The Sherlock cast being themselves

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people were going oh my god oh my god um hello [Music] [Applause] you know me and ben know each other you know reasonably well now so [Music] i had to let him punch me that was part of the deal there was no i was not going to pass up an opportunity to even nearly punch benedict in the face there's no [Music] however much the stuntman might have wanted to get in there leather whipping your hand having a go at benedict cumberbatch i i did say every opportunity do you need me to ease off and he was like no go for it go for it all right we want to give you this great fry up we want to put you in a wonderful hotel none other than the sherlock holmes hotel eggs and [ __ ] [Music] just stop what you're doing yeah everybody you doing the dishes you're taking your clothes off and stop kissing that girl right now go to forward [Music] the best supporting actor goes to andrew [Applause] scott mr martin freeman [Applause] and uh exceptionally talented mr benedict cumberbatch i'd like to help my mom and dad episode one scandal in belgravia um we have to uh finish the uh like oh my god and then the story moves on quite quick threat of moriarty to remain um for the rest of the for the rest of the season eunice dubs who is here mrs hudson [Music] who i mean the boys are wonderful and sometimes the boys were really rude in a funny sort of way you give us an example of that rudeness because i can't imagine ben ever being rude i can't i can't tell you what he said you know benedict's kind of very very hyper and that's me that's me up on the roof that's not me jumping off the roof it's me jumping off a smaller roof onto a lower roof but you know there's a tiny break on it because they need to slow down before the ends obviously if they did that the last bit of it would look weird because you'd be breaking like that so this it's fast fast fast faster slope and he's like the surprise special guest um let's have a look it's just something it looks like yeah no it's really good hello right that's quite enough i cannot read any more things about kissing benedict tonight what is may praise how'd you know i was nearly gonna get great expectations mine is shopping i'm gonna say mark's bad habit is shopping that's my greatest indulgence hey an adventure in space and time some [ __ ] you my child is completely fine uh so we uh uh we went for it uh austin she is it's so cool that mycroft is smarter than charlotte but sexy [Music] oh no what's wrong i love mark gates he's so sexy oh she's got a point she's an icon she's a legend and she is the moment now come on now once just killed a man it's quite serious stuff sorry it's an old friend of mine oh this ah this multi-award-winning extravaganza the two things that john watson does for a living was doctoring and soldiering uh i'd rather not my mum now famously once said when i was first cast you went because i've got the right nose sit and then mary says why and then i say because this is where they sit that's the first part of it and then i say get your hands off me you damn dirty ape oh john i envy you so much you are so much better looking than me is that it and i don't know just their sense of [Music] [Music] humor i had to sort of dance well i didn't have to i did you can only shoot about 17 seconds i think per go and the whole thing has to be calmed down and put in a corner and giving a cup of tea and then wound up again support mcgregor said to our world designer so i want bits of the room benedict is fantastic just reeling off of these incredible words um they are hell to do and your mind knows the minute it's used a wrong preposition or an incorrect pronoun or an utterly wrong name brackets sorry benedict and talks in those moments faster than i can talk at my fastest talking moments which is quite fast was it was was it fun filming your wedding because obviously you mean you're not married let's get that clear we hated it i would love to film sherlock in new york i'd love to film sherlock in tokyo japan i'd love to film in beijing i'd love to film in sydney australia in the summer i'd love to film in turks and caicos any time of year paris buenos aires uh left out los angeles would be nice mexico city is apparently astonishing just anywhere that would get us out of the cold lara pulver well as a as her character definitely naughty nicest person andrew scott yes naughty definitely naughty the what's into your homes mr martin friedman definitely the naughtiness martson's very naughty it's very nice to meet you it's my pleasure love you and you speak good french fries so we're going to do the luscious locks of urus and yeah that was probably my favorite bestie good morning beautiful good morning beautiful good morning beautiful good morning beautiful good morning beautiful good morning beautiful good morning my beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful basket wake up period guys i just realized when you say no sherlock it's like no sherlock hold on sherlock holmes that [ __ ] detective
Channel: Just Bee
Views: 809,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 91lyvq0VPio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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