the secret behind the retrofitted hemlok skin in apex legends

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all right now we've hit reg fix so we could hit all of our shots it's time to use the legendary retrofitted hemlock skin it's all evil when like oh it does all this different stuff when you get kills with it wow i know let's go to quest why do you always leave me and i am yuch i got quite a few kills in the previous one you deserve that one brad no not kill zoo brad you'll never be retrofitted like my hemlock let's go to the octagon that's my favorite place oh thank you what did you make it what oh yeah i did i was born there straight out of the womb oh cause you're playing octo yeah newly buffed retrofitted oh my god guys you guys will guess what i have no way is it a retrofitted hair retrofitting hemlock do you want to find a do you want to find another hemlock together so desperately looking for a retrofitted hemlock you guys are just ruining everything in my life i'm not trying to ruin things i'm trying to make things cooler by retrofitting it stop to my my desires and capabilities okay i think the word retrofitted is losing some meaning is this happening right now give me that no you guys are trying to do that i just have my retrofitted hemlock skin i just wanted a retrofitted hemlock stop there's that's fine take it let's go i want to kill people now i am i wanted the wingman actually i do really i just wanted your women i'm going to retrofit them to death please tell them to stop i want to retrofit their lives yeah do you want to retrofit each other retrofit yeah i don't think they're going to retrofit in me todd nothing can fit in you you're too big i cracked him i cracked him very nice crack his life i cracked his retro wait i'm out of here retrofit this retrofit oh no you guys gonna retrofit that into your resume i can't retrofit that in my resume why is that i'm gonna be okay i'll be fine they're fighting each other you can't get me what are you doing now they're gonna know you're here oh they're shooting at you oh my god unaware oh you're right yeah you retrofitted back to life oh now they retrofitted her to death oh my god another team yeah there's three teams all your fault there's slight chance of winning did you have your gold armor i mean i really retrofit into these jeans so well would you like to come back in the fight just like this not really i guess so all right talk punch these guys gonna be fun punch yeah punch in okay oh no i'm using retrofist them am i right where's my retrofist the retrofits are coming in i'll be there in 10 seconds punch it out i don't think i did any damage this match either god damn it this is gonna be the worst wait what's the damage i think it's zero oh my god it that's it so they fixed the hit wrench and todd still can't hit uh well look that's why i can't hear anymore make sure we're on this side why are you gonna fit me into a coffin you guys both went in different angles should have come with me why watch todd's about to die i did more damage this match than last match good job please help me oh no fight todd fight ping and touch i don't know oh they're here hold on thank you no alyssa you who it's like do i save alyssa retired and todd's closer i'm closer and i i need more help you get him so i hope you get shot in the face please heal yourself yeah i can't i literally can't i got two beds for you like thanks man where is it where's my retrofitted uh hemlock run alyssa if you get down there you're dead forever now if you're down there we can get you you might better get yourself there i've almost got jump pad like i got my out oh then you said right now i'm gonna quickly use it right now hey he's right now i got a heel hey up here use it everything's fine again i did my oats look it's a distraction what the hell what happened to that i don't know we're gonna back away todd give me give his hurt yeah i know but you're hurt too wait no you're not there i am now no i'm not killed one i killed one what about the rest of both they're both right here one oh bloody good well done easy i totally look too easy if you ask me games that's so easy you like that yeah a little too easy did you need a retrofit yes i do oh there's one over here you see uh if i get kills with this gun it does some special stuff and it evolves what does that mean yeah that's the whole reason why i'm using it and also it's what does use what does that mean it evolves it evolves we'll explain it has glowy stuff next to it didn't only the battle pass final skins do that apparently this one too give me the definition of retrofit i can't i forget what it means i've lost all meaning to put a thing on a thing maybe very nice alyssa oh thank you thank you but thank you uh no i did 80 thank you very much for a freaking killed them double up don't talk too slow am i right no please okay yeah yeah i gotta kill them look i got one i mean with the retrofitted hemlock wow oh my god we're busting predators of course odds the ar boys haha it's me yeah i can kill any predator just by a simple looking at the lack of retrofitting them with with capabilities that make them die every time retrofit is said in the video take a shot no brad please don't kill me people i'm okay i'm i'm like i saw your logo shop and i thought it was them oh [Music] hey there's a purple armor in here oh wait no never mind it's just a phoenix kit ah i got oh hurts retrofit the top i've got to retrofit my arm someone more more retrofitting okay i've got a retrofit i can't see them i can't see anything oh i found him i got himself behind you they retrofit me they're going to come across another picture with their bullets really close beat out run away i retrofitted him run i'm going to retro hide under here i'm retro running away nice good retro run recharging can you tell us that they're fighting another squad i don't know man i'm under a a table what do you call this chairs no stairs they're called stairs they are fighting okay cool that's the whole reason why you're alive taught me that request crawl i'm in a safe spot here oh in a tree i'm literally respawning right here that's good let me just get todd nice tree man thank you man forgetting me all right we need to kill the good guys the predator there's a predator and a diamond they're shooting each other they're shooting each other good guys all right reference okay there's a ranked portal there okay oh that's a good one i think yeah that's one of the big ones oh bloodhound's so low this one this one this one's good right on me right there take him down boy track him oh they're already dead i did nothing one more uh the predator's still alive all right i'm healing and it's a wraith oh yeah the predators are down with the predators you know what cool night get it okay oh watch out for that oh god i can't climb up this wall i'm gonna get killed because of the rock damn hit ranch am i right oh man i can't believe they fixed it and it's still happening to me every time i shoot up here on these uh little thingies nice little thing you like my thing todd yeah little you like it a lot yeah it's quite small isn't it good little little thing i'm gonna retreat another one on it nice to make it a double i wait where are they i want to retrofit myself they showed us maybe they're going to the drop wait hold on is this even an evo type of gun what i wouldn't think so oh my god am i wrong i think you're wrong man it's probably the last hemlock but hey now we've made a meme about it so you know it's still fine don't be sad about it please this whole video idea is ruined no i know i swear it doesn't it's like a little thing how many kills are you on seven well then why isn't it doing it if i were you i'd be so foolish i want to retrofit my brain all right with upgrades to make me think better because you were so dim for thinking that still friend i made this whole retrofit joke for you and you know what it's just a waste that's why i was so confused at the start of the video like what is this gun what do you mean i swear it doesn't wait use your roll and then he use the sizzle escape yeah which one's the real one [Music] that's unprecedented never before has something been so retrofitted i'm looking it up is it really not a thing it's why would you think it is i'm so confused in the apex trailer i'll go get him go get him you get the first punch go it's the real one who's the real one oh god i'm gonna watch go come on oh which one where did you just draw one here's the real one who's the real one i'm sorry oh you're over there i'm over here all the way over here watch your decoy punch your own decoy get out come on come on he did it everyone i did it i did it well fifth's only challenge done devotion is so opie no my fist is a i remember my position why is the hemlock evolution skin let's exa investigate this adventurous new set of legendary items oh okay i'm looking for trouble where is it featuring an adventurous new set of legendary items and it shows the wingman and the legendary hemlock and i thought it meant it was cool like the evolution thing because the legendaries have only been evolutions and then they showed it so i thought it would be it [Laughter] god damn it jesus dude we're not even close to the octane's playground thing where do i go where else how about then we can attack people in artillery i got a hemlock you've got the retro retro evolution thing yeah oh it doesn't it's not what kind of color does it make does it move yeah yeah it makes the blue color wow you should be upset well you shouldn't be upset you should feel pretty dumb you should feel done yeah thanks guys and you're welcome no oh well goes to kill him folks what pretty guppy oh my god no brad how we not kill how what get in there okay you're the worst well i just got here you ran it without me all right come on you can take him out i'm really all right oh my decoys resonate that's crazy where are they just talk you got this time oh my gosh oh my god you're so cool you're stuck at this game i'm kind of a cool gamer i'm trendy gamer there you go i'm doing spaceship oh my god beautiful living the dream baby oh no i mean i'm trying to get the damage first throw a grenade in there oh wait no grenade retrofit get in there that's retrofitted as hell i'm not even here you'll be there soon they figured out which decoy i was we're all dead help us all he ran away i'll get toddy quest and thanks for helping me up his little bread he's very close to myself that's epic because his job with the rest of the world i'm literally can't that is the case it's true it's very true got him nice take it easy take it in i'm gonna go grab the armor they're after either you please run me yeah yep oh god oh just in the nick of time did somebody say nick that's my name that's my secret name that i have 20 questions guys are going great did you like my retrofitted attacks where's the gold armor do you like when you i call myself nick and i don't know where that came from it was a very yeah i was confused did you take the gold armor bread no what where'd she die oh there it is are they fighting let's go hey i got again i got scanned oh no no no they know yep why there's someone up there yeah i know okay what do you mean maybe what are you brad why because i'm here don't fall down it was kind of good look i'll admit that wasn't a great play brad okay and we're gonna forget about that they're coming they're literally jumping on us what that's okay you do the same thing that they miss just keep healing oh they miss bed not too happy with that one to be honest it's crap i got it wow and follow me on instagram oh my god oh can i go let's get this let's get this i've already picked up i'm already picked up oh i'll go resin i'm gonna i'll protect for a little oh oh brad please don't die otherwise this is the end they'll grab that guy though and they have a respawn too but we got loot here i'm back well not back back where should i put my old just where would be the best yeah i'm coming you know this is all your ideas sir yes so then kill them everything that's happened so far it's on you i'm coming man my last guy yeah we can't tease it's too oh we can tease the last guy thank you listen no problem you're welcome minister no no no no no no we didn't even know i wanted to tease him it wasn't him who was it was a bloodhound right yeah but did he crawl he's just he's dying there no come on boy come on we could watch him as he died bloodhound well i've almost got the jump pad come on [Laughter] what happened just then guys are the best that was a good strategy i still disagree i still i highly disagree with would have been better if we all jumped in together that was a todd play right there that we did all right it worked because alyssa popped off at the end did i yes guys look there's a this is the thing let's go east side together why is there nothing no give me a weapon i shouldn't have come to my normal spot i'm sorry i'm sorry okay is that what you want from me yes i'm dead i'm dead okay i'm lagging oh no i'll punch him who's dip is give me boy he's like one brad i got no gun you can take the shot how am i not hitting him gippy is gone he's gone let's do it let's bring him back right here okay who cares if todd's lagging he's lying it's so bad i was like gone and then i got yoinked back and like shot to death snipe him oh the powerpoint is low can i have another one are we so close to both of them oh both of them are so so let's go oh oh no one nice no the other one the other one's over here somewhere you got him yeah there's definitely one other guy somewhere oh no i'm dead i found him there's two people on the roof over there oh there's one person over there as well oh i need ammo it's a guy on me for some reason i really really need ammo i need uh i'm going to the roof sniper i need a sniper oh there's a lot of people there's a lot of people i broke someone's what the okay that's good actually you're back tired good yeah thanks man oh my god i just wasted my last shot the best time for me i need oh this guy's got people on top oh let's go let's go that's it that's all of them they did good shot i think there's another team still there is there is oh there it is no that's that's not cool man yeah that's like i'm gonna have to report you to the feds to the cyber police oh todd anything about that i don't want to go back there oh there's the hemlock thank you alyssa i don't have room for knocks done you're not bothering me is more like what's the gun skin cold no one remember please i don't i don't remember yes i'm free look at the top there's the drop there's a drop let's go nearly broken you hit her and then for some reason triple takes being like buff nerf jump pad it shows that it hits them but it makes them glow and i couldn't see them it was buff nerfed is that what you said yeah blessed oh no what are you gonna use oh no they're coming what they're raising he's raising the closest one aha i'm in the sky you can't oh my god i'll take to the skies i'm i'm not oh no i've gone the other way got it they're healing i'm gonna go all the way over here brad and hide jump out to me i can't i'm nowhere near what there's a jump head right there oh my god i'm gonna die how high can your voice go it goes higher the more i think you have to die though milky i think you have to what about me no i think you have to run and then we have to die and you can raise us unless we're like super lucky yeah they come there with you goodbye cool world oh so close too another team yeah it's over goodbye goodbye everyone goodbye goodbye good friends goodbye [Music] did you see my name i made sure to die somewhere convenient thank you that's my future plans yeah all right they're still fighting over there oh god oh my god oh no oh prioritize yourself prioritize my life oh come on teddy quest oh my goodness i'm dead over here around here oh no keep running i'm dead you don't have to tell me once or twice goodbye dude this building was almost there todd no why don't you use your ulta god i don't have it you know i don't have it yeah i'm just funny i'm pulling your leg you deserve no todd this is how it is i deserve this hey brad get ready to ring toss are we this way are we just running no we've got to be careful where we run uh-oh oh i went somewhere completely random so you're lucky i love that we've got to be careful where we run as your ring is already flying through the air yeah okay we can bring back todd let's go okay [Laughter] i can't wait for him to die again everyone i'm excited oh i see something going on there's two drops i've got a devotion i'll keep that for now in case the team is about to push us they're literally trading let's go let's go even if you've got no don't shoot anyone yet just wait okay oh dude that's fine it is get that guy the bloodhound's so close to dead top notch i pushed one guy you almost died from the bloodhound in the tree i didn't know there was a bloodhound in a tree okay she's slow let's do it oh she peed away i got it oh last one down here i take this comeback that's all they're asking oh no they're not they're dead i killed him very nice totally close oh my god head that's the hemlock video look at my damage damn todd you're the best wow that was a pretty good a video about that it's so cool if you want to see more guys remember to hit that notification and i will see you guys laters i retrofit the like button
Channel: Zylbrad
Views: 494,955
Rating: 4.9378266 out of 5
Keywords: apex legends, zylbrad, funny, hemlok, hit reg, gameplay, satire, parody, octane, main, new, season 5, loba, girl, legendary, skin, items, gold, meme
Id: 9K-qys2I5hE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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