The Secret Success of Dr. Zakir Naik

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here with us in the studio alhamdulillah um alhamdulillah you know when I started my Dao in 2008 and then in 2009 my first International Dao experience was in Canada and then with you guys in peace TV alhamdulillah so and a long time from then so alhamdulillah you know a very special place in my heart when I started my Daw alhamdulillah we you know benefited from you throughout the years so when we had it we're here together and Qatar I want to be able to benefit and this podcast it kind of came about not really planned but I had all the duato came from outside and we did it the first one was actually from your students from Selman from Japan mashallah I want to know how to give Tao in Japan because I know there's different styles of giving down so we started with him and and then it you know went out alhamdulillah and now we're benefiting and having you alhamdulillah here and we have several questions you know the first question I want to ask which everyone's going to ask you know what is your situation now people want to know uh you know everybody's making well for you they're concerned what is your your current situation is funny uh I welcome all the videos but there's some greetings regarding my situation the most of us know most of the viewers may be knowing that in the year 2016 because of my dog activities in the worldwide and especially in India where I lived uh the new Indian government that came to power that the BJP government and and the Prime Minister Modi he was appointed the prime minister in 2014 and two years after that you know that uh to get more wood Bank than islamophobia and his attack on Islam and Muslims was very evident and that was one of his first Target when there was a uh when there's a Bomb Blast in Dhaka in Bangladesh amongst the few terrorists one was a fan on my Facebook and the Dhaka newspaper said that one of the fans of Dr Zakir Naik on the Facebook he did the Bomb Blast and the Indian media took it from there and said in doctors inspired and the Bangladesh newspaper corrected that we never said Dr Zakir Nagin is bad but one of his fans did it so because of that I had to do Hijra in the 2016. and among the various countries that were available I felt that Malaysia was one of the best available Muslim countries to know each other in 2016 mashallah from from India to to Malaysia I was already outside the country when the issue started and I decided to go to Malaysia and alhamdulillah uh uh I never thought in my dreams I knew that I would have problems in in India regarding that I've prepared for that but never thought in my dreams that they would lay an allegation of terrorism against me because I've I've given talks to various of the police all over the world including in India in the National Academy of the police you know about fighting counter terrorism yeah I've seen many of the lectures very very clearly it couldn't be clear in talks against terrorism so how could they lay their relegation and but Hijra we left our home country our home City we always planned you know we we had Consultants from McKinsey one of the one of the best consultant company in the world and when we were thinking about about peace TV in the activities you know we were thinking that how we should let the activities continue tomorrow if I'm not there what should happen so we were planning that house should have a person in the administration person Islamic feeders so we planned everything that what will happen after a day how should the activity continue and as people know that we are both in Marshall a 500 paid employees in the Bombay office and additional many parts of the world but we never planned that what would happen when everyone would be there and I'm not there so the government banned the organization and it was a different situation we never thought of it that everyone would be there and I'm not there so you're a plan B but you didn't have a plan C yes so the thing was that when we went to Malaysia I'm there and no one is there so we have plans that what I mean I would not be there in Bombay how would it continue but the organization was banned so I was available for dawa and everyone else could not do so we never planned that when I would continue and no one else would be with me what to do but but the main point we forgot that Allah is the person who's the most important so no one is there so when did Hijra we had no staff without any stuff we continued in Malaysia but Allah support was there therefore I always say that Allah says in the Quran for Imran chapter 3 verse 160. if Allah helps you then can rule then none can welcome you if Allah forsakes you who is dead then who can help you so McKinley never planned that if no one is then I'm continuing what will happen so alhamdulillah increased our style increase of course in in India we were mainly focusing on comparative religion and giving logical answers to the non-muslims when we were Hijra I started my uh weekly question answer session initially twice a week then we came once a week and then my son came then he's doing once a week I'm doing once a week so today we had a different thing which we wanted in India which could not a life questionna session because of my busy schedule and we need to be difficult in Bombay to do it so from Malaysia where the atmosphere much more better we started the life question our session we stood on a different level because normally when we have question answers in public it's I mean it's not planned anyone can ask any question and we have to answer it yeah and many questions were repetitive in this when we started the Live question answer session we used to receive 20 000 questions a week and my team used to read about 5000 out of which they have to pass 100 to me as to answer 15 to 20 every week so now we created a new data Bank in the past two years you know more than thousands of questions so this was a new a new thing which we felt would be an asset to the The increased the Facebook following which was 14 million hours at least 23 million by Allah's Grace the YouTube which was only four hundred thousand well we never concentrated it on the social media I was considering on Pitch TV exactly so which was only 400 000 YouTube now it is 3.3 million in the span of couple of years the Facebook from 14 million went to third uh when 23 million mashallah so I felt that without the staff but Allah's help continued the Dao activity increased and the rich increased and now before we used to travel there used to be people you know always you know wanting to meet and recognizing us but now the reach is much more people like another multiple times more than what it was in 2016. so I believe in short alhamdulillah if we have to pinpoint we can take out maybe a million problems what will happen I had to leave my home I had to leave on my property my property was taken maybe 100 million years worth of everything taken by the government but it was a blessing in disguise and I used to pray in my every day that Ya Allah let my life and my wealth be sacrificed for the cause of Allah so when we did Hijra Allah heard half of my Dua that my wealth was taken away and I'm waiting for the second half to be fulfilled that may my life be sacrified for the cause of Allah so in short mashallah increased and and our Focus which was mainly uncomparative now it's already available on the YouTube on the social media the video on the peace TV now we are concentrating on other aspects on how to reply logically or to the normal Sims to the Muslims to the Shabbat that are raised on the social media so we can pick the questions and reply to the question which were unanswered before and secondly being in the political field we meet more heads of States now than what we had before so we are contributing in some way to the growth islamically this Dua actually that was the second question I wrote down when I during our dinner last night and you mentioned that you know this Dua I found that very powerful you know that you made this Dua and how many people would do that you know when they make Dua Allah will take my life and my wealth and the path of Allah and you mentioned you know that have been taken a good ending inshallah pleasing to him something you know here that that I'm benefiting from when I hear this the fact that you know something happens it happens for Hickman for a reason obviously we know that so maybe if if you were you know still in India you focus more on peace TV whereas maybe the impact of social media now is is more prevalent than you you wouldn't have focused on the social media maybe so now Allah you said you have all of that you know peace TV you have that you know protect it it's still out there it's beneficial uh we'll talk a little bit later about it we can find that inshallah but now you the social media you have on top of that yeah so they planning a lot of plans and one question I always like to ask when I when I sit with the brothers who they know the pioneers of the dawah um is you know different mistakes that they've believed they made in the tower that they could go back and do it again they would you know do it like that so it would have been better than the dawa and I always say that even I tell like the youth when when I was in my jahiliyah uh a very badly but one of the reasons I didn't get it in more trouble than I did is because the the elders I would you know benefit from their mistakes so I would make the same mistakes so I remember when I visited some time back in um uh in Malaysia asked him you know both mistakes I made in Tao you know and and that was actually the whole topic that we talked about it's on my YouTube channel so if you were to think you know there's some mistakes or not necessary mistakes but things you could have done better or done differently and so we can benefit ourselves and so the youth when they're coming up they say okay look doctor that could he Reach This in Tower but he said if I did like this it would have been better so they don't fall into the same stuff as they're coming up in general Tana Rihanna question that is there any mistake I did in in my journey towards our and what if I was given the choice to do the two different things as far as mistakes are concerned I don't think so there's any mistake or I don't think so I want to go back in life and rectify anything because Allah is the best of planner I mean seeing life seeing the life that was and how we how I went from a doctor for body doctor for so I changed my profession from medical doctor today of course I wouldn't want the same for my son but is it a mistake I said no it's not a mistake because if you'll ask me that would would you want my son to do the same what I did I said no I wouldn't want him to become a doctor yes we chose to become a doctor at that time I thought that doctor is the best proficient trying to treat the patient and people you know it will be a best service to humanity but when I got inspired by Sheikh Ahmad did that who's the person who changed me from a doctor of boy doctor of soul and when I learned from the Quran from sorry fusilla chapter 1433 may Allah says that that who is better speed the non-invasive of the Lord so here we realize that the best profession mentioned in the Quran Allah there's no better profession but at that time Anya was the best profession which we thought was a lot it's not profession but nothing compared dinner for that time I feel maybe Allah has his own plan but if you ask me doesn't I have to become a doctor it's not required at all yes so many people come and tell me that you know that you know I would like my son to follow a footsteps I want to make him a doctor first and then I die so more people will listen to him I said there's a big fallacy a misconception that people think that people are listening to me because of the medical doctor at a lower level it is true it's true for Layman is giving a lecture or if a doctor is even a lecture then people would listen more to a doctor so if a Layman is giving a lecture maybe 10 people would come if a medical doctor think of a lecture maybe 25 would come at a lower level I do agree it carries a benefit but when you reach a level higher level it doesn't make a difference at all whether the person has a degree or not whether you're the doctor or not the best example is graduated can you believe he's only six standard passage no not even finished high school not even school he was at high school only a person who passed a sixth standard he's challenging this talents of Christianity no election you will forget and the other people it's our last plan that doesn't mean that I every day should be all standard six no there's our last plan so same way Allah thought that okay fine to be a doctor a beginner doctor so I don't think so people are coming from my talk because I'm a medical doctor at a lower level fine at a higher level the degree doesn't matter did that hasn't gone hasn't gone to an Islamic University he has not gone to a normal formal school also it was Allah's help so once it is mainly Allah puts love Into the Heart of the people who he should be loved so it was our last plan I'm very happy about it but I would not do the same for my son because normal thing is not that you should become a doctor because what is required in dhava in the field of medicine I can teach my son in just a couple of months you don't have to go for five and a half years of medical practice but natural the best is going to an Islamic school Islamic University I didn't go to an Islamic school I did not go to any Islamic University that doesn't message son should follow my footsteps that was Allah's planning but for my son what I remember what I was I was inspired by that at the age of 27 and then I started I was a good good practicing Muslim alhamdul like an average Muslim praying five times a day not telling lies good but there was no passion of dawa in me if if you compare myself with my son what my son did in his childhood I didn't even do 0.001 percent of that so what my son achieved at the age of 25 maybe it was a million times more than what I achieved in the field of dhava now he's at the age of 28. at the age of 28 I know what I was my son is Arabic other languages English is very fluent so button actually in terms of worldly assets my son is a million times better than me at the age of 27 or 28 compared to me we're gonna do a podcast with him too inshallah but but does it mean that he will have the same following it is mainly Allah so I tell my son what we could not do we trained our children I don't know Arabic as a language I understand a little bit I cannot speak but I saw to it that all my children spoke Arabic at the age of three four five all three of them my son and both my daughters so if you say would what I did and I would not do no I'm happy with it yet I can quote the Quran cannot do the references I give a normal office cannot do it's Allah's planning so I cannot say that is there any mistake which I would not want to do but if I plan for my son I would plan something better than my childhood as an average person so average die if a person comes and feels down to become a tie I will give him a blueprint and if you see it doesn't match at all which map with my childhood but at the end of the day the most important is help of Allah so with all the education now my son is inshallah I'll do PhD maybe double PhD but that really doesn't help in that way yes it does help to a very small level doing a degree from the University may help you get a job but for dawa it's good but that's not enough you have to have the rules with the top shoots we should do your own research you should do hard work so I always tell him that if Allah helps you then you'll achieve success so I say that you should seek Allah said that the most important regarding the mistakes one of the things that people normally told me when I started my dawa domination they told me that you know if we put the Islamic programs on the cable TV Bombay is one of the most difficult place to do dawa so my son uh so my brother and my colleagues told me if you start putting Islamic video cassettes on the cable TV you know every cable operator had hundred thousand houses fifty thousand houses it will be difficult in Mumbai they stop it I have decided if they are willing to put let's put wholesale if they stop after six months no problem and alhamdulillah we started that and we continue now we have peace tea which is going all over the world mashallah we cannot say that we were intelligent or we were smart that we were able to dhawa and Bombay a city which is one of the most difficult place in the world it was basically Allah's help I cannot say that I'm intelligent or I was smart not at all we had faith in Allah we did it and we got through the other thing that people objected that when we used to take shahada in the conference our peace conference was the largest Islamic English conference in the world where a million people used to come out and live in one setting 300 000 people there's no Islamic conference in the world English conference where such a lab Gathering comes and we should take Shada in public and those objection from everyone even even from the police have fun of the law of India is concerned every citizen of India has the right to preach practice and propagate his religions so I'm not breaking the law so when they told me that don't take Sharda in public after they give me writing and they never did that many people said that if you take organization will be closed and you should be stopped doing dhawa the only person who supported me was my wife I asked many shoes and according to their hikmah they said you know better don't give Shada you can do dawa for a longer period if you take Shada maybe within two years they're closing I said I agree with you if it is agree but I look at the overall benefit the reason that when we had peace TV and peace TV mashallah has reached the full network has a reach of 200 million viewers now the recording we did of the shadas in my lectures and in peace conference it's being played through the mashallah we are sitting here the dice and they're getting this we are sleeping and the recording is going on around the clock 24 hours on four different satellite channels now besides that there are 25 percent of the viewers of the peach TV are non-muslim yeah that was very surprising when you told us these numbers last night I was surprised to hear that I thought it would be you know all Muslims yeah no 25 maybe 20 percent it may vary from 225 and that's what is our normal when we have conferences organized by US 20 to 25 are not Muslims but organized by others the percentage of non-muslim would be less well then we organize we organize the feature that we target the non-muslims also so imagine even if you take the peach TV 100 million are watching that means 25 million watching and when they like Islam then what when they see that their colleagues or the non-muslim brothers are giving shahada it inspires them also sitting at home that we should give the Shada so then we realize the few Shada that we show on the satellite channel maybe 100 200. there are thousands of them taking Sharda at home now imagine I would prefer having the peace conference for five years we had in mashallah and hundreds of Shada recorded hundreds of which has been telecast if I don't give Shada I do agree with you maybe I would have worked for another 10 years in Bombay if I was in Mumbai I'd have been in jail now because all the top guys who don't follow the guidelines of the government or don't throw the line of Modi they're behind boss you should not have taken public I said by law it's allowed and I feel in the long run it is more beneficial now and I meet non-muslim they said oh we became Muslim because we saw fish TV so I feel that the sabab overall we are looking for sabab and how can we benefit you know Islam is going to spread how can we be a small Catalyst in the process of spreading the Deen Allah is going to spread the Deen Allah doesn't require us Allah has promised that and the rubbish that we are so I feel that what people say it's a mistake because of this zakira's banned I said no if I was given the opportunity I would maybe do it more maybe I would shoot more of the because I'm not breaking the law of the country it is not going with the policy of some of the politician that is a problem so I feel that if I'm looking back I don't think so that I don't think so that yes as a human being I'm not saying that I'm perfect but if you ask me that to go back in time and change I said no perfect doctor I will not make my son a doctor and I tried to study Arabic I went to Saudi Arabia a few times but Allah had his own plans you know I went for the best of teachers but I could not stay for long I plan I feel and when I'm in and I met you know I feel he's one of the one of the one of the best living scholars in the world and you're all very close to me and he told me that you know uh Dr Zakir I don't think so you should give start a channel in Arabic or give lectures Arabic he said why he told me that now the arable loves you you don't speak out of me then there'll be competitions interesting he's a great fellow and that's the same thing that happened in India in India I used to initially give lectures only in English when the Joint Commission of police in Bombay was a non-muslim he said your lectures are very good but I'll not be happy until you've given Urdu or in Hindi because that for the masses yeah understand and when we started the pistol Urdu I started speaking you know though it's not very polished but people start liking it but the people who were very popular mawlana you know and the people who were sheikhs in Urdu language they started maybe not liking it some even give the fatwas so far sighted that all these all these Indian Scholars used to praise me very good immigration in English you should listen to it when I started giving and when the audience increased for one lecture of my in North Indian Bihar there were more than a million people for myself which is the largest gathering for any religious speaker in one sitting one million people mashallah foreign I tried a lot when I could make my children learn Arabic I died a lot a few times I went to Medina I understand Arabic but not that well I will speak fluently so I feel this is the last planning if you ask me Arabic should know I don't know that's the different thing I am a different case maybe I love this plant if you want of course I would love to I would love to speak Arabic at the language very fluently like my son so what I felt I either that I didn't have I thought it I gave him my children graduates out there doing the Masters PhD also but I feel that in I find my life is concerned I think Allah planned it and I don't think so I would like to change anything what happened in the past beautiful one of the things I attended one of your courses here that you had here um you mentioned about being successful because people ask about the Dao technique and you said that the exercise in Dao it's actually more than the technique and I found it very profound when you said that and I actually wrote it down in the numbers that I had so if you could share that with us so the people can benefit from it as well how to be successful you said there's two things that come actually before that the technique itself there's a common question asked to me that rakir what is the success of your memory why are you so what is the technique of I said that number one for success as Allah says in the Quran in Surah Imran chapter 3 verse number 160 if Allah helps you then none can overcome you if Allah forsakes you who is there then who can help you so let the Believers put their trust in Allah so number one is Allah this is the most important question number two foreign then the next question people ask me okay what is the technique brother I am telling you the priority One Two Three you're asking me the third thing you should ask me how to get Allah's help you may be the technically most qualified number one you should ask me how to get Allah so in a dawa training program we show to a student how to get Allah's help for example before they come to the training program we give them homework for one month remember the Quran memorize this alone one month's time before they come to the before they come we give them homework money they are selected we give them homework for one month one month's time to do the homework and the training is for 45 days when they come most of them don't even finish two percent or three percent this is difficult we have told them to memorize all the 114 names of the Quran in Arabic along with the translation the chapters yes so we give them a list we try not possible you'll never find that by the way and when I do it sometimes in Arabic people like I said what the number the chapter when I was number this I say chapter number 12 what is in their thinking you know what is that because it was it came very very common for us now in English I think you made it more common you say chapter 12 and it's so reducing and so they're like what is this story they have to think about it the Arabs they're not used to have in the numbers of the chapters so almost all the students maybe did one two three percent of that's it we show them within a few days remember everything what they could not do in one month they do overnight they do it to us we prove to them how this possible most of the people you know most of the people sleep on average for seven to eight hours and during the training program even I did in 2016 when I was 50 one years old and they're written anomalously for three three and a half between trading a field for two hours and we're on the stage for about 12 hours and Allah so even they thought to it that if you strive and struggle with Allah so we showed them how to get Allah said we showed them how to strive and then the technique is there so best in any work any good work Allah help is the most important whether it be business whether it be study whether it be have anything whether it is an Open Secret it is a formula for any good work number one is Allah Allah second is best timing is struggling why should Allah help you and we see that the most difficult test were on the ambias a prophet said The Messengers are given the most difficulties and The Messengers were the highest amongst the human beings they strived much more than a normal human being the next level of the Sabbath they tell that the Sabbath underwent is multiple times within us the struggling and striving they did multiple times more than us they are the second level after the mbf so from here we learn that number one is Allah said number two is driving and struggling if you strive and if you don't get success the problem within you it's not in Allah Allah promises in the Quran that if you still haven't struggle he'll give you success so if you're not getting success that means you're striving and struggling is not sufficient or is it in the wrong direction all of the two amazing if you strive and struggle you get Allah Allah will give you technique it I haven't gone to any thoroughly I'm not going to any Islamic University I'm not going in it's Allah's help I cannot say I'm intelligent I am smart so in this training program we demonstrate to the students how it's possible to get Allah and we hammered in his brain that Allah has helped is the most important then comes driving and struggling then comes the technique and we show the technique but without Allah's help all your Technique is useless yeah when I heard that I said I had to write that down it was very beneficial uh benefited Allah um another thing I want to talk about uh we had a meeting we talked about you know the importance of establishing um a committee for the you know International Dua to bring them under one umbrella um you've talked about this before where you talk about it in other Gatherings as well any what is the reality that this might happen and what are the benefits if it would happen oh yes there was a plan of mine since several years that we should have a international Union of the English speaking dwats Muslim International Union of the Muslims Scholars ahead and but I always said that if we have this organization it should be effective otherwise it's useless every day has influence has his following he can do it but if it's an organization which is strong which is heard the most important thing because if you see the political scenario now it's very difficult for the Muslim dwars to travel or to do dawa their difficulty so unless there is an umbrella of a Muslim country which is willing to support this organization having such an organization would not be really beneficial so it was there in my mind you know since several years that you know many dwars have been targeted I mean right before the target you know that I was talking about the Indian government before that and we were prepared when we started dawa in Bombay I thought that you know when we when we get successful how long will you last so we thought maybe five ten years so if we look at the positive aspect we were prepared that we would be Harish to be prepared but never thought that there'd be an allegation of terrorism has been very kind so if we have an organization of the international English speaking Dua number one you should have an umbrella of a government because where will we register it most parts of the world you register it and if it's successful they will close you doctors so which country in the world would be willing to take the Brunt off the other countries there are very few in the world yeah so according to me there are there are two countries that can really be that can have this capacity or would be we see from the history that you know they have taken the the pressure so these two countries I feel are the countries where and that is the reason I travel more between these countries because these countries are willing to take the challenge you know if it's for Islam they will stand on they will not bend them like most of the Muslim countries where it comes to the truth if there's a political pressure they Bend so these two countries I feel that they know it's the heart from the Islam so they will stick to it because in Malaysia masha'allah Islam in the water Bank and that's good mashallah it's one of the few few Muslim countries uh where where being a democratic country where the Muslim and majority where it's about bank so what natural uh Islam is powerful and amongst the countries of the gulf I feel that Qatar is one of the country which is which we know from history that they have they have uh withstanded pressure they have given support to many of the Muslim Scholars and thighs or those which the world have not given support they've given so I feel these two countries so inshallah have a possibility of having this organization under the under under the umbrella of a uh it will be effective and my thing is that all the um mainly initially we start with you know having uh having meeting brainstorming of of the more influential uh those Muslim duas who have a bigger following and are more influential get them and do a brainstorming and then inshallah uh maybe in the near future we will have this organization another question I want to ask Kenny now that you know I remember anyway I first met him when I was at the peace TV conference in in 2009 uh you know he came with his uh his copy book and he said could you write some advice for me you know and I remember he's become a Sheikh mashallah and he's graduated and come back and he's joined you now and and I want to ask how is it for you know as a father the impact that he's had now he's joined your team like you said earlier you know he does one show and you do one show so if you could just you know tell any how how his impact has had since he joined the team and and I I mentioned to you earlier that you know um the famous NBA star in in basketball LeBron James he's waiting you know he doesn't want to retire he wants to wait for his son to join the NBA so they can play together so now Michelle you and your son are on the same team so I know how does that feel that's a great feeling uh and I remember when I had asked and while from again uh the person who I think is one of the greatest living Scholars and when my son asked for advice you know what is the advice so he said that normally normally to a high percentage a doctor's child is a doctor an engineer is an engineer maybe the percentage maybe if you are maybe 20 percent or but a day's child is a Scholar's child is really a scholar so true then he gave me a good news there are some exceptions so then I asked him that Sheikh wouldn't you want your son also to be a scholar like you he said of course but the unfortunate thing is that really does a dice then I started checking I said he's right um I don't know if any famous guy whose son has reached even maybe 20 of the same one or ten percent of the same and the Sheikh was right yeah but that doesn't mean that we don't want to make us die so and I remember that I just spoke today and when we had gone to his house in 2013 or 14. I'd gone with my son and my wife you know to meet him in Abu Dhabi so though I gave for my son that we pray that fariq becomes and that's the best Dua that I could you know people say and everything but Islam and today I just spoke to him just before coming for the podcast I'm speaking to him that we should make him you know and and started making that me and my son you know the multiple times better than me and me and with Allah and always pray that CV as parents we can guide our children but Allah is the one who keep them on the straight path we have examples in the Quran that children of Messengers they became they became confident you know and then we have a funeral islamslam's wife wife here you have example that mushrik's children became Messengers so I always say that whatever said and done whatever we do it finally Allah so what we could do we gave to our children but finally it's Allah and and I told him that only degrees and bachelor's degree a master's degree doesn't make you a very good guy and I say that all the dwars that you see all those people who pass from Madina University don't become thy families those who strive and Those whom Allah has helped they become effective will help you unless you don't you hear the lectures of other shoes you will not be successful only the degree okay little help but not for now alhamdulillah used to pray and we did what we can do but when my son came back uh you know he was here we had plans of doing Masters and pH in Saudi but then I said no he should be with me so after he finished his graduation he came back to Malaysia and he did a masters in Malaysia from the Islamic International University he did a graduation from uh uh Imam South University in Riyadh and then I said that you know Master they should do from Malaysia from Malaysia started to be close to me and alhamdulillah and then he realized that you know while answering questions he has he's a bachelor he's he's a qualified Sheikh inverted couples but then unless he did not do his own research his own his his own way how to reply when we realized okay the question is asked we did it but the answer is not there we know we are Bachelor but you know we have to learn research we have to do all struggling and that changed his life so after he came back masha'allah when he before he used to just repeat my lectures and that's what we tell that if you're a kid you cannot do this right you started giving lectures from the age of eight and if in school used to repeat my lecture then I said now you should not repeat management you have already you know your your subject very well compatibility even required you can give a lecture but do research on new topics so he started giving courses you know for the youngsters you know on different topics on topics which are which are less said you know who would like to be about the Rahman amazing part one and part two and then the Sunnah of the Fridays you know people don't know the minute details you know so of these things mashallah you know about our about the um the the important the first 10 days of the Legion so all these topics which are less spoken he started doing his own research and in the question of succession when we started I have to do twice a week then I found that you know it is stopping me from other parts of dawa so I made once a week when my son came back to Malaysia after free graduation then the first and third Saturday I handle the question and session let's ask Dr Zakir and the third and the second and the fourth Saturday done by give [Music] I feel compared foreign English is good so in terms of training and qualification he's thousand times better than me yeah I've been speaking a lot with him in Arabic these days but as I said whatever little bit I've achieved it's only because so I tell my son that you know you should try for all level how do you get a love help I tell him die for a die the most important is Saudi Arabia but maybe for a few minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes you know you can finish that just very fast also when he gave myself I said I'm not okay fine we come then we started having taju Salat two hours a day so one I should be for the resolution of the Quran floor recitation takes approximately 50 minutes and maybe 50 minutes for doing Dua in the faster amazing for 15 minutes for Dua 15 minutes and the remaining 15 20 minutes for the other parts you know of the Salah this is the therapy I think that you know that so many of the duat are missing and they focused like you mentioned before on the technique and on this but their their relationship with Allah I feel in in this generation of duat it's it's totally missing Superman even when it comes sometimes to the fart I remember when I when I first graduated when Chef used investors I always mentioned this in my lectures he said is it that he said you know you don't have five daily prayers he said you have six he says five is for the general people I said that you have to have the six you have to be in the tajut subhanallah it's amazing for the prophet you're the messenger I do agree with you that and and and and seeing to it that you know we should there is no appointment more important than apartment of Allah we have to be in the mosque in Japan yeah so that's foreign [Music] for a day it is further not islamically but if you say compulsory for a die I could say that but it's not fun it is I could say and then he gave a talk on the most important Sunnah after the variety so he gave a course it's a sixth episode the most important Sunnah after the foreign no one thinks it and then I give and approve to them logically that the most important amongst all the Sunnah of the Prophet is and and whatever training we do if if if the person did not he can leave it very easily so we only pray to Allah that may you know we say that you know keep us on the straight path that oh Lord after that was guided us keep us on the straight path that's what we've always pray I mean um you mentioned something last night which I found you know very beneficial when a brother asks you about the style of uh and you mentioned it at that time was in a certain way and it was very powerful uh and the the Christians had to change their approach as Christian missionaries because he refuted all of their misconceptions so they had to learn they had to evolve basically and come with new ways so he said also the duat also and and this time they have to evolve as well so if you could you know comment a bit on that very beneficial last night was that that is debate beneficial through the debate so I said they're pros and cons it's good but not the most required thing but during the 70s and 80s at that time the Christian missionaries used to do the machine active in particular style you have to pick up the Quran they used to find false in the Quran and they used to promote the Bible that the Bible is the word of God and Sheikh did that alhamdulillah who was only sixth standard pass he challenged the whole Christian dumb alone I mean no I mean no scholar can do that but Masha Allah he was only 600 pass you Allah said used to strive he used to struggle he was a Salesman and while I mean you were born in India and at the age of six or nine he migrated to South Africa because of his poor background family background you could not study and he was a driver from a Salesman of the furniture store and when Christian Mission used to come and Hammer and you tell him you know you're a Muslim and there are mistakes and all he didn't know what to do and then he found the book and that's how yes he used to go to the information he started replying while replying he got results and that's how he became the world famous so the thing is at that time you know I remember that I I told Sheikh did that you know in 1987 the first time I met him when I was in my secondary Medical College and her uncle why are you so aggressive is my answer son I'm not aggressive I'm militant myself and there are two ways to fight the devil one is the fire in the other is the holy water I chose the fire if you want to choose the holy water you're welcome I feel fine is more effective and that was put in my mind so when I started doing dawa I try to copy full matter memorized it and I in a very software spoke I got no results very little I said same matter I'm not getting results okay okay the style is important then I started becoming aggressive I became or rather militant I became multiple times more military injectors and you could see me and I got results people started in my lecture I was very militant but then with the experience I came to know that a die should be versatile so then I told down as Allah says invite all to the way of the Lord with the Wilderness and argue with them and reason with them in the way that the best chapter number 165 then out of experience we came to know that most of the time I'm soft I'm humble when required I can get it right but I see a line doesn't have to Roar the king of the jungle doesn't have to Roar so when people know some of my debates so I'm normally soft but when required you should be as bulletiness so I then tell my students you should be versatile excellent yeah the best is soft but be a bit soft and to me also what do people normally think about means soft um this is a misconception if you read the context of Surah chapter 16 verse 125 few verses before where the Ruku starts it says in Prophet Ibrahim is a beautiful example what is the best sometimes you have to be aggressive sometimes most of the time be soft but sometimes you have to be militant someone enters your house to Rob and you're going to be very soft not gonna happen let's talk about it exactly come up people think is what is the best for that particular time so then I trained my students that most of the time the types of being the abuse you you smile required you have to be tough so that's how mashallah we I I I developed a lot of experience and later on you know when Sheikh did that he has given the talk on simulator in his way which is using the fire then I give a talk on similarities between Islam and Hinduism and I told him Uncle this is holy water he saw it a shot he said Son they are cursing and you're smiling then he gave me the first he gave me the title 94. when he saw this then he gave the Shada when he was sick when he had the stroke he gave the Shada son what do you have done in four years had taken me 40 years to achieve of course it is greatness that you know just to encourage me he gave me that place I mean no one can come close to say that he's great mashallah so I'm not comparing myself to him at all but that shows his greatness that to encourage me he gave me the title in that plus to encourage me he said what you have done in four years are taking me 40 years he is but come to the thing that then I say that okay sometimes use fire sometime with holy water so when I give the talk of similarities between Islam and Hinduism how can you do dawa even to the Hindus alhamdulillah so uh coming to this in in terms of techniques in terms of being effective at the time of Sheikh did that what he did was the best see when you see The Messengers various Messengers that came along the line every messenger had a specialty at the time of Musa it was Miracles at the time of Islam it was so every depending upon what was required Allah gave that to those Messengers it was the purity of the Arabic language no one could produce that so at the time of Sheikh did that what he did was the best Act he was militant he had debates because the Christian Missionary openly challenged the Muslims and no muslim could reply they were using her their doormats what he did was the best but later on because of his success the Christian Mission is changed their style now you don't find missionaries coming and saying that Bible is the word of God you take out mistake they will not say that now they attacked the Quran in a different way so now our Styles have to change so I'm not saying that I don't debate but debating is not a must when required should be done so now a die should be more soft should try and reply the unfilled with Sigma try and reply the answer with reason logic and science so now the things have changed so I feel that that I should know how to debate when required should know how to be built and when required should not be soft it should be a versatility of having knowledge of reason and logic which is more important today so she did that that his time was right here debates it was a requirement now it's not a requirement because but when someone is there you don't find today people saying you know that Quran is all the World of War I have a debate with you all the top at that time the most famous version again today and he used to speak against the Muslims and he used to do his missionary activity today the people who are famous like Joel Einstein they don't talk the same way same way as uh for history again and now these famous people will never want to debate at that time they were willing now that's the reason that when someone now they may be Christian Mission won't debate me those which are infamous I don't want to make them famous but therefore I have a I have a criteria if anyone wants to debate me please be able to get 10 000 people for his individual lecture after I gave a talk where there were million people I said there should at least be two percent of my audience and I can get a million people for my largest gathering they should at least get two percent of my largest gathering if any non-muslim can get 20 000 for his lecture not a conference not a gathering with other speakers for his inner lecture I don't mind debating him that doesn't mean I don't want to debate there are I know hundreds of Christian Missionary hundreds of Hindu priests who can get more than 20 000 people but these people who are famous would never want to repeat me that's right the last one I remembered in 2006 when SRI Ravi Shankar who is one of the most famous Hindu preacher who gets audiences of 200 300 000 for a stock one person organized and he agreed for the rebate I doubt whether he will agree even if you give a million on again it was successful that was the last debate I had in 2006. so now I feel that debate is not a must but if someone is really trying to you know build it to Islam Etc of course how much is going to beat them two things inshallah before we wrap up uh one of them about Hindus I think you know many of the Duets they know how to give thou the Christians to atheists but like when you have a Hindu most people are stuck so if you could just give a few pointers what are the main things that you know when you focus on on giving a dollar I guess we give a whole lecture about it we want to summarize and a couple of key points and how to be effective in giving down with the Hindus as far as doing Dava one of the master key besides chapter 16 verse 125. the other is verse number 64. sorry Allah right which is the first term Allah that we worship so here we realize that one of the master keys for dawa is talking about similarities and in the simulator Allah says the most important is so I tell my students that when you're doing dawa you can start with sakuran in science you can start with literature no problem you can start with whatever's commonalities between you and then but your main target should be unless you don't remove the Sheikh from his life unless you don't put in your life all your is useless you may convince him not to have alcohol you may convince him what hijab you may convince him not to have pork but if you don't remove the shirik from his life or don't make him come on useless foreign which people wouldn't think that's there but the people don't know about hinduisms I remember the first time I gave this talk similarities between Islam and Hinduism the many many Muslims who are against me and when I give this dog the first time in Dubai there was a big group of Muslims guys who spoke against me they distributed pamphlets don't attend the lecture I said at least hear the lecture yes without hearing the lecture what can they be similarity with Islam Hinduism blah blah blah I said okay fine German lecture after my lecture if I've said anything against the Sharia anything against the Quran anything then you can catch my clutter then you can catch my color I gave the talk which was for one and a half two hours and people are shocked I'm talking about the tahit in the description according so if you read this scripture there are many verses of and I don't intend giving a lecture but the Brahma Sutra of Hinduism is there is only one God not a second one not at all not at all not in the least bit so there are various sources in the upanishads in The Vedas talking about so when you're comparing Hinduism and Islam we don't talk about the negative factor when there are similarities there are multiple more time differences but we don't touch on differences we touch on similarities so number one while doing dhava is number two is people know about Prophet Muhammad mentioned in the Bible but very few knew about Prophet Muhammad also mentioned in the scripture and if you compare the mention of prophet Muhammad multiple times more than what he mentioned in the Bible by name he's mentioned 100 times in the Bible only once in the Hindu scriptures more than 100 times references it says that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him his father's name is servant of God that's the translation his mother's name is Amina he'll be born in a city of peace he left four close companions angels will help him in the battlefield somebody can't get more precise than that chapter number two verse number five seven eleven fifteen and he mentioned my name Ahmad he mentioned my name several times it talks about the details about his prophecies in great detail so this is the second point that a person should touch then it talks about Salah that how do the Hindus worship the worship of Hinduism known as it says you should fall on the ground and touch with seven parts eight patches no two hands the two feet the nose and the foreign Makkah in the in the scripture not of alcohol you should not have spoke how many people know Hindu scripture says that you can marry up to four women they put it at four huh so the thing that there are so many things which allay Hindu doesn't know I'm giving references so after the talk and I'm giving references yes there are differences also but I'm not touching the differences so I say that if a Hindu so I tell I told the Indian government why don't you teach Sanskrit to the Hindus so that they read the scripture then they come to know then the Muslim the Hindu will be more closer yes and I've written a book on similarity between Simon Hinduism and even a lecture is there it's about two hours so all the details are given here you can put the link in Channel description the the last question any you mentioned something last night which I I found very powerful which was in your wish before you die but Islam entering every home so I think so that could be a good ending in general if you could any uh talk a bit about it yes people normally ask me that what is what is that what you want to do so I always say that I pray to Allah that you know the Hadith of the Prophet that inshallah enter every home so I pray to Allah that to Make Me instrumental he doesn't require me he doesn't require anyone to Make Me instrumental in the Fulfillment of this Hadith that inshallah Islam will interview um be from those who help inshallah spread the message thank you for your time thank you for coming thanks it's a pleasure to be with you tonight inshallah
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 32,989
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Keywords: islam, muslim, muslims, islamic, quran, koran, allah, muhammad, mohammed, mohamed, prophet, hadith, sunnah, shaykh, imam, lecture, khutbah, khutba, ramadan, bilal philips, sufi, salafi, hanafi, hijab, nasheed, nashid, almaghrib, dars, halaqa, bayan, convert, revert, shahada, dawah, da'wah, maher zain, sami yusuf, atheism, science, atheist, qur'an, recitation, surah, afasy, religion, religious, deen, madhhab, shia, sunni, Abdur Raheem McCarthy
Id: gjJ9YIlbXbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 42sec (3762 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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