The SECRETS to Controlling Cards Like a Pro Magician (EASY)

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imagine having someone pick a random card put it back somewhere random in the deck you proceed to shuffle as many times as you want but you still are able to manage to control the selected card's location now that is something you'll be able to do by the end of the video [Music] what you saw just there were three different ways to control a cart to the top and as a cart magician it is absolutely essential for you to know in case you want to know i'm using the captain america playing cards that were gifted to me by kart mafia and if you want to have a look i left the link in the description now we're going to learn how to do the double undercut how to retain the top card using the riffle shuffle as well as the overhand shuffle as for the riffle shuffle and the overhand shuffle i will briefly go through them in this video however i have a super detailed video on how to shuffle cards like a magician and before we get started don't forget to grab yourself a deck of cards and don't forget that like it really helps all right so we're gonna get started with the double undercut okay now before we get start with the double undercut i want to talk about the grip so you need your thumb here first finger there and three fingers underside that is called the mechanics grip and that's the grip okay so we're in mechanics grip i'm going to dribble through the cards and show the spectator the card so we have here the eight of hearts um i'm gonna leave it here and when i dribble down i dribble towards me first so leaving the first card a little bit like this and then the rest of the card a little forward so it looks like a mess right now but what i have here is this thing here so all i need to do is to take my thumb push it up and then have a thumb break so when the spectator selects the card i dribble the cards down here like this you'll see that i started the dribble a bit down like this here so that from the front it looks like a mess but when i clean it up my thumb goes here i push it forward and then i have a thumb break now from the thumb break i can transfer it to a pinky braid so right here i'm going to use the pinky of my left hand and i will hold it like this so thumb break transfer to pinky break and that is one way to control the selected card dribble all the way down like this it looks like a mess but with your thumb push and then you have your thumb break here but with your other hand you grab the deck in mechanics grip and instead of having your pinky up on top of the deck your pinky just grabs the little the little break right here so that's what it's called the pinky break now you see how only a bit of the flesh of my pinky is keeping a break you don't want to put your whole pinky in there but you just want to use a little bit of the flesh so that from the front like this it looks very minimal even till here like you don't see much you obviously want to angle yourself like this so that your pinky break is minimal that way you're able to just keep talking and hold the cards like this now once you're ready to do the double undercut you will re-grip using your thumb break and then you will take half a pack under the pinky break so so the break is right here you will take a half pack under here so using your pinky you break off one pile here you would put that pile at the top and then the next thing you do is you take where you left the brake and you put that to the top so essentially what you're doing is the brake you're just doing this but using two cuts it's a little more uh it hides the obvious cut a little better so we're going to cut the bottom half and then you're going to cut the next half like this showing that card that we were controlling once again so one last time right here you the dribble like this thumb pushes in so now you have the break here um you transfer it to your mechanics grip with the pinky break just so let's say if you're still talking you can just casually hold a grip like this but once you're ready to do the double undercut you grab the thumb break once again so you grab it here like this keeping the thumb break and then using these hands here your pinky you can take a little packet put it to the top and then take the next packet with the pinky break and put it to the top so boom boom boom i'll show you the front boom boom and from the back boom and boom and that is a double undercut now next step would be to control the top card using the roof of shuffle now usually you would have done your double undercut and now i usually feel that it's not enough to show that you shuffle the cards so after a double undercut to control the cards at the top you want to keep shuffling so that it looks like the card's completely mixed up you can do this as many times as you want and the card is still at the top and what happens is that it's fairly simple using the riffle shuffle you just make sure that the last card is the top card so since the card's already on top you just got to make sure that the top card which is here is still the selection so using that you have a riffle shuffle top stock retention and if you want to learn how to do a proper rifle shuffle don't forget i have an in-depth tutorial on my channel next up is the overhand shuffle so we're going to control the top card using the overhand shuffle basically what you do is you want to peel really just peel the first card here okay and then you're going to keep doing the overhand shuffle now the spectator's card is at the bottom so you don't want to be shuffling the cards like this so that they keep seeing their their card at the bottom so you want to be facing the back of the deck facing the spectator or even just like this so now like i said earlier you peel the top card at the bottom and now what you can do is instead of keeping keep shuffling you're going to grab the middle of the pack instead of the top stock so you're going to grab the middle so if you look at the bottom here when you do the overhand shuffle the control card remains to the bottom so if i show it like this the card is still at the bottom you basically just do the usual overhand shuffle while keeping your finger in contact with the bottom card so that it kind of peels off with the rest of the cards so once you did this initial overhand shuffle by peeling out the first card right you can peel off the middle stock keep shuffling as many times as you want because that card will keep staying here and until you're ready you can simply do a normal overhand shuffle and then to the very last card you want to peel until the very last card and then you put it here because that last card is now the top card so that is very it's very simple i mean uh if you want to know how to do the overhand shuffle i also have an in-depth tutorial on my channel so if i want to show you like this the card goes to the bottom i shuffle it and until i'm ready let's say now i can just keep shuffling and then bring that card back to the top so simple so magical [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i hope this is going to be useful to you because i am still using all three till this day after over 15 years of practicing magic that's a lot now if you want to learn some more advanced cart magic that's high caliber and even magician fooling i highly recommend the mealing's membership at the time of recording there is over 116 items in that membership so once you have access to the membership you have access to everything at once now if you'd like to check it out i highly recommend the code new member to save five pounds off the first month and honestly i highly recommend it because i am myself a member of the mun's membership and if you want to check it out i left the link in the description just so i know that you made it all the way till the end be sure to comment with the word control and be sure to check out this video in the meantime i will see you in the next video peace
Channel: Bao Magic
Views: 23,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baomagic, bao magic, bao magician, bao hoang, magician, card control, card controls, card magic, magic, magic tricks, chris ramsay, sleight of hand, magic revealed, david blaine, magic tutorial, alex pandrea, card tricks, how to, card control tutorial, card trick tutorial, shin lim, card trick, playing cards, learn card tricks, how to do magic, easy card tricks, easy tricks illusion tricks, learn magic, magic videos, how to magic, beginner magic, Magic tutorial easy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2022
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