THE SECRET HIDING SPOT in Secret Neighbor! (Funny Moments)

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another game another day house stay out why you have a chair do it King oh why didn't you guys keep throwing stuff at me I'm getting stuff thrown at me okay no more I lock the door why you kicking game not letting it there's no way that Gold's the neighbor again so you guys just stay out there I'll find the funds don't worry are you kidding me you're not gonna let us help hey who broke Matt who broke my gosh you guys need to survive we have to do teamwork okay teamwork mm-hmm I don't like fine work well you're you're you're all gonna betray me Oh tomato anyone like tomatoes around to you I am NOT the neighbor how dare you my goal is to fudge the key they're blocking doors a change stop following me funny huh keep doing this how come in my past I couldn't break the door oh that's so cool so you do this that you want a neighbor would say it I know yeah give me a good reason I shouldn't throw this hammer at your face you're dumb drak oh okay thanks boss oh can you stop I'm just trying to search for the key isn't still up here no it's not I am getting seriously annoyed okay this is a hammer oh uh I don't does anyone see it I do not see it why do you keep locking me in the trash goes on both of us a dude would stop okay now I'm feeling that Drock was the murderer dracco that was the murder already blocking you in ah because you're annoying no I just kill you usually it's the quiet ones yeah definitely rainbow rainbow you guys stop she's way too happy what whoa do you just hear that yeah it was the noise of us escaping neighbor you better hurry up it's obviously rainbow guys oh that's so cool no you must escape why are you looking at okay wait do you have the key to have it yeah I do wait that's a blue one you grab it get it lunar okay I got the key does anyone know where the door is cuz I still don't know to this day it's at the fryer to go back in that room I think that Chinese food had something in it food no it's a funny lunar don't go look at the Chinese food don't don't go look at it but but I like Chinese takeout it's my favorite thing to eat oh do you spell Chinese takeout funny yes in the room oh my gosh okay you guys are done why would I hurt you okay I have a key aha your key she's holding one of the keys Hoss give us the key funny I would love to give you the key I would love to give you the key I would I would love to give you the key okay I want to hug you what a hug oh stop guy are you dead she has taken your terrible where's the rest of the keys I didn't wanna take his human form anymore it's useless to me there's a blue key in the garage guys guys these keys are literally otherwise you guys are so bad at this game what's the point of being a kid when they already know her at the neighbor I know I think we should put some roll on well your knowledge say who the neighbor is okay I swear if you keep hurting these doors I'm just gonna no no no no no no she sees someone [Laughter] [Music] Drago how could you die there's so many keys left I'm not died oh you know that yet alive yeah lock the door it she can't open them I got this BAM there's a key in the garage guys if you're wondering don't like listening to the radio yes you like what's the radio yeah do you like PSLs oh why is the grown-up marking the keys that is a clue there but there's no key Jack my day a human form oh you better be what is she still saying then our pumpkin Wow the crows suck okay they aren't even showing me where the keys are no it just tells you what room it's in now you have to look for yourself that's drac oh you better help me what do you mean where are you I have keys but you're not helping find the keys and we're gonna die I am trying that how what is funny doing I don't know what she's doing I'm so scared you should be scared you should be very scared finally show yourself you show you yourself you pumpkin you show yourself I heard something are you that pumpkin come in are you honking are you what color what color just red just right I got I got gold Oh this house has a real oh nice money rainbow was screaming cuz she's in a room of pumpkins like everything's a pumpkin pumpkin come on come on come on I'm so dead and I'm so scared bunny she's cool this is torture why don't you just come on already a killer why huh what are you having what is that what is that wait wait what is that oh no she sees me it's funny get away from me and eat your soda pop some people say she loves my slaw tastes too much where is the last key where's the last key hello everybody jackal one more red key you can do it buddy oh my gosh oh my god where's the upstairs you bad at this guy's we suck we need to do better the neighbors too powerful you guys you're look hard no one helps find keys at all you know what everyone should have a man find a key so we could pretend to be each other rainbow keeps getting MVP clearly we all suck okay uh-huh so some we need a game plan yeah yeah okay why do you this guy so annoying he does this every time a flash hey if we played hallo neighbor in real life we'd all be okay why would you lock the door yeah just kick it down he's so annoying so shall we stick together no I think so what up divide okay do I look like every door any of you let's just go whatever I'm gonna go find keys well honey tries to knock that door down yeah I know I'm just gonna find keys - okay I'm sick of I don't think I need okay so annoying are you the neighbor no you always ask that the neighbor takes different forms sometimes form of a a duck sometimes form of a pumpkin I don't like the way this sounds I feel like rainbows the neighbor shutting the door behind me oh okay you need to go bring that wait what are you holding oh my god how'd you get in my room you what are you doing you Hey thank you hey hey no outside what are you doing you don't have to talk talking - I'm guarding the door you don't need to guard the door go upstairs and go look for stuff no it's just gonna catch me fine just watch the boy go to the doors okay I dropped my clue and you're alive listen Drago and funny are innocent so rainbows a bad guy how do you know Drac going funny or innocent because we're actually helping dude I found a key - I don't know why you guys are saying it's gold yeah someone so good standing here Stephanie are helping whoa it's a blue key already went oh do we may write a innocent I'll just bring all the keys ooh Gold is definitely the neighbor you guys should do we need a red key I got a red key don't need a key I need to find the stuff who's behind me my god I family didn't even see me the whole time go Ronnie we just need one gold key we just need a gold key just need a gold key funny okay I'm looking for the gold key okay wait you don't need blue anymore no you don't need that you just need gold that special gold key you know what this could go out the window cool the neighbors so weird he puts salsa in the bird cage you're weird rainbow that's gross that is something I never heard before Oh did you say golds Drac oh yeah okay so can someone protect me no you have it yeah what are the front I'll meet you at the front yeah just now Ramona oh this is the garage garden store chuckle chuckle what's why the store what's wrong I'm not coming in to kill you this one this one okay okay okay okay Brock I'm not all that bad you know I'm just your neighbor friend friendly neighborhood new yeah yeah yeah our friendly neighborhood creep I'm your friendly friend how normal does that sound to you neighbor when you come in Oh oh my gosh it barricaded everything this guy fine where are you nice job nice job unlock I didn't know you get to kill me yeah let's go let's go I think I threw a blue one out the window because you said you didn't need it we outside yeah okay Guyo just one more hi this charity throw at me mister I'm going outside what aside raid children Lucy she'll protect me be very afraid look for the keys able protect me wow you sure you threw a key outside see no key outside threw it outside a window because I thought we didn't need it so now she knows her outside I don't see there's no key outside guys okay did you start dinner something beautiful name do you loop it it's not oh no wait we need a red key there's a red lock at the bottom we need a blue and a red key men are we sure we need a blue key all right you know I think these need a red key honey there's a red key up there at the first drawer what open it well I figured you called her me funny get back no who is she standing there waiting for us why would you say it's not I'm over here no she's laughing she's in a pumpkin form or something no she's not she's not here I'm here rainbow you guys keep throwing salsa at her I feel like she like I'm here I don't see her I don't see okay I just let me make my way back hey funny did you check those drawers why she's clearly following oh my gosh rainbow what pumpkin how did you find me you enjoyed the secret neighbor don't forget to subscribe if you're new I think we did fairly well good job yeah we escaped and all it took was two games and it's terrifying rainbow go to uh you were too slow and like suspicious I wanted you know sneaky well you did a terrible job thanks for watching guys we'll see you in the next one bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,556,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret neighbor, secret neighbor itsfunneh, itsfunneh, funneh, the krew, funny moments, funny, moments, secret neighbor gameplay, secret neighbor pc, itsfunneh gameplay, let's play
Id: I2c9bP1fwEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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