying reptiles or or sea creatures like some of the sea reptiles like plesiosaurs things like that they would have actually not been considered technically dinosaurs been a layman's sense we sometimes lump those in but dinosaurs are land animals created on the sixth day of creation if we jump back in the bible genesis 1 verses 24 through 25 then god said let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth each according to its kind and it was so and god made the beast of the earth according to its kind cattle according to its kind and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind god saw that it was good see this is part of the sixth day of creation beasts of the earth that includes your dinosaurs here so dinosaurs are land animals they were created on day six guess what man was also created on day six both were created on the sixth day of creation so they would have been living at the same time and that surprises a lot of people in our culture because a lot of people they've got this mindset because they've been influenced by the world that man and dinosaurs are separated by long periods of time but according to scripture they were both made on the sixth day of creation so i know that's kind of a new concept to a lot of people out there especially i i've had people come up they say but beauty aren't aren't fossils millions of years old those dinosaur fossils in particular aren't they millions of years old actually they're not you see people have been influenced by the world they get this idea of millions of years from rock layers they're not looking in light of biblical reality glasses they are thinking in terms of millions and billions of years that come from the secular world you see dinosaurs and man live side by side dinosaurs are not millions of years old it comes from the idea of rock layers being evidence of millions and billions of years let me explain this when people looked at these rock layers and if you look at some of these rock layers down here let's see if i can get this to pop up on you you see these rock layers they assume these rock layers were laid down slowly and gradually over long periods of time slow gradual accumulations over millions and billions of years now why did people do that because they rejected the bible see according to the bible there was a massive worldwide global flood over the course of about a year billions of dead things varying rock layers laid down by water over the earth and see that's what we see when we look at things like the grand canyon here some of these images and of course we can find canyons and these rock layers all over the world but people rejected god in his word they said let's leave the bible out of it well as soon as you leave the bible out you left god out of it so god is no longer seen as the absolute authority on the subject of rock layers so by default man becomes the authority man's ideas are elevated then to supersede god in his word that's actually the religion of humanism in its broadest sense where man is seen essentially as god replacing god and that's how people started looking at these rock layers they started to say wow these rock layers if we just look at them they don't form very fast you can watch them all day long huh these rock layers aren't forming very fast well they assume these rock layers will lay down slowly gradually over millions and billions of years that's where that idea came from it actually comes out of the religion of humanism in fact we can follow this trend in history buffon estimated the age of the earth at about 78 000 years and uh abraham werner come along he said about a million years a lot of people had long ages but it really culminates with a man named charles lyell in the 1830s he wrote three books called the principles of geology where he declared those rock players being evidence of slow gradual accumulations over millions of years and it kind of gradually goes up people keep upping the date i know that very bottom one there it looks like it's kind of cutting off on my screen it's probably cutting off on yours but that bottom one is 1956. claire patterson was the first one to declare the age of the earth about 4.5 billion years and that's what we see even today so that's actually a modern brand new idea now i've had people say well who's got the most evidence when it comes to looking at the age of the earth is it those creationists is it those evolutionists who is it who has the most evidence actually we all have the same evidence we're looking at the same rock layers we're looking at the same dinosaur bones we're looking at the same dna we're looking at the same evidence now see i used to think boy if i could get more evidences into my wheelbarrow boy i'm going to win but now has nothing to do with that we're looking at the same evidence the difference is the interpretation of that evidence see me as a christian i want to start with the word of god when i look at any piece of evidence whether it's dinosaur bones whether it's oceans or continents or or starlight or whatever it is i want to start with god in his word that's the way i want to look at i want to put those biblical reality glasses on but what's the world doing okay they rejected god in his word so by default man becomes the authority and that's the glasses that they're using to look at so we have two different world views now i've had people come out and say oh bodhi let's look at these rock layers how about how about you leave the bible out of it you know what they're saying in a very subtle sense they're saying get rid of your authority and trust mine well if a christian gives up the bible they've automatically lost the debate haven't they because god's no longer seen as the absolute authority on the subject of rock colors if this christian were to object say you know these rock letters boy they could have been laid down by a gigantic flood you left the bible out of it so all of a sudden you get caught in a trap this is essentially what happened to a lot of christians particularly in the late 17 and particularly the 1800s and that that's what really happened the most the idea of these rocklers being evidence of millions of years instead of being flood sediment was presented to a lot of christians and sadly a lot of christians said oh okay well let's just take that millions of years let's try to fit into the bible somewhere see what happens when you try to fit stuff into the bible they took rock layers which do exist but they took the man-made ideas about those rock layers they tried to put them in the bible or do you put millions of years in there it just doesn't fit we have a continuous lineage from adam all the way to christ in luke chapter 3. where do you put millions years you can't fit in that genealogy i mean nobody tries to put millions of years between mary and jesus be the longest laborer in the history of the world so people said oh whoa here's what we've got to do if we're going to put millions years in the bible we've got to go all the way back to the very beginning before adam and all of a sudden genesis chapter 1 became one of the most controversial chapters in the entire bible we had some christians say well maybe you could put millions of years out here before before time existed how can you have millions of years of time before time exists that doesn't make any sense that's actually illogical a scottish theologian named thomas chalmers said let's take genesis chapter one verse one and verse two let's just separate it out put a big gap in there let's put all that millions of years in there and let's just not worry about it he just didn't want to deal with it but of course you run into all sorts of problems with that he actually thought well maybe that's when satan fell maybe that's when you have a luciferian flood of course you got big problems with that what about day age or progressive creation they take the days of creation they stretch them out to be millions and billions of years long sometimes the days overlap sometimes they rearrange the days then you have theistic evolution or framework hypothesis some of these variations walton's view and so forth where they basically take genesis chapter 1 up to genesis chapter 11. reinterpret it so heavily that it just doesn't mean what it says and so you just replace it with big bang millions of years in evolution but what are you doing what are you doing to the bible well you're putting the gap in it stretching it out reinterpreting it all for one reason you're trying to take man-made ideas about rock layers and force-fit that into the bible trying to put it all in there right there before adam but as soon as you do that you run into a problem it's a huge problem it's a gigantic theological problem because what do you see in those rock layers we see evidence of pain death killing thorns disease struggling suffering extinction we see animals eating other animals we find cancer in the fossil record we find all sorts of terrible things and we're trying to take all that put it into genesis chapter one here's the problem at the end of the creation week god saw all that he had made and indeed it was very good that's a huge problem if you put millions of years into genesis chapter one all of a sudden death becomes good suffering becomes good cancer becomes good if satan had fallen between genesis 1 1 and 1 2 that makes satan in his sinful state very good in fact that makes sin very good these are huge theological problems imagine adam and eve oh adam this is such a perfect world yes eve it's very good just like god said and it's sitting on top of millions years of death pain struggling suffering extinction and cancer and tuberculosis and all sorts of other diseases we find in the fossil record it makes absolutely no sense thorns and thistles shall bring forth unto thee that was part of the curse when adam and eve sinned against god curses the ground because of man both thorns and thistles came forth and yet in the fossil record we find thorns all over in there some of it very low levels the devonian rock named for devonshire england they say that's 400 million years old we find thorns in it no no no that rock layer those thorns in it and the rockler sitting on top had to come after adam and eve sinned against god otherwise they couldn't exist because thorns and thistles did not exist until after adam and eve sinned hey the flood of noah's day makes perfect sense of these rock layers don't they they occurred in the days of noah which was well after adam and eve had sinned we expect to see death in the rock layer then we expect to see suffering and cancer and and thorns and all sorts of things like that but if you put millions years of death pain struggling and suffering into genesis chapter 1 you are tarnishing god's statement that everything is very good deuteronomy 32 4 says every work of god is perfect his works are perfect here they really are we expected a perfect creation not a world marred with death bloodshed and suffering it really was perfect in the new testament the last enemy that should be destroyed is death according to first corinthians romans 5 12 therefore just as through one man sin under the world and death through sin and thus death spread to all men because all sin you see the punishment for sin is death sin is serious in the sight of god it brought death the entire set of rock layers that contain death in it are a record of things that occurred after sin entered into the world romans chapter 8 we note the whole creation groans and travails and pain together until now see this is why we need a new heavens and a new earth but when you look at those rock layers you look at the grand canyon think in terms of the bible's history god is the one that's always right the world has been marred with sin and a global flood that came in and demolished and annihilated and rearranged everything so when you look at the grand canyon think biblically put those biblical glasses on when you look at the world the layers contain dead things death came what before after sin according to the bible it was after sin so the rocklers had to form after adam and eve sinned against khalid now the majority of those rock layers were laid down by the flood we've had rock layers since that time local catastrophes and so forth i've had people say but boat it takes millions years to form rock how do they know that seriously that's a great question has anybody ever observed millions of years of rock formation no they haven't but we have a lot of examples of rapid rock here's a in a rock can't beat that one that's a good one concrete that didn't take millions of years to form you see the point is there is a battle in our culture and this is important to the subject to dinosaurs because people are looking at dinosaurs from two different viewpoints two different historical perspectives two different religions two entirely different world views you're either starting with god in his word and there is no greater authority than god there isn't or if you reject god man becomes your god and that's the battle we have one history that says millions and billions of years leads up to man's existence but if we start with the bible a perfect god makes perfect creation and it's because of man's sin that death and suffering came into the world you see it's a battle over two different religions two different authorities man versus god and it leads to two different things christianity versus humanism one leads to life one leads to death but you know in our culture the secular forms of humanism are dominating our culture anytime you see big bang millions of years of revolution these are subsets to the religion of humanism in the same way that creation the fall and the flood are subsets to the religion of christianity you see it's a battle over two different world views and in our culture there's a lot of forms of secularism out there this is religious there's secularism secular humanism atheism which says there's no god new atheism which is a very aggressive form of atheism trying to impose it onto kids agnosticism is a religion say you can't know if god exists it's a fascinating religion when you actually look at it with agnosticism you can't know if god exists but if you look closely at that religion you can't know if knowledge exists so you can't really know if you can or can't know if god exists it's fascinating hey even when people say they're not religious they say they're neutral that's a fancy way of saying they're a humanist because they've already rejected god and his word in light of their own ideas naturalism that nature is all that there is there's no supernatural that's that's a religion new age any worldview that deviates from god in his word one way or another have humanistic elements in it what gets me is when many christians christians want to take some of the secular world's ideas and they want to bring it over and try to fit it in the bible they do this not just with humanism and the origins account they also want to do it with dinosaurs how many times is genesis chapter one being cut up because people have a false view of dinosaurs you have to have a correct understanding of dinosaurs so you have to start with the bible to look at dinosaurs to get that correct understanding see dinosaurs were created on day six flying reptiles sea reptiles are made on day five they live contemporaneously with humans and they have died out since that time just like hosts of other animals have died out we're in a sinkhurst and broken world we expect to see things die but that was only after adam and eve sinned against god was there any evidence that confirms that men and dinosaurs lived together actually we have quite a bit let me explain some of these these are called petroglyphs cave drawings etchings things like that we find in various parts of the world for example uh here's a petroglyph this is actually out of havasupai canyon it's one of the side canyons off the grand canyon and this creature looks surprisingly similar to an edmontosaurus type of dinosaur so it's kind of a fascinating one here here's another this is out at natural bridges national monument this creature looks surprisingly similar to a sauropod type of dinosaur now this one has stirred up all sorts of controversy out there in the secular world because well you're not supposed to have a dinosaur a man living together if you follow the religion of secular humanism that is the evolutionary uh atheistic worldview now i know like i said a lot of christians tried to try to take their origins account try to mix it with their christianity which is a very sad testimony actually but uh this is a fascinating looking petroglyph here's another one out at san rafael swell in utah i mean look at this creature it looks kind of like a flying reptile now i wouldn't be absolutely adamant about it but it definitely fits the description here's one up in canada ontario specifically lake superior you can even see a boat over here in the background you see uh see that boat right there and then you see this dinosaur-like creature it's got something along the back of their neck a number of dinosaurs had features like that one of my favorites is over at carlisle cathedral in northern england a man named bishop bell died around the year 1500 and he's buried in the church and you can see a brassing here see some of that brass that goes all the way up and around it's kind of small and then it comes back down if you zoom right up to that and look at it really close you see all sorts of animals etched in there and those animals you would readily recognize and some of them look very similar to dinosaurs it really is incredible if you go down to uh australia the the aborigines had a painting painted up of a creature that they hunted that they called yaroo and i love this particular painting uh it had killed one of their kinsmen and if you look really carefully inside of its belly there they actually drew their kinsmen in there they were they were hunting this creature now this is a water creature so by technical definition it's not really considered a dinosaur but like i said some of these uh plesiosaur and and flying reptiles are sometimes in a layman's sense lumped into uh you know being with dinosaurs even though they're technically not considered dinosaurs here's another one over at angkor there was an ancient temple rediscovered there in cambodia and they've been cleaning it up and there's there's reliefs all over this temple it's a huge temple complex and a number of animals are are etched into this and and kind of form there and some of them are are absolutely fascinating this creature here almost looks like a muzzled uh stegosaur of some sort uh early something that would fit within that kind now there's a they've been going back and forth on the peer review process on this one and i i think they said they found another relief that actually looks similar to a stegosaur too so i'm kind of excited to see what's going to happen with a lot of that i go to the ishtar gate in babylon built by order of nebuchadnezzar nebuchadnezzar in the bible had this uh gate built and if you look at it alternating up it you've got this particular creature here in an auric which is an extinct type of cattle but look at this creature this thing has scales you see that it's got a reptilian tongue it's got a hip structure so that it raises its body up off the ground by technical definition that's a dinosaur right there we sometimes just glance over this stuff historically and we don't think much about it if you uh look at the times of the reformation you might think of martin luther john calvin john calvin came out of the reformation uh one of the leaders in that actually and he wrote a commentary on the majority of the bible and he wrote it in latin now this is some of the artwork from when it was translated from latin to english in the year 1578 and there were some things that grabbed my attention on this artwork it was these three things right here we're going to zoom up to him so you can see them a little better they're at the top middle you have a couple of dragons and you know in part one we actually talked about the connection between dragons and dinosaurs we actually see uh a lot of that historically as well a lot of the descriptions of dragons are actually very similar to that of what we would call dinosaurs today but go down to the bottom middle and this one's upside down which usually signifies that it's dead but this creature looks surprisingly similar to an ornithopod type of dinosaur now here at the creation museum if you go in the dinosaur den it's the one area that's not fully handicap accessible you have to go up some steps to see some of this but it's just a little area up there it's got a number of different dinosaurs some teaching on it but as soon as you go up the stairs most people walk right past it it's really the very first one there's a little ornithopod dinosaur to give you an idea kind of what it would have looked like in there if you look at some other literature uh gilgamesh uh he uh killed an ancient babylonian uh reptile-like creature i mean this is some sort of fascinating creature but look at the description it's very similar to that of a dinosaur but uh it it was a fascinating creature may well have actually been a dinosaur if you look at beowulf uh the old anglo-saxon poem it relates to events going back uh you know really in the in the first millennium but uh beowulf kills grendel grendel is this dragon like creature that had smaller arms that had a big claw on its arm and beowulf was famous because he he attacked this thing and he and he pulled the arm off of it and it started to bleed and it went back to its lair well they tracked it back there and they go in and grindel had died i guess from blood loss or whatever it might have been but then when they get in there they realize that grindel wasn't alone grindel had a mother and so they ended up killing uh grendel's mother as well now later in beowulf's life he ended up killing a fiery flying serpent where he himself sustained enough injury that he ended up dying from that as well but what's interesting about this grendel is that description of a dinosaur shorter arms big claw on it we actually have a dinosaur called baryonyx which fits that description almost to a t it is fascinating when you look at that i mean we have all sorts of accounts this is saint george and the dragon a retelling of that one we see uh images of saint george slaying the dragon all across europe and uh you know that's a fascinating account uh you know we see all sorts of these types of things fossils and baryonyx as a matter of fact have actually been found in england as far back as 1983 they've been able to find some of these so it actually matches fairly well in those particular regions finding these types of creatures now one of the ones that that i thought was cool this was uh over in france uh the city of nehrukh if i'm pronouncing that properly was renamed terrascon if i'm pronouncing that properly but uh it was in honor of them killing a dragon there and according to the description it was bigger than an ox a little bit larger that is and it had a long sharp pointed horn on its head now if you look at a number of different uh ceratopsian dinosaurs some of them have a three horn some will have variations in some of those forms but it actually matches a description very similar to one of the serotopian types of dinosaurs if you go to ireland an irish writer about ad900 recorded an encounter with a large animal that creature had a head shaped somewhat like a horse and had iron on its tails that pointed backwards it had thick legs and strong claws so this dragon like creature actually is very similar to something like a kentrosaurus stegosaurus probably all part of that same kind could have been a variation in that if you go uh to italy you know we find these things all over the world and this is what's fascinating about some of this back in the 1500s uh in the city of bologna uh baloney is how we you know we we we like uh eat things like bologna i know we pronounce things in a lot of different ways here but a peasant encountered a small hissing dragon the man killed the animal by striking it on the head with his rod uh he bought he brought the body to a famous naturalist uh you know what i'm probably gonna gonna botch his last name here uh but you ulysses aldrivandrus uh if if i'm saying that right uh but uh yeah aldrivandrus uh carefully studied the carcass and reported that it was unquestionably a reptile unlike any he had ever seen it had a very long slender neck and a thick body the description actually fits that of actually a fairly well-known dinosaur it's a really long neckline we actually have one of those uh here in our dinosaur den as well ramfarinkas is something very similar to what herodotus was mentioning herodotus was a old greek historian living several hundred years bc now what's interesting about this he's talking about a place in arabia and you know i've read this count over and over again and i i'm fascinated by it every time but there's a place in arabia not far from the town of bhuto where i went to learn about wing serpents when i arrived there i saw innumerable bones and backbones of serpents many heaps of backbones great and small and even smaller winged serpents are said to fly from arabia at the beginning of spring making for egypt but the ibis birds encounter the invaders in this past and will kill them the serpents are like water snakes their wings are not feather but they're like the wings of a bat i thought that's kind of interesting you know that actually does kind of follow some of these descriptions of some of these flying reptiles you know we see all sorts of petroglyphs all over the place this one here you can see a little bit better of an outline there toward the bottom of it i mean these things are fascinating we find them all over the world so i love seeing this kind of stuff here we have a couple other creatures one of them repeats the yaru down here in australia but this top one boy you know some of these names i'm going to be honest they're tough for me to pronounce muriola i believe is how you would pronounce this a mighty creature resembling a plesiosaur is often reported in the hawksbury river near sydney the reports go back several centuries some estimate that the creature is up to 50 feet long which is just fascinating but yeah the aborigines talk again more about yaru here bunya an australian aboriginal word for monster the description and sketches resemble a large bipedal reptile maybe not necessarily tyrannosaurus itself but some sort of one of those tyrannosaurids you know which some of those were actually much smaller than even the t-rex culta another australian tradition speaks of an enormous plant-eating reptile the animal had a small head at the end of a long narrow neck a massive bulky body supported by four huge legs and a long pointed tail similar to accounts of wanombi from northern australia and choline and mayandi from victoria all seem to resemble variations in sauropods and of course you know all sorts of creatures have died out over the years and dinosaurs we've seen those tend to die out uh somewhere between the 15 and the 1800s is when the majority of those seem to be disappearing from some of the historical records anyway what about scientific evidences do we have any scientific evidences of dinosaurs or or different aspects and elements that might be significant yeah actually we do let me start with some red blood cells red blood cells don't last very long if i were to cut myself and spill out some red blood cells they're going to rot decay actually quite quite rapidly in fact it's difficult for us to keep red blood cells for long periods of time well dr mary schweitzer a paleontologist and you know her team they actually found a t-rex femur out west and this femur was down in a ravine they couldn't get it out so they actually brought a helicopter in they're like let's get this thing out so they go to load it on the helicopter it was too big and so they thought what are we going to do well they decided to do something that nobody done before they took that t-rex femur and they broke it in half and when they broke it in half they come back to the lab well hey that's a great place to research we've never really cracked open dinosaur bones like this so what did they find they found some preserved red blood cells now these guys were in shock they were like whoa there is no way that red blood cells could possibly last 65 million years 68 million years whatever it might have been in their viewpoint but they finally said well i guess red blood cells really do last 65 million years so that was kind of the conclusion well since that time dr schweitzer and a number of others have actually started to crack open different t-rex bones and other dinosaur bones and uh in dr schweitzer's case they actually found some soft tissue some of it was stretchy this one on the far left side of your screen up here that you can actually find a video on the internet where they're pulling this and stretching it it's just fascinating you see a vein in here and some other soft tissue but uh you know people have been doing this now left and right there's actually quite a bit of dinosaur soft tissue that's now been found i know some creationists that cracked open a triceratops horn and what did they find they found some some soft tissue as well if you look at this picture i i'm fascinated by this one right here you're zoomed up you're actually looking into a vein and you see crystalline material in there that was uh dr mark armitage and dr kevin anderson and uh dr anderson i know and uh the creation research society they've been working with a big team on a i dyno project hey you just can't beat a name like that investigation of dinosaur intact natural osteotissue brilliant i mean what are the odds that that would work out to idyno but they have a project going on uh one and two and i don't wanna uh you know give you everything that these guys have done but they have done an immense amount of research and i would encourage you go to the creation research society and find out more about what they have that's on and they have a journal creation research society quarterly journal this is a peer-reviewed journal where they've published a lot of the results they've been finding on this they've found quite a bit of dinosaur soft tissue which is just fascinating blows your mind how much is in there they've also found radiocarbon in dinosaur bones now that's significant so why is carbon uh particularly carbon 14 why is that so significant in the dinosaur bone let me explain something from a big picture here carbon 14 is not supposed to last very long carbon 14 dating does not give anything like millions and billions of years for dates that's actually some of the other dating methods potassium argon uh rubidium strontium uranium decay things like that carbon 14 is used for stuff that's supposed to be a little bit closer to our time frame it's got a half-life about five thousand uh 730 years or so now of course we've not actually observed that you know this is our estimates based on our measurements in the lab but the point is carbon 14 shouldn't last but more than about 50 to 100 000 years maximum even with different methods ams method or whatever it might be i don't want to get too technical on you but carbon 14 cannot last millions of years in other words if something has carbon 14 in it it cannot be millions and billions of years old let me explain a little bit more about radiometric dating methods particularly carbon dating you have carbon 14 that's going to be the parent here this is going to be a a is going to decay into b carbon 14 will decay naturally into nitrogen and so we see that in bones things that like plants or nuts stuff like that stuff we can pull out of graves that were carbon based essentially so let me explain a little bit more about carbon dating where does carbon 14 even come from we get cosmic rays up there that actually have little neutrinos and things like that just zipping right through our atmosphere most times it doesn't hit anything but you got nitrogen up there so you have a nitrogen boom one of these neutrinos comes by hits right in the nucleus and it sticks well as soon as it sticks it changes the atomic number it is no longer nitrogen now it is carbon 14. well as soon as it's carbon-14 it wants to bond with oxygen to make carbon monoxide or furthermore carbon dioxide well what likes to eat carbon dioxide well things like plants so you get a certain ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 in your plants so it starts building up in there well what likes to eat plants well things like animals like to eat plants so they start to eat these plants and they take in a ratio of carbon 12 carbon 14. so how does a radiometric dating clock start then with regards to something like 14. well let's say you're an animal like a cow here you die you're not taking in any more carbon 14. so boom it starts to decay you find your bones here and what happens is that carbon 14 over time starts to decay and it starts to go back into nitrogen so as it goes back into nitrogen you have a half-life and you get less and less of it so as you follow the bones down here you get to a point where you don't have too much carbon-14 left well let's say say you find that cow bone and you're like okay here's that cow bone how much carbon 14 is in it right now we can go measure that we know that but there's a lot of other unknowns we don't know how much was in it originally well we don't know we actually make an estimate on that has the rate of decay ever changed well we don't know so ultimately there's a few things in here that we don't really know because there's a lot of assumptions behind this could there been some carbon 14 added by another means after the cow had died is there a means that took some of it out what was it originally we really don't know a lot of this there's actually a lot of assumptions behind dating methods initial amounts parent or daughter added or removed how's the rate change how you know there's a lot of factors involved in here so when it comes to carbon 14 you still can't be adamant that it's an actually an accurate measurement but one thing we do know if it has carbon 14 in it it is not millions or billions of years old so if you find a dinosaur bone it has carbon 14 in it it cannot be millions and billions of years old well what about those other methods potassium argon for example i'm not going to go into all the dating methods but let's just look at potassium argon potassium argon is used on things like lava flows it's not used on on bones or or carbon based materials no this is used on something like a lava flow it's it's for rock so you have a radiometric uh form of potassium it wants to decay into argon so you go to a a volcanic eruption as soon as that thing cools and solidifies boom that's supposed to start the clock so geologists went out and sampled some of known volcanoes places that we know exactly when they went off mount aetna for example we know when it went off mount st helens some of these places in new zealand or hawaii we know exactly when they went off they went out they got some of their their cooled and solidified uh lava it's now rock and look you get dates here that are all over the place some of these dates are way off one of them at mount st helens the lava dome in 1986 it went up cooled and solidified they got some dates upwards of two 2.8 million years old there's a one down here from hawaii upwards of 15 million years old the point is if you can't trust it on dates you know why would we trust radiometric dates on things we don't know that becomes a problem there's actually a huge study uh instigated by the institute for creation research and i know they worked with other creation organizations as well and they did two volumes radioisotopes in the age of the earth two of those books very technical books i've actually read those books and it's it's incredible when you think about all the material that's in there the good thing was i didn't read through it all at once i went through here i went through there which was great but uh donde young actually took a lot of that radioisotopes and the age of the earth information he condensed it in more of a layman easy to read friendly book called thousands not billions so if you want to know more about some of the problems with the radiometric dating methods this is probably the book you want to start with and get in your hands thousands not billions hey when it comes to dinosaurs what about all those dinosaur transitional forms you know we're a culture that says dinosaurs evolved into birds of course people still have no idea what it was that really evolved into all those dinosaurs you go out and look at the fossil record and and this is what you see this is what you see see the red the red is actual fossil evidence so when you see this sort of thing what you're not seeing are the transitions take note of this down here at the bottom something supposedly evolved into all those do we find any fossil for that no same thing with some of these other areas we don't see the fossils that are evolving into this what we see are the straight up and down those verticals what that means is you've got some variation within certain sauropods variation within certain tyrannosaurus and so forth what you're not seeing are the transitional forms to get to those we're not seeing anything that goes from dinosaurs to birds we're not seeing anything that goes from previous reptile into the dinosaurs and that's big i've talked a little bit about some of the uh alleged dinosaur bird evolution in the previous talk so i encourage you to go back to that if you've not seen that hey what about the eeka stones i want to hit some of the stuff that's kind of controversial some of the stuff that people go hey is this good is this not good eeka stones now eco stones are fascinating uh ika is a city down in peru i've actually been down to peru that area went all around but i've never actually been to eca some relying on some of the research from others but there's a number of stones that have been pulled out of graves in that particular area and there was a one of the guys that worked there actually has a huge uh museum there his name was dr javier cabrera and i believe uh you know his descendants are actually in charge of this museum now but he collected massive numbers of these zika stones now what's fascinating down in peru you find pottery you find textiles all sorts of stuff that people have pulled out and they have all sorts of animals on them and in some instances you find things that look like dragons and dinosaurs and you see this even at cabrera's museum now dr cabrera uh himself he was not a creationist by any means in fact he believed in things like aliens and some sort of an evolutionary worldview but these were still fascinating even to him now these became very controversial because in some instances you find some creatures on there that look like dinosaurs now in a secular world view that's impossible because dinosaurs were supposed to be gone a long time ago and yet they find some of these rocks that had dinosaurs on it and some of these have gone back you know into the museum for you know 60 70 years maybe even a little bit more than that so i mean they've been around for quite some time but here's where the controversy began guess what there's a lot of people down in peru that are not rich that's what's like that all around the world but some of these people down there they realized hey these americans would buy a rock if i put if i put a dinosaur on it so they started making stuff that looked like this and they started putting dinosaurs on and guess what people start buying them and so all of a sudden you have authentic ones and you have modern fake ones and so people have sometimes just jumped on the back like well gotta throw them all out you know we got some fakes well not necessarily i think the key here is to be discerning with regards to to a lot of these there are authentic ones there are some real ones but usually you can tell them apart you know the old ones they have oxidation for example you can see where it's been worn um you know in some cases you can look and see if it's a false image you know certain eras of modern history people were drawing certain dinosaurs incorrectly for example they would have t-rex standing straight up with his tail straight down you know so i mean you can look for some of those types of things where people made it more modern and you can sometimes just look right at it say well that's a new one you can tell i want to encourage people if they want to find out more about the ecostones uh dennis swift actually wrote a book secrets of the ecostones and the nazca lines i want to encourage you to consider that particular book if you want to find out more about it but i think the key here is be discerning there are some that are real there are also some that are faked the key is uh looking at it properly well here's a big one that hits a lot of controversy what about human and dinosaur footprints ethnology excuse me ethnology if i could i guess sorry guys i just took a drink it's the study of footprints here and one of the most famous spots that people would like to bring up is hey what about the piloxi river down in glen rose texas i've actually been down there i've walked the taylor trail that was man i'm getting old that was last millennium the very end of it but yeah you look down there and there were some prints that looked kind of like they were human and you can kind of see them walking up through there now they have all sorts of uh dinosaurs there a lot of dinosaur footprints there's actually quite a few right down in that whole general area and they even have uh trails you can go check some of these things out we actually have a couple of copies of some of the dinosaur footprints even here at the creation museum from biloxi but there was a problem you go out to the taylor trail or the or the shelf site some of these places they're not necessarily human footprints and a lot of creationists agree hold it we have to be very careful of this especially as people started looking at it because as you look at it yeah it does kind of look like human footprints and they've been able to uncover different areas where they find more but the question is were they really human footprints when you look at those prints as as they start to erode they erode down into a three-toed footprint so what you were seeing was more the upper part of a three-toed dinosaur's footprints as they stepped into the mud and then they pulled out and then they kept going okay and so what happens is that mud starts to collapse back in uh creationist dr emel silvestro paleontologist a geologist actually he's not a paleontologist he's more of a cave expert more of a geologist in that area but he uh he actually agrees a a person who believes in more the secular origins account cubane he found his interpretation of the indistinct elongated tracks from piloxi river as metatarsal dinosaur tracks resulting from mud collapse very plausible so a lot of creationists have actually backed off of this said hold on let's let's be honest with this evidence this may not be the best so some of those you have to be very careful of and i want to encourage people let's not use that one as maybe one of these great evidences there was another set that was claimed up in wolverine creek up in british columbia in canada you can see that print up there you know it's actually not as discerned as you as you know people would hope uh dr email sylvester was able to check that one out as well he said personally i lean toward interpreting these footprints here as metatarsal dinosaurian footprints too although i would not completely rule out the possibility of them being human but the point is we can't really say for sure that those are humans so let's not say that so we gotta gotta be careful of that too here's another one that stirred up some controversy the zapata track uh this was documented by the smithsonian institute uh it's interesting uh dr jeremiah mcdonald he's paleontologist you know he was actually out there he studied some of this now he is an evolutionist you know so he wouldn't say that this is a human print but uh here's what was written up in the article petrified footprints on the smithsonian by doug stewart the fossil tracks that mcdonald had collected included a number of what paleontologists like to call problematica it means that there's problems with it on one trackway for example a three-toed creature apparently took a few steps and disappeared as though it took off and flew we don't know of any three-toed animals in the permian mcdonald pointed out and there aren't supposed to be any birds he's got several tracks where creatures appear to be walking on their hind legs others the outlook almost simian now do you guys know what simeon is simian is is something like ape-like or human-like now in that article they didn't actually have a description or a picture of this alleged simian footprint people been out there and they've taken pictures of it here's what it looks like just to give you an idea and at the same time i'm showing you where that's found these are found in permian rock this is clearly permian rock permian rock is supposed to even be before the dinosaurs which is why they were having problems with the three-toed footprints as well dinosaurs weren't supposed to be around at that time well they continue in the article talking about the zapata track on one pair of stilts stone tablets i noticed some unusually large deep and scary looking footprints each with five arched toe marks like nails i comment that they look just like bear tracks yeah mcdonald's says reluctantly they sure do mammals evolved long after the permian period scientists agree yet these tracks are clearly permian so they were finding things that looked like human things looked like bear things looked like dinosaurs and rock letters that weren't they weren't supposed to be there so that's a problem within that evolutionary world view now of course people try to explain a lot of this stuff away uh is this a human footprint hey that's a great question it looks kind of like a human footprint some people want to agree some people don't i'll leave that for you to decide now there are some human footprints that people largely agree on one of the more famous ones of the way totally footprints discovered in africa these have been known for quite some time in the secular worldview they say these went back 3.6 million years ago long before humans ever supposed to existed but it's a little bit closer than something like permian rock so you know they they allow this one to go ahead and go on through and what they do is they try to interpret it by saying well maybe there was some ape maybe like australopithecine forensics you know like lucy or you know something like that that had already evolved human-like feet and they were the ones doing that walking now people found other australopithecine afarensis fossils and they were clearly knuckle walkers and they they had ape-like feet they didn't look anything like human feet but that still presents a huge problem here another set of human footprints were found in crete they are actually supposed to be much older than the way totally footprints they estimate this in the secular literature at 6 million years old and they largely agree these are human-like prints and of course they just say well maybe some ape-like creature would evolve human feet by then that's just that common uh ad-hoc explanation but really doesn't explain it now making sense of these hey people have been around since creation seeing human fossilized footprints places that's not a big deal but i still think we need to exercise caution we need to need to have some care and we need to look at these footprints and and uh be honest with this evidence i know sometimes creationists want to jump all over this look we've got this this proves it well gosh let's be careful about that so i do want to exercise caution when looking at human firm prints and we're just we're just scratching the surface here but i do want to encourage people to research this subject in a little bit more detail but one thing i want you to consider too are we looking for the right things now i want you to think about something when adam and eve sinned against god god cursed the ground thorns and thistles came forth guess what it didn't take long for them to figure out what thorns and thistles do when you step on one so people started venting shoes and sandals all throughout the old testament people wore sandals in fact a lot of times in the old testament you would exchange a sandal when you had an agreement we see some of that in the old testament jesus wore sandals and so forth you know flipping over to the new testament so yeah people had shoes and sandals and so forth so when we're looking at at human footprints are we looking for the right thing there's this uh idea because we've been influenced by the secular world that people ran around barefoot because they think man was primitive back in the past but people have been brilliant back into the past so yeah maybe we should be looking for shoe marks uh shoe settings things like that that we're not really looking for because it would give a little bit different impression uh when you're walking but those are things to consider if people want to study this subject so dinosaurs are they completely extinct that's the question isn't it rest in peace you know rest in peace is actually a christian concept because those in christ have peace when you die with the lord those who are at war with god will not have peace actually but uh rest in peace i kind of noticed this so our dinosaurs completely that's a great question for me to say yes i'd have to look everywhere and the entire world at the exact same time guys i'm not that good i'll be the first to admit that so i'd leave open remote possibilities that they're hiding somewhere you know a lot of the old dragon accounts and so forth they were actually living in swamps living underground they come out only every once in a while we've destroyed most of the swamp ground around the world in the past you know four or five hundred years so it makes sense we probably destroyed a lot of their habitat as well most of those dragon legends ended with a dragon getting killed by the way too but you know as we look at dinosaurs between the part 1 of this talk and part 2 of this talk we've had a chance to look at dinosaurs from two different viewpoints and you know when we start with the bible it actually makes sense of dinosaurs it makes sense of dragons makes sense of petroglyphs a lot of these different accounts you know we see the word dragon used in the old testament a number of times and dinosaurs you know they were one subset of the many dragons that were out there so it actually makes sense of and i want to i want to encourage people use the bible use the bible as our absolute authority use that as a framework as the glasses by which we look at dinosaurs i really want to encourage people to do that now as christians i'm talking to the christians out there how can you use dinosaurs now i know a lot of people watching this are christians there are people who watch it are not christians if you're not a christian out there friends i really hope i really hope that you've been challenged a little bit by watching some of this but i want you understand you know some of these evidences some of these ideas and arguments some of that may not be perfect what's perfect is god in his word god is the one that's always right and according to god we are all sinners and we're all in need of jesus christ no matter what we look like no matter where we live no matter what our views are on dinosaurs we all need the lord and i want to encourage people i want to encourage you to consider repenting of your sin and returning to the lord and savior jesus christ believing in jesus's death burial and resurrection it'll change your life but for those of you who are christians how can you use dinosaurs here's what i suggest you can use them as missionary lizards that's right we can talk about dinosaurs kind of like what i've done in part one and part two of this talk we can use dinosaurs because we can go back and say look the bible explains dinosaurs make sense of them guess what the bible also talks about the gospel so you can use the the dinosaurs as a springboard to then talk about the lord and savior jesus christ we do that here at the ark encounter at the creation museum we have a bunch of different dinosaurs in here dinosaur dig sites we've had dinosaur den bookstore a lot of things and i know exhibits are always changing as well and uh you know i mean it's just fascinating when you see some of these things but the point is the bible's history is true when it talks about dinosaurs it's also true when it talks about the gospel there is no greater authority than god and by extension his word the bible so what kind of resources can you get your hands on particularly resources that that believe the bible is true and use the bible as a framework actually we have quite a bit first off our website answers in new lead article every day a whole section on dinosaurs i want to encourage you to go there we talk about the flood and ozark host of different things that are actually somewhat associated with dinosaurs and in many respects um i do want to encourage you to sign up for a newsletter now this is free comes out once a month and uh with regards to this you can find out more about if we have a speaker in your area or updates on the museum or some of the latest resources it really is fascinating there are some good teaching points and teaching articles that appear in answers insider as well i also want to encourage you to uh perhaps donate to the ministry of answers in genesis here at the ministry uh you know it's that time this is a coronavirus time and a lot of things been shut down and i want to encourage you to give to the ministry i want to encourage you to give to your local churches as well because these are hard times for a lot of us and uh i i would love i would love for you guys uh to be able to to help us be able to help out our staff we have so many incredible staff that have come from from all over the world and uh you know we like to be able to take care of them especially in this this rough time so uh all we can do is appeal to god's people and also i want to encourage you to be in prayer about the ministry and our many outreaches i know we've been doing a lot of different facebook lives and so forth i'll tell you about some of those here momentarily but as for some of the specific resources uh this is one of the older ones i want to tell you about a handful of resources that sometimes you don't always hear about sometimes we like to give you you know the latest the newest some of these things but i'm going to tell you about some other books we have dinosaurs for eden from ken ham and this is a fascinating book i've always loved this book even though though it's an older book it's a great book you can learn a lot of facts and figures about dinosaurs another older book by dr dwayne gish who went to see the lord a number of years ago now but he had a book called dinosaurs by design and uh you know these were books that heavily influenced me uh when i was first diving into some of the the dinosaur debate i have a dvd dragons dinosaurs in the bible which kind of combines some of part one and part two but of course if you watch the live streams you're going to need a little bit more information but these are are excellent for studies in churches and youth groups and so forth dire dragons vance nelson untold secrets of planet earth he actually runs through a number of different petroglyphs a lot of different places around the world that have some of these images i only scratched the surface you want to find out some more vance nelson did an excellent job putting this together uh dinosaurs marvels of god's design by uh dr tim clary at the institute for creation research uh this one dives into a little bit more of the the geology and a lot of the paleontology a lot of the the information a little bit higher level but at the same time i would suggest a lot of kids you know 10 11 12 years old would have absolutely no problem and have a heyday going through this book really does dive you deep into this mike ward does as well with his book dinosaur challenges and mysteries and we do not have this one on our website i know you're pretty sure you can get it on amazon or some of these other places as well but this is an excellent book to find out a lot more about what's going on with a lot of dinosaurs and a lot of different issues surrounding that i have a book dragons legends and lord of dinosaurs we put together a handful of the petroglyphs whereas dinosaurs found in the bible some of these ancient accounts and where you can find those we also have dinosaurs for kids by ken ham it goes through the seven f's of dinosaurs formed fearless fall and flood uh so it's taking you through essentially chronologically through the bible at the same time a lot of facts and figures about dinosaurs from a biblical viewpoint for the littler kids we have d is for dinosaur it's a rhyme book and at the same time it teaches the kids the letters but it's got the notes on how you train this to your kids and grandkids answers books for kids we actually have eight volumes uh now volume two the second volume uh specific questions about dinosaurs in the flood just from kids these are excellent for devotions by the way we do have dvds like dinosaurs genesis and the gospel for the littler kids ken ham and buddy davis teamed up to to do this filmed in front of kids for kids really is good answers books volume one through four we have chapters on dinosaurs dragons but also things like where can get his wife what about racism why is there death and suffering in our culture what about carbon dating what about radiometric dating if you want to dive into some of those subjects in a bit more detail distant starlight cavemen alleged transitional forms climate change these things are in here a powerful set flood of evidence what about the flood and the ark how did dinosaurs fit on the ark for example is our flagship book destroying an evolutionary world view in a nice way but at the same time we're looking at it biblically we're looking at it scientifically we have an all-star cast on this it really is an excellent book world religions and cults there's only two religions in the world gods and not gods if it doesn't come from god it comes from man that's humanism in his broadest sense all other religions all of them one way or another have humanistic elements that take people away from god and his word so what this does is then it goes through those humanistic world views what are they how did they and when did they deviate from god in his word incredible poster on that but we hit somewhere in the neighborhood of about 60 world religions and cults uh answers books for teens volume one and two what about dinosaurs what about big bang what about millions of years uh racism and death and suffering in volume one we have a chapter on sexuality it's powerful in today's culture because so many of our kids have been influenced by the secular world the fall of satan the follow mankind why you cannot have death before sin that's a huge deal satan could not have fallen between genesis 1 1 and 1 2 it had to be after adam and eve sinned against or sorry after the declaration that everything was very good on day six i doubt it was day seven because god sanctified that day made it holy but it had to be fairly soon after that because when satan fell he influenced the serpent to deceive the woman so it was by that particular point confound the critics how do you respond to nasty things you might see on facebook or newspaper these were actual letters that were sent to the ministry now some of them are actually just good questions but it shows you how to break them down and how to respond how do we know the bible's true volume one volume two how can a loving god allow death and suffering we see that in dvd form as as well inside the ham ny debate if you're ever uh struggling to answer some of these skeptics that are out there the same things that bill and i brought up with the same things you're going to see left and right over and over again on debate boards and places around the internet this shows you how to respond to them and how to deal with those arguments is the bible true how do you know i would not suggest this be your first dvd i suggest you get some of the other dvds some of the other books this is a little bit higher level it dives into some philosophy but it really is a powerful answer it also shows you some of the bad answers that christians have given when they when it comes to trying to answer this question i also have the seventh season history where i go through the whole bible in one talk the tower of babel i love this subject i have a talk on this as well why you should not take evolution millions of years and i mix it with your christianity that's in the lie evolution and uh the last couple of things i want to tell you about the great dinosaur mystery solved by ken ham easy to read book i'm telling you even pre-teens can read this book and i have absolutely no problem and my friend dr tommy mitchell who died this past fall you know he did an excellent dvd here jurassic prank a dinosaur tale so i encourage you to consider that now i know i'm about out of time but i do want to tell you briefly about some of the facebook lives some of the scheduled events that we've got coming up later this afternoon uh leanne and ken are going to be talking about zebra's donkeys and our own dwarf miniature horse so that's going to be at three o'clock eastern time and uh ken's going to talk about the 4d theater this evening as well tomorrow every day 10 actually we've been doing live science with roger and i want to encourage you to consider those those have been hugely watched uh some of the uh some of the animal encounters as well uh tomorrow at noon dr terry mortensen's going to be talking about creation versus evolution at three o'clock leanne and kendra will be talking about porcupines uh but it's going to continue all through this i'm not going to go through every one of these but i want you to to bookmark 10 o'clock 12 o'clock 3 o'clock and seven o'clock those are the times when we do these uh on thursday though myself and dr jennifer rivera we're going to do something a little bit different at the noon session so we're not just going to give a lecture like we've been giving we are going to kind of have more of a q a and we're going to discuss a lot of questions and we're going to have our phones up so if you guys have any questions i want you to consider some of those and shoot some of those in and we'll do what we can to try to answer some of that that will be thursday at noon with dr jennifer rivera and myself body hodge at this point i'm out of time i'm going to pray we'll finish this out and just god bless you guys i really hope uh you guys are having a great time during uh this rough time of coronavirus but let's go to the lord in prayer dear heavenly father we thank you for all your provisions lord help us just be still and know that you are god lord i know when it comes to the subject of dinosaurs there's so much we could talk about so much we can learn at the same time lord help us be discerning you know some of these issues are tough to dive into there's so much research and and sometimes we we don't know if we always get it all right the lord uh when we come to this lord help give us wisdom on the subject of dinosaurs help us stand on your word as the ultimate authority lord if there's somebody that's watching this that's not received duty as lord and savior lord i really pray you've been tugging on their hearts because it's all about you let's not get distracted with the flood the ark dinosaurs or all these little hobby horses without pointing people to you because it's all about you lord during this time of coronavirus i just pray you uh keep christians out there safe uh watch over this nation watch over the leaders lord i ask for wisdom and guidance upon them lord i also want to pray for different leaders and people all around the world lord bless them strengthen them lord i pray you watch over our various offices over in the uk up in canada down in australia down in mexico and down in peru lord bless them during these hard times as well and lord if there's any donors out there that uh you just want to tug on them to give a little or give a lot we would really appreciate it lord lord we ask for your your blessing and uh lord we thank you most of all for sending your son to die in our place we pray this in jesus name amen thank you guys
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 359,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Biblical authority, Answers News, Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, truth, ken ham, Dinosaurs, Wrong, Christians, Bible, Bodie Hodge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 47sec (3767 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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