Unleash Your Artistic Potential with Confidence

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behind all your Concepts all your technical Talent is one ingredient that ties everything together and brings your art to the next level and that's confidence howdy everyone I'm John kenific and welcome to my channel where we focus on the creative mindset for all visual artists you may have been born confident and if you are I'm sure you're not watching this video but still I applaud you um I however was not my shy infj temperament never lend itself to the Swagger that I thought most others had and I have to admit that after 35 years of working as a creative it still crops up from time to time but I've learned how to overcome self-doubt and to really enjoy the art that I make so to save time I'm going to cut to the Chase and tell you where all this talk of confidence is leading and that's the Mastery of your art but that's just where we begin I want to talk about confidence and Mastery in a very holistic way it isn't just just um experience and practice there's so much more to it so let's just dive in the first thing that brings us confidence in Mastery is our own unique style consider the renowned artist Yayo kusama whose distinctive polka dot and infinity mirror installations have left an indelible mark on the world of art was she the first to explore circles or dots well no of course not there was a whole host of early to mid-century painters experimenting with the very same shape however it was kusama who fearlessly EMB her Unique Style that not only defined her career but also inspired countless artists worldwide the subject in this case the circle is almost inconsequential it's how we interpret these things that say everything about our style and to that point kusama confidently owned her style until the world began to wonder if she did in fact create the circle the second is learning continuously Art's most famous polymath Leonard Da Vinci never ceased his quest for knowledge from from Anatomy to engineering his curiosity and commitment to lifelong learning not only fueled his artistic Brilliance but also set an enduring example for artists today and for me this is one that at times can be tricky I initially thought that if Mastery of your art brings confidence when we continuously put ourselves in situations where we're the student or beginner doesn't that work against our confidence well at first yes but when you consider that Mastery of anything is relative even Masters are learning you realize that although you may initially feel intimidated by new challenge or discipline know that it all adds up to your multifaceted approach and makes your Mastery that much more complete the third is to overcome the fear of failure Picasso once said I'm always doing that which I cannot do in order that I may learn how to do it his Innovative approach and willingness to push boundaries exemplify overcoming the fear of failure it's important that we all Embrace each artistic experiment as an opport opportunity to learn and to take on new forms of expression now also consider that we're talking about Mastery of your style although every experiment may not be the success that you had first envisioned you are the CEO of your style and knowing that should be a grounding fact to gain confidence and to realize what to incorporate and what doesn't fit into your work the fourth is to show your work and to look for feedback if we explore the trajectory of contemporary artist Banky known for his politically charged street art we see that his decision to share his work with the public albeit anonymously has sparked Global conversations his approach clearly points to us using social media platforms local exhibitions or public spaces to display our Creations this exposure and response will contribute significantly to building your confidence as an artist this is something that I didn't do until later in my career although my client work has been seen globally what I was doing to move the needle for my brand was almost non-existent leaving my art to live on my computer or on my walls which is unfortunate it's a very sad thing to create art that no one will see since then I've shared my work and it makes all the difference and I would have to say that actually even getting a bad comment or review about a piece is much better than it never seeing the light of day once we consider constructive criticism it becomes a key part of our confidence frea koo's CA self-portraits reflect both her pain and resilience she actively sought feedback from fellow artists and critics using their insights to refine her work constructive criticism serves as a powerful tool for growth that ultimately bolsters confidence in your artistic journey and when we don't get that constructive criticism consider the Journey of Jackson Pollock a Pioneer and Abstract expressionism he faced both criticism and a claim for his unconventional drip technique developing a thick skin Pollock stayed true to his artistic Vision again building both Mastery and confidence it's good to take a moment to consider his resilience and understand that like Pollock if your work is different from most it will be your confidence that will stand with you in furthering your style our fifth approach is to share your expertise sharing your expertise is powerful for both the giver and the receiver of information along with showing more of my art my teaching and mentoring not only solidified my understanding of craft but also reinforced my identity is someone constantly redefining Mastery by continuously showing others I created new questions to ask myself and don't be surprised if you learn something from your students although they come to you for guidance their untrained naive approach can sometimes show Brilliance and asking why something can't be done from a very pure sense of not knowing and witnessing the impact your expertise has on others becomes a powerful confidence booster so now we wrap this all up with Mastery equals confidence as Michelangelo once noted the perception of his Mastery might diminish if people knew the extent of his hard work consistency is the key to building expertise and confidence devote Focus hours to your craft experimenting with techniques and persevering through challenges also remember to acknowledge and celebrate each Milestone regardless of its size recognize your progress and take pride in your accomplishments these celebrations serves as powerful affirmations of your growing expertise this for me uh was non-existent in the past and I'm guessing it might be for a lot of you too when we finish and Achieve something it's on to the next thing in our art and sometimes in our life and to correct this is actually nothing more than an exercise and mindfulness and I can tell you from experience that when I did take time to reflect on an accomplishment and even reward myself sometime it worked wonders to build my confidence one more thing I would also like to add that viewing your art on a regular basis letting it physically surround you is a great way to live and breathe your style and your Mastery seeing the Common Thread through all your work and knowing that this style wouldn't exist if you didn't make an effort is a great great reminder that Mastery equals confidence and to set you up for Success remember that none of this is a quick fix but a develop Mastery that understands your art and knows why you create it will after time make you almost bulletproof to those who question it and will increase your confidence okay so I'm done for today but before I go I'd like to leave you with the words of American novelist Alice Walker who said the most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any thanks very much for watching see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: John Kenific
Views: 5,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: confidence, artistic potential, creative mindset, visual artists, boost confidence, developing confidence, confidence tips, artistic development, creative inspiration, visual arts, confidence boosters, creative journey, boost artistic skills, artistic confidence, unleash potential, boost confidence and self esteem, confidence building, artistic journey, self-confidence, developing mindset, confidence artist, frida kahlo, yayoi kusama, jackson pollock, michelangelo, da vinci
Id: 93SE7WcMvTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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