The Shocking True Story Behind Netflix's The Empress

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pastuza Expedition welcome to Ms Mojo and today we're looking at the true story behind Netflix's the empress reviled by the rich beloved by the poor CeCe was a woman who led a complex and tragic life even as her influence helped shape Europe for generations to come for this video we'll be taking a deep dive into the incredible life of Elizabeth Empress of Austria and queen of Hungary if you haven't yet watched the limited series there will be spoilers ahead have you seen the empress yet let us know what you think in the comments she had a Carefree childhood the slumsy Duchess Elizabeth Amalia oygenya was born in 1837. into the Royal Bavarian House of witzelbach the third child of princess ludovica and Duke Maximilian Yosef nicknamed CeCe the young Royal lived a rather unrestricted life for her status some people believe that eccentricity was a characteristic of the vitsalbach lineage and that it lived on in ccua as a child she would often skip lessons to ride her horse but the freedom of her youth was a far cry from what the rest of her life would hold off the emperor chose her over her sister Cece's Future Husband Franz Josef the first of Austria was born into the Habsburg monarchy in 1830. he wasn't so lucky when it came to freedom in his childhood when he was 23 his mother princess Sophie of Bavaria decided it was time to set up an arranged marriage and who could make a better wife for her royal son than his own Royal cousin this week foreign wanted to strengthen the ties between the houses of Habsburg and witselbach so she invited her sister ludovika to bring her eldest daughter Helena to be married off but after they arrived to meet the future Emperor he fell hard and fast for CeCe instead Elizabeth Franz Josef and the 15 year old sisi were engaged she had a Monster-in-Law eight months after their betrothal Cece and Franz Joseph were married and the young girl was thrust into stifling Court life her days became strict and structured all under princess zofi's thumb Cece's first crime against her mother-in-law was simply being the wrong sister cons was controlled by his domineering mother throughout his life but went against her wishes by not choosing Helena and the princess was not keen on giving CeCe an easy life when CeCe gave birth to her first child 10 months after the wedding princess Sophie took the baby named her Sophie and refused to let the new mother care for her and kids will become is a year later she did the same with Cece's second child and daughter gizela it is suspected that Cece's mother-in-law was also behind a malicious pamphlet that CeCe found on her desk suggesting that a queen should be considered a meddlesome and dangerous Foreigner unless she provided a male heirs foreign foreign adjusting to the formality of Court life was hard for CeCe who started experiencing health issues shortly after moving to Austria things eventually started turning around for her though in 1857 three years after her wedding CeCe her husband and their then two children visited Hungary for the first time in May the Imperial family they boarded a carriage and left Vienna behind for the east of the Empire from the moments they crossed into Hungary CeCe was in love the empress was greeted with a needed break from the uptight formality of her royal home the trip left a deep mark on her leading her to start learning to speak Hungarian she loved the Hungarian people and they loved her in return the language the landscape or the informality of the Hungarian Court whatever the cause by the time they reached Budapest CeCe had given her heart to this downtrodden Kingdom she had political influence before CeCe was 20 she had two children after the empress's first trip to Hungary both her daughters became ill the eldest passed away at two years old after two years of of barely seeing her own child when she finally got her back death snatched her away at the end of that year CeCe became pregnant with her third child and first son who was named hodav in the eyes of Princess zofi CeCe had finally fulfilled her royal Duty by giving Austria an heirsidas the birth of a son gave CeCe more influence at court a decade later she agreed to have another child with the emperor and used her influence to win hungry equal footing in the Austrian Empire in 1867 the austro-hungarian compromise established the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary CeCe became queen of Hungary as well as empress of Austria the following year she gave birth to her fourth and final child Marie Valerie who was nicknamed the Hungarian child she cared a lot about her appearance CeCe expressed her dislike of being pregnant writing that children quote Drive Away Beauty she was sent to be obsessed with her appearance she employed a former theater hairdresser who spent three hours a day combing and braiding her ankle lengths chestnut brown hair into elaborate styles standing at five foot eight and maintaining about 110 pounds most of her life the Royal was described as almost inhumanly slender she wore extremely tight corseting made in Paris out of leather she would regularly fast which took a toll on her health and at a particularly low time in her life had a waist that was only 16 inches in circumference at night she wore a facial mask lined with raw veal but she was also an avid horseback rider and gymnast a gymnasium was added to every Castle she lived in so she could practice in comfort so you can kind of see when you're in a space like this that she always took great care of her appearance and her health apparently she didn't return the emperor's affection foreign s were more than a little different from present day marriages the emperor and Empress rarely live together much less spent an abundance of time together the couple's marriage was an arrangement for power after all throughout their lives together Franz seems to have had much more affection for his wife than she had for him he was dutiful to his role at court while she would restlessly try to get away from her duties and her husband Wayne's the 1860s CeCe refused to husband access to her bet at court this was an absolute Scandal both Royals were rumored to have had affairs that the others knew about but they stayed together until the end of Cece's life based on their letters to each other they seem to have become close friends in their later years foreign expectations of her as both a wife and Royal in her day she was quiet and reserved but also very active her life outside of being the empress and queen was always a hot topic for gossip is foreign she liked learning languages history philosophy Reading Writing and smoking she also cared about the treatment of the mentally ill all of her interests seemed odd for women at the time she took a special liking to German lyric poet and radical political thinker Heinrich heinek and wrote poetry inspired by his work her work also Drew on her own life and Restless longings one of her poems read or thee like thine own seabirds I'll Circle without rest for me Earth holds no corner to build a lasting nest she was assassinated towards the end of her life CeCe suffered a series of devastating losses this included the death of her son Rudolph who in 1889 killed his mistress and took his own life in an apparent pact on January the 30th 1889 he took his new flame to his hunting lodge mailing there Rudolph convinced the poor girl that the world was out to get them and they needed to die for their love Mary who was herself a Melancholy romantic she agreed it's said that CeCe wore only black after the tragedy krudoff's death triggered a dynastic crisis that led to the emperor's nephew Franz Ferdinand becoming Heir much later his assassination would trigger World War One Cece's Restless nature kept her traveling often under an alias such as Countess of hohenhams in 1898 she arrived in Geneva Switzerland along with her Entourage but a local newspaper leaked her identity Luigi lucani had come to the lake after reading the prince Henri of Olio would be visiting his plan was to stab the young role to death but then Prince Henry canceled his trip and the Assassin was left kicking his heels in Geneva with nothing to do it was in this frame of mind that lucaney found out about CeCe disliking Grand processions Emperor CeCe left her hotel with just one lady in waiting on September 10 1898. they were headed to the shore to catch a steamship when Italian Anarchist Luigi lukeni stabbed CeCe with the help of her lady in waiting and a few Sailors CeCe was able to board the ship but back at her hotel she was pronounced dead after her death not only Franz Joseph but the entire austro-hungarian Empire was in deep mourning before we continue be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them if you're on your phone make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications Empress Elizabeth's memory lives on Empress Elizabeth was widely loved led a fascinating and troubling life not the one of a fairy tale princess after her death her husband founded the order of Elizabeth in her honor in Vienna a statue of the empress was created as a Memorial monument there were also monuments of the royal family erected in territe and near Lake Geneva in Switzerland many of her previous homes were turned into museums with the things that remained we tried to show a personal City her life became a common Focus for works of art like plays ballets films and TV series her memory and Legacy blazes on over a century after her death in the last year CeCe wrote I loved I lived I went through the world but never reached what I strove for do you agree with our picks check out this other recent clip from mismo Joe and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: MsMojo
Views: 278,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, Streaming, TV, assassination, countess of hohenembs, elisabeth, elisabeth amalie eugenie, empress of austria, franz joseph i, list, mojo, msmojo, netflix, netflix's the empress true story, princess sophie, queen of hungary, rudolf, the empress, the empress accuracy, the empress fact or fiction, the empress true story, the true story behind netflix's the empress, top 10, watch mojo, watchmojo
Id: bmF-4wnbQ4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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