The Search Episode 1 Finding Sasquatch

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the yeti the Sasquatch the wood ape the or pendek creature otherwise known as Bigfoot elusive never caught on video until now so come join me on an epic adventure where we untangle all the myths all the lies and track and capture this elusive creature once and for all [Music] so only one in 10 people believe in the existence of Sasquatch the other n out of 10 well they believe in things like the tooth fairy mermaids the Easter Bunny or that Dr Seuss is a real doctor well I'm not really here to convince you with my words the existence of this creature rather I'm going to show you so hang along with me for the next 30 minutes I will show you undeniable proof of the existence of Sasquatch you too will be one of the one in 10 one thing about being a Sasquatch Hunter is you got to be calm cool and collected let me tell you something if I see Taylor Swift one more time at an NFL game I'm about one fart away from losing my sh so sometimes when I need inspiration or a little bit of energy some people like coffee I don't drink coffee I like to stand underneath these power lines you hear that does weird things in my head oh it's like a jolt of caffeine hell was that so anyhow these people Oklahoma Nebraska Minnesota haxon tensil Tucky these yah who that say they seen Bigfoot in their backyard they're full of [ __ ] they're just trying to get the news oh jeesus easy there some's got the dogs all riled up oh boy oh boy it must be a Sasquatch must be a Sasquatch we're going to go we're going to go stealth mode now here we go sh sh sh listen up you hear that from the distance airplane it's the government they're looking too don't kid yourself just got to be careful not only sasquatching these parts but you got different crocodilians that to hang out in the swamp you can see the dogs are doing The Sweep sure safe need a pass so frequently when I'm out on the trail and I see other fellow Sasquatch Hunters I notice their methods for capture of Sasquatch involve lethal methods you know they're out here with Samurai swords and chainsaws and anti-aircraft artillery I don't do any of that stuff I mean they're out there to kill the animal to me that's just it's unethical it's inhumane and unacceptable quite frankly uh my methods are a little bit different um you know my goal is capture the animal in a humane way so what I do is I set up traps that involve uh you know where the animal might sustain a say a traumatic brain injury or two to three severed limbs um nonlethal um uh you know much more Humane and last thing I want is the folks from P crawling down my back so I'm trying to do this the right way with the capture of the animal so dino down in Oregon calls me up the other day and he says hey Benny I got some access to some hand grenades and some Claymore mines for my old man's War Stash from back in the day do you think it's cool if I use that stuff for Sasquatch hey man you do you you crazy motherucker anyway that's a lot of fire power you know what I'm saying but hey we're dealing with a creature of exceptional attributes and ability so you got to counter that with sometimes some Weaponry that may seem a bit unconventional nevertheless effective people always ask me I'm out here doing my research searching if I pack heat you know if I use some kind of a gun taser zipper zapper something like that no I don't use any of that stuff man what I do fist cuffs plus since that last thing government says I can't even have a gun your government mean my government America people always ask me they say you believe in ETS and cyborgs and windigos and all that kind of sh that's old news man that's 5:00 news that's amateur stuff see that [ __ ] everywhere fantastic I'm lost again now what so one of the reasons why I so dutifully hunt track Sasquatch is figure if we C capture them we'll be able to use them as an alternate food source and if you think about it we have so many people with dietary restrictions in this world you got your vegetarians you got your ketos you got your pescatarians egalitarians Libertarians you name it you got people that won't eat meat cuz it's a sacred cow people who say I won't eat fish cuz they swim around in their own feces or I won't eat pigs because well they're pigs I mean I've never ever heard someone say I won't eat Sasquatch and make no mistake about it given the opportunity Sasquatch would eat you no problem what do you think happened to Christopher Columbus think about it uhuh my point exactly what do you think that is somebody's got a taste for meat off hear people saying you can't eat Sasquatch he's got feelings well I got feelings too feelings like eating some meat uhhuh who do you want to be Sasquatch Hunters Among Us it's an exhausting experience I ain't going to lie but the rewards rewards are fruitful kind of like your first kiss from a man so you all heard of woodpeckers you know what they do these are not woodpecker holes this is a Squatch pecker breeding Behavior I don't need to explain it you figure it out yesterday I got an email from Joyce she wants to know she says Hey genius Sasquatch get covid-19 first of all I don't appreciate the insult unless of course you do mean I'm a genius which my apologies Joyce the proof is in the pudding I mean look at me it's covid-19 you ever think about it what about Co 18 Co 7 what's Co one is that like AIDS or something you think the bad one would be Co 13 that's the one you don't want to get so I mean that was like four years ago covid-19 shouldn't we get on like Co 27 just a thought hey big farma you invented a vaccine for stupid yet so look around here look at this Wasteland just despicable you believe it so all you idiots out there with your chainsaws whack backing down places like this why don't you why don't you find another material instead of all this wood how about this build your house out of Legos we keep going at this rate we ain't going to have no Sasquatches left I mean despicable what the hell [Music] another misconception probably made up by some group of gas huff and Hillbillies down in down in the Riviera somewhere is that Bigfoot is a big creature that's not true Bigfoot is a small creature about the size of like a a barn weasel or a Thundercat um just a little maybe 16 18 20 in tall maybe 5 10 lb so you got to look down low you can't look up high you're not going to find him look for signs near the ground notice all the tracks the urine stain they like to dance when they pee that explains all of the footprints around the urin state you don't believe me get up it's just science coming up on something interesting here it's like a makeshift prison of sorts for the Sasquatch looks like there's been a jailbreak as you see some of the boards are busted there's also strange cans Bud Light apparently they drink Bud Light gaps and cracks oh boy oh boy we got some huffing Sasquatches here this is not good you know it's like Tweakers unpredictable when they're own that stuff hope we don't run into them today just saying this could be bad what in the hell is that something down in that Thicket maybe so what I'm going to do based on the evidence around is go ahead and set up some surveillance some cameras some audio recording devices and see if we can't zero in on this creature a little bit better so let me turn this camera off test my gear and I'll get back to here in just a minute let's turn this guy off there we go right let's test this I'm all out of love what am I without you I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong uh that light on I leave this on you can see we got some different traps set out this one has been triggered but it is empty coming up on another trap just open but empty the bait used to trap the Sasquatch is like a CD it's got to be 80s rock I found that to work really well like Winger or say trickster some of the quality music from the 8S notice we got a poop in there but no animal interesting so I think this is going to be the area where we're going to put our trap look around here you see this kind of Tepe like Wiki Up kind of shelter set up by Sasquatch we have all these broken branches next to this rock pile presumably for cover Wander over here it's another sign Telltale sign there it is feces and that is definitely Sasquatch feces if you look at the shape of it you've got these indentations which is due to the uh sphincter pressure as the animal is exiting the scat and don't ask me how I know about their sphincters but I do there's only really one way to tell if this is truly Sasquatch the name of science here we [Music] go earthy tastes like mushrooms and dirt [Music] [Music] [ __ ] what I I do in the name of science one thing to remember to take into account is that I I'm a trained professional been doing this a long time and for those of you rookies out there my advice might be dangerous so you know be careful use at your own risk some of you may have noticed been AWOL for a couple days had a bit of a stomach bug end up in the hospital doctor says probably something you ate what does he know anyways doctors just want to get their hands on you so they can pump you full of vaccines and whatnot not to worry though cuz I'm back at it I'm ready to implement phase two of our plan now that we found the appropriate spot for Sasquatch now we're going to work on trapping the Little Critter and I got a heck of a good plan for that [Music] all right so the Trap is completed you can see the bait we're going to use Bud Light I know that works I seen empty cans been around here attached to knife the idea is creature is going to come grab the beer maybe plop down have a nice drink grab the beer which will trigger this stick to drop down poof right on the top of his head or the base of his neck to incapacitate the animal so we can grab him and study him for a research demonstration boom gotcha so what I like to do when I know I found the perfect spot is bait the subject what I use of these biscuits these are homemade great-grandfather's recipe can't really tell you what's in them but what I can tell you Sasquatch love them the beauty of it is the Sasquatch is the only animal that loves them you're not going to find raccoons or deer cougars Bears they're not going to touch this stuff okay specific bait for Sasquatch around here bit here see there so we are 24 hours out from the placement of the Trap and we're coming up to the area and we're going to come up here quietly to see what we see here we go right around this corner here stay back dogs stay back hey heal heal heal heal quiet [Music] heal trap been set the Trap has been set what do we got oh my gosh oh my gosh darn it let's see what happened here can of BU light is still there you can tell Sasquatch has been here dog is sniffing around signs of the animal are everywhere well glad they enjoyed the beer my knife what's this nope can you read can you read this again scent sent a Sasquatch this thing we got here going have to help me with this hey doy hey dummy thanks for bur beer and niff ni knife you're you are a jerk oh real cute real cute hey dummy thanks for the beer and knife you are a jerk unbelievable unbelievable you're going to be so lucky next time sassy took my knife drank my beer the Trap Dar well you can't let these disappointments get you down in life get knocked down got to get right back up so we're gonna look for another place to trap around here maybe set up something else so let's see what we can do so we' got some fresh snow today which is really going to help us with our tracking let's take a look at our audio surveillance we had set up over here see if we got any any data see what we [Music] got think we just struck gold the sound sounds like it's up ahead not sure what it is sounds like a distress animal in distress maybe see we can see oh check s for Fresh Tracks be very quiet here very quiet through here dogs are acting weird wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute dogs around to something up there some's been walking around up there oh my gosh something's in there something's in there what is it what is it look at all those cans of pain is it an OD oh my god oh Dad coming it's a creature it's a creature gosh oh oh leave it leave it hey leave it I think it's asleep I think it's passed out huffed one too many cans of this paint my gosh let me get the net [Music] [Music] subject has been captured incapacitated after some blunt force trauma to the skull was able to subdue the creature you don't want to miss the next episode it's going to be off the hook subscribe stay tuned comment please like be safe out [Music] there they're sasquatching these parts f fate a measure of Destiny there's Destiny a measure of Fate if tree falls in the forest no one's there to see it is it truly a tree you ever feel like you're being watched these pants make me look fat [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for
Channel: West of East Adventures
Views: 3,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sasquatch, bigfoot, pacific northwest, west of east adventures, finding bigfoot
Id: JZx9b8lL0SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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