The Secret Genius That Built The World's Fastest Car

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The fastest car in the world 0-60 in 1.74 seconds Over 1900 horsepower 100% electric power Was made by this guy A Croatian engineer that you  probably have never heard of. An engineer that is now in part responsible  for not only the future of his own brand, but electric supercars from  giants like Porsche and Bugatti. But his journey to get there was one  that would have broken most people Now, you’ll probably never  get to set fire to a supercar,   but you can set fire to your bank account… All you gotta is exchange some money with  some sketchy characters from the internet I can’t promise that its ethical, I can’t  promise that you won’t end serving hard time But unlike with the soap, now when you  drop your phone, you’ll be perfectly fine Thanks to dBrand The Grip case is precision engineered by   heartless robots to ensure maximum  protection for their fellow machine And dBrands skins can give your phone the  personality you’re lacking, case or not Robot City for the artistic edgelords 100% beef leather skin to match  your tasteless car interior carbon fiber to show how lightweight your brain is Or the new hot off the press,  Something skin to tell the world   that you love tech so much that  you named your first child Linus. And if you’ve already got  your grip case and skins,   you can get screen protectors, and even  retro darkplates for your playstation Those are actually pretty cool, damn. So go to and buy something Because if you pay them, then they’ll pay us,  and it's a win-win for everyone, mostly us., links in the description! Anyways, back to croatian supercars The engineer behind the car that  nearly killed Richard Hammond is   Mate Rimac and his story starts  in present day Bosnia in 1988. At just the age of 3, widespread violent  conflict broke out in Mate’s home. Later known as the Yugoslav wars, the soviet  federation of Yugoslavia was disintegrating,   and the rampant bloodshed forced Mate  and his family to move to Germany. But while free from the conflict at home, tensions  between Europeans continued through the 90s,   so just 9 years later his family  moved again, this time to Croatia. And with all the moving at such a young age,  Mate had a hard time adjusting in school. He didn't fit in with the local kids and  he was bullied for his Bosnian Accent, And so after school, Mate would spend all  his time by himself in his family garage. Tinkering and exploring the world  of electronics and technology. By the time he was halfway through high school,   his obsession with tech, and most notably  cars, was consuming every ounce of his time It got to a point that one of his  high school professors, Ivan Vlainic,   pushed him to compete in local engineering  competitions after seeing his unique capabilities. And it didn’t take long for Mate’s  brilliance to impress the outside world. He won first place at a national level competition   after designing a glove that  replaced a keyboard and mouse. When he got to college, Mate’s extraordinary  mind expanded to the automotive industry He designed and patented a car mirror  that increased blind spot visibility   and it wasn’t long before a company  reached out and bought his patent. To have his tech used in production cars,  as a college student, was huge validation. And with that small victory pushing him  forward, there was nothing stopping Mate Rimac Of course, he wasn’t just designing  technology for cars in a lab. He was a car enthusiast, and so  he had his own project cars too. Mate bought his first car at 19 years old,  and it was the ever iconic 1984 BMW E30 323i. And he did what any of us would do, he modded it. But unlike you or me at 19,  he didn't cut his springs,   throw on some knockoff wheels and  install LEDs to call it a build. Mate’s 323i was his ticket into racing,   and so he dedicated his time and money  to making it fast on the circuit. Well, that was until he blew his engine. But this is where Mate separated  himself from everyone else He didn't just rebuild the mote, and he  didn’t swap in an S38 or a small block. He stripped the whole damn thing  and converted it to an electric car. And if you thought he was going to race  that electric car, then you were right… But let's be real… if you brought your 1985 electric swapped car to  the track today, you're probably getting roasted   right from the drivers meeting, so imagine  everyone's face when he did it in 2006!? The track bros laughed at him for  bringing a washing machine to the   race track and asking if they could charge  their phones with his battery bank of a car But Mate wasn’t fazed by jokes, he’d been  dealing with clowns like this since he was a kid. And well, he shut them up quick Because, as I’m sure you can expect from  Mate Rimac, that BMW was a track monster. He set 5 FIA and Guinness world records in that   car.. Records for the fastest  acceleration and speed in an EV And he didn’t just leave it the way  it was, that electrifying E30 went   through 7 iterations of mods  until he got it jussst right. It became his life’s work, and he had  made such strides with that EV Bimmer,   that he decided to start his own  electric car company at the age of 21. He called it “VST Conversions”, With  VST being the formula for speed ( v=s/t) And VST did what Mate was already known for,   they took consumer vehicles and  converted them to electric cars. But it didn’t take long for Mate  to realize that VST Conversions   sounded more like a currency exchange than  a cutting edge electric car manufacturer. And even though he was a humble kid,   some of his friends convinced him that all  great cars were named after their founders. So not long after it was founded, VST  conversions was renamed to Rimac Automobili. Now you might think that this the  part where we talk about how Rimac   blew up and how Mate’s wildest dreams came to life But, even with all that ambition and talent,  Mate and Rimac Automobili kinda went nowhere. In fact, Mate remained the sole employee  at Rimac for the next two years. He just wasn’t growing; Converting ICE cars to EV just wasn’t  the huge market that he thought it was. And so Mate realized he needed to do  something different, something bigger Something that was far beyond  throwing batteries in an old BMW But to do something like that, Mate needed help,   he needed another brilliant mind to  complement his engineering prowess But it was just him in that Rimac office,  so Mate had to take to the Rolodex And there was one friend that stood out. Adriano Mudri. Adriano was a designer at GM, and he  was a close enough friend to Mate to   know all about the business, and  all about Mate’s unique mind. So Mate rang him up and asked, “Adriano,  do you want to build an electric supercar?” It was an insane ask, but  Adriano knew Mate’s capabilities, There was just one issue,  Mate was a college student,   and Adriano wasn’t just going to quit his day job. So the electric supercar project  became their part time pet,   one that they would work on  during late evenings and weekends Naturally, Rimac focused on the car’s  technology and Adriano focused on its design All the while though, Mate’s BMW was  still making waves at the racetrack. He kept winning races and breaking   records..and eventually.. The car  got attention, serious attention. A middle eastern royal family reached out to Rimac  and offered to be an investor in his company. They had seen his work put to the test and were   tantalized by the idea of Mate  creating a dedicated sports car But of course, he didn't have  the manpower or the facilities. And that's exactly why a cash injection would  be life changing for the future of Rimac So he took them up on it, And with this newfound cashflow, Mate  put a team together that he could trust, A variety of experts, all of whom understood  the vision that Mate and Adriano had created They named the project “Concept One”, and  with the technologies they were developing,   it seemed like only a matter of time before the  world would see an extraordinary Rimac creation But, it turned out, behind closed doors,  things weren’t going as well Mate hoped The team was talented, yes, but they  were inexperienced, and without a solid   business background, the company was burning  through their cash reserves at breakneck speed And remember, it wasn’t their money,  it was the royal family’s money. And what Mate didn’t realize was the  issue with bringing in investment,   is that you also bring in influence. The investors felt they were too far away  from Rimac to keep an eye on the company And seeing how quickly Rimac was spending  their money without delivering a single car,   the Royal family gave Mate an ultimatum. Rimac was to pack up in Croatia and operate  closer to them, in Abu Dhabi to be exact. And if they didn’t, well, then  the money taps were shut off. But Mate had made Croatia his home. He  had built his entire foundation here,   despite the countless obstacles. And let’s not forget, Mate had to flee his  home once before and it wasn't by choice. This time, though, he did have a choice. And his choice… was to stay. Money be damned. This was Mate’s home, this was Rimac’s home. And he wasn’t going to leave behind  all his friends and employees that   had helped build up Rimac in the first place. So, the investors dropped out, And Mate was left with the  responsibility of himself,   his family, his employees, and the Concept One And this, this would be the point  that most would crash and burn. But Mate was a visionary, So he  did what any great visionary does,   when doors are closed in front  of him, he forges his own path. Rimac may have not had a  finished electric supercar,   but they certainly had developed  a lot of the technology behind it And so, Mate thought, Why can’t we  do the same for other companies? So Rimac pivoted, and became an  automotive technology consulting firm. They started designing and  manufacturing batteries,   electric motors, & software  solutions for car manufacturers, and in many cases were even fully  developing clean slate electric powertrains And their clients weren’t just  some no name manufacturers,   these were industry giants like  Koenigsegg and Aston Martin. And over the next year, with client  after client and project after project,   Rimac managed to turn themselves around and keep  the lights on. No outside investment needed! And in 2011, at just 23 years old,  Mate introduced the first official   Rimac at the 2011 Frankfurt Motor  Show, the long awaited Concept One! The world had never seen anything like it,   it was the first ever electric hypercar  and it showcased Rimacs potential The 4 electric motors made 1224  hp and 1180 ft lbs of torque! And with an estimated 0-60 in 2.5 seconds,  there wasn't much else that could beat it Keep in mind this was over a decade ago! And now with Adriano Mudri  now joining Rimac full time,   and the world beginning to finally  recognize Mate’s brilliance, Rimac finally had the springboard  to bring the Concept One to life. Of course, it wasn’t quite that easy. It took another 5 years before  the first production Concept_One   made it to market, that one made  for a Spanish engineering company, And the initial projected run of  88 cars was cut down to just 8, But nevertheless, production was happening! And along with that came significant  investment. This time from more legit sources. Everything was finally  clicking into place for Rimac. That is, until Richard Hammond decided  to get behind the wheel of one. It was June of 2017 The Grand Tour was on its second season after   a triumphant rise from the ashes of  Jeremy Clarkson’s Top Gear “fracas” And the first episode of the series  was an exposé on the Past, Present,   and Future of sports cars,  with the future being Rimac. The boys took to a hill climb in Switzerland,  and for most of the day, everything went well Until Hammond’s last run in the Rimac. He approached a corner carrying far  too much speed in his Concept One,   and lost the rear end under braking The car broke through a barrier,  slipped down a steep hillside,   and then rolled end over end a number of times. The car landed upside down, and emergency  crews ran to pull Hammond out of the wreckage. Thankfully, when they pulled him out,  his only injury was a fractured knee, But not long after they got him  out, the car burst into flames Just a few moments late, and Richard  Hammond would have been no more. It wasn’t good press for Rimac. Sure, it was Hammonds fault for crashing the car,   but with EV fires already  in the automotive zeitgeist, It was a big blemish on Rimac’s reputation to have   a burning Concept_One plastered on the  front page of dozens of publications. But Mate wasn’t the type of person to lose faith People always looked down on him,  people always counted him out But he always kept pushing And in 2018, Rimac introduced  the Concept_Two to the world. And this… this was a step up in every  way from the previous generation. A Hyper EV with 1914 horsepower  and a 0-60 time of 1.85 seconds. Not to mention a full suite of autonomous   capabilities and 400 miles  of range on a full charge. It was insane, seriously unbelievable specs Genuinely! Many people just did  not believe a small company from   Croatia could produce a car that the  world’s major manufacturers couldn’t. That is until, a few months later, Rimac  got the validation they had always deserved. Porsche, yes that Porsche, announced that they  would be a leading investor in Rimac’s future. Mate would remain majority shareholder, of course and Porsche’s investment would lend them access to   Rimac’s expertise in developing  world-leading EV technology. For Mate, this was the boost they needed to  take the Concept_Two forward, and not long   after they renamed it to something that better  symbolized the ethos of an electric hypercar. Nevera The Croatian word for a violent lightning storm The Porsche money also helped them build a   manufacturing facility for  the Nevera in June of 2020 And while they were getting  ready for Nevera production,   Rimac took perhaps its biggest step yet. Porsche, as many of you know,  is part of the Volkswagen Group. You know who else is part of  the Volkswagen Group? Bugatti. And Bugatti, once considered the  cutting edge of hypercars, had found   itself looking very old fashioned  in the age of electrification. So, in a an effort to push hypercar  development, Porsche created a joint venture, Bugatti Rimac. A collaborative effort to take Bugatti’s  100-plus year history and combine it   with the technological advancement of Rimac Group. And along with the joint venture came  hundreds of millions of dollars of funding. By August of 2022, production was underway,   and Nico Rosberg became the  first owner of a Rimac Nevera, And to further prove their dominance in the space,   Rimac went on to top even its  own ridiculous spec sheet, Taking a production Nevera from 0-60 in just 1.74s And setting a ¼ mile time of 8.25s Not only making it the fastest electric vehicle,   but one of the fastest  production cars in the world And to think, all this started with a boy, cast  out of his country, alienated by his peers, Who devoted his time to curiosity and learning Who, with enough time, and through enough struggle Achieved things greater than  even he could ever dream of Thanks for watching If you want to support Albon, buy a  shirt and tell us about it on Discord. Or hit the link to our Patreon and join us there. I’ll see you in the next one.
Channel: Albon
Views: 141,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rimac, Mate, Concept One, Nevera, CTwo, EV, Electric Car, Hypercar, Supercar, Fastest, Richard Hammond Crash
Id: iIrWFRbelUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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