The Selection: Special Operations Experiment: March of Tears (S1, E8) | Full Episode | History

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- Ready? - All: Ready! - Get down! - All: One! Capone:<i> In a selection process</i> <i>when you have a group of 30,</i> you can't pick who's gonna be there at the end. My five guys are right here. I want perfection. Okay? You are who you are <i>and everybody has a weakness.</i> Number 2 has plenty of life experience. I mean, the guy's a firefighter. He works in a special operations rescue house. Tyler Grey:<i> I don't know if his reason for being there</i> is strong enough to get him through. <i>You showed up at this with your fiancée.</i> 2:<i> I don't think any of those other guys</i> are thinking about leaving, and I am. Ray Care:<i> Number 19.</i> Very reserved. Very analytical. He's got 170 IQ, a 12-pound brain, <i>but he's just not very good at stress right now.</i> - Try and hold the pole! - Calm down. Capone:<i> Number 11. He's a strong leader.</i> We saw that right from the start. Guys like 11 are the ones that are gonna finish this thing. <i>The guy that's always asking to help.</i> That's good. That's good. Deep breaths. Capone:<i> He's the oldest in the class.</i> <i>He's 45 years old, and my only concern for him was</i> - is he going to break? - Ugh. Bert Kuntz:<i> roster number 17.</i> <i>He's always giving 100%...</i> - ( indistinct yelling ) - That was good. ...but he makes mistakes and has some failures. - Someone didn't do the full amount. - It's bullshit! I feel like I should take my own patch off and give it to you right now. Donnie Bowen:<i> Number 12. Physical specimen.</i> Winner. <i>But we'll see how he's able to handle</i> - the mental stresses. - Come on, man. Whatever is eating away at him, could take him down. Care:<i> Stop dwelling on what you've accomplished in the past.</i> It means nothing. You guys need to understand that this is not over. All: Yes, Instructor! Instructor's voice echoing:<i> Hurry up! Hurry up!</i> - Don't be last. - All: Don't be last. 17:<i> If it wasn't for everything I've been through,</i> <i>I would've given up a long time ago.</i> <i>( sniffles )</i> 11:<i> What the hell am I doing out here</i> <i>in the desert, dying?</i> Grey:<i> Listen to me very carefully.</i> <i>The easiest part is over.</i> 17:<i> Every step just feels like you're walking on hot coals.</i> <i>Oh, my feet hurt so bad.</i> <i>( crickets chirping )</i> Sean Haggerty:<i> In every selection program</i> <i>you start off with some kind of basic lesson</i> and then there's another lesson and another lesson and another lesson and another lesson, and eventually it leads to a field training exercise commonly called FTX. At this point, I don't want to tip our hand and let them know that, they got through this, they were done. <i>All right, listen up.</i> <i>What the situation is is you guys are doing</i> a training mission. <i>Everything that you've learned here</i> we're gonna put together, and we want you to use on this mission. We don't have a lot of information for you right now. The situation's changing rapidly, but you guys are gonna insert via helo. <i>Special instructions.</i> If something happens while you guys are on the mission and you get captured by the enemy, <i>make sure you guys try to escape</i> <i>at every chance you have.</i> - You guys got that? - All: Yes, Instructor. You guys, let's go. <i>During the FTX,</i> we're constantly changing up the mission. <i>This is forcing the students</i> <i>to adjust on the fly.</i> Ray Care:<i> It doesn't matter what we throw at 'em.</i> They will do it or they will be dropped. Capone:<i> Throughout training,</i> <i>you're always being tested,</i> and, you know, this was just another test. Care:<i> You might be scared of heights,</i> <i>but you have to harness that fear, that doubt,</i> and turn it into something positive. ( all cheering ) Care:<i> Jumping out of a helicopter...</i> it is exhilarating. Go! <i>They were yelling-- Yeah! It was awesome.</i> They were on cloud 9. Whoo! - Yeah! - Whoo! - Yeah! Yeah! - It was a morale booster. We got all the candidates in the boats. We're starting to come in. <i>They needed that boost...</i> for the hell that was coming. Haggerty:<i> At this point,</i> <i>they've been going through</i> <i>an ungodly amount of exercises</i> <i>and evolutions.</i> - There you go. - Keep going. Keep going. Let's go. - Let's go. - Right. And we're just pushing them to that limit more and more and more. All right, stand at attention. You guys need to cache your boat now. You also need to make a hide site. <i>You guys only have three hours to do this.</i> You guys need to move with a purpose. -<i> Make sense?</i> - All:<i> Yes, instructor.</i> - Bust 'em. - All: Bust 'em. - Bust 'em. - All: Up. Haggerty:<i> You've gotta make a hide site. Difference is...</i> they're not on the side of a mountain. They're on a beach. <i>Hey, guys, if you don't make the three hour timeline,</i> <i>you're ( bleep ), plain and simple.</i> -<i> Got it?</i> - All: Yes, instructor. Haggerty:<i> They need to build up some kind of wall...</i> - Ugh! -<i> that way</i> <i>they can lay their boat on top of it</i> <i>and conceal themselves.</i> We're getting there, guys, we're getting there. All right, I think we're sandbagged up. So let's go ahead and lay the Zodiac up and see what it looks like. Haggerty:<i> They've been up for days,</i> <i>but it doesn't matter</i> <i>how much more effort you have to put into it.</i> Yeah, I know. Ah! Haggerty:<i> It doesn't matter how exhausted you are</i> you've gotta get the job done. <i>( laughing )</i> Capone:<i> For the next phase of the mission,</i> <i>we had already built a relationship</i> with these candidates and so we wanted -<i> to change up the faces.</i> - Let's move. What we did was to bring in a outsider. Get your people and let's move. We've gotta move and move now. Okay. Ugh! Capone:<i> You know, we're trying to continue</i> <i>to make these candidates uneasy, uncomfortable...</i> - Let's move, gentlemen. - Let's go. Let's go. You need to get your gear off. I need you to hood up, I need you to goggle up. Grab hood. Grab goggles. Capone:<i> Getting a hood throw over your head...</i> <i>The anticipation now changes from,</i> <i>you know, them seeing what gonna happen next</i> to them guessing what's going to happen next. Heads down. Capone:<i> During their final training exercise,</i> we had another resistance portion <i>that was designed to simulate</i> <i>getting captured by the enemy.</i> <i>They go in a box.</i> <i>They're tired, they're hungry.</i> Capone:<i> They had to survive</i> until there was an opportunity for them to escape. When Instructor Bowen and I linked up with the last five <i>participants left, they were in boxes</i> <i>and had been there all night long.</i> <i>Like a SERE course--</i> <i>survival, evasion, resistance, and escape--</i> <i>they've been captive,</i> <i>and the next phase would be escape</i> <i>where you're making every attempt to get out of enemy territory.</i> Come on, this way. No, that way. No, this is it. This is it. Hey, stop. - Come back. - Come back? Come back. Come back. Congratulations on finishing this portion of your training. Good job trying to get out of there. That's what you guys should've been doing. So at this point, you guys would now <i>move into the next phase of this which would be</i> escape and evasion. <i>Your goal</i> is to get out of bad guy country <i>as fast as you can.</i> It's not gonna be easy. <i>Once they had finished that ristance and escape,</i> <i>the next phase for them was a long distance ruck march.</i> - Got your gear ready? - All:<i> Yes, instructor.</i> Kuntz:<i> They don't know what the time standard is</i> <i>or what the distance is</i> but we knew that it was 16-and-a-half miles, <i>a thousand feet of elevation gain for them.</i> There is five points you guys have to hit. You guys can hit those points as a team or you can do this entire escape and invasion corridor on your own. Because we are not too late in the game here to be dropped for performance. <i>To complete this mission,</i> you have to move as quickly as you physically can. Is that understood? All: Yes, instructor. One minute to be out on the road, rucks on, standing by. Does everyone understand what they must do? All: Yes, instructor. Time starts now. Move. Kuntz:<i> Their ruck sacks</i> were about 55 to 65 pounds, <i>and they're coming off of about</i> <i>27 hours of no sleep.</i> <i>It was 90-plus degrees</i> <i>when they took off,</i> <i>and it wasn't getting any cooler.</i> - Even the breeze is hot. - I know. Kuntz:<i> They have to make it to the last point by sundown</i> <i>or they will go home.</i> They will be dropped from this program. Just keep pumping those legs, guys. Keep pumping the legs. Just keep the aggression. We can't slow down, you know. - Up this trail. - Yep. What's the first checkpoint? Most likely, it's gonna be at the top of this peak. Let's go. Kuntz:<i> At each checkpoint</i> -<i> we put an ammo can...</i> - It's here. Everybody's got a note card with their roster number. Kuntz:<i> We put coded numbers in there</i> so that every single person went to every single point. Everybody get a sip, catch their breath for a second. I know that one thing we wanna do is rest but we can't. We gotta keep movin'. Nice work, guys. Let's go, guys. Come on. Kuntz:<i> For the first few miles they looked</i> <i>pretty strong as a group.</i> - I see the ammo can, guys. - Yep. Kuntz:<i> They stayed as a team, moved to point two.</i> Gotta walk with purpose, guys. You guys good to try to do a slight jog down this? I'll do my best, man. <i>But you're only as fast as your slowest person</i> <i>if you stay together as a team.</i> What if it comes to a point where the other guys are just lagging behind? You feeling like we should go? Or do we stick this out as a team and we fail as a team? We can't get too far separated. However, if nobody gets extracted, nobody gets rescued. ( bleep ), it's so hot. I gotta rest, dude. ( bleep ). You're good. These guys trying to be ( bleep ) track stars. They gotta keep grinding, man, or they're gonna get pulled. Pretend you're in a race, brother. Go to that place of suffering. I've been in that place this whole time. Cover you number. Dude, they just keep on going without us, man. Kuntz:<i> When you go through</i> <i>Special Forces Assessment Selection,</i> at its basic root form it's gonna be an individual event, 'cause you have to pass. <i>What we wanted to see</i> <i>was roster number 12 just take off,</i> because he was at a much stronger level for a long walk or a ruck march than any of the other four. Come on, brother. - I'm trying. - Try harder. <i>19, you better catch me on this little downhill.</i> <i>You just keep workin', dude.</i> <i>You've worked really hard up to this point.</i> Don't let it go to waste. <i>I have to go, all right?</i> I understand. Let's go, 19! Hold tight, 12. Stop. No bullshit. How are you feeling? You good? I'm good. I'm just saving a little bit of energy -<i> for this point four.</i> -<i> You have plenty of water?</i> -<i> Yeah.</i> - Okay. You got your map? That's where you're going. - Yes, instructor. - Move out. <i>Point number 4, it was at the top</i> <i>of a really large hill,</i> <i>a huge elevation gain for them.</i> <i>They're now at this point going on</i> <i>well over a day of no sleep,</i> <i>and they've been doing physical exertion</i> <i>for hours and hours.</i> <i>Even roster number 12,</i> <i>he started his way up point four</i> and kinda did the... "Man, this is gonna suck." ( exhales deeply ) ( panting ) Kuntz:<i> On this ruck route, point number four,</i> <i>it was about 900 feet of elevation gain</i> <i>in a quarter mile.</i> It was straight up. 19, come here. - You see that trail? - Yep. And you can see roster number 12 just-- you can barely see his head up at the top? - Oh, yes, yes. - He's halfway up. You're going to the top of that peak. - Understood. - Move on, 19. - Oh, God. My knees are shot. - Yeah. And the blisters on the bottom of my feet right now... Not feeling good, huh? Dude, like, every step just feels like you're, like, walking on hot coals. Kuntz:<i> Hold up, 11.</i> I want all three of you guys to move over there in the woodline, right under the shade of that tree. Oh, my feet hurt so bad. Ugh! Uh! Kuntz:<i> Here's the deal. We're honesty brokers.</i> <i>We're not here to trick you guys.</i> <i>The easiest part is over.</i> - Yeah. - From here on out it is more difficult all the way to point five. <i>There is a time standard, and you guys are behind it.</i> And every minute that you sit here you're still behind it. <i>And I'm not trying to talk you into</i> making a decision you don't want to, <i>but if you guys get halfway up this thing,</i> <i>and you're seeing stars and you're cramping bad,</i> <i>at some point you gotta go, "Hey, this is not worth</i> permanently damaging your body or worse." Yeah. I can't believe it's come to this. Kuntz:<i> So then comes that question, and it's the same question</i> <i>that gets asked at any kind of event like this</i> when you get into the last and more difficult phases is... Do you want to continue? We gotta try, man. There's no ( bleep ) way you'd stop it now. - Just-- you know? - Yeah. Just keep going. They drop you, they drop you. But at least you could say you didn't quit. You know? Yeah. I'm not gonna risk it. 17, go ahead and police up your stuff... I'm not risking it. ...and Instructor Bowen will, uh, will walk you back over. 11, it's a pleasure, man. You too, brother. 17:<i> I'm just not gonna risk</i> trying to go all the way up there to cramp and then possibly fall. Just not worth it. Kuntz: Hey, 1-7, you should be proud of how far you've come. You did great. You should be proud you've come this far. <i>Roster number 17,</i> <i>outstanding participant, outstanding kid.</i> Do I think he could've continued on? Absolutely. <i>But roster number 17 got to the last day of this thing</i> and he made the decision to quit. ( panting ) Come on, Ryan. Come on. Holy ( bleep ), it's right here. Come on, 19. There's a shaded bush up there if you need it. Oh, I'll need it when I get there. It's about three-quarters of the way up that steep section, right on the right of the trail. - Okay. - All right? - Yep. - Good job. You too. -<i> Hey, 12?</i> - Yes. Move out, drink water, refill your canteens. Oh, Lordy. Come all this way, and be fighting the cutoffs on the ruck. -<i> One last shot.</i> - One last shot. Kuntz:<i> When you do a long ruck march like this,</i> <i>you either find a way to cope with it,</i> <i>or you can very easily become your own worst enemy.</i> ( groans ) And that's exactly what happened to roster number 12. <i>Even he, between point four and five of the last point,</i> <i>he was questioning himself every step of the way.</i> ( panting ) Kuntz:<i> It was the first time in this program</i> <i>that it went through my head that we might have a black class.</i> And what a black class is is when nobody finishes. Oh. ( exhales ) Come on. <i>( roster 12 groans )</i> Ah, ( bleep ) me. ( grunts ) <i>( groaning )</i> This was an unknown distance, an unknown time, ruck march for them. ( exhales ) <i>That's much more difficult than knowing where the finish line is.</i> Come on. Kuntz:<i> Every time they have a resting moment,</i> <i>they're thinking, "Shit, I don't want to be here.</i> This sucks. I want to quit." Ah, ( bleep ) me. Kuntz:<i> Until something flips a switch and they go,</i> "You know what? I'm not gonna quit." 1-2, stop. Ground your ruck. It's not here, is it? It's not here. Thank you. Grab your ruck, 12. - Congratulations. - Is this point five? You made your exfil. You hit your hard time. Grab your ruck, move down here. Drink some water, buddy. Grab your ruck. Got your exfil. <i>Hey 12, come here.</i> 12, congrats on making your exfil time on the ruck. Thank you. Also congrats on finishing the selection. - You're done. - No way. - You're done, buddy. - ( crying ) Way to push through. Awesome, awesome, awesome. - Strong. - ( sobbing ) I didn't believe I'd achieve it. Get in here, shake everybody's hand. - Good job. - Thank you. Thank you. Good job, man. - Thank you, Instructor Bowen. - I'm very proud of you. Good work. ( murmurs indistinctly ) Kuntz:<i> Day one to now,</i> roster number 12 made a remarkable shift. <i>Started off by himself, kind of stoic.</i> <i>He's a runner, he's an endurance athlete.</i> <i>Very cocky.</i> But as we progressed with the events and the stress, he began to break down a little bit emotionally. If it wasn't for everything I've been through in this class so far, I wouldn't have made that. I would have given up a long time ago. Kuntz:<i> He came out on the other side of it</i> <i>a lot less selfish, and a lot more humble.</i> <i>That's when you start becoming a team player,</i> <i>and we saw roster number 12 do that.</i> <i>He made that shift of "Hey, this isn't just about me.</i> <i>This is about the other guys here. I want them to finish,</i> <i>because they're now my teammates."</i> Anybody know how 19's doing? I need my heart rate to return to normal. We're almost to a little break up here. - Oh, really? -<i> Yeah.</i> Oh, shit. Oh, yeah. - Ready? - Let's do it, man. Let's finish it up. Bowen:<i> Selection is really about you.</i> It's not a competition against anyone else. <i>You gotta find something that you're willing to push for.</i> <i>You can't quit.</i> <i>If you're not gonna do it for yourself, then who?</i> ( groans ) Kick it into high gear, number 19. Keep moving, 1-9. - You did it, dude. - You never gave up. You never gave up, man. Good job, man. - Proud of you. Proud of you. - Thank you, 12. What are the orders? 1-9, turn around. Ground your ruck. Just set your ruck right there on the ground. Congratulations on making your exfil time. And congratulations on passing the selection, you're done. You're finished. - You're done. - Congratulations. - Hey, very proud of you. - Thank you. Good job. Very good job. - Thank you. - Tough young man. - Congrats, 1-9. - Very, very tough. Some other folks who want to congratulate you as well. Good job, 19. How do you feel? - Worn out. - You've looked better. ( laughs ) - I'm sure I have. - Proud of you. 19, congratulations. Good job, man. Good job. What was the one "why" that got you up the hill? Couldn't let 12 down. I knew that 17 gave his heart, as did 15... 3. To give anything less would just be... be a kick in the face to everyone who tried as hard as they could before me. Best "why" I can think of. - Good job. - Thank you. Capone:<i> Number 19, I think it gives him such a boost of confidence</i> to show that he's able to make it through something that, you know, others can't. <i>It doesn't matter how big you are, how fast you are,</i> <i>how many pull-ups you can do.</i> <i>Number 19 showed that.</i> <i>Small-town kid and here he is,</i> he crushed 25 other candidates who-- most of them were bigger and stronger than he was. So we got two left, huh? - Two left. - Two left, we'll see. <i>Two left, we'll see the time.</i> Maybe they'll make it, maybe they won't. How you doing, man? Eh. I've seen better days. Yeah. ( clears throat ) You? Yeah. I've seen better, man. I'm gonna stick with you, man. - Thanks. - Just me and you. If we time out, we time out. Kuntz:<i> Roster number 2 and roster number 11</i> <i>they don't know what the time or distance is, but we do.</i> They have to make it to the last point by sundown, <i>or they will be dropped from this program.</i> I've never been so tired in my entire life. I've given it everything I have, dude. <i>It's all we can do.</i> <i>I don't know what to do, man.</i> <i>I don't know what to do. I'm toast.</i> <i>I don't know what to do, man.</i> <i>I don't know what to do. I'm toast.</i> - We have to finish. -<i> This I know.</i> One, two, three. This whole ten days is playing through my head like a movie, you know? - Yeah. - First, all the people. All the laughing, push-ups, sit-ups, screaming at us. People leaving. My body hurts. - My emotions are shot. - Yeah. My mental stability is... You all right? You all right? What the hell am I doing out here, in the desert, dying? I'm gonna lay on that cot tonight, if we get to. Who knows? Might be in a box again. But if I'm in another box, I'm gonna be a box-sleeping mother( bleep ), I promise you that much. Oh, man. - I really am losing my marbles. - I am too. ( gasps ) <i>All right, we got a hill to climb.</i> Oh, ( bleep ). Oh, ( bleep ) yes! 12:<i> Yo, yo, yo, yo!</i> 11:<i> It's the end.</i> Yee-haw! Haggerty:<i> Nice work, guys. Keep pushing it.</i> You did it, man. - You did it. - ( crying ) Good job, man. ( crying ) - You did it, brother. - You're a stud. You guys didn't give up, though, you know? ( laughter ) Oh, man. We did it, dude. We made it. Kuntz:<i> Congrats on finishing the ruck, guys.</i> And congrats on finishing the selection, you're done. - You guys are done. Congrats. - You serious? - This is it. - ( laughs ) How's that feel, huh? Feel better? ( both laughing ) - Hey. - He's a tough man. How you feel, old man? It's really over, no joke? Seriously. No more games. - Oh, shit. - Yeah, good job, buddy. - Good job, man. - It's unbelievable. - I'm so happy. - You did it. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. Kuntz:<i> Out of this entire group of people from the original 30,</i> <i>I couldn't have picked on day one</i> four better people to finish this event. Our goal was to have you guys come out of this thing right here as the best version of yourself possible. All four of you guys, watching you over the last 11 days, you came here already a good group of guys, but you're leaving a lot better, in my opinion. Capone:<i> 13%.</i> 13% made it through this course. 30 of you guys started, there's four of you left. <i>Ryan,</i> <i>Christian,</i> <i>Logan,</i> <i>and Cliff.</i> We tested all of you, and we hope that you guys are gonna take what you've learned from these six instructors and apply it for everything you do for the rest of your lives. <i>We're proud.</i> Cliff:<i> Our heart and our will to survive and finish,</i> <i>it's amazing.</i> <i>We went through hell and back.</i> <i>I feel like a different man, different person.</i> Christian:<i> Going through that elite military training,</i> <i>that was the most intense, dramatic experience I ever had.</i> Logan:<i> To be able to say, "Hey,</i> <i>I've done similar training to our finest men and women,</i> <i>that's something I would have never pictured for my life.</i> Ryan:<i> To kind of step into their world</i> <i>for just a small amount of time,</i> <i>that was the hardest thing I've ever done,</i> <i>and I'll be forever grateful for that experience.</i>
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 498,684
Rating: 4.949347 out of 5
Keywords: THC, The Selection: Special Operations Experiment, March of Tears, The selection season 1 episode 8, The selection se1 e8, The selection s01 e08, The selection 1X8, the selection season 1 clips, The selectionew season, The selection full episode clips, history full episode, the selection history channel, history channel, history channel shows, watch the selection, integrity stations, watch full episodes, watch history full episodes, The Selection: Special Operations clips
Id: VllSJM9ccKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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