can you tell us your daily routine Dr Zakir Naik #hudatv

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kindly tell us in brief the daily routine of Dr sahib so we can also take lessons from it how to lead Our Lives the question from Bihar the best person to take lesson from his beloved foreign says that we have put him on the Pinnacle of the highest and Earth of characters surikal object number 68 verse number four including sorry Amber chapter number 21 that he is the best example as far as my routine is concerned one of them was already answered in the earlier question that in Bombay has to sleep for about three to three and a half hours on average sometimes like sometime more when I did when I came to Malaysia I did Hijra and I sleep on average about three and a half hours to four hours including sometimes I do asleep in the afternoon which is a Sunnah but not every day all put together on average about three and a half to four hours sometimes two hours sometime two and a half hours sometime four hours sometime five hours sometimes less sometime more the most important and the first for every Muslim in his daily routine is his Salah the first question that Allah will ask you on the day of judgment amongst your deed is about your Salah so every Muslim should first be very particular what is Salah and see to it that he offers Salah five times congregational in the mosque now because of lockdown if you cannot do and you pray at home in congregation Allah will give you equals like when you're traveling and you don't pray because they are traveling in the mosque because routinely you travel because routinely you pray in the mosque you get the mosque unanimously all the scholars say that praying Salah in the mosque is further says that if you do not pray in the mosque in congregation without a valid reason then it's the 65th major sun in Islam so I've done a calculation that in Malaysia I take the time from the time I do my Voodoo the moment I hear they are done I do the voodoo and gosh then I walked to the mosque it takes about five minutes though it's in the same complex where I stay but going down the left Etc coming back takes five minutes then bring funa in the mosque and then doing the Dua for a few minutes and soon after the Salah if it's there on average it takes about 40 minutes from the time I do my voodoo from the time I heard the other and from the time I come back some take about 35 minutes I'm meeting 45 minutes on average 40 minutes the five times Salah put together it comes to about 200 minutes then adding Masala to Doha which I normally pray after the sun is in between sun rising and Sun at the highest point that is the best I pray for Akash though the prophet said pray to rakat and as many times in two rakatas you can the profit most of the time prayed when I pray for a cut after the midpoint of Sunrise and the Sun and the highest point and even the tahajud put or put together it comes to approximately you know the 200 minutes comes to and plus adding the other minutes comes to about four to four and a half hours about two hours 40 to 300 minutes with the tajid ETC so the most important activity activity of mine is the Salah besides the farsala which are the 17 rakat two in the Fajr four in the Zohar four in the Assad three in the Maghrib and 17 plus 3 with the 20 also offer the 12 rakas that is the preferred recommended funa and that's total 12 rakat to after two before the Fajr Salah two plus two foreign that is the two rakat after the Zohar Salah two plus two four occur before the asarsala two raka before the Maghrib Salah and two rakat before the Salah all put together all put together with the first the weather and the Sundar 50 rakat sorry come to 42 then eight plus three put together it comes to 50 Rakata and four rakat is 54. so normally in Malaysia is minimum I pray 54. sometimes of Salah after the voodoo so on average I pre-56 at least once a day amongst the five times ago to most once at least so at least 56 I pray and sometimes much more when I was in Bombay I asked to pray the first every day and sometimes not always now I always and if I miss the sinner see to it that I pray as soon as possible so it's my routine that I pray all this is the most important part of my activity I know I spend a lot of time and this is the most important I spend more time in ibada only of Salah to Allah then sleeping and then of course I read the Quran ask for the requirement of my of my research of my talk Etc and the quranic verses that is there in the in the Salah and and the Dua removing all these things I have to spend on average earlier about 17 hours a day used to be 15 but because I have to go on holiday also it's counting only the working days about 17 hours a day and then removing the salad Etc pure would be about approximately approximately 15 hours that's double a normal worker spends about 10 other moving Salah etcetera seven and after eight hours so as to do pure work about 15 hours in the office towards the ending of my few years of my stay in Bombay I used to make it a point that because when my parents got old as to see to it that you know has to spend a lot of time doing dhava half the time I was outside the country when I was in the country the last few years that I stayed in in Bombay maybe you know in 2016 15 14 13. I thought to it that I had my lunch almost all the days that I was in Bombay with my parents software has to go and spend time with my parents with my mother and my father may Allah granted the free those to my father and my mother eight years old and I pray to Allah to give her health and lifted at a time which is the best for her and I used to spend at least one and a half hour with them having my lunch speaking to them because that the duty of a Muslim so that time then my time in the office became a bit one hour less sort of 17 hours became sixteen hours here when I shifted to Malaysia I increased half an hour of my time as I told you in in the in the slip and increased approximately 45 minutes to one hour in masala matajud became longer than before previously has to pray 95 percent time now it is 100 time alhamdulillah and God forbid if once in a blue moon once in several months if I get a plate and pay the Fajr but no time for the tajud I pray after the sunrise that was what the prophet did and my time for Salah increased by about 45 minutes to one hour and and my sleep also increased a bit more so about one and a half hour of my time when Salah and the other activities but yet there on average when I asked to give approximately approximately 40 hours a day here on average I give 13 hours a day removing the time for my meals on average I take about 20 minutes for my meal and sometime when I'm reading the news article it may extend for 40 minutes but I put the balance time for my news articles and most of my time is spent in the work of Allah spent approximately one hour for my family can be about one and a half hour in Bombay with average was a bit less you know during when vacation was a bit more all the Timeless Bombay on average was maybe about one hour not counting the vacation vacation and as to cover up my time when I was to go on outing for days together with the family so it is a Venn diagram here because I'm operating from home I give much more time than Bombay every day on average you can say one and a half at least an hour or two hours but this is a Venn diagram most of it more than 50 percent discussing with my wife I speak with my children on the phone so I'm seeing to it that while doing my activities of arise that is even praying and sleeping having the meals doing dawa it's for Venn diagram and people told me that while I was doing dhava that if I marry that will become less what I did I'm married within the field of dawa so after marriage my time for the hour increase before marriage maybe it was nine to ten hours after marriage my dawa time on average per day went for about 12 hours and also give time to my wife I'm sorry the ladies Wing so it was overlapping most of the time they see that they neglect the families I may not give every day a few hours but every day maybe few minutes sometime half an hour but we see to it that with my family when I was in one man even now when I was in India we used to travel in India at least at least three times outside Bombay in India and three times outside India out of which at least once was Haram every Ramadan since the last 20 years except the last couple of years and this year always the family spent about two weeks about 11 to 12 13 days in Makkah then next followed by a week in Madina this was routine which unfortunately we can't do this here and so it's a common time between many a time when we went abroad it was together for a dawa lecture tour while me giving lecture even my son gave lecture to the general public and my wife and my daughter and my two daughters they gave lectures exclusively to the ladies so imagine we are going for a lecture to adava tour and we're attending the conference or a lecture tour maybe five day Six Days Seven Days and most of the time we're involved in Dava I giving lecture my son also giving my my wife and my daughters giving mashallah and audiences large number mashallah for the ladies normally one thousand five thousand four thousand masha'allah and sometimes or many a times we extend the stay in that country for about two to three days and go to a resort and I have exclusively 20th 24th for the family so on average if you calculate besides doing our activities the average per hour is much more than a couple of hours a day alhamdulillah as far as my major activity is concerned when I was in Bombay I always have a habit of writing down where I spend my time I even calculate how much time I take from my doorstep to the doorstep of the mosque and I know it exactly I know the timing will take it's approximately three to family depending upon the life sometime it comes on time and if it is ready for me it's like three minutes if it delayed me take four minute if it stops in between more number of times it may take five minutes I'm very particular because time is very important I don't want to even waste a single second leave us every single minute so as to make a chart and in Bombay I know exactly that out of the earth that has to spend you know remove the 17 hours in the office removing the Salah time and lunchtime about 15 hours then became approximately 40 another day one third of my time used to go activity the administration of the channel and the graphics and supervising Etc one third of my time used to go for the school which was a large portion on average about five hours a day and you know traveling for lecture towards approximately eight percent doing research another few percent other activities one person at the full chart is there when when I when I shifted to Malaysia now yet my striving is the same maybe I'm sleeping half an hour a little bit of moibada but overall in terms of percentage it is close to what I was to do when I was in India Bombay here in Bombay my most of my activities was now oriented but it was more towards hardcore comparative Legion if maybe more than 50 percent when I shifted here here I continue to dedicate my life for the sake of Allah but the focus has little bit shifted depending upon the requirements and demands as far as hardcore comparative has little bit reduced but dawa is continuing amullah it has gone more towards atheism that's also but comparative religion is less because now the sector of the atheism is become the largest in the world it has outnumbered even the practicing Christian or the practicing Hindus or the practicing jewels there are by name yes the Christian Light the larger but practicing is a small then we have Diversified more into other activities and here after shifting to Malaysia after doing Hijra from India I meet more Islamic scholars mashallah meeting many people keep on coming regularly and the interaction is much more and amongst the direct activity it has shifted more towards the social media when I was in Bombay as to on average give maybe half an hour a month to my Facebook just giving guidelines maybe six hours a year and to buy the Facebook and my other social media another half an hour on the YouTube so total one hour a month maybe 12 hours a year when I shifted here and I wanted to increase on my social media activity alhamdulillah initially I started giving four hours only for the Facebook you know maybe two years back and restructured the whole thing because of which alhamdulillah today the followers on my Facebook is more than 22.4 million by the grace of Allah by the hell of Allah by the help of Allah it is the largest following by any religious speaker in the world whether Christian Hindu Muslim alhamdulillah and I realized that once you concentrate and you give it is more of knowledge based than before into knowledge based you know giving things more are important I started the series of the major 70 major sins and giving the authentic Hadith and other things now I'm in the midst of the series of the the signs of the ends of the world I finished the minor signs after Ramadan we will start the major science so more time was spent and recently about about one and a half months back we decided to Launch you know after that we had the YouTube and I started giving more time for the YouTube then it became collectively YouTube and Facebook about four hours and the YouTube alhamdulillah was hardly 400 000 after I took over exactly one year back one year two weeks back I took in April now Masha Allah the subscribers of the YouTube are more than 1.7 million alhamdul we also got the gold button last year after we crossed the 1 million mark and because of this mashallah the viewership on the social media increased and since one and a half month bike we decided to even launch our Instagram which we have recently launched just a few months before I'm done we launched the Instagram and we also launched the Twitter we also have the Pinterest so now we are on five ah social media platforms that's the Facebook is there since 2013 since about six and a half years the YouTube is in 2011 about nine years the Pinterest is last year about one year then we launched the Instagram and the Twitter these two just hardly less than a month back and the followers are increasing so now most of my time is going more on the social media unless on the peace TV because the social media is catching up and the followers are increasing and repeat Allah may we do more and one of the new activities we started is the live show that we're doing and this we started I never used to come on give live talks on the internet hardly maybe four other I can remember in my life for a maximum of five then we started this session then it was with Sheikh mamasala and now inshallah we cannot open the doors completely but we are doing twice a week in the month of Ramadan inshallah will be at least once a week inshallah inshallah every Saturday I've decided 11 30 Malaysia time so that it's a prime time in the Indian subcontinent which would be nine o'clock in India 9 13 Bangladesh 8 30 in in Pakistan and the gulf countries in Saudi Arabia it would be 6 30. and and Dubai 730. so this was in brief um you know I'm meeting more people than before I'd actually missed in Bombay has to meet hardly anyone because of the schedule and at that time it was you know we had a big staff of more than 500 people now we have less staff only two full-time paid employees have in Malaysia and three abroad and another few five or six managing the peace TV is all put together somewhere close to 10 to 11. stuff mashallah this wasn't brief weekend going farther than my activity is what I'm involved and how I spend my time but the main thing is not about the results the results are in the hand of Allah what Allah sees is you're striving as I said earlier in my answers Allah says in the Quran chapter 3 verse 760. if Allah helps you then welcome you if Allah forsakes you who is there then who can help you so let the Believers put the touch that if you strive in this Pathways he will open up your paths if you strive in the way of Allah so most important it's time in the way of Allah irrespective what you're doing I remember when I started Islamic Research Foundation that is about 29 years back you know my main activity was we used to print books for free distribution and I wish to give talks so I want and we used to print in a cheap press so as to check the covers and I have to distribute in four different categories you know best very good good and fair you know where the printing is not good the best quality which to give to VIPs the very good quality which to give it hand delivered people used to come and ask the good quality or the good people on the post and the fair quality General so we used to smash to spend maybe quite a lot of time in selecting the covers now we I don't even spend a second on that because we're printing in the best of best stock printing press and they do the checking so you don't have to spend any minute then I started spending time in checking the videos that is it correct there are no Islamic mistakes so whatever you do you do with sincerity and striving imagine in Bombay when has to give less than half an hour a month in Facebook and then I started giving four hours a day that's equal to 120 hours with 240 times more because that time Facebook was in my main activity main activity is Speech TV today peace TV has is continuing the production has gone less so I started doing Facebook oh I will not forget that term as to give you half an hour a month so now I'll give one hour a month no whatever time available then when YouTube came I listened the time on the Facebook I gave to YouTube collectively for us now collectively I'm giving about five hours on all the social media put together then the other research then they lecture so basic thing striving is important striving is in your hands if you strive Allah will give you success if you don't get success it's not Allah's fault it's your fault that you have not strived correctly this was in brief inshallah I'm sorry for I tried to say just I've only scragged the surface said only few of the a few of my points
Channel: Huda TV
Views: 13,933
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Keywords: huda tv, ahmed deedat, zakir naik, dr zakir naik, hajj 2021 live, dr zakir naik son, mufti menk funny, oral sex in islam, dr muhammad salah, sheikh deedat, zakir naik son, is music haram in islam, yusuf estes, ask huda, islam zakir naik, zakir naik on hinduism, forex trading halal or haram, mufti menk, is stock market haram, nouman ali khan scandal explained, share market halal or haram, how to do tayammum, prophet muhammad, is forex trading halal, ahmed deedat death
Id: gSAhnbwO4GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 20sec (1340 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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