The Shift Live with Dr. Taketa Williams 111319

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Get ready for the shift with Dr. Takita Williams. Absolutely nobody like you, father we give you glory tonight, be glorified and let the devil be terrified and we lift up our voices and we come to shake kingdom and we come to shake open gates, we come as the kingdom of Heaven that suffered violence and did anybody come to take a miracle? Did anybody tonight come to take a breakthrough? Did anybody tonight come to take? I'm talking about come to take your miracle? I dare you to lift up your voices and give God a praise. I double dare you to lift up your voice so Kevin can hear you and praise him until the gates of hell begin to shake. Oh, my God. You just tuned in to the shift. Somebody shout shift. Come on shout it louder, shift. You just tuned in to the shift live with Dr. Takita Williams, you are in for a treat tonight, you are in for a miracle blessing tonight. You are in for a breakthrough tonight. You are in for a fresh anointing tonight. God is about to baptise you with a fresh anointing tonight. He is about to increase super natural ability to do whatever you couldn't do before. I come to decree and declare a word tonight, God sent me here to tell you that you're not leaving this year empty. [ Speaking in the spirit ] Somebody say I shall not go empty. I'm going but I'm not going empty. I'm moving forward but I'm not moving forward into you. I'm coming to get what belongs to me. Anybody coming here and somebody said I have my stuff. I'm on fire. [ Screaming ] Y'all ain't crazy enough for me, y'all ain't crazy and I dare somebody to scream. Come on scream a little louder. Scream a little louder. Praise a little higher. [ Speaking in the spirit ] Scream a little louder in the presence of God, oh, my God. I better save some for later. Welcome to the Word Network. [Applause] I am Dr. Takita Williams I'm a proud host here at the Word Network. Oh, yes. [Applause] Tonight you are going to be blessed. We thank God for this moment and for this opportunity for indeed God has given me a major platform to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world, via the Word Network thank you Mr. Kevin Adele for giving me this opportunity to preach Jesus in this great message of hope and this incredible message of revival to the nations and the nations of the world. Thank you so much. Amen. And we thank God for Jesus. Tonight you are going to be so blessed. The spirit of the Lord spoke to me. You could be seated. I want to speak to you for a moment because I want you to know what tonight is all about. And I want you to know that this night is a prophetic night. This night is going to be a powerful night. This program, this right here movement is called the shift live, the Lord gave me that name for this particular ministry represented here on the Word Network. Why? Because a shift literally transports you or catapults you from one place into another place and so tonight the Lord is getting ready to shift you or transition you from where you were into where you're going. Somebody shout, that's right, that is a good place to praise him right there. I dare you to shout I'm going somewhere. I'm going somewhere. And so the Lord began to speak to me about this season. I'm called to the office of the prophet, I'm a pastor, I'm an author, I have a television ministry, I'm a wife, I'm a mother but my call of God at the core is to the office of the prophet. My assignment is to hear from God on your behalf and tell you what is on the heart and the mind of God. The Lord spoke to me concerning what he has in store for you. Just a few weeks back my husband and I we enjoyed two services on Sunday morning and after our Sunday morning services we went out to enjoy brunch. We were wrestling going back and forth about where we wanted to go and finally my husband said well let's go to this place. Well, we proceeded to walk in the place and they seated us at our table and as we were just enjoying the atmosphere and pastor Williams my husband and I were just enjoying one another's company apostle said to me honey look up. And then I said, yes, I said yes, I looked up immediately and this is what I saw, I saw doors everywhere, all over the ceiling, I saw doors, let me see that on the screen, I saw doors all over the ceiling, the ceiling was covered with doors. This is what I saw. These are the doors because I took a picture in the restaurant. This is the ceiling of this restaurant and the Lord immediately pastor Rene Winston began to speak to me immediately and he said to me, he said I want you to know that this is the season for open doors. And I want you to, that is right, go ahead and praise him, go ahead and praise him, go ahead and praise him. [Applause] He says I want you to tell the people for me that this is the season of open doors. He says there are doors hanging right over your head. Right over your head. He said I have made open doors available to you. He says this is the season of the open door. This is the season of the open door. God said the door is already open. Isaiah 22:22 says what door God opens no man can shut it. Can't no demon shut it, come on Craig, can't no demonic force shut it, can't no principality shut it or power, full moon can't shut it or I wish I had a crazer praiser tonight that will open up your mouth and praise God or open doors that he has set before you. And I'm telling you in the season and what door can nobody shut I don't care who don't like you, they can't shut it. God sent me here to prophecy to you, to tell you that you are unstoppable. He said there are some doors that are open to you and they are wide open. He said get ready, come on, where is my ladies that I invited here tonight, getting ready, I want you to come stand behind me and I want you to see the door, stop and assist not one door, not two doors, not three, not four, but there are multiple doors. Stand behind me right here. Oh, my God stand straight behind me. He said get your feet ready. Get your feet ready. Get your head ready. Before I could see the door pastor Wanda apostle Williams my husband he said honey look up. And God said if you look down at this season you will miss your boat if you are depressed it's the season, you are going to lift this door, if you are discouraged it's the season you are going to miss your door, but you got to look up, look up, lift up your head. He lift it up the ever lasting, the ever lasting king of glory, king of glory and says to me who is this king of glory, the Lord is a mighty, mighty in battle. He is the king of glory. You have got to lift your head up. Lift your head up. Weariness, lift your head up, shake the courage up. Lift your head to open doors and I want you to get your feet ready, get your feed ready ladies. Come on get your feet ready. Get your head ready. Be prepared and get your feet ready. Somebody give him a praise. [Applause] Get ready. Get your feet ready. Get your head ready. Come on get your head ready. You are getting ready to walk through something major, you are getting ready to walk and talk to Jesus, you are getting ready to walk and talk in battle. Get your feet ready and ladies with your feet ready give him a straight line right here. That is right. Hold hands. When I say take a step on our right foot we are going to all make a step, you are watching right now stand on your feet you are watching right now you are in here standing at your feet and you got to get your feet ready and you can't walk if you don't get up, get up right where you are watching, right in your home where you are watching get up. If you are in the car pull the car over get out of the car and get them feet ready and we are getting ready to walk through the door. And new opportunities, doors, doors, new mercy. Doors, new money. Doors. New miracles. Oh, God. Y'all ready don't stop until you are ready in here, when I count to three we are getting ready to make a set, right foot first, ready for the first, hallelujah, when I count to three the first one, two, three, and the first one, two, three,s when I count to three, one, two, three, one, two, three. Give him the praise. [Applause] I see doors all around me and someone say new door, new door, and I need a man, come here, come here, you in the gray come here. Thank you. Watch this. Watch this. Stay right here. Stay right here. So God said these doors that are open he said you don't have to knock on them. Uh-huh. You don't have to knock on them. They are already open. They are already open. And can't no man shut it. So here is the door, okay, over here. And God said the devil can't shut it. But first Corinthians 16:9 says where there is a great and effectual door the Bible said there are many adversaries, apostle said people have been wondering what the warfare has been about. [ People wonder why I had to fight all year. I have to fight for my sanity, I had to fight for my tranquillity. I had to fight for my family. I have to fight for my children. I had to fight for my God. Over my people, I had to fight all things. I had to fight off purpose. I had to shake and it's happening in my life. Why y'all live here and God said the enemy knows that you're standing before an open door and he is mad because he can't shut it. He is mad that he can't close it. He is mad that he can't touch it. So what he did was try to block it. Look at me. What he did was try to block it. He couldn't touch the door. But what he did was stood in front of you and your door, he could not oppose your door, but what he began to do is oppose you and I want you to start swinging, don't hit me for real and that is what the enemy has been doing, they have been throwing blows, come on act like you are a boxer, they have been throwing blows, he has been throwing jabs, God Almighty he is trying to distract you. Come on pat. And I just want you to know he said in his word first Corinthians 2 and 9 eyes have not seen and either ear has heard and has not entered into the heart the good place my God that God has in store for them. That love him. I wish there were 15 people that love God tonight. God said show him that you love him, he is getting ready to kick some doors open, he is getting ready to kick some doors off the hinges, he is out to make the devil turn those doors loose, walk away from your doors, God is about to slap the hand of the enemy and he is going to Usher you into your door. I said he is going to Usher you into your door. I said he is going to Usher you into your door. I wish I had five people that would act like you would be an Usher into your door. Somebody say excuse me, I'm walking in. Excuse me, this is my door. Excuse me, God gave me this door. Get out of my way. Get up devil. Back up devil. Move devil. Get aside devil. This is my door. It's mine, it's mine, come only, get back there, it's mine. It's mine. So the Lord said what he is getting ready to do, he is getting ready to unblock the way. He said because the problem is that the door has been open as it's been blocked. It's just been blocked. So God said what he is getting ready to do, what he is getting ready to do is dispatch angels to come and move the devil from out of the way of your door, move him out of the way. Move him out of the way, that is right. Move him that is what God says I'm doing I'm getting ready to move every adversarial spirit that blocked your door and I'm getting ready to move it, somebody take your hand and say move, he is getting ready to move it. Things that have blocked your way. Things that have blocked your blessing, things that have blocked your miracles, things that have blocked your anointing, things that have blocked your clothes, things that have blocked your power, things that have blocked your deliverance, things that have blocked your promotion, things that have blocked your elevation, things that have blocked your increase, he said I'm moving there, I'm moving there, I'm moving there, out of the way. I'm driving them back tonight we come to drive back forces of evil. We come to drive back powers upon it. To tell every devil that has blocked your way to move tonight. We take authority over principality spirit. We take authority over impeding spirit. We take authority over spiritual delay. I came to tell you tonight there have been some devils at your door but God said get ready because he is getting ready to move those things so that you can advance and move them things so you can contract and move them things so that you can walk what it is that he has for you and put your hands together and give God the praise. Give him the glory. Give him the glory. Give him all the praise. Because he is worthy of it. He is worthy and this is your season of open doors and not only the open doors God said overflow is coming with it. I come with a prophetic announcement to announce tonight God is getting ready to open doors and release the overflow, overflow, he is reestablishing overflow in your life. You went from running out and God said get ready because now you're about to run over, you are about to run over, you are about to run over, your days of running out are over and on your dry season you are coming out of your dry places. I come to prophetically declare a word tonight. Somebody shout overflow! [ Speaking in the spirit ] Overflow is coming. I want you to hear God tonight and when I tell you to move you have to move. This is a serious night. This is a serious prophetic moment. I'm telling you what is next is counting on you responding to God, regarding this moment you are in right now. God told me to tell everybody that has been going through any type of warfare God said it's about the door and it's about the overflow. I'm getting ready to challenge your faith and when I challenge your faith you're going to move to the phone, you're not going to wait, you are not going to delay but you're going to move with faith. You're going to move with power. You are going to power the Holy Ghost. And God through your giving through your seed tonight is about to Usher you through doors that have been closed in your face. God told me to tell you doors have been closed in your face but God says open them back up, he is going to reopen old doors and he is going to open up new doors and then he is going to shift you into the overflow, he is going to shift you into the overflow. You are not going out empty. You are not going out empty. You are not leaving this here empty. You are leaving with your stuff. You are not leaving broke. You are not leaving busted. You are not leaving disgusted but you are leaving, you are coming out like Abraham with great substance, you are coming out with your hands there and get your cup ready because God is about to anoint you and your cup getting ready to run over. When I count to three here is what you're going to do, the Lord spoke to me about a 100 seed. Put it on the screen, Ray. A 100 seed and this is what I'm told pastor Williams and I were traveling to get here to Word Network God spoke to me about a $100 seed, put the $100 seed on the screen. God spoke to me about this and he said tell the people tonight that if they sow a $100 seed with the $100 seed on the screen the they sow a $100 seed he broke it down for me. 1-0-0, 1-0-0, he spoke to me about a $100 seed. The one I wish I had it on the screen tonight because I need to show you this prophetically. Thank you. The one God said you are the one. You are the one. You are the one. The second of the 100 represents open doors. And the second 0 in 100 represents the overflow. And God said for everybody under the sound of my voice that will pick up the phone when I tell you to and sow the $100 seed he said you're the one that is getting ready to walk through open doors and you're the one that is getting ready to stand into the overflow, somebody give him praise and shout I'm the one. >> I'm the one. I'm the one. I'm the one. When I count to three you are getting ready to pick up the phone and sow that $100 seed you better not wait, you better not wait, you better not wait but you got to move, you got to move and when you move God is getting ready to move payments and problems out of your way, God is moving struggles out your way and God is moving adversity out your way and issues out your way and God is moving mountains out your way and God is about to move some stuff, why? Because you're the one, because you're the one that is getting ready to walk through open doors of the overflow. I'm going to count to three and you can going to sow that seed of $100 when you sow it I'm going to send you this blessing prayer cloth and you're going to take this prayer cloth and every door, this is a face move, everybody won't get this, I get it, but for those people that really got crazy faith, listen, if you only knew the level of crazy faith I have, if you only knew I want you when you get this to take this unblocked lesson prayer cloth and every door you walk through before you walk in it I want you to claim this door and shout my door, you hit that, take that and hit the door, my door. My door. Go to the car lot and claim the car you want and say my door. When you walk in the bank take your cloth with you and say my door. When you go to the job interview and you are interviewing for promotion take your prayer cloth with you and say my door. Oh, you need a new house, I dare you to walk around the house go to the front door and say my door, I'm sending you this prayer cloth and then we are going to send you because you're going to need a key chain for your keys to your new door to go on. And because you are getting ready to walk to open doors that are going to Usher you to another level of royalty you need the king crown key chain oh, my God, oh, my God because you are getting ready to walk through some major doors. God is getting ready to promote you like that then I'm going to send you my book, my prayer book, my cup ruth over and I'm going to teefrp teach you to live with the overflow then I will sent you my declaration book called prosper or purpose I was broke and busted and I was disgusted my God preaching the gospel but I said one day I ain't never going to broke another day in my life and ever since then I have been living in the overflow baby I'm going to teach you to tap the ram and send you a bottle of oil and when I count to three we will worship the Lord and be back my guests and I and will be back to flow with the Holy Ghost one you getting ready to sow that $100 seed because you are the one, you are the one that is getting ready to walk through open doors you said Dr. Williams I set my faith in agreement with the word, I believe that this is my season to open doors. And I want overflow reestablished in my life. I'm tired of struggling and I'm tired of being depleted and I'm ready for the overflow when I count to three you are picking up the phone and getting ready to call 855-730-Word. You ready, one, you are sowing the $100 and sending you this entire overflow package two here it comes at the count of three, call right now blow up the phones 855-730-Word. 855-730-Word. And loose the $100 seed, tonight as you loose it we are going to declare the overflow over your life, over your house, over your family as you sow overflow is about to hit your whole house, as you sow overflow is about to hit your whole life, $100 seed you're the one that is getting ready to walk through open doors and to overflow, 855-730-Word. I want to know who you are. I want to know who is sowing and I want to call your name and we want to declare the blessing over you and your family, if you are married I challenge you to sow a $200 seed and challenge you to sow double tonight. And you have been through hell in your marriage, if you have been through hell in your finances I challenge you to sow double, $200 seed, 855-730-Word. We are going to call your name and we are going to declare the overflow and open doors in your life and waiting for hear you and the praise team is coming right now to declare overflow while you are calling 855-730-Word. 855-730-Word. Get the $100 seed in the ground, get the double in the ground. I'm waiting to hear from you right now. Come on let's get ready for the overflow. Come on put your hands together like this. We about to celebrate our overflow on today. Are you ready for 2019 going to 2020 that God is going to do exceedingly abundantly of all we ask and come on and put your hands together like this. ♪ Eyes haven't seen ♪ ♪ Ears haven't heard ♪ ♪ The kind of blessing, the kind of blessing that is about to be on me ♪ ♪ Oohh, victory is here ♪ ♪ Take the feet out the door ♪ ♪ God is doing a new thing ♪ ♪ Get ready for overflow ♪ Come on say it. ♪ I'm getting ready to see what is never seen ♪ ♪ Something I never seen ♪ Come on and say I'm getting ready. ♪ Something I never seen ♪ Everyone in the house tell me. ♪ Oohh, something I never seen ♪ Your life is about to change. ♪ I'm getting ready to see something I never seen before ♪ Come on and take it to the next one. Hallelujah, this is what we want to say. ♪ I'm getting ready ♪ ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ ♪ If you don't mind help me to say I'm getting ready ♪ ♪ We declare ready for overflow ♪ I tell you to make it personal and say I'm getting ready ♪ ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ ♪ God is about to do exceedingly ♪ I'm getting ready ♪ ♪ Come on say ready for overflow ♪ Come on ♪ ♪ Are you ready ♪ ♪ Are you ready ♪ ♪ Are you ready for overflow ♪ ♪ Overflow is going to be so great ♪ ♪ Oh, God to move in your life ♪ ♪ We want to say are you ready ♪ ♪ Are you ready for overflow ♪ Come on I dare you to declare and say it. ♪ Are you ready ♪ ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ Come on just say it. ♪ I'm ready for overflow ♪ ♪ Are you ready ♪ ♪ I'm ready today ♪ ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ ♪ Eyes have not seen ♪ ♪ Are you ready ♪ ♪ To what God is going to do ♪ ♪ And he spoke to you, it's going to come to me ♪ ♪ Are you ready ♪ ♪ All you got to do is be ready for overflow ♪ ♪ Are you ready ♪ ♪ The things I have seen ♪ ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ ♪ Getting ready for what he is about to do, ready for it ♪ ♪ It's going to be a mightyy Tsunami ♪ ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ ♪ He is turning around ♪ ♪ In your midnight season ♪ ♪ He is turning around ♪ ♪ Doing favor for you ♪ ♪ Your season of prophetic is coming today ♪ ♪ The season ♪ The season. ♪ Ready for overflow ♪ Come on lift your hands and say it. ♪ Ooohh ♪ That is our secret call to gospel. ♪ Ooohh ♪ Come on use your voice as a trumpet and declare today. ♪ Everybody sing with me ♪ Say. ♪ Ooohh ♪ We declare in the atmosphere that there is going to be a change in our life. We say: ♪ Ooohh ♪ Hallelujah. ♪ Aahh ♪ My Lord Jesus are you ready for the overflow, I said are you ready? You got to be ready because this is the season for it. This is the moment for it. This is what some God has on my agenda and God says I'm taking you from running out into running over and then do you know what the Lord said? He said I'm also taking you from being overwhelmed into the overflow. Maybe if you are watching right now you have been so overwhelmed, you have been so heavy laden about many things, burden after burden, bill after bill, problem after problem, issue after issue, struggle after struggle and it's just been overwhelming, you are carrying the weight of ministry, some of you are carrying the weight of your career, carrying the weight of your family and trying to do it all by yourself and God said you have been so overwhelmed by tonight the heavy load sharer is here and the Lord says I'm shifting you somebody shout shift. Somebody shout shift. Shift, he is shifting you from runs out into running over you better get ready he is shifting you from running out and being overwhelmed and into the overflow, 855-730-Word. You are getting your $100 seed in the ground. Move right now because you're the one, you are the one that God chose for this. You are the one that God called for this. You are the one that has been ordained for this. You are the one that has been d destined if you are ready for open doors and overflow get the seed in the ground because listen you can never reap from a word you don't sow into, I'm a crazy radical giver, brought me off of welfare into faring well do you know why? I sewed my way out and don't let the seed eater eat your seed and God will revoke or devour for your sake when you give what is a devour, a seed eater. Don't you know that satan's job is to try to eat your seed? Don't you know the enemy's job is to eat your seat because if he eats your seed he just murdered your harvest, he just murdered your harvest but I'm telling you if you're really ready to live in the overflow and tired of living from paycheck to paycheck I'm telling you you are tired from living from bill to bill and tired of running out, you got more months than you got more money there is something special about this night, there is something spectacular about this moment and I come to challenge your faith, I wouldn't be a real prophet if I did but a real prophet will say woman what do you have in your house? She said I have nothing. Take a pot of oil. He said that is good because God is getting ready to multiply that and God said if you bring me that seed I'm getting ready to multiply it if you bring me this seed I'm getting ready to increase it and I wish I had praisers right here that will praise God, that will praise God over this moment because somebody is about to get a release. As you call 855-730-Word. And loose that seed overflow is about, come on. I just keep hearing it y'all. And I wish, do I have about a thousand people out there that is in tune with this prophetic word. Listen are there any prophetic people because I'm talking to the prophetic people tonight. I'm not talking to the average ordinary Christian but I am talking to prophetic people who said Dr. Williams I have been sensing this and waiting here and I keep hearing this and it's the sound of overflow. It's the sound in my spirit and God says it's about to cush and what you ran out of God is about to cause it to overflow again. 855-730-Word. Loose the $10 0 seed, loose it, 855-730-Word. I'm getting ready to find out who you are because I'm going to pray for you, we are going to pray for you tonight as you are sowing your seed, $100, 855-730-Word. We got some special guests here tonight. I got some spotlight pastors that I want you the light of God to shine on tonight as we introduce their ministries to millions of people watching all over the world right now. Would you help me welcome our spotlight pastors and he is going to introduce them on tonight and empower you for just a few minutes go ahead. >> Well thank you Dr. Williams, give it up for Dr. Williams on today and the fact that God is about to open up so many doors for your life. Oh, come on you can do God better than that you are playing like you ain't expecting nothing from God but I have a lot of closed doors in my life and now is the season for open doors. Hallelujah. This is an exciting time in the program when we have some spotlight ministries that come and declare a mighty word so at the time we are going to feature our spotlight pastors. Praise the Lord everybody. [Applause] Open up your mouth and give God some praise. Praise the Lord I'm pastor Daniel young from freedom Christian worship center in Romulus Michigan and give God praise and something you need to understand in the name of this show is the shift. Amen. It's the shift. And if we are going to be in the shift you have to seal that shift with a praise. You are going to have to fill it with a praise. See every time that you open up your mouth and give God praise you got to understand you're not doing God a favor by praising what you are doing is joining in a party that is going 24/seven days a week already in Heaven so anybody in here that is crazy to open up your mouth and give God a praise I need you to make some noise in this place and bless go for the overflow that you know is getting ready to happen in your life. Somebody shout yeah! Give God a praise in here. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. My name is pastor Wane rose and I am from the caring temple missionary Baptist church where the church is known as a sharing and caring church. We are restoring lives and we are rebuilding neighborhoods on grand river in Hubble. And we thank God that doors are being open like she talked about tonight. Doors are being open in housing for caring temple. Doors are being opened in food programs at caring temple. Every door under the name of Jesus Christ is being opened all over on grand river and Hubble, hallelujah. And I am so glad that if you want your door to open just come on by and while the spirit of the Lord is going forth at caring temple come by, be a part of the exciting time that we are having on Hubble and grand river, amen. God bless you. Make Heaven smile. [Applause] Amen, God bless you my name is pastor Greg 20361 Plymouth road and as we heard the great word and heard the great preachers my call is just to those who have left the church or fell from the church because you were mad at the church. And I want to tell you is that the church is not about getting pats on the back from God nor is it about getting attendance certificate but it is about being a part of a fellowship that becomes a living body and God wants us all to be a part of. [Applause] Being a part of a church, the Bible says how can they call on God whom they have not heard and how can they hear without a preacher? If I call you come and return back to the church where you can be under sound doctrine, sound doctrine is good for your soul and being with other like minded people and being in the fellowship of believers is about being around those who have shared some of the same struggles as you and some of the same joys as you so that you can come to know there is hope in Christ Jesus. I call you back, come on back, come on back to the church, find your local church, come see about us, God bless you. [Applause] Come on I wish y'all would give God some crazy praise in this place. Receive the Lord who have been received from the hand of the enemy, open up your mouth and declare the word. Yeah. Hallelujah. Come on don't stop that praise I tell you to put those hands together one more time. Hallelujah. Come on everybody jump to your feet and let's give God some more praise. It's revival night. Oh, my God. It's revival night. [ Speaking in the spirit ] I said it's revival night. God is moving by his spirit, he is moving by his power. This is your season of open doors, I want to show you something in just a moment, I want to show you something 855-730-Word, hallelujah, give praise and 855-730-Word. Release that $100 seed release it right now we want to know who you are, 855-730-Word. The phones are ringing, the phones are ringing listen if you can't get through stay on the phone, stay on the phone, stay on the phone, don't hang up, if you already hung up call back, I'm telling you they will get to you, this is a serious moment, this is a prophetic divine moment don't miss it we are going to send you the whole package it's powerful I love my kings crown key chain listen I take this thing everywhere I go it's powerful and it opens up new doors and when I hold this thing the doors that God has opened for me have been utterly amazing. I mean tremendous, I'm telling you there is something on this over here we are going to send you the unblocked blessing prayer cloth and send you a fresh bottle of consecrated anointing oil and my prayer book called my cup runs over consecrated unusual prayer that is the place of overflow right through there and send my new prosperity declaration book so you can declare and decree with the fruit of your lips 22:28 says it will be established under you and shine upon your ways, I'm telling you if you open up your mouth and say it you will see it and teach you how to do it and see this bundle package as a gift from us as you release the 100 seed, 855-730-Word, 855-730-Word we want to know who you are and bring me some names in a moment and listen I want to tell you about things I'm doing and I get caught up in the Holy Ghost I forget about something but I want you to know one of the reasons why God is opened up doors is because prayer will open doors. Prayer will open doors, prayer will open doors. And God has called me to the ministry of prayer, are you ready for things I will call he has called me to the ministry of prayer and a powerful dynamic prayer movement I am graced with a special grace in the area of prayer when I pray it I'm telling you miracles happen, signs and wonders take place, I'm telling you what, God has just given me a special anointing to pray, thousands of people in the prayer movement that God gave me watch this in 2011, in 2011 way back when nobody was doing teleconferencing or prayer I'm a trail Blazer and God used me strongly thousands of people follow me in prayer every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 a.m. in the morning and I want you to connect with me, put that on the screen, at the prayer experience, take down the information call every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 a.m. eastern standard time that is on the screen only Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:00 a.m. in the morning, I'm 6:00 a.m. eastern standard time in the morning live praying for a thousand strong and the prayer force is dynamic I'm telling you the super natural happens and the prayer experience since 2011 God said I want you to take the prayer experience to the road so beginning next week, next week there is going to be November the 22nd our first stop with the prayer experience live is right here we will be with pastor Angilik Simmons rue ith in Atlanta, Georgia and meet us and beat us there next Friday night 7:30 p.m. in Atlanta, Georgia that is right Atlanta we are bringing the prayer experience live to you, you don't want to miss it. It's an all purpose and dress in your all white your consecration and going to the glory of God and expecting signs and wonders and I'm telling you it's going to happen don't you miss it Atlanta, Georgia we will be with pastor Simmons that is Friday night, next Friday November the 22nd, 7:30 p.m. you don't want to miss it and you can get the in information off our website experience but it's right on the screen go to my Facebook page and Instagram at Dr. Takita at Dr. Takita after that we will be headed to T Tacoma, Washington and we are going to be there, my God we are going to with pastor I van Johnson in Tacoma Washington on December the 29th at 7:30 p.m. we are going to the west coast and that is the southwest Pacific, oh, my God region Tacoma Washington, pastor C Ivan Johnson new destiny we are coming your way apostle Williams and I will be tag teaming with this movement, it's going to be dynamic, it's going to be December the 29th in Tacoma and then our next stop we are headed to Houston, Texas. We will be with greater grace with Bishop Usher and pastor tawanda Usher put it on the screen Ray let's see it, we will be headed to the prayer experience live Houston, prior experience live Houston we will be there on Friday. January the 10th, 2020. You don't want to miss it. Prayer experience live it's going to be powerful, why? Because prayer opens up doors, prayer results in miracles. Prayer shifts things. Prayer, oh, my God, I said prayer, I have a great prayer, a mantle prayer and I'm telling you the spirit of prayer is about to sweep through your life speaking of lady Usher as you can calling 855-730-Word, 855-730-Word, pick up that phone and sow that seed, $100 I'm getting ready to head to the call center as you are sowing that seed I want to know who you are and I'm going to jump on the phone with you and I'm going to prophecy and pray for you as you are sowing that seed $100, some of you $200 because God said the devil, 855-730-Word, Usher lady Usher and pastor Usher has a word this her belly and believe in her she rocks with me and women on the rise and glory of the Lord and I want you to receive her as she prophecies oh, my God receive. >> Glory come on put your hands together all over the building. No, no, put your hands together like God is doing something for you. If he has done anything for you come on and stand up over this building and make some noise, if you know that God is calling you, to another level, to the next level I need you to open up your mouth and give God some praise. I see you sitting on the couch at home, I see you in your living room at home, God said if you open up your mouth any movement I'm going to give you momentum, who am I talking to right now, know that God has called you from one place to the next. The name of this show is called shift, so there is something that happens when you shift. When you shift nothing is the same any more, am I talking to anybody in the room? God said I have given you an open door. Can I tell you something real quick, the problem has been this, you have looked at the door open and you have waited on somebody to open up that door for you. God said I'm giving you access right now to move and to secure the door. Who am I talking to in the building if that is agreeable with your spirit open up your mouth and give God a praise. There is the open door. Here is the problem, the thing the problem has been this we have been debt for too long waiting for the most popular to open the door. We sat for too long waiting to rub shoulders with somebody who will open the door. God said I'm moving people out of the way and I have put in place an open door for you. So there is something that you must do, you must open up your mouth and give God a praise. [Applause] I can't hear nobody. [Applause] Give God a praise. Because what you must understand is this: When you walk next door not only are you going to open the door but God said I'm going to give you influence as you walk in the door. In other words, there are some doors that God is about to open and your background ain't going to get you in but God said I'm getting ready to do this, I'm about to change this thing around, I'm not only going to give you influence to walk in the door, and sometimes we get in the door we don't know what to do, can I get an amen in the church tonight, can I get an amen in the studio, you get in the door God has given you influence to make a difference but when you get there you ain't got no money to do nothing with. I heard the spirit of the Lord said this I need y'all to push like you never pushed before, I heard the spirit of the Lord if you want this decree in your life God said not only am I giving you influence but I'm giving you affluance as well, you can't get happy because you don't know what that word is, not only will you have influence with people, but God said I'm going to give you affluence and ask me what that means to the 60 million viewers that are watching right now affluence means a great deal of riches and welcome. Who am I talking to in this studio? That you know God is about to open up a door. You ain't going to be broke. You ain't going to be begging. You ain't going to be looking needy. You might have came from the hood but God said I'm going to use you in the next level as well. I dare you to open up your mouth and give God some praise. Open up your mouth and give God some praise, I heard the spirit of the Lord say this he said I'm coming for those that are hungry. I'm coming for those that are ready. I'm coming for those that got movement. If you ain't got no movement you are an easy target. The devil is looking for easy targets but I dare you to open up your mouth and give God a praise. Don't let him break you. Don't let him break you out of ordinary habits, give him a praise, I heard the Lord say this he said I'm getting ready, as you are walking through this open door, oh, it's about to be 30 of y'all in here and once you get it I need you to open up your mouth and receive it and he said I'm getting ready to release in the last quarter of this year ma'am he is getting ready to release in the last quarter of this year, in 9 and 13 over your life, and it says this, yes indeed it won't be long now. God's decree, God's ruling, God's declaration, it won't be long now. Things are going to happen so fast, it's going to make your head swim. Everywhere you look it's a blessing and if you can't get happy over your own blessing stay where you at but I decided to celebrate God over the next two months of everything that is coming to pass. Open up your mouth and give God a praise. [Applause] If you know that you are the one, if you know that God has called you, if you know that God is pulling you, if you know that God is shifting you you got to get us out of your normal. Your normal Patty cake, and we ain't here to entertain you we are trying to get something to you, we are trying to give you some keys to the open door. All you got to do is walk in. 855-730-Word. I'm challenging you. I'm challenging you tonight. With Amos 9 and 13 I'm challenging you, yes indeed it won't be long now. Things are going to happen so fast, 855-730-Word. I'm talking to some of y'all in the studio right now that you need God to change some stuff. You came with barely any energy you need God to shift some stuff you have been doing good but there is another upgrade, there is another next level in you, I dare you to open up your mouth and scream God do it. Oh, come on use your good energy. You got to pray because open doors are your access, open doors are all I hear and I hear it and the Bible says this that everywhere that the soul on your feet will tread upon I'm about to give it to you, if you believe the word I dare you to put movement on it, begin to walk out of your comfort zone and we don't move you got to get ready to obey the profit and get outside your comfort zone even in this studio and begin to walk. Begin to prophecy. Begin to speak. Begin to expect. God is getting ready to shift where you are to where you need to be. Just before I got here tonight I was in my hotel room, let me tell you something last thing they will let you in the door and they will not keep you and you got to get ready to praise God despite everything and now lift up your hands and give God a praise from your belly. From your belly praise, from your belly praise him. Hallelujah. [ Speaking in the spirit ] Somebody say cush. [ Speaking in the spirit ] Curb. That's all I hear I can't hear nothing else. Cush take your hand and go cush. [ Speaking in the spirit ] Talk about overflow, overflow, overflow. Somebody say overflow. You have been overwhelmed. Overwhelmed on your job. And scream overflow. You have been overdrawn financially but somebody scream overflow. You have been overwhelmed at home but somebody shout overflow. You have been overwhelmed in life, overflow. It's coming to your life. You have been overwhelmed long enough but stress is leaving now, anxiety, who am I speaking to? I just heard something, I heard something. Who am I speaking to? That's been suffering with anxiety attacks, I just heard something, I just heard something the Lord. [ Speaking in the spirit ] Time to set you free tonight, it's the last day you are going to have anxiety attacks. It's the last day that your blood pressure is going to go up bec because. [ Speaking in the spirit ] Because of the things you have been worried about 855-730-Word. Those phones are lit and tripping. People are calling from everywhere because they said I'm sick of being overwhelmed and I'm ready for some overflow. I'm sick of running out and I'm ready for overflow. I'm sick of the devil blocking me and I'm sick of these demons trying to stop me and I'm ready to walk through my open doors oh, my God 855-730-Word. Stay on the phones, I know you have been on hold but keep on holding Tiffany help me read the names and help me pastor mosley help me read the names because people are sowing, who is sowing today. >> Jerome from Ohio 100. >> Read them one at a time Jerome I know you you are one of my faithful partners and declare an overflow. And the devil meant for evil and my prayer for you Jerome is God will turn it and flip it and he will cause it to work in your favor and that God will release some money that is owed to you that you will get back pay in the name of Jesus, God works a miracle for Jerome. >> Vicki in California and the word of the Lord for you is it's about to be released the seed you sow today God said he knew that it was a sacrifice for you but God said now that you made that sacrifice to God he is getting ready to release the blessings of the Lord into your life. Vicki out of California Gloria out of Alabama and Betty out of Georgia and Ben out of California receive your release. >> Joy from Florida, we have Anthony from New York, we have Sandra from Texas, we have Theresa from Minnesota, we have Michael from Illinois, Annie from Mississippi and we have Rachel from Minnesota. >> My Lord I got Tiffany from South Carolina. Lata in, ya from Georgia, latrice from Virginia, sharita from Michigan, rose from Pennsylvania, Michelle from Georgia, Conrad from Maryland, Mary from Wisconsin, sister Gwen one of my favorite partners I know in North Carolina and I already know she is from Charlotte, I declare the overflow of God upon your hours Gwen I declare the blessings of the Lord that make you rich and add no sorrow. You will not be overwhelmed and not for one threat and for the Lord has already worked it out in your favor. 855-730-Word. Lady Usher my God give God some glory for the powerhouse. For that powerhouse. The smoke of glory is on her life. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. If you in Houston, Texas get to greater grace, Houston, Texas greater grace. Get there. They will bless your whole life, 855-730-Word. 855-730-Word. It's revival tonight, it's revival, call pick up the phone and loose your $100 seed come on loose it what are you waiting for, you are the one that is getting ready to walk through open doors, you are the one getting ready to walk in the overflow, you are the one, you are the one, you are the one, we are getting ready to worship and after that we will have more preachers coming to preach and coming to prophecy and coming to flow, coming back is going to be apostle Ruth Mobly and pastor Rene Winston good gosh already and Quan and the shift praise team and do you know what that ain't the song that I want so we are going to switch it, we want my song reckless love right through here we are yeah let's do that right now because that thing tears me up and takes me to the floor. We about to play reckless love that is why he going to loose the overflow. Because of his reckless love. Oh, Jesus. That's why he wants to open the door for you. If you know he loves you and you know you love him, I said if you know you are with treasury and as you sow your overflow seed say Lord I love you and I think you love me so much that you open up doors that were closed. And you're releasing the overflow in my life, 855-730-Word. 855-730-Word. Loose that $100 seed so that God can shift you through your open doors. And that overflow can hit your whole house, household blessings are falling tonight, you said I need a blessing in my life woman of God, I need a miracle in my house, 855-730-Word. For your whole household and sow for your marriage, sow for your mirn industry, sow for your money, sow for your children, sow for your promotion, sow it, 855-730-Word. Let's worship him reckless love of God. ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ We love you Jesus ♪ Come on lift your hands all over this place. ♪ We love you Jesus ♪ ♪ Oh, I love you ♪ ♪ Never ending love of God and he he is where I don't deserve it until you give yourself away ♪ ♪ Oh, the overflowing, never ending ♪ ♪ Reckless love of God ♪ ♪ Oh, the overflowing never ending reckless love of God ♪ ♪ Oh, it chases me and I leave the night ♪ ♪ I didn't earn it, I don't deserve it, until you give yourself away ♪ ♪ Oh, the overflowing, never ending reckless love of God ♪ ♪ We love you ♪ ♪ Overflow ♪ ♪ And, yeah ♪ Won't light up ♪ ♪ Calling out your name ♪ ♪ No you won't tear down ♪ ♪ I didn't earn it ♪ ♪ No, I don't deserve it ♪ ♪ Still you give yourself away ♪ ♪ Oh, the overflowing, never ending reckless love of God ♪ He loves you enough not to leave you in the thing you have been going through, he is coming after you. There is no wall he won't kick down, no nothing he won't tear down just to come, come running after you. 855-730-Word. People are calling from everywhere. The phones are lit. Stay on the phone 855-730-Word. You've got to get this 100 seed in the ground. There is a special grace and a special anointing called the release of your seed your seed releases you into your season. What kind of season? The season for the open doors and I'm talking about the kind that can't get no devil shut. People may not like you but they won't be able to stop you. Because you are standing before an open door now put a seed on it. We are going to send you this whole overflow package because this door is going to lead you to overflow. Melvin from Florida I see you. Sowed your 100 and Janis from Alabama and Joan from Florida and Tiffany from Michigan and Sheila from Maryland sowed 100 and Tonya from California 100 and Patricia from Arizona sow 100 Sylvia from Ohio sowed 100 and Danielle from Louisiana and said I have to double it up and sowed $200, 855-730-Word. Listen the team and I are jumping on the phones to pray for you as you sow. Those that are sowing the seed we are declaring a special blessing over you and your household, household blessings are falling and this next release of overflow you say I want the overflow to hit my whole house and want the overflow to hit my whole house and want the overflow to hit my income, I want the overflow to hit my finances I want the overflow to hit my marriage, I want the overflow to hit my whole family, 855-730-Word. Loose the 100, 855-730-Word. Loose the 200, 855-730-Word jump on the phones and pastor Usher back in the call center now praying for things that are sowing and believers that are sowing praying for you and prophesying we are ready for you 855-730-Word. Loose the seed in the ground I want you to receive right now one of my special guests apostle Ruth Mobley she has a word from the Lord receive her now. [Applause] Come on clap your hands together and give God a praise up in this place, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. We are talking about the open door. In first Corinthians 16 and 9 the Bible says for grade an effectual door is open and I want to talk about the open door, a door signifies that which goes out and that which comes in. A door signifies an entrance and an exit, today I want to talk to those of you, I want you to know that the door is already open and yes there are many adversaries but glory to God every adversary that has opposed your destiny is about to take an exit. Today I want to prophetically declare over your life the day that sickness is leaving your life. I declare that poverty is walking out of your life. I declare that generational curses are being destroyed. The Bible says that the door was already open and there are many adversaries, glory to God be loved and I tell you today glory to God that the season that you are in you won't have to wrestle for the door, you won't have to fight for the door, but the door is already open. Be hold God sat before you an open door, come on you don't have to knock and you don't have to kick it down, it's already open. Today is the day of your deliverance. Today is your day for the manifestation. Today is your day for super natural and healing comes and poverty leaves, prosperity comes and sickness leaves and getting ready for the best season of your life, this door no man can shut it, no devil can shut it, no demon can shut it, no witch is able to shut this door. But the Lord have sat before you an open door, I want to talk to a thousand of you that is watching tonight glory to God, I know you look like the profit prophecy and the prothphetic wo you had to walk through the process and some of you have fainted and felt like given up but I come to tell you that the second wind is hitting your life. I come to tell you that the spirit of the Lord is breathing fresh upon you. Nothing can stop you. Nothing can block you. There will be no more delay destiny. There will be no deny times there for the Lord has sat before you this open door. Glory to God. I want you to know that the door represents what comes in and what leaves. I want you to know that the depression is leaving, frustration is leaving, I want you to understand today that suicidal demons are leaving and spirits are leaving spirits of infirmity are leaving, get ready, get ready, you are about to walk in your healing. You are walking in manifestation. You are walking in prosperity. You are walking in everything that God spoke of concerning your life. And your destiny. And be hold he sits before you an open door, there are many adversaries but the weapons of your warfare are not cardinal but they are mighty through God and pulling down of strongholds and the day we declare that every stronghold come down in the name of Jesus, every principality, every power, every ruling spirit, spiritual house of wickedness in the high places that opposed you is moving out of your way, I decree over your life today that the worst is over, that the best is here. There is somebody watching and cancer is leaving your body and somebody is watching diabetes is drying up. There is somebody watching glory to God I declare by the stripes of Jesus that you are on the heels of the Lord and about to walk in the greatest season of your life. I come to tell you that the Lord is breaking loose on your adversaries what held you in the last season will be able to hold you in this season. I want to talk to those of you you're coming out but you're not coming out empty. You are coming out with everything, God says it's yours and you are coming out wiser, you are coming out trusting God, glory to God. I know you're saying that Dr. Mobley I've been waiting for a long time and glory to God when God put you on hold don't you dare hang up, he is coming for you. He is coming through for you. I want you to understand you've been in a season of worthless warfare but God, glory to God he is breaking loose on your behalf. You don't have to fight in the season. You don't have to work for it. The glory belongs to you and no man can shut the door. No man can put you out. No man can keep you out. For be hold there is a door, it's open for you, glory to God, hallelujah, listen to me in revelation, Jesus said be hold I stand at the door and I'm knocking if anyman will hear my voice and open up to me I will come in and I will sit with him. Somebody is getting their seat back. Somebody is getting their prayer life back, somebody is getting revived, God is resuscitating to someone and Jesus is saying let me in. Glory to God. I want to shift some things. Let me in. I want to change the atmosphere. Of your life. Let me in. I want to break cycles and want to destroy you, I want you to know that the break of anointing is moving in this place come on and you cannot afford to miss your visitation get to the phone line glory to God, 855-730-Word. That is 855-730-Word. Sow your $100 seed somebody that is watching you may have to sow amen for the release of a loved one, I want you to know that this is your season of super natural manifestation. God is about to wow you, God is about to blow your mind. This is your season. Of divine surprises, eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, and put it into your heart the things that God has prepared for those that love him get to that phone, 855-730-Word. Come on the word. For you is the door is already open. Step in. Run in. Go in. Rise up. Get up. God is calling you up. He is taking you up. Glory to God. Get ready to walk through doors. That you never imagined. Get ready for businesses, get ready for entrepreneurship. Get ready glory to God, I'm talking to some CEOs and talking to CFOs and talking to business owners I'm talking to the ministry, grow that seed for your ministry, sow that seed for the breakthrough that you have been waiting on and be hold there is an open door. And can no man, I said no man, she said mountain, she is a bohemian and mountain and maybe you better get up right now and go play with it. Somebody say mountain and wait on the Lord and renew their strength and Mobley you're on fire, I feel the fire. You have a mountain so you can get through your door listen God is on fire in here and somebody jump to your feet and scream somebody jump in your living room and screen and open up your mouth and scream and lift your hands up in the air and mount up and somebody mount up your voices, all over the world. You have to pray. This is your season of open doors. And the overflow now who do you have tonight Winston Bobby from Pennsylvania, we have mini from Tennessee Sylvia from Ohio, rosy from Pennsylvania, Darlene from Tennessee, freida from Louisiana and takema all the way from Florida. >> My God sowing and they sow 100 you are calling 855-730-Word. Don't you hang up the phone. She said when God put you there you better not hang up. Oh, my God, hallelujah, stay on that phone you better not hang up. He is coming, come on Craig keep it. Keep it lit and dripping in fire the fire of the Holy Ghost is burning right now. [ Speaking in the spirit ] It's going to work great in your life and opened great doors before you and people are setting their faith in agreement and look at Jeanene from New York sowed $250 and look at Conrad in Maryland sowed $200 and look at Louisiana sowed $200 and let's get all their names and put their names in the prayer box over here come on let's put their name in the prayer box women of God hallelujah, we put you and your family on the altar today, in the name of Jesus. We declare the overflow of God. Break forth we declare levies breaking, we declare that the flood gates of Heaven are open and declare they are open right now in the name of Jesus. 855-730-Word. Listen you say doctor why you got this shovel and you are a pastor and a shovel and you know we are crazy. Well you know we are crazy anyway and the devil called us crazy we might as well be crazy and I saw this and the Lord spoke, he said tell them what I'm getting ready to do is this, he says I'm getting ready to unclog the wells of Abraham. >> Hallelujah. >> I'm getting ready to unclog the wells of Abraham that were passed down as an inheritance to Isaac and the Bible said Isaac had to begin to dig into them wells. The spirit of the Lord told me to tell you that it's time for you to get to digging. Come on. It's time baby going to get you a shovel, go get it out of your garage, get it out of your utility closet, I don't care where you got to go, go get your shovel because God said come on, it's time to dig. Come on we are digging tonight Craig. We digging what am I digging? First of all I'm making room for the overflow. >> My God. >> Therefore the well can spring forth Isaac had to dig. Come on Winston we digging, we digging bitterness out, you can't be mad at nobody right through here. >> No. >> They work your blessing baby. >> Come on. >> You can't hate nobody back baby don't hate the haters they ain't worth it and we are digging come on let's dig. >> We are digging out hatred and digging out strike, digging out envy, we are dicki idicking -- out jealousy and digging from the open door and we need every door that God has we need every door that God has our name on and we are digging it up and we are getting ready of and making room for the overflow, overflow. He said we are blessed in the city. We are blessed in the field. We are blessed when we go in. We are blessed when we come back out. Make room. Make some room. Let me tell you the first two wells. >> My God. >> That they dug in pastor Natalie was so powerful and I believe in the living translation and do you not know that that first well's name being interpreted in Hebrew worked the well of argument. >> My God. >> God says unnecessary arguments in this season will clog up your well. You can't afford to argue with nobody. Baby it's best for you to get your purse and keys get in your car and you are going to drive and tell everybody I can't afford to argue with you because this is my season for the overflow to hit me. >> Hallelujah, no argument. It was the well of argument and God says it's time to dig it. You are feeling some kind of way dig it out. You dig it out. You can't argue. You can't touch. You can't get them back. I know they did you some kind of way but God said I'm sending overflow, I'm sending overflow and I know they betray you but dig it out and I know you want to get them and dig it out, I know you bitter but dig it out, I know you mad, but dig it out, I know you angry, but dig it out, make some room. It's shaking well and Winston. >> Yes. >> Was opposition. >> Opposition. >> [ Speaking in the spirit ] Come on and dig. You dig the opposition. Come on and dig it. Every power that it pulls you, every spirit that is going to get you and we are digging it out, we dig out with satan, we dig out every spirit of sabotage, oh, I see the spirit. We dig it. We dig it. Come on. Jealousy. Hatred we are digging it out. We can't let it settle, we got to move it out of the way so our wells can spring up, so our wells can spring forth, we got to dig it up, I dare you just to say and just to start digging, dig it out now, in the name of Jesus. You don't want anything inside your well that is against the power of God. That has been spoken over your life, dig it up, dig it up, dig it up. >> And sow the seed 855-730-Word. Make some room. Because the next well is meaning the Lord makes room. God said I'm making room. I'm making room as you dig it. I'm making room. I'm cleaning out your well. I'm cleaning out your emotions. I'm cleaning out your spirit. I'm cleaning out your house because I'm getting ready to release the overflow and when I got done digging the Bible said water sprang forth and I hear the Lord saying that when you get done digging I describe a question can you dig it. >> Can you dig it. >> Tap your neighbor and say can you dig it? Can you dig it? Can you dig it? You dig it. Can you dig it. Can you dig it? Are you willing to let go of your feeling so you can dig it? Are you willing to walk out of your cell so you can walk in the spirit. Can you dig it? Can you be willing to let go of what people have done, of what people have said, what people have tried to do, your well is trying to spring up baby, it is not worth it. They ain't worth it. Let your world spring up. Dig it. Dig it. Dig it. Oh, I'm feeling it. Somebody needs to dig tonight get out of it out, everything that is not like God, get it out. Everything that blocks you get it out, everything that hinders you, get it out. And put a seed on it. 855-730-Word. 855-730-Word. You got to put your seed before the water springs forth because see the water will cause increase in the seed to break forth God said put the seed in the ground now 855-730-Word. Now is the time 855-730-Word. Now. Loose that $100 seed. 855-730-Word. 855-730-Word. $100 some of you God said $200 somebody watching listen I feel this so strong. >> My God. >> I feel this so strong and I want you to hear me close because this is for somebody right now that has been on the backside of the desert. You I'm talking to you, you have been waiting for your super natural moment. You know you are dynamic, you know you are powerful, you know you are gifted, you know you are called and chosen by God but you have been in the shadows and on the backside of the desert. I was there and one day I sowed a seed and I'm talking about it was a massive miracle seed. And all of a sudden the door to the Word Network opened to me. >> My God. >> And I thought that God was going to elevate me through this and that person but the Lord said I just opened the door to the Word Network for you. >> I know you are right. >> When I sowed that seed I'm standing today letting you know that I'm standing in my prophecy because I put a seed on it. Everybody know my name. >> Amen, I'm telling you doctor Williams everybody knows your name hallelujah and I know it is because of your sowing that God has brought you to this particular place and time in your life, everything I am, everything I have is because I sowed, I began to sow into this woman's ministry before she even knew me, before I even knew her, I began to sow into her ministry. At the most critical time of my life when people had counted me out and said I wouldn't be anything, said I couldn't do anything, could not get out of the rut I was in, I began to sow, I began to sacrifice on to the Lord. I didn't know what I was sowing for, all I knew is God told me to sow. Oh, and he said in his word give and it shall be given on to you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, the Bible says men shall give on to your boosom and as I began to sow doors began to open not just for me Dr. T but for my children, for my family members, for my mother, for my siblings, everybody connected to me because of my seed. They began to be blessed so I challenge you tonight call 855-730-Word. $100 seed, that ain't much money, oh, but if you sow it, if you sow that $100 seed I guaranty you as a woman of God that the doors are getting ready to swing open in your life. They are going to swing open on your job, swing open on your marriage, swing open in your home and I just heard the Lord God say stop waiting for people to give to you. He said in revelation 3 and 8 and I have set before you an open door. This doorman ain't going to give you, this door you mama can't give you, this door your daddy can't give you, God said I'm going to set before you an open door. He said I have seen your work. Those of you faithful work and making rulers over many thing answer be faithful with the 100 seed and watch God transform your life and dial now I challenge you to dial now, 855-730-Word. Move to the phone. >> 855-730-Word. >> Stay right there and move to the phone 855-730-Word we are going back to the call center apostle Mobley is going to get on the phone and pray and prophecy to some of you as you are sowing your seed, 855-730-Word, the praise team is coming pastor Winston is coming back and then after that pastor rose and pastor Natalie is coming right after pastor Winston the praise team is coming to bless the Lord and then after that pastor Rene Winston is coming back to pray and to prophecy, to preach, to say what the Lord says. We want the overflow so we want God to fill us up the praise time and the shift praise team. >> Hallelujah. >> Fill us up. We will be right back. >> Come on as we continue this and I tell you to lift the hand in the studio. This is lifting the hands in TV land and we want to open up ourselves to God on today, hallelujah. ♪ Father we bless you today ♪ ♪ What a mighty God you are we honor you ♪ Lift the hands all over the place, hallelujah ♪ ♪ You provide this and I'll provide the sacrifice ♪ ♪ Say you pour out your spirit ♪ ♪ And I will open up and fill me up God ♪ ♪ Come on and help me say ♪ You provide the fire ♪ ♪ For my overflow ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ ♪ For my overflow ♪ ♪ I want to know ♪ ♪ Want to run over ♪ ♪ Over that we are here today because we want more of you ♪ ♪ Say we are tired of everything that we see ♪ ♪ And father we need you to balance with your power ♪ ♪ Imbalance with your strength and balance with your mind, whoa, yeah ♪ ♪ Whoa ♪ ♪ Said you provide the fire ♪ Come on lift your voices and sing. And I'll provide the sacrifice. There you have it come on and say you pour out the spirit. ♪ You pour out the spirit ♪ ♪ And I will open up in time ♪ ♪ Fill me up God ♪ ♪ Fill me up God ♪ ♪ This is fill me up, yeah ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ ♪ Fill me up God ♪ ♪ Fill me up God ♪ ♪ Fill me up God ♪ ♪ Fill me up God ♪ ♪ You provide the fire ♪ ♪ I'll provide the sacrifice ♪ Hallelujah. Somebody help me sing. ♪ You pour out your spirit ♪ ♪ Pour out your spirit, Lord ♪ ♪ And I will open up ♪ ♪ Fill me, fill me, fill me ♪ ♪ Till I overflow, till I overflow, till I overflow ♪ ♪ Till I overflow ♪ ♪ Overflow ♪ ♪ Overflow ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ ♪ Overflow ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ ♪ Fill up my overflow ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ ♪ For my overflow ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ It's raining ♪ ♪ It's raining ♪ ♪ It's raining ♪ ♪ It's raining ♪ ♪ I feel the rain ♪ ♪ Can't nobody do me like Jesus ♪ Can't nobody do me like Jesus, fill me up, yeah ♪ ♪ Till I overflow ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ Oh, fill me up ♪ ♪ Till I overflow ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ Can't nobody do me like Jesus ♪ I said can't nobody do me like Jesus ♪ ♪ Can't nobody hold me like Jesus ♪ ♪ Can't nobody rock me like Jesus ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Till I overflow ♪ ♪ I want to run over and over ♪ ♪ Over and over and over ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, ♪ ♪ Till I overflow ♪ ♪ I want to run over ♪ ♪ Fill me up ♪ See a lot of y'all are talking about open doors. And so what is happening is you're looking at a door but it's a reoccurring door. So what you let out you also keep from letting it come back in. It's called a revolving door and what happens is you get a breakthrough and when you go two steps forward you get knocked back three steps because what you let out you also let come back in. But this is the holiday season and one thing that I've discovered is that they want you to get everything they got so when you come to a door your presence makes it open. You don't have to say anything but when you come to the door, the door opens because I've been waiting for this moment. And a lot of people get discouraged because you have been waiting and praying and going to Bible study and going to Sunday school and paying your tithes and giving your offering and you are standing at the door and it has not opened. But I came to let you know. >> Encourage the people. >> That after you suffered a little while, that I'm the God of all creatures and shall sustain you and shall cause things to open and guess what? Nobody will be able to take the credit for it but God. >> My God. >> Because the God does more than enough. ♪ I said God P does more than enough ♪ ♪ He said I will dry your tears, I will mend your heart, I will open doors, I'll make a way ♪ ♪ I'm God ♪ ♪ I'm God ♪ ♪ Listen he says I'll open doors and make away, I'll dry your tears ♪ ♪ I'm mend your heart ♪ ♪ I'm God ♪ He say ya through I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil and watch this when you walk through the valley it means you don't get stuck. You can't have overflow if you get stuck. But I came to encourage you tonight here in the studio and TV land is that there are only some things that can grow in the valley. Listen, there is a Lillie in the valley, it grows in the dark place. ♪ And the lilly in the valley and only God can get the glory ♪ ♪ There is a Lillie in the valley ♪ ♪ And where I see God can do more, more than enough ♪ Hallelujah. ♪ More than enough ♪ ♪ So watch this ♪ ♪ He says I'm going to open the door but I need you to understand this, he said when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord rages up a standard, he says but when the enemy comes to take what you have, he said when I see the blood I shall Passover, that means that what the devil came to take from you God said my blood covers you. Come on. My blood covers you. He covers your mind so the enemy can't wreak havoc in your life and covers your ministry so the devil cannot cause havoc in your ministry. He comes to cover your family so the enemy cannot steal, kill and destroy. I come that you might have life. Tonight call and sow a seed. You can only get out what you put in. 855-730-Word. I double dog dare you to sow into when you are getting ready to go. >> Hallelujah, I'm reminded of a story with a woman, a woman that had everything at one point of her life that we all remember her as a widow woman and after she gave her sacrifice she got to a place in her life where she had already preplanned her funeral and her son's funeral, she said after I make my last meal, after I make my last meal I'm going to die. But God had a prophet in the land. That was being built in the wilderness and Eliza came and God raised him up from the Will Willisness -- wilderness and a place in your life when you are in doubt and God is speaking to you eight now to sow out of your lack because I'm a person, I remember being all the way from India and God had raised me up, not only he raised me up but he filled me up with the Holy Ghost and power so I can relate to that woman who had already set aside and she said I have already preplanned my funeral and God raised Elijah and he came up to her and said woman I need you to go bake me a cake. I'm hungry. And what happened at first she didn't want to obey but then after a while she got her tongue right, somebody shout I'm going to get my tongue right. Because it's my time. It's my time. To live in the overflow. It's my time to walk through open doors. She said I'm going to get my tongue right. She began to rehearse the prophetic word that was over her life so I'm speaking to you right now, you have a prophetic word over your life for you to live in abundance, the Bible declares the enemy comes to steal and destroy but he came and you may have life. What kind of life? Abundant life so I want you right now to get to that phone line and call 855-730-Word. I need you to get to the phone lines right now and you say do you know what this is my last and that woman who cancelled her funeral number one your seed is going to cancel what the devil had put on your life. Your seed is going to cancel and you are talking double counts and it's time for you to live the lifestyle that God wants you to live. It's time for you to walk in open doors, it's your time and it's your season for the open doors. Oh, my God, 855-730-Word. You got to get that seed in the ground. Look people are sowing they are calling 855-730-Word. To get that $100 seed Lewis. >> Sharon in Ohio sowed 100, Albert in Louisiana sowed 100, Maryland in Indiana, maroon in Georgia, linford in Vermont and Nevada and Victoria in New York, Gloria in Texas, Illinois, Maryland in Indiana, Sharon in Ohio, all have sowed that $100 seed there is someone who sowed more than that and Florida said wait a minute I'm going to go above, I'm going to sow $150 and let me tell you something you don't sow from where you are you sow from where you are going. 855-730-Word police -- listen you will get the prayer book my cup runs over consecrated unusual prayer that is the place of the overflow and give you my declaration book on how to release overflow and prosperity in your life and also release on to you this oil, I laid my hand on it I consecrated it my husband and I blessed it and lifted it up with the Lord and set in the presence of God it's going to bless your life and send you this prayer cloth the devil can't shut your door but trying to block it and we will send you this royal crown key chain that is right right here from the Word Network and you will put your new keys to your doors on the key chain 855-730-Word pick up the phone pastor will come. >> The Bible tells us in Proverbs the gift opens the way for the giver so I like to say your gift will open doors for you and I want to see these doors that the Lord has promised you begin to open in your life. Sow your seed tonight. God is getting ready to bless you in 2020 like he has never blessed you before. Some of you have struggled in 2019. You have been held up in 2019. You have been blocked in 2019. You have been hindered in 2019. But God said I set before you an open door and all you got to do to walk into that door is trust God and sow into the kingdom of God, sow into the work of the Lord. God is getting ready to bless your life. I see scholarships, I see new homes, I see new jobs, I see blessings in your family, he said he would rebuke and devour for his name sake. In your life. So get ready to be healed by the seed. Get ready to be delivered by this seed. Get ready to be set free. Opening doors for you. I see doors opening, I see doors opening, I see doors opening. Even the ground that you are walking on I prophecy that the are coming to life. Everything that was dead in Ezekiel 37 I see dead bones on the land and I seek the life that is sleeping and I speak to open doors in your life. I prophecy that this is the day that you say is over. It's over. It's over. I need the audience to open up your mouth and say it's over. It's over. We prophecy right now open doors, governmental doors open, we command political doors to be open, M natural doors open, doors for healing open, doors for breakthrough open God for miracles open, God for Salvation open, doors for deliverance open now in the name of Jesus. Prison doors, we command to open. Doors of breakthrough open now. Now in the name of Jesus. >> Pastor rose. >> Open, open, open. I decree and declare super natural debt cancellation. I decree and declare super natural move of God in your life. I decree and I declare according to the word of God that you will walk in the overflow abundance. I declare open doors of opportunity, I declare you are walking more. >> Pastor Natalie you got 20 seconds. >> This is one of the best seasons of your life and wonders and miracles shall follow you because you believe unexpected phone call and e-mails and text messages shall come in your favor I decree and declare your refri refrigerators and your cabinet will be there and unexpected money will show up in your bank account your Pay Pal and cash and it is so in Jesus' name. >> I prophecy decree and declare and it is finished, your season of being overwhelmed is done, it's over, and what you used to cry about you will dance about. I prophecy that God is giving you your debts and determination back because God said in the new season you will need them both. He opened the door but you need your dance and determination because hell or high water come and I'm not missing nothing, 855-730-Word.
Channel: The Word Network
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Id: cg-vAbLonrw
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Length: 117min 56sec (7076 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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