The SECRET Tower in Roblox!

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if you can't do anything just run for your life look what i did to him we're free don't pick red buttons usually mean destruction welcome to the tower of doors do we have the wits to complete the tower let's find out make sure to subscribe and leave a like so i could have a tall bridge we are crew and the door behind us lets us into the tower come on guys what door that door yes yes door right here you see it easy there's a passenger press the keypad wait for real and what's the car oh enter whoa where's the tower go wait get in here guys building of course b4 why are there so many doors with letters on them charcoal hurry up where are you man the first door we should try is b4 open sesame we're doomed that's pretty funny wait what wait what does this mean a3 wait how do you solve it i think you have to do number one first i don't think we can work on this door yet okay yeah why would we go to b4 we gotta go to it's a riddle you have to observe what's happening there's nothing happening i mean there's a two okay door one's here i think you just put two in oh okay i think you press two you enter two you click on the two you press two oh it opens who wants to go first i always had a clue oh ow full damage oh you take fall damage oh see i'm smart i go down louder i broke my circles i think we just gotta keep going down wait there's math it's math time what's 60 times four four someone wait two times four is easy it's eight let's just do the eight zero score is twenty four so it should be two forty eight this one's ow why didn't you guys look that door was painful gold bunny did you not see something outside why did you jump gold it's because i just wanted to leave okay i was stuck in the tower for too long time to go back so it seems like we're just going down in this tower we're going up in this tower like what are we doing i think we just go down like what's this one so we went all the way to the top now we gotta go all the way down we gotta use our brain someone do the math 202 divided by two times three is i don't care that's my calculator oh i know that's 150. i'll just go to this line here how about i just you guys solve that and i'll just like i'll just like carefully open them again though wait the outside oh wait it is seriously wait i think all of these doors lead to death though right like what's the point hmm is this bad gotta be some kind what no uh oh those are some pretty flowers though i don't think it's the time dracula did you solve it did you solve it um i think it's um 303. why did you just get a calculator 102 divided by two as well you're using maps carefully come on guys rainbow come on are we gonna be trapped in this tower forever no we're smart i hope not oh this one is uh it's it looks like algebra oh it's bed mask yes bed bad mass i hate bad mass i'm going over here i'm going over here where it's easier for my brain i buy funny you're just gonna go what if i do this oh she's gone luna no no no too late lunar crew the only thing i'm confused about is how is the tower tall but we're going down i don't we gotta go down and then we gotta go up oh when you entered it if you didn't notice you went all the way up to the top oh i gotta go down get a lily and go up to claim my prize okay oh prize i don't even think i'll make it to the top i'll probably die at the end of this all right 303 let's just go down carefully oof okay i won't i won't mess up what's the point of the doors though if we just die where are you guys hello over here still trying to figure this out i think it's negative 17. okay we're just gonna listen to what dracula says draco that's wrong uh it didn't work okay all right kf you have one minute to solve this and leave a comment now are you big brained will you get the answer before dracco draco i forgot how to go to another door no guys i'm gonna do this one i'm still gonna do this okay some big brain saw that draco i told you the doors lead to nowhere oh you meant that this is another door all right you solved that times five is forward hopefully by me opening one of these it actually goes somewhere they all just lead to pain like what's the point why are we here all of these are just it's just constant pain it doesn't work i'm getting out of here i'm taking the door dracco dracco that's not the right way you gotta solve it three bye-bye you guys dracco just left the building draco come back um bye jacko so lunar did you have any luck over here well according to google oh she's supposed to be negative 17. that's what we said it's not working is it a trick question yeah hmm why are we trapped on this level have you ever thought maybe this door doesn't lead to anywhere it's just tricks like that trap door we probably go somewhere else nope did i do this yet 20. i already did that door um 110 i mean 120 divided by 10 is it 12. oh no we have seems like we have gotten ourselves into a predicament we're not even that far up though it's the third level and we don't know how to skate we don't have to do a math problem i opened all the doors gold what are you doing how many times have i told you do not invite me to math games we didn't know it was a math game it's an escape the tower gold what these lines mean because they're not brackets and i forgot what they mean because it's stupid two lines on the opposite sides of a number means absolute value so even though this says negative five it's actually just five because math like why i never i didn't go as far as absolutely okay so what's the answer like i remember learning that but like it was so important and it never appeared again so i forgot so it should be [Laughter] i feel the right should be 23. buy gold i guess i do i deserve that too i didn't help pain h2o water wait really three oh hey let's go oh the goldfish loves the building rainbow rainbow you love science right yeah what's the compound i mean what's the the what what was it called get i forgot something chemical the chemical for carbon dioxide chemical formula formula stop making o2 what do humans breathe come here come here everybody we're going today is an episode of learning h2o we breathe o2 we breathe water yeah yeah we're big brains let's go helium no wait gold i forgot it's been a while helium yeah confidence helium i don't know what this means four eyes what the heck does the eye mean did i go to school i don't remember this it's not a period is there an eye on the periodic table gold's come back kf laughing us up at us right now in the comments ph seven ph no seven up ph seven is new it seems that we have reached a difficult crossroads because none of us knows what i is on the period i don't think i is a thing on the periodic table what if if it's just 4i because 3i plus i but if there's nothing there i we were thinking so hard whoa we've reached the bottom floor now we grabbed this lily to show that we did it oh what oh beautiful okay sure come on grab it guys now we can take this elevator straight back up wait but what does this do what's this over here yeah what are these leaving the tower you will lose your progress i mean pro no no no okay don't worry okay someone solved this six plus the square root of two x plus four equal fourteen that's not square root lunar we're solving for x uh okay uh uh dancing again all right time to use the brain okay i don't do math six don't use your brain six plus six plus eight isn't x just one uh is it is it pretty fast we'll never know find out in the next episode no it can't be find out in the next episode will crew figure out the equation no probably not bye bye everyone thanks for watching say bye no yes freedom just kidding hold up why did you leave gold you lose the progress i was joking oh my gosh oh my gosh he said gold gold you said the you said no god i was joking gold we're waiting for draco to solve the square root we're joking it's gotta be wait it's not square root why is it 30 x is 30. why okay you better come back i'm crying now draco why is it 30 yeah why is it because it's 30. all right so you see how there's a 6 over here you subtract the left side by 6 but since you did that you have to do it to the other side so you subtract 14 by 6 which is 8 and then you want to get rid of this square root so then you square both sides and you get 64. hey come back i don't really care i just want the answer i totally remember from 64. and it says and you can see it by two and it's 30. you tried smelling this flower i didn't realize that was square root it's a lie let's go wait we have to climb up by ourselves what oh wait like just like what about this wait that's easy then oh oh wait the answer changed wait this one this one's more simple we got this one this one's one this one's one this one's one oh no oh it's from the race to the finishes last one up oh [Laughter] oh they're trying to figure out which equation is easier on which side how's that one looking uh it looks also the same rainbow you gotta go into the right one okay what are we looking at here gold i can't say it let's see one minus nine times nine nine times nine is eighty one stop doing your math out loud okay nine times nine is eighty-one negative five is times two negative ten good job draco i don't care 71. okay 71 yes yes hi hi rainbow's racing i guess it's a race this is how smart people survive the tower wait rainbows is easier oh this one's easier answer it what is it what is it move move people five times four times five times how did you get here so 66 plus three is nine seven sixty six sixty six ninety five ten eleven twelve twelve uh did we get oh yeah i know i know 103 89 plus 11 is a hundred plus fifty is a hundred fifty plus thirty seven is one hundred and eighty seven it's a hundred one hundred eighty seven eighty seven dollars i said it first said it first where are you gold oh wait guys i'm doing math over here where are you um we're on the floor are you gonna come back oh good job girl all right big red button we just gotta press the button with our lily yeah and we beat the game we're free don't worry red buttons usually mean destruction or just press the button it doesn't do anything are you pressing it no just like unequivocally and click the red button i feel nothing i don't feel anything it says i beat it what nothing's happening for me oh i mean we lose the game for the lilies in the end of oh wait they have the lily we completed it wow that was easier than i thought yeah good job everyone bravo um wow tower very complicated very hard to play rock paper scissors winner is the true champion let's go yeah oh you know what i'm just gonna guess your goals what what do you think i'm gonna do you know what you pick rock paper scissors shooters in your face take this gold bye ow my hair oh easy lunar you can't face me about that i thought you always picked rock funny you think i picked rock sometimes i'm not a rock luna am i going to pick rock what do you think she always picks rock roll scissors shoot she's using reverse kai psychology maybe because i'm feeling rocky today i told you i'm the champion you can't outsmart me i have wits and rock paper scissors draco you better be scared you might have won the math round but you're scared dracco i'm not good at math but rock paper scissors is my jam draco what do you think i'm gonna do what do you think what do you think um rock roll rock paper scissors shoot outsmarted dude bye no i'm the champion we might beat all of us i feel like i'm t-posing to victory oh my goodness see those are those are the people that lost against me i'm the final challenger you got nothing go ahead play everyone scared i'm scared i don't want to battle against funny facts oh gone see you later sucker bye that looks painful rainbow versus gold hello i kinda don't want to win because i don't want to beat gold against funny but hey gold i'm gonna totally choose scissors and i'm totally gonna use funny's tactic a rock i'm totally gonna pick oh no take that uh oh okay if gold picked that already and she chose that already then she's expecting me to pick this but i will not pick it finally because i'll just play into her game are you not ready you've trained me well funny i trained you for nothing because you can't read my mind goals definitely pick this what do you have hey you guys outsmarted yourself gold it was a tie but so far i'm winning so i'm the true winner okay okay i guess it's a rematch draco what did you pick rock paper scissors shoot i guess um luna is the winner luna are you in oh what i'm saying wow that's insane fine rematch don't pick the same one as me gold yeah you try to not pick the same one as me either okay you guys uh-huh paper is like the nicest uh thing right like it's so useful thank you charity you said you wanted to see gold it's about mind reading okay it's to it's to outsmart your opponent and to think what they are gonna pick or not gonna pick like dracco i've seen you chose scissors i will beat you how so i will beat you yeah by saying that you will beat me any of his what he's thinking scissors no [Music] that's painful you guys lunar wins by default again how is it possible luna come here how do you keep winning how tell me your skills doing nothing and then i get the wins you know spoken like a true winner seriously drake luna in the arena she is not in this arena okay let's go why don't we keep going what i just want to say hi i just i just i just want to say hi no stop trying to distract me oh no yes oh you get it i'm gonna say hi because i have paper rainbow versus draco i'm picking scissors are you actually right rock paper scissors rock yeah okay lunar i'm rooting for you can't trick me dracula rainbow already chose paper and scissors that possibility she's going to choose rock or scissors or there's a possibility that i could choose anything i want because i can choose rock paper or something the probability of rainbow losing is high lunar choose i hope you chose this game paper when i play this game i don't think i just choose rock i told you i told you paper luna am i the winner i guess yeah she won yes i won the tournament i am a rock paper scissors champion rainbow no this counts to us dueling off hi rainbow hello toodaloo time to guess what you're going to pick um place your votes everywhere leave this scissors rock paper scissors rock paper scissors rock rock paper scissors shooters no bye it's okay rainbow it's best out of three is it three did you just make that up fine no round two okay deep breaths round two um uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yes rock paper scissors favorite scissors shoot i see everything and he is the victor i am the true champion of rock paper scissors by kf i challenge you right now so in my mind i'm thinking of a rock paper or scissors leave a comment down below of rock paper scissors and see if you beat me you have three seconds three two one i chose paper if you didn't if you chose rock you lost but if you chop scissors no rainbow you're not no you lost you lost too many times get out well then let's battle for something else hi welcome to breaking point our last game are you kidding me oh someone killed rainbow he didn't even let me talk who did that who did it i think it's clearly gold it was lunar lunar murder no gold wow i'm just so good see my math okay but my skills and other things very good you hear that good at mind games i am good at mind games and i'm reading your mind right now what am i thinking about what am i thinking about you're thinking about why did you put juice in your nose no i didn't kill draco this was placed on me no shooter oh the shooter's trying to murder people gold fine hold stop it's not wait lunar think of it i think it's rainbow wait stop let's go it's not me funny why funny don't do it funny really rainbow i saw that reminding me don't you do it so wow that game wasn't mind game it was just roulette where whoever gets the gun gets rainbow is pvp master did you yeah yeah you sliced me it hurt i'm good in battle oh cute duck duck stabbed no no i think the fishies are a distraction i think the fishies are in destruction fight oh come here and fight me lunar stab no i told you you can't beat luna no i'm under the sea lunar stop no duck duck stab with you luna stop luna please i don't want to play duck duck stab with you easy this is called dual vote two players have to vote oh i vote the pvp pvp no no no no no master goes last yoink no no people no no oh no no you see i just jumped off the table and then i got draco's knees fight gold because you chose me fight no no don't put gold you no stop pointing at me gold rainbow oh no if you can't do anything just run for your life gold this is what happens to draco look what i did to him look what i did today the player that goes back to their seat survives gold oh so let me see it no i'm fair i did survive okay don't even play against lunar seriously wow who did it amongst you are all the liars have to figure out who the liar is hi everybody i'm gonna get shot if i die it's funny i told you it's the person beside me i heard it from the left side jack i heard it from the left side two people beside you rainbow rainbow it's not me okay wait she's doing that sus voice again everyone just pointed no i'm serious it's not me are you sure rainbow rainbow watch okay watch this guys it's not me i'm not there it's not me don't do it serious it's not no you always you just talk like this it's not me did you do a rainbow it wasn't me it was am i lying no hi this is just the actual breaking point game where we just decide i do not like [Laughter] okay i guess we're doing everything publicly now huh uh rainbow i beat you at rock paper scissors you should be nice to me yeah i don't know don't you want to win i also don't like it when you say that i talk about this voice when i'm lying wow whatever it's because you'd sound like a liar rematch dual vote all right what if we all vote for one person then none of us will go up oh that's smart yeah vote for yourself gold stop pointing fingers oh well well while driving didn't think fast enough get down come here he's tricking you guys [Music] i don't want to fight rainbow hey come on running bye easy turned around uh you fight gold stop you fight no you fight fight you're the warrior fight fought already you fight luna luna you fight now fight it doesn't matter you're all gonna have to fight i don't fight i'm a peacemaker i don't fight gold you've tried this already [Music] luna let's let's go to the end of the table okay let's talk this out so how was your day my day was fine how was yours the true villain oh yeah she is the truth all right now i'll cackle in evil as is the dark guys laugh we're evil i'm evil [Music] uh you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,014,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox krew, roblox funny, roblox kakerugui
Id: lEMcIf39YAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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