The Secrets of Pineal Gland Scientific Proof

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scientific proof that's backing up that spiritual enlightenment comes from our pineal gland known as the third I did picked it as ancients as the seat of the soul and here with more spiritual coach Ronnie hatch well coach mentor all of the above hi Ronnie oh this is so cool you sent me this video like a few weeks ago and it really kind of put it together in a way that you know we've talked about people have talked about war is such a massive time of change and enlightenment what does that mean and how does the you know the pineal gland kind of assists us in that process well we're going through an evolution right now you know in human being don't meant to stand on in the same place but we were being used to using our 5 senses up till now and it's very limiting because you know we see we smell we get but what so the pineal gland is actually it's located in the middle down here and it correlates to what we call the third eye you can't see the third eye but it's what we call the sixth sense that means that it's seen beyond what the five senses see and what happened is that I mean this is a secret that they've known in ancient Egypt they know it in the Vatican everywhere you burn the battery can you see this hi no one knew what it was I want to continue this because we actually have a clip from this video talking about just this is fascinating you know you fascinate you many ancient esoteric traditions and mystical schools knew of the potential of the pineal the ancient Greeks believed it to be our connection to the realms of thought Buddhist know it as a symbol of spiritual awakening in Hinduism the pineal connects with the third eye chakra the seat of intuition and clairvoyance Jesus proclaimed that the eye is the lamp of the body so then if your eye is clear your whole body will be full of light if Rene Descartes is right and the pineal gland is indeed the seed of the human soul then these traditions are correct in believing that it serves as the connecting link between the physical and spiritual worlds fascinating it's fascinating him why he has science like Western science had a heart such a hard time kind of saying okay there's something to this well because somebody who deals in the spirit just has to say I've had an experience and he believes it and he doesn't have to prove anything the scientist has to prove it's best to say look I can see it it's here I'm holding it intangible but what what's happened now is it science has come to a point where it has to start correlating what the spiritual world has been saying all along because they've reached a standpoint that's what quantum physics is you know we say a mirror you know what I give out comes back to me so they have to show him there a light going on it and coming back they have to prove it it's not that they're behind it's just that they need to understand spiritualism doesn't have to understand it only needs to experience and no I know but the knowingness comes from a belief that lives within you you already have it you come in with it and you're open to it this whole thing about the pineal gland or the third eye is to show us that there is a law and we're going to keep talking about this law every to every spot there's a law of surrender I can't get to that space of the sixth sense if I don't surrender what I think I know because that keeps me in a space that doesn't allow me to know anything else but if I want to really know the truth I have to be mindless and I have to be open to receive and in that receiving space I'm not looking at something the way I usually look at I'm not looking at you through my five senses I'm looking at you to know that you're part of me whatever I see in you is in me we're one and that's where we're going to and you can see the destruction of everything that's happening now in our world is leading us to show that those old laws don't work any brain right absolutely now how do we explain this in a way to people that you know are not you know in the middle of a real conscious spiritual process like what does it mean in practical terms like how can people like access it in a way that you know novices in the first thing somebody has to ask himself is what I really want in life because we all want to be happy right and everything that we do in our lives is to receive a feeling we're actually pay a lot of money to receive a feeling we want to buy a new car because we want her to see the feeling but guess what happens after you have that thing that you bought you want the next thing so it's the happiness that you want what if you could feel that before you actually go and do something so now the reason is that we can is because it actually is in me because nobody puts a feeling and new takes it out of me so the reason is that if I get to that space where I'm willing to be happy just because I can I open that chakra now I can start reading it's about trusting what your intuition is telling you and getting your brain being like why don't is this this I love it and I love it how it's like tied in I mean how did ancient Egypt know this stuff it's unreal they were not in this world they weren't office they were they were but as you can know that's what I want right and all the trails are the light and the halos it's so cool as we learn more it's gonna tie in every religion Thank You Ronnie and
Channel: i24NEWS English
Views: 364,474
Rating: 4.8015246 out of 5
Id: hzsHF9M8y58
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Length: 5min 10sec (310 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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